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AFK Journey is a game about armpits.
Let's discuss the armpits in AFK Journey.

Also the new seasonal events, but mostly the armpits.
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>finally finish building my eironn arena team
>now I can climb some ranks
>get greeted by these teams
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Surprised we're still alive, given how dead set devs are on eliminating the playerbase.
The only pits I want to talk about belong to Brutus
I never wanted a game to EoS so badly before
What's wrong wagie, boss doesn't let you have a 5 minute break during your 10 hour shift?
Just go to the bathroom and play a couple rounds of flip the card while pushing a massive log of shit into the company's pipes
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I still like it
Pretty sure wagies waiting for their blissful breaks is exactly who this shite is supposed to appeal to. Weird some monkey here is happy to set alarms and plan their day around chink overlord engagement farming scheme, but you do you.
Now that's a monkey I could get behind.
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she will force you to take responsibility
Just hoarding gems until they release the diamond banners. This shouldn't be difficult as people only login for dailies and proceed to fuck off.
Bros, what titles do you have for your character? Mine is the totally original "Glowing Digger".
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>thinking I'm on a roll, doing hard puzzles on the first try with little down time
>1st place almost doubles my score
>noooooo you can't have fun playing all together at the same time what about my personal timerino
this is why gaming is dead
The fuck is even your argument? How is solving repeating inventory management puzzles in a mobile game "fun playing all together at the same time"?
>slowly climb in honor duel feeling good about myself
>decide to try different strategies for a change
>proceed to lose 200 points in seemingly no time
uh... am I expected to just play graveborn/wilder all the time if I want to win?
yes, they could have made it so you can do it once or twice a day whenever you want on your own, and most games would have probably done it this way
my argument is that it would be more boring and soulless than doing it like this

they will probably change it to appease the cry babies though, which will also make it impossible to have game modes where you actually need to be together at the same time in the future, and those would have been fun
>if only you slurped a stats padding piece of shit event design like a good goy we might have made a different, good event some day. your fault, really
5 RMB has been credited to your account.
your initial complaint was the time requirements and that's what the argument was about, not the event itself
though I do like the timed puzzle rush and the quiz is also nice
the card flipping is just boring
wait, so you have to be online at the exact moment the minigame goes up to play it
LMAO what is this garbage. I'm not gonna set multiple clocks for this
Reminds me of Gyee and Nier that forced you to be online just to grind. I expect them probably doing this more often. They will probably keep finding ways to make the game unbearable.
>am I expected to just play graveborn/wilder all the time if I want to win?
Tired of wokeness.
yeah, top 50 is legit the same 4 fucking artifacts and teams on turbo repeat
cancer mode
>Make Soren the main focus being the chosen one while also being the son of the bear clan
>Make him a weak ass A rank and barely better than an npc
>Alysa does nothing except get stabbed and hide
>S rank while being stupid busted
>Monkey girl somehow doesn't get the same hate like the other weak kemonomini

Then you have the last section being the worst with Koko being a little shit the whole time. The final boss was easily taken out it make it hard to care.
This is fucking insane
I've been through 8 guilds since the new season started
People are dropping this game like shit in a hole
>Make him a weak ass A rank
being A rank is not the issue, it's the fact that his kit is just terribly undertuned for whatever reason
someone on the dev team must've really hated him
do you not look at the ranking before changing guild? just pick from the top 3 guilds in your server and it should be fine
All of them were top 10 and replacing inactives
This game is doing everything it can to eos itself
It says I could get rewards after each primal boss challenge, but I'm not getting any. Is there something I'm not understanding here?
I abandoned the game but this Alsa brat reminds me of San from Princess Mononoke. Is it worth suffering against whales for her?
What is the difference between taking part and completing one of the things for astral fair, is there a specific number I need to do?
she is good in anti meta teams and dream realm
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These chests will count up while in battle. You get about 25k seasonal XP per each, the are opened and tallied up at the final screen.
Comfy rank 35-45 in pvp. No one attacks me
How many active players in those guilds?
How beat big beetle
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>me and another player farm each other in arena for days
>today see that he has focused me all his 7 attempts
>time to return the favor
>he added a S+10 scarlita to his defense
Fuck you nigger
Did they patch the boss? Odie does zero damage to it.
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the boss is p2w btw
>tfw fell for the Reiner meme
I should have been saving for the next celestial instead but I'm in too deep now
>he used all his scamgazers and guild coins and didn't even get reiner m+ yet
Reinier is still used in every single boss tho, and still lets you cheese a lot of defenses in arena, and is also used on some of those new meme afk push teams with eironn flora etc
Phraesto is a brick until S+
NTA but I'm still 3 copies away from M+
t. day one player
At this stage you're probably better off hodling your orbs and guild coins until you can get a guaranteed M+.
I'm two copies away, but am sitting on enough coins to buy one of them, for now.
I stopped playing cause I always pulled legendaries at pity in a 115k spending session.

I just gave up after that. what's the point of the gacha rates are like that.
this boss punishes people who cant s+ korin, lucius, koko, and phaeresto
my guild whale scored #3 on our server using lucius, korin, temesia, rowan, and marilee
shit is a joke
Korin and Koko have always been top choices for A-tier ascending, probably 3th and 4th after Odie and Marilee, unless you are going heavy on the Eironn comp and building Arden and Damian.
After 2.5 months you should have them at least at M+, none of them requires S+ nor a heavy EX investment (although Korin at least +5 is nice to have).
Assuming you will NEVER compete with whales, for a somewhat decent rank Phraesto is not mandatory at all, Thoran deals a ton of retaliation damage and will be yout top3 DPS for the fight.
The other big shot is Smokey with his blue smoke, and both Smokey and Thoran are already top priorities for your general teambuilding.
Lastly, Lucius isn't needed at M+, he will spam shields regardless.

