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Rondo at Rainbow's End reruns next week!
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I like Hai Tien's oath skin
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I like mog
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Get to the field.
I must be true to myself
No, Blucher doesn't count. She has that big smile retard energy. I want Agir but blonde.
Do I have to worry about subs at all in World 15? Is it just super plane hell of World 12 and 13?
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>No, Blucher doesn't count. She has that big smile retard energy.
leaving aside the fact she's not a retard, how is that supposed to be a bad thing? have you sworn war on happiness or something?
it is both super plane hell and sub hell if you engage vs Vanguard nodes. that said, there's a very high chance (like >85%, source: anecdotal evidence) there will spawn enough CV/BB nodes that you won't have to engage them. at worst, just once per sortie
>how is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Not my type.
Eugen was apparently good enough to release Tallin and Agir who pretty similar but they all of course had nearly the same hair color. I just want a blonde one.
Do I want to throw Shimanto and Scylla in the same fleet as the boss fleet or clearing fleet?
I used Brest/Scylla/Shimanto and had no problems for mob fleet.
Who was in the backline for that fleet?
And how did the boss fleet look like?

Bismarck 2/Volga/Independence
it still amuses me that Musashi of all botes was a staple in many w15 mob fleets
her yellow skill is just too good. I've seen people do it with Soyuz too, but mine is at safe now so it isn't really a fair comparison.
How many AA Radars on for the aux equips?
Should I use Shimanto's gun on her or just give her a Seattle gun?
Should Scylla have a DD gun or CL gun? Same for San Diego.
What gun was on Bismarck, HE?
Did any of the healer CVs have any auxes like those ones that increase take off speed?
Guess I might as well ask, what guns on Musashi?
>Guess I might as well ask, what guns on Musashi?
iirc I was using the purple twin 410mm
Also, will sextuple bofors suffice or do I really want that UR AA gun?
60 electronics is a fucking hefty pricetag but I can make several.
Just the regular HE one or the gear lab one?
>How many AA Radars on for the aux equips?
I didn't use any
>Should I use Shimanto's gun on her or just give her a Seattle gun?
I think that is the triple 150mm? If so yes, it gives more AA
>What gun was on Bismarck, HE?
I ran the 457
>Did any of the healer CVs have any auxes like those ones that increase take off speed?
Yes, all of them ran one beacon

They probably are talking about the 410mm kai from the gear lab.
I bet it does, not as tanky but her barrage just erases everything. Kearsarge worked wonders for me with her absurd fighters, salvos and barrage
Twin 410mm Kai always. Yamato gun is too damn slow, her real damage comes from the barrage foremost
rule of thumb is (eh?)sex boffors on your AA DPS botes, UR AA on botes with lower AA stat/eff so it acts as an accelerator while still contributing with some good damage. Twin 90mm 1939 is a good alternative to this
Any special equips on the frontline then? Or will the usual combination of torp bulges/rudders + toolbox work?
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what would lusty's bedroom look like?
She strikes me as a noblewoman, so a noble's bedroom?
A secret skk shrine hides in her closet, it has a collection of skk sneak nudes taken by Glasgow.
Do you know when they will announce the anniversary contests? I want to see if there is drama again
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part of what i did for the survey
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Alright 15-1 turned out pretty simple after all the questions. The first two stages tend to be pretty simple.
What nonsense does 15-3 introduce? Do I need to radically change my fleets for those or what?
Oh wait, guess all the hubbub at the start of the map is probably what's going to start happening in 15-3
They add one extra wave to every enemy encounter
besides >>1493131, 15-3 introduces subs on Vanguard spawns and an extra boss, and they debuff you upon clearing (-30% damage dealt and +30% damage taken, but only affects one fleet at a time and is disabled on clearing mode). 15-4 has 3 bosses in total, so you should cycle between fleets vs them
I should warn you that 15-2 boss is rather annoying, both their planes and their salvos hurt like shit and you should save airstrikes to clear them
I wrote about how the base models should be less revealing in mine as well
Her health pool plus synergy with Hammann II (-55% damage received) just makes her the best flagship tank while dealing huge damage. Another surprise W15 that quite a number of CN players use is Impero, damage redistribution while dealing really high damage that she regularly got MVP when I tested her out.
>-55% damage received
it's ackchyually multiplicative, not additive, so 47.5% (still a fucking lot of damage res). I actually wanted to test these two with Ticonderoga's 3rd skill (55.375% total) for the laughs, but I didn't have enough cog arrays for Tico and I got Houstsu fairly quickly anyhow
she's truly brilliant after all
Managed to kill all the fleets in 15-2 on my first run. The Shimanto + Scylla combo is pretty fucking strong, especially with two healers.
It also feels good to use my ringed botes for clears now.
