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It's finally out.

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Consider this
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Make it so
Where can i buy this
Same store where you can buy Nyochio right now...
15 min
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Towa, Sophia, maybe Neo
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Would Donuts?
>The shotacon isekai
Oh boy
...welcome back Mato Slave collab
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God DJ has such soulful collabs
How so?
They aren't annoyingly generic choices
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Does that mean its over?
Kidani is washing his hands from DJs, that's why NJPW pulled out
Donuts-san, Lyrical Lily cover please...
Is another Assault Lily situation...at best
Moreover, jp digglers are confused on the qrt
I don't need the normie's opinions. I just need 5ch doomers to tell me the 411
But Miyu has yet to defeat Kyoko and Saori in a cardfight...
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Apparently the pachinko and the "ecchi" collabs are from Donuts side.
Bushi only see D4DJ as a collab bait like it's TGC franchises.
Moroever, it seems they are teasing a reboot...just in when the doggos were added.
And, of course, fuck egoegg...
>From zero
No way they will retcon everything they did
can they pull a LLSIF2?
That's funny since it's exactly what I wanted bandori to do.
If it's anything like Last Bullet then they're going to now add a bunch of racier cards
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>tfw picrel
So is this a good thing or bad thing?
How's Donut's track record with games?
Well 7th Sisters is 10 years old
>Tokyo 7th sisters
>FGO copycat
it's so fucking over
screenshots your cards
So whose idea is ABCD? How long till EoS? Will we still get live events by 2025?
If they can continue for a long time even if they fly low because they have more songs and more collaborations, that's a good thing
Will they no longer be invited to Bushiroad events?
I wonder if the sloppy, shitty management up until now was Bushiroad's fault after all.
I think so, seeing Bushiroad's mistakes up until now.
I don't think the anime will continue
>Even if it(game) closes, the live will continue! The announcement has also been halted with the cancellation of the February live show...
>I hope they continue to do it slowly like Nanasis-senpai
Looking at Nanasis-senpai's track record
I have a feeling they won't end it so easily
>Idolmaster has made a comeback with a new release, but all the other idol games are just waiting for the death
Donuts killed Your Majesty rather quickly though
Will it be more yuri or less yuri though?
While I want to say ABCD was the cause of this, knowing big corps, this was probably decided in Q1. With it being on the table sine Q2 23.

5ch cope
Apps that come out at this time are bound to flop, so...
The only difference is whether to discard the half-finished work, or release it for now and discard it (shut down the app).
It all comes down how Hayacoco will come out from this...
pachinko can't be from donuts side since bandori also got one at the same time.
collabs are... well Assault Lily had harem series collab before and after Bushiroad left so it is likely not relevant.
>teasing a reboot
I mean it was an awful outdated game and complete flop.
I guess we can say goodbye to another anime now...
Can Donuts pay May'n or will we be getting Finding Neo part 2?
I guess I'm not renewing my subscriptions
>CoA will be purged from the reboot
>Diggler will be corporeal
>playable male DJ units
I can see them keeping Groovy Mix on life support and launch a management sim idol game sequel...
Welcome back IM@S 2
Hope Donuts will bring back EsoYuka and MiyuHaru
Yes it is probably on the table since Bushiroad ended DJTIME club and let Donuts did a couple of Diggler's High.
Egoegg is also from Donuts since unaffiliated seiyuus could sign up with their own voice agency.
EGOEGG will be the lead unit of the D4DJ 2
I see they're taking it well
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Even with this divorce, DJs will always be our imouto. Best of luck without K*dani.
Remember Merm4id event where Saori created a company for entertaining old people but it is not going well in the end so it was sold to another company to entertain young people? It's literally about D4DJ...
>This circus is just to announce a slow EOS
>これからも変わらず D4DJの一員として!4人でLyrical Lily!ディグラーの皆さんにずっと笑顔を届けることを誓います!
Do you think knew or is this a shock for them too? With all the posts from seiyuus it feels like damage control...
Also does ownership really need to be this big? I feel like it could have been a silent notice in game and to stockholders (K*dani wants to shoot their foot on the way out)
Seuyuus are doing damage control too
Is there any other gay couples under bushi's name now?
They obviously knew lol Karin was very worried about UniChØrd not selling back in April.
99gumi, MyGO, and Geahs
Remember when yatile was a thing? What happened to her anyway?
So Unigay was the downfall of grumiku
Happily married and became a housewife I hope
none I see
>現在サービスが続けられているiOS/Android向けアプリ『D4DJ Groovy Mix』だけでなく、音楽制作やイベントの展開についても、すべてDONUTSへ移管されると説明しています。

