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Global 9th Anniversary 2 weeks out
JP Tanabata stream 6/26 20:00 jst
whuru fook
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>discounts on Broly
>max 1k for Beast
>ignored the carnival banners completely
Skip anni
Skip WWC
Save for Tanabata
Skip anni
Skip WWC
Skip tanabata
Skip 10th anni
Skip tanabata again
Save for 2025 WWC
1.5k for beast
1.5k for wwc
everything else for 10th anni.
reminder to everyone talking about skipping that between now and the tenth anni we'll be getting a conservative 5000 stones. there is more than enough to chase a unit or two in both the anni and wwc and still enter the 10th anni with over 2.5k stones.
File deleted.
>saves you from sissy metal coora army
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>vs Hit
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Skipping SHIThan and KEKly for Cell Max.
Is this fake?
it could be ssbkk goku but the aspect ratio of the pic is wrong, teasers are usually a bit more subtle and it would be more believable if it was posted tomorrow, dont be so gullible


genuinely thought i didnt need to point out it was fake when i first saw the post but whatever
I just rechecked my app they took the announcement down.
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Reminder EZAreas are shit
i want that eza lr phy ssbkk goku and evo vegeta so bad
same i am also gonna start using the shit out of ssb vegeta as a lead i can even slap teq gohan there since he is on powerful comeback

shit is gonna be so cash
>eza lr phy ssbkk goku and evo vegeta
To someone not that knowledgeable about the game, this looks like some actual word salad.
>Extreme Z-Awakened Legendary Rare Physical Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Kaioken Goku and Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Evolved Vegeta
>ssbkk goku and evo vegeta
unit name

Guy should have just said "lr phy blues" and people would have known what he meant
ToP Bluebros.
this isn't funny
Then why did I laugh
uh...my boy? Keys? hello?
Dragonchads I kneel...
"lr evoken" also works
one of the rare times Legends gets something right.
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Same. I went full atk and super atk boost on mine
that is pure evil
who thought it'd be a good idea to play a current event with a 2021 team
it's a 2021 event really
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I don't wanna hit level 999...
>tfw rank 540
>the level ups aren't slowing down
My stamina one day will eventually stop refreshing instantly and on that day I'll be truly done with the game
>he didn't take advantage of easy whale supports at rank 999 when chain battle existed
lol what a retard
Damn thats crazy, did legends really fall off that hard? Last time I checked their newest unit was a legendary finish ui goku
>his cb supplier wasn't literally just gelk
Shamefur dispray
dead game
dead thread
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>their newest unit was a legendary finish ui goku
the ui omen one three and a half years ago, the mui one two years ago, or the reviving ssb into omen one from one and a bit years ago?
I ask because depending on which one you're going to find ultra ss2 gohan's abilities ridiculous through to demented.
here's a quick rundown on ultra ss2 gohan, the unit so beyond broken they released two direct counters to him back to back and neither even threatened his place as number 1 unit a little bit.
>short animation aoe green with three timer count lockin on hit
>perma endurance nullification as last man standing
>huge fuckton damage output
>five counts of cover change null after using a arts card every time he enters battle
and here are the broken parts
>strike art counter gauge that can combo into big fuckton damage super attack AND recharges gauge by 20% every time he uses an arts card and slowly recharges on standby
>super attack with the same counter mechanic as the old nameku and does EVEN MORE damage when activated
>seals rising rush and enemy's main ability with own main ability
>gets a second nuke ultimate as last man standing
>restores vanish by 80% after vanishing once as last man standing
>tons of damage buffs as last man standing
the meta is insanely broken as it is but gohan is miles ahead of everything else in it. his counter gauge is such a broken ability you can just leave him in on a purple type half the time and he'll break the combo.
funniest part? they just released a unit that's a perfect counter to him. wanna guess who that perfect counter is?
yep. ultimate gohan. so instead of a counter he's an ally. kek.
people that think dokkan's meta is crazy have no idea how broken legends is. I'm only still playing because ss2 gohan is one of my favorite things in the franchise so I enjoy the cheese.
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>Double Gamma 1 no link partner full Buu team
Does this guy even play the game or just make up teams and assume they work
Just say
>aoe attack
>if you strike attack him you die
I love watching his top teams because it feels ai generated every time
>livestream drops at 4am for me
grim. normally i'd just be a degen and stay up for it but I have early classes for once, maybe ill just wake up for it
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There's a livestream?

I really am just on cruise mode until Beast drops one month for now.lol
>2300 stones
im good for anni?
also the 77 ticket summon banner drops after the discounts are gone or at the same time with the beast and gammas banner?
livestream is for tanabata so it barely matters for global players
it only matters if the tanabata unit is better than beast
>im good for anni?
Yeah, we have the same amount
>also the 77 ticket summon banner drops after the discounts are gone or at the same time with the beast and gammas banner?


Discounts should still be up at least on part 2, yeah.
>Beast on the 16th
>400h = 16~ish days
>Tickets were on the 22nd
did movie rz 2 ticket banner come out with hirudegarn?
>stream at 7am for me
I'll just find out what the unit is whenever I wake up lol
no lmao.
what's happening
nothing, jp gets the tanabata info and global is gonna have maintenance for the wt stuff
Havohei has always seemed like an industry plant. He hyped up a team like it’s gods gift to earth with “SOOO MANY OPTIONS” like 3 year old units as alt rotations are going to make me think it’s a good team.
burst mode, new story revamp for resurrection f and seza gotenks
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most summoned on banner
proof that most players don't summon for gameplay or have no idea what they're doing
I want a namek saga tanabata instead of a shitty universe 6 saga one
Imagine whaling for the 8th anni units kek
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I want Z Broly but I know we're getting shitper or grand taco
final predictions for themes. i think it's probably going to be super and i unironically think hit is cool so id hope for a universe 6 theme, although i wouldnt mind a new UI so ill take top too
UI vs Jiren or maybe SSBKK Goku vs Hit.
anything but sHit
Can't be UI, it didn't get leaked
bullying ultimate gohan burst mode with buutenks
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nah wordswordswords was necessary because he's just that bullshit. he needs the yugioh textwall treatment to fully encapsulate just how retarded he is from a game designed perspective.
if you want or need a tldr a better one is
>has every toxic mechanic in the game
>gets more crutches activated the worse the player is playing
it's like if dokkan took beast as he was released today and released him three years ago instead. and then followed that up by going back to the standard meta powerlevel.
Tanabata stream is starting
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>Super shit
My king...perhaps next year...
Another fucking LR UI Goku... Not even a transforming one.
>Global getting STR UI Goku EZA at the same time JP gets a flashier and way better UI Goku
>Another fucking LR UI Goku
Easiest skip of the century
Man that artwork sucks
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it's over, Beast. The king is here
Oh right that shitty lr existed lmfao.
Is he good at least?
Also EZA LR 17.
>that's it
what the fuck
Skipping everything for MUI
Don't care, still skipping for LR Kefla <3
he's better than beast.
Is GL getting this at the same time?
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Yeah, bro - here you go.
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>59% support
Is this the first unit to give dodge chance for allies?
>disables dodge cancel
>realm of gods +30%
gogeta stonks just went up
Turn 5 from start of turn sucks.
Beast is better.
>evade's enemy's attack and counters with tremendous power
This must be "unarmed super attack"
>no slot 1 condition
>dodge, DR and guard
Yeah this is no SS4. This nigga finna age like wine. Only downside is the leader skill.
You'll be lucky to see one turn of this
Oh and this loser.
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>4 categories
>3 of them are basically the same
>Not even on Super Heroes
>for 2 turns raises allies attack and defence by 30%
holy shit is he basically ro7 lr bulma???
I guess. Their orb changing is inferior and they will only ever be good on RoU7.
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LR Kefla bro, part 2 for sure. This time it just feels right
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U6 won.
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There's only one character they can use to follow up on this wabbit
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Yeah, I don't really like this artwork...
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Looks just like lr teq gogeta. I don't mind it personally
UI Goku bros..
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I think it's the hands are too big
Pose looks fine in >>1500216
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I have a feeling the 10th anniversary isn't going to be synched
LR UI looks cool. glad the scream on the active/transformation is solid. animations are great.
my only real gripe is:
1. t.o.p. and super heroes are fine right now and didn't need the help
2. >can be activated on the fifth turn from character's first appearance
other than that he's cool and I'm excited
is the new lr ui goku beast tier?
probably as good individually but he needs at least one U7 ally (which isn't really hard to do or anything admittedly) and doesn't have a free "this entire rotation cannot lose this turn" mechanic so beast probably still beats him out
also the transformation is tied to a domain so you can't have double MUI until like turn 9+. might just want to run the transformed/untransformed together in slot 1 and slot 2 like LR Broly
im the only that doesnt see ANY MULTIPLICATIVE BUFFS ON UI GOKU?
it was the the same with the wwc lr blues last year, just a bunch of numbers but no multiplicative buffs so they looked underwhelming
Skipping the trannyversary is looking better and better by the minute
>LR Cell Max
>LR UI Goku
>LR Kefla in two weeks
Meanwhile Gogeta and Broly have been power crept, Gammas are only useful on like 2 teams, and Gohan will come back in 4 months from when he releases on an infinitely better banner with the 10th year anniversary.
he does 20m counters
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It's time for your prostate exam
Do you seriously need thousands of stones just to pull those 3 units you mentioned?
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Fisting so good you cum purple
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what i get from this is that he is dodge or die
At least his domain disables the dodge disabling
>"if he doesnt dodge he gets 50% dr guys and then guard!"
takes 100k from a normal, dies from a super

i hope these numbers are wrong
best link level stage on global?
I'm a simple man. I see Goku I skip
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Repeat after me:
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Is a skip
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. . .
beastbros we won
a namekian buff?????????
Oh boy I sure love buffing the enemy.
new ui and 6th anni mui is an insane rotation
japs are still superior in ranking units I see
>wake up
>another celebration wasted on UI
Super easy skip
That faggot shit belongs in a dumpster.
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>39m APT
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Dont forget this apt is with ui countering 5 attacks
As a side note ui is pretty much dodge or die against supers, he cant live some supers if he supers first but LIVING isnt TANKING and pre super he just explodes against even some normals
Beast is better.
Most fights will be already secured and wrapped up when MUI comes out.
>he cant
Meant he can*
>super zoomers will now argue which butt ugly nu-canon form is better
I don't know why they can't just dump this on global and JP. Just fucking make this into a sync banner and they'd make a fuck ton more money.
Dokkan needs an option to uninstall data for scenes/dialogue from story/events we've already completed.
Optimization patch needed immediately. It runs like shit on cellular data.
Sorry sweetie, LR Kefla was confirmed 2 months ago.
you're going to get a USS lr sHit and you're going to like it!
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>650k+ defense with 70% dodge, 50% DR and/or 15% DR + Guard
oh no its so over
Only the 70% dodge matters most hard fights already hit 2 million+ at least.
If you put him in slot 1 he will just die if he doesnt dodge
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Meh. Toppo has way better options and is about to get more with ezas.
Not to mention... HIM...
low def but also has dodge, guard and damage reduction so he'll be fine
best linking partner is the mui that has a revive
The nice thing is he can move out of slot 1 in future content. Unlike two other tanabatas I can think of.
dodge or die garbage
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ledditors are already calling goku number 1
lmao i swear these cunts have shiny new toy blindness
When the fuck are they going to eza that teq gogeta btw. Tbh with his kit can he even be EZA'd without being dogshit on release?
>no gut punch
>doesn't have the full transformation sequence where he vibrates, instead basically just has fighterz "he just breathes and becomes UI" bullshit
>doesn't have the part where goku turns into a blue streak despite this being goku from that fight and that never ever getting used in the other 3 UI units
>600k defense and needs to take a hit to get his DR
Remember, reddit and dafatLoseWeight will suck this units dick for the next month or two while claiming that your favorites are dogshit
>evoken eza was 9th anni
>gogeta is the following tanabata
>10th anni is likely fusions
>lr janemba also due for an eza
>1st anni sezas would be gogeta + janemba
i'm gonna go out on a limb and say 10th anni

>needs to take a hit to get his DR
ironically i expect this level of reading comprehension from reddit
>with his kit can he even be EZA'd without being dogshit on release
his kit is a total blank slate except he already has some DR and a scouter. they would have to go out of their way to make it bad.
>another top tier dodging character that can tank every normal in the game
>another month of lucklet seethe because they keep failing 90% chance to dodge procs
so is he worth summoning for
Yes, his kit is unhealthy game design 101 and retards in these threads bot sbr so it’s best not to listen to them
>brand new overtuned UI still mogged by bejita
>agl not even on the list
Bejita is a TANKchad. Gokek is a dodge sissy.
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Woke up today and behold! Tranniversary is still a skip.
Kekmas? Dogshit
Dogly? Crap
Underwhelmingeta? Already phased out.
>wake up
>new unit
>redditors posting their shit takes
Every time
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Coolest unit in the game. Remember having to use super strike roshi and sexo bulma in his event? And before that, nuking with super strike chilled. The everlasting legend. The OG.
he's a shitty tranformation unit, of course not
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He's Top 3, of course he's worth summoning for. Skip the 9th Anni filler other than Beast and you're set up
>9th confirmed total filler not even worth rolling for
yes summon him but be sure to skip 9th anniversary so you have no one to run him with
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Don't listen to the retard above, don't waste ANY of your stones on Kekly, Dogshitgeta and Crapmas. Use tickets and do a couple of rotations for Beast, and then you're good to go.
I always roll for the dokkanfests and skip the carnivals. to this day I have none of the carnival lrs
Beast isn't worth it
True, you can pretty much solo the content with a Beast friend and a full EZA team
the only anni unit that's worth is broly for the super bosses/extreme teams. then saving for cell max

the teams beast and gogeta are on are already stacked, and the gammas only use was for the artificial lifeforms missions but after the buu ezas they aren't worth summoning for at all
yes he has a casual 300 million apt
Reminder, you should skip Anniversary and WWC since they'll be coming back in a few months on a better banner. Skip till Heroes then summon on 10th.
You fags told me tanabata was going to be GT.....
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>maintenance before my final login for the missions
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>they used WWC's budget for tanabata again
Get ready for another agl blues slideshow.
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Am I buying sale stones and going balls deep or am I buying sale stones and SKIPPING this filler.

Which way dokkan man
do you need him
do you want him
do you care about discounts
do you care that he won't come back for 8 months
waiting for the spic to do a private server video
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ui looks really fucking good but that base really throws me off...
reminds me of broly with his two turns of mediocrity before transforming
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Brolybros our time is almost here.
>wt this weekend
>countdown next week
>then finally the anni
man this week has been dragging
I'm considering saving for 10th anni and hoping because honestly I'm not remotely interested in any of this. I might just roll for Toppo and save because somehow they made him more interesting than Beast, UI and fusions.
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tanabata wo yabureru nante...
I would do the same, especially if you have a stacked MBS team. All the anni and WWDC units will be back by then anyways so the value just goes up.
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LR Jiren soon...
I think I honestly would have prefered a SSB Goku from ToP that revived into UI rather than a UI to MUI Goku
>Ss4 Goku icon for Global
>Burst mode Gohan
These faggots really did forget we still don't have Mr. Buus EZA on global yet.
This would be a cake walk with him
>Mr. Buus EZA
Tomorrow my nigga
It's a cakewalk without him.
Majin Power dominates.
This. So easy I was in doubt if TEQ Ultimate Gohan was the final stage.
Reminder not to listen to this anon because anyone who thinks the sync is locked in for the 10th anni after the last two months is a retard.
It might happen, it might not. beast will still be making the game his bitch during the 10th anni because of how far ahead of the game he is, pull now or know you're risking not seeing him for a year. same for whatever broken shit is in wwc.
>They say about sync
>Proceed to lie

That's fine, they can just enjoy the backlash when people boycott the game.
agreed, we have 0 good blue gokus and it feels a little odd to use up most of UI's key moments without having really touched the first transformation into sign at all in game
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What the fuck
>Mounting the God of Destruction
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Seems like the guard on the sight is missing out on holding a cigarette. The fuck, man.
Nah, he's just getting sucked underwater
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wasnt gonna summooon on UI but if he brings my PRINCE to this heights then i must get him
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>UI banner has beast
Yeah there's no reason to summon for anniversary anymore. How did they fumble so badly that there's actually good reason to skip the fucking anniversary celebration and just save.
>the absolute state of anni cucks
lol it's the usual crap banner that has like 20 featured units.
Just summon on Anni with discounts and buy UI Goku with coins later
I love the dokkan ost composers but they need to stop making orchestra themes. Orchestra themes are boring, generic and do not hit the same as a good old fashioned rock song. Orchestra sucks.
> Orchestra themes are boring, generic and do not hit the same as a good old fashioned rock song. Orchestra sucks
I was thinking the same thing when I watched the Super Hero movie. The music was so boring! Beast transformation would be way cooler with a proper soundtrack.
>doesn't know what a Tanabata banner is
It has a shit ton of units featured, making it hard to get the anniversary units. The Tanabata banner is for coining when you get shafted on the anniversary.
fuck no lol
that banner has double the featured units where half are shit. you summon on the anni banners and if you fail to pull one or both you can fallback and coin the anni lrs on that banner which is what i've done the last few years
>unironic dokkan newfags in 2024
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seza when ?
10th anni
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nice, wish there were some new missions or something to do
You are a dumbass if you genuinely don't know when we're getting his SEZA (it's 10th Anni)
it baffles me that some people think he will come on anything except anni. it would be retarded to just seza him on some random celebration. the real question is if int janamba will seza with him or if double dokkanfests will seza together in general
fucking finally
hopefully this is permanent and not just anni related
Sweet. Any teams anyone want to see?
So when is Beast getting dethroned? WWC or 10th anni?
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shadow dragons
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Even if Beast gets knocked out of 1st position, his teams are still going to be safe to use in whatever content you want. They could release an LR Transforming Baby with 95% DR, 90% evade, guard, with unconditional crit, and GT bosses would still be a dogshit team in most content.
>8 not-saiyan
Reminder, 10th Anniversary power creep will render all units useless again as it's the only way to get you to summon after Beast. Spend wisely.
Dude I beat it with a 55% Android 21 (Evil) banner unit and a 69% PHY Super Buu (EZA) and 69% PHY Buutenks (TUR EZA, not the LR, although I had the LR on the team as well).