I’m hoping Brests FS is amazing
Where the fuck is Agir's FS
probably not until either JP anni or CNY, its not like there is any real pressur for gote fatesim since she hasn't really been powercrept by this point
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lv8 Wichita and I already know I'm going to hate this fight, fuck those chains
Agreed, getting flashbacks from stuff like the ugly sisters META or Arizona META's clouds
>stupid chains and subs capable of downing your backline in 3-4 hits
>AIDS fart clouds whose real AoE is disconnected with the cloud gfx and would randomly spawn right where you are
>now this
what's with their fetish for chains and clouds locking you to death, fucking hell
I need a secondary gun for Krohnsdadt and I don’t have any SR CL guns that slot in there. What’s the best one to build in the gear lab? I see there’s an iron blood one that costs like 20 more metal than the comparable CL guns for other factions.
If you want it asap, craft this one
Otherwise farm this from the War Archive
who keeps putting shipgirls in cheshires outfit
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a blessed soul, I'm sure
My boss fleet is
>Anchorage/San Diego/Plymouth
and I think Bismarck is the only one doing any real damage to bosses. I've got UR planes on my CVs but Indy is mostly there to stop planes from polluting my screen with quicker loads while Volga is mostly healing. Should I sub someone else in?
Are you actually having problems killing the bosses? if not its fine.
It's just coming a lot closer to the wire than I thought. 15-1 was a cakewalk but Ise and Hyuuga in 15-2's shots are raising the detection gauge a lot faster if I'm not specifically wiping their shots with CVs.
So I'm just worried going forward with 15-3 and 4 later on.
I'd just leave it as is until you run into a problem. Hyuuga fucked me up too when I did it originally.
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if it works, it works. btw, if Independence is getting MVP time and again, that means she's doing her job pretty well
yeah, 15-2 boss is a pain in the ass. I'd even say they're harder than 15-4 final boss (and they're still kind of a pain) just on account of their salvos, so you're good
How bad is Foch Meta? She makes my pp VERY hard which is usually a sign she's worse than a common.
META's aren't that good in general.
she's good for my dick
as a rule of thumb, METAs aren't actually meta. that doesn't mean they're bad, some of them are actually quite alright (like Renown, Rodney and Helena), just that they're outclassed
exceptions are Jintsuu being good for torpautism and both her and Fortune being excellent for memevp, and U-556
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Wonder if the end of the month event is going to be the event they pulled Carl from, and if they are going to slot Anson into it.
Will Anson (?) be a proper sub this time? Will they actually release an Anson that looks more in line with the other KGVs?
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I hope they reuse the design for a sub, it would fit perfectly for one. As for BB Anson, I am not sure what to expect, I have a feeling they will play it safe but I hope she at least keeps the hair color and de shelved look.
given they completely removed her and did an emergency swap instead of a few edits like they did with Peter, its probably safe to assume her design was just completely redone, no idea if they will ever reuse the design they probably got forever spooked by it
It's a change I'm actually for.
Blue Hair Loli Anson would have been a design I wouldn't have batted an eye too but they just had to preview her as the final KGV sister.
The body type was one thing but blue hair? At least keep it closer within the same color spectrum
Purple METAs are usually at least slightly better than regular purples, I know anything that isn't UR territory is considered bad nowadays but purple METAs are actually easy to raise and are pretty nice before you get the big hitters
nicholas... please come home...
for me it was the swimsuit default instead of a proper KGV class outfit, a few weeks ago somebody posted a pic of og Anson with a similiar uniform and she looked far better
it's the entire combo
>blue hair
>fake moustache
>crocs and floaty ring, which made her look like a joke character
>intro on jp twitter further consolidated her as a joke character
>among KGV class
rather not see this abomination again, desu I just hope everyone involved with this got demoted or fired
good luck bro
I'm just missing Isuzu, I'll get back to farming her once I'm over 400k coins after Rondo
It's pretty tough to not just use the ones you like especially now with a wide selection of equipment. There's 3 choices of UR CA guns, UR torpedoes can be crafted if you really want them, UR AA guns can be crafted. At safe 13-4 and 15-1 can be fully cleared on auto with just a single fleet. Just don't bring them to the tougher maps or surrounded with others that can't really carry the fleet.
Granted, Anson was a bote I actually had expectations for, just because she's the last KGV. I don't normally do but blue haired Cherino just wasn't it
And I fucking hate Cherino too
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i really thought it was going to be an april fools thing. i still want to know what they were thinking
i literally only have a problem with Alsace' chest ribbon for some reason, Mogador is pretty much naked under the cape but somehow I forgive her design, very weird how i judge
The cloak in itself is really all-encompassing.
The ribbon is like the only thing between her neck and chest for Alsace.