My best comp is S+5 Thoran, S+0 Smokey (saving for a +5 before the event ends), S+5 Korin, M+0 Koko and M Lucius and I'm happy with my top200 in my district.
Why is everyone using Lucius now? His seasonal ability give 15% more damage 40 seconds into the fight
Temesia increases damage taken by 20% from the start but I see no one talking about her
I only see him used on the new alpha boss because of the shield spam, and in general as a cancerous sub-tank with thoran on regular arena (where seasonal skills aren't active).
knew it was a good time to stop playing this shit after the first update.
>enemy cecia always ults before mine no matter what
I don't get it, even when neither of us have rowan on the field, no enlightening and they are the same level, the enemy always ult first. It frustrates me to no end
If you are talking about pvp, defense has increased energy generation to make up for the fact attack has the advantage in positioning.
You can use a lot of artifacts to counter the enemy cecia (binding or quickblade) or buff yours (enlighten or the yellow energy one). Or besides relying on Rowan, you can also use units like Viperian to slow the enemy down
I haven't stopped but I agree, most of the time I get the characters in pity and most of the time they are not the ones I need and use. The problem is that it takes too many copies, a character isn't complete if he doesn't at least reach m+ or even s+, the copies should only be for the stats not to unlock the entire kit, basically it's the same as if I bought a smartphone but to have the cool functions you would have to buy them separately.
If the game only gives you Silvina, Viperian and the wilders it is almost impossible to have the necessary characters at the right level.
i hope you werent making an assumption that i dont have these baseline characters covered because i do and i copied my whale buddy for a lazy 79th place on server 203rd district
running the meta gave me much lower scores despite them being just as invested
i stopped using thoran and smokey altogether because of timing issues with season content
this boss is no different
if thoran cant time his ult for the boss big hits my temesia puts out way more dps while having a self heal
this is because smokeys energy regen screws up this timing and his damage on blue doesnt ever make up for that
just because a kit is good to go at m+ doesnt mean stop ascending - those stats absolutely matter in a game thatts all about numbers
>start the round
>nigger Rhys one shots my Heywynn before she even casts once with the amulet
I really can't get a 9 win to save my life anymore
Why do I have to manually go through all of my characters to equip charms? There could've easily been a button that quick equips on everyone.
Why am I such a kekold? I always try to be nice and not attack players more than once in arenas but I keep getting attacked mutiple times by the same players constantly, sometimes more than 4 times
>reddit uproar about the timegated events
>now all the content creators are doing the "this is bad" video
I liked the quiz event because it's the only event where everyone is there at the same time playing with you. Now lilith will have to please the reddit horde and all the upcoming events will be "click a button whenever you feel like it" braindead trash.

BTW I focused 5-6 times in the weekend to farm them and I already got enough currency to completely empty the shop. The time schedule is a non-issue.
I try to be nice until someone focuses me, then if I can beat their defense I will use all my daily tries on them.
Arena is every man for themselves, you target the weakest prey. A wolf wouldn't hunt a whale, but a wolf would hunt a deer.
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>twitterfags saying that they want Lorsan
just how bad can one's taste be
same lmao
was hoping for the leaked Lightbearer dwarf blacksmith but the tree dude is cool too
hate this dumb tree
The problem is, that's the only one that has a reason to be timed.
>5-6 times in the weekend to farm them and I already got enough currency to completely empty the shop
Do activities themselves silently reward shop currency? Are there hidden quests after initial ones are cleared? Quest UI sure makes it look like you get a pittance outside of the one daily quest
his ability to retreat sounds interesting and the CC extension might synergize with Soren's constant knockbacks
he doesn't seem stronger than Granny but definitely has potential to be decent
This game has been so dog shit at making me want to roll for any new character. Wasn't Soren being a flop not enough?
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Text says extra cc can trigger once every 10 seconds, despite VO saying every 4.
If I had to pick one, my bet would be that he's niche at best unless his raw numbers are insane.
I expect devs see it as a problem that a lot of autists saved up 100k+ gems and will instantly M+ roll the first really powercrept character to release, so they try to bait people into rolling the mid-tier heroes, but that just leads to autists saving even more. At this stage Lilith just has to accept their first big powercreep banner will not result in a revenue bump or else rugpull by nerfing the character afterwards.
Hewynn in defense is disgusting. This morning I woke up to a victory against a Dionel-Lyca aspd comp with Dionel being S+20, and another victory against a supposedly anti-wilder mauler team where my Eironn slowly soloed their Shakir
In this game saving gems bricks your account due to how the rate up banner is built and the FOMO race for steady rewards being tied to ranking.
Imagine they release Eironn as a rate up today. Obviously autists will use all the past 2 months worth of hoarded gems to S+ him asap, and they will end up with an account with 1 overpowered unit without a comp to back him up.
Not pulling ensures that you don't ascend your heroes, your AFK pushing is way lower, the essence income is way lower, your resonance level will be way lower than other players and you will not compete in dream realm and arena, missing months worth of essence and dupes.
Then you use everything to max your one OP unit and guess what, the way rate-up banner works limits your A-heroes income even more, and you will struggle because your supposedly powercreeping unit gets deleted instantly because it has no support from the rest of your roster.
Building A-heroes on the all hero banner and the dream shop is as crucial as pulling S-heroes, and the rate up banner is specifically built against that.
Nobody argues that saving gems is the meta-optimal strategy. Stop getting riled up every time someone mentions it
>saving gems bricks your account
if you're a f2p you'll be behind anyway because you won't be spending gems on instant afk and you won't be getting extra resources from stuff like battle passes and the various special deals
being behind on ascensions is the least of your problems
What are they smoking?
Maybe we will get Tasi too, she's cute.
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>if you're a f2p you'll be behind anyway because you won't be spending gems on instant afk
I have been doing it since day 1 and daily invite letter for that matter. Should I not have done that?
t. f2p
Seen 1 month ago in the datamine. Can't confirm that she will be playable.
the daily invite letters are definitely a buy
the instant afk rewards depend on how much you want to compete for rankings in the various game modes
buying them allows you to outlevel people who don't buy them which gives you more rewards from dream realm, primal lord and supreme arena but you will still get outleveled by spenders
you're essentially turning those gems into enhancement materials, dream realm coins, arena coins and stuff like primal lord frames, which is probably the most valuable thing of the bunch
Hitting 30k guild tokens soon and I'm very tempted to pick up my first copy of Scarlita just to use against the new primal lord, even though I know I should just get the second copy of Reinier to get him to mythic
>finally get arden online
>he still sucks
no amount of cc makes this chode choker hit big or a lot of numbers
is she even usable at epic quality?
Arden is a Carolina enabler
And Eironn is an Arden enabler
Also you want all of them at S+10 good luck!
nobody is using carolina in the top teams anymore
all of my server has thoran/arden/eironn/damian/scarlita
>all of my server is whale cucks
sure bro
Luck is no longer with me. I am now unlucky.
Just purchase more stargazers bro
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its over the whales won
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>Tree Man

