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Honor of Kings just launched outside of china today and added a new hero
are you playing?
Fucking stupid that you have to share links to get Mai
Anyways here’s mine drop yours
yea its pretty gay, but im lucky because im not even really into how mai plays
i mostly just wanted ukyo and charlotte from the snk characters and those are easy gets
fuck no
Here's mine, pls help
god damn, biron is broken as shit
what are the heroes i should exploit i wanna be top 10 quick quick quick
what role are you playing?
second wave of gift codes just dropped, post em
third wave is up, post em
just wanted to say thanks guys, got my girl because of you
also luara is bretty good i recommend you get her asap
Alright they did Charlotte justice she feels pretty good, i can't play Mai for shit doe she's a glass cannon and i suck with those
mai is an autist character for sure
>drone strikes for days
Milady a BEST!
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Forgot the pic
li xin or mulan?
Should I get into this.

I've always been curious about "MOBAs". New game launch the best time right?
They shower you with free shit rn so why not
might as well, this genre isnt for everybody but its not exactly taxing to get into




Sharing all my snk links here bros pls help. I will help out too
My link
tank or mage
heino and milady seem like the best mages to me

ey this is my link amidoinitrite
yeah im using milady right now to be as annoying as possible




there, all 4 i hope this works



angela is oddly hard to kill for an immobile mage
Jeez Sun Bin's has a FAT ass, it's really noticeable with his one skin.

Big good ranged stuns will do that for a character. I haven't tried too many characters but she feels like one of the best bursters I've seen or played as.
which HoK has the best ass?
Peak this discount anons hehehe
is that alot? i dont buy skins
My second box
He was referring to the number being 1488, its one of them funny numbers
lotta feeders in this game
fuzi is kinda memey but its fun as hell watching overconfident dickheads lose a 1v1
Here's mine lads.





Let me know if you get Charlotte
Out of all the mobile moba this probably got the best in-battle ui
it feels like all my teammates are bots set to lowest difficulty and all my opponents are bots with autoaim and map hacks
Abuse clash lane regen tanks while retards dont know how to build anti heal items cruising through diamond and master rank doing this rn
so lian po?
Im just cycling through kaizer, ata and dun then if i get jungler i pick sun ce for ez ganks
thats interesting, i would think kaizer would be the jungle pick
Kaizer jungle works you just have to adjust the build and arcanas because the preset the game gives you isnt that good



alright i figured out how to get han xin and its the stupidest shit ever
That guy is my choice for when I want to go to the clash lane, it's fun just running around beating the shit out of people who can't escape.

The European game is a garbage game dedicated to psychopathic whites who can only depict brutal murders. The enemy of humanity, the cockroach whites, the Ivan should be exterminated in war, yes. The Asian game is peaceful and deep. It's not like Whitepig games where you just shoot a lot of guns. Jesus is pedo lmao.go self hang White pig and Ivan slave



anybody trying to get mai, you might wanna think about creating some throwaway accounts and doing it yourself
What button layout do you guys use for bluestacks? Im curious about how other people handle the controls.
do games like this even feel good on bluestacks?
jelp me




Hard to tell, their named certainly aren't as obvious as in fortnite for example. They're really bad though. Is this on normal or ranked?
damn, i feel bad for anyone who misses out on this freebie event
ive got almost every hero i want already, and its not even halfway over

damn I only see 4 hours left and I just started. rip
yeah i'm grinding through it now.
do you know if there's a faster way to unlock the events page instead of doing that 1 ranked match to boost to lv8?
nope, youre on the right track
Is it too late if I want to redeem Charlotte now?
it would seem so, theres probably gonna be another snk event at some point though
Locking champs behind event is so fucking gay.
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july calendar
No one has posted it but they announced a mexican wrestler as part of their latino pandering campaign, at least they know the value of having an active playerbase so the neighbour first world fag has somebody to play with.
post the link then
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Brazillian audio cuz i am too lazy to monitor the english 8 hour 3 streams per day archives.
But you can still hear the english spokeperson's audio
both English and Spanish YouTube channels made a community post announcing it, but still no trailer
huh, cool
maybe it could be similar to buzzwole in pokemon unite, thats the only real wrestler ive ever seen in a moba
im just gonna main jungle because none of my junglers do their fucking job
they farm slow as shit and ignore every ping that im ready to help with overlord
What separates this game from Wild Rift?
Fuck does anyone have trouble remembering names of heroes? Most of them all have the same face (generic pretty boy / kpop girl) and their names are a mix of Zhong Jing Ling Long I can’t remember any of them
i have a decent memory so no, maybe give it some time
watching the chinese esports right now and apparently they have like 20 more heros than the global version
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Not that I have trouble remembering them, but they should’ve westernized some of the names. Some of the heroes look very European yet they have Chinese names, like this guy for example
are you below diamond? iirc some chinese player on reddit said that any rank below diamond is full of bots, all the real players are diamond and above
And they locked one of the best/most meta Clash Lane heroes in the game with Charlotte. Absolutely retarded.

It’s impossible to win my lane against a really good Charlotte, especially those Chinese smurfs who for some reason want to play in EU, and can dominate even with the high ping.
Isn't Dharma/Allain can compensate by better one on clashes? I get it that being Lol-lite kinda sucks since it has strong emphasis on laning phase so it rarely matters with Charlotte can easily snowball from lane. Kinda sad that there's not many good qt 3.14 Clash Lane heroes.
allain definitely is better than charlotte but i doubt the matchup is super one sided
>playing with players from Afghanistan, Algeria and whatever
is this normal or I'm on the wrong server? I haven't seen a lot of euros only ayrabs
I'm in the US and the most common flag I see is the Brazilian one, it's just how mobile mobas are I guess.
angela is probably getting nerfed soon because jesus christ even with a level lead you cannot kill this bitch without backup and hard cc
The in-game camera should be should have a wider PoV. So many skills have huge ranges and I hate having to pan my camera away just to be able aim my skills properly.
look at the minimap, theres an indicator when your long range skill lines up with enemy heroes
man it is very hard to get people to group up when you dominate the early game and they get too cocky
Being honest this game and mlbb have so many retarded tacos that I'd rather just stick to wr.
Like between the 3 I feel like that one has the least number of thirdies.
It’s a mobile MOBA. It’s expected to be filled with third worlders. Only way you can bypass it is to play in the East Asia servers that has more Koreans and Japanese, although there aren’t many players there. Or you can download an apk and play the official Chinese version, but you’d be playing with tryhards who have 10 years of experience and hackers though.
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>gold and plat is players vs bots
>everyone ends up in diamond
>Diamond is a mix of iron/bronze/silver/gold/plat/diamond/master players
what were they thinking

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