From the bushi originals, who will be donut's favorite? Who will be forgotten?
D4DJ music sales are barely the shadow of Bandori
UniMare is not the reason
...but they definitely failed to bring new fans.
Before EOS, I hope we get a full release of this
I hope Haya-Coco survive this.
>Their last album with Bushi will be Peaky's
>Abyssmare and Mermaid are the last concerts under Bushi
Yup...Assault Lily 1.5
So... nothing really changing?
The stream will answer
However, if the music production is now under Donuts then there is a high chance every unit will change their sound.
They added a buttload of lilies and stage plays also shifted focus away from the bushiroad legion.
None of the music producers are in-house at Bushiroad in the first place, right?
I don't think sound will change? Unless the previous producers are barred from working with donuts I see no reason to change unless cost
Assualt Lily stopped voicing storis at all because of bloated cast and Bushiroad leaving (no need to push seiyuus anymore - stage plays often use different actresses)
ABCD icon update soon...
Only Instrumental Theme song releases for the bushi groups...
No more lives...



Yuri sisters? We failed...
The idol genre is dying in general, or at least it's not growing
Sorry the word yuri at the start was not copied
He was saying yurifags would rather flock to "queerbait" anime like Hibiki Euphonium and Uma Musume, or "cheating on yuri with" unrelated games like Gakuin Idolmaster than support yurige.
Towa Tsugai ended service a while ago and it was not an idolge.
People called this when Kidani said thank you for your support in past tense last anniversary.
The writing was always on the wall
Considering we still have doggos as Rondos1111, I don't feel too hopeful...
It's ludokino

