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Vesti's Banner is up. Nec's banner will still be around for 2 weeks. New "PVP" mode is up, just pick bots for assured wins. Halos are a thing, click on the Blue Arrow on the character sheet. You can pretty much "pity" Vesti's halo if you keep at it and there's a Halo selector after 100 fights (You get 5 fights a day, another 5 more for 50 Starstones each if you pay for it). Roadmap is sped up by 2 weeks since Mutation isn't supposed to be a thing yet. Auto food should be next (lol) and then Portrait of Thierry.

Jury's still out on Vesti's best set.
Uhh I dont think we needed another thread. Everything moves extremely slow here. Will take weeks/months to reach page 9. Anyway I just learned Atterisee and Capecchi ''DOT'' is not real DOT. Its just poison elemental damage over time. Meaning enemies will take poison damage as long as they touch the pools and stop if they step away from it. Thus the ''DOT %'' bonus in rings and relics do not increase their damage. Only Valeno has real poison DOT.

This game is fucking weird.
>Uhh I dont think we needed another thread
Eh no harm in making one. It moves slowly as you said.
>Anyway I just learned Atterisee and Capecchi ''DOT'' is not real DOT.
Huh. I never bothered playing either but isn't that stated on the skills? I know that Eliyar's strong attack explicitly has Bleed.
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>I never bothered playing either but isn't that stated on the skills?
It says ''DoT'' but is not the one we are familiar with. If they get hit and leave the pool, the damage stops. Meanwhile ''Bleed'' is actual dot damage and gets buffed by rings and shit. Atterisee pools can also crit while real DOT cannot. So for DPS, just build her like any other character. Now that bears got buffed and sprint towards people, her bears can be a pain in the ass in pvp.
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can we go back to /vg/ at least for a few weeks? We have enough content now to talk every day. And what's more, next month we are getting the roguelike mode, expanding our conversations even more.
We literally have more stuff to do than wuwa, which is hilarious.
You can try, but this thread's dead enough as it is. You can probably bait the malding hater for free bumps but I doubt it'd be enough. Like sure, there's many to do but there's not much to talk about.
That's really dumb lol. I mean they did fuck up with ATK% not affecting elemental attacks somehow.
> We have enough content now
No we dont. I can only play War God 5 times a day. This is lame.
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optimizing teams for war god is enough for hours of talk; mutated zones is adding a whole new way of play the game as well. Rank 8 with 3 trophies is brutal for people that have no idea how to build their units, or ignored either element. New characters come every 2 weeks, the halos themselves with their passives are opening more character builds.
There is enough stuff to talk about. We could also starts shilling the game for free in /v/ every single day. Shittier gachas do so every single day. "Why would you do so?" Because we play the fucking game. At this point we are committed regardless of how you feel about it.
there were several more anons asking for our general back; I'm not alone in this sentiment.

Some jannie will get buttblasted and delete either this or the other thread at any moment as well. It's fucking annoying.
honestly the mutation auto battler mode is pretty comfy
pls get rid of regular pvp mode (everyone just plays auto)

Blue archive/priconne pvp mode is what it should have been in the first place
>still pretending this game isn't on the death march
whalecope is hilarious
low spender here i'll prob stop buying monthlies for this game when Sword of Convallaria comes out next month
at least that game actually seems polished and understand what it wants to do

Astra is reaching a point where it's just adding more and more bloat. That's the part of DFO that made me stop playing even though the gameplay itself was addicting
Just keep it simple and add a bunch of stories/events as we go, why add another piece of gear holy shit
Vesti showcase on earth enemies
It annoys me that Vesti's basic attacks aren't melee with her swinging the ball around
this is pretty autistic anon, I hope you know that
Just got a 5* Water halo from doing War Banner pulls 200 times (no resets, didn't buy rolls). Thankfully I have Ellen, but the randomness could definitely fuck you over (and if you get the Earth one from it I'm so sorry, considering dupes actually do fuck all (oh wow it goes up 0.2/2.5% on the passive).
The stats it gives are pretty good (it's effectively another elemental ring with a bonus effect).
Now if only the halo didn't look like a party balloon animal (at least you can hide it).
>at least you can hide it
I don't think that shit even works, I selected hide halo option and I still see them in battles.
Well that's gay if so. At least they'll send us 200 bribery points once they get around to fixing it.
>captcha 4GGG
18 posts in 10 hours, going back to /vg/ isn't going to work and despite the new "content" if you could call it that people aren't even talking about it.
The only "new" content I am doing is farming mutation zone for cheap exp books. Already hit the wall with their new PVP mode, facing immortal Albert and Saeya while the rest of enemy backline nuke your whole team is very exciting to look at.
I'll hit that wall soon since I don't have either Albert or Saeya myself but I haven't used gems to buy more attempts.
Veleno ------ Sansar
--------- Nayan --------
Eliyar --------- Edward
That's what I'm running so far, unhappy with Veleno because instead of using her skill and peppering with arrows she runs and does a slide attack right in the middle of the enemy team... Eli on the other hand does her job.
Not like I have much of a choice anyway, these are my only characters with cope tier rings/artifacts/skills.
>Patch day my keyboard keys randomly stopped working on veda, still not fixed today. Sometimes it works, sometimes it stops working, then it'll start working again after a fight, it's completely random
>Yesterday game changed the language without asking me
>Today it changed all the graphic settings on its own and the fps limit doesn't work anymore so I had to limit the framerate in the nvidia control panel so it doesn't run at 1000+ fps all the time
What the fuck is wrong with these devs
Same. This patch broke so many things. I've restarted the game like 5 times because my attack buttons stopped working.
I've gotten tired of doing that so I just full auto everything until they fix it but then it brings another problem : my characters doing nothing in full auto no matter if I turn the heavy attacks on or off in the options.
This is disingenuous. There are less posts because you don't have to post as much here.
Then why aren't you making a general again instead of merely talking about making one for the past 2 weeks? No one is stopping you Anon.
Atterisee deserves more buffs. Every patch there must be an Atterisee buff. She deserves everything good in this world.
she will never be good unless they rework her entirely
even in battlefield, where you think she might serve some purpose as an albert counter, everything non-albert dies in five seconds so it doesn't end up mattering at all
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>Saeyas healing scales with her Attack
>Lucian skill healing scales with max HP and his signature with Attack
>Game says it doesn't
They translated this game with google. What a mess.
I have the max Atk+ water ring thinking this whole time that Saeya would be better off with the ancient ring Atk+ ring
Also have max Atk+ light ring on Aurora wanting to farm a light ring with ignore defense before.. lmao

Now I think I should just aim for atk+ ring on every element, but it will prob be changed again since no one will go for anything else but atk now
I'm a fucking idiot, you can lower adventure level to get 3-trophies
GENIUS. I will do the same now. Thanks.
Works in that mutated thing?
yeah that's exactly what I'm doing now
Was getting 2min 30sec clear sometimes longer if apostle shows up, now it's 1min 30sec

Once I'm done I'm going to put it pack to AL8 and farm 4-11 for the exp books since it's only 5 energy for 4 purple exp books
I'll never be out of exp books again after this event
Also i forget this but once you're at AL8 you can lower to AL7 *and* lower again to AL6 if you really have to

Clearing all the trophies on the harder chapters won't be a problem since you can just pick easy mode
I might bake a thread later at /vg/ bwos, just got back at the game again, I though the Goddess War mechanic is just Epic seven but I was wrong its actually more cooler
It's just Blue Archive
and everyone gets halos too. Also the devs have been very generous with gems.. just like Blue Archive

Did they get a consultant from Blue Archive or something? BA also had a rough first year but this game doesn't have cute and funny to save it
oh shit i just realized whats going to happen to save this game
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that's a different anon, anon. That other one was me. And yeah, you know what? I may be making the /vg/ general today. It depends if my work doesn't kill me first (if some other anon want to, please go ahead and get ahead of me; these deadlines are murdering me.)
next big update comes sooner than I thought. New gear to grind btw. I hope El Cid are capes.
>new fucking gear
i'll give it a pass since there's no bullshit RNG stats

since there's space for like 4 more tabs on that gear page, I guess we really are getting horns, and then wings next, then probably auras just like Ragnarok Online
how do you equip the halo bwos?
theres a new arrow thingie for a pg2 on the book of veda equip page thingie
So many people with gold halos and I am still with blues. This is bullshit. I blame Veda for this. Useless goddess.
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the hell, I though its the back button then remembered its the red one, thanks for the whiplash anon
I think they spent gems to rush to top 100 in their pvp bracket right away
I don't recommend it, in BA it's recommended to do this since the rewards are also gems plus the game is more populated so your bracket's top 100 get filled with whales fast, but here it's a different currency
Yeah would be cute and funny when they revealed that all of them probably fucked the whole barracks before they met you in this game.
One of these patches it's going to reset your server choice back to default (i.e. the wrong server) and people are going to panic
so that's why nvidia vsync fast works now, just set it to my previous 165hz monitor settings before it died
Doesnt matter. The non rate up SSR halos are way worse.
i got lucky and got the rate up earth one, and it has WAY better passive, and has a 4th stat, crit rate, which is 11% at lvl 70
>you can also just straight up BUY more rolls for the halo gacha
Thats fucking vile. Absolutely disgusting. halos are MASSIVE P2W powercreep, in a game thats what...2 months old?
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Thanks Anon, guess I'll force myself to get some extra gems.
Maybe veda Energy %+ is probably better for burst than a 2nd reduce all dmg%+ for the necklace?

Or even HP%+ for some characters. Been farming here and there since launch for necklaces and only have 1 double-max reduce all dmg necklace, but have a bunch of other ones with HP%+ and veda energy%+
Dead as this game is, I actually want to quit playing my other gacha and just focus on this game for now, especially with Sword of Convallaria coming up soon

action RPGs are fun but i dont want 3D.
2D is a nice flavor where i wont get nausea playing after too long since im weak
My mutation time clear on AL8 just dropped from 2:15 down to like 1:30 clear time, so I didnt have to lower my AL earlier had I just done my halo pulls earlier
dat veda side tit
alright, I'm awake. How many of you are around to bump the /vg/ thread? I have a bit of time before having to go out for groceries right now.
I'm here for about 28 hours and Wednesday
well, I got busy. Will likely be doing the thread in an hour or 2. If you are around, remember to bump it. I didn't want to make it if it was going to die because everyone expecting it is already sleep.
>5 hour difference
would that have survived /vg/ lmao

game needs cute and funny units for autists to spam images all day
Well yeah because I check /vmg/ threads like once a day
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I was gonna make the thread right now but I'll wait for your bread bwo, just use the archives to reference the previous bread
I'm baking it. I'll post it in a few minutes
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thanks bwo

I won't be awake for much longer; only time I got for it was after work. If this thread dies because of the hours, we shall try again tomorrow. I'm leaving up you bwos to bump it.

We should also have threads on /v/; even with people hating the game, any publicity is good. Webms with gameplay uploaded are very welcome for it.
Well that was that.
Well at least you tried.
/vmg/, home.

it was alive when i was on lunch break, then it was ded by the time i was done my wagie job
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/vmg/ home.....
I do my dailies on AL7 now so I can auto them
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it died way too quickly; in 20 minutes or less. I was busy with clients and when I got back it was gone.

Shall we try again? It was a good groove. A bad combination of schedules made this.

