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Comes out today, you'll have to use QooApp though. It's an anime wrestling RPG.

It's out.
I've been playing it. Well, as much as it'll let me.
Already wasted all of the gems I've gotten so far without getting any SSRs. Genuinely feel like rerolling my account...
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I tried playing it the moment it released, it made me start over a few times anyway. If you have no SSRs at all you may as well reroll. I'm having fun with it so far, it's just off to a bumpy start. Any particular unit you want? I wanted the SSR Suguru but I got Neptuneman and Mammothman.
i mean, you can reroll at the start til you get your favorite, so i did that and got ashuraman. no idea how grueling this game's going to be (hopefully it'll be more f2p friendly than muscle shot was, FUCK that game was literally like "if you can't make a team with 4 copies of the newest choujin don't even bother") but if nothing else the animations are cute and good.
Only good thing about MS was the art
it gave us some true to life bangers. i'm sure i would've enjoyed it more if i had gotten in on the ground floor but i'm glad we're getting a new game. here's hoping it lasts a while and is good.
I think it'll last a few years, the gameplay is more fun to me than MS
ms was ROUGH. when you had the right teams to just barely clear a hard stage it could be pretty fun, but a lot of the time it really was just "lol there are 9 kinds of trap and there are 2 choujin in the game that can deal with this exact combination good luck if you don't have them"
SURELY this game won't be like that!
It definitely will lol, but to what degree? I didn't get to play enough to work out if there's actually an online aspect to the game or not, or if or how multiplayer works
it seems to be pretty stable today, i've managed to play for a few hours. still don't have a great handle on it but it's fun. the animations being pretty elaborate for various important characters like the devil choujin is great.
as for multiplayer, it seems if you get far enough you unlock a colosseum mode. who knows if it's real-time versus like MS or if it's just "fight the ai controlling this player-made team" though. hoping it's the latter because i don't want pvp to fuck this game up
It's the most stable its been since launch, lack of stamina kind of sucks when you need to level up characters
they've given us a shitton of bonbe's medicine (refill 50 stamina) and skip tickets at least. and stamina being 1 per 2 minutes is the most generous i've ever seen in a phone game i think lol
I didn't notice that, whenever my stamina got too low I just stopped for a bit.
who'd you get with the free GSSR they gave us today?
i got mammothman (would have preferred literally any other choujin but at least he wasn't a dupe)
Meat... He was the only one I didn't want
gacha games sure are funny like that.
there can be 20 characters in a pool and you get the 1 or 2 that you don't really care about kek
RNG is a bitch, Are you saving your gems for new units or using them all now? From playing the story you come across Akuma Shogun, Mongolman, Goldman and devil Buffaloman so those will be units coming soon. I'm going to do enough pulls to get 200 points and get suguru or terryman then save them going forward for Akuma Shogun
i tried to save, i really did, but i did a few multis and ended up spending so many that i said "eh fuck it, i'll aim for pity" which i'll probably use to pick up sunshine. i definitely want shogun in the future, out of those.
btw, don't waste your pity on terry, you'll be able to get him from the exchange coins we've been getting for missions/logins.
I wanted terry for the tag team move, but you're right. I'll go for suguru then most likely
Before the perfect origin arc airs can somebody stream sftt arc
Wouldn't /a/ be a better place to ask
got terry from logins today. and i think the dev letter states that we're getting our first event starting tomorrow.
Emergency maintenance for the thousandth time.


They're getting eviscerated by the nips over the state of the game.
the only bitching i really agree with is the rates being disgustingly low. seriously .3% for nemesis? even f/go has 1% rates for the header of its banners.
i'm very willing to not worry so much about frequent maintenance. they're probably really regretting rushing the game out a week or two early.
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They must me so desperate if they're releasing summer waifu units this damn early in a Kinnikuman game.
funny because all the comments on the youtube video are like
>ehhh...? does anyone who likes kinnikuman care about this...?
i'm gonna be pissed off if this game goes eos extremely fast, i'm enjoying it so far.
it seems that from today's tweet, they've hinted the next choujin to be added will be Max Radial. i've foolishly blown almost all of my gems on the starting banner and the nemesis banner (15 fucking multis without getting nemesis!!) but this'll be an easy skip for me to try and recoup those losses. i really want shogun-sama...
Anyone know how to account bind in this game? I'm mainly playing on my pc but I also I want to play this game on my phone.
i don't think you actually can. the only thing i found was that you can backup your data, but if you do it it erases the app or something, so that's exclusively for transferring to a new phone.

Well shit. Of course this game's developers are that fucking incompetent. I dunno why I even expected anything less.
it's a bit late to ask, but did anyone manage to beat the max difficulty swimsuit battle? i have no idea how it'd even be possible, she heals so much every turn while shitting out aoe supers. my strongest blue unit is ashuraman at level 75 and she could easily outheal his damage and kill him in two turns.

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