I just want to use my fucking pulls just give us a new Graveborn or Lightbearer cutie.
>don't feel like manual pushing afk today
>stop a couple stages earlier
>get 1 less essence/hour
>in just 1200 hours everyone else will be able to level up one hero ahead of me
>I will be left in the dust while my ranking crashes down to oblivion, never to be recovered ever again
It's over bros
I would be happy with a rate-up with a standard banner hero, the rates of that banner are horrible
I like the Treant guy but his kit seems underwhelming in a similar way to Soren's. Way too niche with questionable viability even within his own niche.
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>co-op pvp event
how about no
I'm happy about Soren and Groot not being a must pull. I've gotten to a point where I have my main comps set at m+/s+ such as eironn team, odie push, marilee dream, etc, and I'm spending gems to buy blue essence to optimize their EX weapons and consolidate the best units.
>Honor Duel update
i hope they are deleting this trash
git gud
>not being a must pull
there's a difference between not being a must pull and being straight up bad
Vala, Florabelle and Alsa weren't must pulls but all 3 were decent to good in their own right
Soren is just... why even bother releasing him?
At this point it feels like they want the males to be bad and just fodder really while the real focus is the females. Which is odd given they gave no focus to Alsa but kept bringing up Soren who was supposed to be pretty strong but in game he is the worst thing.
Let's be real if they were really gonna focus on males they would have done more mauler furries.
so who has the alsa pron?
>AFK Journey is a game about armpits.
WuWa thread?
>literally thousands of challenger bots in supreme arena
>some faggots still decide to knock me out of top 1500 denying me the red enhancement material every day
I hate multiplayer games. I'm somehow able to easily find bots to fight without having to hurt other people's rewards and I'm getting punished for it.
Bots are probably the best thing about supreme arena, it's a shame that at a certain point they end and only players with absurd defenses remain. If you think about it, bots would also be the solution to problems in the arena, it is impossible for more casual players to rise above a certain level, in my server Eironn is now even at low levels.
No the problems with both arenas is the ascension caps aren't limited to epic.
f2p have a good selection of characters just not ascended to a whale's.
It also cancels out the 4 big cheeses this game has to address inevitably.
I've got both Marilee and Korin at Supreme, should I keep them in my wish list and work towards getting them to S+, or should I just swap them out and work towards getting other units to M+ first?

Though I'm not sure which lightbearer 4 stars are also worth ascending. Lucius probably, but I don't know who else
So the season started last week on my server and what the fuck is with these enemies? They're so incredibly overtuned it's getting frustrating. I can barely complete a battle with similar level let alone at deficit, these fucking ostrich riders can eat a bag of dicks
you need to adapt your strategy, your financial strategy that is
>Thoran new voice
What, i though people where schizo about it but the change happened today on my phone, it was delayed for other server maybe, his new voice is awful.
Lucius is definitely nice to have at a decent ascension. Otherwise the rest of the Lightbearers aren't too meta, but if you like one of them feel free to go for them. Though keeping Marilee or Korin for an eventual S+ seems like the more meaningful choice.
Keep going for S+, every additional stat counts for them as they are stat sticks for DR
You also need to build 25 S+ eventually, to unlock paragon
The only other lightbearer worth the M+ is Lucius but he's not a priority
They keep advertising this on YT.
They have some slack built in for client version, I believe. You can still connect with an older client until they bump the minimal version server allows.
wait until you see the new battle drills
Ok, reddit tier poll time, I want to know how unlucky you guys are in terms of activeness/whaleness of your server.

Resonance level: 410
AFK: stage 870
Dream realm: top 30
Arena: top 10
Supreme arena: top 100-200 (struggling)
Dura: stage 11
Faction towers: floor 80-85
Guild: half dead (but still top 50 district)

In 3 months I bought 3 travelogues and 3 gazettes, 1 premium gazette and 1 growth bundle, so around $100 spent.
I don't have any M+ celehypo yet, but Reinier is almost there.

My server is the deadest in the district, most of the top10 in every game mode are fro the other 3 servers. We have some whales in the same guild, but moany quit and there are maybe 2 real megalodons left. I see the others slowly dropping out of arena ranks even with their paragon teams, meaning they don't attack anymore.
Server 358
Resonance 320
AFK stage: 643
Dream realm: 70s
Arena: 30s
Supreme arena: 400s
Guild: top 10 district
12 pulls off Reiner M+

I bought both gazettes and Noble Path last season
This season just the 5€ gem pack

What I don't like is that you literally can't compete in Dream Realm/Supreme Arena/ Primal Lord if you don't buy the Noble Path each season no matter how ascended your heroes are because you just get out leveled.
At the end of last season I was almost into the top 20 in Dream Realm and now I dropped 50 placements
Honestly I wouldn't dump a penny more into the game considering how reddit chucklefucked them.
There's a very real chance lilith will turbo cuck characters with absurd nerfs to force spending on new characters just to stay relevant in any rankings.
They have a history established.
>We watch YouTube, we read Reddit, and we actually spy on Discord too!!
These are the only feedback channels btw.
Alright, I'll keep them there for now. I'm like 7 copies away from S+ Marilee anyway. Thanks
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Call me a retard but how I was meant to solve this one
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I must really be retarded because I couldn’t get it no matter how many times I retried. Maybe the time limit made me feel rushed