It's pissbaby easy. SEZA Kid Buu, 2x EZA LR Buutenks, and INT Fat Buu absolutely shred it completely.
the massive "make everything else but 0.001% of the roster useless" power creeps are only every 2 years. Started with the Y3 anniversary, and has consistently been every other anniversary. The even year anniversarys raise the power level, but no where near the odd year ones.
yellow baby leads artificial lifeforms only so they consider that his "main" category. whatever format they release him in, he'll lead that, since omega is their 200% gt bosses rep.
there's no such category
The animations after he transforms are so bad holy shit. It looks horrid at 2x speed.
Yeah but given that 10th Anniversary is a major milestone coupled with 7th Anniversary units EZA'ing which are milestone units (7 being a special number in Dokkan) makes me think otherwise especially now SEZA's are a thing and 1st Anniversary units will end up SEZA'ing.
int vegeta/trunks
teq ulthan
str vegito duo
agl blue duo
str gt duo
str futurehan
Its my team and i wanna see if i can beat it before or after anni units drop
World Tournament

(verse 1)

Them Player numbers gettin neutralized I can only watch in silence. The special mode that we once knew is losing luster due to the grinding. Playing this mode makes degenerates, every weekend with senpai that's been wasted. I calculate a coming tourney change, this mode can't remain the same bro. Fabricate stories on the player front cause the perks go over well. A pathetic mode for a gacha game. This mode should stop now. You're not a liked mode, you're tolerated with the hopes of being accepted. AOE units stood out, but anni's never been in your selection. RedZone makes fights that electrify'em. You make a mode that pacifies them. I can double down on that line, but spare you this time. That's random acts of kindness. Know you the most hated game mode, and the least played too. But don't push the grind on me, and I won't have to diss you

(verse 2)

Shooooo! Shooooo! Shooooo! Shooooo! Shooooo! Shooooo!

[BRO] (/str), [LY] (/str), [LY] (/str), [LY] (/str), [LY] (/str), [LY] (/str)

Yeah I'm out the way, yeah I'm low okay, yeah the enemy is remote okay, I ain't thinkin about now super, bot I'm superin what I see okay. Got a [Piccolo] (/int) and a [Broly] (/str) all in my team like the GOAT okay.

Charger, phone straight dying, life gettin brought down low okay. Everybody wanna be first place, till they miss sleep or their family. Then I might do 3 runs a day. Who do I blame? Dokkan I blame. Oh you thought your point lead and your drive would make them go away?

Have you ever played with a sweat in your local rank? Have you ever lost a lead cause you couldn't stay awake? Have you ever grinded for points like it was a race? Well I have, and I've failed at all, and I came out straight.

I hate when I play and talk about fun, World tourney shows up, it turns into runs. They brush off the fact to get all those points, all the real life they had to give up.
>trying UI on entropy
>their oc donut steel ssbe eza is actually weaker than the real one
That's funny as fuck
copy and paste that into suno and make a song
>Can't run double UI leaders until they fix domains
Thanks, Akatsuki.
At least
>BEAST leader
>LR EvoBlue
>LR EvoKen
>with TEQ UI friend
is looking to be the best team in the game on anything that doesn't disable dodge.
base UI is pretty much built as a solid floater, he will tank basically any normal post super and you have a solid chance to dodge the super, so its not like you CANT just run two of them, the supposed domain "fix" is also coming soon or so they said
yeah i am not running the gammas
Both evos get only 170 from beast and beast himself get only 170 from friend goku
Better to just run double UI
>domain makes sbs gogeta blue super for 4,680,000 against type neutral super class and 5,382,000 against type neutral extreme class
won't be a big deal for super heroes right now but could be annoying going forward
6th annis are on UI's banner so maybe i can skip beast after all.
amazes me how hard people sleep on gammas.
5K stones for 1 copy
Fuck him
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>can do two 2 million supers turn 1
>last stage hits you for over 3 million while disabling dodge
they aren't slept on, I just don't like them
>both db gachas are Gohan simulators
it feels so good despite being so keked in actual media
As least he doesn't negate unarmed supers like that faggot buu so we can go bonkers with zamasu on him
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>Banner mogs the entire 9th Fillerversary
Kek, you have no reason to summon on Tranniversary trash
>I already have everything besides the new units
>no discounts or tickets
Common tanabata skip
>Gobros instead of TEQ Gogeta
EZA soon
>World Tournament AND Pettan battle
God bless Omatsu.
>final stage of the movie Red Zone is out
>ticket banner isn't
This banner in august but with Toppo instead of Frieza
Do not redeem the red zone, sir. Please return to the world tournament
Common fillerversary cope
>no discounts
>bunch of garbage and 3 good LRs that are on anniversary banners
skipschizos are mentally ill
it isn't the final stage
There will never be any discounts soon, anon.
B3G1 hype for the rest of time!
>the ssj4 sucks now
>I have the rest minus frieza rainbowed
skip for me
I would like to dedicate this pull to my hate towards you faggot bitch nigger minorities, I spit on your mother's grave. Overdose on fentanyl thank you and cya next time
Holy motherfuckin based. This is why I come here
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toppest of posts
I hope those mother fucking nigger lover jews start actually changing gameplay elements after the sync, I'm tired of WT always being the same. Or just fuck everyone in the ass and announce Dokkan Battle 2.
23mil points and im bailing out of this bitch. i could set up a image based auto clicker and farm top 1000 for me but idk. the smart auto clicker from f-droid
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>used 15 SSR tickets for last dupe of Mr. Buu
>then remember I get 2 copies from missions
I want a refund!
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>everything sans 6th anni lrs and freeza rainbow'd
>6th anni lrs at 90%
>ui will either be powercrept by 10th anni or on a much better banner with better rates two months later
yeah no. easiest skip in my life. holy trash. good litmus test for seeing which anons are actually retarded though.
Apparently he can Super Attack for 31 million if every part of that passive activates.
And he gets 1.5 million defense if he grabs the entire field of orbs.
That's pretty good for a f2p unit, right?
i mean, it's solid - but you're almost never gonna pull that off and even then he's still getting one tapped by a super from the hardest 20%+ of content
Yeah. But I bet jphanta is happy with him
true, that's honestly the most important thing. our king deserves better options
>nearly 1 million damage normals
>150 million HP
>2.7 million damage super
It's funny how hard the numbers have inflated. Red zone broly was seen as the peak of bullshit unfair powercreep and he has less than half that damage on his normals and supers and 1/3rd of the HP
reddit says the buu duo aged better than the gt duo, is that right?
AGL Bluevo looks really good
under ideal circumstances where they get to stack and don't get touched and you get to use the spirit bomb? yes, I'd say so.
In most circumstances, I think the GT duo will generally take hits better, output more damage, and the revive will be a bigger asset. I guess I'd say much higher ceiling, usually a much lower floor
no lmao
What event is this?
new supreme battle spectacle centered around the ToP that just dropped on JP to coincide with new UI
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I would to dedicate this pull against this retard that seethes about minorities for no reason >>1501723, you should go back to r*ddit.
weak insult, should have told him to kill himself
meh. i'll just coin the tanabata lr during saiyan day like always
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yeah, that's the ticket
mid unit
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bro wtf even is the point of yellow coin banners anymore lmaoooo

>kill them with carnival banners
>double tap with this
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you can just coin them with red coins
>at some point, you'll be able to coin Cell Max with red coins
imagine having yellow coins
I won.
I used 500 on bulma and am at 3XX
I'd try to get back to 500 just incase I need to buy something else but I can't justify it summoning on yellow coins at all
It's really difficult to think on ever summoning on yellow coin banners anymore. The units come back relatively soon on Carnival Banners (unless with time all featured LRs on Carnival banners become Carnival LRs) and if you don't pull them there they'll eventually show up on these banners
>At 410 coins
How the fack will I get up to 500 before this celebration ends? I've grinded up pretty much everything in the game

I need to get Beast.
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Just get rid of them and replace them with Carnival Banners. Not even the pity can save them.
Before the WW anniversary ends?
Brother we're getting like 1,200 stones during the event.
So I finally created a script that lets me Auto WT including menus and shit EXCEPT for map and the bubble-popping slop. It only took like an hour to set up but at least it's automated for the most part now.
random question, if a unit is stunned or sealed, can it still counter?
can you farm or buy ghost ushers somewhere? i finally ran out of them
Baba's zeni shop
I mean tanabata on JP. Beast is returning on that special banner and I need to get up to 500 coins before the banner goes away
I think it can if sealed but not stunned
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>Another reason to skip the tranniversary
This Tanabata? Absolutely murdered that filler of a celebration
>skipschizos shilling this fucking banner now
Yeah, can't wait to coin cell max with red coins in 4 years when he EZAs.
Finally this retardation about "separate dodge proc" is put to bed. It stacks additively with passive dodge. Always has.
>Always has
>video says HUGE UPDATE
all of us yamCHADs already knew this, same with baby janemba
it was obvious it couldnt be just a proc otherwise neither of them would dodge as often
it literally just got changed with the most recent data download for JP you clueless clowns.
Banner STR Dispo and F2P PHY Hit stocks rising with people finally knowing how to read.
no it didnt where the fuck did you get that from
int hiru had his extra dodge capped at 30% long ago for the same reason, nothing has changed
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best character in the game am i right

this is a 1.5 million super btw, weaker than basically every other boss nowadays
Legendary Existence mission is some real bullshit. You basically have to get lucky with God Goku dodges.
9th Tranniversary shills are coping so hard right now...
Top 5 in the game until he transforms at which point he gaps the game so hard that he's looking like Beast the day he dropped.
this goku will get mogged by the wwc gt units anyway
skip tanabata
more like trannybata LOL
>the F2P Hit awakening is better than the INT Hit EZA
That's tragic.
The jpGODS have always known.
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Tanabata is making that filler Anni completely useless in terms of banners and usability.
>STR UI is coming back in a much better banner
>6th Anni units are coming back in a much better banner
>Evoken is coming back in a much better banner
Dogshitly, Laughablegeta and Kekmas? All completely useless, and you're a retard if you summon for them.
Wtf I thought this was common knowledge lol
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Uhh and what about HIDDEN POTENTIAL dodge?
>same units as anni banners but without discounts
yabba dabba doo i better summon
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Evoken is in Dogly's banner, which is filled with trash, both 6th Anni units are in UI's banner meaning you don't need to waste stones on Beasts banner while having a chance of getting the giant turd that is AGL Vegito Blue.
Plus the EZA banner mogs BOTH carnivals while giving you red coins.
>this shit mogging anything
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It actually mogs crap like this, KEK
do you even play the fucking game? get lost schizo
Do you even have a brain? Of course you don't, you're shilling crap like this >>1502294
>projecting shill
regardless of what you do with anni these banners are a hard skip. but go ahead and whale like a retard if you want.
Anni is a bigger skip than Tanabata tho, WWC will mog both of them anyway
beast is better than UI, has the 6th annis and double discounts. calling it a "bigger skip" is clearly not arguing in good faith and just pushing skip autism at any cost.
>Beastcucks desperately trying to push his banner
>skipschizos shilling every shit banner under the sun as long as it's not anni
kinda undermines your credibility
Beast doesn't have Evoken, the AGL SSJ turds from 2022 are in Beast banners so that's a big downside. Oh and INT SSJ4>AGL Blues. Beast is, indeed, a bigger skip than MUI
Not difficult to be better than a filler anniversary like the 9th
>summon on a worse unit with no discounts because evoken is on the banner
>this side filler > that side filler
thanks for more proof that you don't play the game.
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>If I repeat these buzzwords, my shilling will overcome yours!
Pathetic and laughable, and yes, the filler does count, it lessens the value of the banner.
Better risking it for MUI and coming out with a Evoken even if I'm getting shafted, than risking it for Beast and coming out with useless turds such as both AGL Duo's or worse, PHY Piccolo!
for anyone that's been playing the game long enough, there really are almost no good banners. I pretty much have nothing worthwhile to gain outside of last year's WWC units and the last few dupes of the 8th anni units, which at this point aren't great anyway. Anni and tana alike are pretty trash banners for me outside of the brand new units
what buzzword? "you don't play the game" isn't a buzzword, it's a deduction. and that english isn't your native language.
but sure spend more stones on a worse headliner because you'll definitely get that one extra side unit instead. ignore that everyone has all these niggers already.
>muh worse headliner
Better yet, I'm going for that headliner and then coin Beast, problem solved and I skip that giant turd of a Anniversary which is completely filler anyways.
>because you'll definitely get that one extra side unit instead
You're extremely retarded, MUI's banner>Beast, no matter what you say or how hard you screech
this is just proof that you can put 100% dodge on a modified unit on a modified game server and retards will believe whatever agenda you're pushing
>i'm spending more stones for the worse unit, problem solved
this doesn't solve the problem of your low IQ. no solution for that i fear.
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>i'm spending more stones for the worse unit, problem solved
Eh, not really, the gap between Beast and MUI isn't that big and in terms of banners, MUI's banner absolutely mogs the ever living shit out of Beasts
>PHY SSJ4's are outdated
>AGL SSJ are trash
>AGL Vegito Blue is trash
>PHY Piccolo is a giant useless turd
>And you're not getting much out of the STR GT Duo either
MUI's banner clears easily, Imagine wasting stones on shit like Beasts banner.
>this doesn't solve the problem of your low IQ. no solution for that i fear.
Projecting much?
everything on UI's banner is trash except 6th annis and evoken. if you disagree you don't play the game. one extra usable unit that everyone has doesn't "mog the ever living shit" out of beast's double discount banner you melodramatic retard.
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>One extra usable unit which happens to be in the top 10 best units in the game
>Ignores the fact that Beast has 5 unusable units and 1 giant turd as featured, which completely tanks the value of the banner
Dishonest shilling at it's finest, we know you're the resident shill, but no one is buying your crap, 9th Anniversary is a giant stinker, and Tanabata already raped it's corpse
imagine not having had the 6th anni top units rainbowed for literal years at this point
UI's banner also has 6 unusable units you schizo. but yes, whale on a no discount banner for a barely top 10 side unit, vs a double discount for the top 1 unit that gaps the other 9.
>comma comma comma
stop hyperventilating
most of those units you mentioned and their counterparts are also gonna be on the 10th anniversary banners + at least 2 other shitters... bro its okay to not like a character you don't have to act retarded to justify your decisions
Beast, teq Gohan and Teq UIs designs and the dodge change are unhealthy as fuck for the game going forward.
I mean in most fights, Teqhan gets to what, 1.1mil def and 13mil attack stat? Not THAT crazy anymore.
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>"we only modified it to get a massive amount of attacks trust us"
>twitter account with 10 followers
>is french and a nigger
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I really don't want to get 30 million in the tournament bros. I am too busy playing 7 days to Die but I need the stones for anniversary. What should I do?
just use a double piccolo jr team and knock it out in about 2 hours like I did
Just realized it's been over 2 years and I have never pulled the STR goten and trunks that released with INT majin vegeta
Theres no dodge change its always been like that, people just tested it now for whatever reason
How an I supposed to do the full Str Mission vs UI Goku without beast Gohan
I don’t know how tough he is but maybe
>Dragonfist Goku lead
>LR Goku and Vegeta
>LR SS4s
>LR Kefla
>LR Gogeta
>Gamma 1
or maybe try to scam a team with a powerful non Str friend like the new goku
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>not having every single unit on tanabata besides the new lr and returning freeza max'd
>pulled my missing two golds on a single 12 card pull
that was real nice of you, pettan
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WT is so fucking boring.
So far, he just seems confused what to think about Champa:
But he was impressed when he got 19 million attack stat
What do you guys think is the shittiest pure 200% leaderskill team? I'd say wicked bloodline
Either Ginyu Force or Team Bardock or Universe 7. All of them can be entirely covered by other categories.
Actually, Universe 11 would be the actual worst one. Not only is it entirely covered by a ToP leader skill, there's barely any units
Add low-class warrior, all covered by pure saiyans
you should just use a beast friend and fill your team with units that fall under that with your leader being a str leader