Same with the combined gacha pool
Those lilies already existed in the plays to begin with.
I will miss you sisters, as well as the dead sisters who quit before the divorce
to the app
Haya-Coco was too good for this world...
Doggos were too good for this world
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left Bushiroad last March
May'n just said everything will be okay
1 hour to go
What are we thinking right now
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1. 4th anniversary sneak peak
SP cards for all 8 main units
The tap tap competition
2. DD Records
D4DJ's own music label, for songs, lives and seiyuu contents.
3. Budokan live next year
Oyu (Rinku) knew about the transfer so she wrote the lyrics of recent Happy Around song with that in mind.
Rondo's Last Song too
Let's face the fact that Bushiroad was mishandling this franchise hard. It took years to transform it into something coherent and introduce long awaited changes. And global is still a complete shitshow. We'll never know which good or bad decisions belonged to Bushi or Donuts, but it's obvious that best parts of the game (Hayacoco, crazy Lumina story, and now I believe Doggos) were not in the original Bushi vision. I believe that Donuts is on the right track and they have earned my trust by actually listening to their fans and critics. Drifting from Bushi however means losing a lot of perks unfortunately, mainly events, seiyuu and anime. Maybe even unit reorganization will happen (and honestly, it needs to happen).
I wonder what Bushi will do now, open a new IP?
Yeah, Dream Order
Let's be honest, the whole franchise was shafted by covid initially.
What I mosly wonder about is the merch.
There's always been one massive faggot in the /jp/ bushi thread who has an autistic meltdown anytime DJs get mentioned. He's been mad since 2020 because DJs were "stealing resources" from bandori.
>I wonder what Bushi will do now, open a new IP?
Bushiroad still has 2 IPs left in the ditches (ROAD59, D_Cide), they have no incentive to start another.
Will we still get cover song though?
Wait she left? Who's been drawing the card arts since or do we not know?
>D4DJ own record label
Just like Love Live did back in April
You fags better not let it flop
>Le bushi boogeyman
The "questionable" collabs will still be there retard.
Pretty much the upcoming 7th prince collab is from Donuts side.
So anticipate an Asault Lily 2 electric bugaloo situation.
>You fags better not let it flop
Speaking of that, I wonder if it was Bushi or Donuts that's been making it borderline impossible for gaijins to get tickets for lives. Like shit dude you can't even enter the lottos without a Japanese phone and the ticketing sites they've been using have basically had anti-gaijin features baked in since the beginning.
>Verification not required.
>The matoslave collab and Hayacoco turning het was from Donuts side
they are literally chika idols
>Asault Lily 2 electric bugaloo
What happened with Assault Lily?
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Once Bushiroad transfered its management. The content became more raunchy than before.
Finally Hayacoco post coitus cards
They also got ASMR cards and wedding cards
So basically to reel in waifufags? I dont mind fanservice but yuri stands for purity first and foremost, so i am kind of worried what will happen in the future.
Yes it became Yujia's husband's paradise
But that's not Yujia.
My bad.
So are we safe or not? I kinda feel really shitty. What will happen to the seiyuu?
Where do I contact Donuts so I can save global for our xitter sisters?
Also, I'm kind of glad this happened. Bushi was definitely too corporate to fulfill D4DJ's vision.
As a SukeraSono appreciator, I hope they make more ASMR contents
>More ASMR cards
Considering the two we have in the game right now are legit masterpieces I hope you're right
Oh no, they started marrying off girls... to girls they were paired off with! How unpure indeed, class-s-bros...
Yeah they will definitely make Tsubaoi wedding card... yeah...
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Forgot the pic from the latest event.
but they did? they even had a kid, then Aoi died from being stabbed by a robber
Donuts in house artists as always? Yatile cards have a very distinctive style and very few in numbers. Honestly I find the usual card style more appropriate for a game. And quality vise miles better than in Bandori.
I do hope they commission more art from her, her early D4DJ birthday images are great. The jackets she did for some albums are too.
pls repost sexy Tsubaki
>cocoa retconned to have a cat
>cat pov hayacoco asmr
Only one? Her seiyuu has 2.
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As long as western xitter fags exist
we are not safe
I remember how some of them shat on Assault Lilly new direction.
Altho, now they can not blame bushiroad for any "problematic" future collab.
>Donuts will open their own online merch store instead of using Bushiroad Store.
Does donuts care about westoids? I would love to have an easily accessible store instead of the bullshit of proxies and stuff.
Bushi store also used proxies for most of their merch.
So I doubt it will be gaijin friendly.
Donuts online stream service is super gaijin friendly.
Photon and Rondo producers already said they will continue as usual.
Any SEA players? Did they announce something like this in global? What if donuts just cans global because collabos would be too hard to continue
>3k diamonds
Oh. Little strange but okay, thanks?
If they will allow transfer back to jp, I see this as an improvement.
ENFag here, we got the announcement + 3K gems
Yuri status?
still pure and wholesome
Hayate is getting a tongue piercing
Goodbye to RAINMAKER in 10 days... not surprised because the song's wrestler is in a different promotion. lol
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Bell snorts sugar off those for relief...
JP also received 3k gems
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EOS pity gems
No, that's only because they stopped having idols be in love with the self-insert. Idoly Pride survived precisely because it went with that.
You act as if R18 yuri doesn't exist.

It's so obvious who the wedding dresses are for. It's for each other, not themselves. Do you think the same for chocolates in Valentine's cards as well?

This anon gets it.
>not themselves
not (You)
Brainfogged for a second there.
I just got back from the airport and I see Bushiroad is kill?
Is this good or bad digglers
It's good for Noa
>You act as if R18 yuri doesn't exist
Lesbian porn is not yuri
Your twitterbrain disease might be terminal
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孤月 / lone moon

the moon / the one that melts the night
lays still in the void orphaned
standing in the way / prayers with nowhere to go
all I want is for
one, just one to share this with...
I just want to feel your hand on mine
"if there's any chance..."
I folded my hands and begged

in the depths of that black-burned sorrow
you keep twinkling, all ready to go
in what I have left / the far reaches of an empty sky
you flickering light, don't vanish away
in the dazzling sky / now a thing of the past
rests a moon I hold dear in me

o night stars,
if you can hear me, then answer
"it's not gonna come true, is it?"

in thrashed up, smashed portraits
the place I belonged to hid in clouds
like petals / scattered to the wind
they're now gone / those happy days
in the same night sky / the same open wound
the eyes that look at it / that come together
I just hope this song
may one day
quell the pain you feel

