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>I am forgotten
people just forget the good ass units for their new toys huh? GT is still hella good but everyone dropped them for hybrid toys.
One day they will forget SUper 17 and then cry when he gets a Zenkai plus 3 unique equips
theory crafting on a new team and my base is
>LF Green Ultimate Gohan
>Ultra SS2 Gohan
>Ultimate Gohan (Green Zenkai)
>Piccolo & Gohan (Green Zenkai)

I've been thinking of slotting in
>LF Beast Gohan
Meh, this guy does like no fucking damage no matter how I build him on a range team, he needs a dedicated melee team.
No Damage/RR Fodder. Doesn't stop many units since her ki stuff is limited.
>Baby Trunks
Amazing but he's squishy, does meh damage, but the ki stuff is permanent. Can't find out what to put on the bench with him and the other hybrids.
UNGA BUNGA DAMAGE GOES BRTTTT with the entire team. Barely any utility except healing. if I'm winning, I'm wininng big but most of my problems are I lose neutral in the beginning of the fight and I get snowballed from there. Nerdhan doesn't really help with that.

I could use the fusions but I want to keep abusing the hybrid equips. Hmm...
holy shit i'm getting so fucking mad at this game i keep getting shit fucking luck against shitty fucking teams i should be fucking road rolling them yet somehow I'm doing less damage despite equip and team is being good and I keep getting bad fucking DRAWS it's crazy.
also waiting for your opponent to side step is inconsistent as fuck and it's making me also mad as fuck

>get a combo
>he cover changes out and guesses the right card (all the mother fucking time) before I can get cover null out
>opponent combos
>can't cover null at all
>he kills a character for free cuz I can't cover null
>somehow gets ALLLL the blast cards if he's playing a melee team against ultra gohan until he can wait for his ult and ultimate gohan
>i draw TWO FUCKING GREEN CARDS when im starting out my combos with the fucking fusions I can't believe this fucking bullshit luck HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE

holy shit fuck this game i hate this game this game sucks so much ass.
and jesus fucking christ game i am on a 15 game losing streak. WHY DO YOU KEEP GIVING ME FUCKING RP BONUS CHALLENGES FUCK
lmao deserved for using ultra shithan
>gives ultimate gohan new broken plat equip
kek it really is gohan ball legends isn't it.
omega's plat is garbo by the way. on paper it seems amazing but locking 70% damage inflicted and his endurance behind GT teams coupled with his lack of extra sustain damage cut means he's going to take far too much damage to be viable at meta pvp levels.
it's getting kind of frustrating how many unique equips we've had the last month that have come close to godly but hold back on one or two critical things making them worthless overall.
>5 rounds on Vegito
>1 round on Gogeta
>1 round on Ultra Kid Gohan
>1 round on Gohan
>1 round on Godku
That's 31 000 CC worth of summons + 9 free ones with NOT A SINGLE LF unit.
Forget even pulling the new units. Not ONE miserly LF!

This is on the "increased rates" "great value" anniversary banners, mind you. Actually catastrophically bad anniversary.

I genuinely believe my account is flagged for being f2p and I'm going to vacation away from this shit game again.
Boy, I sure love getting my ass kicked in PvP and getting up in rank for it...
the platinum of omega is really god, but the buu zenkai is mid..
I heard there's a super OP Omega Shenron equipment from a mission or something? How do I get it?
the ultra is going to be ssj4 gogeta
why else would they give omega the plat equip
>the buu zenkai is mid..
In what universe??
Just have him and you'll get the equip.
What's even the point of colors if every character just goes type neutral now
Mmmmm yeah I fuckin love pvp events. So a huge diversity of teams you can face off against. It isn't exhausting in the slightest.
evil buu is a rat nigger
did they add the Remove account from google play.

does this work?
None are permanent, just say you don't know how to play the game and you should complain about the first thing that comes to mind
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>the return of the ultra z power whale pack
or I could buy a top tier tenga and six months of lube. seems the better choice.
Fuckin hate this game.
Ultra Gohan has got to be the MOST annoying character to fight. Him alone makes PvP unplayable.
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>finally pull Godku
>he's not even good
>t/v plat equip confirmed
yawn. the last time we had a unique equip for a legends limited that actually made them good again was, what, over a year ago? orange piccolo is the last one I remember working out.
the last four have been absolutely godawful too.
>the last four have been absolutely godawful too
No? Super Saiyan Goku has a pretty good unique equip and lf Vegito blue has a strong equip too with the only real downside being the three god ki member requirements.
both of those are trash for different reasons. nameku the second was still recent enough and "good" enough that his unique equip could only ever give a lovetap upgrade. as a result the equip changed his role in the meta and how viable he is as a unit not a single iota. they could've given the entire saga a equip like they just gave majin buu saga and it would've done largely the same thing.
vegito blue on the other hand got fuck all from his zenkai. his unique equip is absolute trash because all it's actually done is give him what his zenkai should've given him last year. when he needed a plethora of upgrades factoring in the year that we've had.
on paper yeah vb got a big boost. but in reality he needed so much more than what his plat gave him.
>Started the Anni with 25k CC
>Use it all up
>Only get Shin
>Fuck the Japanese
>Luck does a backflip and I start getting everything
>Get all part 1 and 2 characters with all anni event CC
>Janemba and Buu return, I want them
>Get them and Frieza within 8k cc
>SSBKK Goku returns today
>Get him within 4k

I swear if the Part 3 Ultra is SS4 Gogeta (I'm a Grand Taco enthusiast) and I don't get him I'm going to light myself on fire in the middle of the I-95
We can very likely rule out ss4 gogeta as the ultra. they've already blown two fusions this anni.
ss4 goku on the other hand just had his stocks go to the moon as the ultra with the upcoming drop of the ss3 gt goku zenkai.
>want to try out t/v with new equip
>mono red powerful opponent three times in a row
holy fucking shit this is tedious. I just want to see if they're halfway decent now and whether I should arts boost them, where the fuck did all the hybrid saiyan teams go when I actually want to fight them?
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What's even the point of endurance if every character just nullifies it now
>bonanza ends
>add new equipment
Why do they always do this?
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>gogeta user wastes time and fuses
>respond by stalling for forty counts and rising rushing the refreshed shield then leaving
that's what you get for wasting my time retard. if you happen to fuse because rng fucked us both over and you built up I will at least tolerate your dopamine-addicted monkey choice.
you waste my time intentionally? I can do it better. best bit is trolling like that and then cueing and finishing a run with someone else is still faster anyway.
>gogeta gets no cover null besides assault chain
>new gohan can cover change blue cards
Bravo legends
>mains son family
>could use limit break banner to get new gohan to +2 making him +3 by monday
>new ultra is coming
>only have 4.4k right now
genunely torn. on the one hand 5k into the limit break banner is a guaranteed asset to me.
on the other hand I'm not sure the +3 limit break is so valuable right this moment that it's worth missing two entire rounds on the upcoming probably-ss4 goku banner for.
10 laggy ass matches in a row
3 meta AOE green units

My team is great but legit this game is absolutely busted right now who the fuck is even trying to play this shit if you ain't running ultrahan and vegito or an AOE.(Fuck you if you play hard with godku I don't care how rad he is fuck you). Fuckers pulling feints with 1s input lag, dead inputs, broken blast queues, consistent fps freezes.
Done for the season and the next
He's pretty cool at least. I managed to grab him, but New Beerus is still evading me even after finishing all the steps 4 times
He just needed to do a bit more damage. Too many times he has failed to kill something by less than 5% hp and this is while he's on the featured boost!
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>over 80k gems spent with nothing to show for it other than two copies of fusing Gogeta
I'm taking a long break from this game after anniversary is done. This has genuinely been one of the worst events in my history of playing this game and fighting the same son family units in pvp is exhausting, especially since the part 3 ultra is likely to be another son family unit which is what anniversary and legendsfest is relegated to now.
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So if gogeta 4 is the ultra then this will probably be his auto counter yeah?
Yeah, most likely- if not a unique gauge counter, then a cover change. It has to show up somewhere, because this is basically the only part of that fight that wasn't included in LF gogeta 4.
I can't stand pvp in this game, even in training mode everybody wants to get a fucking LF, I just want to get my stupid fucking pvp mission done.
I should just be running a single saibaman so I can self destruct or something.
this game is such kusoge it's hilarious.
ultra frieza is so garbage lmao. i'm so mad i spent money on him.
>low damage even on a strike based team
>needs green to cover null
>barely any defensive utility
>sea of fucking yellows
comeback is his only good mechanic but even that's whatever since half the meta units can recover health
>golden frieza
ok br 45
go ahead and defend him, he can't fucking do shit against the fusions. mother fucker does no damage either unless you get lucky and draw greens and melee but that never happens and despite having fucking 3 MELEE units you just keep fucking drawing blast cards.
cooler zenkai when
Too many units have endurance when they shouldn't. Their only way of correcting that mistake is now giving every unit nullification
>cooler zenkai when
Indeed. When? He must take back his spot as strongest in the universe.
>No posts for two whole days during anni
People are that excited about the ultra they won't pull on a banner with nothing of value huh.
I've just been in the Dokkan thread. Way more fun
Stepping into the Grand Tour once more, hermanos.
Oh goodie I can't wait for all the ultra ui ultra gohan ultra ss4 gogeta teams so I can't play the game!
Even if my 10k crystals pull this monke tomorrow (spoiler: they won't) I'm done with pvp at this point. Don't care if I miss out on 1200 cryatals a month nothing is worth the misery of this shit paired with the gohan.
You'd think the devs would learn their lesson about overtuning units but nope.
It's gogetas time baby
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>PUR meta
My Ultra UI Goku stock is going to the moon! shame I'll stop playing right after anni ends as I do every year
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Slowly starting to see the agenda turn on fusing Gogeta blue is so hilarious. There were people seriously comparing him to evoken but it turns out having the ability to ignore bullshit counter gauges is really valuable.
I'm so hyped, I can't wait to pull UL Godgeta with my 7k crystals
It's not going to change that much. He still needs to fuse first.
I can't wait to spend 100k CC and not get Gogeta once!
If I don't get Ultra Gogeta I'm quitting the game. It was extremely hard to play PvP without Ultra Gohan, but without Gogeta it'll be impossible. I got shafted HARD on the other 4 banners so hopefully I pull him with relative ease.
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Guess it's time to finally stop playing this shit. Thank god.
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>8k crystals
>no gogeta
getting shafted always feels like shit in gacha but the bright side is because I didn't give money to these fuckers for ultra z power that would've been completely wasted now ultra gohan is worthless my swanky tenga arrived today AND I'm finally free forever more from pvp.
just dailies that are blitzed in a couple of mins from now on. freedom at last.