I wonder what the long term consequences on future character designs will be now, I said in a previous thread that Manjuu might have taken the wrong conclusion if they decide that it was because they got too carried away with being lolicons and cut down on outright loli designs in the future, rather than that it wasn't about the loli per se, it was about not taking the KGV class name seriously
Was there enough time between the incident and Martyrium's release to look back over their plan for that event and switch out designs and alter the commissions for CGs and other illustrations if they felt they must?
speaking of lolis it occurred to me that the DDs we got for 2024 were very much lolis, almost comparable to Mutsukis in some cases (i still seethe about Ognevoy being a loli), and then for the first new botes after the Anson incident, Fleuret and Epee don't seem quite as “loli” at least to me for a DD, closer to “petite” moreso. This all makes me look back on the early 2024 lolis more critically but idk
I vaguely remember people posting >>1494183 in response to Anson's preview announcement so I really hope they got the message that people disliked her design for being radically different to her sisters and not entirely because she was a loli.
When the hell are they going to add a UR Fighter.
I hope someday
PR6 didn't have Kearsarge's planes, so maybe they'll be added in a future gear lab update like the Prototype Spearfish.
Might as well simply told them ur gay bro.
We will only know in future events if more petite-maybe-former-lolis botes appear, i don't think that might be the case.
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don't bite
UR jet along with sex ret, trust the hopium
Tell Sara to stop being greedy. I expect them to come out with Lexington though. Krauts were the ones messing with siren tech, so I’m surprised they haven’t shown any yet.
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yeah, I bet it's gonna be Lexingtsu or Alaska this christmas... or both. maybe events will cycle between 1 and 2 URs per, moving forward
>Tell Sara to stop being greedy
bratty shitcan needs prank correction
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I still think burgers are getting EN anni with CN anni going to them next year.
stop bullying me wife
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Not quite it, aim for gold!
patch notes stated right after the rerun a new IB event will happen, likely a raid event or something along those lines
It said SP event, aren't those the ones with the mini map like Impero and Foch?
Yeah, just like Impero’s event
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Dear Commanders,

The 6th Anniversary of Azur Lane is approaching!

As we draw closer to the celebration, more details will be unveiled on our special anniversary website. Stay tuned, hop aboard, and get ready to celebrate our 6-year journey together!

Visit here: azurlane6th.com

Thanks to the artist 藤ちょこ (@fuzichoco) for creating this amazing artwork~
Cute gote in the window
this better be the cowgirl skin theme
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I love big hats
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same. even better if there's a shipgirl wearing it
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RIP anime-only Hornet swimsuit hat
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>kron, gote, shinana
>nothing but rainbow botes aboard the 6th anniv train
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Pasta hat
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hat lane
Is 15-1 a viable place to farm for gold before events now?
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if it's exclusively for gold, 13-4 is still king. going by https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Chapter_15, 15-1 isn't worth it, and 15-2/3 should approach 7.2 gold/oil
I haven't touched 13-4 in forever.
I wonder if I can fully auto it now.
1 healer on main (carriers, Rupprecht/NorCal) + healer (Brest, Jeanne), AA carry (too many to list) or both (Shimanto) on vanguard and Perseus+barrages on boss fleet should do the trick quite easily
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we need bigger hats
nicholas... this isn't funny anymore. your mother(s) and i are very worried about you
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shhh, she's sleeping
who is the mother(s)
So the enemy fleet compositions changed for 15-3 where the easy recon fleets have subs now.
Do I throw in DDs in my fleet now or just avoid recon fleets?
throw in a few dds, if your have raffey tsu put her in the mob fleet and give her an edgehog and you will be good
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I can barely kill lv14, and using anything but a CB in the frontline is suicide
this fight is so AIDS
If I'll be able to consistently get 75 points on the assists, that will be good enough to me.
And maybe I'll manual my own showdowns.
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>my wife Jamaica actually got an augment
Time to ride
i was gonna draw a shipgirl in an action pose and now i can't remember which one
which action pose were you going to do
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i was gonna look through some refs... maybe venato using her sword?
i still need to finish this eugen so i guess i'll come up with something by then
Tired of the shitposter on /alg/ shitting on frogs every thread, and I worry that some lurker will believe him, then tell everyone else off of 4chan
I doubt any lurker will believe him simply because he makes it blatant he is samefagging hard, this is especially true for somebody who would unironically use websites like reddit or discord were they soon realize said shitposts only exist on 4chan, the real shame is the fact mods allow him to make 100+ posts of him talking to himself
"Manjew" was a word he made up and he's the only one that used it, but he spammed it so hard and consistently for years that people started to think it's just regular thread culture, making it hard to discern if posts using that word is the usual spam or genuine criticism
Unfortunately it does work and it will happen until mods do something, /alg/ stuff should be left in /alg/ though, don't bring it here
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that's such a terminally online thing to worry about
who cares about the schizohell that is current /vg/ anyways
15-3's mobs were tougher to beat than Zuihou, poor thing.
It's not going to work, the samefagging is so obvious
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I tested Soyuz vs level 15 Wichita META and found her kinda lacking
All shooties were LV125 and using the MK6 at max level
you're neither buffing Soyuz nor CVs with that setup, idk what you're gunning for
and how the fuck did your Hindenburg deal less damage than everyone else?
