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File: DAVE.jpg (20 KB, 225x225)
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Only real homies know the OG that started all. Clash of Cuck? What kind of homoerotic n1ggers would play something so cartoonishly tasteless?

Also juicing your champion in the mayan temple is definitely more efficient as it allows you to attack rapidly rather than letting it rest its NEET ass.
Forgot links:


Nice, I used to play this game all the time back in the day and I thought I'd never get a chance to play it again.
Kinda sucks that you can't attack anyone in the current version. I understand not having other players yet, but there should be a couple cpu outposts to fight. The game was designed with resources from attacks in mind so without those getting resources early on is way more tedious than it should be.
Leveling seems bugged and clicking the "next outpost" button crashes the game, but besides that I'm having a blast. Gorgo best champion btw

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