Looks like its you that doesnt even understand why the white lily is representing the yuri genre, you dumb nigger
Times are changing, grandpa. Will Donuts get us the Girl Bands Cry collab?
Imagine an event with Lyrical Lily but the Lilies stand for Royalist France. Miiko is a womanlet minor noble from some backwater island speaking French with an Italian accent.
>Royalist France
Wasn't there a card where Noa fantasized about a Rose of Versailles-style art of someone else in the cast? I might be fuzzy on the details.
Ibuki in a play yeah
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Haya-Coco anime dream is dead
Coping with one more year of Groovy Mix and Budokan Haya-Coco
You're not going to change reality just because you looked up the meaning of a flower.
The Budokan is probably for the finale and then EoS after that. Abandon all hope ye who play this game
>Going out with a Big Bang
Based, hope springs eternal.
A hero perish, or a sparrow fall,
And now a bubble burst, and now a world.
>Nightcore Kogetsu
Mensa genius Michiru
Budoukan concert with Michiru & Friends...
>All these ex-idols somehow end up in Budoukan
Dreams do come true.
I can't wait for the bilibili links since we don't need to support a dying franchise
>franchise is new I will wait and see before supporting it
>franchise is doing well it doesn't need my support
>franchise is dying we don't need to support a dying franchise
Based and never support pilled
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Good news is that once these two finally create a band, some of the seiyuus can get roles in a better game.
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next song when
We all know DJs is a much better game.
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Now that D4DJ becomes full rhythm game under Donuts, it's about time for Rondo's remix of this.
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average rondo fan:
Damn, the burst near end of Medley event is insane. I gave up on the last few gacha tickets in the shop and saw I was around 700th. 2 hours later I am out of top 1000.
>dynastyscans forum experience
>fake nails
Not a true fan.
do we even know who charley's seiyuu is?
She looks menhera enough, that's the point....
>fake nails
technically makes her a real fan...
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EN was a mistake
Axis the World is sick. Can't wait to get my hands on the single to rip the instrumental.
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Nagisa a boy confirmed
sisters we made it!
D4DJ said trans rights!
Aoi already did it in NieR collab and Slime Tensei collab
Actually Vanguard too
Oh no Sophia is stacked too
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Our cute Imouto is now officially living with us. Welcome Home.

We will dominate the future and, you, will dominate the DJs.
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Interesting, I looked back all her cards and turns out we got a sneak peak in her 1st NV card
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D4DJ are Bushi...when the collab is problematic, like
*checks notes
Sophia has big tits
He probably was thinking that all seasonal anime collabs come from Bushi.
Checking the graph, I can only say Vanguard, Degiko, Singapore Tourism Bureau and Anisama collabs are definitely from Bushi.

Again, Assault Lily had collab with Date A Live before Bushi left and Re Zero more than a year after Bushi left.
Why shouldn't Sophia have big tits? Did they think she's a boy?
What will the collab story be? Everyone simpimg Nagisa?
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You know who else is big? Maho's little sister, Yukino.
Welcome Home.
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Family photo for the occasion.
They should probably just add a bunch of 7th Sisters songs now. They don't even have to be covers.
Go bigger. Like Ijigen Fes or Bamco Live.

We can make our own crossover Event.

Donus Festa.
Weird since Rika seiyuu read the synopsis and speculated Neo-sama has a big role in the event.
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Another cute family photo
>Maho is big (even Rinku acknowledge it)
>Her imouto is big
Runs in the family
The first "major antagonist" of the show is like family to sophies character so I bet they use neo to be that character. Doesnt really explain why they picked the maid outfit for sophie when anime onlies saw the maid outfit for like 1 minute at the end of the season.
!? I didn't watch the 7th Prince anime. Will NeoSophia be kill like HayaCoco was in Chained African American of Shanghai?
Neo will die if she gets used as antagonist for the story and sophie will suck off nagisa after that.
Donuts, Nooo...!
new egg song is called Chew on your dreams
Hello. Anime enjoyer who briefly played the game. I saw somewhere that Bushiroad has abandoned D4DJ. Is this true? Is it over? I was waiting for s3...
Missed opportunity to have Noa on this
So when are we getting more EGOEGG content?
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They debuted a new song today
Apparently they jacked up the cheki price from 1500 to 2000 haha
Don't wait, join us for fresh content right now

No clue if Donuts has the power to produce more anime.
And the studio who did the anime is already busy with ave mujica and guilty gear.
It's all about money
>the studio
Could always change the studio, even to a 2D one