Yeah I have no clue how your Hindy did barely more damage than Azuma especially with Bismarck in the fleet
>you're neither buffing Soyuz nor CVs with that setup
Nah, Soyuz is getting buffed. Her condition is 2 BB, and she herself is one.
I wanted to test Soyuz' performance in a vacuum by comparing her against Biszwei, by using the same weapon for both, i wanted to do that test much earlier but my Soyuz wasn’t fully levelled or skilled at the time and I forgot about the idea until now
Hindy was using AP and not HE in the screencap but that wasn’t the point of the post anyway
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she's finally mine, bros
Isn't soyuz barrage AP?
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it does well vs light
Most UR BBs barrage are of non-standard types with personal efficiencies.
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I'll have to settle for that. literally any other setup than CB up front and rafi with elite damage control aux just won't make it, and there's no way BBs would outdamage these three vs Light
can't help but wonder if it's even possible to KO this one without using Helena. maaybe if I had a second Skyraider for smartsex
>and there's no way BBs would outdamage these three vs Light
Without Helena is pretty much a premium for oaths
well I'll be damned
gonna try that setup tomorrow
Collabs get announced during JP anniversaries and they usually debut on November right?
new IB bote
thats how it usually goes
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The EN version is so tiny
>long hair
IB has the market cornered on the black haired beauties
It's another raid/clear a SP stage 60 times next right?
its like Imperos event from what I recall
They announced 2 ssrs so far, so it's either a Raid or a mini event like Impero/Virtual Tower.
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Snek boat when.
man, I couldn't come close to replicate this. now, I have just one bani gun at +13, but it's not enough to bridge the difference (300k+), and then this same vanguard just melts on auto. this guy is both doing more and taking less damage and I can't figure out why. what the hell?
has anyone else tried this comp?
forgot to mention that I did not oath bis2, Mogador or Plymouth
Is Mogador good for 15-3/4's sub clearing?
Or is she more World 14's speed?
you could try her, but keep in mind her AA stat is pretty meme
>AA stat is pretty meme
Yeah that's what I was worried about. I was just wondering if her offensive capabilities would be enough to offset it slightly if she had help with some good AA botes deployed with her.
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>Our Private "Study" Session
>Oh, Commander? It's a pleasure to see you. Umm, I'm currently going over some... "extracurricular studies."
>HMS Illustrious is changing into her new L2D attire. She will grace your dock in the near future, Commander.
Is Illustrious preparing to be impregnated and become a mother or is she going to make me into the Yakuza 2 guy?
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i think the answer is both
This skins short better have some kissing
bro, your lusty-chan daughter?
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You'll need all 3 NJ guns at +13. I'm not sure about equipment on the vanguard since it's not shown but I'm guessing there's a pearl on someone and Damage Control is on Guam.
There's also the setup posted here, claims it has a 70% 1 shot rate and some setups in pic.
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i didn't have her at the time but i'm really glad i got this skin
that's really helpful, thanks
yorck sex
I'm expecting headpats.
I really hope this is just a mom skins and not toddlercon shit
toddlercon is like being a lolifag but toddlers instead of lolis. the hell are you talking about?
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well shitcan? why can't she?
I value my life
new chunni dd
Another one?
designed for buttstuff
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a cute
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New sub, U-31.
after 500 years, DoY of YoY skin
DoY got a RQ skin
Where the FUCK is the KGV skin?
do you think we'll get a lucky bag this time?
i want to get more gems but won't buy the regular gems because i spent my 2x stuff
Yes, I think that there will be a lucky bag.
The only times they don't release a lucky bag is when they put up for sales only a very small number of skins like 4 or less.
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Thanks for posting this
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cute bote
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>these expressions
>ask drawfag for a DoY picture
>get skin too
I am blessed.
ask for KGV or Brünhilde next
>inb4 yet another Brun loading screen instead of a skin
is drawfag taking part in the art contest, btw?
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Taihou's expression is fucking great
Noone's hitting my boss :<
What's a good aux set-up for Homura?
another skin
i think im in love
A pole-dance set-up with a flip off a seated position?
What is this girl and what is this spunkiness?
I don't get if she has permanent heart pupils or they're triangular shaped.
Eldridge got a skin
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...now that you mention
I thought they were heart pupils all this time
yup https://twitter.com/azurlane_staff/status/1804786470726860948
normally I wouldn't mind it, but she just got an oath skin. are they stupid?
she is one of nepotism man’s botes
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somehow I forgot about that
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sister sara is cute.
but i'm sure you already knew that
>Peter Strasser
>now Saratoga
what's with the age regression
in all fairness Sara was always a child in all but name as scene with chan events having her part of the chan group
former two wasn't intentional but sara is for the jokes
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teeth inspection day
New Jersey is single-handedly turning me into an ass-man.