you have the units to beat it like ui, future gohan, blue gogeta, super vegito, gammas 1
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Behold. THE KING!!
20minutes in to battlefield i get turn 1 slot 1 supered for 400k and its gg
Just build proper teams? Idk.
where do the japanese players go to complain?
To omatsu' motel.
time to reset and do it all again my boy HAHAHAHAHAHA
how do you fellas reckon I build Shen? I don't normally boost evade at all but with units that have dodge conditional stacks I wanna get as much stock out of it, I have no clue if I should minmax crit with evade on reserve or try a balance of crit and evade
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That one tier list site.
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that's about birdku and LR Cooler right? those two did age pretty fast
that image of omatsu is so funny it looks like someone caved in his head with a hammer
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Yeah they are all from when the carnival coin was introduced.
birdku aged better because I feel like he can at least take a hit here and there, while Cooler gets dropped harder than a bag of bricks nowadays, they both still performed better than the part 2s
Something more current...
yeah, adding carnival coins is still one of the worst dumbest things they even did
when he was guarding he actually could hang in the recent red zones. i havent tried him out in any of these 9th anni and beyond fights though so im assuming he gets obliterated there. defensive units typically age way better than offensive i remebmber cooler sometimes struggling against the red zones at the time he released
3/400% leaders 10th anni?
we really need blanco
is there more daily wt missions after reset in a couple hours or should i do my last couple of runs now
Beast is not Better than UI
You're retarded if think otherwise
he's better than untransformed UI but transformed UI is way better
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standalone LR Buuhan when
I hope he gets one before kid buu just to make the whiners cry
Nigger please
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full dodge the rest additional, crit or def equipment
Hopefully before the lr buutenks ages out
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red stones are free
based CHADnta.
hope someone fuckin kills the bitch nigger fatmatsu and sets the studio on fire
When does Mr.Buu become available to purchase in Baba Shop with Hercule Autographs on Global?
next wt
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the countdown begins
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>34/37 when it first dropped
>get the last 3 in less than 2 days on the rerun
man this mode is shit
>got ultra super lucky
starting great
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they said they were gonna tell us more about the sync during the anni but i dunno if that dokkan now really counts as "during" the anni
i hope it does
having 2 min stamina refresh during the anni is so nice
4x exp and faster stamina will make me gain like 50 levels. I hate it.
>turn 1 slot 1 super and you lost
>limited attempts
>6milion super / cancel dodge
>f2p units not mattering at all
>you are supposed to run a team with the most recent units + super ezas
holy fuck its so over i remember when this god event came out and f2p units actually were good like roshi or the wt gohan
Enjoy the account ban. They crack down hard on WT cheaters.
It's a glorified autoclicker, nothing will happen.
And I'll tell you more, I used to cheat in WT with a modded apk (high attack and infinite HP).
If you're not in the top 30k you can do whatever you want and they won't give a fuck.
so will newer yellow coins like LR agl gohan and LR int ginyu be unfeatured on the carnival banners for anni? or will they be carbon copies of jps with the same unfeatured pool
I don't think they will for the anni but they will for WWC
I could see them doind a broadcast agead of a revised ex part where they announce cell max or something
Probably part 3 since they’ve already gave us the majin buu lr ezas
anni hype is dead for me cause of that teq ui. sign is a cooler transformation than mui (the unit has both but the closed eyes pre-domain is cooler). broly movie isn't as hype. super hero isn't hype at all even if gohan is broken.
Greetings from Germany :)
you're going to kill yourself with that attitude bwo
Can you use dupe units in World Tournament? Like an entire team of Piccolo Jrs?
>Anni EZAs are stronger than all but one of the new characters
>Zero interest in Snorehan

Yeah, I think I'm gonna join the "wait until the sync and roll on the next one to get him anyway" train.
Who actually gives a shit about this rodent?
He makes toppos team better since you can run Team U11 a lot more safely and he has 94% dodge
This is the way I see it, if I skip the Anni, Toppo Celebration and Tanabata I will have more stones to summon.
Skipping just the Anni gives me a 1k stones to spend.
"Here's the Gogeta and Broly we already shown
Here's the events
See ya for part 2"
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>2-min stamina recovery
I won't complain this time because all that stamina will go into the Whis event.
Basically 1 run per hour, minus missions.
is the stage 4 USS mission even possible without the new Goku
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Kind of.
actually just did it with this exact team, but thanks
just dusted off my Wii U and started playing it again, this is a kino console
its also pretty useless because most of its exclusives got ported to switch
its useless and a paper weight if you use it stock. if you mod it then it becomes quite kino
this is what I was thinking too. then do it again for wwc
lost to the evil majin nigger in battlefield again,
3 dodge
Never say such words in my presence ever again
Why is my jackie chud rainbowed by i only have 3 copies of tien? Did they skip wts?
maybe going full dodge is the right thing to do
They haven't been rerunning the EZAing WT LRs 5 times. I think it's only been 2 or 3 between them.
>9th anniversary
bros... dokkan is ever improving... at least compared to the dark days.
Agl Vegito meta +anime card releases were cool, tho.

What's yours look like?
Did they break the drop rates on Pettan this time around?

I've gotten at least 100 series 16 cards from finishing battles/daily log in and not a single one has been gold or plat, it's all been bronze/silver.
The fuck is going on? There's no way that my luck is just that bad, statistically.
Buu reigns
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My brother
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oh cool
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There is a chance it can be that bad, anon. It's okay.
How to fix World Tournament
>condense all rewards
>streak and tournaments won capped at 12
And also make the DB banner guaranteed SSR. You can't even buy any more tickets, if it was a question of marketing them. What you get is what you get everytime WT comes along. I've had multiple times where I pull no SSRs. It's a relic from the past
Just put them all in the baba shop and you redeem the tickets. They are useless units anyway.
why did they make this nigga dyspo so good what the fuck
He's mid.
he has near guaranteed dodge and stacks atk per dodge, he's hitting like 20m pretty easy on toppo's team
because he's another case of "a good unit but where are you running him"
Toppo's team
He feeds super attacks to the gammas with dupes
>still can't spend my red zone tickets and get absolutely fucking nothing yet
I can't wait to summon for broly in a week
This, but all the Super Units.
Skippity skiparoo.
Don't care, skipping for LR Kefla <3
Can't imagine skipping the best unit in the game, Beasthan beast btw.
>there are anons here who DIDN'T get 1st place local in celebration of the 50th WT
What's the point? The LR is mid, the ezas almost always suck.
>I'm shit at the game
We know.
It's the 50th WT.
Not the 39th.
Not the 16th.
Not the 42nd.

I came first in the last two and just needed one more copy to rainbow pilaf so I could coast this one
>there are anons who do more than 30 million
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WWC prediction
GT themed

Part 1
>Dual Dokkan Festivals
>SSJ3 GT Goku -> SSJ4 Goku
>Baby Vegeta -> Super Baby 2
Part 2
>Dual Carnival
>SSJ4 Vegeta
>Syn Shenron -> Omega Shenron
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mbs duo ezas leading into gt ezas
Thank you omatsu for giving me a free pipeline to 10th anni!
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all these guys due for ezas too
dual piccolo jr team makes it easy as piss and it's fun bullying someone chasing for the number 1 spot
I think they blew their load with carnival omega. Part 2 SS4 Gogeta and dokkan original SS4 Vegito.
summoning for baby then dipping
this with LR PHY Gogeta's eza right around the corner for 10th anniversary would be beautiful
Better than Super shit
Worse than Super Gold
Easiest skip of my life
>mfw stone count is beaten and battered after inevitable anni and tanabata shaft
>dokkan hits us with the BIGGEST fucking skip of my life
Please have wwc be gt please
gt wwc into a Z anni with frieza vs goku and cell vs gohan would be great
no fucking shot you're going that hard on the 9th anni lmaoooo
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International Version exclusive info
i have almost 3k saved. i can afford sparing around 1k if wwc is fucking Grand Taco lmao
>number 1 in my local is 170 million and going
>95% rewards stop at 30
It has to be the tism.
GT WWC would be so kino

That would be the best outcome actually. Would make contrarian spic retards mad and we get cool monke units.

I hate that reddit dork nerd losers made it cool to hate on GT.
Imagine they pull out a global first now to furtherly fuck the sync up
Rent free, we love GT here, and 9th tranniversary still is the biggest skip this year, there's nothing that could change that fact
people hate gt because everything besides monkeyman is trash and forgettable
And if you remove the monkeyman bit, that perfectly describes Super.
G*? Killed the franchise for a decade.
Super? Brought DB to new heights.
I know the teenagers and young 20s people here don't remember, but GT was not beloved.
SSJ4? Absolutely beloved.
The rest? Garbage. You always heard, then and now,
>good ideas, bad execution
You can pretend to like it now, but those of us who rode Z to the end did not love GT the same.
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Why are gringoes talking shit about GT not being loved when
>They got it years later
>With a horrid soundtrack, bad dub and without the first arc
GT is iconic in the rest of the world and outperforms Super 3 to 1 in terms of sales and general hype in Dragon Ball games
>Heroes kept using SSJ4 bait till the end, and GT cards/Xeno cards were the most popular in Japan unlike DBS cards
>Bamco keeps using GT as DLC bait because it absolutely destroys Shitper in numbers, RoF came out at the same release date of XV1, and even with the movie hype behind and Dragon Ball as a whole being back, the GT DLC (2 PACKS! and one of them with Pan and GT Trunks) sold much more than the RoF/Shitper pack
Want another example? Fighterz SSJ4 Gogeta trailer has 1.2 times the views MUI trailer got, Shitper metrics are absolutely pathetic, GT is true KINO and Shitper fillerversary is a skip
>release GT DFE that is build around having sayian roar and gt linked to be impressive
>the last sayian roar and gt release was so long ago it has now aged
>unit craves random sayian roar and gt release
>anons cope hard for an entire year that they’ll get a random gt celebration
>doesn’t come or you get dfe pan
>finally cope that h-heroes will save us
>it doesn’t
>one year later they release a sayian roar and gt unit
>said unit from a year ago is now shit and can’t be run in hard content
Honestly don’t know why people still want GT units. They always do this same song and dance and shit always ends up frustrating. Having sayian roar is honestly a curse for gt units as it basically ensures they’ll never reach their full potential which is what the devs look at when building the unit. I’m guessing the cope this time round is that they’ll randomly skip far ahead and seza the Str and Agl ss4s
As long as we get monkeys it's fine
no one cares about your made up/mexican numbers. GT is a laughingstock.
Is this your chosen cope for GT being better?
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it's fine. the god will be eza'ing 5 months later
this is a bunch of cope >>1503494
this is facts >>1503477
There is content to do now, yes.
But why do it now when I can just wait a couple of weeks for power creep and cruise through it? There's no time limit on it.
>5 months
>anniversary powercreep
Don’t worry that unit is going to go through the cycle for a second time
nigga they will be a tenth anni, first 200% leader eza. if the 6th years have lasted this long i have no doubts that the 7th years will be absolute monsters
GT apes will be viable when SS4 Gogeta both the anniversary unit and TUR EZA.

Plus we will likely get another ape restricted unit for Heroes this year, and LB vegito will still be good provided he has a team.
ooh if you were talking about the hypothetical gt wwc character being powercreeped then yeah they definietly will be kek my bad
when does the wwc start again?
How many supers do you need to get the UI -Sign- boss on this new intense fights 4?
12 and you need to kill blue goku before the 2 turns pass
*kill god goku
fucking nigger fight who the fuck designed this garbage condition
yeah I just had to run the U6 girls team over and over again until i got perfect RNG. I saw other people using the 8th anni units to just ensure they had like 8+ supers from them during the two turns
Should be 27-28th of August as usual, they could make it start early to coincide with the weekend tho
It was made on JP after they've already had Broly, PHY Rose, and Cell Max.
that doesn't solve the problem of killing his bitch ass before you get 12 attacks. it only makes it worse. fucking retarded chink designer
I actually reversed my LR kale and caulifla to a tur to help get more attacks in without killing goku
christ I lowered my lead to 150 and he still almost died on the 11th hit. stupid fucking fight
How are you supposed to beat Jiren using a Saiyan Saga team?
Wait for the next Goku vs Vegeta celebration
>tfw didn't summon for piccolo jr cause I thought he was dogshit
>basically the only good WT leader aside from shiditz
God damnit
>another fucking global first
Please just let this be them combining all the supershit units into the Anni so we can sync faster
Yeah, they could just announced a catch-up banner/celebration that would Between Anni and WWC
Well all the stuff we're missing is Super, we also got the Intensifying stage the jap got recently...
But I also see them rebranding Tanabata as a "Special Catch Up Celebration" for Global
I did 4 multis on the db banner and got no ssr
boomer here, I hated gt when I was in my teens, but super made me realize gt isn't that bad
we just had very high expectations after Z
T. Boomer
i got filtered by intensifying fights, i cannot get ui goku
Use U6 girls
i dont have str kefla
No need
Double agl Kale, lr k&c, wt k&c and rare summon k&c
i dont have agl kale
i delete female characters from my box
King, testosterone franchise btw
I beat it with double gohan and piccolo lead, yamcha, goku & piccolo, lr kaioken goku, lr vegeta and nappa, yajirobe. Had insane dodge luck with yamcha in slot 1 and then slowly cleaned up. yajirobe senzu bean and gohan and piccolo revive in the back pocket
Based, /ourguy/, Dokkan World! Letting me see all the missions at once

All Missions:
• Clear Stage once, 3 times, 5 times, 7 times & 10 times
• Clear Stage within 3 turns
• Clear Stage with Super AGL Type, Super TEQ Type, Super INT Type, Super STR Type and Super PHY Type characters
• Clear Stage with Extreme AGL Type, Extreme TEQ Type, Extreme INT Type, Extreme STR Type and Extreme PHY Type characters
• Clear Stage with 3 "Battle of Fate" Category Characters
• Clear Stage with 3 "Androids" Category Characters
• Clear Stage with 3 "Universe Survival Saga" Category Characters
• Clear Stage with 3 "Resurrected Warriors" Category Characters
• Clear Stage with 3 "Majin Power" Category Characters
• Clear Stage with 3 "Super Saiyan 3" Category Characters
• Clear Stage with 6 "Joined Forces" Category Characters
• Clear Stage with 6 "Super Saiyans" Category Characters
• Clear Stage with 6 "Saiyan Saga" Category Characters
• Clear Stage with 6 "Powerful Comeback" Category Characters
• Complete all missions
It was already leaked that global is getting an Part EX during the anniversary that will have the Cell Max banner on it.
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>summoning for teq zamasu
>summoning for phy broly
>summoning for agl shit duo
l m a o this clown proves he doesn't actually play the game in nearly every video of his that gets posted here.
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. . .
>already leaked
>It was already leaked
really? post said leak then if it exists that is
GT is comfy and a nostalgic ride all the way through. Only low IQ retards that watched a video essay on youtube hate on it. Bandwagoning low IQ pretentious dork

Kill yourself nerd. You're too much of a jaded shit taste having prick to appreciate the Grand Tour.
>still arguing over gt and super
GT has a couple of interesting ideas (SS4, Shadow Shenron, Truffles/Baby), but mostly is awful, with the worst* animation in the entire series.
Super is full of interesting ideas executed poorly (Frieza soldiers doing something and wishing Frieza back, a lot of the Goku Black/Zamas stuff other than the actual ending, multiverse with Saiyans that are peacekeepers rather than warmongers, grand tournament with all of reality at stake), a decent bit of it is awful but when it hits it hits, with the ACTUAL worst animation in the entire series, but also the actual best animation by fucking MILES in the series.

They're both heavily flawed, but in no world can I ever see how people like GT more than Super other than "SS4 is cooler than Red/Blue/UI/Beast", which is hard to argue with because the SS4 design is genuinely one of the coolest things in the entire dragon ball series. but goddamn does GT suck.
i just like all of dragonball and I think the IP has become larger than life and for better or worse is bigger than itself. more symbolic than real but I think the ride is fun from start to finish
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our lord has spoken
feels like it's been an incredibly long time since we've had insanely powerful yellow coin LRs. I know Bulma was very good but I don't feel like she was jawdroppingly powerful or anything. Does suck that they feel the need to slap hardcore restrictions on seemingly ever villain though. Heaven forbid we use a goku black, ginyu force, or cell max on a team without 5 or 6 other single category restricted teammates
at the time she was just like cell max, a top 3 LR
I mean sure, but she was a great team enhancer. she usually wasn't out there dropping insane attack stats and one turning bosses or anything.
yeah but she was able to tank anything in the game up until 9th anni, which in that meta was very important. i think cell max is way better but still she was great for almost a year
Unironically will be running this team soon, father son forms(present) maxing
2 min stamina is no joke
go to sleep after using all of it, wake up and it's fully refreshed
been spamming that whis event
cant beat the super boss mission vs the unbalanced nigger gogeta, barely even reaching the final stage to pop whis 2x
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what would be the most exciting dokkan could release for you and what sort of gimmicks would they have?
*most exciting unit
i am surprised there is no super vegito with a taunt yet, so i'd want that. hes like one of the only characters who canonically taunts his opponent...and krillin...
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Hey where's that uppity bitch about Dokkan printing money at?
>slowest month of the year still made more than the average mobile game makes in a quarter
corporate bootlicking reddit nigger
>unironically being mad about profits from a bubble popping mobile game based on a 40 year old anime
please seek help
still printed more money that you will ever see in your entire life pajeetbro
Transforming Namek Goku with taunt and 99% dmg reduction for the first time as super saiyan
Kill yourself prick, GT does not suck, the only thing that sucks is your mom for 2 cents
>Um actually Dokkan failing is peak
i'm begging you to get help
> most exciting dokkan could release for you
Well, Dokkan already did it with both 9th Anni Part 2 units. So I'm just waiting until they arrive
In a business world where infinite growth is expected and shareholder profits should always be going up 3m is alarming. Let's be honest though pajeetbro, Dokkan could be doing 500k/m and you'd still be saying everything is fine.
>d-do the missio-
I'll get to them, Got the teams for all of them thankfully.