I wonder how badly gogeta is going to damage the game longterm. even whales hate units like this and they've finally pushed the power creep to the point where your entire team is invalidated. this sort of power creep has killed many a gacha before.
>no Gogeta
>turn off legends for a few months
>keep playing Dokkan as per usual
Good doing business with you game
Honestly I'm not even surprised, I don't know why I got excited at all.
>first match against ultra 4gogeta
>also uses ultra rat
>my hybrids featuring yellow pan proceed to absolutely pulverize them
so much for the might fusion. guess all those multis I pulled pan instead of bombku turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
>Get nothing on the first summon
>Get cucked by the Tag SSJ4s in the next one
So much for double Ultra rates.
Gogeta is so powerful he bugged the fuck out of my game
>got shafted again
guess its time to drop the game
>goyresh already declaring EOS for the game
How badly will this power creep speed up EOS?
How the fuck do you avoid the dash-dodge-arts thing? Fucking annoying when you're caught in it and every 'top' player sure loves abusing the shit outta it.
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Oops. Forgot you can max out every slider in the game except one of them.
Is this fixable? Not seeing anything in the recycle shop to get my stuff back.
Great game design btw, very ergonomical.
I caved and spent a little money on the cheaper sale packs and I bought the ultra mission pass, still nothing.
I might slog through the rest of the anni but I don't think I can keep on playing while getting fucked so hard.
Mine did too. I don't know why.
Honestly they'll probably bring out a unit that just COMPLETELY shuts down this bullshit. Look at what they've done to endurance. It used to be considered a great ability for a unit to have, but now it's not even too great these days since nearly every new unit bypasses endurance.

The next top tier unit likely ignores this counter bullshit that alot of these Ultra units have, but the thing is, this is admittedly just a bandaid on top of the gaping wound on this game's donutted torso, forcing people to spend crystals on a unit just to counter the top ones in PvP isn't a charitable thing to do.

Big brain thing to do is to at least make a free Ultra character that counters this, it'll make people feel less left out, but since this is a business, that's unlikely.

Oh well, it's a PvP game that's only survived due to the Dragonball IP. It was inevitable that power creep would start to set in and take it's toll on the game.
Gogeta blue already denies the gauche of gogeta ssj and gohan. Why are they crying?
I genuinely think gogeta isn't half as annoying as VB was last year.
I will try the Unirep team
golden freezer angel may become more valuable,
The mere fact we even got ss4 gogeta this anni after they dropped the fusing vegito and gogeta suggests the devs are already switching to speeding through as much unit concepts as possible because they know the game won't live beyond the eight anni at the absolute latest.
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still rolling for Beerus Green unless I should go for blue
The devs are right to fear EOS from people leaving because I'm dropping this shit for sparking zero when it releases.
I haven't touched PvP since Gogeta dropped, is it unplayable rn?
Depends on your rank and your skill level. I've found it a mixed bag so far in br52, sometimes I hit tryhard players who know what they're doing and mix gogeta with passive faggotry for an experience so cancerous it makes rathan look balanced.
then on other occassions I hit players who are shit and even with all the cructhes ss4 gogeta has I smoke them effortlessly.
if you're just going to smurf in br40-49 for a casual daily and are prepared to forfit a match that gets annoying immediately it's tolerable enough to do basic crystal reward farming. beyond that steer clear.
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If it's a 5 star Gogeta you have a chance to one shot him with a blue card from a yellow unit like fusing Gogeta blue.
If he has higher stars then he's going to live till the end. It's really fucking annoying to deal with his gauge because you HAVE to pop it once it fills up. There's no way to play around it like you could against Janemba or Rathan. The saving grace is that he can't combo with his counter and doesn't have endurance so you can catch him with a rush.
Overall I give Gogeta an annoyance rating of 6/10, Gohan was way worse to deal with.
redditors be like
>gogeta isn't overpowered just pop his bar xDDDDDDDDD

it's not even just ss4gogeta too, the whole fusion meta is fucking toxic, it's just literally who can pop up first and is lucky enough to get their combo going. if you lose neutral first and they get a switch off you're in a HEAVY disadvantage. At least a few months ago other than Supershitteen you had a fighting chance.
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>Post a bunch of reasons why gogeta is more bullshit than rathan
>End by saying rathan is worse
Finally pulled the UL Gogeta
Now I just need that yellow super baby vegrete and my GT team will be complete
why do redditors always downplay FoTM and then like a week or two later THEN they start realizing HOLY SHIT THESE CHARACTERS ARE BROKEN REEEEE
They don't know how the character works so they are just waiting for the people who play the game to express their opinions so they can follow it.
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Because he was worse to deal with. UG4 is annoying to fight but he doesn't reduce ki everytime he gets hit, he can't combo off of his counter, he doesn't start with his counter already full and he doesn't have endurance.
This isn't to say that he isn't busted, he absolutely is. He's basically a training wheels unit for bad players level of busted but there's good options to deal with him whereas Gohan shut down melee attacks for months.
>try passive playstyle, get fucked because overagressive players are rewarded with priority
>try agressive playstyle, get every single move countered by passive players
They really need to just delete perfect vanish from this shit game.
Every fucking time I try to do anything.
way worse when its a passive player
I wonder if toshi will ever ease up on sealing every single thing on my screen
I always run into ULs and shitty meta teams in treasure battle so I decided to use my new UL gogeta there and it put me against a new player.
I can't stand this game
I've tried like 4 rotations on Ultra Gogeta's banner and STILL nothing. I haven't gotten a single headliner unit this anniversary and to be frank, I'm on the verge of just uninstalling. What's the point in playing the game if I'm just gonna be using the same teams over and over again while getting absolutely nothing new from the banners? Fuck this shit game.
Team recommendation around Ui Goku (legends limited)
New to the game
And can you somehow incorporate ultra gogeta too in that team.
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Quit the game for a month or two. Don't force yourself to do the daily missions. That'll only make it harder. You need to totally quit. If you HAVE to do something, just do the daily login whenever you have free time, but you should immediately close the app right after.
That's what I did after throwing away 60k crystals this past legends fest and getting absolutely nothing in return. I decided to quit around a week after ultra UI's banner dropped. I did my daily logins for the first few weeks after, but eventually I stopped bothering with that and hide the app. I didn't open it again until ultra frieza was release.
I think it's inevitable that you'll need to take a break, so it's just a matter of starting now or starting a some time later when you're completely burnt out.
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>ss4 gogeta gets UTTERLY MELTED without zenkai bench even by type neutral units
>even on featured boost with pure 15% to both defences
That's right monkey. bow to your hybrid overlords.
after the last few matches I'm not even going to try for him. just going to continue dumping all resources into my main team and start saving for legends fest or the next major hybrid.
They kinda did
UG4 is the only unit immune to pvs because his counter activates during one and since his counter is only ignored by rushes and taps, hes literally the only unit that can counter a pv
I can't even get a single copy of g4 and these bums can get him to max red stars fuck this game
Man this tower battle is not worth 1k cc, I managed to get to 27 and it's just a load of horse shit
>death bomb
>death bomb
>erase card
Feels like I'm swimming through a sewer with my mouth open
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>finally pull monke king on first multi of eight round
>he's not even especially broken and needs excessive babying to not die to a gentle breeze
I thought ultra ss4 gogeta would be the most broken thing ever but I can't believe I'm saying this. he might be well balanced?
yeah he melts everything and he has a few ways to force priority. that comes at the tradeoff that he's so frail he can even be sniped if you play like a retard.
he feels like the power and frailty of ultra janemba mixed with the defensive abilities of ultra ui.
saying that I'm very happy to have him whether I end up maining him or not. ss4 gogeta, ss2 gohan, and ss4 goku are the three characters I actively chase because they're 'muh childhood' so I'm pleased to not have to save for the rerun.
This free yellow 18 is pretty tits. I wish her blue card gave her blast armor but she does pretty decent damage (even triggered uvb's health restore by herself) and is really great at tanking ug4.
2 days before baby/cell is back
>goresh post another tier list that's ass that redditors are going to meme until the end of time
Jesus fuck why are they like this. They seriously can't believe green gohan is 9th.
I guess they and Goresh are looking at it like, Gohan now has multiple counters and strong purples in this meta, so he's not as big as a menace now, but I definitely think he's being undersold by being put into 9th place. He hasn't been powercrept THAT far. There's strong purples and Gogeta Blue can ignore his counters, but he's still pretty fucking strong regardless due to all the tools he has in his kit.
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>decide to do the LBR battles now I have ss4 gogeta
>decide to take ultra CHADRON for a spin instead of zenkai zamasu
>he tanks a max limit broken uvb and ultra ss4 gogeta like it's nothing
Okay was not expecting that. honestly considering trying my luck on the baby rerun banner tomorrow, GT seems kinda strong with the omega-gogeta core. plus gt is soul unlike fusions and hybrids.
You step into the Grand Tour, you win. Simple as.
Congrats anon!
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>give character endurance whose whole thing is that he literally can't die: ×
>give character endurance because he's your golden child and mr potential man:
Zamasu is already very good but it would've been nice for him to have it
This is legit the only anniversary unit I pulled bro. Just let me have this...
Will the baby banner be coming tonight or am I crazy
Real question is when are we getting the reveals and stuff cc
I hope the smartass at bandai who decided to make the 100 cc from adventures exchangeable comes home to find his house on fire
Yeah, Gogeta is kinda broken. I'm on a 15 game win streak with a shit team.
Gogeta is okay. The win steak could easily be from matchmaking
>player has new unit
>pair him against worse players
>pair him against players without new unit
That's gacha for you.
I got up to 23 wins and I just now lost.
I don't know how to feel about Gogeta. I'm surprise UUI isn't seen that much in the meta but Gogeta is weird. He's not really "squishy" because his gauge and he can run the fuck away every single time and get a free get of jail free card. He's way better than Frieza though. Like lmfao if you bought Frieza instead of Gogeta you fucking got cucked so hard. Frieza is so useless lmao.
>be me
>pull every new LL and Gogeta
>Game crashes when I try to do anything, pvp, co-op, pve, etc

The game just won't work :(
The comeback mechanic is still really strong.
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Okay after giving fusions a long shot after hitting br60 again I'm gonna say it.
Hybrids are the better team.

