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Come in, season 3 started, it's not very good
If you need help with characters, this guide might help you
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chink raid meta teams for current raid
>Can't access orbital, merch forge, tower content or guild raid through Heavenhold now
>Character selection background art is gone
>Blacksmith doesn't even appear in the item forge anymore

What went wrong for it to go this wrong? I seriously am convinced at this point, the developers do not even test these features before implementing them.
please understand, director kim bum fuk's son really needs a job
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Hana is getting the biggest attack buff out of everyone for the first release of buffs for season 3. Hana schizo wins again.
Eugene buffs doko. How has she been untouched for so long
random green weapon box
what's the point of expedition now that there are no drops?
It's just one-time clear rewards now. There's like 4k gems, a bunch of coffee, and relic leveling supplies in the book to go for if you haven't cleared everything yet.
How often do we get blessing mats? I already ran out and I haven't even touched half my raid units
a small bit of upgrade mats, coffee, gems, and lore
so many tryhards in death match, why did they had to give gems based on ranking ?
New director clearly hate their fanbase and want to speedrun game to EoS. It's like in GF 2 but with gameplay cucking instead of the story one.
i just fucking noticed that rolling doesnt even give regular mileage, what the fuck man i was 40 away from 600, letting me buy toga and the last banners water bitch weapon
You need to wait for the banner to end so it gets converted
I have a question, if you only chose 1 character in that second banner, does it mean if you get one you're guaranteed to get that exact character?
You have to pick 5 or you can't roll.
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Do you raid a silver castle in this?
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Praise Lord Smiley Face
/vmg/ guild, doko?
Softer is on NA2, apply to it with /vmg/ or /gtg/ in your message to get accepted, other regions will chime in with their guilds.
>try coop expo once
Yep it's another skip for me
>fire raid keeps doing shit damage
>wtf happened?
>check my team
>Toga is 3* instead of 5*
>forgot I had her on TR
I was wondering why my teams were doing shit damage amd then remembered we are now starting at t23 or so not 15 or so, that extra def on bosses makes them feel super spongy to damage..
Is there an official guild here?
Each region has a guild, EU has Astrals and NA2 has Softer, I don't know from the top of my head what asia guild name is and no one had posted the copypasta for guilds in last thread to look up either.
So, how do you get more blessing recourse thing? I buy all 15 from tetis, and then get 5 from event-rift rewards, and that's all. And this even worse for engravings. Do they unironically except you to play for like a year just to full mlb one char?
Is there any way to get EXs from prior collab events?
nope. If it makes you feel any better. All the collab heroes are pretty shit. Rimuru was water melee raid until Yun showed up and blew water melee out of the sky.
finally beat 18-11. bullshit fight, btw

who is standing next to rey, is that toga? when did she show up in the story?
It's possible it is Toga, but before her design was finalized. She first appeared in world 16, I believe (the one where the demon world war starts) when Priscilla tries to recruit the were-beasts help and Rey asks to release a friend from prison.
Thanks for reminding me that i need to unfilter myself and go do that bullshit fight too.
You can buy them from the returning guardians package
>inn and lp no longet at the center of heavenhold
ffs how did they ruin something so simple
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Completeted World 18, my impression:
Overall I'd rate it a 6/10, I think some levels were a bit rushed, the finale felt the same.
I liked the monsters designs and I feel like it's a shame they don't reuse more original enemies design in other game modes (Kong add more boss I'm tired of the same raid/boss rush).

World 19 first impression:
Refreshing, vibe is similar to first world, I like the boomerang mechanics and the aesthetics. Cornet is a brat and I want to protect her from the bully.

The teaser:
I'm a bit confused when I saw a rocket shooting out of what appears to be planet Earth?... Invaders seems like they have more cards in their hand before the "great offensive" which seems to be in 10 in game months starting from world 19. There's 1 more hero needed for the hero sword after Cornet so I'm not sure if Kong is setting up for a season 3 ending? Teaser hinted acquiring 11th hero was going to be a arduous task and yet it's introduced right away so I'm feeling a bit conflicted about this.
But I would love to hear anons' speculation on this.