I also wanted to make some /v/ threads to add to our population. Tomorrow I should be free for the operation. I'll be baking threads and announcing them either here or our /vg/ if a bwo bake it again. Some generals just die overnight like this and it's just second business.
Why did they nerf the gold and spiders? Fucking retard devs.
what do you mean? the rewards were 2x'd

i wish they reduced it again down to 1 run per day and just made it 3x the rewards
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just do it when the story update drops or a big QoL patch happens, most of us here are wagies or have lives to take care of so we can't bump it like the other generals do
The patch note said it's only 1.5x so yeah they were nerfed, sort of, for autists who actually managed to do 6 runs everyday.
yes that *was* me but even if actually stopped like a few weeks ago since i didnt wanna rush right before my wagie shift

i wish my pennyscam gamble would moon so i can stop being a wagie
i could become one of those autists that keep an obscure general alive in vg, but for now i have to b a productive slave of society
>No Edward
>Didn't build Andrei.
Time to clear this mutation shit at AL6.
I tried to bump but I just got off work
Don't think it'll stay alive since mihomo fags will suck off zzz as soon as it releases
Does the coinflip pity carry over to the next event banner?
50/50 carries over, character/weapon specific.
Learned your lesson yet vedtards?
Stay in your dead vmg thread.
It's also light weak so you don't really need to fire.
Your game isnt dead because jewhoyo games exist.
Your game is dead because its trash.
Even if jewhoyo didnt exist, people wouldnt play your slopt.
I remember when this shit was shilled nonstop everywhere as "not like the other gachas" and "soul" with shitty musicians or whatever
To see it become irrelevant so fast like all the other garbage brings me joy I cannot describe.
marielcarey on suicide watch
What reality did this happen in anon?
Been at it since the start. Does this near everywhere too and it's not too subtle. I guess he learned how to stop redditposting I guess.
>every post i dont like is made by one person
keep crying about it bitch nigga
Post counter doesn't go up anon and your vocabulary is very shallow.
>someone used a common word? Samefag
>post counter, which doesnt exist anymore, doesnt go up? samefag
Keep crying about it, bitch nigga
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this schizo way of writing is hilarious, 100% is one of these retards that got banned from the discord

anyway, new unit should come next week! Who are you waiting for bwos?
Did I say that you tard
I meant /vg/ is stupid fast because new games are coming out
And mihoyofags go through 10 threads a day
Now that the smoke has cleared, thoughts on Nec and Vesti? I know Nec has a lot of haters but I think she's OK. Her kit does make me think booba knight is gonna remain the same (since she also does the attack down BS). Vesti seems pretty good even ignoring the fact she's the only real Earth DPS.
Nec is promising for War Gods because of Rodrick taunt. I have him at 70k hp and once he comes out, I start winning because everyone focuses on him. He makes boss fights easy too. Magnus locks on his ass and leaves me alone. Nec is nothing crazy but I like her.

I hops the devs update summons eventually so they get affected by relic set bonuses.
is the ignore def nerfed or is it still the same?
It got nerfed with the new absolute defense stat putting a cap on the shred. Whether is good or not depends on the enemy stats. It they have no absolute defense, Igd still top tier.

On pvp I am seeing Albert stacking AD making it worthless. Overall people are focusing more on crit and atk% now.
im not going to renew my monthlies
was Roderick's taunt bugged when she first came out?
I remember borrowing F6 Nec support and being annoyed that the mobs kept targeting Nec anyways after summon
Its either a bug or has a cooldown because it still happens.
what unit are you waiting for anon. Still, next month we'll have the roguelite mode. Hopefully they'll deliver.
1 week for the next character
Roguelike will save us...
>Can't 3 trophy the latter parts of the mutation mode since those swamp monsters take forever to kill without a fire attacker
Fuck. Is Duke or the Archer guy better?
Just lower your AL and steamroll through that shit.
You're right, I should've done that.
>went from top 100 to top 500 overnight
well i did sandbag my defense team so i could farm wins for the mission but i didnt expect to go down THAT much
the girl with the skirt and big cleavage
Why sandbag even? Ranking up again gives you nothing.
look at your battlefield missions
Ah, the wins. Makes sense if you're struggling on the upper tiers since everyone is running full melee teams that just bulldozes what you have.
Seriously debating if I should go for Vesti or hoard a bit longer. She is fun to play, earth dps, aoe, perfect for Martel. But I have little gems and their signature weapons are kind of a big deal. You always need both.

10k gems though...
Wait for the next banner at least. I fucking hate that they're still keeping the "patch notes 1 day before release" setup. I have Vesti and her Weapon and she's great fun but who knows if the next one is better. Might be Rebecca.
just one more day for the preview bwos..
that was literally over 24 hours between replies

just not feeling it, im also burning out because this game has less content than a side gacha but expects you to spend more than 10 min a day if you want to be optimal
game basically lets you semi-sweep with heroes shoes but it doesnt let you sweep outright because fuck you it wants to be your main gacha (but does not have monthly content to justify it)
Theres not really a lot to talk about
You either get shafted in war god
Farm 24/7 on half stam that you can't sweep
Or pvp
Normal for a /vmg/ thread, if there's nothing to talk about then there's no reason to bump it unless it's at the bottom page 9.
These gooks devs are utter shit at building hype doesn't help either. You don't even feel a sense of anticipation of the upcoming contents because they don't speak a dam word till the update is right at the door.
>Farm 24/7 on half stam that you can't sweep
ive been doing this on auto while i do other shit
i now have almost no reason to get the battlepass every season anymore
>kicked from lummies
we didn't even have max players fuck you
should've played more lil bro
The EU guild was so beyond dead I ended up leaving.
gl to the two remaining somewhat active members
I was mainly kicking people who were inactive for 2+ weeks, let me know if I somehow hit an active player in the crossfire
New teaser tomorrow?
There should be yeah. Halo reset too to coincide with that. I'm not sure if the pity carries though.
And she's here.
But they really need to put more beautiful women that I want to roll for
I ain't rolling for the brown loli
Now, does she still keep her shit tier kit or not.
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>They changed her into a fucking healer of all thing.
Literally empty patch with nothing else.
mmmmm nyes im thinking this is an ez skip
now watch as i heavily regret not rolling her when Hell content comes out or whatever
The Saeya for the other side of the tower. Probably worth it purely for the tank/heal role compression, but that's purely speculation about them actually making that important in the future. I think it's gonna heavily depend on how good her weapon is, but the fact she can use Marthel's weapon means she'll be useful even without her sig.
In other news, Blood character doko.
Hell looks like a coop content, like mutation zone is solo, so you either breeze through it because of whales or you have to carry 2 other deadweight shittiers.
>Changed her
Eh, we knew basically nothing of her skills so her being a healer is fine by me. Does kinda clash with Saeya though. The empty patch is annoying though. Not sure why they sped up Mutations but then act like they just released it.
Yeah, other elements are still lacking. We at least know Rebecca is coming and I think one of the few characters that we know of that haven't come out yet and she's fire. There's also that female electric unit someone posted a while back. The others look like male 4*.
>2 lights
>2 darks
>1 Earth
>1 Water
>0 Fire
>0 Electric
>0 Blood

What the fuck are they doing?
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>Eh, we knew basically nothing of her skills
They already posted her kits before on their twitter, which they have changed completely now.
A healer is still useable at least unlike that fucking weird debuff cleanser/stamina buffer that she used to be that would never see the light of day in any comp
Holy BRICK. When have those been an issue
Probably planned to be some kind of PVP focus support char, except the fact that PVP is one shot festival so none of these shit would even matter.
She changed classes, from a support to a healer. The summoned fist is also now her normal skill, not her signature. Pretty much outdated info at this point. Who knows what other changes have been undocumented.
They really want me to pick Edward at the end of the month given there's never a new fire character.
They probably see the overwhelming number of Eliyar/Sarka in PVP and decide that they can delay Blood/Electric. But at least Electric got a 4* budget Sarka and Fire got a 4* PVP archer. Blood hasn't gotten ANYTHING, I'd be happy with a shitty 4* vampire at this point.
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So is there cuckshit in Sorins story as well or is she the (you) pandering character she was speculated to be?
mm nyes i think im going to renew my monthlies thanks to sorin

she looks so dorky but also so cute and hot, admittedly not a meta pull but im going for it anyways
Who knows. If it's anything like Nec, she won't even get a story since she already appeared in the main one.
They put all the cuckshit in their fate story though, that's where we got the Aurora Ellen shit before they even get their introduction story segment.
Yes you have to whale to unlock their fates know if the girls are fucking other guys instead of you.
aurora will make a great support unit for my future sorin carry
aurora is with ellen?
they pretty much killed their own game even harder with that shitty roadmap.
"set accessories so you'll be forced to regrind rings and necks lmao have fun and slurp that slop"

and there is still no fucking content.
I think I may buy a packet or two for Sorin. I also want her weapon and who knows how many fates. Is the monthly still the best deal in the game? It may not be enough...
no one asked, pig
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Does this carry over or should I just go all the way now that I committed this hard?
It's supposed to carry over.
Supposedly. From the looks of it yeah, 30 purple and blue stones for $20 is your best bet considering the other packs similar doesn't even give half.
If you have Vesti, sure but as it is, the halo is specifically for Earth DPS and there's like 2 options for them. I do think it's supposed to carry over but I've not seen anywhere saying that it is.
several packets are ending soon, I may try to grab one before; it depends if I get my commission early, though... it may be too late.
didnt ask, pig
You're mentally ill
This can't possibly mean anything else but carry over, right? In most games I wouldn't worry about it but these devs have me second guessing everything.
Yeah, the wording's odd. "The number of rewards will be retained". It could easily mean just the milestones but yeah, you never know with them.
sorin's lines in the trailer are so fucking retarded but it only makes me want to pull for her more
I'm at 240/260 right now
I'll unironically just quit and go back to Blue Archive or something if they fuck up again
I am interested in Iris
tried sorin out and i don't get the hype
why did everyone want this boring character again?
They changed her from beta. Interest is less now.
>Sorin shakes her hips while idling in town but her tits barely sway at all
Fake and gay.
Looks like Sorin ult removes constructions like Alberts tower and Xanthia blackhole making her meta for pvp. This was not in the patchnotes because the developers are useless retards.
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But it does anon, you have to find the "right" patchnote.
>Doesn't work on summons
And they laughed at me for rolling on Nec. I won!
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Wait, is the new light halo just a general light one or one for healers like Sorin?
It's a healer/tank one. So yeah, it's for Sorin, not Aurora.
Damn, I guess I might skip this one too then
Probably not worth it for PVE. I sincerely doubt they'll balance PVE to the point where healers would actually need some kind of bonus when the only thing that really could be threatening in the future is bosses that one shot. Anything else can be healed through anyway even with Lucian swords/Saeya mark.
you now realize that sorin is a 100% gook knockoff of that pink slut from demon slayer.
>It's Mitsuri because boobs
Lol. The fact that you didn't catch on the Elias being Sven is quite telling anon.
its her because
same hair
same open shirt style
same "muh love" shtick

Now keep coping and seething, gookshitter.
Keep it up and maybe you'll get some actual fucking content soon.
Why do I have to manually delete relics?
because they only had 7 years to copy gensheesh, you ungrateful swine.
They need 3 more to add this feature
yeah i dont really care for meta, im rolling for her because she make my pp feel good
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>currently in top 500
>peak around 370
Did I fucked up? Am I retarded? How am I supposed to farm halo pulls? I get 24 stones or whatever daily but that shit is literally 2 pulls out of 260.
whales are fucking me up
You can buy them if you want, it's 400 stones for each ten pull but really that's stupid. Breaking to 100 isn't really worth it since it's also only 30 rocks which isn't much of a difference.
You dont.
You're meant to PAY for them
Enjoy your P2W gookslop game.
Dont say you werent warned.
my monthly expires in 4 days
I do not understand this effect.
putting the gook in gobbledygook
150 pulls just to get F0 Sorin + her weapon R0
this amount of pulls would get me P2 or more on a unit in my other gacha 1999

any monthly havers gonna go for Sorin F1? 6 sec to 10 sec is almost a 2x effect
didnt ask pig
Do other healers also reduce incoming wounds or is it just Sorin?
Just Sorin, it's their answer to those complaints about wound ruining their tanks. At F4 she also reduce the amount of wound damage from mobs by 50% so with a reduce wound necklace she would basically take no wound damage.
>no discussion on twitter
>no streamers
>no /vg/ general
>enter game
>town has like 60 players swarming the alchemist or running around
>get knocked down to 1500 in War god every day
It really needs something, since a lack of community will kill the game but it does have it's niche
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>why did everyone want this boring character again?
>F2 Arin.
Thanks game, guess I will wait for Rebecca.
Finally, a new character. Guess that narrows my selector choices down. Will wait and see if I lose 50/50 before I say fuck it and pick the loli.
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>Reset in 12 days.
Did they fuck up tower reset time again.
I think they're just speeding it up, it was a complaint in the discord.
Ticket gave F1 Eliyar. I am disappointed. Her early fate do nothing.
>F1 Albert
i'm still missing sansar (i have aurora already) and poison loli
maybe not a big deal? Albert F1 is probably better for farming pvp ranks

also I want to get F1 sorin maybe even F2 then I'll stop going for dupes since pure f2p now there's no one else I want to cum over anymore
>get knocked down to 1500 in War god every day
yeah but everyone's also in the same bracket so that's why, unlike Blue Archive where you have beginner pvp brackets so you're not competing with maxed out players
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>got Sansar
fucking useless unit I already have Aurora, where's my Eliyar
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Becca is coming soon anon.