gogeta attracts rising rushes the way dung attracts flies. which wouldn't necessarily be a problem if fusions had any real form of rising rush negation. but they don't. so most players worth a shit will instantly nuke gogeta early in a match and even if you get him out they nuke someone else instead.
it prevents you from really letting ss4 gogeta loose, since he's a glass canon that's a bad thing.
hybrids do not have this issue. not only that but hybrids have the only top tier unit in the game whose endurance cannot be penetrated by the new vegito's rising rush bullshit.
meh in a world of the fusions, does it really matter that much? you're not oneshotting the fusions and all the meta units will heal that shit back pretty quick.
like the ONLY saving grace frieza has is RR bait. otherwise meh melee damage. meh defense. needs green to continue combos, terrible blast damage, ult is good but in a place with ult gohan and gogeta? lmfao
Gohan should not have endurance, it's actually horse shit that he does
who's the best third man for Ultra Gohan/Ultimate Gohan? You'd think UUI would be killer but he doesn't have much zenkai boost he can share.
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ok I want to create a hybrid team I will reroll for Gohan what do I do next? I'm still looking for another copy or do I wait for ultra gojan ssj2 to come back?
Depends on the gohan, it does fit ultimate thematically since his screentime is mostly enduring a beatdown.
ultra gohan doesn't fit, yeah. on the other hand most units in the meta have ways of nuking their way right past ultrahans endurance so it's more just there as a punish for people throwing their rising rush out early in a match and as a hater of rising rush I'm all in favor of that piece of shit mechanic getting devalued.
yellow pan and red beast are my third wheels of choice on my hybrid pure team but yellow fusing gogeta in the leader slot works great as a third wheel for the two gohans as well.
I guess the reason they gave ultrahan endurance was because cell blows himself up and then Gohan has to jump right back into another battle when he comes back
eh i don't find red beast that valuable. no matter how i build him, he can't do fucking damage and he has no defensive options. I've been trying the fusions and they're fine but it really feels like both gohans need one more hybrid that they can feel fully complete with. red pan and bulla are nice but it feels like they don't really stop units either. green zenkai gohan is really nice but he doesn't do much damage and he's just a rising rush bait...
Gogeta SSJ4 Ultra is a fraud and its hybrid masters only need another yellow hybrid and the fusion nonsense is over. Well, they already released the character that the fusion cucks wanted so much. Now we can continue waiting for Future Gohan Ultra, Gohan Ultimate Ultra or Gohan Beast Ultra.
Shit missed your post yesterday. My advice is that right now you should go for a son family team rather than a pure Hybrid setup.
Hybrids require ultra ss2 gohan, but right now you can build a pretty great son family team off ultimate gohan's banner using ultimate gohan, red beast, and blue bomku as your core.
Get those three to six stars and then save every crystal for ultra ss2 gohan's rerun in a couple of months and you'll be able to pivot into a hybrid team then. assuming you want to, you could also just run son family since every one of the hybrids mentioned have hybrid/son family z abilities and you'd have four of the five elements.
he's massively star reliant. mine's 1+ so he takes beatings from fusing gogeta very nicely and then bounces back with all the health regen going on, then once he goes beast he can start one-shotting things from mid health. he's a super dangerous mid to late game enforcer for me and a great defensive pivot early game.
yeah probably.
>another yellow hybrid
he's old enough for a zenkai and we might be going into a future saga campaign kek.
What team do you like, hybrid or fusion?
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so uh is ultrageta ssj4 the best ultra rn
Bro my Gohan is at 4+ and he's still getting a pounding...what equips are you running on him?
Still think Gohan is. It's just the meta is not nice for Gohan right now. He's definitely better than golden Frieza my god whoever invested in Frieza got so cucked lmfao
>LF omega
this has to be the most random reveal ever
yes what we need is more GT buffs
i hate these devs so fucking much lmao i fucking hate gogeta because i got shafted and he's also an annoying fucker

oh well vegito stocks still going down GOGETA STOCKS RISE
oh yeahHHHHHHHH lets gooooo what we definitely needed. Gogeta getting someone on his team to tank rising rush and ults
I know you're being sarcastic but unironically GT needed a 100% rising rush proof character considering that Fusing Vegito is a guaranteed Rising Rush hit.
>noooo not more gt buffs despite the tag being one of the worst in the game
i am glad its not another future/hybrid/saiyan buff
screw off
>hybridfags uppity that gt/fusion warriors are getting good rising rush bait
omg it's fucking YOU
no escape! hyahyahya
This is my favorite card despite how shit he is. He's so cool.
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>still seething about 17
I refuse to believe that the same dev team that released zenkai fsk, nameku, tagdroids, usg and beast gohan decided that giving this guy 3-5 seconds of cover null on anything else but just his main would've been going too far
i fucking knew it was you you fucking retard. kys
Why are you so hateful :(
Such a shame too. That type neutral ultimate hits hard as hell though. He also has access to some nice equips but his unique requires you to get a kill first.
Lf Kid Buu on the other hand has much easier cover null and his unique equip doesn't have strict requirements other than to pair up with regen or PO teammates.
>guild battles are exclusive to try hard guilds
lame as fuck
He had a 14 star Gogeta so he deserved it
fuck south americans and japanese holy shit get better internetn fucking retards
>decide not to get legends pass again
>half of my equips are locked
I completely forgot about this shit
How to get back into legends
You don't.
I guess the legends devs watched the godtube videos and noticed too many people were trying to play around counter gauges and were like we gotta put a stop to that shit
Anniversary is over, I will be back during Fest
Is he any good? I wanna know if I should start dumping z power into him since I only have him at 3 stars
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Decent option if you need a red melee unit for your future, po, android or regen teams. His max z ability is pretty good too since it provides double offense but I'd say the red revival Cell is worth investing z power into if you have him.
I'm sorry. UG4 is insanely more cancerous than Ultra Gohan and anyone who says otherwise is retarded
Gohan's gauge is INFINITELY more annoying than SSJ4 Gogeta's because you can combo off of it.
You might as well have typed
>I have never played a single ug4 user with a modicum of skill
You can play around gohan's bullshit. you have zero plays against gogeta besides praying you can catch him with a rush, and good players will never ever under any circumstances let you do that. they will switch out immediately if they burn an evade rather than risk the rush to the fact.

gohan's gauge can only, at worst, chain into a single easy to tank super. gogeta's can prevent you from attacking at all and often leaves you positioned to lose a unit once it activates.
there is no comparison. the only reason you're even under the delusion gohan's is worse is because gohan can also take a spanking whereas ug4's defences are so dogshit he'll be easy to snipe the moment he leaves featured boost (obviously not factoring in br70 were most ug4's will be 1+ limit breaks when I say that).
I'm not reading all that.
omfg get me out of this UG4 fucking hell. fucking broken piece of shit fuck off.

This guy needs to uninstall NOW holy shit
frankly I don't care if you do. the point is simply that if there is a universe where gohan's gauge is "more annoying" than g4's it's not this one.
>br30 gameplay
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Another day, another dead rat.
bite me
>seething about gohan on the era of green hate
lmao is right can you imagine investing in ultra Gohan? My god whoever invested in Gohan got so cucked lmfao.
the amount of cope from people who got bent over and fucked by rathan is so funny
you know damn well as soon as gogeta and buu gohan get off boost hes going to be slithering back in your still-gaping anal cavity
nah imagine investing in golden frieza LMAOOOOO
rathan will end up aging quite a bit compared to that stupid lizard.
ultra frieza is going to go back to god tier if cooler gets a fucking zenkai so I can stop drawing his shitty fucking blast cards instead.
>have shin
>wasn't expecting to get him
>don't have his equipment
>it's not in the store.
>all the rest of the equipment from fest is in store
what the fuck. Should I just run Evil Buu for Majin Buu Saga instead?
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New to the game, what's a decent setup I can run with this?
from a cursory glance you've got two decent team comps available.
>ultra gogeta 4
>fusing blue vegito
>fusion yellow gogeta
>zenkai lf vegito (bench)
>zenkai yellow gotenks (bench)
>fat gotenks or yellow lf bardock (bench)
son family
>ultra gohan
>purple ultimate gohan
>red ultimate/beast gohan
>yellow pan
>blue lf gt goku
>green revival gohan (bench)
>red pan (bench)
how do i make majin buu saga?
post yfw when s4 ult gogeta 1v3 you because he's a fraudulent fucking fuck that just melts your team as the last man standing + his stupid "lol can't hit me" meter.
You can make a team between blue fusing Vegito, purple ultimate Gohan and you have green evil Buu though I recommend using the yellow Android 18 or Shin for a support unit instead.
who do i put on bench?
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Put Buu, 18 or Shin in the leader slot.
Use lf blue SoH Trunks to zenkai buff Vegito and lf purple Goten to zenkai buff Gohan.
Then put zenkai yellow Gotenks for an hp bench.
wont shin need a zenkai? i also don't have his equipment.... :(
The only zenkai buffer for Shin is Corrupted Zamasu and his abilities won't resonate well with the rest of your team. Putting Shin in leader slot will give him everyone else's z abilities to make up for the lack of zenkai.
As for equipment losing out on the pure defense sucks but majin buu saga has access to two plat equips that are quite good and him being god ki gives him access to two really good awakened equips that increase base defense along with giving some pure offense.
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instead I shall post my face whenever I kill him with yellow pan and or a rising rush early in the fight
pan is so underrated. gets rising rushes super fast and takes a fusion pissior out of the match early making all matches a cakewalk. also stonewalls the fuck out of ultra g4.
I beat an all yellow team with Ultra SSJ4 Gogeta lol
gohan ultra returns i can finally reroll for him
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Who says the tagdroids aren't useful in 2024
They aren't.
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>new reveals and stuff tomorrow
betting time people is it a broly or is it another broken gohan! we're still two colors short for a full legends limited hybrid gohan team so you know full well the devs want to toss gohan a broken yellow to put gogeta down permanently!
why are you guys so mindbroken over gohan. i love gohan
the second broly movie is so bad
should have been the first movie instead
not until you lie dead at my feet AHAHAHAHAHA
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oh i'm not mindbroken. I main the team, but I also find the devs obsession with making gohan ball legends a reality amusing.
in all seriousness I'm kind of hoping it isn't a yellow gohan right now though because my crystals are so not ready.
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no sooner do I post that and return to normie internet I find my crystals are safe. thank god.
broly deserves the kino lf, he deserves to enjoy the average tuesday gohan experiences.
>looks at red gohan
oh yeah
ngl ultra frieza has been a straight disappointment. I'm just thinking of putting yellow gogeta instead...
why is it that they always make fusions and GT so overly busted yet everyone whines about movies and hybrids.
Is anyone else's cards just not activating when you click on them? What about swipes? I swear to fucking GOD I keep pressing the cards, but the character just sits there like a fucking retard instead.
Yes I've had this issue
How can I make this team better?
What's this mean
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>broly in the first round
you love to see it. we're probably near a ultra release so I'm stopping there. if broly's goated there's the limit break banner for my remaining 4k.
when's limit break?
probably friday next week. typically the devs throw out that banner the weekend before announcing an ultra (with the banner leaving a few hours before the reveal for max scuminess ofc).
its been a hot minute since we've had a new ultra and they usually release them two weeks after an lf release. so if there's an ultra coming it'll be two weekly resets from now putting the limit break banner release next friday.
how do i get more crystals
yeah this session seems a little "droughty"
fuck I think im just going to keep shooting for broly and then just take the L and pay for LB next month. only got one copy of him but jesus fuck when they zenkai cooler (you know they fucking will this campaign), we're going full PO UNGA BUNGA with Frieza.
After taking a break from them for so long I've come to accept that universe reps are the units I'm best with.
Also holy crap this plat equip for ssbk is crazy good. Wish I got more copies of him instead of UUI because he's way more fun to play.
Also when the fuck is mvp17 getting a unique equip or zenkai?
Is LF broly god goku level? I've been using him at 4 stars and I'm planning on getting him higher if the game would fucking let me. (got enough to get the 600z power but I was thinking of using it on FSV instead). he's great when your opponent has only two characters left though. just prime unga bunga. I just need him way higher enough so I can snipe Ult G4. Hopefully they make LF DF Goku more defensive so he can partner well with Broly.
how in the bloody fuck are you suppose to use blast arts in this fucking game?
how the fuck is it possible that I'm playing with 3 fucking units and STILL GETTING HANDS FILLED WITH THESE SHIT FUCKING CARDS
>mvp zenkai
bro what he's still good
do the trunks tutorial until you can charge step, if you sidestep in some cases with blasts the combo will drop
no you dumbass i mean in neutral. can't long range use it since you'll get PV'd. can't midrange use it otherwise you'll get STRIKE'd, don't even think about using it at close range

so what's the fucking point of it unless you're playing ult gohan lmao
So instead of getting Broly at 6-7 stars as I wanted. I ended up getting Pikkon and PTP Goku at 9 stars. Are any of them any good? I have their teams set up for them but are they really any better? (My hybrid/son family team is struggling to find a 3rd member since son family by itself equips kinda suck ass and ulthan is falling hard because of ugly4)
you really don't know how to play still but it's ok this isn't explained anywhere i think

if your opponent uses a sidestep max range what you wanna do is already be holding down on top of the blast arts then release it while their sidestep is starting or about midway through and then you'll have the timing advantage, their vanish won't be a pv and you will still have vanish and be actionable in time to respond to their next move accordingly

-10 god ranks
He IS still good but he's showing his age more. I meant more a zenkai bench for him because he still only has the free android 21 half-zenkai for a bench. Ideally it would be the blue ToP 18 so her z ability is good for universe rep teams or androids.
For lf characters I prefer they get a unique equip first before a zenkai because history shows that equip followed by zenkai has the character age better than vice versa.