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Her stern is amazing, but lets not forget her bow either.
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>glorious DON JUAN
>rock I'd love to live under
>cuties in the background
manjuu nailed it
Cute, we need more botes with split tongues though
I unironically really like the Azur Lane plot. I like the consistent theme of "friendship and cooperation between nations can conquer anything", feels almost impossible to find anything optimistic these days.
I still find the serious dialogue really disconnected to how everyone acts at port/homescreen. This might be more of a localization issue though. Plus the plot has only recently become a bit more readable but I still think the plot being conveyed only during events just isn't the right move. Main story updates for other gacha games are definitely less frequent but the fact that no specific faction can have a consecutive event also fucks up the pacing. I think having these multi-national plotlines is sort of fixing that issue though I guess.
Hate to be THAT guy too but BA's story is all about letting kids be kids and do stupid but still hopeful and optimistic shit.
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Scylla ASMR soon, I guess
my dick
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opinion discarded
He said almost impossible so I was baited into giving a response.
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ugh... fine, i'll buy
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>C-Commander... Do you want to practice this, too... ?
well, this might have been worth the wait
This is the most explicit they have gone isn't it
>brings up the game that copied another game instead of the game it copied
No one really played the actual shonen kino that is Princess Connect huh, guess that's what happens when you deal with Crunchyroll
Agir's skin also does it
Really? I didn't know
Is the 3% damage dealt a good talent?
it's basically the best
You want that on every cat
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the amount of people bringing BB AP guns vs Wichita just because she's a CA is something else
I mean, I was convinced long ago that most people playing this game are gorillas just by checking showdown fleets, but still
You'd be surprised at how bad the average person is at playing games. Even with things as basic as that.
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jp patch notes
from the looks of it (MTL'd btw), it's going to be a special event with battle and story mode (like From Zero to Hero) with consecutive sorties (like Frostfall)
moreover, Action Report: Operation AF and Triple 152mm MK-5 (this https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Triple_152mm_(MK-5)#Type_3-0) added to Core Shop, and some new additions to sleep mode
>can check on/off automatic dialogue lines while on sleep mode
>can set a timer (1, 3 or 10 minutes) before it switches to sleep mode
i bring bisko2 and alsace with twin 457s because im too lazy to equip them with baniguns, deal with it
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Why you gotta call me out like this man...

In my defense I only learned different guns have different armor modifiers semi-recently.
I forgot to mention, some Playground thing that should work just like Onsen (+10 extra morale/hour)
god bless, I can level my botes easier.
I'm too lazy to change teams, let alone gear.
another thing to note is they seem to specify new equipment and new botes after next maint which might mean PR7 willl be after this event
PR announcements are typically in July so that lines up.
yeah, I expect this event to last the usual 2 weeks and PR7 to be implemented on july 11
I'm usually excited for PRs but I'm not really feeling it this year for some reason, hope I get a pleasant surprise
PRs have become a lot less special ever since they had multiple events that were nothing but paper botes
while Kearsarge and Shimanto are among my botewives, I share the sentiment. the PR6 reveal last year was a complete disaster. erratic announcements, jp and cn desynced, IB eating two slots because fuck you and Kearsarge was a complete mystery until patch notes announced her before any official post (and then her base art was unfinished)
I hope they won't fuck up big time again
Just make em blonde.
They won't, but I can dream.
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wrong game buddy
Brest is the culmination of my blonde PR dreams.
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For me it's PR3.
5 > 4 > 6 > 1 > 3 > 2
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the fuck, are you me?
>tfw on high hopium that one day they'll give Drake the augment she deserves
actually I'm blind, I read "3 > 1" instead. I guess you're not quite me
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>Drake Augment
What would she feasibly need to be strong? She's a CA in a world of CBs and her own healing attack doesn't seem all that great.
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An augment won't save Drake meta-wise unless it both ups her damage output to Hindenburg level or better AND makes her tankier or adds some good utility.
Just give her a new good skin.
Can Drake even be augmented? She had 2 skills and they got both their "+" with FS5.
Drake will be the first bote with “++” skills
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that's partly why I'm high on hopium, cause I know it'll never happen. I don't think she has ever taken part in any event to begin with and she might be among the botes with the least oath lines (just 4), with just one skin nearly 4 years ago. she's as forgotten as it gets.
oh but I can't wait for yet another Hermione/Grozny skin
Either that or her All out Assault, I guess
imagine drake being the first rainbow ship to get a rainbow rarity augment and still be shit lmao
the saddest thing is that I cannot rule this out
my wife deserves better
At the very least I hope that they'll try to give her a pseudo extra gun like with Sandy.
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I hope Carl gets her own ASMR track someday so I can hear my German mommy in bed.
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How harder is 15-4 compared to 15-3? I'm feeling like I should swap out Independence for another healer.