I don’t like this event though, being able to take part in it only at certain times in an afk game is retarded
Fuck i forgot about the timed event, stupid idea if you ask me.
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Remember anon, just one more pull
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Tip: I am so fucking mad
The only important tasks giving 100 points and 1000 tickets were the daily participation ones, while the other ones gave like 10/100.
You had like 9 possible daily timeslots in which log in, enter the event, maybe do 1 single game and then exit the event. You didn't need the whole 15 minutes, you didn't need to log into all 9 timeslots, just 1.
Tldr: skill issue
but theres no skill to this game
no whatsoever
and someone still managed to fail an event that is designed for toddlers and people taking a shit to accidentally finish in their spare time, really makes you think
I am baffled at the immense skill as game designers lilith's team has to make a game mode feel as shit to play as honor duel. I swear it's like the whole thing is tailor made to counter you every single time
>the whole thing is tailor made to counter you every single time
because it literally is but that doesn't mean you can't climb
that's why proactive artifacts like pale crown feel so much easier to win with, you have control on where your initial strike lands unless you're on an asymmetrical map and there's a Hewynn tucked away on a tile you can't reach
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Another Monday, another recruitment choice from the guild chest, another zero scamgazers from the chest.
-300 points in honor duel again
sorry you intentionally lost 30 games within the first three rounds (which would have been -270)
I lose ~25 points with 0 wins.
Which artifacts are you going for? The only time I've lost that much in a single sitting I was really tilted and was randomly picking stuff without thinking. Right now I'm pretty steadily climbing at 2k+ so can probably give you some advice unless you're way higher than me.
Do people actually play honor duel?
it's the only gamemode you can't beat with money
Bare minimum for the 12 game rewards and to stay in top500 for the guild ranking
>get some giga combo in arcane labyrinth
>click quit by mistake after beating stage 15 boss
fuck me, I have yet to get past stage 18 in this shit
It could always be worse
This game does an absolutely terrible job of letting you know whenever events are happening
>Couldn't even log in once in 8 days
Skillest of issues
>get into champion
>haven't attacked anyone yet
>wake up to 14 defenses
I feel bullied...
welcome to the big leagues, kid! *spits on you*
I logged in every single day last week and the only popups I got were for those stupid paid microtransaction trees kek
not detailed enough do i dont care
>click quit by mistake
you literally have to hold down a button after clicking quit
how do you click two buttons by mistake
>can't buy stargazer at the arena shop because i hate pvp and so never invested in a pvp team
I'm bricked beyond repair.
Carolina/Eironn/Thoran/Arden is one of the best PvE teams too not just the best PvP team
If you weren't in champion tier on day 1 of your server your account is already bricked
>Primal Lord goes up on my server
>Fight it and tab out
>Seems like the rewards suck this time
>Watch a fight
>My team is too weak to even get 1 treasure chest
Kill me
you need to have shields on all your characters or you will be stunned constantly, also magic damage gets a 100% boost
Even with the damage boost, I heard Odie still misses due to Beetle's dodges.

Top meta strategy on Prydwen has Korin for true damage. Also apparently Vala does as much damage as him when Beetle's HP is below 50%, and mine's only at Mythic.
Forgot to add, use Evocation Artifact, Lucius and Koko for shields
>guild hasn't been able to clear battle drills for a while
>don't want to leave
social features should never be competitive and I'm surprised a live service game dev hasn't figured that out
You're only bricked if you are in the first 500 servers.
After that you can safely play casually and be in top 10 of anything.
>suddenly can't win mirror matches vs opponents with lower ascensions anymore
I know defence has a hidden energy boost but what the fuck
Then I see my own defenses and I still lost most of them somehow
Thoran deals the most damage by far on that boss
How do you deal with florabelle?
I "only" bought both gazettes, the travelogue and the 30€ bundle that scales with stage level and I already have all the important heroes (Thoran, Carolina, Eironn, Odie, Marilee, Vala, Shakir, Smokie) at S+
What do giga whales even spend for?
Grab her flowerpussy.
>aoe damage or control
>swap her out of position
>get a Thoran in her face (despite the faction disadvantage)
if you can accomplish one of those you should be able to beat her
she basically autoloses against meta pvp teams but is really annoying against people without access to those teams, especially people reliant on Odie who she completely counters unless you swap her next to him
scamgazer pulls, probably celehypo copies when they show up on the pop-up too
Which one of you posted that bait guide?
That's why I ended up being unable to complete it too, I didn't see any notifications about it despite logging on daily until there were only 2 days left
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Fuck this guy and the way he always gets magic charms instead of heroes I actually use
When I'm pushing at x3 deficit and there's a stage with at least 2 between this fag, seth or shakir, it's an automatic synergy battle request for me
Ulmus wqs useless even in the beginning of afk arena, i doubt they will make him useful here
what are you talking about my man
>Battle drill starts
>half the guild goes MIA
Yeah I seriously think we might be dying
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Talene next
wow another character barely anyone will ever have because of how scarce scamgazer rolls are
I am just not gonna bother with these anymore.
I'm still 2 copies from M+ reinier and I have spent 100$ in this game. How is anyone supposed to be excited for a whale only meta destroying hero?
best supreme arena comps? I'm tired of ranking just outside of top 500
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how do i fix this
nevermind, got it on emulator and it runs great anyway, no need for pc client
>failed my champion entry fight
But i need those stargazer shard!
if they ever make the arena store rotate, you'll be glad you didn't waste coins on scamgazer
so why does arden just suck? i got this little cocksucker to S+ +10 and he just refuses to put out any damage and his cc sucks
yes im running him with eirron
he doesn't, there's a reason he's part of some of the top meta teams
as long as your team has enough cc to enable him, from the likes of Eironn, Damian, Granny etc he should perform very well
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>Four (4) draws in a row with granny tanking their whole team 1v5 for 60 seconds straight
Holy fuck let me move on, I have mythic Florabelle and Parisa locked in the shop from all these free resets
yeah that's how censer usually works, matches that should've been losses turn into draws
nah I have that one that buffs my vanguard, rest of my team wouldn't get shit on so hard with censer
every time I try to play that artifact the game just throws a bunch of Valas at me that delete my backline
Finally found a set up where I can get a treasure chest from the boss. I have NO CLUE why Temesia does a gorillion damage, but I will take it.
the boss has absurd amounts of dodge and Temesia's damage isn't coming from normal attacks but from passing through enemies
He enables Carolina to skyrocket her damage. You do have S+10 Carolina as well, right?
Dead thread dead game
don't worry the whales are about to get a new hero! :)
Finally got Reinier to M+
And yet I feel empty inside
I just finished building mine too. Hopefully the phoenix bitch isn't so busted that we made a mistake.
She will be busted, but if you have invested in reinier it's better to have him M+ and lose a couple more weeks on the next celehypo, than having him at a useless M and still need 6 months to ascend the phoenix
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5th week in a row with no stargazers from guild chest
I don't even care about the other rewards. I just fucking love this hat. My sole motivation for maintaining Champion.
>every head accessory gives you long hair because the game assumes you picked the female character
I hate this
>Fixed hairstyle
>Fixed hair color
For a game designed around exploiting spenders they did a terrible job with cosmetics
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>people noticing eironn team with blue artifact on arden completely annihilates the standard eironn team with chain artifact
>someone in the rank 1 guild, which takes most of the top 10 in arena, shares this with their buddies
>today at reset everyone switched to aspd-arden team on defense
>switch to aspd-vala on attack
>completely plap their shit
Got from top 15 to top 7 today, only lost once to a thoran retaliation massacre.
Tomorrow I'm gonna get farmed by the whole guild, but it was worth it.
do you know of a team that beats the eironn team that isnt a variation of the eironn team?
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>tfw failing at a puzzle meant for 8 year olds
Never mind I finally got it. Damn I'm retard
Mauler team with at least 2 between shakir seth alsa soren at S+ and some babysitting for alsa/soren such as thoran or reinier

