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In this thread, we talk about Another Eden.
Death eater is gonna fuck you up
I hate Another Dungeon RNG drop. I wish there is an auto sell feature for those useless badges.
Nah 3/4s of the fights could be Benedict'd on release and support power creep has only increased. Having at least the first maxed wyrmcrest weapon set on your DPS really helps though. Shame they suck outside of Wryzland.
People got fucked up to learn that having that weapon matters
New player here, I heard there is a selector when you reach a certain chapter, how far I need to go in the main story to receive the selector? Also, I think I have a nice team (iphi, sesta, jillfunny, necoco) but i seem to be underusing them, the most damage I can do is around 3 or 2 million and that's when using the special mode. How can I improve my damage output? I already delete everything in front of me but I guess i am doing something wrong.

BTW I just finished ogre wars, what a slog
pain / poison 3x with increase with max hp party and or power of thing [p] grasta will significantly increase your output.

Keep iphi on your team at all times since you have her early. Use your power ups and resist downs
>How can I improve my damage output?
Advance the story til you get to the chapters in the mid 50s, which unlocks Grasta (another type of equipment) that provides the majority of the equipment based effects in the game. Other than that it is a matter of learning how buffs and debuffs interact.
Dungeon runs have been cruel lately. Maybe 5 light in this entire month; no codex, opus, or treatise of any newer character; and white keys never make it past Zol Plains.
do NOT do what the other guy says and put iphi in the team with sesta. get 3 other wind characters, any rarity, and put them with sesta so she can awaken zone and use twinblade wolf which will kill everything in 1 hit. without it she is shit tier.
Sesta is good but he will need more than one team.
Wind can't beat everything. Some bosses will poop on it eventually because it will heal them. He should be making more than just a sesta team
Iphi Necoco Benedict plus whoever should clear the majority of the plot til 3.1
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Minor news stream next week
She really wants to be in Awakened Wind Zone so she can use her Twinblade Wolf.
The easiest way to do this is put Sesta + 3 other Wind characters on the frontline to start the battle in A.Wind Zone, but eventually you will get characters and gear that let you set it up mid-fight.
Similar to Sesta, she wants to start the battle with 4 Water characters in the frontline so she has her Astel stack as well as Fulgor mode assuming she's SA'd.
She can fit into any elemental Zone, but she doesn't count as Wind or Water for Sesta or Jillfunny, so she'd have to start in the backline and be swapped in to make the most of their kits. Her damage multipliers aren't amazing, but the elemental damage buff from Spirit Wisdom plus the critical damage buff from Cat Deity will greatly help your DPS.
She can fit into essentially any team, with the only real exceptions being ones like Sesta and Jillfunny who care about elemental personalities.
Blood Contract alone is one of the best buffs in the game and it's automatically applied at the start of battle, then Nocturnal Procession and Rosa Liliac are both fantastic as well.
Thanks for the advice bros, regarding the free selector, it doesn't exists?
You're conflating three or four different things. One, there is a free ticket you get for doing the free trial of the subscription. That can be used to select 7 characters, of which you get one.
Two, the choosable 4* at the beginning of the game.
Three, for completing various chapters of Part 2 there is a recurring campaign (not sure if it is on now) where you get a free copy of the gacha characters involved in the plot. Some of them have a choice to pick one of two set characters.
There are also campaigns that give you tickets for a 5* of a certain weapon type or for characters from a certain pool for completing various chapters of Part 3.
>That can be used to select 7 characters, of which you get one.
get one of the seven randomly
and you can always check in game by going to notices and then looking at the current campaigns
Yes but I don't care to, as I am entirely caught up. Fucking rolled a 5* Ewan NS dupe the day BEFORE he got his 6* on the fucking whispers.
I see thank you all for the info, time to setup teams and keep enjoying the game. Was beelining to part 3, now I can relax and enjoy
Holy dead thread. Anyways, Elzion and IDA seems like a very comfy place to live. Is that what the future would've looked like without minorities?
>Is that what the future would've looked like without minorities?
All the beastggers live on the surface.
Everyone is a minority in elzion
They literally couldn't live without minorities so they created the chip
>Jasmond Alba district
>House directly to the left of the bottom stares
>Click on the "!" to read "Shiny tableware, neatly stored."
>Walk outside
>Guard at the top right of the screen yells at Aldo for trying to sneak into the top right area
>Walk back into the house
>Click the "!" again
>Walk outside
>Jillfunny's 3rd character quest starts despite being nowhere near the quest marker
hmmm yes completely normal behavior here
The IDA 3 ending made me tear up, but that might just be because of the absolute slog it took to finish it. Seriously why did it take so long?
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I finally caught up with everyones' Aldo's.
Is the Asterism bracelet even good?
NTA but it's pretty bad
I only put it on my aldo mostly cause it's his personal gear and I usually give most characters their personal stuff to wear
No, but it's his unique equipment.
Slightly related but is there a cap to Crit Damage Up? It is my current meta.
Nope, no cap. It can go pas 100%.
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>the ultimate straight man
wow he's literally me
ohnonono dunarith fujos got too cocky
Game changer
Sazanca quest? Or did I already block out Melpihia's entirely.
It's elfpussy's quest. I slept through most of it, but I got a glimpse of that glorious Aldo moment.
What to expect for tomorrow? 3.3 AD, gay dragon man?
Likely Utpalaka, maybe a small side story that will unlock the AD for part 3.