BEAST is releasing soon as well as a duo gamma card, pretty much what I wanted alongside pic related LR.
get help
>furiously f5ing thread, tears in their eyes
>g-get help! yeah, that'll show them!
get help
othergame sissy... you lost.
Meanwhile, 10 years of dokkan
10 more years at LEAST!
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kys faggot ass bitch nigger reddit tranny, go calculate some apt
Infinite growth is fucking stupid. This planet has a finite number of people
get help
>more words
>frog posting
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i spit on your mother standing in line for the welfare check, dont come here you wont fit in
Chinese version of HSR made 20x the revenue of global Dokkan on mobile only
didn't ask nigger, go play your moeslop
>inane babble
go buy fifa packs nigger
moetroonies aren't sending their best...
>still cant beat int battlefiled cooler on jp
Your Yamchad and friend gohan/piccolo?
can someone post their red zone kid buu PBSS team
i finished top 4 with 34 millions, does the game pair shitters? or i am just extremely lucky and always get on the same local group with some really chill dudes? like the rank 1 was at 60 million i think, nothing crazy
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Pretty sure I ran this team and used damage boosting items to kill him in the STR phase
super eza ss3 goku did a lot of the heavy lifting, did a few separate runs until I got one where he triple supered triple crit for like 20 million damage each time and took out kid buu
eos incoming...
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>turn 1 slot 1 super
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>your unit dodges
can you post the 2022-2023?
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Like this.
>All those months of releasing base SHITku killed the game
Who could have seen this coming...
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transforming garlic jr with Dead Zone domain when?
your item my boy???
>use item turn 1
>die due to lack of items in the final
Classic bitch nigger Goku situation
Yeah, I can also post the sales for Wii Sports in 2006.
LOOOOL he had a cock hair of health left too
The whiplash was real, yeah, but people are trying to do the zoomer thing where.
>is hated thing... good?
No, Sonic 06 was not good. GT wasn't either.
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So glad I clutched for angelku and buu on the april summon so I had the last two months to hoard stones like a fiend, 711 so far to be exact. How are you chuds holding up?
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2k stones.
I WILL get Beast.
Pulled on every discount.
Will continue to do so until sync when they vanish.
gonna do the discount multi on every banner and summon on beast till i get that bitch
i can already smell the shaft
This and I have 600 stones again
Revenue is gonna be spooky post WWDC. Wonder what global is gonna look like post 10th anni too. This is the last year we get SDBH I think.
fag franchise btw
but enough about moeshit
<500 stones to 10k stones.
Will update soon.
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there's a lot of solid f2p options for it
>having to raise up triclops jobber cards
grim for f2p
based fag
they were surprisingly good for an event like this
tru tho
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Trying to figure out how the fuck to get UI Goku to show up. I keep killing this asshole, have to go digging for low damage units that super a lot.
you have to do at least 12 super attacks in the first 2 turns of the second phase
You forgot the most important part that you HAVE to kill him too.
Yeah, I'm killing him in less is the major issue. Gotta find some team that's weaker. Hybrids were too fast. Trying Saiyan Day TEQ Vegeta now.
you have to super a lot
best way is to use a u6 team. knocks out the super bosses requirement too since the girls are all on that
have your teq caulifla, str kale, lr k&c, keflas just super constantly since goku is a pure saiyan/uss character. they don't hit hard enough to wipe him before you get the requirement
I brought this team and he died in one turn to the base girls+kale at 10 supers.
Final form freiza into full power freiza and ssj goku that either does his speech or krillin rage for his taunt.

Actually good bardock

What if family kamehameha w/goku bardock and gohan

What if Ulthan + ssj3 goku vs LR kid buu

Actually good GT units/ssj4 gogeta
>no kefla
>no ssj3 goku (eza or new)
Is it over for me bros?
you can use teq caulifla as the leaders to lower your stats. but I used agl kale for both leads and got it first try
Ended up figuring out Caulifla was the issue, she lowered defense way too hard.
Z Broly WWC
Trust me
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a ff frieza who's just broken
has a domain where he does the "5 minutes" sign and the planet is about to explode in 5 turns giving him and extreme units a boost
your part 2? thats what i thought.
Kaioken themed WWC.
that would be fucking kino
10th anni Z super vegito and Z super gogeta with all new what if animations, domain and standby skill

what if lr future gohan, goku and bardock

what if lr frieza and cooler

LR Z broly from the first movie with some anime animations and some what if animations
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Jiren was pretty fun, honestly. More content like that, please. Doing all the missions made me come up with some more fun teams, like picrel
It's taken this long for Orange Piccolo to fall off. Almost 2 years old btw, him and Ultimate Gohan could EZA next year btw
Version exclusive AND sync? Save your stones
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I sort of regret not having thrown a couple of multis on Kefla's EZA, but the determination to skip her is what helped me reach these numbers.
Insane FF Frieza. And beyond that I honestly think I only would really care about fanfic units at this point since they've basically done everything
>Sent-to-Earth Vegeta
Stuff like that
10th anni. Make it happen ofatsu.
holy good idea. too bad it will never happen
1.8k, will summon for discounts and no more. Aiming for 6k+ stones for 10th anni
Janemba with lots of cool animations
Goku black and Zamasu that merge
Those two are probably my top picks but honestly if they rereleased AGL Blue Vegito without the Goku and Vegeta bit and updated I’d summon hard for that since I love his 18ki.
>what do you want
SS2 Cell Games Gohan if he real(true)
LR Kefla <3
AGL Kale, LR K&C, STR Kale, TEQ Cauli should be enough for the 12 supers.
You can fill with TEQ K&C, WT INT Cauli (she can dodge), INT Botta Magetta, PHY Kale...
Just don't take STR Kefla, she will kill Goku too soon.
super unrealistic, but how would we feel about part 3/ex part of anni having another set of carnival x dfe banners with the dfe banner being UI and Toppo and the Carnival being tana part 2 and cell max?
We would be getting like 7 top 10 LRs in the span of a month or so but we would be 99% caught up to JP. stones would certainly be tight though
Z-gogeta what if
Super Saiyan Z Broly into legendary super Saiyan Z-Broly
SS4 gogeta standalone
Trunks and Tapion with a mafuba active skill
Imperfect cell getting a non F2p LR
Hellzone/light grenade piccolo
More SS4 stuff
>Super Saiyan Z Broly into legendary super Saiyan Z-Broly
this one already exists and his animations are pretty good still, he just needs to get an EZA
I'd just skip it desu
All these niggas yappin like we not getting yellow fusion part 1 and blue fusion part 2 for 10th
it's gonna be smth from Daima
>its gonna be eos
He probably means from movie 8 and not movie 9.
We need more under-represented units, I'm tired of Gokus.
Baby Vegeta, Super Baby, Dabura, Mecha Freeza, King Cold, Garlic Jr, Jiren, Slug, Pui Pui, Yakon, Rildo, Tapion.
Just give us any of those for a change.
>want to see what all the fuss about DW videos are and why he's "better" than DTDT
>DW juices his showcase characters with items and full field of orbs
lmao what a joke
DTDT is a dumbo with his opinions a lot of the time but at least he just shows you what units look like under ideal conditions, not under "perfect conditions+ private server to make sure they crit/dodge all the time" like DW does.
He's better than DaFatass simply because he doesn't talk.
You can mute DT videos.
You can't turn the godmode cheats or item/cookie use to get full field of orbs with 5% atk/def per orb off the DW videos.
Ergo, DT videos are infinitely more valuable than DWs
You low IQ dumb nigger retard, thats the point of DW videos, DW videos shows you the highest potential of a unit. His channel is basically a benchmark but for dokkan units

Funny how you conveniently forgot that DW does 55% videos too

>unironically defending dafatass
Deepthroat a shotgun and pull the trigger
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tomorrow we get info in the sync,
how would you feel if it is revealed that we might not get a joined 10th anniversary?
I love Dokkan Battle!
I'll still skip 9th because Beast is lame and gay
Didn't ask
New family kamehameha unit/new broly + SEZA str lr broly & eza teq lr broly
>the point of DW videos is to show you what a unit will literally never achieve because he uses god mode/always crit/always dodge cheats on a private server AND uses orb changing items that are also hacked to trigger on all orbs giving a full field of orbs
That's how he's able to get shit units like PHY F2P Hit to the final stages of the hard content with a bumass team - because the team will dodge everything due to private server hacks.

You might as well just use those MAX ATP pictures that are popular on reddit, they're equally as useless.

DT shows you what it's actually like using a unit, which is FAR more valuable than anything DW does.

>Funny how you conveniently forgot that DW does 55% videos too
Doesn't matter when it's on a private server where he has dodge all enabled for the rest of the team so he doesn't have to worry about proper team building or using units that will actually be able to beat the content that he "beats" in his videos.
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>DT shows you what it's actually like using a unit
This only applies to people with brain damage. Anyone who isn't a full tard will get a more accurate of experience of the children's casino phone toy by watching Dokkan World.
It's really just a skill issue + cope on your end thinking he's cheating getting good use of his units, which correlates perfectly with you boot licking DafaTDeTarded
>watching Dokkan World
Yes, wanked showcases that show an ideal situation, never an actual average run. Very accurate.
DW showcases regularly show units with zero dodge in their kit other than the 25-30% that's possible with HiPo dodging 10+ attacks in a row if they're not the direct showcase unit he's trying to show off.
You're dumb as fuck if you think he isn't modding the fuck out of those fights to make the characters perform at their absolute pinnacle peak.

The entire point is that DW videos are something that occurs about 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of the time, whereas DTs videos are just a random dude playing on the live servers that happens to spend thousands of his crypto money on maxxing every unit in the game. He's constantly getting fucked over by pisspoor RNG with missed dodges or hipo AA only ever being normals not supers, etc etc.

If you want to see what a unit will look like when they're gasssed up as max as absolute possible under situations that they would quite literally never be able to attain in normal play, then you should watch DW videos. But that kind of information is 100% useless to anyone actually playing the game.
>Anyone who isn't a full tard will get a more accurate of experience of the children's casino phone toy by watching [someone that plays on a private server and mods it to give unrealistic results].
lmao the fatman hate on here is insane
i have no more content to do until ui eza tonight
the only things I have let to do are SA10 and awaken some older farmable non-DFEs, complete one of those ass wicked bloodline wwdc turn restriction events and then otherworld warriors LFE. can't really be assed to do any of them right now
you absolutely BTFO that retarded brain dead dafat worshipper

actually kill yourself pathetic samefag

>defending dafatass unironically
yeah stop stealing precious oxygen and kill yourself immediately
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rainbowed, 7/7 links ui will get you killed outside his one turn with guaranteed dodge

gogeta hadnt super here btw, had he super he would have killed him on the spot with just normals
>cries about samefagging
>in a post where he replies to his own post congratulating himself for totally owning some dude
lmao you could at least try to be a bit less transparent about it.
Beast Gohan
Cell Max
EZA Teq Gohan

All would have tanked it.
I've seen enough, a majority of the Gohan cards are better... including buuhan borrowing a fraction of his rizz
He only had a 20% chance to dodge during that turn because DT transformed him when Gogeta only had like 1 bar of health left so it couldn't properly stack the 4 Supers it needs to hit 77% dodge.
And no, the counter attack does not count towards the evade/crit stacks that he has in part of his passive like DT seems to think.
>the counter attack does not count towards the evade/crit stacks that he has in part of his passive
counters usually count towards those kind of things, is it different for UI Goku?
it worries me because they seem to be advertising the 9th anni part of the announcement more than the sync. i fear we will just get another comment on it "coming soon" or another shitty chart
How is he so bad at this game when his whole life has revolved around it for several years now?
It's not even complex.

cope. He's a different anon, you are outnumbered.
No. That anon is wrong.
>How is he so bad at this game when his whole life has revolved around it for several years now?
He's not a particularly smart guy, he's just loaded from getting into crypto in like 2012 or some shit. Also since he literally just rainbows every unit he can bruteforce most content in the game and doesn't have to (generally) think about strategy or team building as much as someone with one or two rainbows on the team and the rest are 55-79%.
the counters count for his build up, they count for the gamma stand by, they count as attacking for basically everything, its in the literal code for the unit if you ask any of the dataminers

if the counters didnt count then ui goku would be EVEN WORSE because he only has 1 super in his passive, i have no clue why people like you just come here to parrot like a retard without having any clue what they are talking about

No, that guy is just retarded
>due to private server hacks.
There's no hacks on private servers you dumb retarded dafatworshipper. His videos just have the units at 100% percent, nothing more nothing less

>DT shows you what it's actually like using a unit
Really ironic how you cry about private server showcase videos yet are throating truth's tiny cock like no tomorrow. His videos are worse and useless than private server videos because

1. His commentary and opinions are dog shit
2. His units are all 100% and have garbage dodge builds that nobody in their right mind would use

> he has dodge all enabled for the rest of the team
that's datfatass, DW doesn't run dodge builds. your worshipping and cockriding has made you confuse the two

>about proper team building or using units that will actually be able to beat the content that he "beats" in his videos.
DW's teambuilds are solid, but what do you care, you don't play the game and are just shitposting falseflagger.
>How is he so bad at this game when his whole life has revolved around it for several years now?
dafatfuck is an actual retard but the counters do count for his build up
>There's no hacks on private servers you dumb retarded dafatworshipper.
someone had to literally 'prove' to the dokkan community that dodge stacks isn't a seperate proc and to do so they loaded up like 60 attacks in the back half of slot 1.
i'm not even going to entertain the rest of your post if right off the bat you are so fundamentally incorrect in your baseline assessment.
Yeah you're a retarded brain dead tech illiterate retard.

Keep thinking that private servers have magical hacky hacks in them and that they're soooooo much different than the live servers

You are a brain dead fucking fat ass cum guzzling retard
>How is he so bad at this game when his whole life has revolved around it for several years now?
He's just a nerd that happened to get lucky with YouTube. He's not a particularly smart guy. Goresh is smarter than him, Goresh is a faggot and I don't like him either but he has actual job outside of Dokkan and even speaks fluent Japanese.

>he's just loaded from getting into crypto in like 2012 or some shit.
lol no, all the money dafat makes is from youtube ad revenue.
if you can force the private server to attack 10x more than it normally would in a turn AND force all of those attacks to be in a specific slot, you'd have to be beyond stupid to think they can't also make it where certain units will have 100% dodge or 100% crit.
Especially when there have been a number of DW videos where he has units that do not have dodge in their base kits - meaning at best they have 25-30% dodge from HiPo - that will dodge 5+ attacks in a row. These are generally, coincidentally, always support units that have no business being in the content that he's trying to run them in - literally running 2021 banner units with support in 2024 content and they just miraculously dodge every single attack coming their way.

but sure, go ahead and tell me how it's just simply not possible to edit the private servers and change values in them. i totally believe you anon. do you think the earth is flat, too? or that we faked the moon landing?
what's with all of the unironic dafat worshippers in this thread? I know for a fact it wasn't like this before, must be some newfags from reddit.
>lol no, all the money dafat makes is from youtube ad revenue.
during the livestream where they were dishing out the info for 9th anniversary one of the guys in his discord call mentioned how truth is a 'rich crypto daddy' to which he quickly started blabbering loudly over and changed the subject immediately.
Time has proven him completely right about dodge
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still number 1
i personally just find it hilarious that people on here are more interested in what a unit can do under circumstances that are impossible to replicate on live, as opposed to what a unit is able to do with a full team of rainbowed units behind them.
especially when basically the only thing people complain about on here with DTs videos is that he's a dumbass that won't shut up. Just mute the fucking video if it's that much of an issue.
His full dodge build has been, genuinely, legitimately, without a hint of irony or trolling, the best build for 99% of the units in the game since the Y8 anniversary, but because it comes from him there are some people on here that refuse to accept that it's the current meta.
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>dafatty secretly malding here, because he can't use the private the server any more
dodge haters are the same people that will complain about item restrictions and category missions because they can't double whis or use their super hero team for every event
Your entire post is retarded schizo bull shit and strawman central. Where did I mention that private servers can't be hacked retard? I only specifically refuted your retarded comments that DW specifically hacks his showcase videos. Can private servers be hacked? Obviously, you retarded fat faggot. Does DW hack his videos specifically for showcases? No, you schizo faggot.

If you think DW "hacks" his videos for the showcases, you are a retarded mentally ill faggot that should be put down

You have no argument, you're spewing bull shit on here for the sake of arguing. Your life is empty, you have no life, you have no friends, you have no ambitions goals motivations nothing. The best part of your day is shitposting on this shitty general to get the attention your parents never gave you

Take your meds, or better yet, kill yourself. You don't deserve to steal any more precious oxygen.
He may not hack, but he certainly curated and presents exactly what he wants to present. Meanwhile Truth just lays it on the table. Take it or leave it.
>Where did I mention that private servers can't be hacked retard?
When you said
>Keep thinking that private servers have magical hacky hacks in them and that they're soooooo much different than the live servers
in this post here (>>1504379)

what else can you POSSIBLY mean when you say something like?
You could open up a drive-in with all the projecting you're doing.
No it's proven him completely wrong. Every boss is stacked with defenses that you have to crit through fast before rng fucks you.

this place is over with, we have unironic dafatass worshippers who are throating his tiny cock like there's no tomorrow.

unironically shilling dodge builds too. I have beaten all of the events in the game and never used dodge on any of my units. Dafatass only shills dodge so hard because he has brainrot from downing so much alcohol when sejla left him.

nuke this general and never make another thread again. we've been raided by unironic dafat worshippers and redditors and they're here to stay. t's over

It's over.
You won't be missed.
>the fatherless minorities sucking off dafat have resorted to claiming DW hacks his showcases
Lmao. Do these mutts even play the game or just watch truth videos?
Many modern day units have something built in. Add or crit or SE all types. So I'll just full dodge and secondary the missing element.
SE isn't enough. No unit from this year goes dodge except Toppo.
It's crazy, it's one thing to worship dafatass, but to actively lie and make up schizo theories about DW hacking his showcase videos is pure and utter retardation.