Sorin can delete Xanthia's black hole as well as Albert's statue. She is now considered top tier for War God as well as PvP in general. The more people build her the more she is shining. She is one of the best new characters they released from a design and utility viewpoint.

Also, new 4koma!
She is also probably best tank in the game thanks to her wound mitigation. At F4 and a proper build she is basically wound immune as well.
Is kisomalos the best 4* for Sorin? I know the craft-able sword and shield has HP which she wants, but the effect is so dogshit. Also what about the necklace, I am thinking of using something like this, which is what my Nec is rocking as well.
Reduce incoming wound necklace. May as well just go full on wound immunity meme.
>Try to pull for Sorin
>60 pulls in, lose 50/50
>Now my Sarka is at F2
Well not bad. Guess I'll hoard more.
I built life steal for Sorin instead of crit since the latter seemed like a pointless endeavor
>not CD reduce/veda regen so she can throw fist and clear field faster.
Sorin completely shifted the Arena meta, what a good character.
man her kit is fun too, she has a skill that launches enemies so it feels like DFO
too bad she isnt DPS

i want to get F2 Sorin, i dont want becca she doesnt wear any pants thats weird
so is Xanthia and Albert shit in pvp now...?
Kinda yes. A wild Sorin being able to completely negate their ultimate with just her skill is too much for them to recover from.
I can see Veleno and other less popular characters like that seeing increased pvp viability because of it.
Yeah powercreep already. Without their signatures, they are worthless. Good thing I am investing in summon types. Sorin can't do shit to them.
>Drop Yanko turret, Rodrick, Rock Golem, switch to Atterisee bear spam
Does Sorin dispel the earth spheres Vesti covers the battlefield with?
ZZZ will finish us off...
last time I saw, ZZZ wasn't 2D anon
don't care, i won't play chinese games out of principle
>Furry game
Xanthia no idea since I don't have her, but Albert will still have a place since he is the only real tank in the game atm
this game is such a bootleg it might as well be chinese in spirit
As far as actually taking damage goes, Sorin is better because she can actually do something about wounds
292 purple books + leftover
to get to lvl 1 to 80

237 purple books + leftover
for lvl 80 to lvl 90
9 * 529 books for my 9 lvl 1 units = 4,761 purples
5 * 237 for my 5 lvl 80 units = 1185 purples

i need 6k purples before event ends
welp, Veda finally got me to drop 50$ in the game. I just liked Sorin too much.
The amount of bloat in this game is annoying, how do I pick between Veda Energy Reduction vs Veda Energy Regeneration for Sorin amulet?
Or do I just go for boring HP?

Being able to cast the skills more often seems more useful though
and for the Light ring i guess just go for Atk+% since it applies to halo stat stick now
or really any ring should be Atk+% now
>fl full of 40+ days ago inactives
>purge, have gaping list
>send fr to lummies bros
>go into the town and spam fr to the players and even say "friend me!" in the world chat like a desperate retard
>there was 2 lummies bros there and THEN they accept my friend request
That was too pitiful
srry im too busy semi afk grinding to actually join a co-op and play the gaem
I don't even do dailies anymore, I'm just waiting for the devs to implement new meaningful content and if I'm behind then I'll simply grind back up. It feels dumb staying on top in preparation of new content when we have no idea how hard new content will actually be.
I do the dailies because gacha currency will always be too time limited. I only bother with everything else if I feel like it though. Even the new event where they make the whole map harder one area at a time is a pain in the ass and I barely have done any of it. It's just too tedious and no fun at all.
Cute. CUTE!!
anonchama, a daily in this game take like 5 minutes and it's a big chunk of free currency, it's so easy to keep up. You could ignore everything else... but the login. A free 5 every month is very nice.
I switched out Saeya with Sorin and at least half my runs someone actually dies
today after a few dozen runs, the team actually got wiped out
as I'm typing this I see that my run is getting rekt with both DPS Aurora and Edward dead, it's only Sorin + Marthel that are slowly chipping away the boss

am I using Sorin wrong? I thought she would replace Saeya/Lucian but she can't keep everyone at max HP like Saeya
>dps aurora
that's your issue here, she isn't meant to do damage. Build her with CDR, veda regeneration, veda consumption and tons of HP substats. She is by far the best healer in the game. She is so good at it, it almost feels inspiring kek.
reading a bit into the story, she is kind of... murderer. No one saw that coming uh?
yeah to be fair I just mixed and matched a bunch of 5* relics I had available. I did the same for Saeya since I'm not done farming DPS relics for my actual DPS, but Saeya will already heal amazing without fine-tuned relics or her signature weapon. Meanwhile I have Sorin with her halo and weapon

Just switched back to Saeya and my runs are back to being braindead smooth while I read
I'll find a couple 5* relics later on for Sorin focusing on CDR , reduce veda consumption, and whatever else was decent on the 5th relic slot

For the PVP mode I just replaced Alberta with Sorin and will keep Saeya, double healer
not him but I can't fathom the idea of just doing dailies+pvp and ignoring the stamina and pigs (screw spiders though)
but i think i'll start doing that since this gacha is takjing up A LOT more time than i ever expected, I just wanted a login simulator with occasional action on demand, there's t oo much incentivized grinding like an MMO (like why the fuck even make as afk grind PVP for example)
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i kinda want to whale for F2 Sorin bwos...
the bottleneck at this point is gear especially halos, not the units themselves, so you may as well go for dupes

I'm going to try for F1 Sorin when my monthly expires and see if I want to renew my monthlies at that point, probably won't, game is getting very tiring with no actual story content so i'll be downgrading to doing only daily missions soon
I just do the dailies + the new pvp (which I will stop as well after I get all the missions done).
Dailies are like 80% of your income and they take like 10 minutes tops to do. You can even dump your shoes there and be done with 2/3 of daily energy, only wasting the remaining 1/3. Doing those and getting the login bonus for the free 5* is about the only thing worth doing long term.
We are getting portrait in less than 2 weeks now bwo. Content is finally coming. I just hope it's fun. One month after we are finally getting guild stuff to do. A shame Lumies died. I was right about joining a normie guild. Somehow it's still alive.
And have you seen how fucking massive Sorin's signature gets at F2? It may as well be fullscreen. It's too tempting. Better than all fates that Nec and feet girl had.
War God fights are worth the time, because we get free halo pulls from it. It's also so short, and honestly fun to do.
War God should have been the only PVP in the first place (basically just a copy paste of similar PVP from other gacha but a formula that works)

i seriously hope they just get rid of the afk-grinding pvp mode later on
i'm so glad this trash game died.
couldnt have happened to a better game desu.
get fucked gook retards.
is the monthly 20$ pass worth it? It is, right? It's either that or one of the 60$ for me right now. Since Sorin's banner will be a month long I'm guessing the 20 bucks one should be the way to go. I can course ship if in 2 weeks the next banner surprises us. I already got the 5$ one.
didnt ask pig
60 rolls for $20 is pretty good yes
now that steam summer sale is here i can find much better use for $20 while i afk grind mutation mode
devs also got desperate and became more geneous, it's like they got a consultant from blue archive (that had a relatively rough start apparently) on how to revive their game, shower your players in gems while you get your shit together
copied blue archive's PVP mode
and even gave everyone halos
>m-muh other games!11!
nobody fucking cares about what we all could play schizo; if I wanted a >>>>"true videogame experience" I would just boot up Monster Hunter World to play with my femboy bf; I'm in the fucking /vmg/ for a reason RETARD.
nope mr kim im just not going to renew monthlies
Looking at the new banner pass, mutation mode gave me so many easy mats I don't need any of these mats anymore, that was quick

I bet the only one who'd keep buying these are the ones who feel FOMO and want to collect all the player icons since they started collecting it from day 1 already
do we get new avatars in this season pass? I may buy it if so
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post your rosters

apologems have been raining a lot so I still have 31k gems even after going for F2 Sorin with just getting monthlies
prob not gonna bother renewing my monthlies now so i can skip a day or so every now and then
Have everyone except Edward and vesti
Atterrise f1
Arin f1
Sarkhan f2
What's that about? Free 5* Weapon and Character?
>F3 Eliyar (Why)
>F2 Sarka
>F0S1 Xanthia
>F0S1 Aurora
>F0S1 Vesti
>F0 Albert
I really need a proper melee DPS.
Mana shield is so stupid to have in 4-unit auto battler mode
Well deserved eos.
Decent story and good art wasted on clown devs. I refuse to believe this game actually took 7 years to make.
the town was full and lively before the game kicked me out. These numbers are strange, I never found the game deserted enough to reflect that.
A few dozen afkers in town doesn't reflect shit anon, especially when most of them probably are F2P players who didn't spend a dime.
They fumbled hard, it has been 3 months and we still don't have a proper event, all they gave us so far are more PVP garbage. They already switched gear into milking those PVP whales and hope they can keep this game afloat.
How active are 4chan guilds?
They aren't, just join one that has like 20+ people.
Most guilds are dead. I don't know how the devs can turn this around. Many mistakes were made. Potential is there, gameplay can be fun, visuals are good. But sooooo much pvp focus, fucked up stats they had to rebalance/change. Game still feels like beta.
Guilds are mostly pointless atm outside of getting a weekly 80 stars and a monthly singular standard banner pull.
get rid of the old pvp mode for starters

stop making events that incentivize grinding one by one (mutation mode is basically 2x adventure mode but you have to grind it out 1 run at a time and no sweep)
add fucking sweep there's already a mechanic for it with heroes shoes
stop adding more gear to grind more (pvp mode could have rewarded regular gems instead) and add actual content

Given there's space for like 4 more tabs I'm assuming we're getting angel/devil wings, angel/devil ears, glowing auras, or whatever the fk next
or maybe just cosmetics instead of more gear
I'm going to use my free 5* halo for a shadow halo

I swear if we get another fucking shadow character i don't even know
I'd like to think we'd get a poison, fire, electric, BLOOD halo before we loop back to shadow for death crown
but all of them are moving anon; today the town was full of active people, even new ones. This game is more popular than it seems.
I hope they are both selectors instead of randoms.
>stop making events that incentivize grinding one by one (mutation mode is basically 2x adventure mode but you have to grind it out 1 run at a time and no sweep)
You also have to grind the x2 shit 1 by 1 because x2 bonus doesn't work with heroes shoes, so there's literally no difference between mutation mode or x2 adventure mode, except the mutation mode takes even longer to grind due to the HP bloat.
They really, like really want you to waste your time grinding their game.
apparently June numbers in Korea are solid, the game isn't bleeding players anymore. They can only go up from here bwos!
the login event is pretty unforgiving lmao I just realized you could only miss 2 days to get the random selector
For July you can afford to miss 3 days