Now about the other update elements, I think the new UI lacks soul in its aesthetic, it is definitely a setback, in many aspects. Like with removal of for example forge character animation and more. But I think it's still salvageable if they care about players feedback, I wish they opened like an art contest for ui design but that's never happening lol.
I like nu-heavenholds looks despite having less direct shortcuts, aesthetics is more pleasant.

Guardian Tales was my first Gacha, I started when world 12 dropped if I remember correctly. I also started to play Blue Archive last year. So I'm not too bothered with the new Gacha system.
The thing that's worrying is piling up too many variables, I think the exclusive weapon was a cool idea and I was fine with limit breaking.
I'm not sure how I feel about the new blessing and engravings. It seems like green hammers and HCs are easier to get.
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I will add that I've been having pretty good luck with free pull on the heroes I wishlist, like out of 6 free crates I got 4 white boxes. But that probably because I'm a dirty lucker.
I think it's worth spending mileage on HCs if you're not a missing a lot of heroes.

Replacing coop with coop expedition was a bad move, imo both are great additions. I can understand the attempt to make PvP more attractive to players but the best thing they could have done was to allow guildmates to lobby together in TDM, maybe add a ranked like in Arena?
What's a 'Selectable Summon Controller'?

Also, is max limit breaking Eunha's weapon a good investment? I need a healer for co-op expedition.
It's a controller that only works on the gacha you make a wishlist of 5 chars or EX weps.
>I will add that I've been having pretty good luck with free pull on the heroes I wishlist, like out of 6 free crates I got 4 white boxes. But that probably because I'm a dirty lucker.

No, I got good luck too. Stupid luck, 3 whites in 30 pulls., all new. I believe Kong have deliberately rigged the odds in our favor so we stick around and keep playing. Last months revenue scared them. I'd bet on it.

>the best thing they could have done was to allow guildmates to lobby together in TDM
That would be the worst thing they could do. Slave-driver guildmasters would force others to support them exactly as they say or expel them. It's the same reason they won't allow unlimited retries in Guild Raid since it would create an environment where guild members are forced to keep retrying all day until only perfect runs are achieved or you're kicked.
Now that I think about it, it makes sense I think your assessment is correct, pvp would be even worse if you had to deal with power autism times 3
>going through s2 to 3* all the stages
>missing one star piece
>spend an hour traversing the map
>apparently I just have to talk to an npc at the exit
this fucking game
i just came back to the game i haven't played in almost a year how crazy is the powercreep now? cause i just got my ass handed to me multiple times in the arena while using my old go to pvp team...
How can I get back into the game?

I've been extremely lazy for months, just playing colo, coop and 1 arena match during arena week).

I don't play raid, boss rush, Kamazone or whatever they put instead. I don't farm relics and of course I don't play expedition coop.

Why is the game like this? Is it too much content or am I really just lazy? The rewards are super nice, but there's other games I want to play too...