Reinier cheese if possible based on the map

Vala team if she's at least S+10 and you can double tap her target with a Silvina
Yeah I think imma keep my already S+ Eironn, Vala, Carolina ecc on the wish list instead of the arena store champions
hey would you mind telling me how you did it? just to double check haha
The torchs have to be on the border and the claws on the center of the puzzle.
The only one I would rush to S+ asap is hewynn, the others can be unlisted at M+
Eirron team with arden and alsa has a good chance to chuckle fuck other eirron teams.
Since everyone defends on that anti reinier map, reinier dropped off my server's champ tiers.
Patch notes released, they seem fairly alright. I think the main points would be a free celestipogean as part of the growth trial, of your choice, and more ways to get stargazing orbs.
In general a lot of QoL stuff as well.
>Reso 560 (325)
>Stage 1201
>Top 200
>Arena #1 (non-champion ladder)
>Supreme 200-300 (usually don't bother with supreme until I go below 500)
>Dura: 17
>Faction: 99
>Guild: top 10

Spending: pic related. Probably pumped $500+ into afkj. My worst regret was buying the Marilee pack for 50 bucks and she still does perform.

A lot of people quitting even on server 1. I think my biggest bottleneck is my lack of M+ Eironn despite wishlisting him since day 1
Ludovic looks pretty nice visually but I don't see why anyone would use him over m+ Hewynn, especially when it doesn't seem like he has any buffing of any sort. His flower bed trying to chase Igor around will be pretty funny though.
He seems to have a bit of an offensive edge, which could be nice.
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Repopulating Hollistone with our bunnies.
Looks more similar to a +5 Damian but without haste/stun/blind, we have to see if the life drain from his flowers is impactful enough. Also at +10 the description says the flower is enhanced but we don't know how much
I think the enhancement from +10 just makes the flowers regenerate faster by 50% ATK/sec
>instant ult Rhys now tickles enemies
I knew there was something bugged about his interaction with Fire Dance
Meanwhile miraelCHADS keep oneshotting the enemy team
good luck getting more than 0 wins at high ratings with her
Wtf are they on about
yep honor duel is still the same pile of shit as it was before
not sure why I even expected any different
Thanks to the free celest/hypo, i got my Reiner m+, now i can focus on my birdwife Talene.
>just keep "fixing" rhys ult
lmao they don't even know what the problem is
spaghetti code at its finest
>random ascension card
one fucking job and they made it random, for characters you don't even own
>always paired against perfect counters
because no one plays this mode it has to asspull a team to compensate
>absolutely no nerfs to the cheesiest artifacts, characters, and items
>no buffs to all the shit that needs it
this mode is definitely some fat autist's pet project and in denial 99% of people fucking hate it
now that rhys is nerfed we're basically back to the old patch meta i.e. wilders spam with instant ult hewynn every match after 5 wins
complete trash mode created by a trash company with the intent of pissing you off
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Yeah the gap between high roll and not is even bigger now
Round 4 btw
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graveborns are finally getting a healer
but it's a twink
did you luckshit them from the random ascension?
Just the florabelle
I have 120 red invites ready for his cold undead boipucci
>lost over 200 points since the honor duel changes
why am I doing this to myself
For me it's ardent censor for 9 wins and everything else for 1
Used my freebie chest to get the last copy I need for Reinier M+, and in 4 days I'll be able to reach 30k guild coins to get another celestial or hypogean

Which one is the best at one copy? Phaestro seems kinda good
censer should honestly be deleted from the game
is carolina glitched for you guys? twice today she froze my game with this obnoxious infinite 0 dmg ult. waiting doesn't do anything as the timer is stuck
should focus on Scarlita now but Talene may be better idk
>the honor duel changes
nothing changed
>went from 700 to 640
i'm getting high rolled by legendaries on turn 1-2. that epic to legendary card is fucking stupidly strong during those turns
>Rhys got obliterated
>back to old cancer meta because there's no one to keep Hewynn in check
>can highroll obscene ascension early on with the random ascension thing
even with Gruglin mask, instant ult Rhys couldn't deal enough damage to clear enemies
yeah she's super bugged
not sure if it's Carolina herself or Snow Herb though
talene good?
I already have a singular copy of her, would it be better to start pushing her to M+ over getting the first copy of someone else?

Also, are there any good pushing comps now that I have M+ Reinier? Besides the whale Eironn team, since I don't have many copies of those units and I see that comp in records all the time
Standard mauler team with antandra brutus smokey koko odie? You'll have to manual ulti a lot of stages. They work best with energy spell to make koko ult asap. You can also sub koko for cecia if odie doesn't execute quick enough (energy spell mandatory)

