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>I am forgotten
people just forget the good ass units for their new toys huh? GT is still hella good but everyone dropped them for hybrid toys.
One day they will forget SUper 17 and then cry when he gets a Zenkai plus 3 unique equips
theory crafting on a new team and my base is
>LF Green Ultimate Gohan
>Ultra SS2 Gohan
>Ultimate Gohan (Green Zenkai)
>Piccolo & Gohan (Green Zenkai)

I've been thinking of slotting in
>LF Beast Gohan
Meh, this guy does like no fucking damage no matter how I build him on a range team, he needs a dedicated melee team.
No Damage/RR Fodder. Doesn't stop many units since her ki stuff is limited.
>Baby Trunks
Amazing but he's squishy, does meh damage, but the ki stuff is permanent. Can't find out what to put on the bench with him and the other hybrids.
UNGA BUNGA DAMAGE GOES BRTTTT with the entire team. Barely any utility except healing. if I'm winning, I'm wininng big but most of my problems are I lose neutral in the beginning of the fight and I get snowballed from there. Nerdhan doesn't really help with that.

I could use the fusions but I want to keep abusing the hybrid equips. Hmm...
holy shit i'm getting so fucking mad at this game i keep getting shit fucking luck against shitty fucking teams i should be fucking road rolling them yet somehow I'm doing less damage despite equip and team is being good and I keep getting bad fucking DRAWS it's crazy.
also waiting for your opponent to side step is inconsistent as fuck and it's making me also mad as fuck

>get a combo
>he cover changes out and guesses the right card (all the mother fucking time) before I can get cover null out
>opponent combos
>can't cover null at all
>he kills a character for free cuz I can't cover null
>somehow gets ALLLL the blast cards if he's playing a melee team against ultra gohan until he can wait for his ult and ultimate gohan
>i draw TWO FUCKING GREEN CARDS when im starting out my combos with the fucking fusions I can't believe this fucking bullshit luck HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE

holy shit fuck this game i hate this game this game sucks so much ass.
and jesus fucking christ game i am on a 15 game losing streak. WHY DO YOU KEEP GIVING ME FUCKING RP BONUS CHALLENGES FUCK
lmao deserved for using ultra shithan
>gives ultimate gohan new broken plat equip
kek it really is gohan ball legends isn't it.
omega's plat is garbo by the way. on paper it seems amazing but locking 70% damage inflicted and his endurance behind GT teams coupled with his lack of extra sustain damage cut means he's going to take far too much damage to be viable at meta pvp levels.
it's getting kind of frustrating how many unique equips we've had the last month that have come close to godly but hold back on one or two critical things making them worthless overall.
>5 rounds on Vegito
>1 round on Gogeta
>1 round on Ultra Kid Gohan
>1 round on Gohan
>1 round on Godku
That's 31 000 CC worth of summons + 9 free ones with NOT A SINGLE LF unit.
Forget even pulling the new units. Not ONE miserly LF!

This is on the "increased rates" "great value" anniversary banners, mind you. Actually catastrophically bad anniversary.

I genuinely believe my account is flagged for being f2p and I'm going to vacation away from this shit game again.
Boy, I sure love getting my ass kicked in PvP and getting up in rank for it...
the platinum of omega is really god, but the buu zenkai is mid..
I heard there's a super OP Omega Shenron equipment from a mission or something? How do I get it?
the ultra is going to be ssj4 gogeta
why else would they give omega the plat equip
>the buu zenkai is mid..
In what universe??
Just have him and you'll get the equip.
What's even the point of colors if every character just goes type neutral now
Mmmmm yeah I fuckin love pvp events. So a huge diversity of teams you can face off against. It isn't exhausting in the slightest.
evil buu is a rat nigger
did they add the Remove account from google play.

does this work?
None are permanent, just say you don't know how to play the game and you should complain about the first thing that comes to mind
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>the return of the ultra z power whale pack
or I could buy a top tier tenga and six months of lube. seems the better choice.
Fuckin hate this game.
Ultra Gohan has got to be the MOST annoying character to fight. Him alone makes PvP unplayable.
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>finally pull Godku
>he's not even good
>t/v plat equip confirmed
yawn. the last time we had a unique equip for a legends limited that actually made them good again was, what, over a year ago? orange piccolo is the last one I remember working out.
the last four have been absolutely godawful too.
>the last four have been absolutely godawful too
No? Super Saiyan Goku has a pretty good unique equip and lf Vegito blue has a strong equip too with the only real downside being the three god ki member requirements.
both of those are trash for different reasons. nameku the second was still recent enough and "good" enough that his unique equip could only ever give a lovetap upgrade. as a result the equip changed his role in the meta and how viable he is as a unit not a single iota. they could've given the entire saga a equip like they just gave majin buu saga and it would've done largely the same thing.
vegito blue on the other hand got fuck all from his zenkai. his unique equip is absolute trash because all it's actually done is give him what his zenkai should've given him last year. when he needed a plethora of upgrades factoring in the year that we've had.
on paper yeah vb got a big boost. but in reality he needed so much more than what his plat gave him.
>Started the Anni with 25k CC
>Use it all up
>Only get Shin
>Fuck the Japanese
>Luck does a backflip and I start getting everything
>Get all part 1 and 2 characters with all anni event CC
>Janemba and Buu return, I want them
>Get them and Frieza within 8k cc
>SSBKK Goku returns today
>Get him within 4k