They should switch day 18 or 25 with the day 28 rewards but whatever
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Free Deathcrown confirmed.
Not even really confirmed because these devs continue being vague as fuck about everything but most likely yes.
Also aren't dual attribute characters just going to complete powercreep everyone before? Unless the bonus damage they do for each is halved or something
I assume dual attribute has tradeoff of being weak to two elements so it's not pure powercreep. It depends how the damage is split and how that works for elemental shields.
>Dual Attribute hero
powercreep about to go nuts
>double weakness mattering when you just get one shot anyway
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Isn't this what they have been doing all this time? Or I am missing something?
Free Deathcrown, have fun.
>not until July 11th
Sorry I'm retarded. Also why would they post this now instead of the day before/of?
They finally learnt how to build hype instead of dropping big reveal 12 hours before update.
We coming for you WuWa!
Not a fan of Deathcrown burning afro hair, wish I could slap a full helmet on him like Prince of Death Edward instead.
Good shit. Death Crown is super hype. Pretty sure they weren't planning to releasing him this early, but this might be just what they need to stall for time so they can cook some PVE content. I like this game a lot, so really i hope they manage to turn things around like Snowbreak.
Season 2 will be make or break. We either go full coomer or make a big collab. And remove most of the pvp modes. Full of bots, scares away new players.
The funniest part is realizing that Deathcrown is yet ANOTHER Dark character being released while we still haven't gotten a Blood character since launch.
or worse, that Leon hits like a pool noodle and Eliyar is your only shot (heh) at doing black mutation for edward
How about neither of these terrible ideas and just continue the story.
Death Crown is going to be great for my Sorin F2 carry team with Aurora F1 support
Death Crown is the first dual element character. I guess this makes the Ancient Rings return to the meta.
Nobody gives a flying fuck about this games story or it's boring characters. Its a grinding game. Add pve dungeons and coop content or shut down already.
>game so dead, the only person working on the guides quit
>Korean guides too
>Only source of info is the discord with the same 10 people and half of them just complain about the devs all day
Kek imagine fucking up this bad. No way they can salvage it.
>Free Desu Crown
Huh. At least I'll have someone melee now, though I'd assume he's the next banner then? Would be weird if we can't pull for him.
Probably, I am expecting Rebecca next, after him
>game so dead they have to bribe people with this out of desperation
keksimus maximus
Still no content though
worked for blue archive,
they shouldnt have copied the halos though
You now manually realize that since it launch, this shitheap game has only had ONE 5 minuite long cart pushing "event" as content
Why does this game send everyone into a frothing frenzy?
The management at launch was really bad so you either have players who quit the game and come back to shit on it time to time or you have the remaining playerbase who shit on it because it fumbled so hard when it could have had decent staying power.
I am hoping that it can at least stay afloat until the more interesting content comes out but I'm probably done spending any significant sum on it unless all my other games crash and burn.
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Damn. I just started and I love the art direction and designs. It's refreshing to see Asian devs not using that horrid overly generic design that hoyo and wuwa use for high effort gachas. It's already becoming the calarts of the east. Every time I find a promising gacha, there's always one aspect that turns me off from spending money, and this one seemed perfect
It's a fun game and they even released a roadmap that contains content for the next several months. A lot of players are just complaining about the content taking too long to get to.

Which is funny because the reason this is happening is because it's not actually complete cancer to farm gear in this game. There are a lot of different things you need to farm but I'd say it only takes maybe a week tops to farm out decent pieces for a character as opposed to similar gear system gachas where you can spend months trying to build one character.

In this game most people already have their teams built and just want endgame content to use them on.
I am not sure which halo I should even choose. Dark one seems ok but we are probably going to be getting that with the next patch anyway. My strongest character is blood but then again there is no other character to use it on and we don't really have any upcoming blood characters either. And as far as light goes, I only have support ones so there is no point in it.
All other elements seem to be kinda second class and I am reluctant to use my selector on them.
Lots of people felt like that when it released but then they got burned out less than a week after due to the insane grind.
Just play this kusoge for a few days and then uninstall
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finally got the 300 pulls selector holy shit.
praying Eliyar doesn't get powercrept soon
Eliyar is ok, the only reason she is considered technically top tier is because she is the only blood dps, and one out of two blood characters for the matter, and blood is right now the endgame element. Once any of those changes, unfortunately she won't be top tier anymore.
I used to think she was amazing as well, but many characters match her or even surpass her in dps.
On the other hand those milkers are eternal though.
I personally, won't be using my selector until I am missing at least 2 characters I want, preferably just 1.
she's fantastic if you play manual
if you play with other people a lot you'll have to pray they don't trigger blood shield or at least have someone trigger dark shield so you can burst
needless to say, she's ass in mutation since shields get triggered pretty often
Her main role is not just as the sole blood DPS but that she is the only character who can reasonably put up Blood shields for Aurora
If you have Aurora then you want Eliyar to DPS fast enough to put up the shield so that Aurora can DPS even faster
Though the moment Blood gets a better DPS then Eliyar is going to move to niche PVP-only tier since it's easy for her to oneshot a lot of characters in that mode.
Fuck bell attack on auto
Fucking horseshit for ai only mode
you might end up liking sword of convallaria
still pretty standard anime portraits but older style and you have aesthetics that are basically tactics ogre

i renewed my monthlies for veda one last time but starting August I probably won't anymore
Arin sucks
considering going down to AL7 just to have faster clears, i haven't even opened my 160 energy mail yet fuck
Arin is great. You just suck.
>Press the follow button
>retarded AI literally just follow you and don't do anything else, not even when they stand next to a horde of mobs.
Why this shit even exists again. You would think they would at least follow you an attack anything in sight but nope.
I hope you like more equipment gacha grinding anon.
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Kino as always. I'm excited!
>In this game most people already have their teams built and just want endgame content to use them on.
Any content really. Most players would be fine with filler events making use of reused assets as long the story isn't particularly atrocious. Atterisee and Aurora events were fine, just super short. If the devs milked them a bit better, players would have an excuse to keep coming back. Problem is they keep releasing new PVP modes when PVP was the least interesting part of this game at release. I still love Astra and hope they can turn things around like Snowbreak
Pretty bad hope since the game still sucks and is dead everywhere but China.
>I still love Astra and hope they can turn things around like Snowbreak
Impossible. The way Snowbreak came back to life was one of a kind and Astra likely can't do the same. Snowbreak was a financially dead game with nothing to lose so they went all in when they got the chance (The CN players were already unhappy with Genshin's sumeru fujo pandering, but the real trigger was the GFL2 NTR drama. GFL2 flopped so hard because Snowbreak stole all its players)
For Astra to pull off something similar, another game would need to fail just as badly for Astra to snatch their audience but unfortunately no devs are as stupidly arrogant as Mica for that to happen again.
People who keep saying shit like "maybe Astra can make a comeback like Snowbreak/Blue Archive" are just coping without knowing why these games even managed to make a "comeback" in the first place.
The only way to save this game is by adding more pvp modes
How did Blue Archive make a comeback anyway? I heard they spent a fuck ton on stealth marketing by paying high profile artists to create fanarts for the bunny girls, but is that really enough to revive the game though?
>I heard they spent a fuck ton on stealth marketing by paying high profile artists to create fanarts for the bunny girls, but is that really enough to revive the game though?
Yes lol, it works. Dislyte is also the same but they went the gay bara furry route. There's a reason why BA porn and doujins flood the market even though the game itself isn't really doing all that well relatively to the big guys.
>Aurora rerun
we're barack
Aurora getting a rerun is so weird, but I am tempted to pull now that I have a good amount of pulls and I have only the fire girl to look forward in the horizon. Then again they could spook us with some top tier bitch out of nowhere
Where do I get this? I go to the listed stages but I don't see the recipe in the drops.
It's an Apostle drop, so just go to an area with the same element as the scroll you want and then just hope it's there and hope it drops.
I am not doing pigs more than 3 times a week
well copying the halos didnt work, maybe the devs should turn every unit into a highschooler next
Neither the halo nor high schooler shit worked for BA at first either, they should just skip these steps and start dressing the girls in bunny suit and bikini.
Suck a dick
Snowbreak? They're only getting stronger
Does picking a female character brick your account?
They sure love to say that
Why would it? You can chance either way.
I'm new and the game seems heavily story focused, there's no difference between male and female protag?
It has a fixed protagonist, whatever you pick at the beginning doesn't matter story wise, you basically just picked a cover for a book.
I mean it explains what's going on. It's not your actual body either way.
No difference. You can unlock other looks in the mirror in your room at the inn for pull currency. You will rarely see MC on the screen for more than 5 seconds.
Choosing female basically makes you a tranny or maybe a crossdressing skinwalker in this case.
Not really, they're already starting to drop. They'll likely see an uptick for anniversary but from there it will continue to fall off. People are dropping like flies from my friend list. The game itself still just feels too janky and unsatisfying to play, the only thing that's improved it the coom.
>Not really, they're already starting to drop.
Retardanon why spread lies? Even the game producer called out people like you, quotes from yesterday's interview:
>the game had been gradually growing in popularity since we shifted the direction of our development, then it finally exploded with the release of Version 1.7
>.. the most important aspect is that the R&D team is very committed to creating content our core playerbase enjoys — a so-called "fanservice-focused" game.
>I'd also like to mention that some people who aren't "Snowbreak: Containment Zone" players have made some criticisms of our game and the creative direction we're taking. But rest assured, we know who "Snowbreak: Containment Zone" is really meant to serve.
>The age rating was raised in order to allow us to more freely create game content and better serve our playerbase.
>The current voices raising controversy are only a small part of that. These distractions won't do anything to shake our original goal. We still want to listen to the needs of our players and fulfill their needs... So we prefer to not comment on any outside opinions, and I believe no one has the right to decide what is right and wrong in creative endeavors. I hope we can stick to our path, live up to the expectations of our players and supporters, and create even more content to satisfy them.
SnowGODS I kneel. Wish Astra devs had balls this big.

>profit keeps going up and up
>hired more people to work on the game
>announced several cool new gamemodes that they're making using the increased manpower

Keep coping vedtroon. SnowPEAK is rising to the top, whereas vedtards are spiralling to an early grave.
>revenue drastically dropped to basically nothing
>still no content
>hmmmmmm lets add even more gear to grind, surely this wont kill our game even harder
>you can buy the new gear with cash
lol. lmao even.

The harsh truth is that your game is dead, and the devs are retarded gook jews who just keep adding more and more P2W slop every patch.
The halos, and now the eddys or whatever they're called.
They cant even afford to have someone quality control their machine translated slop.
Go read the new light halo's description.
The devs put the GOOK in gobbledeygook
this time i wont renew my monthlies
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Like I said, dead outside of China. The game simply isn't good and is afloat because of their PR campaign and lack of options.
>doubled their revenue
>developer said mobile isnt even 25% of their total revenue
keep coping and seething
SnowPEAK is doubling their revenue, while vedtards are more than halving theirs.
Die and stay dead, vedtards
>aurora rerun
holy mother of desperation
What could have been a decent content update ruined by more equipment bloating bullshit. I really don't know what the fuck these retarded devs are thinking. Is milking PVP whales the only tactic they have in mind? Couldn't they add more relic sets to give people better options to build the character rather than those new equipment that are extremely hard to grind and level up?
They know better than you
i honestly don't care about any of this shit
the only question i have is whether the new mode is fun
>roguelike shit
For the first few times, sure. But when literally every fucking gook/chink games want to squeeze in that crap as part of your daily/week routines, it stopped being fun after a few dozen times.
>is milking the only thing left
Is that why the game is dead and their revenue absolute TANKED into the ground?
>They know better than you
>Went from 7 million to 700k in 2 months
Servers are fucked at the moment. Compensation NYOW.
this is the game that helped me quit gachas entirely

instead of playing sword of convallaria later th is month I decided to just buy tactics ogre off steam
>Buying games
great game
someone is going to miss their free 5* because of this and quit
good for them to be free
even lummie whale has been gone for a week

it's over, this stupid game ended up being kusoge
I've been on ZZZ vacation and was going to come back today. If the anon who has lead is here would you kindly delegate it back (or not, I don't think there's really any responsibilities for guild leader other than recruiting I guess)
Veda saved soon surely... Deathcrown will save us...
anonchama, the daily login is lenient by 2 or 3 days.
The only real way to save this game is a relaunch after they revamped the stat and gear system and fired all the faggots who have been coming up with more PVP shit and gear gacha.
>If the anon who has lead is here would you kindly delegate it back
why did it even go to me does it automatically fall off with inactivity

theres 4 min left before mainteance if i cant figiure out right away i'll do it tomorrow morning
It's to ensure you can't have a guild being held hostage by an inactive guild leader. As for why it picked you, who knows.
It's most likely first active after Guild Leader is absent for 7+ days
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shall we try /our/ general with the revival?

