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Mobile gaming truly went to mostly gachas eh, what about the anons here that grabs their phones to open games just to burn time instead of a second job? What do you open?
Not much lately. Mostly Slice & Dice (it had a big update earlier this year) and S-kladom Pro.
Play Together
It's basically Roblox for koreans. But it's fun
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I was playing a lot of Colorma but this one in the art gallery stumped me hard
Whoops didn't mean to reply
i play pokemon ds games on drastic
i also bought ex astris, but i will complete it some other time
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I dropped all mobile games except for one gachaslop and went back to handhelds.
Is this similar to nonograms?
Playing old fire emblems with an emulator
I've reached my fill of 20 Minutes Till Dawn recently but that lasted me a few months. Before then it was Bad North and Gladihoppers.
Currently looking at Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom or Ex Astris as the next game I'll pick up.
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Kind of, the actual game is about rearranging blocks in a gradient that makes sense, pic related. Art gallery puzzles are the same but the lighter blocks make up a simple picture, and the sudden color contrast between dark and light colors make it harder to guess which colors go where (for me anyway).
Mobile games these days come in a few specific types:
- gachas
- ports of PC games(of varying quality)
- "management" games that have nearly identical gameplay
- endless runner games that have identical gameplay
- formerly successful mobile games that are now a shell of their former selves
- match 3s/bubble poppers/jigsaw puzzle/solitaire/other carbon copy dime a dozen puzzle games
- slop churned out by the bucketful that gets botted reviews and is most notable for ads that feel like an AI wrote them
- genuinely original puzzle games that all have the same aesthetic direction for some reason
- weird bootlegs
There are also games without any ads, both free and paid that tend to get fewer than 10,000 downloads, sometimes less than a thousand or even a hundred, unless they're shilled everywhere else to gain some popularity.
Clearly Google has a strong bias towards cancerous money grubbers, by letting some of the worst garbage claim hundreds of millions of downloads, and hiding the good stuff.
Could you share a few of these hidden gems with the class?
Had this low-key game I found called Almost Heroic. Was fun until an update broke the game for me and now it's just stuck looping on boot. Might reinstall when they update the APK again.
Stuff like: Ice Cream Disaster, Retro Pocket Rocket, Small Islands, Ascender, or Feud.
Not sure about calling them gems, but you know they'd be far more popular if they played ads. Though a bit simplistic, they're perfectly free and fun to play, and yet nobody downloads them.
Play Chicken Draw
i tend to enjoy those bullshit scam apps with the deceptive ads. no i'm not saving anyone from lava but i get to place shapes and clear lines(Block Blast is my obsession rn). and they only throw ads at me when i fail a round. and i can just quick close the app when the ad starts and open it back up if i'm not trying to get a second chance or something.

i love being autistic.
but the playtest ads for whiteout survival are far more enjoyable than the app itself. the actual game is a snoozefest.

I think overall My Universe is one of the better f2p games i've ever downloaded, in terms of toilet time wasters
>second job
only if you're a retard with severe case of FOMO
That applies to 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of gacha players
mobile really is the potemkin village of game systems. a true no games machine despite the illusion of choice.
Literally just emulators
I play the port of endless sky. The touch controls are good enough and it lets me be an intergalactic trade (((merchant))) and passenger hauler
Don't forget:
>RTS games with timers that slowly become excruciatingly long at a pace where timers become days long by the start of the 2nd month playing.
...or does that fall under the "management" category?
Smartphones are pretty much the only platform where these ultra slow-paced games make sense. I once played Solaris with some anons, and being able to just whip out a phone to give new orders to my armies every few hours was kino.

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