Or depending on your tanks/healers you can try a poor man's version of the smokey meta push. Use reinier to swap smokey as close as possible to the center of the stage and then protect him with everything you have until he uses the blue smoke.
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> retards who previously put zero effort in their comp strategy but spent more money than me can now click a button to copy the optimized DR formation of the tryhard people
Yes I'm mad, I already lost 10 ranks since yesterday
You can just not share yours. Your "optimized" formation isn't just netdecked from prydwen, right?
thanks for doing the thinking smart guy
*copies your formation*
I thought people at high ranks would hide their strategy but on the first day lone gaze was already flooded with the same 2 teams for the first 50 positions.
And prydwen comps are so bad that I wonder if they are trolling sometimes. Maybe once you have all unkillable paragons at level 600 the meta endless teams become useful, but right now for the first endless runs they are garbage.
>Every team is a Reinier team
Maybe I shouldn't have rushed Scarlita. Going Talene next btw
Vala still clapping high rank eiron teams
Does Vala still get the atk/speed boost if she defeats Damian's chariot? I was thinking of putting him in my Arena III defense in the back, but he's still only at +2 Supreme
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>pvp event
I sleep
>you can get faction bans as a modifier
real shit
who am I kidding the whales will still win regardless
>got a geode with Lightbearers banned
At least my inner team won't get mauled by a +20 Vala
>can only defend once every 2hr
Might be a silly question but does plundering geodes take away crystals from the defending player? Because if so, can't you theoretically brick other players from getting enough rewards to clear the shop?
Vala on defense Is still not very good because any highly ascended Igor/Brutus nullifies her, and even an Eironn linked to thoran is enough, while keeping all the units of the eironn comp without sacrifices.
It can work if S+ +10 in a strong comp, because the attacker needs to dedicate at least one unit to countering her.
In attack she's still a beast because over a certain rank people stop using anti-vala defenses because 95% of teams are eironn teams, so you can pick the ones with arden or hewynn in the back.
Kind of impossible to break the crystals atm since everyone uses the default artifact which gives it a massive shield every 6 seconds
I'm gonna be honest. Reiner is so boring to play, but Scarlita FEELS good.
where do i find geodes?
I have a bunch here other than that idk
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>hmm maybe we'll get more temporal essence
>*makes Cassadee a 3 star*
I regret it like you wouldn't believe. This single action set me back 1-2 months.
Those thighs are 5 star tho
does anyone else have a permanent "new" notification on the bounty rep page? unless theres something im supposed to click on that isnt apparent
Did I fuck up picking Talene from the chest instead of Scarlita?
Oh well, I'm in too deep now, I'm bringing her to S+
>requires S+ to get the mdef debuff from ult
>even then, the debuff only lasts 10 seconds so you're better off using M+ Reinier
>only relevant magic DPS on DR is Odie, who falls off on Endless
I'm so sorry anon
Cassadee sucks and has 1 niche role of buffing another with that tidal force thing. The dps is actually contributed to her despite the buffed ally doing all the work. So don't think she's good dps.
Her only other ability is just manual ult to side swipe a team or even pull them in if positioning allows. On paper she looks good, in game she looks good but no she sucks.
>tfw Satrana is a better choice than you for mdef debuffing
Cassardine really fell off didnt she
>skill issue
>in an auto battler that has no skill
t. legendary tier scrub
>waste 10 minutes to break the defenses of a crystal
>get to last stage
>hewynn team with green artifact
And another round wasted
>still can't beat lvl 9 mage stage of dura's trial even though the rest are at stage 11
what the fuck is this shit man
nvm, yellow rarity dionel kinda fucks
Why did they remove the guild rankings
Just 40 days of off season and then you have to wait another 40 days for 10k guild coins
You rike? :^)
I hope they remove them permanently and reallocate the ranking rewards elsewhere. Having guilds compete is stupid.
This event has been barely tested. I just solo the 3 highest crystals I can find with 4 empty outer defences to maximize the chippy trash multiplier.
Any other co-op attack with a friend gives me less rewards, or I get stuck in some ultra hard attack where I have to keep using my best units (=low multiplier) and at the end I fail to some meta PvP comp with the infinite shield artifact on the crystal.
I ended up with the same tactic. There's a lot of small things that make it just look unfinished, like you can't see the strength of defence teams until you commit to joining in.
Nothing was tested. Nothing will be balanced.
Nothing will come from complaining.
Complaining usually gives us extra rewards and compensation.
love watching the top union in my server and seeing whales who are quitting
top 20 dream realm soon
I ended up in a lucky server because it's a mid-early one (17X) but having spent around 100€ I'm top 10 in both arena and dream realm.
Our whales quit very early and now I'm seeing some of the remaining ones slowly being kicked out of high rank arena despite their paragons. I think we only have one gigawhale left (full paragon) and a few regular whales (S+20 celestials but few paragons)