Anyway T7S had one movie
They're removing Victory Road too, and the song's wrestler is still under Bushiroad...weird.
>Could always change the studio, even to a 2D one
Nobody would be happy with that.
We now insist on 3D anime?
D4DJ anime was better than a cheaply made 2d anime by some random studio. And GBC is better than your average SoL/music anime in general, setting a new trend.
>actual GBC brainrot
It's only set the standard for shills posting about that literal who where they don't belong.
I don't trust anyone making 2d animated performances.
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Based. This is a Sasakoi thread if we have to pick a seasonal anime.
>T7S had one movie
And no one watched it because it didn't have Makoto. An anime centred on Makoto and her love for onii-chan would be AOTY but they don't want her to be popular.
We don't need the geezers, or the shota for the matter. Cut them out, Donuts!
Without the geezers there wouldn't be D4FES
Without D4FES there wouldn't be COA
Without COA there wouldn't YOBA's academy curricula
Without Yoba's academy curricula there wouldn't be Peaky P-Key
Without Peaky P-Key there wouldn't be Happy Around
Without Happy Around there wouldn't D4DJ
...so keep seething
Yuri sisters I am literally shaking at tomorrow's het collab... because of fear
You'll be fine, hold my hand.
Sophia's Sophias are going to be even bigger for their swimsuit event this year
When you see it.....
They better bring Yatile back just for a really sexy MichiSophia illust
>brown girl on Sophia's card
I've never heard of this anime before
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>and ASS
Yikes. You had that old guy.
>C 2020 DONUTS
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Oh this is an improvement?
No more 15 raids, instead I only need to hit X points on a raid
Is twitter actually bitching that Donuts will "fanservice" the game up?
Oh nvm thanks >>1498260

But I'm pretty sure Donuts is in charge of hiring the illustrators, right?
Cards were likely designed well in advanced, especially collabs since they need approval of the IP
That doesn't answer my question.

Who is more likely to have been in charge of hiring the illustrators and approving the art- Donuts or Bushiroad?
>qrt bark "That's not Sophia, THAT'S NOT SOPHIA"
>When Sophia USED to be, pretty much, Abyssmare improvised maid back when they were in murica
Why are they revisioning D4DJ lore?
Is Donuts
That xitter user is just coping
Speaking of which, I remember when a twitter-affiliated LLandGachaWhale reviewed T7S and got a bit hot under the collar about the black character, voiced by Jedah, being hyper-sexualised.

Good times.
It's not Sophia
She doesn't have cut marks on her arms and legs
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>and legs
That just sound inconvenient
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Bushiroad must have vetoed the original outift. Donuts alone would have given it to us!
Time to roll the dice on the commission.
het commision, I hope
>Master VA quitted his Conan and One Piece roles
Complete lesbian take over of Cafe Vinyl soon

do nips really?
7th prince anon, why does Lloyd have a different design on the card from all the pics I can find on Google?
Something to do with "Grimm"?
>2 girls
>1 twink
But /jp/ told me D4DJ does not have female fans (twink included)
They do just way fewer than BanG Dream hence the /jp/ meme. The cast often do extra fan service for them during club events, there was one scene where Tsubaki seiyuu went to sing in front of their faces. Rondo and Merm4id seem to have the most female fans - saw a literal granny who took out a Merm4id fan to dance with everyone during princess advent. I bet Peaky also has a lot of female fans.
>Donuts will "fanservice" the game up
I've always been hoping that doing so would get rid of those retards.
Fucking go back to twitter if you like it that much. You whinny babs are insufferable.
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Did I read this wrong? They will sign every premium seat bonus?! D4DJ Lives sell half of the seats as premium seats...
During d4fes last month, the lilies got off the stage to sing one song in front of the women only seats.
funny because I would put Lilies in bottom 3 with Happy Around and UniChØrd in terms of number of female fans haha
Yeah HoneyWorks' Watashi Idol Sengen
Should I tell them?
How do you fags explain the Bandori swimsuits?
It is almost like the level of lewd has little to do with which company is in charge here.