bwo? u there? Should be fun even if it's only for a few days
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Just stop, this general is definitely not getting any attention with ZZZ still hot.
who cares about other generals performance? This is for us.
New players aren't going to be attracted when there's a new hotness going around right now and I don't want to have to bump the thread every hour just to not fall off whenever /zzz/ schizos randomly decide to have a melty and thread war 15 new threads into existence every minute
We can restart the general when someone writes a rentry for the game.
you already tried this retarded shit and it amounted to you spamming pictures to barely keep it bumped and then the thread dying the second you stopped
is our last general available somewhere?
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Forma de Griffith when?!!
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for free Forma de Griffith, Knights Oblivion, Weapon Oblivion, 1600 Primogems and 10 SoJ
5 CoDs???
i actually need the previous vg info because i forgot how to redeem
hopefully vg has an archive
yeah, the game now has enough content and freebies to deserve another general. I'll be cooking one in a few hours. Are you enjoying the game bwos?
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A loli besides lolifarnes
make the vg picture the pink loli and you'll bait some newcomers every now and then

>Had to strip my Xanthia naked to give her equips to Desu
yeah, they added a shitload of content; I don't even know were to start. At 7GB this update was massive.
Cunny will save Veda!
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So both elemental and ancient rings are all worthless now? New ones are a straight upgrade.
If only these faggot devs would at least partial refund us the materials we had to spent on these already powercreeped junks when we scrap or sell them. It's a fucking pain and waste of shoes to grind them back.
Yeah seems to be better. Probably not on units who don't give a shit about attack speed though. Maybe Nec?
They're filler pieces. You'll eventually want ones with passives, but substats have to be agreeable too. Supports/tanks will probably hold onto the old shit until you get something that has the exact stats you want IE CDR+HP/DEF.
There are a ton of different passives.
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The hell is this crappy skill? Guess I will just roll for Aurora halo.
It's to give him more survivability, though it is kinda weak. Crit Chance makes up for it though.
His signature isn't impressive either. Why they even made him a tank when none of his skills scale off def or HP. I should just grab Edward sword from the selector for him.
I pulled for both to get some feeling out of this game, my eyes glazed over trying to figure out why he's built like that because his skills' descriptions are a mess.
is lifesteal secretly the new op stat
With Wounds existing, never. Even without it, it's still a meme
>Healing is very easy in PVE
>PVP is a one shot fest
Its only use is being ignorant towards element shields, and even that is just a nonissue.
we have no idea; they are building it up and right now everything changed with the new everything we have to farm now. People are stuck in the past or Sorinless, because with portrait Wound Prevention is huge, and lifestealing will be important as your healer may get killed eventually with no mercy; the new game mode is hard.
Wound resist necklace will be the meta for this new mode..
i went for it anyways because every unit should have their signature equips just cause
well the halo does not really count since it's better to hide it but it's better than the generic shadow halo at least
Portrait throws so many enemies at you they wont let you dodge and recover in peace. Tank Nec and Albert are damn good in this.
yeah this mode really shows how good albert and probably summons that draw aggro are
is the game saved or not?
not gonna bother rerolling if not
So how am I supposed to build death crown. Crit or life steal? Fire or dark damage, maybe energetic consumption instead?
I am not sure anons, this mode is probably fun for a few times but having to grind it every single week is going to suck massive balls, especially when the AI is too retarded to clear it efficiently with all the wound plus damage carried over each battle.
are you winning yet
Nobody knows yet because his skills might be mistranslated. People are testing.
>Put fire enchant on his weapon
>"It should work since he's double element..."
>Deals the same damage
>Actually really fucking weak too
I have him at 70/180 crit and the best he does is a 50k on his ultimate. What
dont fucking tell me i have to do 27 floors every fucking week this shit fucking devs i swear

yes the game needs content but mindless content is stupid
very close to the point where sunk cost fallacy is not going to be enough to keep me playing
So the new light accessory is only good for light DPS then?
>4.80% base
Isn't that higher than the elems? And fuck, built for Aurora.
Oh wait yeah it's random substats for some reason I thought it was set substats like weapons because of how consistent it was
I can't find any info if there's any random range i.e. if the substat can be higher like with relics, I fucking hope not
You can check in the collections page. Iirc, 4.50% was the maximum for a gold elemental ring.

>hmmmm our game is already dead as fuck
>what will make people keep playing?
>i know, we completely and utterly invalidate their efforts from the past 3 months, they'll love it and eat it up like the gook slurpers they are
>also add another P2W piece of gear
He's awake now. Huh.
I'm also getting tired of the gear grinding
the new accessories have RNG stats too
8.40% vs 9.60% crit damage

They've gone so far off the MMORPG end that I don't even see this as a gacha anymore, would rather just focus on a few units now and not too excited to roll for new units because of the gear requirements
yeah im awake, unlike your shit gookslop, which is sleeping eternally. (its dead)
I am fucking retarded and blind, wasted my 4K gems and pity on this, I didn't realize I was getting the same El Cid the whole time

get fucked lmao
At least you can refine the good one.
yeah I was thinking of actually splitting it to different units, but the ratio of EXP items vs gear you get is really lopsided for these P2W gear

After rolling 260 times, I could only get one gear up to lvl 57. I'll hit lvl 60 on one for the event mission, then the rest I'll spread out around lvl 40 next time

Also El Cids can only be equipped by the specific unit type (i.e. DPS el cid cannot be equipped by "tank" or healer) which sucks for Death Crown who feels like a stronger DPS than Arin
What happens if you die in the painting? It's starting to feel very close on Floor 13
what set for sorin.
im using the messenger set so she buffs everyone's atk
I have been playing this game literally all day since the update, and I still have a shitload to do. Holy shit, they added CONTENT now. We absolutely could use a new general now. The Discord is also flooded with new players.
well at least I don't have to worry about having to farm 27 floors every week, it's whale territory past floor 12
also basically means you have to use gems to pull for El Cid
shut the fuck up you inbred retard
If you die in the painting, you can keep trying with other units in your book just like Blue Archive raid on Torment (you keep progress on the map)
>have to use gems
well done retard, you've cracked the code.
Not like its the same as halos or anything
Dual element characters are always a huge red flag, either they are OP as fuck or weak as shit due to how hard it is to balance them. I actually haven't seen any gacha could do them properly, they always ended up being meme characters.
>random element damage so half of the time your goblet wont take effect
>random element so you cant use any ofthe good sets on him
>halos are only half as good on him

Man, just when i thought these gooks couldnt get any more retarded.
All it took. All it would have taken, was to give him a passive that says "any increase to fire damage also affects dark damage and vice versa"

Gooks cant even be bothered to translate the game properly, so its safe to say its dead and EOS will be announced in a few months.
unless the color visual of the damage number is wrong, he's primarily shadow damage and he only does fire damage when it's a green enemy
He's basically a better Arin that does not need a fire sub DPS against a stage with both shadow + green enemies
but yeah that's a good point, the fire DPS is mediocre and more a bonus because halo is element-specific unless elemental modifiers work in a funny way

Regardless, Arin is obsolete as shadow DPS now, and Death Crown is also good for stunning the spider since it's with his normal skill instead of having to build up a signature skill
Even big name like Cygames already proudly announced that they will start using AI translation for their oversea stuff.
In like, 2 or 3 more years everything you read, manga, anime sub, games etc. will be done by AI at this rate.
i've actually read machine-translated web novels like a decade ago when web novels weren't popular enough for widespread donation-fed/patreon translators
it'd basically be just machine-translation with a automated proof-reading and localization afterwards

that sounds good if it really becoems decent, there's too many abandoned web novels i still want to read and dont want to learn an entirely new language just to read
Wrong. It is completely random.
fire damage, no shadow
against neutral enemy, it just defaults back to shadow damage, no fire

note the color of the damage
shadow dmg against light, it's hard to tell how much dmg he's actually doing, but it's a bit clearer based on the lifesteal numbers

6.8k lifesteal here, but 4.6k from fire dps >>1512253 so that's probably the difference from shadow dmg modifiers off halo
vs. 2k neutral in >>1512254
What data are you using to conclude that it's completely random
actually nvm the lifesteal numbers are inconsistent too lol
the color themselves are consistent and you can see the bigger fire dps is 150k vs bigger 185k shadow dps
the neutral dps I don't have a good snapshot of the "big number" let me see if I can get a better shot
The difference, retard, is that they dont only use AI, they still have a human proofreading and quality checking

THis slop has neither. which is why you end up with death crown, and the halo descriptions
consistently bad shadow dps against neutral, can't see a big number
> they still have a human proofreading and quality checking
You are funny anon, I give you that.
ai shouldnt need any humans to do most of the job

i have my life savings in a company who sells ai dashcams
The floor 18 boss is actually hard wtf
i got stuck at floor 13 what did you do? any specific grace focuses?
the bosses were huge hp sponges after floor 10 i was chipping it off slowly
I was focusing on damage graces and my characters were hitting like 1 million crit damage autos
I think ignore defense is super important for this mode
For the most part it's just about avoiding damage as much as you can
I don't think there's a timer so just take things slow and play it safe since if you screw up you're eating at least 20% of party wound damage if you choose to close app and restart
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Left the game around Nec's patch, came back after finishing 1.1 in WuWa and dropped ZZZ since it was hot garbage.

Give me the qrd bwos...It's veda saved? I saw that they added Halos (new equipment) and that piggies and spider are now 100% up all the time, anything else I'm missing?
Halo and El cid, which are basically another gear gacha, as if rolling for character signature weapons wasn't enough. And judging from the equipment page, even more should be coming soon.
New P2W PVP mode.
New roguelike mode to for your weekly unskippable mindless grinding.
New monthly login bonus that gives you free random 5* from standard pool.
Also a 5* standard character and weapon selector from the 100 day anniversary.
We really need to start discussing what's the best non limited weapon for people to pick.
Character: Anything you don't have, Eliyar/Sansar/Sarka/Saeya are probably the best options with Albert/Arin/Atti being alright. Edward is probably the worst option, but he's alright if you have Ellen/Veleno built.
Weapon: Arin sig/Hagen stand out since the alternatives are genuinely ass (outside of maybe Ellen using the crafted 4*). Club and shield lacks limited options so Saeya sig/Albert Sig are decent stat sticks with alright effects. Most other weapons have gotten decent options from limited or have good 4* you can aim for. Generally just pick a weapon for a character whose signature you lack and has some combination of crit, ignore defense, atk/def/hp% (based on the character scaling), and a good passive in that order. Always remember 4* can always be better stat sticks due to dupes (unless you whale).
Is Deathflare worth pulling?
Picking a weapon for a specific character right now will probably end up being a mistake since we are so early in the life of the game. You are better off picking your choice out of the best 5* weapons, which probably are Arin's sig or hagen as you said, maybe Aterrises staff as well, with Arin's probably being the best one honestly thanks to the rare stats, and quite easy to guarantee someone good will want it in the future since it's a longsword.
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pretty sure they shadow buffed the 5* rates to make people feel good and stay
That did not feel like 0.2% rates for the El Cid, and the actual banners are also being very generous now
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maybe paid gems have higher rates, I was getting the gem monthly for the last time
How much veda energy do I need for instant signature?
>shadow buffed
No such thing would ever happen, especially if they want to keep their players they would have announced it big and loud in some devs note. You just got lucky.
With all the P2W gear even without being a whale I can auto Veda7 at AL8 now
I can finally stop "playing" this game and just pseudo-sweep like any other fucking gacha
>I can finally stop "playing" this game
Why do you think they design the portrait shit that way anon? Even if you only go up to floor 10, that's another weekly of 50 ish battles you can't really auto and have to babysit your team every floor.
I think you can auto up to floor 5 at least
I got lazy after floor 5 and started going direct routes, but I'm guessing the proper plan is to zig zag as much to elites until floor 10, actually maybe until floor 9 since you don't want to buff the Elden Ring DLC boss against you

