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File: RocoKingdomVersionNumber.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1920)
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Roco Kingdom has received a version number. Beta test coming soon.
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Roco Kingdom is an open world monster-collection game like Pokemon and with an art-style similar to Genshin Impact.
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Looking forward to this.
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Leaks found on bilibili show a new "region" (similar to genshin) with a tropical + mermaid + water theme
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this is confirmed for a global release, published by morefun studios
>furry shit
This looks great, can't wait to see all the cute NOT pokemon they come up with.
this has been trademarked as 'roco kingdom: world' now instead of 'roco kingdom official mobile game'
if this releases on multiple platforms, especially consoles like nintendo and playstation, that would be huge
It will probably just release on PC and maybe playstation.
yeah, playstation is more likely
nintendo will never let something like this on their console, especially when their ip is already being ridiculed for the state it is in
It's taking too long. I'm already losing interest.
it's most likely going to release by the start of 2025 max since they have already obtained a license

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