Donuts made a mistake. It is also printed.
It is like they never actually played the other game...which has cards with panty shots and sideboobs.
>just watched that gay band anime that was shilled by Bushi before they left
>the funny animation parts are gone
No more gay anime shilling now that Donuts has taken over...
Donuts should remove Kogetsu
Don't be so jealous Bushiroad sis... Donuts only have this Kogetsu, meanwhile you have an entire lesbian band MyGO...
Read the story.
Neo-sama is on the phone with Mizuhashi Kuu who seems to be asking for her favor to promote something. Sophia cums just from seeing Neo-sama's phone answering pose. She then sees the poster left behind by Neo-sama: 7th Prince. Sophia decides to promote it for her for praise and orgasm. She first studies the manga overnight. Fearing being double crossed by Elsie or accidently exposed to Neo-sama by Weronica, Sophia decides to ask someone else at school for help, just when she is bumped and knocked down by Towa. Sophia then scams Towa into helping her because of her "injuries". Towa turns out to be a fan of the manga, and she convinces Ibuki to help because it is a topic that could open up Sophia and Neo-sama. The student council put posters everywhere, and hire Rinku and Kyoko to shill it in cafe. Towa then calls Nagisa, who gets Rondo to help. Hiiro calls Marika, who gets Merm4id to help. Saori calls Miyu, who gets the Ri4 and Haya-Coco to help. Sophia, Towa, Ibuki and Nagisa then held a live cosplaying as the characters. With the mission accomplished, Sophia returns home only to find out the favor from Kuu was unrelated to 7th Prince - the poster was left behind by Weronica who got it from Towa. Sophia is dejected. Later, Neo-sama finds out the whole story from the student council and praises Sophia for challenging herself.
10/10 NeoSophia
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I like boring, cute yuri.
Before each even you must ask if it's a yuri event or a tits and ass event.
It's often both.
>Sophia was willing to wear Ren's OG outfit for the sake of Neo-sama
>Ibuki: oh nice there is also a maid one
Fuck you Ibuki
Force Ibuki to wear a more skimpy outfit instead
The raid box says 木形代
So it is not the 7th prince in Nagisa's card, but a wood puppet
I guess we are keeping the tradition that 9S and the slime didn't count as male characters, as opposed to the characters Aoi collab with who didn't get to appear in card art
>Towa is into shotacon
cute things are cute
Sophia has more friends and is more popular than Elsie and Wero...
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Towa Firecracker skin...
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fucking finally
>just got Master for the login bonus screen
>no voice
No more Amuro for us then. I just noticed that Date-chan in the event story and Eimi in Shika's card story had Newtype flashes.
First Ku, now Master. Haruki next...
Nagisa chads enjoy the collab...because Nagisa is now in the app's icon
Sound like 2 cute twinks
Opened some of the dumb X links posted here and now I keep seeing western DJ tween posts everywhere.
And Bandori's...
I will post more nip diggler links to wash them out
What's the point? There's only a handful of diggler posts and fanarts anyway. I still remember when they held a fanart contest for the anniversary and the winners are the only handful of diggler artists that don't look to amateurish...
The savior of diggler art
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Top of the yuri charts
Muni won.
That's a lot of Bushi representation
Rinku loves donuts more than Muni
Yeah... donuts...
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That's because it's mostly bushi
This is the most popular one
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this is anime
that's game and LN

pic related is manga
It's that fucking Netsuzou Trap on the left of YRYR?
They should get this guy to be the next main d4dj writer desu
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I prefer real Yuri. When do we get the scifi hijinks of someone mind controlling the world and everyone has to stop the villain with DJ music?
Is there a way to get the password for https://store.d4mix.com/password (upper right corner), or is it just a login for the site owner?
login for site owner

>t. osg frequenter
It's a lady though.
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End of an Era.
1. Merm4id variant Nyochio just dropped, called Mamepichi
2. Next event is Peaky
Hope we still get covers:
Rondo cover when?
>got "HPYDJ" as captcha a while ago
It's a sign...
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Snoop Dogg cover when?

rare haya-coco fan art
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>Hoping and praying for a Peaky one
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For me it's Neo-sama's dress
For me it's Sophia's boobs
fur coat... in the sand...
For me it's Elsie verbally abusing me and calling me a pedophile while she sinks her feet on my face
In standing splits position, I hope.
Based culture connoisseur diggler.
>but... taking off your shoes also has a sexual meaning... (Because in the West, you only take off your shoes when you go to bed or take a bath)
based nip diggler.
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Hayate's cousin, some boy, and the fashion model.
We still love Haya-Coco.
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>Rinku birthday convo
holy shit Muni is so high maintenance, emotionally speaking
>Not even a trimester since Bushi "stepped down"
Will Donuts beats the lewdness of Merm4id bikini card?
Why would we stop loving them?
Who'll wear the micro bikini for Noa?
Help I can't get into live in growth mode
Rare Aoi boobs in boy mode
>no messy room Marika
>lace lingerie under oversized but thin shirt
As expected from the supermodel
We share an illustrator with T7S.