I swear if the Part 3 Ultra is SS4 Gogeta (I'm a Grand Taco enthusiast) and I don't get him I'm going to light myself on fire in the middle of the I-95
We can very likely rule out ss4 gogeta as the ultra. they've already blown two fusions this anni.
ss4 goku on the other hand just had his stocks go to the moon as the ultra with the upcoming drop of the ss3 gt goku zenkai.
>want to try out t/v with new equip
>mono red powerful opponent three times in a row
holy fucking shit this is tedious. I just want to see if they're halfway decent now and whether I should arts boost them, where the fuck did all the hybrid saiyan teams go when I actually want to fight them?
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What's even the point of endurance if every character just nullifies it now
>bonanza ends
>add new equipment
Why do they always do this?
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>gogeta user wastes time and fuses
>respond by stalling for forty counts and rising rushing the refreshed shield then leaving
that's what you get for wasting my time retard. if you happen to fuse because rng fucked us both over and you built up I will at least tolerate your dopamine-addicted monkey choice.
you waste my time intentionally? I can do it better. best bit is trolling like that and then cueing and finishing a run with someone else is still faster anyway.
>gogeta gets no cover null besides assault chain
>new gohan can cover change blue cards
Bravo legends
>mains son family
>could use limit break banner to get new gohan to +2 making him +3 by monday
>new ultra is coming
>only have 4.4k right now
genunely torn. on the one hand 5k into the limit break banner is a guaranteed asset to me.
on the other hand I'm not sure the +3 limit break is so valuable right this moment that it's worth missing two entire rounds on the upcoming probably-ss4 goku banner for.
10 laggy ass matches in a row
3 meta AOE green units

My team is great but legit this game is absolutely busted right now who the fuck is even trying to play this shit if you ain't running ultrahan and vegito or an AOE.(Fuck you if you play hard with godku I don't care how rad he is fuck you). Fuckers pulling feints with 1s input lag, dead inputs, broken blast queues, consistent fps freezes.
Done for the season and the next
He's pretty cool at least. I managed to grab him, but New Beerus is still evading me even after finishing all the steps 4 times
He just needed to do a bit more damage. Too many times he has failed to kill something by less than 5% hp and this is while he's on the featured boost!
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>over 80k gems spent with nothing to show for it other than two copies of fusing Gogeta
I'm taking a long break from this game after anniversary is done. This has genuinely been one of the worst events in my history of playing this game and fighting the same son family units in pvp is exhausting, especially since the part 3 ultra is likely to be another son family unit which is what anniversary and legendsfest is relegated to now.
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So if gogeta 4 is the ultra then this will probably be his auto counter yeah?
Yeah, most likely- if not a unique gauge counter, then a cover change. It has to show up somewhere, because this is basically the only part of that fight that wasn't included in LF gogeta 4.
I can't stand pvp in this game, even in training mode everybody wants to get a fucking LF, I just want to get my stupid fucking pvp mission done.
I should just be running a single saibaman so I can self destruct or something.
this game is such kusoge it's hilarious.
ultra frieza is so garbage lmao. i'm so mad i spent money on him.
>low damage even on a strike based team
>needs green to cover null
>barely any defensive utility
>sea of fucking yellows
comeback is his only good mechanic but even that's whatever since half the meta units can recover health
>golden frieza
ok br 45
go ahead and defend him, he can't fucking do shit against the fusions. mother fucker does no damage either unless you get lucky and draw greens and melee but that never happens and despite having fucking 3 MELEE units you just keep fucking drawing blast cards.
cooler zenkai when
Too many units have endurance when they shouldn't. Their only way of correcting that mistake is now giving every unit nullification
>cooler zenkai when
Indeed. When? He must take back his spot as strongest in the universe.
>No posts for two whole days during anni
People are that excited about the ultra they won't pull on a banner with nothing of value huh.
I've just been in the Dokkan thread. Way more fun
Stepping into the Grand Tour once more, hermanos.
Oh goodie I can't wait for all the ultra ui ultra gohan ultra ss4 gogeta teams so I can't play the game!
Even if my 10k crystals pull this monke tomorrow (spoiler: they won't) I'm done with pvp at this point. Don't care if I miss out on 1200 cryatals a month nothing is worth the misery of this shit paired with the gohan.
You'd think the devs would learn their lesson about overtuning units but nope.
It's gogetas time baby
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>PUR meta
My Ultra UI Goku stock is going to the moon! shame I'll stop playing right after anni ends as I do every year
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Slowly starting to see the agenda turn on fusing Gogeta blue is so hilarious. There were people seriously comparing him to evoken but it turns out having the ability to ignore bullshit counter gauges is really valuable.
I'm so hyped, I can't wait to pull UL Godgeta with my 7k crystals
It's not going to change that much. He still needs to fuse first.

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