You just know these dafat worshippers are mentally ill schizos.
>No unit from this year goes dodge except Toppo.
>silent guy who plays the game better
>or obnoxious fat retard who frequently misplays and poorly builds characters
Yeah I'll take Dokkan World
I want 10th anni to be Namek Sage Goku vs Frieza. We're due for the WWDC units to EZA as well. Do Birdku and STR Cooler early if need be.
the only one worshipping anything here is you worshipping DWs knob constantly going on about how much better he is than DT, even if DT hasn't been mentioned in hundreds of posts.
it's not worshipping to prefer one content creator over the other, but constantly dicksucking DW like he's flawless and the best ever and can do no wrong and his build are immaculate and his teams are perfect - like you've been doing for literal months on end now - is fucking ridiculous levels of glazing that is rarely seen.
i perfer fat man because he's a goofy ass fat man that is constantly talking shit, but is most importantly human, as opposed to the literal soulless might-as-well-be-done-by-AI DW 'content'.
Yeah bro, you're right, the fat retard who spent over one hundred thousand US dollars on an e girl who left him is totes better than dokkan world

The fat retard who spent thousands of dollars on BLM shit is totally better than Dokkan World

The fat retard who shills dodge builds is SOOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN DOKKAN WORLD DUDE!

You're so right man, you've shown me the light.
Good. Don't let it happen again. Maybe drop him a sub.
Must be rough for Truth to be outdone by DW
This argument has always been retarded. It's facts vs opinions pushed as facts. Truth can't tie his shoelaces let alone have a nonbiased opinion. He's been pushing dodge for years and not once has it helped a unit outlive their meta.
>you worshipping DWs knob constantly going on about how much better he is than DT, even if DT hasn't been mentioned in hundreds of posts.
No one here has done that, DW is only being mentioned in reaction to the Dafatass glazing by worshippers like you. You retarded worshippers are even relying on making up schizo theories about DW to make dafatass look less shitty but its failing miserably.

>constantly dicksucking DW like he's flawless and the best ever and can do no wrong and his build are immaculate and his teams are perfect
No one here has said DW is flawless, but he's certainly better than dafatass and anyone who doesn't have brain damage knows that. DW is not perfect, but he's better than dafatass.

>like you've been doing for literal months on end now
Nigger what? This is the first time I've been on this general in months and the first thing I see is unironic dafat worshippers like you throating his tiny cock like your life depends on it.

I'm guessing we've been raided by redditors and some of them actually stuck around. Either way, if the dafatass glazing doesn't stop, this general needs to be nuked.

These redditors are trying to slowly make dafatass glazing as normal and I won't have any of it. This shit is a psyop.
>muh private servers
he does videos playing events with teams from his own account, stop being retarded and pretending you actually watch his videos
a goku & bardock and vegeta & king vegeta dual dokkanfest celebration
holy flop
i'd rather have swimsuit moeshit instead, thanks.
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eza when
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doesn't need to be moe
didn't ask
>Vegito debut date: January 24, 1995
>Gogeta debut date: March 4, 1995
30th anniversary fusions for dokkan's 10th anniversary
part 2 maybe
Should I make changes? His Dodge used to be 4.
Yes. Full dodge.
Ah fuck I'm painfully new
that build is fine now
>i prefer listening to some shrill retard hemming and hawing for an hour between every stupid move
so nothing to do with gameplay. got it.
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he really doesn't need any dodge in HP, especially since we now know that his dodge chance per dodge is added to his dodge chance and not a seperate proc
you should be giving him def or atk equips instead
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>almost 1 week before BEAST and sales
fellows... were ngmi.
beast is in 3 weeks
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while you guys were fighting I completed all the jiren missions
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I don't know what it is. I can't beat this months Ultimate Clash even once. The final phase keeps fucking me with turn 1 supers or a shitty dodge. My units get meleed for 80k. This shit is ridiculous.
Bro, your rainbow gobros nuke and TEQhan EZA debuff sweep?
I just used my extreme teq team. they have a ton of sealers like transforming buu, vegeta, and 17&18. Had cooler sealed permanently
this ost is PURE kino

What is your favorite OST brahs?
for me, it's GODJACK
GT Heroes is so far behind the meta that you would need all the WWC features to do missions. Unless the mission is only 3-4 units or something.
He does not need any crit because of his SA effect....he has a build in additional super. With that in mind, minimal investment in AA will usually guarantee the additional super since you have the 2 attacks to proc from. But that additional has a 50% chance to be a meaningles normal...On the other hand if dodge fails and you eat an SS, then you are done.
It's not a 50% chance if both hits proc the additional. Then each of them rolls the 50%.
The additional will only proc once per attack sequence...the HiPo additional ahs a 50% chance to be a normal...
No, it only occurs once per sequence, but every attack performs the roll for the hipo additional, and each of those is a 50/50 roll for the super. as long as one lands on the super, it overrides the others.
Nope. Unless the first attack rolls an additional that's a super, every attack past that will reroll everything separately until it hits a super.
For me, it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPovkImQNK0
The worst super hero has arrived
>eza ui goku finally
>go to test him out
>he refuses to dodge
love this guy
what do i even run him with. none of the universe 7 units are ezad yet on global. it will be funny if they churn out tanabata on global quickly and then this faggot will get instantly replaced
Add/eva for STR Ui Goku right?
hes pretty much dodge or die...so
Really, you're only options at the moment are AGL MUI and pray he dodges, eza ssbkk, or top androids
I can't wait to skip beast for ui CHADku
I don't think I've ever had a unit go from collecting dust to eza'd to back to collecting dust faster than this one.
utterly worthless unit.
... in bizarro world, but in the main time-line I wll go all in on beast as he has all UI Goku under his lead
For now you run him on a U6 team with:
AGL Kale (lead)
TEQ Caulifla
STR Kale
STR SS2 Cabba (the mono support)
STR Hit (the mono support)

>but he needs RoU7!
Yeah, for 14% extra dodge you get until you take a single attack and fuck all else.
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Why would you run Cabba for anything? Never have I prioritized him as a unit.
>50% ATK/DEF per super for NINE turns
>guard all for his first couple of turns
>60% support to STR UI goku
>capable of hitting around 1 million defense with enough orbs
>has what is essentially 1 time use full heal with his sub-50% HP part of his passive turning the entire field red
STR SS2 Cabba is broken as fuck on the right team for global. He's completely outclassed once the Y9 anniversary shit comes out, but for right now for the next few weeks until all the Y9 LRs/EZAs drop he's still a killer.
STR UI Goku isn't on AGL Kales lead.
Meh he was ok, SS3 gotenks looked more impressive though
i dont necessarily disagree with you but i do feel obligated to let you know that he's not super saiyan 2
Did they not give a time for the dokkan now? I only see the date
I think it's 19 pst which is like 3 am for me
10 PM normal-person time
In 9 hours
Read the in game news retard.
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Dokkan NOW link:
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>Dokkan NOW
>Premiere in 8 hours
Yeah wtf
Did he dodge chance get worse after eza?? Feels like it's 30% most of the time
str ui is poopy
this is seriously too much stamina.
Is it me or does Str UI kind of...suck? If he doesn't dodge he dies. At least Str dragonfist can tank normals...
nows the time to spam doing the whis event to get a ton of equipment
man.. i want ginyu... it would only take 500 more stones..
>built str ui with crit
Just a few more hours until they announce EoS...
eos will finally free me from this evil
but i doubt its happening anytime soon...
he's really fun but you should only go for him hard if you plan to pull toppo too for the special pose leader
i hate how the hidden potential system is still so archaic. can't believe we still have to spend stones or use a dupe to change one node
Worse thing is not being able to filter the category-exclusive orbs.
can't believe the anni is almost here
>omg haha dodge is so broken! i put it on all my units
>use dodge or die character
>gets BTFO
>hey what the hell! is dodge not as good as i thought it was?
every time
10th Anni

>Frieza domain with him doing the 5 minutes sign and for 5 turns, he goes into full power form with an exploding namek
>base Goku domain is the same but he goes ssj while domain is up
>part 2 Perfect Cell domain where he blows up the tournment ring and gets a power boost
not sure what ssj2 gohan domain would be
His dead dad giving him motivation
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A dodge unit will never be better than a unit that can just tank
10th anniversary should be part 1 Namek and then part 2 Cell saga end
I hate that every unit needs guard now
10th anni should be End of Z and End of GT Goku
You are delusional to think that 10th anni will be anything but around Base Goku.
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>open video
>piccolo hard carried by the top 5 best units in the game
Dokkan now already leaked, dumbasses.
Sync will happen during WWC and our banner will have the usual ticket+discounts.
That's it.
>Best team in the game has all the types
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>GODccolo has the best units in the game on his Leader Skill
>Pure saiyans and hybrids without having to bring dropped off midccolo
GODku keeps winning
brehs it looks like we are not getting the 20 stones from the 20k viewers...
half an hour bros...
>god mode
they announce that tanabata content and toppo will be dropping during the third anniversary and we will be caught up totally by the end of WWDC
>realistic mode
they give very vague info about the sync being in motion and that we will be caught up by 10th anni. also maybe story events from current jp tana or an early EZA/super EZA
>nightmare mode
no additional content, more incredibly vague roadmap nonsense. 20 minutes dedicated to covering the anni units we already know about completely
>as if it won't be nightmare mode
strap in for another global shaft

Pettan Battle 2.
i'm just expecting showing off the part 1 lrs, their supers and passives, mentioning ui eza dropped, a couple of the events coming next week, and hopefully mentioning their plans for the sync
showtime boys, goatmatsu don't let us down
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I have never seen a more shameless clickbait. I hate this fat fuck.
Thank the retards that are watching through eceleb channels
>11k viewers
its over...
Lmao engrish omatsu
kotosama... i miss her....
>dodge or die shitter
I tried using BoGku for the Legendary Existence mission and that faggot took 70k from phase 1 normals after 2 supers.
Omatsu our Bilingual GOD and his sidekick Ken
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is Omatsu grooming this twink to be his replacement?
Koto would have spoken better engrish
It's so fucking over.
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Ken my beloved
i got a bad feeling bros.....
It's finished...
>we're not going to hit 20k because of truth streaming it too
EoS imminent.....
God, who doesn't play the game muted, these sound effects sound like some casino shit.
>10k watching fatty's stream instead of the official one
>1x speed
truthniggers are to blame for this.
Nuh uh, I'm watching the spanish Datruth's.
Another reason to hate that landwhale faggot
they have multiple streams up for the other international languages they are probably counting all of them
who? so i can go to his chat and tell people to watch the dokkan stream
>sync delayed
Damn I forgot how garbage Gogeta's 18 ki looks
actual fag
>symc during WWC
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like 8 minutes to go and still no actual sync info
thank you omatsu
What the fuck was that Omatsu jump in?
>that souless monotone everything
>they hate everyone
peak stream
Koto was sacrificed for this...
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based ofatsu activated the bots to boost the numbers!
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7/8 LET'S GO
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>skipping THIS anniversary
omatsu i kneel......................
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Me about to drop 1k
GlobalCHADS won... AGAIN
>unlimited steps
Global won.
JP lost.
>they knew the part 1 tranniversary units were so power crept they gave them GSSR
they're basically handing out the featured units kek
They are going to jam the banner with shitty featured units now. There will be 50+ featured.
Jpsisters... no...
Easy skip
>you're synced.... except you aren't!
>Absolute niggers want a sync
>When we get discounts PLUS GFSSR Anni multis
I hate you short sighted retards so fucking much.
Who gives a shit about discounts and GFSSRs for power crept shit units like Kekly and Goshita? If they do that for Beast, then it will mean something, but we both know they won't.
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Laughing at jp sissies rn
>Here is some news on the sync
>There is no news
Fuck everyone who begged for this stupid sync
>gssr for as long as the discount timer is up
at least most people will walk away with beast and most of the headliners without using too much stones i guess..
>Soulless monotone babbling for the soulless garbage featured in this anniversary
Checks out
>cell max, toppo, UI goku, and presumably Jiren are in permanent limbo
>JPbabies already crying
They are talking like fucking robots its weird. Like they are held hostage or something.
>the special global announcement was a fucking advertisement in Times square
What the fuck did I just hear
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this is honestly fine with me

all i care about is about getting the joined 10th anni
>Pureeze spend money on powercrept shitters lol
EOS is back on
dont care about any of those besides cell max
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well that was a massive train wreck
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Not even GFSSR will save the atrocious Tranniversary banners, what a letdown
did they even confirm the annis are synced?
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I stood up until 3am for this?
You think beast is getting the GSSR? They said the banner format was to "kick off" the anniversary
They said EVERYTHING after WWC will release at the same time. Keep up, slowmo.
Why do you retards keep saying this?
Yeah the game is synced going forward from WWC. All the stuff global is missing? Fuck you you'll get it when JP gets reruns
still skipping
It's their only way to cope.
So basically the games will be """"synced"""" in August but global will still be missing Toppo, Dyspo , UI Goku, Cell Max, Part 2 Jiren or Kefla and all the EZAs from their celebrations for an undefined ammount of time. Brava Ofatsu, you truly outdid yourself. You could have just had a catch up banner and put all the garbage 2023 units like Turles and Gohan/Piccolo on it that no one summoned on anyways to catch everything up and then, but I guess that was too hard.
>jp characters TO BE RELEASED
tranniversary a skip
Antisync and jp sissies that hoped they would take away our discounts? Destroyed and mindbroken. God it feels great to be a global sync chad.
God fucking damn
to think i was looking forward to this lol
A shame neither banner has anything worth pulling on
>Broly takes 800k after super attacking through his guard from the new hard events turn 1
>Gogeta takes 400k from normals if he doesn't dodge through his guard
>neither can transform because all new hard events last 4-6 turns
Power? Crept.
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Be thankful, Not many gachas even last 1 year let alone 9 fucking years.
>cell max
Ya'll wanted to give me shit about "dooming" when I called the game into question about power creep and schedule and HERE YOU ARE NOW CRYING
They are MALDING because global got GFSSR instead of discounts lmao
Remember to skip the trannyversary
GlobalELITE won so hard kek
God, Toppo was the character I wanted the most in the future. Was even considering skipping anni for him.
>Broly's banner
I summon
>Gogeta's banner
I skip
>Beast's banner
I skip
>Gammas' banner
I summon
Simple as that
these discounts makes me think global is gonna be rushed as fuck for the sync, good thing most of them are shit
>>>>>>>super bosses
>shitku and shitren
i just need the special poses ezas and im done
yup they basically said after wwc we will get every single release at the same time

the stuff we are missing? not omatsus problem
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Kill yourself, both of these banners are atrocious as fuck, even with GFSSR
>to be released
yes i believe so, of course i could be wrong but i strongly believe we will get the same discounts
jptroonies... calm down, be better.
Oh no, not the worst arc in Super
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what did they mean by this?
I doubt it'll be rushed, they'll just have to do retarded plays to squeeze these characters in sometime down the road. I'm betting we won't see tanabata content until november/december
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Of course not, Beast is too valuable to get that treatment, Part 1 banners are horrid so that's why they get that GFSSR.
pulling beast on the discounts + gssrs then skipping the rest and wwc for the 10th anni when all of those units will be back on those banners
Me(I), Royal(We), are Dokkan.
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GlobalGODS on the right
fatty started crying about global players the moment they showed gfssr, they are seething immensely
We will get Toppo in August before WWC, he's the only TUR DFE we don't have right now.
I'm summoning on broly and using the 77 tickets on beast just in case
Kek it's another LR Golden Frieza situation with Cell max
>release and is completely busted in the current meta, but has glaring weaknesses in longer fights
>defense is just enough to deal with most things at the time of release
>when he finally releases on global, he's nowhere near as dominant anymore, but still useable
>when he's finally available to buy with yellow coins, he's barely mid, can't even tank normals past turn 3
Villains cucked again.
thats the plan, i pray to god beast banner doesnt shaft me
>he thinks they will give Beast discounts
Everyone with a braincell is only summoning on Beast. They know this and won't give him GFSSR, probably won't even give him discounts.
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>Obese clown seething because his dodge finally procced
my coin stock keeps going up well over 1k cuz of this bullshit. units are almost irrelevant by the time i can buy them with coins
They really are just going through the motions huh. There isn't really any new content being added. Bland events and some units to summon. I wish they would add a completely new type of game mode every year at the very least.
>muh powercrepp

this, lucklets aren't human
Legends lost AGAIN
... on opposite day
>Guaranteed Featured SRR!
>Every 255 stones
>There's 10 SSRs featured btw
>free multis
>ToT tickets
I hope the game never syncs. I love saving stones.
What're you, some kinda lucklet?
Yep, summoning on Ginyu after this shitshow.
>dafatty is shitting his pants and crying over the sync that's TOTALLY GONNA HAPPEN GUYS, I SWEAR ITS GONNA HAPPEN ON AUGUST GUYS
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The only non-powercrept unit is Beast.
Broly is worth just for the Super Bosses missions and extreme teams he helps.
Gogeta and Gammas are skips plus they're carnivals

No point in summoning on the WWC banners because now we know the annis are synced and all those units will be back in February and so will the anniversary units you skipped.