Can't speak for ptp Goku but lf Pikkon would be pretty great if green wasn't the worst defensive typing in the game. He's decent if you need rush bait.
that's what im finding lmao....I haven't had a single game where pikkon did anything except die and sponge up a rising rush. Most games it's literally just he dies to G4 and I get Gogeta at 30% health doing jack shit....
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>ultra broly getting his plat
now THAT is kino. one of the only gacha ultras I have pulled twice. they better not fuck it up, my powerful opponent team might actually start to cook with this to join omega and lf broly.
never mind the equip is shit.
>50% to attack and defence
>some mildly annoying sabotage when popping his gauge
>60% damage inflicted
>faster gauge rate
nowhere near enough, and I say that as a ultra broly enjoyer who thinks the people who say he was powercrept by beast are retards because he was actually beasts best partner in crime alongside pan.
he needed cover null. without that he's worthless in the modern meta.
>the worst gamemode got a even harder stage
who asked for this shit?
Is anybody else having issues with the filter option in party formation and character list?
If I try to filter for hp boosting z abilities or any z abilities it brings up nothing.
yes reddit we know
>play against some dirty fucking mexican
>drop combo because of his trash lag
>wins with FRAUDGETA 4
how do i not smash my phone into pieces?
Maybe stop sucking at the game lol
Git gud
>because he was actually beasts best partner in crime alongside pan
i used to play that lmao it was very fun
nice try mexican fuckers
>play with broly
>switch him in
>he gets no ki or runs out of cards mid combo
>opponent gets out scotfree
uhh...what the fuck is the point of this unit again?
I'm black thoughever?
>no limit break banner
huh, I'm honestly surprised. I thought for sure we were due an ultra. guess they plan on ending the campaign with it.
the idea behind ultra broly's kit is that he's supposed to leverage his unique gauge to soak a few hits, restore 70% of the damage from them, then go on the attack once the opponent has no vanish gauge and you've got +2 card draw speed.
the concept definitely fits the character, but without any cover nullification they could buff his unique gauge activation speed all day and it doesn't really matter with all the cover changes and combo break gauges flying around now.
talking about LF Broly. his meter fills so fucking slow too you need to put him in twice before he goes into destroy mode...
I really don't like the meta right now.
GT and Fusions are fucking fucking WAYYYYY too overtuned even more so than when Hybrids was meta. nobody will like me saying this because they're fucking fusion mains.
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>I really don't like the meta right now. GT and Fusions are fucking fucking WAYYYYY too overtuned even more so than when Hybrids was meta. nobody will like me saying this because they're fucking fusion mains.
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die you fucking s17 faggot now running fraudgeta
Seems you couldn't step into the Grand Tour!
Once we get a yellow blasting gohan, I can't wait to hear your fucking cries again. BITCH
>He's still struggling against s17
I raffed
Lf s17 looks really cool though. The gt villains got some really nice looking lf animations this year.
Can't say the same for Gohan lol
>s17,gt and fusion dick sucking the general
>catch ug4 with baby counter green card
>can't even capitalize on it because of his gauge
This game really does just reward losing doesn't it
>pvp is just filled with shitty 14 star gogeta players
daddy's credit card must really be loaded huh
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>New units announced
>Garlic Jr a playable unit for first time in Legends history
>People just arguing over stupid inane shit instead
I guess this thread is definitely dead until Legends fest huh
dude your post was the first one made after the announcement you stupid fuck.

also who gives a fuck, they won't be meta. we're going to have to wait for the ultra for gogeta 4 to get off his fucking throne.
how do you unironically climb in Top 20k? I swear to god all my matches have been with fucking lag switchers or Ult4Gogeta at max stars. Shit feels fucking impossible.
I haven't bothered to rank in over six months because the metas have been trash since feb, but generally if you're in the top 20k you're going to have a very bad time.
Top 20k is tryhard central, things generally get better and easier around the top 14k through to th top 11k like the eye of a cyclone. what you want to do is go mega hard day 1 of a season and consistently stay above 15k for the entire season.
The moment you slip into the hellfire of below 15k you're better off just retiring that season because it's nothing but tryhard meta fags who lack the skill to get to top 8k and above but have both the units and the skills to make playing the game akin to a method of torture.
>god challenge
who asked for this shit?
if i wanted to play pvp i just play pvp
literally the same experience with shitters that sit back and wait to PV+blue card you
Except this time you have the added fun of a computer reading imputs and playing perfectly.

Didn't they promise that Guild vs Guild event by the end of August?
>Garlic Jr is better than Zly LL
I guess it's over zlysisters
I have him at 3 stars and I'm planning on upping him for with Ultra Frieza and ZBroly.
One thing I've noticed is that building defense is LEAGUES better than building for offense.
>pull new units in 3k
>throw together powerful opp regen team
>garlic jr facetanks an 8* ug4 ult out of the box pre transformation
gotta say my preliminary thoughts on these two new units are pretty damn good. they both feel like they'd have been strong late '23 LFs.
anyone else annoyed at how fusions can carry your opponent so fucking hard
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Wow they should just implement this permanently to cut down on pv fishers.

Ehh it's mostly the purple monkey man I've gotten sick of fighting because he's the one that does all the heavy lifting.
He also shows up the most and it's getting boring fighting him.
FGB and FSV saves his fucking ass too. if you can't kill FGB or FSV early, they fuck you up so hard in the late game and their stupid 50% health debuff is so fucked. so you're stuck going against a tanky g4, and even if you get him he has fucking 3 outs (his gauge/fsv 50% debuff/fgb debuff) and you can't one hit them. fuck the fusions so much
I'm just annoyed at Fusing Super Vegito. That rat bastard and his unbeatable RR is super fucking annoying.
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If you can guess him with a tanky enough unit you might still live it. Otherwise bring a revival (which buffs him because of course they would give him anti-revival).
Or just bring a unit that removes buffs when they activate a rush and go to your tank.
But yeah he's pretty bullshit too. Can't even one shot the guy pre-fusion without getting debuffed.
oh don't even get me started on g4 revival debuff too. holy fuck fusions is insanely cancerous right now. I don't know why they have the biggest downplayers
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>finally got a copy of garlic junior along with a second copy of piccolo/goku
The tag unit has been really good but now with garlic I'll have a good tank to pair them with. Might put ultra Janemba for the third option since he also debuffs opponents on rush/ult.
Spent a few CC's on a banner and didn't get much. I ended up getting a PVP win a few times though easily.
I'm coming back to the game after selling my account. The plan is to main a tag, so I guess it will be Movies. Are Garlick and Goku/pixolo good or will they be trash after the boost?
Good but not worth pulling kinda.
they're like top 8/9 right now. Goku no Pico will probably last longer though.
>That's a nice vanish you got there, hope you didn't plan on using it waku waku
what equips did you put on him, probably his 2 uniques but i'm struggling to find the last equip that makes him tanky.
>ultimate gohan appears
holy fucking first slot
Who gives a FUCK about your card destruction BITCHgito
Can't do cheap one shots anymore thanks to these two you fucking monkey
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Pack it up bros, we're probably getting a comeback ultra gohan
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If the next banner is Boujack related I hope there's a sparking Zangya in there or hell any other Hera clan sparking unit. Since the devs are giga gohanfags I'm almost certain that one of those two movie Gohans are getting zenkais.
Which is fine with me because Boujack movie Gohan is the only version of him I like. Green Trunks deserves a zenkai but the meta isn't friendly to green units right now.
I doubt it for several reasons.
The devs said that the summons are going to be from three specific movies and stated the zenkais will come from all over the place.
It's also far too soon for another ss2 gohan (youth) ultra. thus far the devs have avoided repeating characters too many times and only repeated them if they have a different form, so bojack gohan ain't getting an ultra.

Odds are high revhan's going to get his unique equip next week.
As for the final LF and ultra? My prediction remain the same as the start of the campaign. Either an lf kaioken goku that revives into super saiyan paired with an ultra cooler or an lf ss goku and vegeta followed by ultra metal cooler.
alternatively they'll throw a curveball and release an lf ss teen gohan from second coming and then do ultra turles to wrap the campaign up.
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It's not the most hype or requested character but pseudo super saiyan would be pretty cool
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how's this thing work.
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No, this would be a huge release.
If not ultra instinct or fusion level, then at least beast Gohan level. It would almost certainly crash the servers for a few hours.
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Alright so with the turles zenkai unique equip drop and the f2p bojack we've officially covered
>movie 1 with the deadzone banner
>movie 3 with turles unique
>movie 9 with f2p bojack
>movie 10 with lf broly banner
>movie 13 with dragonfist zenkai
Of the remaining movies we're unlikely to see anything from movie 2 or 4. 7 is likely also not going to see anything since lolandroid13. 8 would be too much of retread and is basically covered by lf broly. 10 has nothing of value. 12's already been fully milked but might get a unique equip for something.
in conclusion
>ultra final form/metal cooler next week
>lf super saiyan goku two weeks later
>some kind of zenkai in two weeks, possibly revival gohan
New banner! I dont know about you faggots but I need some of these dudes to be higher star level.
In the end I continued with my old account, they kicked me out of my guild. Didn't they have a pro Note guild here?
My best team was Goku god, Gogeta yellow and Bulla.
I'll do a rotation on Goku/Piccolo, I think they could be interesting characters.
Should I spend all of my 21k gems for UL Golden Frieza?4TTP
No? He's not even good anymore.
Honestly? I know the 2 other anons said no, but if you want to run a Powerful Opponent team and lacking in purple units, then do it.

If not? Just ignore it.

And also, Garlic Jr's banner is still more preferable to summon as he'll be slightly easier to pull anyway.
no. i have golden frieza and 8 stars and he just melts. (not him melting people, HIS HEALTH JUST EVAPORATES even with defensive z abilities and equipment). He doesn't even really do much damage either and blast up is kinda meh considering gohan is no longer in the meta. He's really only rising rush/ult bait on my team.