>Clear floor 8 of the Tower of Trials
lol this kusoge
I still don't quite understand what DC's ultimate does. As much as I can tell it's an aura that increases the present units resistances and any decreases the enemy ones. I put him on Vagabond now since I can't really see any sets that works well with him. His ult is too slow to make use for Dark so I'll just cope with a 20% boost to Normals.
is it just me or is DC's super seems to be really pointless to level up? each level only improves the damage barely none of the buff/debuff/stacks go up. I'm assuming it counts ticks of flame on the ground for damage but thats only 3s
Most of the normal and signature skills in this game are extremely pointless to level up. The bonus is always like 1-2% higher than the last level. Most of the time I just level the normal attacks and just leave the skills at level 6.
>I'm assuming it counts ticks of flame on the ground for damage but thats only 3s
I don't think it deals damage, just debuffs.
They couldnt even make roguelike mode fun.
>how do we make it difficult?
>just increase the amount of enemies a lot, whatever
>what about the power ups?
>just passives that give you more damage or hp, I really don't care
This shit wont last a year
I never find it fun in any kusoge I have been playing since they all become extremely repetitive after a while.
This one, however takes the cake for being how pointlessly long and tedious it is. And they want people to do it weekly.
yeah if they dont want to burn out the remaining playerbase they need to compress the floors, and make it reset at same time as tower of trials and just 4x the rewards too
When they mentioned it would be 27 floors. I expected it to be something as simple as 27 battles with a boss every 5 floors or something.
They have to go ahead and make it 27 x several tiles each floors, meaning it has over hundred battles you have to do, assuming you can even go pass their whale check floors.
These gooks really don't know what the fuck they are doing.
snowPEAK has a fun rogue mode.
Not fun enough for me to run that shit everyday for a week to clear their shitty box event.
And the permanent one was fucking atrocious to do until they added a bunch of QoL
Because you're playing gookslop, and gooks only know how to do one thing: braindead meaningless endless grinding and P2W
yeah, it would have been fine as a story mode and maybe a farmable/heroes shoes stage like Sealed Prison
I don't know if I should have any hope for revamping this game, because imo the older pvp mode needs to be scrapped entirely too
Thought they were heading into the right direction when the pig/spider thing was compressed down to once a day, but meh they probably had this content ready from years ago and just had the philosophy wrong from the start

can they revamp it before I lose interest in the entire game? I already know I'm not going to do the roguelike stage more than once, I'll just do dailies for gems to pull for El Cid -> less gems for pulling actual characters -> more likely to lose interest in the game

I'll hold on for a bit longer and see if raids + some sort of leaderboard would keep me interested
Good thing you werent meant to, and didnt need to run it every day then, isnt it. Almost as if they know what they're doing,
>Thought they were heading into the right direction when the pig/spider thing was compressed down to once a day
They didnt do that thoughbeit.

How sad, that the one thing you praised the game for, is completely made up.
pigs spiders used to be twice a day
>pick magnus cus he is easy as fuck
>suddenly, 3 fucking adds spamming offscreen hitscan lasers
What the fuck. This is their idea of a challenge? This is just dumb.
HP bloat and swamping you with unlimited spawning adds? Yes. The mutation mode should have tell you that.
The only standard units I don't have is the poison loli and the light tomboy

Is there any point to poison loli when Aurora can probably kill earth enemies faster? Is there any point to Sansar if I already have Aurora?
I assumed the veda energy% was better but the static amounts are actually better
If you have a strong Aurora, there is no point to the rest of the cast. She kills everything regardless of elemental advantage.
I guess Sansar could be useful for the reduce-res summon at least?
Yeah Sansar or Lucian+Aurora is meta.
Am I missing some sort of way to farm EXP mats for haloes and El Cids? If you pull for more EXP mats you just get more gear than you can ever level up
Nope you pull for them atm. It's extremely stupid but it is what it is.
At least try reading my comment before responding.
>give shitcrown for free
>make him as weak as possible
typical gookshit dev behaviour.
Erin kills shit twice as fast, tested on the light prison

He couldve had some redeeming qualities if they made it so he dealt fire damage if the enemy had a dark shield. But they're too retarded for that.
They can't even decide what they want to do with his kit, his signature weapon, halo and el cid are all fucking messy meme tier.
what gear do you have on shitcrown?
i stopped using Arin because his kit is a lot more versatile and useful
he's a DPS that's classified as a "tank" so his charge attack is a guard, his normal skill is basically Arin's signature skill

in terms of raw DPS, i can't compare my arin and desu crown because i put more exp mats into desu crown's halo and el cid (plus the el cid can't be shared between them) so you may be right that Arin may still have better single-target DPS but light prison can full-auto cleared at this point, even veda nightmare at AL8 can be full-auto cleared without being a whale
>using boots still only counts for 1 run for the misssions
disgusting gooks
x2 still doesn't work with hero shoes.
I like how they literally designed everything to not work with them just to prolong your daily grind.
I just saw this game, it looks kinda cool.
>not the usual muh anime art
>story seem fine
>gameplay seem fine
>but then start chekcing reviews and the issues
I am not even going to touch it anymore so I don't start liking a game fated to die early
The art and sunk cost fallacy are the only real reasons people still stick around. The devs are a bunch of morons who have no idea what to do with the game despite claiming they have spent 7 years working on it.
desu reading all negative stuff about the game on the internet, it's feel like AFK Journey all over again but with p2w stuff beucase of the pvp rewards, so it's worse
it's a pity because the gameplay is actually fun

I can tell the new Portrait mode is going to be a piece of shit when I have to redo it all over again for the 4th time or maybe even sooner, but it was fun fighting the boss stages and especially Floor 9
but fuck what went through the devs mind when they were adding useless mob stages to fluff the content. Adding mindless content for the sake of content is so stupid, this whole game needs story content and for the dumb grindy shit to be revamped or cut out entirely

Shit that would turn this game around
>just let you sweep stages with heroes shoes entirely if you have 3-trophies
heroes shoes already effectively sweep 3 runs for you, it's a design philosophy to purposely make you waste time autobattling it instead which was the norm maybe last decade
>sweep pigs/spiders as well
other gachas like Blue Archive let you sweet bounties/scrimmages etc as well I assume they're just copying that 3/3 resource stage format in the first place
>get rid of pvp mode except for the autobattler one
everyone is just afk grinding that shit in the first place

fuck actually the game needs more work because the two gacha gears are hopeless at this point. They could have just made it stages where you can sweep for mats to build over time, but they make you use gems instead when the game already has weapon gacha
Actually this one is unironically hopeless because people will have already spent gems on these gear gacha so you cannot revamp it at this point

Yeah I think I may be quitting soon, but we'll see if raids and new story content will make up for it. You can share the secondary gear gacha between different units at least
Raid probably come with another new gear gacha too. And I have no doubt it will be the breaking point for a lot of players. These devs are simply hopeless and they really think they can bribe players by giving them free 5* every month while demand them to spend more time and money on the game.
just tested this in the light veda's nightmare
Using death crown as my dark DPS lets me clear it a bit under 2 min. Identical time with Arin with lower level halo and el-cid, you're right that Arin would out DPS death crown if built better and played manually
Death Crown was a lot more easier to play, could just steamroll it mindlessly because he's tanky DPS and just charge strong attack without spacing away from enemy because his charge attack is a tank guard. Definitely more forgiving to use in Portrait when the game turns into bullet hell

that said, i just auto-battle veda's nightmare and don't actually play it manually anymore
the free 5* also comes at the cost of logging in almost everyday which is too unforgiving. should have been a reward at day 21 or even sooner
so devs are basically incentivizing you to never stop playing

I believe it entirely when they say the game has been in development for 7 years
The game thinks it can still get away with norms from 7 years ago, then also do last minute changes to copy the worst parts of hoyo games

For now I'm coping with sunk cost since I can play another game while it's autobattling in the background
Let's be fair anon, if they only copied mihoyo shit the game would be a lot more tolerable. The worst part is that they made it worse and combined it with some godforsaken gook MMO mindset from early 2010s.
If they next equip is more gacha, I am quitting. Can't keep up as f2p.
The way they gate exp and lb material behind the fucking gear gacha is the biggest insult so far from this shitshow. This is literally the first kusoge I have played that you have to roll gacha for equipment exp fodders.
I can't even keep up as a double monthly.
it's not just sunk cost keeping me lingering for a bit longer
the 2D ARPG is legitimately fun, it lets you do crazier stuff like teleport skills and whatever which would be nauseating in a 3D ARPG, combat is more fun

though to be fair the gameplay is still pretty bare compared to DFO at its peak, wish that each unit had another 2 attacks, like if everyone had a lift-the-enemy attack like Sorin
that can at least be alleviated/fixed if they gave us more weekly shop currency. Right now you use it all up just getting the pull currency which has a weekly limit anyways. It's not necessary to be stingy with that currency

just make the shops monthly reset too, why make it so tedious and reset weekly
Contrast the negative with the positive reviews anon; you already know people will shit in any fucking gacha they play; every-single-one. Judge it by yourself.
Just stop playing; Its not gonna get any better. Only worse. They'll keep adding more and more pieces of P2W.

Go touch some grass, and then buy or emulate dragons crown
well, I bought the 100 day celebration package and the huge pack of crystals. I like what they are doing here, and reading they are working on Season 2 filled me with hope.
no one asked pig
where is it cheaper to buy the blessing and bundles? Mobile or PC?
Switch to mobile on a Japanese Google/Apple account. You'll be able to purchase things in yen which is much cheaper than USD.

For example, the highest cost pack is $99.99 USD but in Japan it's 12,000 yen which roughly equates to $75.90 - almost a 25% discount. I pity anyone who whales in this game in USD.
>Tanky as fuck with his skill
>Massive toughness damage on skill and special
>Baseline dark but converts to fire if anyone is weak to it
You're not using him right. If anything, it's showing how busted double element units are since they cover 2 weaknesses but only one vulnerability.
The 99$ pack got me DC F2 and Sorin F1. I'm pleased. I'll renew my monthly by 2 months this time. I stopped paying for gamepass, and I think these guys deserve my money way more than Microsoft.
I'm going to record a macro to do my dailies for me holy shit this fucking game

Kusoge with enough good shit + sunk cost fallacy that I'll cope with it and keep trying, but it's really testing my patience
Why set a macro even? If it's just dailies then you just need to run two dungeons. It's everything else that's grating
exactly, I'm going to set up a macro for all of that, even if pigs dont hit stage 4 it's better than not doing it at all

Running veda's nightmare as well, it'll be too hard to use heroes shoes for this so I'll make it do it 40 energy at a time
Full auto cleared veda's nightmare faster than I did.........
>DC F2
is it good? Now that they added signature weapon, signature halo, signature el cid for each unit, I kinda don't want to pull for any new units anymore unless it's a meta blood DPS for Aurora

I wanna just pull for F2 DC now with my gems, then never pull again until whatever powercreep unit we get on 1-year anniversary
How has the game been going these days? Stopped playing before we got the halo shit, got lucky not doing my daily one day and it just snowballed from there. I know we got the pigs and spider without needing to search for them now.
Plenty of free shit, but the catch is that they also add even more gear gacha crap and dialed up the grind with an extremely boring roguelike mode.
Not bad if you are just strictly doing daily for free stuff, but the moment you try to dive deeper into character building you would immediately realize how fucking P2W it is with all the newly added gears.
how much free shit does a new player get nowadays? reroll friendly?
They started the 100 day celebration giving a shitload of free stuff; go and grab your free Death Crown, 5 star character AND weapon selectors and free pulls.
The roguelike mode is really fucking fun, opinions on it vary. It has kind of a permadeath mode and the casual people are put off by it. If before people were complaining that there was nothing to do, now it has shifted to there is too much to do.
Right now with selectors? No need to reroll. Monthly login gives you a free random 5 star as well. It's infinite.
there's no way for me to get the thigh mage??
Aurora is a rerun, so reruns should start happening from now on.
should i roll for her or sorin..?
Aurora is the best DPS right now. Sorin is good for some more advanced stuff but I wouldn't prioritize her unless you just like her more.
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nevermind the game decided for me from the coupon pulls
Sorin is the best support/healer in the game; she gives your characters wound resistance, which is perhaps the most important stat to have when doing the endgame content (portrait.)
Aurora in the other hand is the best single target DPS in the game. Whether she'll be dwarfed by another character is up in the air.