If you pulled Beast and have the 6th anni ezas, or the buu team, you can beat everything including whatever is coming for the WWC
GlobalGODS we can't stop winning!
Gammas are based
Beast is faggot shit
he's still streaming now and seething lmao
Are you scared that you won't pull a single unit in 6+1 multis?
Just do one rotation on each banner.
I'm such a happy Globalkek!
I have 2200 stones. Will not summon on anything, not even Beast. I already have Bejita, Fat Buu and Goku Black (lol). That's enough for all the missions and the anni LRs will come back in 5-6 months anyways.
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>my nigga ofatsu brought on the new hire so he'd have to delivery the bad news and take all the heat
>255 stones gets you 7 multis with gfssr on the final one
>meanwhile on jp 255 stones got you 6 multis and none of them were gfssr
this KILLS the jpsissy
I need koto to bounce on my dick right this instant
retard, it'd be 6 multis and 1 single
>truth getting angrier and angrier as he realizes the sync the shilled so much is still a year away in reality
>Goresh is just laughing it off and fine with it because he's already used to disappointment from Legends
don't worry bros we will 1 hundo p sync this year

>toonrami is chimping out on dafatty's stream
JPsissies losing their minds at the greatest banners of all time being global exclusive!
it is probably because i really dont care about ui and toppo but i see 0 problem with this, they confirmed we are gonna get everything at the same time after wwc so i have no concern about anything else, thats pretty much all i wanted to hear
That's troonrami to you
quite possibly the worst announcement video they could've done
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What's the problem? Are people just bitching because we're not getting banners?
>tickets are probably dead
Thanks Ofatsu. Now the global sissies are going to neck themselves.
>36% chance to pull Gogeta or Broly on a full 7 step summon
Practically 50% for a lucklet.
200% for luckgods
global W
they are. jp doesn't have them either
but if they replace them with the gssr moving forward I won't mind
a DFE LR, a carnival LR, a yellow coin LR, a DFE, a world tournament, two battlefields, and tons of events are in limbo with no plans or info for the global version
As soon as I heard "please understand" from Ofatsu I knew it was over. I didn't even understand any of his engrish afterwards, still knew he fucked it up.
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Trust the plan.
better start dealing with the fact global is never gonna have a 1 to 1 experience with jp, we are still probably gonna miss some events, some battlefields, some wt

its an unification of schedules but not really a merch so its a given there will be differences like it or not
Ofatsu's head on a silver platter.
being on the global dev team must be the easiest job in the world. you do 0 work and rake in your millions every week
it's funny that people on /dokkan/ had better sync ideas than the actually producer
That's why they only have one guy, to pay them less.
Just pulled Ginyu bros. That's my sign to skip the anni.
At this point, with how shitty the announcement was and how much it feels like a backtrack compared to some of their recent efforts, I honestly think they had plans to expedite the schedule or do a fast-paced catch up but the suits said no because they were worried about it cutting into profits on these characters. Genuinely seems like they're doing significant backtracking
Why is datruth mad?
GlobalGODS won bigly.
As long as we're synced for 10th I don't really care. Gfssr anni is a huge win though.
people keep bringing up how much of a coomer he is
this, all i care about is just not having to wait 6 fucking months to get the anni units
Truth has always hated that the community is splintered in two because of Global and JP so some people watch other Youtubers to stay up to date with their own version.

The sync was his holy grail where everyone comes to his videos and shares in the "hype" (Views) together with him but it keeps blowing up in his face which he's made the face of the sync.
and ezas, and content
also, while we're at it, why the fuck do they always make global wait two extra days into anniversary for no reason to drop the banners?
On jp, anniversary kicks off and the content and characters are live and things get started. On global, we have the countdown and then anniversary "starts" with one or two pieces of content and then we wait two full days for the banners to drop. Everything usually kicks off on the weekend for JP but we have to wait until like 4 AM EDT on a Tuesday
Jp sissies thought they would mostly talk about anything other than the anniversary cause they think everyone must already follow or know everything about the jp version. Instead they were btfo by global exclusive gfssr discounts so now they are seething.
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thank you 2 minute stamina for giving me the time to finally knock out the cell jr missions
yes yes, but are the tickets every multi still in or no? New banner format is probably meant as the replacement surely
Take a guess
We don’t know yet, but presumably not for these first banners at least. This format is essentially the tickets but better
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>Cell Max
>DFE Toppo
>Tanabata LRs

What's stopping them from a scenario where they just create a "Sync Banner" that combines the two Super Bosses release immediately after Tanabata?
Presumably money.
Global code monkey can't handle a job like that.
All shit, nothing missed until sync reruns
I didn't watch the stream but I assume Pilaf tickets will still be a thing? But it's less worthwhile since they might not be GFSSR?
>People think this matters when we're jumping ahead several banners and they confirmed 10th Anniversary for January

That's right retards, spend your stones on the bait banner.
Oh no! Whatever will my 2k stones + another 6k in unclaimed missions/events ever do?!
>I totally predicted this and saved a million stones and am not making shit up

Okay galaxy brain anon. Use that brain to skip for better banners.
>drop cell max in part 3 of the anni
>drop toppo in early august and include the dokkanfest jp is getting (they're both skips)
>drop tanabata lrs at the same time as last year in november
it's so simple
i'm a luckchad so I don't have to skip like a pleb
All the meaningfull info was
>Broly and Gogeta discounts buffed with GFSSR
>We will be sync'd after WWC
Nothing else was elaborated on.
We don't know if anni will still have tickets, or if these discounts will carry on into Beast's banner.
And we also have no clue what they are going to do with regards with actually syncing the games besides the promise that they will be sync'd soon. Which we already had.
>Not skipping and getting all the new units in 10th Anniversary in one multi

Ngmi, lucklet.
I have half of both SBR/ESBR, 25 stages of ISBH, half the red zones, and like 50 ExtremeZ battles waiting. Not including random ass missions, story events, and shit like prime battles or EZareas.

I summon on what I want.
>Global getting two DFE's first time they appear on the same banner

DaTruth seethe would be unreal. I hope this happens.

Lmao, now I know you're full of shit lmao.
99.9% it won't happen but if they were planning to drop either cell max or ui goku before wwc would they even announce it? sounds to me like it would make more people skip everything from anni except maybe beast if they weren't already going to
People should wait to see if the first banners are still up when part 2 info comes out. That way you can skip for Beast if he somehow has discounts.
I'll pass because Yeast Snorehan makes the game as boring as he is.
Globalsissies can't catch a break.
Hey Dokkan bros it's been a while (3 months or so): any update on new schizos who joined in since then?
The sync my boy!
>GFSSR means without tickets statistically your only better for doing multiple summons

Lmao, global "win" indeed.
so the 8th multi after the guarenteed featured isnt free? it does back to the 30 stone multi?

new tanabata ui is exactly like the ssj4 last year where their base form is solid and transformed they're amazing on release, but the base form will age like milk because as time goes on it will take too long to transform and he's dodge or die. like if you have him in slot 7 on turn 3, he can't transform until turn 8. and until they fix domains there could be more super class domain characters that block him

by the time he releases on global he'll already be powercrept to shit
>infinite discounts
Saving for Gamma's banner where Zamasu and Future Gohan are featured.
Pic related. They don't want to give global players a stimulus for 500+ stones so they're piecemealing it. You know that's the only reason why they gave us filler shit instead of a banner months ago.
yes it resets, it's still better (before it was 300 stones for 8 multis, now it's 255+30 for 8 multis+gfssr)
what the fuck, i just noticed the stamina regen timer for me is 2 minutes. So they just lower it by 2 minutes from your usual regen even though the news says it's down to 3. Crazy
Yeah, I'm Rank 960 and because I have all Stamina extras I can use a full bar to guarantee a rank up with the new X4 rank xp.
what stage do you run, 34-4?
Yeah, but I also get Stamina from the Daily training event X2 due to power level bonus.
>global banners now in limbo
>tickets removed from celebrations
they're unironically gonna maintenance mode us by 11th anni aren't they
>People are mad about characters in limbo when it means Dokkan gets power creep quicker and can save stones for 10th sooner than JP players

Don't know why people care, these characters will be power crept in a few months time anyway and gives global an opportunity to save more stones for power creep that come. quicker. In fact this only serves to fuck over JP players, glad I'm a global chad
There's no point to summon anymore because in 18 months time units are going to have 100m attack stats and 3 mil defense on average
>Anniversary comes back sooner than usual so it's viable to skip Anniversary and WWC since they return quicker

Fucking retards like you should learn to read. This is only time this would be relevant to save like this due to how the sync is working.
>anni and wwc return for the next anni's content
>anni and wwc return for the next anni's content
there's no difference
It’s so strange people seeing this GFSSR system as a reason to must summon and not alatsuki basically throwing up their hands and admitting even they see summoning on this anni is retarded and are trying to lure in gambling addicts
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WWC units return on anniversaries. This is the one and only time anni will have GFSSR

Best plan of action for Global players is to abuse GFSSR to quickly get Beast and Broly, then skip the rest (WWC, Catch up banner, whatever takes Heroes spot, Tanabata) for 10th anni.
Nah he’s a lot better simply because he has much less baggage than SS4 who had
>has to go in slot one
>no gt friend
>released before arguably the biggest powercreep in Dokkan history
While UI has a god tier friend in MUI and virtually no restrictions and a powerful domain mechanic. That being said I’ve only watched datruth use UI, will regular people not see his domain a lot more often especially since they don’t have every unit rainbowed? Like he goes on about fights not lasting more than 7 turns but my kid buu attempts outside of nuking him reach beyond that easily
There is dumb fuck, it returns in a few months as opposed to year and power creep is quicker for global than usual. Use your brain.
just woke up, jpkeks still having a melty?
Anti anniversary browbeaters is about it. They have to be right, everyone else is wrong. Never understood the mentality.
>Make argument and say why
>Anni keks offer no response other than it's the same

If you just said 'I summon anyway on what I like' rather than coping and coming up with bullshit to say why people are wrong maybe I would let it slide.
What's the point of playing a gacha game if you're gonna skip all the big celebrations?
>Literally one time you are justified skipping
>'B-But like why would skip big celebrations?'

Holy fuck kill yourselves. You bunch are literally the most chronically illiterate group of retards I have ever seen.
Might as well skip the game.
The issue is you try and force your point onto everyone. Nobody cares. Nobody wants to argue with you. We just want to play the game and have fun.
What are the changes with the 77 ticket summon?
it's at the same time in terms of content releases. i don't care how long the unit sits in my box during dead periods.
I have 69% gods and 79% monkeys, and their eza is 6 months away. So yeah, as f2p, I'm going for those first copies of 9th annis on discount.
I payppigied the tickets they have been putting out on the Pilaf trove, so i'm just gonna pull broly and gogeta with those and save my thousands of stones
>Nobody wants to argue with you
But you're doing that right now...I'm not that anon, but Fillerversary is still skip and btw, you're crying about it
skipschizos getting desperate
>I'm not that anon
Sure you aren't samefag. You're trying so hard to force your trash idea onto everyone, you insecure little turd. No one cares if you're a brain dead retard who wants to skip anni, just don't force your retarded idea down everyone's throat bitch. Kill yourself
You use them to summon on the 4 anniversary banners now. You can pick one banner to pull 77 units with 3 guaranteed ssrs at the end or you can do 5 ticket multis/singles across them all.
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>that melty
But I thought you said that nobody cared about what this anon >>1505614 thinks about skipping Anni and then you just proved yourself wrong over and over again
>The issue is you try and force your point onto everyone!!!
You're doing the same thing shilling the Fillerversary like there's no tomorrow every single time someone says that they're skipping that shit, you're the biggest hypocrite here you fucking retard, kill yourself.
fillerversary shills getting desperate
no one is telling you to roll on anni you turboautist, you're the one telling everyone to skip it. disingenuous faggot.
So what's the best option? Going all out on a single banner? You will only get all tickets for the big multi during Part 3, right?
You've been replying to everyone, directly and indirectly like a passive agressive bitch saying "NOOOO SKIPPING THE ANNI IS A BAD IDEA, YOU'RE RETARDED IF YOU DO THAT!" for the past couple of months, shilling that shitty celebration like there's no tomorrow and making a tantrum while REEEEEING at anyone that disagrees with you, kill yourself turdversay shill, and I mean it.
>projecting this hard
you're the one screeching unprovoked every single day that everyone must skip, crying when your retarded reasoning is called out, then doing it all over again. medicate.
I love people like this. Like
Your threshold has been breached by you spending money, you’re gonna spend all your stone because you’re a disgusting hypepig
>Says the shill, while accusing multiple people of being the same guy that is against his shilling
Pathetic and mindbroken as fuck
But you just did that, in this thread, and every thread for the past couple of months
>crying when your retarded reasoning is called out
Why do you care so much? You keep REEEEING at everyone saying that they're skipping that filler crap, a sane anon would ignore and move on, but noooooooo, Mr.Shill has to come out of his troll cave to shill for the Turdversary like his life depends on it!


You disgusting shill.
I remember thinking this last year and now I have 4 SS4 cunts in my box
you're not the only schizo, but you are schizoing every day. more projecting of your schizophrenia, thinking i'm multiple people.
>stop clowning on my stupid posts
then stop posting them, or keep crying like a little bitch
Yeah its in part 3. Your best option will vary really. If you are only chasing 1 unit then may as well do the 77 multi. Also the other multis actually cost 7, you can do a max of 7 multis if you don't do the big one.
But now suddenly
>You're not the only schizo
Keep backtracking on your bullshit you fucking retard, you're clearly desperate
>then stop posting them
No, everyone and their parents are skipping that shit, why do you think Omatsu is adding GFSSR in these shitty banners? I'll give you the answer, it isn't because he's feeling generous, it's because the general discourse in your usual places it's
>Skipping every single 9th Anniversary turd and maaaaaybe doing a couple of rotations for Beast if they can't get him with the tickets multi
There, your shilling attempts are useless, even the fucking producer is desperate trying to make people to summon on that shit.
i'm not the one who called you the same guy. do you see the irony? or is the autism too severe?
>everyone is [headcanon]
i take it your "usual place" is reddit, so do go back
Another fucking meltdown episode.
Stop arguing with yourself. If it's not you arguing with yourself, then whatever retard is biting needs to stop.
Did the ToP Android Duo actually come out of 9th anni as gods with all the ezas?
>Original anon asks why you would skip
>Tell them
>'Nobody cares'

Holy fuck develop reading comprehension you sub 30 IQ retard. I hope your entire ancestral line is eradicated by being gangraped by niggers. And yes I am mad, speaking to retards like you make me angry, bait people into responding to your retarded shit and then backpeddle when called out. With every fibre of my being, kill yourself so your retarded nigger brain doesn't pollute the gene pool any further.
itt: poorfags worrying about how to budget their poorfag stones
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They've always been the goat
>Dragon Stones and character slots in the Porunga wishes
Make sure you're not retarded and pick wishes 1, 3, and 4 JPbros.
>1, 3, 4
>2, 3, 4
>1, 3, 4
This is the only correct answer.
>>2, 3, 4
It'll still be wish 1 in part 2.
Ah, fair enough. But yeah, that route's incredibly optimal and if you pick anything else you are retarded.
That's what relentless shilling does to your brain, he HAS to shill the fillerversary no matter what, even if he acts like a clown in the process.
Okay so I'm pretty sure I picked the 3rd wish in the lineup and I got the fucking last wish...
Make sure to compare the Japanese text instead of just picking by number.
dokkanfest tickets, box space and meats. Everything else is worthless
For me? It’s 2, 4 and 6
pretty much too late for them to be saved. even at rainbow with their support up they don't tank normals after supering in the newest hard content. they're not unrunnable but you do basically need to hide them and play around protecting them
Some dude isnthriqing a melty of the tifkrt packs which were like 10 bucks, in burgerland that's less than clogging your arteries with goyslop or cigs
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no matter how it get's always remember
No matter how shit the arguing gets it'll never be as obnoxious or as funny a BTFO as pedroes spics thinking heroes units wouldn't age like milk then getting 9th anni units right after and the entire series getting canceled meaning that pedroes ended on the fanfic units getting crept by GODly, GODgeta, BEAST, and g*mmas
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It's actually 7 guaranteed SSRs
Remember when doomers said that global anni woon't have discounts?
It's technically less value since we're getting less free rolls but I've ate shit so bad in the past 3 anniversaries that it might end up more beneficial.

Luckgods get way more mileage out of tickets.
If you don't count tickets, then isn't there is more value actually?