Zuihou doesn't really do a lot so I feel like survivability matters just a little more than damage dealing.
mob enemies are essentially the same as 15-3, just with a couple more levels to their name
first boss (Zuikaku) is easy, second boss (Wakatsuki and Hatsuzuki) is slightly harder, last fight (Zuikaku as boss, other two as minions) can be hard. they actually do a fair bit of damage to your vanguard and it gets worse after you kill both DDs
So would it be better to have another healer around?
I managed with Aquila as healer (would've used Volga if I had her) and SanFran in the middle, so I think it's doable with just 2 healers total. 3 would be overkill imo. I also wouldn't ditch Independence, her planes are just too good to intercept
I did swap Aquila back to preload mode after hitting safe mode though
you could be a madlad and swap whatever BB you're using for augmented NorCal, see if the healing pays off the damage loss. just don't blame me if it stinks, though
I think it's because Volga heals on a timer that I'm not noticing the heals when my screen is full of planes to notice it happening compared to Unicorn and Aquila's heals that are happening as soon as I press the air strike button.
I could use San Fran, although I have no idea how tanky she is.
I do have her fully kitted out. I was also considering Honoka too because she also heals per salvo.
Oh but for reference the fleet I'm referring to is
>Bismark II/Independence/Volga
>Anchorage/San Diego/Plymouth
So it only has one dedicated healer
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so does forming an advice fleet just go off of the highest power?
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oh no bros, i've been exposed
>it has taken botes this long to realize
haha dummies
I knew I shouldn't have used that excuse when trying to touch her thighs
it'll take them twice as long to realize there weren't really any flies either
did you guys get any new skins?
i bought the bag and got the lusty l2d
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local hot bote BULLIED by a child
>that nickname
when was the last time they gave unique nicks on juu to new botes? I'm glad they're doing this again
Real helena showing the new stalker who's the lead of the pack.
>META fleet suddenly starts consistently doing 10-20% less damage after a maint
Not the first time this happened either...
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every EX challenge should be this format, I love it
I'm sad that they don't show a result screen with all the ships that participated in the fight
holy shit she really got fucking dunked on, that's a lot of spite from lena
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you know you're dumb when Guam had to point something out for you
poor girl
>z47 and liverpool are dumber than guam
what being terminally online does to a skkfucker
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or blue? also cap or no cap
both are fairly good well done
white and cap fr fr
blue and cap imo
This one, feels more Naval
it appears every bote nowadays goes commando
I have asked Bristol to investigate the matter
>more Naval
ww2 US Vice Admiral uniforms were brown as well. There is more variations across navies than just pure white uniforms. just saying.
speaking of which has anybody made a guide and the various naval uniforms fo ww2
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i tried to use ww2 ijn uniforms as a guide
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thank you U-31, you are my greatest ally (after jewcat)
I am happy they started doing special names on juustagram again
same, it's a nice touch
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A new month arises and with it another set of OS chores.
I hope one day they do a few more reworks for OpSi, at the very least make it more rewarding to do
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chuunautists, assemble
>think Z43 is cute
>don't like chuunis
hard life
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>is taihou in uniform appealing to you, shikikan-sama?
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yes, botes in uniforms are great, thanks for doing these
cute birb, also checked
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Married this cute pasta today. Heard she is very fertile.
I'm hoping the EN anni is western theme'd like the website and not sports stuff again.
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another one bites the pasta
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>no thighvitr for me
it's over
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Happy launch day to this wholesome boat
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happy launch day
it's ok anon, you have 9 more days, you can do it
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I've gotten every girl except her. I don't want the stupid lolis.
Never mind just pulled her :)
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>check her splash art on koumakan wiki
>mfw her right hand is gone
this is so cursed
Fully limit breaking la temeraire u does not give iris libre tech points apparently? That’s disappointing. Wasn’t sure since she lists as iris libre when you sort.
none of the muse botes give tech points even if they are listed under their faction
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The latest information from Enterprise arrives——!
"Priority Research Series 7 will be available soon! Stay tuned, Commander~"
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it's kinda late, but
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i wonder if she can fly with those wings?
>glides behind me
>kidnaps me then carries me to her rape dungeon
dark alleys are the least of my issues not that I mind
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>【Counterattack Within the Fjord】
>"Counterattack Within the Fjord" event will be permanently available in War Archives after the next maintenance.
>Stay Tuned!
I pick Aegir as my pool date.
Kearsarge my beloved
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Expectations for PR7? I wonder if this time we'll get a batch without a KMS ship.
not much beyond the already stated pasta ca dr, and while I do think its time for the krauts to get a break from prs since they had multiple paper events by this point, I doubt it will happen
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burger event for en anni?
I heard some speculate its Indiana
I hope pasta DR is actually good
>without a KMS ship
doubt that'll happen but it's about fucking time
not gonna expect much, after Suffren last year
The previous two EN teasers were Elites, I wonder if that's the case again.