How do you guys do it?
You need the mad panda merch and a setup and mlb units to perform well, rest depends on the popular units and the arena layout. I'm dealing with lots of melee light to counter beth lately, current arena favors aggressive melee setup.
That actually sounds useful, thanks. Can't wait to get absolutely nothing out of it.
When are they releasing their survey so I can shit on the new UI
Last I played this game was when they released the GTA world. Dropped it because weekly chore modes made it annoying to keep up with. Is it still the same?
Why isn't coop expedition time limited? I just want to clear the boss mission and it's been an hour
New director took over, games worse than ever.
I'd leave.
>can't even do 19-3 because the controls aren't responsive.
Had no issue with it, what's your problem?
The training exercise with the fairy. 90% of the inputs don't register. It's pot luck for me. Never had this issue before.
Oh that one, yeah it wasn't perfect. Try doing it closer to the center of the screen, that seemed to work for me.
Will give it a go. Thanks
>do coop expo boss fight
>game bugs out during phase change and he just starts attacking during the animation, kills one person and locks me into place with the twin tornado
I fucking HATE coop expo, I still haven't won that garbage fight
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yey got my second ice ring, wish it'd be another earth necklace, but yeah can't really complain.
also got rosetta's ex on the second mystery evolve, pretty good, thanks Kong.
I feel like the devs have no idea what to do with this game outside of story mode
Next update is literally a whole lot of nothing. So you are probably right.
got back to the game again for season 3 since maybe like w17 which is already damn near a year ago now and man it's really suck how this game is so niche there aren't any like lore keeper or wikia editor to make summaries or something like that because i've forgotten so many things about the story
Now i'm currently skimming full playthroughs since world 1 just for the hell of it which isn't the worst thing in the world but it is kinda tedious
What’s best relic stat now that I don’t need to farm expedition?
Should I mlb ms chrom lads?
What makes ice queen ring good? Seen the options and it's not eeally EN level good.
i won't grind to master this week
same bwo
Survey is up.
Link it
bullshit form, it doesn't even gauge users response to Season 3. I hope they stage a coup and kill the director, replacing him.
>community interaction satisfaction survey
oh, that's garbage
Wait, are arena an 3v3 arena now on rotation like arena and coop used to be?
Yes, it's FFA this week
wow, that's absolutely garbage.
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it is time
>actually oened the survey link
They'll cover up the majority of the bad reviews. They can't cover up this months shit revenue though.
Guys use the cancel summon trick, guranteed wb every 30x summon.
What if EoS already happened before? Just think about it for a second.

What if we're in an endless loop where they hire a new director to elevate GT's profit to Genshin/HSR levels, but then, no matter how good things turn in the end, it's always EoS?

What if the timeline we are in has the weakest of all directors, which would explain the state of the game now, but there's also an unpredicted variable that will change things for the better at the last minute, so this is the only timeline where EoS doesn't happen?
It's been 2 days since i sent a request...
it's over...
>go check guild applications page
>2 people waiting to be accepted
>no red blip on the button to indicate there are waiting applications
At any rate, I accepted you guys.
worth it to buy the green hammer for 150 mileage tickets ? pretty much got all the units I need for all the raid teams, and have 1400 tickets I don't have anything to use one now that it takes 4 banner rotations
Fuck no, 300 for pity is always the best use for it even if it's devalued because of the delay for new units to become available for mileage.
yes, since with the cancel trick you are 100% guranteed to get wb including on new hero.
>start 3v3 arena
>"waiting for other players to be ready"
>never got ready
3v3 arena is garbage, I hate it
based and lorepilled
It's over.
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The wish list summoning produced a good result
>Some chink that nudges for gt to sponsor him as advertiser
The game needs FUN content, that's it
However the director is a brain dead chimp that got a job too big for him, so... F
i want to cum inside mayreel
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no more promotion of white genocide once that kusoge dies
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cropped or that's the full?
link full then.
>promotion of white genocide
QRD? I thought this game is chudcoded...
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The Bioshock girl:
I miss blacksmith upgrading my weapons. I hate the new upgrade screen so much
I miss knocking npcs off the airship
I felt bad every time I did :(
>driven out from multiple countries
>extremely violent
>Low iq
Are werebeast just Niggers?
But they're hot.
Are there any good excels or good guide for team building?

Looks like the complete lobby of s3 got datamined and reconstructed
Does the character selection in the waiting lobby of coop expo sucks, or I just don't know where to click ?
Yeah, it's broken. I've been able to change the random hero by tapping them, selecting the same hero from the list, tapping them again, then I'm finally able to switch to the correct one I want.
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I finally gave Yun's bio and Heavenhold novel a look after getting to control her in C2 (as opposed to her just being a raid backline) and I like her a lot. She reminds me of Mitsurugi Meiya a bit with personality, looks, and sword. Ameris had a cute new portrait there too.
Blasting Hydro Pumps to hit multiple enemies also feels good, though I wish she had a secondary sword slash attack.
Biya when?
>Blasting Hydro Pumps to hit multiple enemies also feels good
Same, but I wish it doesn't have to reload.
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i don't get it