The only saving grace is comeback and his ult still is pretty beefy.
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>wasting crystals on a purple po ultra when our NEW KING exists
Between pulling baby and a 4* garlic jr my po team went from unusable trash to knocking bitchsions on their asses consistently. put those 21k crystals towards an actual unit you can pull, run, and most importantly limit break to maximum.
if you have omega shenron, baby, broly OR garlic jr, you're eating so fucking good.

if you have shenron, baby, and g4 i hope you kys though.
fusions are so fraudulent holy
Oh I have all of those units. ug4 collects dust though and has done since the day I pulled him because I absolutely despise using glass canons and I despise infinite combo units even more than that.
He's not a po anyway.
>Tapion zenkai that buffs Trunks
Could be cool. Trunks hasn't gotten anything in a while (I don't count Baby). I wish sword of hope got a plat.
fsv is arguably the best unit in the game
does ug4 have any counterplay or is it LOL just get fucked.
at least ultra gohan now melts like a bitch
Legends waiting until the day before to show off new units is really boring.
>turles LL/ultra
really based
Please be an actual counter to Ultra Gogeta. With the Toshi? NO WAY! Awwwwwwww
It's a terrible choice of character for the unit that's meant to round off the campaign
If it's turles it's unlikely since super baby 2 came out six months ago. only way is if turles is an ultra but the hint implies the turles crew so there's a good chance the banner is going to be lf turles and his team getting the ginyu force treatment.
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>ug4 fusing vegito fusing gb triple zenkai bench
>ultihan ug4 fusing vegito
Every. fucking. match. I hate this meta so much.
wish my powerful opponents had red stars because they have the utility to shred but not the stats.
>no turles not even a zenkai for the yellow one
>crusher corps + another LF goku
nice goku celebration
This movies event sucked ass. Garlic Junior was the only decent thing to come out of it.
>stopped playing after Part 1 of the Anni
>see a reveals and stuff post, decide to check out what I've missed
>oh sweet, Garlick Jr stuff that's pretty cool and the Broly LF is not too bad, but I don't care about Second Coming Broly
>Oh sick Crusher corps!
>No Turles
>LF Goku for whatever reason
Yeah, I think I'm done with Legends for good. Sparking Zero is coming out soon so it has no purpose existing anymore
>turles movie for the final part of the event
>release his squad
>no new turles in his own fucking celebration
hahahahahahahahahaha worst celebration
should've just made turles zenkai actually good if they were doing this
oops i mean plat equip
they mentioned there was one more thing after this, so there's the very small possibility that Turles is the Ultra right after this...but that doesn't make this banner any less of a travesty, and if they don't, this is just even worse, and they think the plat was good enough to make that years old unit viable
so every characters gimmick now is either go type neutral or get multiple ultimates, lol
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Good lord this banner is garbo
Oh it's not small at all, it's pretty much confirmed.
They said right at the start that the banners will be for three specific movies.
So the ultra has to come from movie 10, 1, or 3. Of those three movies the only character worthy of an ultra who was missing from the banners is Turles.
Turles is hard-confirmed by process of elimination and frankly the entire community should be hanging their head in shame at their lack of IQ right now for losing their shit like turles isn't getting anything.
an ultra turles won't save this shit campaign
Yeah idc. Does this Goku stop G4 or nah
He's what blue lf nameku was to uvb when he came out. Does a good job of tanking him and putting a stop to his bullshit but he also can't hit hard since they built him defensively.
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Gotta love the fine detail of the devs giving ultrahan the shortest green card so even if he whiffs on it you can't punish him for it
Uub and the piccolo side of the piccolo goku have faster aoe greens.
ong FGB and Ultra Frieza are the fucking worst units I've ever pulled. FGB does no fucking damage even with like 3x zenkai and same with Ultra Frieza, at least FGB can tank but ultra frieza fuck ass dies within 2-3 hits.
I got top 6K with universe reps. (No UI Ultra or Goku kk Ultra)
People here are too bad at playing to complain about the current characters.
Jiren Yell and Golden Yell melt G4 easily
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Nice, what other team members did you use? I'm working my way up by using ultra Hit with fgb for an anti counter gauge team.
fuck off nigger. g4 is such bullshit bro it's not even funny. stop palying in br40
I use this for standard rules
And this for Proud The teams are Vegeta/Goku, G Frieza and Jiren Lf The second are the remaining 3. I also advise that 18 Ex Yell and Vados pur Ex are interesting characters
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UG4 is bit less painful to deal with now that he's out of featured boost but unsurprisingly Gohan is still a pain in the ass with his infinite vanish and blue cards. Sick of fighting majin buu saga.
Utility is always king in gachas. the only aspect that's immune to powercreep.
Cacao is very cool looking, gotta say.
what are blast cards even good for and why the fuck do I keep drawing them when they keep fucking up me calling my opponents dodge actually makes me mad

hey game im playing 3 melee units WHY THE FUCK WOULD I NEED BLAST CARDS
turlesfags cope no
So I think this video by our boy Goresh is pretty interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ctmb7ZkH4LU

TL;DW: Goresh states that there's seemingly a bias going on with characters and their units being suspiciously always overturned or undertuned depending on who they're releasing. After all these years, I can't help but feel that he's right. Gohan units are always OP and even as a Gohan fan I do feel that it's weird that he never has a flop unit unlike Vegeta whose never had an outright OP unit like Gohan has.

Is there any way to tell the devs that the bias is getting to be fairly clear? I mean shit, I'm sure they heard loud and clear from the community over LF Super Vegeta being a disappointment, made all the worse when he came out as Super 17 was assraping the meta.
Maybe vegeta blue evolution Yell was good during his release, likewise Vegeta big ape. I get your point though but I doubt Toshi or whatever idiot upstairs cares. People like Gohan and Vegeta seems to be the third or fourth favorite so I doubt that will change anything.
It took an eceleb for you to realize that Gohan Ball Legends is real?
god bardocks zenkai is such a load of useless trash, why'd they even bother? he's not even good as a zenkai bench because of his low single stat z ability.
the guy doesn't even have level 1 card draw speed until the enemy has seven fuckin' dragon balls. absurdly trash design.
why are they so afraid to zenkai characters we do love (LF COOLER) and then when they do zenkai hype characters they fuck it up (DFG)
kek imagine if it's ultra gohan from broly instead of turles
rise up turles bros
gohan ultra!
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Finally Ultra Tien: Chiaotzu Assist
Not funny.
if it's really Gohan fucking again, no one is going to be able to deny how hard Toshi sucks that hybrid saiyan cock ever again
also means they thought that unique equip on PUR Turles was enough to make him viable lmao
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>another character that punishes you for winning
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>defeat opponent
>game rewards you by taking away your vanish
>another double defense z ability
Holy crap this campaign sucked. Sparking Zero can't come fast enough.
>want a good blue powerful opponent
>ofc it's a fucking ultra
>have only 2k crystals
>turles will be dead by festival in two months anyway
it's like the game is punishing me for wanting to build and run anything outside my son family team. at least because of all the frienship crystal farming I'll have over 31k hoi pois by the time turles comes out?
Stop crying, I'll tell you something you won't believe You play with 3 characters! Turles takes away your dodge and cards but that is fixed by changing characters WOW.
As F2p you should concentrate on a single team, during the celebration they have given about 24K of cc it is your fault for not being able to save.
This is probably the best time to reroll an account honestly.

UL Turles + the Turles Crusher corp and Treeku will make a solid team going forward. Of course, Legend's fest is still around the corner, but if you're looking to get back into DBL, this is a fine time to do so. And Legend's fest gives a lot of Chrono Crystals anyway.
let's predict the best 10 characters after turles' banner drops
1. ug4
2. turles
3. gohan LL
4. vegito
5. ul gohan
6. omega
7. godku
8. ul frieza
9. gogeta
10. baby/kid buu
>Turles Ultra
>Gogeta SSJ4
>Gohan Ultimate
>Goku tree
> Fusionable Vegetto
>Kid boo
>Fusable Gogeta Blue
> Broly red
only conclusion I can draw from this is that the devs love gohan and vegito
Golden Freezer U
I hope you are prepared for this meta if you continue playing this game
I have a huge doubt.
Would it be advisable to start a new account?
I'm still using Unirep and to be honest I have a hard time fighting.
I would lose some really cool cards like Maron.
Although Turles is my favorite character, I really doubt that I can do anything with Turles alone.
Do you have another device to play with? You can just start another account there and keep your old one.
honestly ultra frieza is such shit, the core is much likely to be ug4 turles and lf omega.
fortunately if you're not at high pvp neither gogeta nor omega will have the stars to tank.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>more buu saga shit
>turles in the first round
I'm not gonna gloat because ultras have absolutely fucked my crystal balance this year overall. at least 35k between gohan's release and ug4 without anything, ug4 costing 25k himself on top. I was overdue a cheap pull.
glad it was on an actually fun and fair ultra instead of bullshit like ug4, I hate units like that, meta gets ruined by them.
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>3-1 and opponent ug4 triggers comeback
Get. Fucked.
No idea why people are downplaying this guy, I've had four matches against the usual meta slop so far and turles has either personally stomped them or pressured them so much the rest of the team stomped them. He is the missing link I've been craving for my powerful opponent team.
no turles is not the top 1 unit in the game I know he is your favorite character but I will still call you agendafag if you try
Well, I started farming an account to become a main movies fan.
I won't make the mistake of throwing away trash like goku/Yamcha.
I'll miss Maron's sleeves but.. Turles is my favorite character not ironically that movie means a lot to me.
According to my calculations doing the whole story is 75K cc but my math may be wrong but two years ago during the Hit ultra celebration the number was at 45K
Nobody said he is.
The list of units objectively better than him begins and ends with ug4. He's not top 1 but he's very likely top 3.
so I took this advice and started a new account to get back into things, and it gave me the excuse to focus on a PO/Movies team and pull nothing but that in the coming future
got Turles and 3 of his butt budies, Treeku keeps dodging me and it's pissing me off, is there anything currently that I should be going for aside from him? Garlic Jr is really tempting but I'm sure he's not really that great, and I've heard people memeing on Broly enough to not think about that
>Garlic Jr is really tempting but I'm sure he's not really that great
On the contrary he's the best purple on movie sagas and powerful opponent right now.
I'm sure some anons would say ultra lssj broly since his plat completely transformed the guy but garlic jr's ability to soak up damage like it's nothing really brings the team up a level, and having multiple units that can completely defang ultra gogeta 4's rising rush and ultimate is so insanely useful.
If you want to make your opponent want to kill themselves from frustration garlic jr's an essential pull for movie sagas. Mine's seven stars with a zenkai on bench and he just doesn't die.
just got turles, don't have omega and ug4 is low stars. who's my third man?
>Garlic Jr

>Red Broly
>Blue Majin Buu
>Red Transforming Broly
>Red Gohan
ug4 leader, even at 5 stars he's good
I'd rather garlic jr for the equips. Frieza melts so hard and his damage is meh. Regret so hard pulling him.
Turles garlic jr and lf broly with a zenkai bench for each.
Ug4 is too frail, he's not 'that guy' anymore unless he has several limit breaks or is on his main teams. the movie sagas and po equips are more valuable.
Thanks to >>1582018's advice I went ahead and got Garlic Jr. and right now I feel pretty great. Need to get my hands on a lot of things, like Zenkai's, better equips and maybe a third PO to transition into that fully but I've been having a lot of fun with this setup and am content to save for now. Unless something comes up during next fest. If it really will be a Majin Buu Saga thing, a Buuhan or something might get me to break.
Well, I finally made a decent account.
Turles at 3 red stars
Cacao and Daiz at 7 normal stars
Not a single goku tree.
I would say I would try to make another reroll but frankly I got tired, it took me 7 hours to gather 42K cc and I genuinely got bored.
I want to make this account only main movies so the legends festival will be a skip for me
yeah I think this may work. I was trying Pikkon but my god he fucking does nothing except be a RR baiter. Broly works since he's an offensive unit and that's what I've been struggling with Pikkon on where Pikkon won't do a dent and just die while Broly can just die but he can also once in a while just carry the whole fucking game by melting literally everyone under the sun.