>20k Yen for Skeb
Would you?
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The first trimster is between the woman and the developers
They are no longer BushiGays
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Everybody is mesmerized by Marika's babydoll under the shirt, but nobody has appreciated the release of Aoi breasts in plain clothes! Strong start, Donuts!
Global is as competent as always
The illustration is lame.
Let's be honest look through shirt is better
>limited pkpk event
>6k gems
oh no
change ui from ver 2 to ver 1
I don't give a shit about that, I will always love hykk!!!
>1st July
WTF! I hate hayacoco now
July lines: Haya-Coco decided to eat only 2 sticks of ice cream a day
Hayate: Kokoa said to only eat 2 sticks, but just one more (should be fine)...
Kokoa: We decided to eat only 2, but last night I ended up eating a 3rd one secretly.
Humility is a virtue
Is not an exposed top and her short hair is still there.
So xitter fags let it pass
A little little but... Happy birthday to Rinku, the first birthday in Donuts4DJ era!
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The Donuts Newtype...
shit pkpk street bingo?
I guess I'll get 4th place all the time
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When did Esora get such fat donuts?
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Also Jennifer
Tits aside, is the event story yuri?
*little late
I must have been sleepy when I wrote this.
Reminder for buyfags to claim whatever CD bonus you have before the ownership transfer
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Esora's been stacked since day 1
I still don't get why medley events get to have manual-only rooms while other events can't
Who cares, the meta is one stamina auto with 4 event cards for that sweet matching bonus
NTA but I care. Stomping on whales is fun.
Why 1 stamina?
The new matching bonus doesn't scale with voltage. Obviously real whales wouldn't care. It's for dolphins, or newbies who came in and rolled the whole banner for some reason.
>still can't BREAK her

nip d4dj fans spending money on weird places instead of whaling

biweekly recorded stream from now on
Even cancer patient has given up on D4DJ...
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maybe I should start watching them...
oya my favorite ship
>This is the most popular D4DJ fanart in years
The neverever Egoegg anime will save D4DJ
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Abyssmare radio on Friday till 1st Concert
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Free LuckyFes stream for Rondo simps
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Free Michiru for the next event
Finally new Haya-Coco content...
New reason to live until next week...
They gave up on the game…
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We need collab with these.
So yatile is still alive
>Peaky P-key event is shounen death tournament
So which unit is the seinen one?
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Did /bushi/ kick out DJs after the divorce?
I have been posting Sasakoi stage play there just fine.
Where are our free gacha for watching ads?
god I love michiru so much
Why though
she's sexy

This could have been us... UniChØrd anime never ever...
stop doomposting
Save us, Donuts-sama!
If for some reason we ever get a new anime, I hope it doesn't turn out to be like All Mix. Lyrical Lily was done dirty at that time.
EGOEGG solo anime where they curbstomp UniChØrd.
If for some reason we get a new anime, I hope it's all Michiru. And a Merm4id orgy episode.
I want a doggo anime thou
Imagine a PKPK ecchi DJ battle harem anime with Shinobu as the MC.
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>MyGO is collabing with GBC
>We are collabing with Sasakoi
Yeah I think D4DJ is SOUL
I mean DJ does always has better collabs
Only a few of them are good though.
UniChØrd swimsuits 2 please. Lewder than last time too.

It's time for a CoA swimsuit event. It's the only thing that can save d4dj
I miss hags. God bless that one chink on pixiv who keeps drawing porn of them.
I changed ISPs and now multiplayer rooms get stuck loading forever for some reason. I don't get it.
check your NAT
check your DNS
restart the devices
clear the app cache
love HayaCoco
>Michiru fans are literally retarded and autistic
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Happy birthday to prince(ss) Aoi!
Will Donuts finally give us short-haired Tsubaki?
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Rongays short haired microbikini cards please
Wouldn't mind a new sauna event.
Bring back Relation Events...
Donuts say no to gay events
>no to gays
>B-chan is gay for C-chan and C-chan is gay for Kyoko
Donuts isn't doing good in that department
Michiru says no to gay rights
Huh. I think T7S does monthly.