(honestly, even as a f2p, tickets have always annoyed me because after doing one round of 3+1 multis you only have 9 tickets out of 10. So you are basically forced to do another multi. But then you have 2 tickets leftover. That's so fucking uneven it hurts my autism!)
Wish stripes and stones/slots are guaranteed picks for me.
Now I need to decide if I want meat or keys.
Yep. I'm thinking I'd like to rainbow Bulma in the future.
I shame she's on the shittiest and worthless banner.
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Forgot pic
>skipping 9th anniversary
>skipping WWC
>skipping Tanabata
>summoning on CHADroes
Simple as.
This but unironically
the wish strips are actually trash. youre better off just getting more tickets or something
I want to rainbow my favorite units that never got featured again.
your favorite units are years old banner units?
but they are all literally unfeatured on every banner. but go ahead i guess
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>the wish strips are actually trash.
Wrong. I keep all coinable dupes until I can rainbow a unit with only uncoilable copies which I can easily get from the those wish strips.
So i'm not alone.
So what's our summoning strategy here, global bros? For a fresh new box what would be the best course of action?
just summon on the dokkanfest/red coin banners. they have better units overall with beast's having the 6th anni lrs which are now in the top 3 best
maybe one round on the carnivals
>Old format gave you 8 multis for 300 stones + 1.8 multis works of tickets, so 9.8 Multis for 300 stones, so 30.6 stones per multi
>New format gives you 7 multis for 255 stones, so 36.4 stones per multi. So with the new system, each multi is 19% more stones, but with a GFSSR every 7.
So a slightly better chance for the main unit, but less summons overall. Again, assuming no tickets
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>global minnorities
i picked 1 3 4 and i got meat kais and 1 tanabta ticket
ill take guaranteed multis over ticket multis. were the ticket multis even guaranteed SSR i cant remember?
>were the ticket multis even guaranteed SSR i cant remember
They were but I'll take gfssr over that shit anyday. Guaranteed ssr means nothing nowadays anyways with how bloated the pools are.
They need to add those super old DFE to the unfeatured pool to make GSSR mean something again, and even then that's mostly for new fags. I'd just be pulling dupes either way.
PAID ticket multis guaranteed an ssr
the anni ticket multis DO NOT guarantee an ssr
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We literally lost nothing of value then lol
Based sync let us bullshit our way into getting GFSSR for BEAST
Yes they did. They were GSSR, just not GFSSR.
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The ticket multis are GSSR, you're thinking of the rainbow tickets stupid faggot.
i was misremembering, my bad, sorry
all in on beast
For a new player or a reroll you need to summon on Broly and Beast primarily. They have tons of units with good leader skills and Gohan's banner has the 3 top 5 units in the game.
I think I might like the new format a little more because of the gssr but also I would get fucked on the free multis by always pulling rainbowed turs that I couldn't coin
I feel like I almost always have above average luck on monthly dokkan fests and gold coin LR banners but I always get fucked on major celebrations. The new format is mathematically better but I always dread WWDC and Anniversary because I usually have abysmal luck on the banners. 2022 WWDC I had 3400 stones going in and I got 1 LR STR Cooler in 1700 and then 1 Birdku in 1000 or so. 0 copies of Metal Cooler and 0 copies of the SS Duo in the 1000+ I spent across their banners but you best believe I pulled Gohan and Krillin 9 times. Last WWDC I had similar odds, too. Took over 2000 for 1 future gohan
same, my biggest shaft has been the z duo on the 8th anni and future gohan from wwc

but for whatever reason my alt account pulls the headliners in no time so i have mixed feeling about big celebrations
I really wish they just bit the fucking bullet and gave us a stones stimulus.

Seriously, 10th anni isn't too far away. Whatever they've got planned for it, they'll make up for the potential loss in money with 10th anni.

It's so insanely kikish that they can't be just a TEENY bit more generous to have the sync happen. No, they gotta make sure we buy stones to gamble for units.

Dumb arseholes are gonna bring Cell Max in 2025 when he's already been power crept. Ironically, they lose more potential money doing that then just bringing him out early and giving more stones to compensate.
You should do far better on this Anni than previous ones. 7 multis with one being GFSSR is huge for 255 stones. Not to mention the fact they're dropping AT LEAST 1000 stones on us during Anni, which means you can essentially pull a full rotation on each banner once before you have to dip into your savings.
1800 stones on futurehan, and I rainbowed metal shitler in the process. Main reason I don't wanna roll on gogeta even though I really like him and need broly trio.
You realize there's mathematically almost zero difference between formats right? A handful of people will get lucky while the rest will still get the same results.
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Base Vegito with a Active Skill transformation into SS Vegito which activates a scouter for 10 turns. Counters normals, evades and counters melee supers, beam supers, unarmed super and other supers with a different animation for each one. Standby skill that counters on death for any unit, can be manually released or auto activates once the 5 turns are up. Domain that taunts and locks him on current rotation every turn.
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LR Perfect Cell 2.0

This Perfect Cell is meant to be a sort of combination of INT Perfect Cell and PHY Perfect Cell Jrs.

His 12ki would be his Perfect Barrier

His 18ki would be a Super Kamehameha but his unit super attack with the Cell Jrs would be a Super Kamehameha with the Cell Jrs.

He regenerates 34% of health after a turn wherin a Super attack is used.

He guards all attacks with a single artificial lifeform ally for the rest of the battle. He reduces damage up to 34% if the entire team has artificial lifeform allies.

His active skill activates when HP is 40% or less in battle. He explodes and comes back as Super Perfect Cell.

His 12ki is Perfect Special Beam Cannon. It's a perfect combination that ends with Cell giving a Special Beam Cannon.

His 18ki is Solar Kamehameha and it always crits.

He's able to revive as well.
10th anni will introduce the same name linking mechanic
another missing thing on global
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ridiculously strong slot 2 unless im reading this wrong
Don't care, skipping for LR Kefla. 17 and how hard they pushed him in the ToP was obnoxious.
what are you skipping dawg its an eza
if the 50% dr is only for one turn then they are ass
Still skipping. Never reply to me again.

The last remaining possibility

Golden Frieza (Angel) & Android 17

Leader Skill

Vigor +4, HP, ATK, and DEF 160% UP in the "Space Survival" or "Combination" category
they're guaranteed 51% DR after attacking, or 68% with hipo

The last remaining possibility

Golden Frieza (Angel) & Android 17

Leader Skill
Passive Skill: His ATK and DEF +177% UP & for 1 turn after his appearance, his energy +7, 50% damage reduction & he always attacks twice more and activates a special move with a high probability & when his HP is 77% or less, he activates another special move and has a super high probability of triggering his Sincerity & for each attack, his energy +1 (max +7). ), ATK and DEF 11% UP (up to 77%) *& each time he activates a Special Move, his Energy is further increased by 1 (up to 5), ATK and DEF 20% UP (up to 100%) & each time he attacks, his Damage Reduction Rate and Concentration Rate are increased by 17% during that turn.
how much defense do they get? we already now 50% dr is fucking nothing nowadays
i think 600k sot fully built up
not bad
>how hard they pushed someone is annoying
>can reach 100% DR after supering on turn 1
don't know how practical that is in reality but pretty cool. should be helpful in getting established in these tough fights where you can eat a slot 2 or 3 super for 3 million damage
Gear 5 Luffy crossover.
>alatsuki basically throwing up their hands and admitting even they see summoning on this anni is retarded and are trying to lure in gambling addicts
Lmao this is the dumbest shit I've ever read from this general and that's saying a lot because this place is full of retarded brain dead idiots like you. You are a delusional mentally ill retard

Shove a shotgun up your ass and pull the trigger you deranged mentally ill retard.
holy based...
Im summoning. Also I'm gay btw dunno if that matters.
They won.
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What do we think?
I've seen enough, evoken is better
i more or less agree
>dafatty still putting orange piccolo in the top 10
At this point just put fucking teq super kamehameha goku or int vegeta and trunks there if you're picking favorites this badly
banners aren't until monday AAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEE
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ehhh they are alright
You can honestly go years without summoning and just use ezas and friend units.
This is also without tough as nails or brainiacs active, toppo can activate TaN. You can multiply the given numbers by .787 for rough 55% values.
Summon away, I don’t care if your dopamine hit is too precious to you but people crying about losing global foresight are probably the same retards who think summoning on the 9th anni is a good idea.
OH NO if I soommon now I'll definitely get shafted next celebration and won't be able to clear some stupid 5 stone mission (until ezas are out). Surely the next big unit will outlive their meta unlike these ones, for sure this time.
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Looks like they're hardstuck with the LR Android 17 EZA
As things were, as they shall be.
No? They link well with toppo and BC&L plus they don't have any restrictions. Linked with toppo on a 170% lead, fully built up, they have 818k defense post super without any support + an extra 5% damage reduction.
So full additional HiPo and additional equips for 17 and Frieza right?
mostly additional but also some crit cause they only start off with 17% crit when above 77% hp
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The new format is just straight up better
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>mfw blue gem farming for Kai's because I accidentally blew my stash on f2p Tora of all people
Fuck, man. 4x exp is gay.
>that tanabata banner art
>Those units
Man what a sick banner I'm gonna pull so har..
>That amount of featured units
It's a skip
jiren was already a tanabata lr before and doesnt even deserve another lr, give us lr kefla
Thats the advantage of summoning though. The argument for skipping is based more around value for stones since we have such a fast turnaround in Annie but this has been said countless times and not stuck in your thick skull
I just summon on the stuff I like.
only 2(+2) days until the anniversary actually begins!
Why is gogetas banner bad exactly?
top 10, very good, not exceptional in base and takes a while to get going though. incredibly good in blue but can be fragile
>soh trunks
unfortunately has become mid very quickly and is very very RNG dependent to tank
>kid gohan
mid, can help bad teams but takes a very long time to build up for content now
>metal cooler
mid, wasn't exceptional on release and is worse now
>broly trio
very solid EZA, needs to be played around heavily to not be a liability though
>STR UI Sign
just EZA'd and is quite good but can feel bad to use and is mostly replaced by teq UI whenever he comes to global
>tree of might goku
mid on release, worse now
>bardock & gine
decent eza for a banner unit
>paragus & broly
pretty good eza for a banner unit, has 0 teams

most of these characters are not exceptional and even if they are, they are units that most people are going to have at at least 55% if not >79% if they summon frequently. certainly a better banner than mostly monthly DFEs but for most long time players, Gogeta will be the only unit they don't have a single copy. With that being said, the discounts and the GFSSR make the banner a lot more enticing for global
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Not sure what to expect with the sync. Thinking about doing light summons this anniversary and finally using some coins to pick up the characters later. The only coins I’ve ever used were grabbing a copy of Vegeta and Trunks on their first returning saiyan day and then using gold coins to get LR golden frieza. Might finally be time to cash in
I ran kid Gohan rainbow in esbr bond of mad. He gets wiped everytime. Below mid imo
>653 gold coins
>Already had 500 to buy LR GF
Lmao what are you doing
I like LRs. I make an effort to have all of them. I'm currently only missing carnival omega
in fairness, they really really upped the difficulty of that stage expecting people to be using beast gohan because it came out on JP only a month or two ago. Most ESBRs are nowhere near as tough as BoMaD
is it weird that despite playing consistently since 4th anni I've haven't coined a single gold coin LR
>unironically being the person in the shitpost
You are a cartoon
Just means you've always gotten what you wanted, be happy.
I'm trying to just get to 500 so I don't have to worry about them anymore. Gonna use them on Zamasu when he dodges me once again (I have emptied my current stone count every single banner he's been featured)
It's not that, I've never had 500 gold coins before
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But enough about Videl...
Built for BRC and SKD
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But enough about Oceanus-sama...
if they're getting rid of tickets because jp doesn't have them, hopefully this new format is the norm
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>he still thinks global will get benefits after the sync
Tanabata will be the final thing we ever see discounts on.
what the FUCK were they thinking with 2023 units? What changed for them to make most of 2024 units ok to great so far? Did they decided to playtest the game for once?
sales probably
my headcanon is the guy who designed LR rose's eza now supervises all ezas and units.
I miss her so badly bros...
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>still don't have broly trio
i just know they are going to elude me even if i get a copy of gogeta. i can't go back in for them but i honestly want them more than gogeta so i can run super bosses
Status check: so who won and who lost exactly?
I won
Whaleniggers lost
is there an actual reason why they delay banner even after the actual fucking anniversary starts?
9th Fillerversary trannies lost, Skipchads won once again
SkipGODS won
Beasthomos lost
theres no such thing as winners or losers in dokkan

theres only LUCKCHADS and LUCKLETS
I hope LR Jiren EZAs during part 2.
I also hope it's the most dogshit awful EZA possible.
LR jiren will get the best EZA to go with the new domain transforming super counter Jiren
Do you mind if I talk to you? Do you mind if I touch you (there)?
I don't mind. Let me know when you are about to finish and I'll give you a countdown.
Are banners next reset or in 2?
Best Blue Gem farm?
They never release the banners when the anniversary starts. They are always 1 or 2 days late for some reason. Maybe to cope with server overload, idk.
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550 stones ready for tomorrow
Anon, I...
I'll let you know when I either pull beast in one round or get shafted with 2000 stones.
bro, Beast is still days and days away
But I want Broly. Gogeta is a fat skip though.
How many friend points do you have for the Premium Summon?
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Our hero's games!!!
>was expecting to get to 3k stones before anni
>currently at 3951
you know, all things considered dokkan is really generous with the summoning currency compared to other gacha
Is it too hard to say '2 resets'? Is it autism? Did I offend you by asking?
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You guys weren't kidding. He's actually really good
skipschizos lost, summon-on-9th-anni chads won.
alright boys, what pointless argument shall we have today?
anyone that only takes one flavor from neapolitan ice cream and not all three at once is a fucking scum bag
>all three at once
Fucking how??? Are you scooping up an entire horizontal layer just to get all 3?
yeah, I scoop horizontally
But the entire layer? Are you getting 50% of left and right but 100% of the middle?
I go all the way from one end of the container to the other, so I'm getting 100% of all three flavors
Does it really feel so good?
Yeah, this is absolutely what I'd expect Gocels to read.
gohan and android 18 fan fiction?
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half a day left! (actually 2 and half days left)
is krillin and 18's relationship proof that you can pull a bad bitch by just being nice to her?
Yes. It's pretty hot and I've masturbated a few times to the fic.
One round on Broly's banner
One round on the Gammas' banner
Skip the rest
Buying out all the packs to two dupe BEAST, then doing the same for Gammas and Gogeta.

Then maybe roll on an extr*me unit

Simple as
i cant wait to summon for broly
seek help faggot
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I used to use the bot to farm FP, at least 2 mil for the premium FP banner.
But with the recent restrictions I won't bother anymore, it's not worth it.
Why the hell did they change the name?? "Battle Spectacle" was better!
Damn, you spoon must be huuge
i use an ice cream scooper
>Why the hell did they change the name?
It never had an official English translation.
>still over two weeks for beast

Supreme Battle Spectacle still sounds batter. Supreme Magnificent Battle sounds generic
sure but as that guy said it was never called that, thats just how some people chose to translate it
It's literally the English words "Battle Spectacle" but in katakana (batoru supekutakuru).
i dont speak moonrunes so if thats true then yeah thats pretty stupid of a change
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>give my AGI UI Goku 14 dodge
>all these friend requests pouring in, fucking finally
I must go further beyond
plus 2 days
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>using 180% leader skill
Leader skills have been relatively stagnant, while kits continue to explode. Bulma was the first real instance of people going
>maybe it is worth throwing stats away for a second broken copy of this unit.
Special Pose can do the same with Ginyu, and hell, Super Bosses has been doing it with Cell Max.
I have no clue. Legends doesn't fucking do it. Dunno why Dokkan does it.
I dunno about you, but Dokkan banners line up with what I assume is most wage slave paycheck days.
Waste of stones.
He's so beautiful...
so what content exactly do we get tonight
will the japanese jews ever do something about the cost of hidden potential change? Every character nowadays has an outdated build because 7 years ago all that mattered was crit
You will be able to change it for free during the 10st tranniversary.
they work monday-friday and don't want to come into work to put up banners which is why they're dropping monday
f2p frieza, ssr beerus and blue zone I think
I’m saving for Final Form Frieza vs Kaioken Goku WWC and there’s nothing you fillerversary bullies can do about it!
I'm skipping that fillerwc btw
>call 9th anni filler because the units come back on the 10th anni banners
>wwc units also come back on the 10th anni even faster than anni units relatively speaking yet somehow they arent filler

if you are gonna skip just be a man and skip till the 10th anni or are you some kind of summooon brain?
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skipping made sense if the format was the same as always. but this time they have a gssr format so it's worth doing one round at least with the discounts
Too bad it's GT, i.e. the worst performing WWC of all time.
WWC is also filler, but only this one time because both come back so soon for 10th.
He cute
WWC will always come back in 4 months from now on.
Do I just use these banner unit tickets right away? Or will it have new banner units once the dokkanfests are out?
the dokkanfest and carnival banners are different tickets
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>permanently available SDBH event
I mean the ticket banner that's out now. It's just side banner units. Will it have int frieza and agl krillin+18 once they're out? Not as featured obviously but obtainable
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No gringo. Its name is GRAN BATALLA SUPREMA
from what I believe, I don't think units can get added to a banner that is already out so no
>broly ost cinematic
wtf? wasn't this the 9th anni rap on JP?
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>CHADroes event for Towa is permanent now
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It looks like. Dafatty is gonna melt of rage by this.
>no blue zone
fuck this
>first 2 ticket multis both had LRs in them
>step up + tickets
globalchads WON
Why do banners drop 3 days after anni start?
got supa bejito with my red stone, I have a feeling his super EZA is gonna be cracked when it drops, did I make the right call scholars?
They're really trying hard to bait you to summon for this, probably because of part 2 and 10th coming sooner.
Japs are lazy and don’t want to work on a weekend
>Anniversary begins
>Zero content
Thanks Omatsu