New banner next week. Star Cluster Lena?
They are releasing lana lightning counter now? Damn EoS by the end of the year.
Fish pedicure
The implication is that FK is stinky and doesn’t bathe often or well enough
You're not supposed to, the comic is just "lol so quirky and randum" shit and the author doesn't even play the game.
>They are releasing lana lightning counter now?
No, not lana.
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How much should i upgrade my hero before attempting co-op stuff?
I keep getting 2 shot out of nowhere and even had people doing the angry emoji at me a couple of times, i'm trying my damn hardest here.
I'm playing healer gabriel.
Remember. You are an healer, don't try to be a deeps, you just get clapped, let tank do the tanking and pray to God the deeps have some spare braincells to go around, best unit to use for healer is eunha, so if you have her, I recommend using her over anyone else
healers get 2 shot in the mode even with good stats, you just have to know how to play safe and dodge
You're probably just playing healer wrong. The reason people would get angry is because the healer (and tank) roles are crucial and will likely ruin an entire run if you die.
To add onto my last post, as a healer, you should never be the first to enter a combat room, you don't want the enemy aggro on you, ideally, tank should be first to enter to, you know, tank the enemies and draw the aggro, you as a healer should be last in the stack to enter.
Eunha is easy to leech through the entirety of normal and challenger both with, and doesn't require good stats (still needs MLB EX for challenger requirements obviously). Stick an Ocean Earring, Heal cards, and a Vending Machine on her, look up a Youtube video of the stage to see what other people do, and you're golden.
I know, i try to play it safe and stay behind but the screen gets filled with red bars and all sort of flashy shit and i get hit by a stray bullet or something
Alright, i'll learn the layout proper and pray the tank also does his job properly.
Wish me luck lads
Coop expo is a lot about praying to whatever higher power you want to believe in, that your team mates actually have braincells and won't just try to Unga Bunga through everything and have some semblance of how their role works. Top often you see tanks just run around, dragging damage beams right into the rest of team, or not deploying shield to soak up the damage from the barrages sent out by the firing squads. Or you get deeps whose 2 braincells are fighting hard over the 3rd place in their brain and somehow do less damage then healer/tank roles..
Yeah you have to hold back a lot more than you'd expect if you're playing healer and your healer can't take any stray damage. It's also up to the tank to have brain cells and keep the healer out of harm's way.
I don't know what stats you should have though since my stats are still dogshit, 60% book completion isn't nearly enough it seems.
Dont play healer
making the new kamazone a stamina sink is one of the dumbest decision ever.
making a story based game with no story is their second dumbest decision
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>world 19 secret stage
What the fuck was this place even about? And why does "she" mention "elementals" as god-like figures? That would explain why Carol has reality bending superpowers she is an elemental too
what is the next update? is the new hero the update tommorow? Whats the new event? gacha ball? should I spent all my stam now?
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S3 Roadmap and Q&A

In July
Co-op Expedition
ㄴ Heukseon Tradition Part 1.
Floating Castle Lobby Additional Content (Production)
Arena/Deathmatch Friendlies

In August
Tetis Heroes
ㄴ Adela Kingdom Part 2.
World 15 Nightmare

In September
World 19 Achievements
Floating Castle Lobby Additional Content (Dispatch)

In October
World 20
ㄴ Motori Mountain

In November
Co-op Expedition
ㄴ Heukseon Tradition Part 2

In December
Tetis Heroes
ㄴ Adela Kingdom Part 3.
英語版: https://guardiantales.com/news/4543
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Miya's sister:
"We know you have complaints about it, but we are going to continue doing what we want anyway"
I joked when I said this game would be lucky to get 1 world by the end of the year. These devs are so fucking lazy it's unreal.
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Well, at least we're... Getting co-op expedition and tetis heroes updates.
When a company does this
Even if the game manages to get good revenue its unironically over, the game will never be as fun as it should be
I have never read any game that has recovered from this point
Actual experience not a shitpost btw