For AA guns, should I prioritize the boats with high AA stats for the good guns (I only have two sextuple bofors...) or give them to boats with low AA to help "pad" them?
Basically you give high damage AA guns to botes with high AA stats and AA guns with fast reload to botes with low AA stats.
On backliners you use STAAGs/Hazemeyers for the accuracy bonuses and fast reload (BBs have priority for them),
When you don't need AA and additional accuracy bonuses for BBs you minmax for damage with https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Twin_134mm_AA_(QF_Mark_I)
See https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl/#/home
there's no way this is a purple
MECHA lane ftw
That rigging looks like Guam's, probably an Alaska class.
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Admiral Nakhimov
we also got Nap
I like both, Nakhimov has a easy skin in being catwoman in a “superheros” theme if they ever go with that
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>vodka DR
very nice, I like the theme
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>barely hiding anything
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>When the battle starts, if this ship is your Flagship: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 5% (15%); if NOT your Flagship, decreases DMG taken by the ship above your Flagship by 3.5% (8%). When this ship fires her Main Guns: 50% (80%) chance to fire a special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level).
Does this apply to Odin, since she's technically in front of the flagship?
those are nice wings
That's ruppretch's skill, right?
My guess is yes, but only as long as you put Ruppretch in the bottom backline slot and Odin in the top backline one in the fleet composition
It works just based on the backline slots.

2 - above

1 - flagship

3 - below

So if you put Odin in the second slot it will be applied to her. If you put Rupprecht in the second slot it then her skill will be applied to herself.
nip pr bb revealed
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>another chocoboat for burgers
High quality pasta milk
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fuck me lads, this batch is looking great so far
at this rate I won't know who to research first
I was going to do Napoli first but >>1506377 is making it tough
>funny horsegrill
Finally i can fuck horsegrill without worrying about Kiryuu.
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kot tits...
more like kot everything
can someone explain to me why a dr has five expressions but a purple loli has like fifteen
Sovlless kincora mass production vs sovlfvl purple bote artist
Hair too short
Now we're talking
Nice but that's really tame for a design

Would have been nice if Napoli was blonde but damn, two green hairs in one PR series?
Blonde is generic tho, i rather have her darkskinned and with brown hair instead of the same blonde. you dont get bored?
>you dont get bored?
Not with so much white hair
>Pasta isn't white headed
Thanks Manjuu.
you guys say that, but this game has turned me into a whitehairphile and I also love AL for it
>Hakuryu + Shinano
For a full Sakura fleet, are there any main fleet ships who would outperform Nagato here as flag?
I'd be hurting if I ringed my favorite white haired botes
Unzen was who got me into this game. First girl I wifed as soon as I could afford a ring on my meager captain salary.
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Musashi especially against heavy. Past meta fights had Shoukaku along with those 2 as well for a full Sakura CV
Wew laddy that skill, no idea how I never noticed that until now.
among white hairs
>oathed both Yorktowns, Scylla, Drake, Albion, E, Shimanto, VV, Guichen, Marseillaise and Kearsarge
>bought skin for Albion, Kearsarge, Aquila, Jade, Tosa and Elbing
>still a bunch others among my favorites
god I love silver/ashen lane
>hello mom, yes this is my future wife william halford
she is pretty cute
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in dire need of anal correction
top left is when it goes in the wrong hole
for some reason her design is really clicking with me
like a little burger dino or something
>Russian CV
>Italian CA
>Japanese BB
>American DD
So is it the obligatory German PR that's next?
probably, but I'll never stop clapping it it's from any other unlisted faction
yeah I was confused to since she was an actual ship, from what I was able to gather the wow version just went more into the plane ability where the irl one removed the catapult in 43, we haven't had something like this since the first pr season
It'd be weird to have a French PR after two URs.
Doesn't that just leave the bongs?
bongs and chinks
>German CL with DD guns
IIRC Germany has none, so would be a nice addition.
It will be a battleship, isn't it
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Oh fuck, she's blonde
Dreams do come true
Now to hope she has a cute personality.
>no German PR
Impossible. It can't be happening
That's a big sword
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For you.
>censored armpits
She's cute. None of the new PR ships drove me wild but they're all alright.
>no ironblood
So the impossible do happen sometimes.
CN gonna CN.
Are we going with 5 or 6 ships with this new PR batch?
We'll finally get French fleet tech, I can feel it in my baguette
I wish they would just give fleet tech trees to the rest of the minor factions, and possible add more levels for the major ones
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Lovely holy baguette
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Unless there's a surprise 6th ship, this is it.
Seeing Bayard finally made me realize why I don't like Alvitr and anyone with a similar body type, they're all too fat
Hello Implacable, nice to see you ascending to a French angel.