Maybe Ultra Frieza since he can do damage but even so he melts like butter and has no disrupt....
What happened to the ug4 fans? They have been very quiet since Turles Ultra arrived while Gohan continues to shine.
need some turles team reqs. not sure if i should put him on Majin Buu Saga or Movies

MB Saga
>Ult Gohan
>Blue Buu
>Blue Zenkai Buuhan

>Ultra Frieza
>Garlic Jr
>Pur S Zenkai Broly
>Blue Zenkai Kid Buu or Yel Zenkai Broly
>Blue S Zenkai Broly
They have realized he is a one trick pony
Turles didn't have to do anything, Goku tree literally made Gogeta practically useless.
I'll be 100% honest with you, have some dignity and don't use G4 with Turles or a team other than movies.
Turles has an incredible synergy with his teammates even with goku tree or Garlic.
Only newbies would think it's a good idea to take G4 with Turles or with Ugohan.
brother where did i even mention g4 in my post. man i got 2k and not sure if i should try pulling for treeku or just save for whatever dumb super hero campaign is going to go for.
Sorry, I thought I read G4. If you only have 2k it would be best to go for the goku tree. Turles is less likely to get, however when he loses the boost to 5 stars he will become more fragile like Golden Frieza
wym turles is less likely to get, i already have him at 8 stars. I'm just wondering if HODL for superheroes bullshit or bite the bullet and try to go for Treeku while I still can.
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As the days go by people are starting to awaken to how godly he is, he has overnight turned the most offensive meta the game has ever had back into the stall of the old regen meta.
Turles number 1.
More than just going for Goku Abrol, Turles' companions are incredible.
Cacao can resist Super Vegetto's RR since it takes away his anti zombie.
And Daiz is incredible in terms of damage, every time he drops a green card, the deck is filled.
Goku Tree is specifically for going against G4.
Don't waste money on super heroes, literally none of those characters are useful right now, not even Red Beast.
I don't know how new your account is, but have you already soulboosted all your characters?
They give you 20 CC for each character with the soulboost done. I don't remember the limit (since there is one at one point they no longer give you 20 cc for soulboost) but I think you can easily get 5000
Wait until tomorrow and farm the souls of all colors and zeni to get it.
Stupid spell checker
I was referring to Goku tree
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Congratulations. I still don't have a single copy of this guy ever since he released.
Are you expecting his plat this year?
My boy UGB however, is someone I can count on.
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Turles is falling off hard once he's out of featured boost. Unless you lucked/whaled out hard enough he'll be like lf Baby where you never see a low star version of them ever. Better enjoy him now at his peak.
bitch ass ug4 dick sucker
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Are you retarded?
Lmao yeah you're the retarded Gohanfag.
No I just didn't have him and I like gogeta :)
I have missed him forever
lmao this fucking gt fucker.
ohhhh acktually GT is sooo honest
fuck off

geez man you're making me a little annoyed lmao. i'm saying if superheroes gets another campaign. feels like hybrids and "superheroes" are due for another update.
Maybe, though I don't know what they could release now.
A beast/Orange.
On the other hand, SSJ3 F2P is a hint of Daima.
The festival may be Daima/Superhero.
Sorry anon, I thought you were asking if it was a good idea to spend your crystals on the Superhero banner.
oh no you know what mb b. i know you're trying to help but i'm not new lol. i'm just thinking if it's better investment to save for superhero since I have a somewhat decent team now (even though i'm still struggling who's going in my third). my main team is really hybrids anyways, movies i just got hella lucky and it's a crossover lol. i just dunno if treeku is REALLY worth it
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Is Ultra Turles a good character to start a reroll? I'm waiting for Ultra Gohan to return so I can have at least 2 copies. He is my favorite character and I would like to have him at 14 red stars
idk desu with ultra turles, you won't really "lose a game" the traditional way but unless you have someone that can disrupt. you can easily lose the game due to damage which has happened quite a few times to me. like fuck i was facing a ultra gohan/ultra uui/ultra gogeta and i couldn't do fucking shit because my whole team did pennies and stupid fucking ultra gohan blast cards go through a lot of shit and even when i did hit them free get out of jail card.

huh that's kinda funny that team is an actual fucking counter lmao
bro...did you read what I said? I just need turles ultra to finish the story to collect cc and get gohan ultra when he comes back I don't like turles I hate meta defender
>using a trash turles in the hands of a trash player to make a point
The only units that fall off hard after two months in featured are the ones who are frail on it. like ug4.
Any unit that tanks like a god on featured will be fine after it so long as you slot on a zenkai bench for them and maybe rethink their equips a little. Worked for ultrahan and ultihan and will work for turles and his 174k defenses.
Besides by the time turles is off featured we'll be in part 2 of legends fest and whatever meta shift that comes with it.
So why do you ask if Turles is good, idiot? Kek just make a role with tree goku and that's it. You don't deserve Turles anyway
Go to hell I don't know why you're telling me your experiences in pvp I'm not your girlfriend hahaha damn idiot
ug4 was a fanservice unit and the new turles ultra can take away 1 or 2 counterattacks and on top of that gohan ultra returns because the kit is always everything this always happens to units created specifically to counter a single character they age terribly badly
Why did they give a Plat to kk goku and broly? Why not start with vegito and gogeta (the 2 og ul)?
The team of fusions is complete. I think they will wait until the characters start to have weaknesses.
With Goresh's tierlist video I confirmed that tree goku is Turles' best friend.
I would try to get him as soon as possible, according to his own words it seems that he won't age like milk (like Cooler against Ultra Vegetto) on the contrary it seems that he is the new MVP (17 LF Blu in case you don't recognize him like that)
>with goresh tier list video
really nigga? REALLY
I keep losing matches with a full defensive team because I keep going against fucking fraud fusions who keep fucking comboing forever. Any tips to shut these fucking maggots down?
>I keep losing matches with a full defensive team
You tried running an offensive unit instead of full defense you fucking retard? Just uninstall the game you stupid piece of shit.
post rank and team so i can copy it
ssbkk goku was the second gacha ultra anon, not vegito. vegito was third.
broly wasn't far behind and was fourth.
as for why vegito didn't fit the campaign theme and gogeta would've stolen turles thunder as they're both movie sagas blue types.
if the next campiagn is part buu saga then vegito might be next and gogeta is probably legends fest.
i accidentally clicked on /vmg/
why are you using a fighterz render for a legends thread
What counts as a non-trash Turles then? This one was an 8 star unit on a movies team that had lf Broly for a zenkai bench. He had previously been hit with 5 cards from beast before Garlic folded him.
He didn't fair much better post comeback either. This was his health after getting hit with 2 strike cards from FGB before Beast couldn't afford to lose.
Turles does good damage but that on top of his tanking is going downhill after his boost ends. Movies is one of my main teams and imo this Turles isn't worth using crystals on. I'd say Garlic Junior is the more valuable unit especially since defense units are very star dependent and Garlic being a regular sparking will give him better longevity than Turles.
His team had good equips also. Daiz despite having an S equip lasted the longest.
I really don't understand why they underestimate Turles. It's like the anon who gives shit to GFreezer because he doesn't know how to use it and only has it at 5 stars. Without good equipment and a red star it will obviously look bad.
Not that one that's for sure. His hp seems lower than my five star one and he's using diaz so it's hardly a top tier movies team. Wouldn't surprise me if his equips were all offence geared when turles is best built hyper-defence.
GFrieza is shit. Turles is good but all defense and all offense doesn't mean shit if you can't close the damage gap which you can with movies.
I think Freezer is underrated.
>He has an incredible combo when he uses a green card.
>He reduces standby counters when an ally receives a RR or Ultimate, I think even specials.
>Neutral damage from ultimate when he returns.
I think the problem is that people think he's a tank because he has the return.
But nobody complained that Future Gohan didn't have an incredible defense even with zombie.
For my part, I'll start saving up for his banner, be it him or Ultra Broly, I'll go for one of the two.
>when he receives a greencard
besides that frieza doesn't do amazing damage and he melts like butter.
Is Chadhand dead
Is anyone ready for tomorrow's zenkai?
I have amond ready
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Guess who just got fumbled for the third time in a row lmao.
The buu duo are finished with this because they can't get anything else. The devs gave them barely what they should've launched with, and even then they still held back on a couple of baffling areas.
Even their zenkai z ability is absolute trash because the devs decided to get cute with it so they're only a battery for fusing vegito who already had five zenkai bench options anyway.