the final global w
the voices tell me he'll seza on 10th anni along with 1st anni gogeta.
however, str omega might anni for wwc (gt bosses will still suck of course)
>Long kamehameha
>Scouter switch
Oh shit
>It's a LR Super 17 dupe
Lol. Lmao.
>might anni
might seza*
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>wait no... content drops in a couple hours not at the start
>and banners drop in 2 more days
mine were shit too, str full power frieza and LR U6 girls, and then later I got 2 more LRs which were trunks and Mai and another str full power frieza
>Add new daily mission
>Can't even do it because the event doesn't go live for another 5 more hours
top kek
Still not summoning on powercrept units
This anniversary sucks bros
where the fuck is the daily capsule sale? I thought it was a discount for the 30 day one
sync soon bro
Okay we get it you're gonna save your stones for the 11th anni at this point. Shut the fuck up.
NewCHAD here. Where's the content? I saw an ad and wanted to summon.
This is so random. Why? What's next, will they be adding SDBH units to the general pool?
Safe to use these tickets?
Which ones?
if dbheroes is dead, I hope they add them to the general pool. same with the type supports
adding them to the general pool would be the best thing to do if they decide to no longer make new heroes celebration since heroes is dead
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Just read up top and think it's safe withsomeone asking the dame thing, shiet
No, it's no safe.
ANONS NO, the tickets are not safe
I used them and Omatsu broke into my house and broke my knees
In 4 hours. Banners in 2 days.
Yes, you did. Should have waited to see if they SEZA anyone between now and the whole MONTH that the red stone is avaliable.
5 hours*.
Enjoy the new content with... f2p Beerus! (unawakened)
No, you didn't*
Had a stroke.
thank fucking god, I was retarded and didn't grind the medals last celebration, if they add a banner for it I'll go broke
So the 9th anniversary tickets are for that shitty sr banner? You can't use them anywhere else? God damnit I got scammed putting in effort for those fucking missions
Did they do the same thing last year?
You can get lucky and pull LR Bulma or other useful unfeatured LRs. Then there's the metric fuckton of unfeatured SSRs that you can pull to rainbow units. I pulled my first dupe of LR Super 17 and managed to rainbow Oceanus, Mamba, AGL SS Gotenks and even pulled my first copy of PHY 21 who's banner I skipped. It's free and pretty good for nearly 20 multis
Got a dupe of Janemba, LR Gohan and Trunks, and ss3 goku pretty dope
I got shafted but it was only tickets for the worst banner so it doesn't count.
As a matter of fact I'm better off for saving my luck and shoving off the had luck.
I will get the units i want
made sure to get him, alongside phy blue vegito and agl rose with my last 3 red stones. have a feeling all three will be insane
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who's the next to super eza?
Probably SSBKK?
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How do you unlock the stupid fucking type unit eza area? I have searched everywhere on the internet but can't figure out how to open it. The stupid shitty game doesn't tell you anything.
No fuck you you little shits
If you didn't summon for SDBH specifically you should never have them
It hasn't returned yet.
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7/7 1:30
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wait so the gogeta banner isn't coming for 2 days yet they're starting the anniversary today because....????
>no kid buu

i'm going with str cell or phy broly
I did summon, but that doesn't mean I have all the units or have them all rainbowed
>7 for a multi
>give 123 tickets
>this is not divisible by 7
What did they mean by this?
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good deal
It is
It's up!!!!!
The discounts and tickets are way too generous.
At this point it's probably safe to assume they have a curveball lined up in august. Expect a surprise tanabata drop.
Please understand *raughs*
Yeah? That'll have the same 3 round discount as always. I think I'll manage 330 stones.
been away for a few months. Have they said when they're merging servers yet? I remember they said around summer
why don't we send the axe schizo to their hq?
servers are not getting merged. schedules are getting aligned, and that's moving forward after the worldwide celebration in late august
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Just in time for the EZA, nice. 1st dupe.
Should have coined him nerd
>thought I was finally done spending money after the daily capsule
>you end up posting this
Top grossing here we come...
based giga whale chad
I'm not even a whale. I only ever buy the discounted capsule or the $3 ticket packs if I want to summon on a throwaway banner without using up stones. It's just good business at this point.
because he's in prison
we're "merged" starting during the WWC
but there are still a couple banners/units in limbo and who knows when global will get them
i'm just messing with you, i spend way too much on this game
Would you kiss Truth dragon hole for $5000 worth of stones?
All good. I'd probably spend a significant amount more if they would always do good deals like that. I understand why they don't though.
i really really wish for Z battles when you win you have the option of just going straight to the next one with the same team instead of being kicked back to the menu every time
would really speed shit up immensely
nta but i bought that discount as well. a multi for like 5$ is really good imo. if you just stick to these kind of deals and the daily capsule you can get a lot of stones. if yuo are not retarded and impulse summon on everything it can get you back up to thousands of stones for big celebrations like anni
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I'm gonna be honest, there is so much content in this game I haven't done.

I still haven't beaten the original Red Zone, think I'm still a node or two from the last stages. I have modern teams, I could probably do them and some stages from the newer ones but I'm just so lazy. In an ideal world I'd do a sweep in these two days of downtime and get an extra like 500 extra stones.

But this is not a perfect world.
there's no rush, anon. despite what shitposters may want you to think, the game isn't likely to go anywhere in the next few years. just play when you feel like it and if you don't care to do certain content, don't. games are meant to be fun and if you're not having fun or feeling compelled to play don't force yourself or feel obligated to
imagine the smell
I hate that it’s £3.99 too
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Omatsu couldn't drag his ass into the office on Sunday to turn the banners on just this once?
So starting from zero what would be the best red stone choice?
there are 3 seza options, but I'd pass on those and I'd bank on future sezas and go for either of the ssj4s, str gogeta or the teq golden frieza
if i bit the bullet tomorrow I could do every single Z battle I ignored and get an easy 1000k stones by the end of the day
but i'm just lazy and will probably only do 2 of them for 60
Tough. Depends on if you want to gamble on the future or not. I’d say super EZA teq ss3 gotenks is the best unit overall at the moment, but goku black is decent, too. Goku black’s teams need him more but gotenks is on a million categories. No telling how good some of the future super ezas could be but I’m leaning towards to two above as best
Can't go wrong with the Gogeta or SSJ4 Goku or Vegeta since they're all Anniversary units and have a great chance to be incredible (Gogeta is 1st Anni and the SSJ4s are the 2nd)
Should be the default price ration desu

Used to buy cards as a kid and that was the price for physical card packs.
10$ would have to get me like 300 stones for me to think it'd be okay to spend money on rolling for jpgs.
There should be a new one on JP before the shop closes, wait for that
2nd dupe for STR SS4 Goku or 2nd dupe for PHY Vegito Blue?

Vegito probably needs it more, but it's starting to hurt leaving SS4 Goku hanging on 69% for so long
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Same. I think they're going to EZA very soon.
These red zone tickets are not so bad
I also pulled LR Beerus after this.
Is PHY Goku Black the best red stone option?
nope. str omega. trust the plan
I pulled those two as well. These tickets are insane.
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How is everyone building Beerus?
He mostly is there for defense so you'd think dodge, but when he wakes up he gets buffed from being hit- including getting crit rate.
So I guess just additional?
he is if you need more super bosses units for the mission coming
otherwise it's better to take a risk and go for one of the anni units
I'm only using him in dumb super bosses missions with whis. Not counting on him to dodge.
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wtf is this shitwe have to use keys to attempt the type eza area?
Memory boost event is filtering me...
if it's the movie bosses mission, I just used a full metal cooler team with the goku and just floated him and got it first try
>all potential orb events open every day
>10 runs in total if you have enough power level
i refuse to do this every damn day, i'm swimming in orbs anyway
Dokkan bros... They don't want us to win...
Str UI fucking SUCKS
I haven't touched those in a literal years
why the fuck would you do orb events past week 1 of the playing the game
Wtf I love tickets now.
I honestly only use it to do mission that require you to finish under a certain time
He hit pretty hard
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>99.99 million damage to Hit
What's the play here, bros? Just tried with future saga. Rainbow friend Future gohan, 2 bulma items, the active skill, crit and it was only 56 million
use the nuking piccolo leader
Fuck you Buu fags I fucking hate you faggots
Do I get Phy Broly, Int Buutenks or Int Trunks with red stone?
never bet on extreme class units
I went for Gogeta to get him to 2 dupe, I think either picking the unit you don’t have or the unit you can get to 2 dupe is the smartest choice
What's your hipo?
Anyone withouth the new AGL SS3 Goku beat the Time Limit mission for Frieza?
LR Frank & iPhone 17 EZA
I'm a schizo
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We know, me.
>undisputed #1 best team on global before banners drop is a full extreme team
>of which two SEZAs can be put on its roster
What did anon meme by this?
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Savechads won, summoniggers lost. Never forget
Can't believe this silly shit worked. Str fat buu would be nice.

>on global
>uses 4 units from said team
You prove my point
Yea fusion team needs luck
>my point
That it's miles behind a team that came out months earlier? And even further behind after tanabata? Global shaft doesn't change that
I want Datruth to adopt me
>That it's miles behind a team that came out months earlier?
Which team came out earlier on global that can clear and are as safe.
>And even further behind after tanabata?
And yet can still be used in the same content? Not sure what the difference between #1 or #5 team is if they still work.
>Global shaft doesn't change that
Team can be used on either region. Works regardless. Opinion is baseless. Majin Power can still be ran.
If he wanted inferior units he wouldn't be asking what to get
If JP even factored into the equation he wouldn't be asking what unit to use his red stone on so your entire point is baseless.
Secondly, saying that extreme can't be counted on when an all extreme team is considered top 5 on both JP (SB or MP) and Global (MP) is a retarded statement to make.
What? JP has the same sezas so far. You can always count on extreme being inferior to super.
Inferior doesn't equal not dependable or useless. A known quantity that's currently reliable is better than an unknown.
In fact the most valuable unit missing from the shop is PHY Kid Buu which can be ran on Super or Extreme teams, is dependable, and supports either class just fine.
I want to adopt Datruth's diet plan.
3.5K stones ready. I want Broly, the Gammas and Beast
>9th anniversary
how did they think this was a good idea
So how are we doing this time limit/movie heroes missions for stage 7 of movie red zone?
these fused merchants selling every chance they get i swear to fucking god
i'm fighting the overwhelming urge to use CMZ's domain
i'm gonna kill myself
trunks and mai...
I have buu and goku, ss3 gokus team is better than buus
his one team
that he also shares with buu
sure if you dont count the accelerated battle units you can slot in there, he only really needs 2-3 buu saga units to function properly
if only phy ssj2 goku and phy angel vegeta had ezas... then his team would be perfect with zduo and those two in
i know it doesn't really matter but you'd think as we approached 10th anniversary we could start getting f2p units that didn't have 2nd anniversary leader skills and 6th anniversary kits even though they EZA right away
vz goku exists, and he can eza this year
wwc will be saiyan saga trust
did you rike it? be sure to reave a rike and a compriment next survey
agl blue duo is so trash it's insane. at 69% they took 450k from a golden frieza normal after their intro wore off
too bad that they lead 90% of teams nowadays
Only another 36 hours until a non-elder kai banner drops, boys! We are dokkan!
And...his QUEEN!!
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red zone tickets came through
Man I got nothing from neither tickets.
Game better make it up to me with the new Broly and Frieza on the first round
no more content

now what?
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how are we looking for part 1? Gogeta's banner is not very appetizing for me but I'll probably do a rotation or two still to at least round me out to the next 500 carnival coins
gogeta's banner is twice as bad as kekly's, the super buff is real
who's better of the two? I've got most of the featured units on both banners so I'd rather optimize who can fuck shit up better
I think the general consensus is that Gogeta is a better unit in a 1:1 comparison but Broly has a much better leader skill and is a lot more essential to the teams and missions that need him (namely super bosses). Gogeta is kind of icing on the super team cakes but broly is the spine of his teams
So who do I wanna get with these 9th anniversary coins?
The new one added this year is just some int Goku.
none of those anniversary/wwdc units in the anni coin shop are very good. they're mostly there for collector purposes. If you're f2p or just starting out, the 7th anni goku and vegeta are somewhat decent. the 6th anni MUI has a little dodge at least and is on some smaller categories.
i could summon the gogeta banner, since goku + hit is now good thanks to agl ssj3, and sword of cope can complete my future saga team
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what the fuck man
I was thinking of skipping Gogeta but I'm actually missing the entire top row on his banner so with GFSSR I might throw a round at it if all goes well with Broly
0%( don't want this MIDku)

55% (rainbowed gt who are better gameplay and ost wise)

So bad
Something weird with this stage.
Goku Black fired off a 33mil crit but did shit damage, Zamasu did way more despite having a fraction of the attack stat
Jphanta, our guy
Godku takes drastically reduced damage from non-teq units, that’s the stages main gimmick
Aight makes sense
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This is cursed
RATly bros...
>Buu on Ningen team
EXT STR really is in the shitter
Our heroes are so strong
godku is free as hell tho
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tru, just saw someone else post their run and I had 5 minutes.
i beat his shit with the cooler movie agl frauds
they suck ass but their leader skill is so fucking good man
Shane you rarely see their actives
if it's a boss that does a lot of attacks like red zone zamasu and you have support that gives defense, you might be able to see it}
still, that leader skill makes them somewhat worth it
>joined forces and movie heroes 170% + pure saiyans 30%
how the FUCK did you know my name was Shane you fucking piece of shit, who the fuck is this?
he's in your walls watching your multis, Shane
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will this team survive blue zone?
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We only have 8 images left and more than a day until the banner drop.
I want a fresh thread for the summons so you best behave yourself you clown
how much you're willing to bet that half the thread will get shafted?
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oh it's really bad. i've been praying for str perfect cell to seza next
i'm still mad they made this banner unit str base broly from the 7th anni so shit compared to the syn shenron banner unit
okay sorry...
>discounts + tickets + gfssr
>everyone has been saving because sync
>skipping anni isn't even that bad since next anni is in 6 months
I honestly don't see much of an overall shaft
Goddammit man now you made me feel bad. I was expecting you to snap
i'm a dumbass
i put fatherless child on slot 1
he got hit by a 700k super
It's page 7 already so it'll most likely drop to 8 or 9 by then. Can easily just make a new thread before the banners drop.
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should i red coin broly and beast?
This actually gives me hope that SDBH won't just be forgotten and stuck in limbo with the DBFusions, FighterZ and Xenoverse units/events.
In fact, now that they're not restricted by the celebration being basically just a commercial for the arcade game (since the game is dead/replaced), maybe we can get a Dark Demon Realm Story Event that fully covers the story from the arcade? They can even put it in the "DB Story" tab. Like how it has the "Movies" section, they can make a "Crossover" section!
Don't worry bros. Banners dropping soon!

>skip 9th anni
>skip wwc
>coin those two whenever tanabata drops on global
>then go all in on the 10th anni with +5k stones
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its hideous...
playing the long game?
much better control than me
you forgot one thing: how are you gonna get coins without summoning or having coins already saved?

i know, ssbkk instakilled fraud power frieza
this. if you can only afford to run one team then run super heroes since its the best, although you dont really need gogeta since ezas +beast can makes up the whole team. broly is much more needed for his leaderskill and his teams. it comes down to what you want to run
Since the games are syncing does this mean we'll have two annis now? One in February and another one in July?

How does it work for other gacha games that have synced schedules?
Kill yourself retard
seethe dumbass
you're the one thats seething, you fat ugly retarded cum guzzling retard.
>n-no u
I won.
You lost.
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Guys I'm on global and almost have 1500 stones should I brave through it and not roll at all until Beast drops? I really want gogeta and broly especially gogeta but I'm worried it'll lessen my chances of getting beast and the gamma duo unit when they eventually drop
You've never won anything a day in your miserable life you worthless piece of shit

I am superior to you in every conceivable manner. You are my dog. I own you.

I win. You lost and you're a fat ugly loser.
>reddit spacing
Humiliate yourself even more.
no, we'll just switch to having anni on the jp anni date
Is there a way or website where I can filter character units that are either F2P or shitty ancient banner units that will never get a S-EZA?
I'm gonna go on a baba streak so I don't have to keep cleaning my box while rolling and I've put off cleaning up this mess for too long.
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Based. It was the reason why Sho lost his job.
what happened to these guys? You only ever see omatsu-san representing dokkan
keep rolling until you get one dupe of each, you can later get them during wwc iirc
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>baba-ing your characters
You better reroll of you have that mentality.
I hate scrolling through walls of characters that I've literally never used to find anything.

90% of this box in unusable in modern content and never will again and I'm not even talking about autism content like Red Zones.
I can't post images...
But Dokkan is a card collection game anon.
They should add an archive or 2nd box like other gachas have. The units are there but you can't access them unless they're in your main box.
And I don't like every character in this series. You think I want these 19 different SSJ2 Gokus from 2016 that look like they were drawn by an intern?
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I can
>you forgot one thing: how are you gonna get coins without summoning or having coins already saved?
I don't really use my coins that often so I have at least 1000 ready to go

2 min stamina refresh is crazy
Zeni hell is real
My boy just grind EZBs HAHA!
That the max you can last
A dupe of each for who? Broly and gogeta?
540 stones and a dream
How? My zeni is literally off the screen
These god damn awakenings cost too much
Attention we are at IMAGE LIMIT
just bully agl broly eza
you can auto him with a teq movie heroes team up to lvl 700. then you're set for life
Remember the name:
>he is on iconito mode
I don't want to have your ugly stinky dafatdt OP thread for anniversary
what the fuck is this shit ass thread
Hijack the Broly thread thoughbeit
no way, we are not having that dookie ass thread for anni

someone make a better one
Fuck off
>schizo posting
fuck delete
Up to janni which one stays up
>new thread on page 8
Hate you newfags.
New threads get created at image limit, newfag-kun
shut up

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