Season 3 update set in stone the beginning of the end for this game. People are still pissed with how bad it is. Give it a week and this months revenue will solidify that this game is on its way out.
Unironically what the fuck is wrong with these devs?
the new UI is good actually
no it's not boogang.
How do you get the new crit card?
The potion card right? Stage 4 in ch19 has an area with torches that hints at a button combination.
Said button combination then opens a new exit and reveals a hidden main stage which has that crit card.
>dailies now start on the day of update, so you have daily overlap from two events
they really can't plan for shit, can they?
i just realised theres another level of imprinting past the +5 max lv impring for wrapons
this is fucking retarded
Its the literal definition of soulless you newfag retard. Go back. You dont belong here
hey what is Rey's accent like in English? In South American lore he speaks like an Argentinian.
>In South American lore
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They are giving away green hammers like fried peanuts now. Absolute disrespect to the grind. Kim bumfuck days are numbered (in minecraft).
aha, can i help you?
I think he's talking about the spanish machine translation
I don't remember any character having a quirky accent so far, they all speak plain english.
Man I remember when koreans were unironically calling this a godgame.
Now you need 10 hammers for 1 weapon...
This game is becoming more and more paytowin
nvm there was a npc speaking like a hillbilly in the ice levels.
>noone even posted new patch or new cunny
It's over...
>21 mb patch
it's so over
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Couldn't find a KR list for this one. Maybe the dude that makes them quit or something.
literally who ? raidcore ?
>Fucked up left hand
>Face has 0 shadow anywhere on it

Where's the guy who's convinced Kong aren't AI shitstains?
Rachelbros... we... we made it...
who cares ? do people even spend their days watching at gacha pictures ? no one, now answer the question is she raidcore ???
What is it? New super costume? Her alt?
Retard, did you come out of your basement again? Shoo shoo
DEF party buff. Looks to be a Beth counter in colo.
>Race Queen alt
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Why do healers always get such small score in co-op expeditions? Literally never get a single like while playing Eunha. So ungrateful role, playing as a tank is ten times easier and then you also get the highest score in the team by doing literally nothing.

>Verification not required
Use your head dumbass. The game's dying, pvp is mandatory. She'll be pvp meta. Kong are running out of options at this point.
Oh shit its Notte from the hit game Dragalia Lost!!!
i had to think hard to remember who the fuck rachel was
Holy mother of sex, I think I'm gonna draw her
My queen got a race queen alt, very nice.
Guess it depends on how much HP you heal? I've been usually getting B+~A+ but the rounds where the tank protected everyone properly and the DPS were ultra stacked in their damage to the point of killing everything in a couple WS (why the fuck is my damage not even 1/3rd of everyone else's when I play DPS) is when I end up looking like a shitter with a C rank.
okay then useless pos
>play deathmatch
>get into meat grinder matches against whales
>get oneshotted x 3 and leave the game
Nice mode...
>open game
>it's shit
Nice game...
if those idiots are gonna put pvp as a daily mission they better put more time slots
Doubtful it's a SC, they haven't bothered releasing one for 2*s since the first couple. Unless Rachel's getting an Ascension soon, in which case based.
Makes sense, you can only do the same exact thing over and over for so long before it becomes unbearable. Surprised he even held on this long, if you've done one raid you've done them all.
Nah, it was the other S3 changes that did him in. I found a post of him complaining, but Raid wasn't mentioned.
with 6 you are OK but thats like 80 more green hammers to "end" your heroes (one per 3* hero)
this. guardian tales is soon to death
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no salvation fo GT
Man Beach Shapira's damage output in arena is so retarded, I love her
New missions
You cant sweep expedition anymore?
No reason to, it's a one and done thing now
The what? How do i gwt muh relics?
One of the new shops, tetis or coop expedition
Thats bullshit... Maybe
Thats total bullshit, its coop exp
Great, coop exp doesnt even work for me
Your problems
skill issue
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No sovl edition.
Sooo...they still haven't added some way to get super costumes? I'll just have to accept that I'll never be able to get the max attack bonus for this collection and cunny Kamael before the EoS?
Maybe in a next year
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cooptards are getting even more retarded lately
Must me a you issue, am managing my 2 daily normal runs with no issues and got a group of friends who I do weekly challenges with no issues too, so, git gud is all I can say.
100 Hero Crystals just dissapeared from my account. Thats it, if I meet you kim bumfuck, you are finished. (in minecraft)
no they clearly suck, no solo carry can fix that
Tryharding for an unfun dying game, pathetic
Almost time for the monthly revenue. Can't wait to see how bad it's got. Devs had plenty of chances and continued to fuck shit up.
>still hanging around seething in a thread of a dying gacha instead of moving on to other games
They're trying to figure out how to tie obtaining it to being a punching bag for whales
How long have we been unable to obtain super costumes?
I got to lv100 and everything but the means are nowhere to be seen.
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If you have leftover currency for them you can still redeem sar.