I would do the trials for both and then decide anon. I recommend Sorin over Aurora because damage dealers always end up being phased out while supporters stay useful by way longer.

There is a catch! Sorin's halo is no longer available while Aurora's is still there. But since your account is so young I don't think you could ever even try to get it. Halos is gear for advanced accounts.
>Floor 9 Thierry boss
What the FUCK was that?
i don't know what a halo is, is it important? also do i try to get sorin with whatever i get from doing the story or save it? >>1515966 just got that
You get a Halo selector if you do everything in the event and you can just pick light for Aurora. It's basically some side item that grants you a decent powerboost.
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>pulled Edward
isn't DC better than him? who should I build? I have Andrei and Ardor at F6 but lvl1
Edward's geared more on DPS but DC won't have issues fighting against Fire enemies since he'll hit for dark.
I think I'm going to start shilling this game on /v/. Even if schizos shit it up it will still be free publicity.
I am still not sure which halo to pick from the selector
Just save it for now. Tickets don't expire so pick it if you're using a DPS for a certain element.
Jesas, floor 15 was a trip.

You are going to want to have a DPS for all elements regardless of how easy you thought the game was. This is literally impossible unless you build a roster of all variety as the elemental penalties for trying would be way too much otherwise.

And now? You know? Sorin and Albert are straight up SSS tier. As much damage Aurora can do, she belongs to either SS or S as she doesn't bring anything else to the party. High portrait stages will delete her in a single shot or hit making all that damage worthless. Sorin and Albert? The difference between life and death.
>High portrait stages will delete her in a single shot or hit making all that damage worthless.
This honestly. Only made it to 14 and it's all because DC has been hard carrying me. You need some level of tankiness to survive.
Got filtered at 18 because we STILL don't have a limited blood character.
My Albert sucks I think I gotta farm the def+ relics for him to be decent. HIs statue dies so fast my DPS can barely DPS before it goes back to kiting stage
Don't you have to pick before the event is over? It's not like the purple tickets where you can just save it in your inventory.
Not sure if I should pick Sansar or Arin. I just got Arin's sword in the gacha yesterday, and I will be picking Hagen with the selector since it's the only thing worth getting anyway, so having the right weapon isn't an issue for either one.
Death Crown is overall better than Arin. Even though she has better DPS, DC is a great all rounder. Pick Sansar.
joined the eu guild and one anon has a cool ass water guy with a greatsword man i wish i played this earlier
Yeah my bad, they don't actually give you a ticket but make you select. Just pick the one for your strongest DPS. Also, the weapon selector made me realise that they actually have 2 5* Greataxes already but no 5* Greataxe user. Seems to be crit focused too.
So am I supposed to just keep playing portrait until I lose? That seems like it would take a huge amount of time. What floor did you guys make it to?
Remind me, is it more efficient to dismantle relics or to use them as xp fodder directly?
I don't recall, I think it's about the same but it reminded me that we still don't have a select all 4* options for salvaging right?
Seems that way. Stopped at 14 since it got too annoying and my star units died.
Technically dismantling. It's a pain to do though, so up to you if it's worth it.
Am I the only one that feels this is actually pretty good? It has a pretty great balance of great stats and an ability that helps with survivability. It also sort of enables you to make use of those otherwise useless life steal stats in a CRIT build. Not to mention it's probably great for portrait.
It's made with DC in mind since his weapon is literally like that. Problem is Wounds exist and healing is really easy. I got it for the Crit Chance.

but the QoL update to mass-dismantle doesnt come until who knows when
I just realized you can change your daily missions to a different area
I could have been auto'ing dailies much earlier, didn't need to pick Eliyar from selector either
what does eliyar have to do with dailies
You want Eliyar anyway because you are otherwise fucked from properly doing anything with a dark element
i thought i could only do dailies in the endgame area, but theres a tab to change to other areas if you want

not that it matters anymore when even nightmare at AL8 can be auto'd now
Arin sword or Edward sword? Didn't build any of my char with ignore def stat since that shit keeps getting fucked by Kim.
it's either Arin's sword or Sarka's bow. Pick whatever seems more versatile for your favorite characters.
I'll hold out on that until they announce the next banner which is likely to be Rebecca.
>Sarka's bow
Genuinely nutty effects but I already have 2 copies of Aurora's bow with one at S2.
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who should i pick from the selector?
You basically have most things covered so all up to you. I guess Atterisee for Poison coverage but it's Atterisee.
Is there a list of all the necks and rings from portrait? For some reason I cannot check what the item is before I pick the boss.
I don't think anyone has bothered collating yet but it's available on the collection if you've seen one.
>cannot check what the item is
You actually can. Before entering the boss it shows you the rewards so it's always better to go to the middle path so that you can check both for what they drop. Past 10 or 11, you'll start getting 2 but it's not guaranteed that they'll be a necklace or a ring.
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I keep getting garbage.
>All Res
That's pretty decent. Most necklace substats are defensive really. I think that's even better than Reduced All DMG received.
Albert 100%, he is among the best characters in the entire game for Portrait.
Look your collection book. All sets are in it.
>new poison set
>Atterisee cannot use it despite being the poison master
Devs need to fix this. Give her actual DOT too.
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Forgot pic.
I renewed my monthly after saying I wasn't. I really like what they have done with this game. Keep up the good work gooks.
I'm still a little surprised that they brought back Deathcrown.
is there a guide resource anywhere someone can link? looking to build capecchi for green dps but i'm not too sure where to start and if he's even worth building
thierry guide that most people should be able to clear with
only requires sansar, nec/arin/xan, and dc
link is kinda fucked, orig that u can translate
>Overload stacking
>For Dark
Why Sansar instead of Aurora though.
do we know rebecca's skills?
Ever since Vesti and with DC, they might have changed it from what we've seen.
For the damage buff.
so sorin is a must pull right?
i never fapped to her but i still pulled for her because she's so pretty
my macro to do dailies+spiders/pigs+battlefield keeps getting stuck half the time on finding the F/rewards statue

The macro does a click sweep from left to right in the middle since I can't figure out how to do a key press F that the game recognizes, but the click sweep only works half the time, guess i can copy paste the strings that do work
Anyone else having more success with macro? I'll do a re-record again tomorrow where the click sweep is tighter I guess. Everything else seems to work great, the statue is just the huge cockblock
we are going to need another thread soon, this one is already full>>1492797
This thread could last another half a month here.
Best healer in the game.
I wish pain and eternal constipation to the gooks who came up with 20% wound penalty from redoing stages in that shitty portrait mode.
What happens if you just alt+F4
Doesnt work. You still get the wound penalty.
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I got walled at floor 13 again, that's 1/8th of the HP bar gone after greeding DPS too hard my Aurora (ded)
I guess I should go the shadow boss instead and take Eliyar (but have no built-up halo or El Cid on her so she'd probably be worse than Aurora anyways)
Or fuck am I supposed to treat this like Monster Hunter and just expect it to be a 30 minute battle chipping away the entire time

The only defensive grace I take is the one that gives a shield after using a normal skill, everything else goes to DPS graces
so the static substats (not %) are all shit and basically a brick for each relic EXCEPT when it comes to Veda Energy
the base non-% Veda Energy is actually better

Stamina, Tenacity, etc are shit filler substats you never want to get. Or am I underestimating Tenacity?
Also what did guard rate even get replaced with? Just noticed it's completely gone
Stamina % and base stamina are practically the same. Stamina might have better use with Portrait, especially wit the DPS grace after dashing, and generally just having to kite so much
HP % vs base stamina substat is a 5-fold difference in favour of %. Atk is also massively outclassed by Atk%
Scratch tthat. Stamina base substat is a 2-fold decrease from Stamina % substat
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just got this bow from the standard banner, i instantly leveled it up thinking i got something good until i realized.. it's not THAT much better if at all and if i got some refinements into avelin's bow, wouldn't the 5 star be worse?
just want to see if i'm missing something here
never mind i'm retarded, the 5 star scales insanely well with levels
it's debatable since Crit Dmg is a much better modifier, it goes up to like 30% or something once you get more duplicates of the 4*

I also lost a 50/50 to that 5* bow, feels like a wasted 5*, a character dupe would feel much better
the bow is actually slightly better than the avelin on aurora, since she self buffs with crit chance and crit damage
any other character and i believe a refined avelin would be much better
Anyone who has Aurora without her signature bow needs to pull for it with all their gems now, feels like a huge waste to pull for Aurora but miss half her DPS basically if you don't pull for her bow too

The signature bow is ridiculously strong someone posted a whale screenshot here before who got R6 Bows for Eliyar and Sarkar each too.
Aurora's El Cid is also strong, similar DPS scaling effect
yeah.. i'd rather roll for hot bitches though
I don't have poison loli, why doesn't it work? Veleno and the poison hobo are also ranged
Because Neither Atterisee and Capecchi have actual DOT. The only one who can take full of advantage of that set is Valeno. Poison is the weakest element right now because of how poorly it was implemented. See
Nothing wrong with using poison loli ult/skill to apply the damage taken debuff (in addition to all of the other support effects) and then switching to your main DPS
Guard Rate was changed to Absolute Defense. It's meant to counter Ignore Defense.
Right now PvE don't have AD, but the future content will.
Portrait already has them. Ignore def does little in the higher floors. The optimal dps builds now are 50CritR, 150CritD, 50IgnD, the rest in Atk%. Also bring resistance debuffs.
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I have Aurora F2 R0 and I can't get past floor 13 what am I doing wrong
The age of Aurora is over. The enemies resistances to elements are much higher. If you don't have the right ones, you'll be having +20m dungeon sessions.
What stats do you think the next tunic will have? Not sure if I should level up the CDM one or not
The new meta stat, life stealing chance.
I'm thinking of going back to the CDR one, CDR is so scarce but I feel like you get crazy value on the last bit of increases
Like instacast spells in Ragnarok Online or something
I am afraid that the CDR will be wasted to be honest. On paper though it's a more scarce stat and HP is probably better as well because of wounds. But CDM seems to be more consistently useful.
Also the tunics are going to be the biggest FOMO in the entire game if they don't start putting them in some kind of special pvp shop or something like that.
with +200% crit damage from elsewhere, then an additional +38% on top = 19% increase in damage when you crit, which if you crit half the time that's really only 8% increase in overall damage

CDR of 14% would mean you can cast 16% more normal skills in the same period of time, which for characters like Death Crown, is also big boost to their DPS
I can't figure it out the specifics past this since the skill description is garbage, I just have a visual cue that boss HP bars seem to decrease a lot after Death Crown uses his skills that sometimes I wonder if his normal skill does more damage&tenacity than Arin's signature
**though if you're ainming for 150% CritD if that's the meta now based on >>1519617
then yeah +38% additional crit damage modifier is closer to +25% more overall crit dmg, or +12.5% more overall damage with crits half the time

I suppose the bigger benefit is that other units benefit a lot more from CDR than CritDamage (e.g. Sorin)
Yeah I'm feeling it, or I'm also just heavily underestimating the Earth boss since his strength scales hard. I should just go with mad king Magnus instead, but I'm pretty sure I tried going the Eliyar route last week and still got rekt since I didn't have a leveled blood Halo for Eliyar (have only the 4* and feels like a brick to waste halo mats on those)