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>all botes revealed in time, no schedule fuckup like PR6
>four lovely ladies and a cute loli
>possibly no KMS unless they're releasing a 6th after 5 years
loving it
while I do like big thighs, I can see where you're coming from. for me, tits like Albion's, Theseus's or Scylla's are still very fine, but I also like when they're more modest on the size, like Constellation (default), Royal Oak or Bayard. huge tits like Kashino or Hindenburg are comical, they unironically make me giggle on sight (not derision, just "lol huge tits"), and fail to get me hard
French > Russian > Italian > American > Japanese
My build order for PR7
French > pasta > idk
Napoli > Nakhimov > still deciding between Bayard and Daisen > Halford
maybe dive/torp bomber UR? I just hope it won't be another CA UR
Napoli or Nyakhimov, depends on whos lines I like better
Napoli or Nyakhimov, the one i don't do first
Halford > Daisen > Nyakimov > Bayard > Napoli
I think from what I heard wow players say, its more likely we will get a rocket fighter UR, I just hope it can intercept if thats the case
keep in mind we may not get lines in alg wiki for a couple hours (or a day, if we're unlucky)
I'm stealing that nickname
>rocket fighter UR
that would make this my favorite PR line
>keep in mind we may not get lines in alg wiki for a couple hours
I forgot, looks like I will be flipping a coin instead.
When are PR7's coming out actually?
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I hope this fine pepper lady gets a nice FS buff
medium and normally large tits can coexist beside comically large ones though
Probably Napoli>Nakhimov>Halford>Daisen>Bayard
This is subject to change as I really like all of their designs.
Same, for me I think it's something about the proportions. I like the look of all the girls you said were fine, too. Albion's latest skin looks amazing. Kashino's base skin is still fine by me, but Alvitr is just ridiculously wide. Brest, base Kearsarge, Agir, Hindenburg are all fat, but I'm surprisingly fine with Mogador. Gorizia, Zara and Pola are also fat. A lot of girls by Cloud are just sacks of lard to me.
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>base Kearsarge
I think her skin is pretty faithful to base, it's probably the leotard, front view and side booba giving you the impression they're bigger than they actually are
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Kearsarge's base CG makes her look less meaty than she actually is, see pic related. Her breasts and ass are really fat, the skin just shows them off better than the base CG.
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>open pic
>neuron activation
I love robutt
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Compare with Reno, who is actually pudgy, but less w i d e, both in the breast and hips/ass department.
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And yeah, I think Alvitr's body already borders on the disproportional territory. The torso should be longer/the girl should be taller to really pull these proportions off.
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should be safe to assume there won't be any more PR7 botes
>no KMS
I'm typing this post with my feet as I'm now clapping indefinitely
I, for one, greatly enjoy the Hai Tien shilling. She is extremely cute.
I'm surprised too. Part of me believes it is because they are running low on Krauts that aren't subs so they are saving them for events.
that crossed my mind, yeah. guess having one event after the other and never missing a PR line does that
Nothing stops them from having AL and WoWS version of the same boat proposal
Especially with WG just making shit up
Besides maybe being low on names for the boats
>ever running low on words for things
literally impossible
though, fanfic as it may be, I'd love an IB bote named Schadenfreude
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jp patch notes, as usual MTLing these moonrunes
new gears
>Fighter La-9 ( 試作型艦上式La-9, assuming Lavochkin La-9), vodka
>VIT-2 (mode change), maybe a modified version of PR5 VIT-2), vodka
>Triple 234mm M1939, pasta
>Triple 152mm M1936, frog
>F8F Bearcat (Float)
>Twin 410mm mod, nip
> Some development conditions in the 7th period are different from those in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th periods. For details, please check the "Development Dock" in the game.
whatever that is, they didn't seem to dwell on it
it appears not every bote is getting voice lines this patch, just Nyakhimov, Halford and Oyama (not Daisen like someone here said)
Centaur and Leipzig augs, Alsace memories, and lastly, Vanguard rerun next week
What the hell is Oyama? Did they decided to split from WG ships and introduce their own?
>not Daisen like someone here said)
EN called her Daisen in their announcement while JP calls her Oyama
Just your usual MTL shit since the kanji for Daisen also reads as Oyama.
>whatever that is, they didn't seem to dwell on it
I imagine they're going to change up the wait-times between research segments or make new conditions to be fulfilled.
ah, oops. my bad then
What boats did you like that released this year?
Mog and Soyuz
Tons of reruns this year
This year has been pretty great for me
Nyakhimov will probably get on the list too
Huan Ch'ang, Hu Pen (cutest daughteru), Soyuz, Poltava, Devonshire, Liverpool, Noshiro/Boise/Kongou/Le Tem muse, Alsace, Mogador, Brennus, U-31, and so far all PR7s
lord knows just how much I love botes
All of them
Chi An
I like all of the PR7 girls too.
I dunno. Graf Zeppelin Retrofit?
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someone proposed that the shipgirls aren't there to protect skk from the sirens, but to protect the sirens from skk, and now i cant get that idea out of my head

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