Or district rank is shit tho, our top 1 is top 15 in the district
>r*eddit complained about bad rewards
>here's 10 letters and now you can pay for 3 extra stuff
i feel they did more harm than good with that little fit
my server lost like half its population from that and now its dead empty
>Or district rank is shit tho, our top 1 is top 15 in the district
kek, and I thought our server is bad because our top 1 is 6th in district
you vill play ze honor duel and be HAPPY
>new guild mode has a daily labyrinth
Fuck this shit, this game is a full time job
>he thought he was playing an idle game
you just have to do 1 fight
Enjoyed it for about a week. Typical gacha gating killed my interest because the game could not make it any more blatantly clear that they were desperate for me to spend money to progress. Apparently the devs shit the bed and made the entire game worse about a month later. Glad I got out when I did.
yeah but for me it's the stupid quests... i'm serious of dropping this
They want this game to eos
Daily honor duel is worse. You can do one match and drop out, but you lose a ton of ranking points which are another factor in the guild ranking.
For a net positive you should do one daily match with at least 5 (five) wins in that RNG abomination
You only need to to one fight though, which is pretty fast all things considered. I don't particularly like the mode, but this i way more practical than daily clan affection bullshit, for example.
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So... Scarlita or Talene?
>just started clan rep
>turns out it's a timegated grind
Am I bricked? Can I finish it before the season ends?
1 more daily and I uninstall
>finally Carolina S+
Now I can start hoarding
It's until the end of the season aka "September" so you should be fine. It is definitely one of the most tedious fucking things I've done in a gacha in a long time. MMO-tier questing + gacha timegating.
>choose highest tier XL crystal I can find
>put solo temesia in the 1200% stage
>put hewyn+damian+green spell on the crystal
>watch as people hopelessly crash onto my wall
>assist anyone in the guild who has the largest crystal
>nobody even tries to attack us on most days because going through 8 actual fights with cooky rules is a real headache and you can find a loser without an assist easily enough.
People already dropped this event after getting their scamgazers
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>find someone's crystal that started off with solo Temesia, who's only at Mythic
>couldn't do shit to it even with +22 Odie
Holy fuck, this is awful
General opinion in order of meta is: Reiner, Scarlita, Phraesto, Talene, Dionel, Berial.
Pull what you like the most to be honest.
Committed to Reinier as F2P. Sucks to see so much Scarlitta and sometimes Phraesto in Stages, Dream realm, and PVP over him. Hope Ludovic is worth it, my first Rate up with 50 pulls.
To be fair, reinier pvp is almost exclusively for attacking so you'll rarely see him in defensive formations
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>7 win streak with gruglin mask
>suddenly every faggot has mythic rowan no matter what faction they're playing + 2 other healers
>pull on ludovic 55 times
>get 2 copies
>one of them is missing when i go to ascend him
cucked again
1 copy to unlock him dumbass
Fair, I still see them in AFK stage records.
First copy is just to own the guy, second and further is the ascension req. You got cucked by luck but not by the game, wish me luck I'm going for my 50 pulls as meta reviews pour in.
I haven't had a 9 win with gruglin mask since the Rhys nerf. Hewynn with crimson abyss is impossible to beat unless you have Niru on the team and even then it's an uphill fight because you'd be playing graveborn into wilder.
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>release graveborn healer finally
>he's shit / turbowhale bait
>he's nerfed to hell
I mean its this or the other shit graveborn healer.
to be fair the Ethereal Blooms's 90% hp is clearly a typo in the trailer which is obvious when you look at the levels 2-4
the other ones did get nerfed but that doesn't necessarily mean he'll be weak
90% HP nuke is a typo, yes, but it also got moved to a 5s cooldown, vs 4s in the trailer.
Lifeweaver's Blooms got sped up by 20% but damage nerfed by a third.
His ult is straight up nerfed, too.
you're right I completely missed the cooldown changes
Ludovic bros, how are we feeling? I spent my rate-up letters on him but not sure if I should commit the diamonds to get him to m+. Doesn't seem that strong to me but I really like his aesthetic.
meh I'll keep saving, I don't have the acorns to level him to S+ anyway
If you spend even just one invite you must commit 1000% until your bank blocks your account
So, whales of /vmg/ is Ludo+Damian double heal good in arena? Hewyn is so slow in ulting against comps with enlightening Arden.
Does he only work well with Talene and Scarlita?
>seasonal growth path requires you to do supreme arena 50 times
are these people for real?
You don't lose ranks if you lose in supreme arena.
Just attack whoever with any 3 teams 3 times a day.
it's a toss up
hewyn provides a big heal with dmg reduction that will turn team into tanks briefly
twink just brings a good presence of heals and provides some damage
i really cant say he's better but the glass cannon burst nature of arena has me keeping heywn
>Try vala+silvina against classic eironn team, since I heard it's a good counter
>Both S+10
>Everything going perfectly, vala protected by thoran and silvina by reinier, and so arden and carolina get quickly tapped
>Last frame of enemy thoran dying kills my vala and reinier
>Eironn proceeds to solo my silvina+thoran
What the fuck since when does eironn deal so much damage by himself?
>haven't logged into this game ever since zzz came out
Odie, Smokey, Shakir, Brutus, Seth, unnamed Mauler NPCs with awesome designs... forgive me. But I think it's time to move on from this game now. My journey... will be AFK forever.
>*silent prayer*
>*falls to hands and knees sobbing quietly*
Eiron has always been a beast
Assassin so naturally high attack. He has a 3 tile wide mag def break and he deals mag attack because why not. He gets a shield and a dodge rate on top of it. He boosts his ranged def too. The obvious instant ult that immobilizes for 100 years and even more mag def break on ult's immobilize.
Eironn swings 12
Dead thread dead game
>astral fair is back
>running around in a literal circle collecting flowers
Whales pay thousands for this....
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I'm free. Wishing the best to anyone still playing, hopefully developers will wake up and course-correct next season.
Fuck I still can't convince myself to pull the twink. I regret not dumping F2P rate up letters on literally everyone. But I'm still on the fence for an actual broken pull.
just installed. anything i should look out for?
The wishlist is everything.
For Lightbearers, Temesia, Vala, Korin, Marilee.
For Maulers, Alsa, Smokey, Koko, Odie.
For Wilders, Eironn, Hewynn, Arden, Damian.
For Graveborns, Thoran, Carolina, Silvina, and the last one doesn't matter.
For Celestials and Hypogeans, Reinier up to M+, then Scarlita.
Florabelle > Hewynn
Could be. Hewynn has more PvP presence, but Florabelle is good against a Dream Realm boss (the bear)
I will pull for the twink on the last day of his banner with my hoarded invites (almost 120), then since I will hit 4 pities I will buy the growth bundle that I left there for emergencies, as it has gems and a ton of epic invites, so I can hope to pull some more copies of him as he becomes available in the epic wishlist (I will get pities of other heroes).
Frankly I'm tired of hoarding, all the rate up heroes except for vala were slightly better sidegrades of existing heroes, and with more people quitting and new celehypos ruining the meta, I might quit before I get to blow my load.
Same, I left arena because all the constant daily shit made the "afk" game way more involved than most other gachas. I hoped journey would be different but it seems the shitty company didn't learn shit.
Was fun while it lasted, goodbye bros.
25-35 minutes for me to finish all the dailies.
I'm right there with you, but less and I won't spend a nickel.
My retarded ass is running two accounts and 25-35 minutes would be nice for each. I'm taking way longer I feel like per account.
Surprised theres threads for this shit game
Im thinking of jumping ship any day now. I like some of the character designs but the actual “content” they push out is actually terrible.
I knew it was going to be bad when half of the players in the the number 2 and 3 ranked guilds went inactive, as well as multiple top ranking whales quitting.
Unironically the funnest part of this game was shitting around on world chat, but even thats dead now.
have fun, friend.
Can't believe they made a season dedicated to maulers but made zero full mauler characters playable kek
I dropped it shortly after finishing S2 story, occasionally pop into the thread to see what are people talking about.
I still can't fathom why they thought their "server" system is good, when all it does is completely destroy new blood influx into the pool. If a guild starts dying, that's it, it's done, no coming back from that.
>why don't they let newfags compete with guilds that have been building their account for months
yeah I wonder
the real problem is retards staying in their dead guild with 3 other people instead of gradually moving to the active guilds
You mean like literally every single other game in existence? Yeah, I really wonder.
Expecting people to constantly shuffle guilds is retarded, I have been in the same guilds in other gacha for years, and we never had problems with getting new members once some leave or stop playing. Guess what can't be done in this dumpster fire?
>You mean like literally every single other game in existence?
Must be one of your first mobile games cause this is far from the only one that does this
They will eventually include your district then more and more districts but for now it's fine
>left my 1st guild 2 months ago since it was dead
>leader from my current guild stopped playing and transferred leadership to another member
I swear if it transfers to me, I have to jump ship again. Sadly even the other top guilds are bleeding active players. Also noticed that the server's original top whales except #1 have stopped playing too
This game is gay
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>log in

>afk push
>Immortal perma ulti brutus or similar bullshit for the 10th stage in a row
>all replays use phraesto