Kong literally played their final trump card and it failed. This is officially the start of the end. I warned you lot, and here's the proof.
there are house furniture and mattress shops that make more money than that
All that negativity... Anon you're depressing me...
>already done with exped weeklies
nyo.. there's no point doing it without the point rewards right? idk if it's stockholm but this mode is addicting.
Why did they even revamp heavenhold but not integrate the farm and ranch? Are they stupid?
Now that's a good question.
I'm so tired of the ranch, goddamn rates I'm never getting that hedgehog and horse
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technically the buildings are still in the old heavenhold if anything we shouldn't be able to access the farm
While i'm not surprised completely to see shit ass games survive, even sometimes thrive, can't say that i'm happy
>$200k, just like last month
I was expecting a dip really
I guess the players that remained are the ones that are willing to take all that shit
This is GT's WOW like population

Kong itself should had been the ones to get you down
>I was expecting a dip really

The fact Season 3 was/is their biggest update this year, proves people have lost hope. I still stand by what I say. The story won't conclude and this game will eos within a year and a half at most. Part of me is sad, the other part believes the developers deserve all the hate they're getting.
>Part of me is sad, the other part believes the developers deserve all the hate they're getting.
This kind of happening is always sad since something good was lost, but they do deserve all the backlash since this was no accident

Kong kicked out their own success, GT known as the most friendly f2p gacha game with a population that was trying to tell everyone that the game was fun and friendly towards its users. They only needed to make some publicity and reinvest from time to time
Instead they left the game to rot for no reason at all, destroying the already existing modes instead of fixing them and spat on the players for complaining
Tired of doomniggers...
Well then make kong to fix their shit
If the game is gud and healthy, then there is no doom
>Well then make kong to fix their shit
Already calling my fuckbuddy John Kong, expect fixes in next update.
Your reddit memes aren't gonna fix anything lil bro.
Then would non-stop doomshitting the thread fix it?
Let the numbers hit the floor
Let the numbers hit the floor
Let the numbers hit the floor
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finally found a decent team and beat coop expo boss
What happened to all of Kong's other projects anyway
gtglabros, it's apollo, my internet is fucked so I won't be able to log in for the next few days until it is fixed and my data isn't reliable enough to play. Please don't kick me.
>150 summons
>new anni hero
>new SC, probably the Orchestra FP
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On the EN side they said the livestream thing they've been doing on updates will be 'special' and twitch drops will be enabled. Might have to run it in the background on that day depending on the drops.
Has they ever done twitch drops other than that w18 event?
> Kong giving out good stuff like fried beans now.
Its truly their hail mary before EoS isn't it? At this point, I can only hope that some Blackrock bigshots are playing the game and decided to throw pennies (a couple million bucks) to keep the game going. Hell that might even explain how the game kept going despite the shit revenue and the director decided to spend money on a fucking orchestra.
They've done it a few times. I can still see some drops from 5 months ago(W18?) and 3 weeks ago(S3).
did they change it so you can't limit break mirror accessories without using hsmmers, or hss that aleays been the case? bought a bunch with my gold and now I can't pit yhem in to each other
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Are you sure they aren't still locked?
No, can use them just fine. You sure you didn't lock them or aren't trying to limit break a maxed one?
I would like to know where is the option to change between art styles now, or did they remove it?
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>option to change between art styles
Tap this and you'll see it:
>more things moved from one screen to sub-menus/drop-downs
man, why did they do this
what does Lupina paizuri feel like?
Like putting your dick between ice-bags
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>a few minutes ago spent a whole TDM match running away from a Beth that didn't attack me
That was pretty funny, not gonna lie
>play tdm
>survive till two people left
>get found out
>explode immediately
>respawn, wait for SC to be ready
>delete opponent in one hit
TDM balancing is wack, absolutely garbage.
Man, fuck this week's map, fucking campers' parasdise.
This is why i never liked pvp in this game
I can't resist blasting someone the moment they get in range.
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>hide in fog all game
>game win is based purely on your remaining HP compared to the available opponents
Heh, nothin' personel, I'll be taking my first place.
Is it me or the little bitch is giving away more gold than usual, as in, instead of gems.
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>New FP SC
>150 Summons
>New Unit
>Tetis First Clear Reset
>New Raid
>SC can now only be bought by swiping