oh well saves me z power. I only pulled these losers once during the anni so if I don't have to care about their zenkai I won't.
And the unique equipment of gammas is horrible to say the least.. The most interesting thing is that gogeta Ssj4 returns
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But hey, they'll give Gogeta ultra for free (2 stars but it's something...)
>already have fusing vegito at 6 stars for fusion warriors
>already have ultra turles for movies
I think I'll just get the crystals. 2 stars means unusable in pvp and also means his plat equip will be utterly worthless.
the fact they're giving him away for free as an option just shows they know how worthless it is as a choice. this is more for newcomers so they get a shiny unit to run through content with.
They will give you time to get everything for what doesn't matter.
Apparently they will give a medal for each day of a new Daima chapter.
This login would be the longest in history since it would be until February March 2025, it's crazy.
For my part, the saving for the return of Turles begins, I needed a copy to get Turles at 14 stars.
Also, giving away a 3-star ultra could mean that this Legends Festival will finally release a Zpower ultra banner, so I would have a 10K reserve just in case.
Didn't the DBL general thread have an alliance?
I remember it said "Love Note"
I'm looking for an alliance if that one was dissolved.
It's called /dbg/. It's not worth joining right now since a good chunk of members aren't active, including the guild master.
That tells you a lot about the current state of the game, though
The game is "okay", I guess that guild doesn't really care about the game and that's it.
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I don't think Legends is in a good spot right now, especially since I've been shafted a lot with recent releases. Add Sparking Zero on top of that and legends is looking less appealing by the second. I'm in the guild too but I'm leaving once I buy sparking zero next week.
So if they don't get the new characters the game is in decline?
Dude, you don't have to spend your CC on every banner, the whole point of this game is to focus on one or two teams.
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>daily treasure battle
>opponent is using turles ultihan and treeku
>I get priority consistently for forty timer counts and use all three of my ults
>forfit and leave because 300 points achieved
>opponent bm's thinking I was scared
You'd think thanks for sparing him the timer count loss and five minutes would've been in order. He may want his matches to last till the head death of the universe but I don't.
Well, mini goku is decent.
and the daima chapter is good-decent
Six weeks till legends festival year 2000+24, CRYSTAL CHECK TIME!
I come in at just over 6k crystals having gone down to zero on turles release pulling him.
I expect with my daily farming routine and the 12k four week average I'll be around the 20 to 24k mark when the banners go live.
Like 54 lol
sitting at like 15k, waiting for the next PO buff that we're bound to get (I fucking love PO) and probably skipping if it's not PO
im new, i still didnt spend my crystals
whats the best banner? gogeta, turles or the super hero banner?
None, if you want to go for turles you have to go for the goku tree and it is no longer profitable because the x2 zpower is no longer available.
It depends on how many crystals you have
if you have more than 20K I recommend going for gogeta
oh okay, i have only 10k, im at chapter 3 but i stopped doing it since it was kinda boring and started doing the events and raids, i have the goku ssj3 at 7 stars and the free movie team with broly, are they good enough for all the free content?
For Pve content they are more than enough, on Tuesday they will announce a new character in case you want to wait and see if you are more interested
Are you interested in me creating a new guild? I am active and I doubt leaving the game for the "meta"
>you have to go for goku tree
nah fuck off.
actually i dunno now turles/garlic/kid buu was fun but now daima goku is a little sussy baka
Turles is a tank but Goku removes Dragon Balls and cards every time his gauche fills up.
and it fills up when he or his teammates receive damage. That's why they are better teammates.
well fuck you you told me not to pull on goku tree so i didn't and now that i got turles and tried to pull on him, faggot won't come out so no he sucks and kid buu and garlic are better.
Gotenks is trash, doesn't nullify endurance
But Buu and Hercule look fun, it's a skip for me
>fusions coming back
is gotenks bad? i like gotenks but if im new i should better summon op characters right?
What characters do you have?
I think Gotenks will go well with gohan ultimate and GokuSSJ3/VegetaSS2 Zenkai.
no i dont have them, if they comeback with gotenks, do you think is worth summoning?
Only if Gohan comes back Ultimate, he is his best partner.
But to be honest, if Gotenks is really your favorite character in the whole game, go for him.
However, you should wait for Gohan to return or on the other hand see which characters fit with Gotenks for his optimal performance.
Like the other anon said, if Ultimate Gohan comes back on the banner that it would a strong choice.
But if you're new, you should know that this game has a massive celebration that starts at the end of November and goes into the new year. They usually release some new characters that are meta defining and stay that way for a long time, so waiting for the event wouldn't be bad.
And it would also be smart to focus on just one or two teams.
They don't give you enough crystals to go all out and in the game what matters is the number of stars on the characters.
I will focus only on Movies and maybe Daima as it is a new tag.
>They don't give you enough crystals to go all out
No kidding. And here I thought Azur Lane was stingy with their premium currency.
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Well, there is no gohan but there is vegeta. Only if you want to be main Buu saga and only for that reason would it be profitable to go for gotenks
between this banner and UG4 being up a new player could feasibly reroll into a pretty strong Fusions team at least?
Yes, G4, Vegetto and Gotenks
>removed the 100 LF z power from the campaign coin shop
Yeah that's some top tier bullshit right there. That's a solid 500 lf z power a year gone. Ominous turn of events heading into legends fest.
Thankfully the new banner has zero appeal for my account, hybrids already have a strong red and fusions is a gay team with no survivability unless you're packing omega and even then omega really wants a tank to run alongside and soak hits which fusions don't have (but Chadmega's REAL teams have in spades).
Normally I'd do my dailies but meh, can wait till tomorrow when my headache's gone.
new player here
what do I do
Farm crystals and play.
I don't know what you like about dragon ball because to be honest you need to focus on one or two teams, monthly you will get 14K cc so it's not a big number to really spend on all the banners that come out.
if you do the full story and all its missions you get about 30K cc.
The biggest celebration of the game starts in November so I don't know if you want to start with gotenks or wait
and now a couple of personal tips
>If you exceed the amount of 20K cc saved you will no longer be able to buy crystals in the event store.
>Gohan is the developers' favorite character so he will always be the best character in the game
>The top 10k in the world is more than enough to get all the crystals that PVP offers, just if you want to go for the top 1K the only better rewards are more Zpower (item to raise the stars of the characters)
FUCK 30k cc and no gotenks
im gonna reroll i might not get the free ultra gogeta but i dont care anymore I WILL get my majin buu saga team
kinda sad since i got the new majin buu at 7 stars but i like gotenks more
That's bad luck bro, I hope your account doesn't have too much time because it would be a shame to lose all those cool slevees and backgrounds.
On the other hand, you will get Gogeta, but it will take you another week.
They will give you a medal for each chapter passed, if I'm not mistaken they will give you the second one tomorrow, so you have time.
anyway save up when you get gotenks, it smells very strong like majin vegeta ultra as part 2
I like Vegito
it was a new account, im seething since im gonna lose 1 daima coin and all the pogress i made with the free ssj3 goku, he was at 3 red stars
Good luck, if you get it and are interested I would like to form a new guild /dbg2/
But frankly seeing what happened to the first one.. I am hesitant
I love LF Broly so much.
Which one?
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>Fight new gotenks three times in pvp
>Be impressed by majin buu saga core with him in it vs my powerful opponent team
>Decide to do one single round
>Pull lf pikkon
>then kid buu
>then gotenks
That right there is called talent. Second banner in a row I've pulled the headliner in rotation1. Pure unadulterated talent.
I curse you. I curse you with bad luck.
Red Transforming LF Broly.
Unga bunga do a 1v3 once you fuck up and underestimate him
kek, those 3500 CCs could have been useful somewhere else (Possible Majin Vegeta), Gotenks at 3 stars will age like milk
As if I'd even consider touching an ultra banner this close to legends fest. If I don't main their main team I skip all ultras like the scams they are.
I'll still roll into fes with at least 15k crystals so I'm not particularly concerned about the 3.5k.
>6k+ crystals from dailies and top
>600 crystals from zenkais
>1000+ crystals from casual pvp play
>1000 crystals from battle plan
Even if the gotenks ends up useless the kid buu pull takes him to 6+ and I do end up sometimes running double blue powerful opponent so that's handy.
What did you think of the Daima chapter?
I hope they add Panzy and Glorio to Legends soon
>tfw winning the battle of attrition
>lose because gogeta4 is the fraudiest fuck I've ever seen in my god damn life
fuck this unit and fuck their defenders
to be fair Vegito is the peak of the show
I don't think Vegetto has a preference for developers.
I mean... Ultra Vegetto died a month later because of Cooler LF and never came back after Beast Gohan
yeah, Vegitto is just a fusion and those are hype by default so they don't mess those up in general, Gohan though, some dev clearly is a gohan self inserter
Gohan is clearly a favorite, another one I remember is Android 17
>Tag 18 & 17 was better than MUI and SSJ3 from the third anniversary
>MVP 17 was the best character for almost two years, only being handicapped by not having Zenkai Vensh
>Super Android 17
Although the latter has aged faster due to its own mechanics.
>4 rotations
>no gotenks
>but vegito lf is at 6 starts
i also have shin at 7 stars, satan and buu at 3, not lf gotenks at 6 and the fat one from supér hero at 1 red star
idk what to do, i might do 2 more rotations i really want gotenks but i also love vegito too, i dont want to lose him
I hope Chadhan is alive and well
mbs and gt are definitely getting the universe rep treatment right now. I'm predicting an ultra for either team that will perform so well it'll kill the tag.
Baby's gauge not getting a charge if he triggers his green card but g4s gauge getting a charge if he's countered by baby's green card is the stupidest shit ever
i have 21 coins from the gotenks banner
should i get 200 z power for gotenks?
or the tickets
200 Zpower, next week they will most likely drop a zpower banner.
1000 LF Zpower for 5k ccs.
They usually drop them before an ultra banner
I can count on a single hand the amount of times tickets came in clutch for me in the last four years.
Grab the z power. Remember that the tickets saying '5% new lf pull rate!!!!' translates to 95% trash guaranteed.
i'll pay dip to get 5k but I got gotenks at 3 stars. g&v at 6 stars (200 Z points needed to get to 7)
idk if I should keep pulling on gotenks banner? I main hybrids but I have like 300 CC lmfao. Not sure if it's better to use the 600 Z stars on gotenks (+the other 600 if I can somehow do the rotation 10 more times) and then use the event Z power on SS3Goku&SS3Vegeta.

My current team is
Kid Buu
Garlic Jr

But I've been using this as well.
If you really are a hybrid main, I don't know why you have a PO team.
In any case, I would save up to get Gohan ultimate (He will probably come back this week or next as the last bait before the legends festival)
Try to focus your resources on a single team if you really play PVP.
I assume you only make a top 50k world, right?
because movies has a lot of cross over LMAO
>Gohan Ultimate
man I already have him at 9 stars.
Ngl my current team is whatever but the equipments are killing me while my hybrid team has the equipment I need (except that beast gohan equip for Ulthan but fuck that first slot)
I'd honestly say wait to see what's coming next, the hints of Super Hero content might unironically lead to the dreaded Ultra Beast, plus I'm sure Legends Fest will have a few on there too because Toshi just can't help himself when it comes to Gohan, if they're decent enough stars there's no need to keep going unless you really want someone on it
should i just unga on the limit break banner for gotenks? and just g&v use the event z power than just chill?
would probably be a better idea than going into the gotenks banner more if you've already got the big highlights at least, but make sure not to go too unga since you know how Legends Fest can very quickly change the state of the game overnight
thanks anon hopefully we get ultra beast ultra beast ultra beast
what equips do you put on ulthan? because I swear to god my faghan is so NOT tanky while my opponents ulthan can somehow last like fucking 20 attacks like lmao wtf??? both majin buu saga equips and what?
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3k per Multisummon
is this the banner with the 1000 LF z power for 5k ccs?
No, this is another one Here for 3k you get 30 characters with a guaranteed LL and you get 400 Zpower for each multi. If you roll the 5 multis it would be 15k ccs and you get 2000 Zpower from Lf and 150 Sp with 5 guaranteed Lf
My mistake, they only give 1k of Zpower of Lf. It's not worth it
absolute bait, if they're whipping out Ult Gohan already then fest is gonna have some real shit on it
fuck i thought it was only 200Z power. I should've rolled for it instead of gotenks again.

on the bright side i did get baby to 6 stars and he's working on >>1596499 this team pretty well if I don't like buu. but he's melty as fuck..... even with a shit ton of defensive equips....
Jesus fucking christ is there just nobody actually playing ranked above the br61 mark? got fed to whales with the most insufferable teams and playstyles for seven matches straight and I'm literally done for pvp for the rest of the season because holy fucking cancer.
after 20k fights get so fucking annoying. too many fraudgeta 4 stalling time with defense teams
Anon, I'm br 70, top 1500 and I genuinely don't know what's going on with dbg, it really seems like you guys don't have any good characters to compete with the meta, it's very strange.
I'm going with Turles ultra, goku tree and Turles' companions.
And although there are certain complicated fights I usually climb easily.
dokkan bro here, legends pvp seems like it'd be infuriating to deal with faggot whales

i also hate how you can't unlink an account for legends, like whuru fookitty
i don't know how you fucking keep defending fraudgeta 4 but i really want to fucking pound you in the curbstomper
It entirely depends on the server you're on and the time of day. I'm on the jp server so it was full limit break majin buu saga teams repeatedly with players who are both experienced at and very good at playing passive.
Meanwhile there I was with a powerful opponent team where every unit besides garlic jr is under 7 stars and I just wanted to get my daily and bugger off.
another ultra tomorrow, yeah!!1
How do you genuinely cope when you're playing against a really shitty player from Mexico but you can't hit them because the game is giving them the lag BUFF
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>new ultra!
>you must waste your 12k cc on it!
You guys cry about this meta but honestly someone with reflexes can win anything
The only thing that would get me to roll on an Ultra banner is an Ultra Buuhan, and thankfully that's probably not gonna happen, they'll never make a standalone Vegeta good so I can comfortably not roll and wait for legends fest
>hey'll never make a standalone Vegeta good
It's going to be so funny when he's green and he doesn't even bump evil buu off the mbs team.
MBS has at least one good unit per type by now, barring some exceptions
>Red: Gotenks
>Blue: Kid Buu/FSV
>Green: Evil Buu
>Purple: Ult Gohan
>Yellow: Fat Buu
Fat Buu's the exception in that he's good but not really, really good like the others, if he ended up Yellow I actually think he might have a spot there (if he's not completely awful) but that would be pushing out a unit from the previous banner and I doubt they'd do that, and there's no way he's beating any of the above units either
>majin vegeta
just hope he isn't as awful as super vegeta
>another vegeta main release where they purposely don't give him ki recovery
ok this has to be a inside joke to make every single standalone vegeta unit bad
They sure don't ever try this hard to kill off Gohan units
>starring at my LF Broly
lmao you laughed at me but looks like he's outta the shed ahahahaha
It's pretty good, and since Majin Buu Saga is an amazing team, it will be much better.
Cacao and Broly will have better chances and Gohan and G4 may decline a bit.
It's about damn time Vegeta gets a summonable ultra.
Canceling buffs on ults is great plus him having endurance will be perfect to deal with ug4. Wish he canceled buffs on rush too so I can tank the occasional fsv I run into but it is what is. I know lf Nappa exists but I'd rather have Bulla for support, plus sword of hope Trunks for dealing with reds.
There is no "meta" character that can actually destroy Vegeta, you need a blue card that removes resistance aka Broly and a red beast.
Or failing that, have a permanent red zombie killer aka Androids 17/18 and use RR on it. I don't think it removes buffs obtained by RR, so Vegetto can kill him.