>farmed 7 times by the same guy
>try attacking
>Everyone has a S+20 scarsità

>dream realm
>Top 50 replays have at least 2 between phraesto scarlita or talene

>Still can't beat the same stage I couldn't beat one week ago

>supreme arena
>got sniped by a dude 200 ranks below
>I can only attack people 20 ranks higher at most

>faction tower
>can push one stage maybe

>battle drills
>1 day left and we didn't even get to the minibosses

>unless you roll the shield cheese you get plapped by 5 shakirs on stage 16

>honor duel

>do a 10 pull
>1 purple

>log out
>doesnt do his daily clan quest bird roundup
>doesnt do his hourly bag puzzle, flower gather, quiz, card match
>doesnt do his arcane lab
bruh are you even playing the game?
I'm finally done with that bullshit reputation grind. This is just like WoW. And now this stupid festival. At least I'm already done with the quiz, the flowers, and the card matching, but not being able to choose the difficulty is ass.
yep, it's afk'ing time
Current status of S1 guilds. Most whales quit and the whale guilds crashed. Analytica tranny leader inseas0n is approaching the rest of guild leaders on S1 with the heckin epic reward of discord roles if they join in on transferring players around. From my understanding there are now 3-5 guilds, one of which is chinese, that aren't being bitched by some tranny.
you know you can just quit the event after joining and still get the rewards
>top 1 guild has been searching for multiple days just for ONE person to join in
>literally no requirements except do dailies
holy dead game
Sure, but I want the rewards and the titles. I finished every non repeatable quest already, so now I can join and leave without remorse.
You can see koko's panties
1 free scamgazer from the kite
what a steal
Just buy additional kites for just $5.99 each :^)
>feast event bugs out removing the hud and making the npc disappear
you can't make this shit up
>leader of lazy guild of 13
>everyone daily only log off 5minutes tops
>ranked 5 server
>no one joins
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>it's another episode of reinier swap doesn't work despite the enemy not having enlightening or a cc immune hero
I think his ability gets interrupted mid animation by something.
Sometimes it happens if he gets stunned at the start of the battle and he can't finish the cast, but I rewatched the replay 1000 times and he didn't get interrupted, I was swapping their Brutus to force my Vala to retarget their second rearmost hero, but he just stood there without even moving/attacking for the first 10 seconds of the fight.
Could be because I swapped my Temesia and her running skill fucked up the swap, I have to test this again, too bad we don't have a sandbox mode and each failed attempt costs 3 times the points I have to get back winning.
I found out some other funny interactions tho, aside from the Vala retarget: if you swap your Silvina, she will jump to the enemy before the swap and the enemy won't be swapped, but they will still have the circles at their feet so theoretically the atk bonus and damage reduction should still be in place.
Big fan of Korin for Reinier swap since he jumps right back to your line.
started punching myself in the face again because of honor duel...
Don't even bother anymore. It's rigged against you.
gotta do the weeklies
play graveborn and stop punching yourself
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nah still had to do it
don't try to win with lightbarers or maulers, it's not going to happen
well I guess you can with maulers if you slot in a hewynn for the late game
Just pick wilders or graves only
Even when getting lightbearer/mauler artifacts
Not joking, even plebbit knows it's chucklefucked beyond fixing
>Play an arena match I should easily win
>Get screwed by some RNG heal or crit or thoran
>yell loudly, throw the phone into the wall and start punching the table until I break my hand
It's my third broken phone and second broken hand today.......
Bone Scroll still makes Maulers worth playing. No artifact can make Lightbearers worth playing unfortunately.
Isn't the one that boosts their stats, and more as they die worth? t. Duelette
Barely functionable.
only at lower rating, you can have it pump up a Temesia which will then proceed to solo the enemy team
at higher rating your team will either be blown up by graveborn instantly or there will be an enemy Hewynn perma ulting making her whole team immortal
scroll is still too much of a late game artifact
maulers have to get to legend within the first 3 rounds or get shut down (except brutus)
that artifact sounds good in concept but given how fast everything dies it's really not
it's not like being left on your last light suddenly makes them superman with four 7% stat boosts (which is probably 15 att 10 att speed, 15 vitality, 12 hp per boost)
if it's overpowered you see it constantly after round 5
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I finally quit this shit game for gay faggots
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Speaking of faggots, should I go for one of each celestial/hypo, or dupe my favorites? Pic related is my boi but he doesn’t seem to benefit much from leveling up
>Pic related is my boi but he doesn’t seem to benefit much from leveling up
what do you mean, he's literally useless until Supreme +, and so are most of the others
you should focus on one at a time instead of multiple
he benefits massively from the extra stats like any tank
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I guess I meant his higher level skills look much weaker than his base ones. I’m probably thinking about it wrong though
Absolutely wrong, 99% of heroes except for Brutus are useless in endgame until M+.
With the amount of resources you have to use especially on celehypos, choose one and stick to it until M+.
Phraesto and Talene are worse because they should really be S+, usually people choose Reiner or Scarlita first
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>Struggling on an afk stage
>Look at the records for help
>They're all the exact same whale team
and then you upgrade your characters the next day and effortlessly pass the stage on auto
The item that lets you swap the tier between two characters sounds interesting. This essentially means you can buy every character with arena coins unless I'm misunderstanding something. Of course it probably won't apply to celestials and hypogeans.
Probably to trade ascension/EX from a hero you regret investing in, with something more meta
>new battle drills
>all top 10 guilds trying to poach anything that logs in
fucking hell this is pathetic
we need server merges
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>We are introducing new items that let you swap the tier and Exclusive Equipment progress between two heroes of the same quality (A-Level or S-Level) released in the new season
>released in the new season
Are you telling me it's locked to only swapping between Alsa, Soren, Ulmus, and Ludovic? If so, that's fucking lame
>manage to stay top 100 on server 1 despite no eironn

It's really over isn't it
I'm pretty sure that's referring to the new item. If not then it'd be really stupid of them, but you never know, they got precedent with dumb choices
I'm going to be really disappointed if that's the case
>thinking they'll let you swap dogshit arena store heroes for brand new heroes
why would anyone roll for anything at that point
there will clearly be limitations, you probably won't be able to immediately swap rate-up characters
>why would anyone roll for anything at that point
because it's going to be a limited resource, you'll probably be able to swap characters maybe once or twice every few months
it really annoys me how vague they were about something like this which is a pretty big deal
the way I interpreted it is it swaps between heroes released in the next season, so you can roll on anyone without worrying if the next one is gonna be more broken
but hope you're right

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