Kinda hyped except for SC going full p2w since they remove world exploration.
Jesus christ kong...
Craig n1ggers kys. Literal homosexuals.
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>I will never get Cunnyel
It's over...
The anniversary, the anniversary will surely save us from EoS.
>spending for super costumes

I'm sad that the game has dropped to such a low. The devs really are desperate now.
This is the best map, at least it's fun to play on.
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>New FP SC
>a lot of heroes don't get SC
>FP get 2 SC
>and it's not even loli princess SC
Lahn (cute!) and Idol Eva don't even have voices yet
>release more of the same
>expect a change in revenue
seems like they are gonna try to squeeze the paypigs since they can't attract new players
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If they're not going to give English voices to Lahn and Idol Eva, can they please just give us KR voices instead
>SC can now only be bought by swiping
God damn it man, loli Kamael is the one SC I want and now it's behind a paywall? I don't regret getting cheerleader Mayreel with my leftover world exploration loot at least
Dead game
They missed their chance to leave with a good impression and now they went fuck it.
What's swiping supposed to mean
Is this your first gacha? It means you need to pay with your card and spend real money
Is she raid meta ?
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who fucking cares lmao, raidkeks be doing the same exact thing mashing a button every day for years and pretending it’s somehow gameplay. it’s not.
waow you can do 1% more dmg in a useless mode after building a whole new character??? poggers!!
He’s probably just a zoomer, they never swiped a credit card before they just slot in the chip or use their phones nowadays
Fr fr let him cook ong lil blud was NOT ready :skull: goofy ahh jujutsu kaisen chainsaw man
take your meds
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I've played gbf for years but this term was never used
Cards haven't even been that popular until recently where I'm from (everyone used cash) so I don't have this sort of nostalgia
What else am I supposed to look forward to in this game?
end of service, unironically.
once uma musume comes out, im dropping this kusoge
Wait, what year are we in?
horses is getting an english/global release, demos are out at ax right now
I know. Just don't care about horse pussy anymore.
Horse dick
It's bothering me, can't I evolve a specific item from inventory anymore? after clicking evolve I need to go through the list to select it again
New and improved UI btw, yeah that's the only way to do it
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Design aside, why would you make it functionally worse wtf
>New Hero Lena and her Exclusive Weapon - Celestial Orb will be available in the Mileage Shop and Selectable Summon after the update on 2024-08-20 (Tue).
>they keep making the app icon worse and worse

So is Lena even good
>def party buff
Looks like the update today addressed that, no idea how it became an issue in the first place
Lack of QA testing
Tetis challenge meta
Deathmatch meta

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