but fuck now I gotta find a third since this fucker killed my garlic jr
I think Garlick will be fine, however you need to find a good green, the duo of Turles and Majin will be fucking annoying, maybe Goku Daima, however it's a team without defense: Broly Garlick and Daima Goku.
I'm thinking of going with Goku Tree, Goku Daima and Turles
I propose again to form dbg2, but I think there are no more than 5 anons here and 3 have already left the game kek
I'm using Turles and Majin but I think it'll nerf Broly's ungabunga by quite a bit, he does need a melee team.

god anything to get fraudgeta out of the meta though. fuck that unit holy fuck garbage ass unit
>ultra specifically designed to counter the anni ultra
Glad I'm not a vegeta fan because getting shafted this consistently would make me very upset.
Half jokes aside watch them either release a new broken red in legends fest or release a unit so utterly broken it rapes him even through type disadvantage just like beast did to janemba last year.
shame I have to bench my powerful opponent team since I never did get super 17, but on the bright side my son family team has a 2+ piclku so nothing really changes there.
Sorry anon I'm a bit of an idiot but which Majin are you referring to? If it's the blue one then you would need a better character to match Broly, again I suggest Goku Daima another option Goku BoG LF genuinely seems to be an interesting card in this meta of Blues and Yellows.
Together with Broly both being strike and Turles you have an incredible defense and offense

I don't think G4 will be affected that much, however the duo of Gohan and G4 will be almost exterminated.
Nah ug4's toast now. Vegeta has several abilities that basically say
>fuck gogeta in particular
That main in particular looks nasty for ug4. Lockin on activation into a nuking ult that splashes the bench with 50% of the damage inflicted.
Ug4 is a frail unit, majin vegeta can basically nuke the entire enemy team through locking him in.

Put simply running ug4 against majin vegeta is a massive liability to the entire team. That alone will see ug4 dropped out of the top 5, might even be out of the top 7.
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>"I'm not going to spend anything on him"
>Lied because gambling fun.
>Pull him second multi
>Third banner in a row pulling the headliner in a single round
I have no idea what the statistical probabilities of that are considering two of those banners were ultras but I'm not going anywhere near a major road for a year because I don't even wanna know what this luck turning is going to look like.
On the bright side get fucked ug4, you shall not be missed.
>pulled him on second multi
you too? can't believe my fucking luck, we're on the track for legends fest boys
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>even has the same crystal count off by only a few hundred
i-is that my account!?
good to see another anon has been blessed by the prince's own luck. hope you enjoy him.
>first pvp match
>purple purple red bitchgeto setup with gotenks
>cover change into the gogeta using blasts activating the counter
>instantly kill gogeta from full health with the free super attack
Oh you cannot know how fucking GOOD that felt.
Months of terror from this fraud of a unit only for it to die like a fly colliding with a windscreen at 100mph from vegeta's most basic of abilities.
BrolyChads, CacaoChads, BeastChads what is your Majin count? I have 13
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All I'm seeing posted there is Turles Food.
Yeah Blue Buu, Daima can work but I've been using LF DF Goku + Broly Zenkai and it's been doing decently well. DF Goku can TANK. wish my team had more disrupt though.
does literally NO ONE ELSE have troubles matchmaking against lagging mexicans that steal the match?
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So what the hell is their deal? I don't think they're all bad, just solid. Feels like if there ever was a time to go all out on a unit to bait summons, it's this guy since he was right before the anniversary
does literally NO ONE ELSE have troubles matchmaking against lagging mexicans that steal the match?
>playing with MV
>pressed main, got mixed up against an LF FSV and got into a combo
>interrupted his combo cause he used a blast art
>got a free ult cast
>it one shot him
>he was at 7*'s and I was at 5*
this unit is cheating, I love it
does literally NO ONE ELSE have troubles matchmaking against lagging mexicans that steal the match?
Anon, stop crying and pay for better internet. This is what a Mexican tells you.
hombre why don't you just not be mexican you stupid fuck
I'm not the Mexican anon, but it's impossible to choose who you'll be paired with, it can be from anywhere. Complain to Bandai for not having servers that allow you to play fluidly with people from other countries.
Will you shut the fuck up? Yes, I deal with shitty Internet connections all the time. I don't go crying about it on 4chan though.
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>top 8k match
>vs kid buu cmz ultihan with cmz zenkai boosted
>super aggressive opponent, match goes badly for a while
>start being dumb monkey, kill kid buu with turles
>turles gets btfo next
>majin bejita enters vs cmz
>aoe green.
>vaporizes cmz with type neutral ultimate
>kills gohan with counter gauge special nullifying endurance immediately after
People are sleeping on majin vegita and it feels strange to say that considering everyone recognizes he's at least second best unit in the game.
The aoe green going type neutral for TEN TIMER COUNTS is such an underrated part of his kit, literally even red types have to be careful and are not immune to getting sniped.

I love my king. First broken unit this year that doesn't feel insufferable to fight against.
does literally NO ONE ELSE have troubles matchmaking against lagging mexicans that steal the match?
Burger here. Nope.
why am i in the mexican queue then
Dunno. You tried playing at different times?
it sucks because the only time i play is early morning or late at night. only midday is fine but i've got work
It doesn't help that Goku Tree can counter Majin Vegeta's Gauche, preventing him from using his blue card.
It's pretty good but Majin Vegeta's green card needs a full gauche to be useful.
Have you tried not being Mexican too?
>they finally got a solid ultra that's not broken shit with turles
>xD let's completely break the game with majin vegeta again
can someone kill toshi like seriously
>fags with 6x zenkai majin vegeta
holy shit you guys are fucking losers
How many Daima coins are we supposed to have right now 3 or 4? I have 3 but can’t tell if I’m missing one. Are they only giving out 7 like their usual shtick?
4. You're definitely missing one.
We will get 20 coins assuming there are 20 chapters.
fuck this game so fucking trash fucking ultra stacking
Ultra majin vegeta is mid garbage. I'm destroying him and getting destroyed as him by years old red units
>b-but that always happens
Ug4 and ugb both did perfectly fine against yellow units
fuck off fucking BR45
>UMV downplaying
why do you guys always fucking do this
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>is powerful
>is specifically from the battle against goku, not when he blows up. Making him an opponent to the main character
>doesn't have the powerful opponent tag
Come on toshi you were so close to greatness
>ugh, why couldn't we get ANOTHER buff, cmon Toshi, the movies campaign just wasn't enough for me
bro we literally just had Turles, PO didn't need UMV and quite frankly he still slots into PO team comps as he is
Please take it easy on the sub-br45lets, they're still learning the game and think every type advantage unit is a pure hard counter to every type disadvantaged unit and have yet to understand how cores work.
>ftp unit is syn shenron
As much as I like gt fes better fucking not be gt yet again. What can they even do at this point anyway, the only character who's worthy of an lf is ss4 goku, everyone else got an lf or ultra literally this year.
Legends Limited SS4 Vegeta maybe?
I'm so fucking tired of Turles + Majin Vegeta
>Goku Daima again
>LF Majuub
>LF Nuova Shenron
>LF Nuova/Eis Tag
>LF SSJ4 Vegeta
>LF Goku/Pan Tag
>LF Fusing Gogeta 4
if they really wanted to do a GT celebration there's plenty of options (I do not want them to do another GT celebration)
Lf ss4fp. So obvious
Janemba is so old that almost everyone forgets what his gauge can do. Reminds me of his release where I would pop ugb's gauge and the opponent mindlessly hits the blue card. Same deal happens with umv. Even if he cancels buffs I have so much ult damage equips on that it still does good damage.
im at 300 majin medals
how the fuck do you reach 500 medals bros...
Two weeks till legends fest begins, so for the last time CRYSTAL CHECK!
Over 17k for me. expecting to roll into the campaign with more than 20k since friday in two weeks is the final daily stamp and the wednesday of that week is the end of the top season. not shabby since I was at zero when turles dropped and I did a round on both gotenks and vegeta.
I'm at about 12k right now, got really lucky with UMV and Gotenks so I'm sitting really well and can't wait to see part one of fest throw out the biggest UMV counter ever and make life harder for me
thanks umv you didn't come to my pulls
i fucking quit this game
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I've had a whole lot of loyalty for vegeta clan and now when a really great unit is released I also got shafted. What a joke.
Buu Bros or SoH trunks if Im pairing with FGB and FSV
To use in battle or as a bench to zenkai bench boost fsv?
Assuming to use in battle I'd advise using the zenkai buu bros over soh trunks. fusing vegito has rendered endurance as a rising rush check largely irrelevant and that was trunks best defensive ability.
The rest of trunks kit has aged, the buu bros are an underwhelming unit when compared to the units coming out during their release and again compared to the units around when they got their zenkai but their zenkai is a better unit than soh trunks zenkai and can put in work provided they're properly equipped.
Zenkai soh trunks should be on the bench anyway though so both buu bros and fxv get double zenkai bench abilities.
idk i feel like buu bros melts before I can use them defensively and switch to vegeta.
wow that's ironic how i want vegeta more now LMAO
Zenkai zamasu RED It is obvious what the Lf of the first part will be.
>no announcement of goku bardock unique equip
for fucks sake devs I have 999 erasers banked just gimme my equip already.
Anon, did you see Twitter? It's already announced, and as always, there will be a datamine in 8 hours.
Don't be anxious
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>realize the teaser picture represents fusion zamasu clashing with vegito blue
My urge to skip part 1 has just skyrocketed. I fucking HATE vegito in this game, always the same bullshit infinite combo rising rush merchant unit, and the previous one is STILL a top tier unit with a top tier team.
plus it'll mean yet another campaign where every retard and their dog drags out raids to do their gay little fusion because truly it's a good way to spend three hundred minutes of your life on top of your partners.

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