So say we do a joint concert. What should we call it?


The dice is rolled.

Depends on the card and character. In T7S, there's literally a canon story in T7S where a 30 something goes on a "date" with a barely legal teen to make her feel better. And by the end of it, the barely legal is quite smitten with the 30 something and asks for another date.

Or that time a 18 year old JK preyed on a, I think, 8 year old loli. That can be interpreted as nothing but pedolust.

And subtext-wise, the "leaders/centres" always have at least one girl they keep getting paired up with.
>Or that time a 18 year old JK preyed on a, I think, 8 year old loli.
Does this mean we can get a loli DJ unit?
Aren't they all bisluts who want the player character
Will Donuts still give monthly seasonal anime collabs? Which anime from this season?
The 30 Year old is a Prince character, and her entire thing is seducing girls.

Same with the JK pedo.

Not sure about Manon, who was the object of the 30 year old's grooming. Can't remember her sidestory or messages. Just remember she suffers from low self-esteem and likes Magical Girls.

Susu is probably Bi.
>Loli DJ
It is time.
But we already have Shinobu and Michiru...
Donuts will bring back game collabs
No such thing.
>no one uses "fortnightly" anymore

You forgot about the Christmas brainwashing episode where Chacha got brainwashed into loving yuri.

But more than that, it also depends on how the dynamics between the characters are, and who the target audience is. For example, contrast the yuri-centric Love Live games and the het-centric Lapis Re:Lights game, both done by Klab.

Not the case for T7S. While the player character is explicity male, most girls only have a platonic relationship with him. Less than 20% of them actually have romantic feelings for him (although granted, one of them is a major reason why the game is still alive even after 10 years). And that's for the 2034 batch. As far as I can tell, none of the girls in the other eras got any romantic affection for their respective managers (1st gen for 2031, 2nd gen for 2034, 3rd gen for 2053).
Truly, "developed" countries live in reverse sharia law.
Does D4DJ allow multi devices?
Yes, use transfer code once then you can kick yourself out between devices.
an anon once said that you can use X login to use multi devices, but I never tried since I refuse to use X
transfer code works too

yuri eye reflection
yuri eye reflection
yuri eye reflection
Why are they wasting time with Hayacoco instead of having a swimsuit event?
Transfer code is a transfer, not a multi device login
X login from what the other anon said is a multi device login
You use transfer code once and you stay logged in
The FGOtard refused to believe this but anyone can try.
Yeah it's not like bandori where you get kicked out of the other device.
First time seeing furigana added for the card titles in the announcement
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hot damn I will support donuts now
>even Muni card only had Rinku's fingers
That's kinda gay
>Pedo discussion out of nowhere
If there is nothing to be mad about the community will find anything unrelated to be mad about, that's how western D4DJ community works
Is a Doggos event again in jp on top of the NSO collab not coming to global yet
Thats enough to make western digglers
>switch to song list version 2 to check if they fixed the bug
>they didn't
>try to change back to version 1
What the fuck?
Who the hell is mad?
Are you ok? Meds.

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Elsie and Weronika are still my bitches.
Relationships events ended with two bangers.
I remember the recent copium that Doggo vol. 4 was predicted to be relationship event because it's quite short. I still want to believe.
>Suddenly Nova arc was better
HayaKoko reposting!
>6 days to get 500k
What's with Kokoa and covering her face?
She is a Yamato Nadeshiko
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UniChØrd are deliquents hanging outside convenience stores...
She’s embarrassed.
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Might be the prettiest card in history of gacha.
Prettier than Lisa's ass!
Noa should molest the homos, after all, girls in love are the cutest.
>kissing in Hayate card
We won. We Yorukura now.
Hope we get 2.5D Seduction collab for this season to balance out the gayness
>2.5D Seduction
Careful, you'll trigger the yurifags
Is there anyone left here who is not a yurifag?
I'm not a yurifag, although I'm not against it either.
god michiru's thighs
>Match room
>Michiru sticker spam
>All the Michirus FC
>Keep spamming

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