Wonder if 4* are even viable for Portrait
all the bosses on floor 20+ are so obnoxious
when are they announcing the next banner?
hello newfag here
i'm around 210 pulls for the halo from the free pulls, do i get dc or aurora's halo? i was going to get dc since from the talks here it seems he is the more useful character and my aurora already shreds shit but i see talks of her not being as good in the new portrait thingy so maybe she needs the boost.. i'm not sure anymore
DC halo skill is pretty much worthless so the only real benefit from it is the crit rate bonus. Honestly I won't bother with it unless you have plenty of gems to spare.
DC halo skill is probably one of the easiest ones for any character to make use of though? And especially useful in this new game mode.
DC halo is a much better one. It's the difference between a dead and alive DC in portrait.
There should be one this week.
I've used Nayan just fine, then again it's just Floor 15.
It's way less effective in that mode because wound is the main problem you will have. And on higher floors you would spend most of your time running around kiting bosses, so even less chance to proc life steal, and one hit from them would take a huge chunk of your HP, most people would just swap to healers to heal back the damage instead of trying to hit back the boss for the life steal proc.
>then again it's just Floor 15.
I can't clear Floor 13
I focused too much on F2'ing Sorin and then F2 Aurora to support Sorin, and now I don't have a poison DPS or a 5* blood halo for my ELiyar to clear Floor 13 with my sanity intact
It is my opinion that every favourite should use their signature weapon/halo/El CId. It's not about meta, it's simply about being in style
Which of the whale packs are better value than the monthly? I'll support the game for a bit longer
I believe all the anniversary packs are worth looking up anon.
no u just fell for the fomo
$5 monthly = 600 gems/1$
$20 monthly = 302.5 gems/1$ if you don't value standard banner pulls, or 542.5/1$ if you really were going to spend 160 gems on those pulls
Similarly, depending on whether you value blue pulls:
$8 100-day pack = 325 gems/1$ or 525 gems/$1
$30 100-day pack = 353.3/1$ or 406.67/1$seem decent
$50 packs are bait since they're just standard banners even f2p will have almost all of them by now

Or don't spend at all because you're just fast-forwarding the progress in the game and you'll lose interest faster
I recommend you aiming for Sorin F2, Death Crown F2 and Aurora F1 anon. Then you can get Aurora's bow, Sorin's S&S and Crown's sword (priority order.)
Why Death Crown dupes over Aurora F2? That F2 basically lets her use the signature skill 30% longer = 30% enhanced DPS
what do i use my weapon ticket on?
I used mine on Saeya. I'd use it for Albert if I didn't already have his 5* sig weapon
If i had another ticket I'd probably get Sarkar's 5* bow since Aurora's OP bow needs to stay on her at all times to defend against pvp losers

If you have no gems to get Death Crown's CDR 5* weapon, then the next best thing (or probably better than DC's sig weapon depending on enemy) is Arin's 5* longsword since it has ignore def + more ignore def on normal skill which is a big part of DC's damage repertoire unlike Arin's where you're saving it for right before her signature skill for DPS (whereas for DC the normal skill is basically equivalent to Arin's signature skill)
uhh after that I dunno, just pick a weapon for whoever your favourite is
I never use Arin or Edward anymore after DC outclasses them both now
Aurora's overall value has decreased after Portrait new meta, AND because Portrait has been buffed in it's second week, putting a higher priority in a balanced roster over hyperinvesting in one. Aurora dies to a rat fart making things even worse for her.
Trying to ignore all of that? Getting her signature up it's really easy since you'll also be running Sorin on her team. No need for it to be all the time up, because on top of it, you gotta keep moving all the time. A stationary moment will kill you from the orgy of monsters in any boss stage.
Sarka's Bow is now the best option after enemies in portrait started getting absolute defense.
how is xanthia nowadays? mid?
prob still the best for farming pigs on auto, but halo/el cid basically makes everyone overpowered for old content
vs weak dark monsters in portrait? Fantastic. The hordes of mobs become way too strong to clean in waves, so being able to control them in a single space is really fucking useful. This is why even characters with crappy signatures like Iris become great in that mode; whatever lets you breathe for a second is welcome.
Nope, their new schedule is one patch every 3 weeks so we won't get anything new until DS banner is gone.
my aurora just gets 1shotted through a full lvl 27 thanatos shield lmao
apparently this week's portrait was bugged and it increased it's difficulty by mistake
Wait what? When did they change this? I guess it makes sense since a banner every 2 weeks is arguably fast.
>Furthermore, to enhance the quality and design of the Knights of Veda, we plan to release new Knights and regular updates every three weeks, starting from the July 11 update.
I think it because they released Veleno ahead of her schedule by 1 week so everything had been out of sync since then.
Huh. Well that's fine I guess but still hate the fact they basically just announce the unit a day before they get released.
DC's halo seems like the best one so far to me. It's just a bunch of raw stats that can be used by anyone instead of some fancy effect that is optimal only for a few specific characters. It is also key in creating some kind of build with high crit damage and decent sustain.
stopped playing during Aurora's 1st banner and reinstalled for Sorin and DC
having fun, will buy a couple packs to support Mr Kim and the crew
is Sorin's signature weapon worth it? i have her using R2 Kisomalos which seems pretty good
also when does portrait reset? i cucked myself by spam quitting and now can't get past floor 3...
Her sig weapon is BiS. She is the best healer in the game and the sword lets her keep the heal up permanently with the right build. Great in pvp, mutation, portrait.
Am I the only one getting completely destroyed just on the third floor of portrait? I am not sure how you guys are even getting up to floor 15.
how do u think

"endgame" is another word for "whale"
it's intended for max-level teams

That said with my roster I can't clear floor 13 because I didn't pull for Veleno. I do have Eliyar for the north path, but I don't have a blood halo
I also don't have the patient to do 30 min battles, at least until the new monster hunter game comes out
I am stuck on Floor 9. My Eliyar isn't great and investing in Andrei fucked me up. 4*s are not strong in portrait. Guess I will invest in Edward and try again next reset.
this week's portrait was bugged making it fairly harder than normal anon, you may be able to climb higher next time
>Guess I will invest in Edward and try again next reset.
You have a free Death Crown

Edward's only use now is as a backup Fire DPS on a 2nd team, or as a fire DPS against plant mana shield since apparently DC's element doesn't switch to fire here
All enemies besides plant-element, DC is just dark element so don't bother investing into Arin yet if you're strapped for resources
>Guess I will invest in Edward and try again next reset.
>You have a free Death Crown
>Edward's only use now is as a backup Fire DPS on a 2nd team, or as a fire DPS against plant mana shield since apparently DC's element doesn't switch to fire here
>All enemies besides plant-element, DC is just dark element so don't bother investing into Arin yet if you're strapped for resources
Whats even the point of dual elements if he isn't even doing fire damage to plant elementals?
Just another half baked, poorly implement mechanic like 90% of this game.
To not completely replace singular elements.
Just started today.
Why the fuck is this game not more popular? I checked out their YT and some of their shorts don't even break 1k views? I don't get it, it's so high quality. This should easily be one of the most popular gachage.
Well that's because it's not high quality. It's predatory whalebait that ranks among the bottom of all gachage. You will also quit after a month.
it had a poor launch
if the game released today as is it would be much more popular
>Three different gear gacha at launch
>more popular
It would dead out even faster since most people would nope at the sight of that crap, and it won't even have the sunk cost effect to keep a few whales stick with it.
Coverage. In fact, I think it's better than what I'd thought they'd do, make them true dual element which makes them weak to both and fucks up fighting single elements. DC auto changing from one element to another as necessary makes him much easier to use.
Atrocious launch. Too many to list but consider that the character guarantee did not roll over previously.
Bad launch, grind heavy start (you're not clearing Portrait as a new player unless you got extremely lucky on your pulls/relics), bot PVP (this is a looping issue, cause nobody actually plays the PVP which results in autofill bots which results in nobody playing PVP), and KR mindset (also applies to grinding, but mainly in the multiple gachas. At least we don't have KR MMO type upgrade BS).
Game itself is very fun and has a lot of potential but devs pissed around for 7 years to drop this is kind of sad, but the game can still save itself if they buckle down and stop with all the extra cashgrab BS.
He only swaps elements if the enemy is specifically Poison. Poison res shield is ignored, and technically gives Edward a niche still while making Veleno DC not a real combo.
>Why the fuck is this game not more popular
People that hate the game will tell you all sort of idiotic reasons why; the ones that got shit luck at gacha will try to tell you it's the rates, etc. None of them have any idea what they are talking about.
The game isn't popular because it's such a niche genre coupled with it being 2D. It also got released in-between big hyped gachas; bad publicity and a bad launch. The game has been steadily releasing more and more updates adding contents, polish and QoL. By it's half anniversary it should be so much of a better game, it's quality alone will attract people. With just 100 days the game added more content than other gachas do in a year.
In any case, make up your own mind about the game anon.
>if they buckle down and stop with all the extra cashgrab BS.
I think you're asking too much for a Korean gacha game.
I can dream, even if futile.
masters of the book it's time to use your battlefield tickets and get the highest rank before server maintenace
What ranks did you guys get in your pvp brackets?
i reinstalled a few days ago and maxxed out at 850
>such a niche genre coupled with it being 2D
retarded nigger
>2D beat-em-up
You talk like DFO wasn't one of the most popular games of the online era
what point are you trying to make, you said it yourself by referring to DFO in past tense since it's been irrelevant outside of korea/china for at least a decade
>irrelevant outside of korea/china
so two of the biggest gacha markets are into it?
you really are retarded
It's so retarded that we can't see what stats the new tunic has before getting it. We are going to have to wait minimally until tomorrow for it.
guess it's time for more compensation
Yeah it's pretty dumb though sometimes people just post what it does anyway. Can't be bothered to get a new one since the current Tunic is CDMG and it's fucking impossible to get mats for it.
Wait, what happened this time?
That's NOT the reason it's not popular. You don't know what you're talking about. The game is not popular because it refused to release PVE content for ages, focusing on PVP shit no one cared about instead
waiting to load 744mb update, the music is so good bros
If only this game was polished better and had better direction
I bullied a real player on my 5th ticket of Battlefield
oh god i feel bad now
>Clear floor 8 of the Tower of Trials

You can redo it to clear the mission anon.
the Sorin banner...
Weird, I just did his trial, and he does fire damage against plant enemies. Could he be bugged?

looks like the next character is another healer
also they're already adding some kind of guild raid

these devs always do the most unexpected shit
>still no new blood character
Genuinely wondering what the fuck is going on.
Sound more like a hybrid DPS-healer char since her heal is based on how much damage she deals to enemies.
>guild event
Finally a reason for me to actually play the game...
Ah yeah another "new" weapon type that is basically just shield&sword/shield&club again.
Add a fucking polearm type weapon already.
Hey, that was the one where her portrait leaked long ago. Also savedCHADS won again. I refuse to pull for Aurora
Hope she works well as DPS so I don't have to bother with Sarka.
>self healing dps
dare i say.. a must pull?
doubful, unless it's another powercreep scenario
"jack of all trades" units usually means worse dps than a dedicated unit
then you have no reason to run it when you can run a good healer and a good DPS instead
Already got an F3 Sarka so more time to save after autism pulling for DC. When is Rebecca coming out even lol.
Nah, you can make any DPS a self healing one with how easy it is to actually get lifesteal. As usual, it doesn't matter when wounds are a thing, unless she somehow clears that too.
>Simplifed Knights Missions
this will ruin my daily macro
>Nobody posted the preview yet
Rip Rebecca. She has been on the arena banner since the very start and we have yet to see her.
She would need an overhaul or something anyway, releasing a new fire tank after giving everyone DC for free is a pretty dumb move.
Maybe, but I honestly feel like DC was always meant to be given for free

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