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Hey /vmg/ I need suggestions on some gacha games to play. I'm currently playing Blue Archive and Nikke (picrel) but want more to get into.

Only requirements is that the game isn't dead and the girls are cute :)

Please post suggestions. (I also posted this in /v/ but someone suggested I post in here too)
/vmg/ kinda slow :(
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Aether Gazer. the girls are cute and the action gameplay is fun. There should still be a free S rank selector if you start in the next couple of days.
Ooh I like this one. How active is the playerbase do you think?
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imo it is similar player activity to others in the genre: Honkai impact & PGR.
But it's not as active on 4channel for some reason. Those two have /vg/ threads but AG is just on /vmg/

>Ooh I like this one.
she is the flirtiest one. she is one of the few you can also grind for outside of pulls
Oh boy.. seems right up my alley lol
Thanks for the suggestion anon :)
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if you like coom and guns try snowbreak

if you like coom and turn based try outerplane
reccomend me gacha games, also try snowbreak
> snowbreak
Is that the game that fired its eng dub team because they complained about fanservice?
Low quality 3d, terrible on pc
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Fate Grand Order


>what if we just copied and pasted the same exact body 7 times
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What are some gachas that have dark skinned/tanned/chocolate waifus?

I tried Blue Archive and quickly realized there's only 2(two) dark skinned waifus.
I need a gacha Game with biker girls or atleast one biker girl
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>literally every modern western game
you're in the wrong genre bro, i play gachas to avoid the darkies
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key difference is that those westoid characters are not hot and breedable.
There's actually 2 right now. One loli from gsc and an unnamed npc so you can expect more to come
What's a good game that has the space aesthetic without the retarded cyber animal super special move that goes on cd for 10 second for to tap it again?
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Most gacha games have very few.
You're in bad luck, aside from FGO, there aren't a lot of these and most of FGO are males anyway. If you play Blue archive, you are already entering the top 5 gacha games with most of dark skinned waifus available.
Granblue Fantasy has a few, but it is not a good game.
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Nikke's got a few, plus an NPC that'll probably be playable soon.
based if true
> translation: Their faces aren't circles with two giant eyes and a mouth

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