I still expect a Wryz epilogue that 5*s Iridian.
And there's still a bunch of equipment and junk for Hyuga that hasn't been implemented yet.
This quest redeemed him for me after the commercial incident
Hyuga seemed like a failed attempt to make the style swapping sidekicks we eventually got w Iridian/Kumos AS etc. I bet they never figured out how to actually implement it.
What commercial incident?
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And it is confirmed
So new character is alter renri? Always thought she was really hot so this was a nice choice
Shame it seems like she absolutely needs her SA since it lets her give link to every single shadow party member on frontline at the start, otherwise you can only link one. And her skills only reach max power with multiple links. AND it also lets her auto activate her link skill at the start for 100% pwr and int and fire atk for free.
Guess they’re back to mandatory stellars with minalca AS and now her, it was fun while it lasted.
The ES Stellar characters absolutely need their Stellar component. AS characters sometimes do. NS characters can often do without it.
She's really sexy and that ass though...
Fucking christ, I was finally gonna have a chance to start saving stones, but of course they release the one fucking character that I was gonna start saving for.
I feel bad for the people with 255 Shadow Feinnes, who will miss out on gaining Shadow in the new dungeon while they're clearing out 1st time rewards.
Jokes on you mine doesn't even have 10 heh
I'm sure all three of those people will be able to move past it. Is Feinne shadow confirmed?
Tfw still stuck at 2 treatises for Alma AS and Yakumo AS but somehow got 4th and 5th codexes for Anabel ES today
Should get all free chars to 15 just in case
>all three
Feinne is probably the 4th-6th most 255'd free character, because of how fast BKC is to run.
Nothing is confirmed, but every 2x Green Key dungeon since PGAD has given L/S to a character, and the only free release was Feinne AS. If not her, then the only characters that would make sense are Kamla (bit of a stretch plus he just got a dungeon), Ashtear (even more of a stretch and she had her dungeon immediately before him) and Aldo (solely by virtue of being the MC, he personally got nothing this part unlike Feinne who got both AS and SA)
if Thysia were a real unit rather than a Buddy then he would have been a shoe in but since he's not Feinne is the most likely
it sucks, but I guess once I finish getting the rewards it's back to Omegapolis.
I'm predicting it will be someone like Levia or Mana, not Feinne. Remember in Future Garulea AD they decided to have Cerrine get Light there, even though she had nothing to do with that Volume.
>Remember in Future Garulea AD they decided to have Cerrine get Light there, even though she had nothing to do with that Volume.
That's because the three Garuleas are for Azami/Gariyu and Cerrine. The real one who sticks out is Altena, but she at least had her arc w/ Necoco in Part 4.
It'll probably be Feinne but God Willing it may be an "all free chars" dungeon.
Granted last time they did that they advertised it heavily in the promo materials/stream so it'll probably be Feinne.
Feinne really doesn’t need it though since most people will have farmed Beast King’s Castle already.
I would just like to say I wish radia was usable
Update is up. Feinne's unique armor and (non-unique) badge suck.
Radias or Radica? Cuz AS Radica was the best tank in the game 'til AS Minacla showed up a few weeks ago.
New AD has grasta that are +30% to element AND +10% at max HP. If they [p] they're fantastic. 180 broomseed (standard gimmick) or 1 witch tear (rare one).
Radica I meant, not radias. Radias is god tier.
Alt Aryan Radica and Alt Dravidian Ewella incoming in 10 months.
honestly my favorite will always be twova because they both wanted aldo and were willing to share
At least in first two maps of AD (grasslands and Glass Mausoleum), none of the Horrors/FOEs have HP stoppers.
Feinne has a tricky as a fuck stellar bonus that should probably be toggle-able. At first rank, if SHADOW is higher than light on the Stellar Gauge, +20% crit/magic crit damage. On rank 2, if LIGHT is higher than shadow on the gauge, gives the same bonus.
Stellar Feinne is really easy and can safely be Shade Zone Meta Team'd to death with no difficulty. (Iphi, Yakumo, whoever, whoever).
New AD drops grasta ore that increase elemental damage (all seven available) depending on L/S.
Is the carnival ride in the new ad?
So does the dungeon give Shadow to Feinne or is it someone else?
very cool
Altema rated Minalca AS as only the 6th unit ever to be 99 points... I know their ratings are unreliable but is she really that good on par with Alma AS and Thille ES?
Refreshable cover/guard.
close that fucking shitty website and never open it again
there was a period of time where ~20 characters were all listed as 99
their tiering is fucking ass and the numbers they give are arbitrary and meaningless in practical teambuilding
Laika quest rewards have been extremely subpar thus far.
Some of the weapon enhance mats are locked behind the laika quest (which is incredibly easy and involves no waiting, just running back and forth across maps you alter)
Yeah. 6 turns worth of cover whenever you need it, and an extremely strong counter-attack, plus Fire Break, and Heartfire can double damage and can set Fire Zone unlimited times. She's basically a tank that can also out-damage almost all of the attackers in the game.
New ad drops Agony Ore - +5% damage if target is pained
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I am STILL stuck on this goddamned reforging grind and I'm only now finishing Metallanica's set of shit. This is by far the worst grind, uncomparatively worse than Otherlands. I've got to wait for Phase Shifts, and even then, some of these fucking drops aren't guaranteed.
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Resonant shadow power ore. It's worthless in the face of the shared grasta that gives +15% to everyone. You can buy new grasta that's [element]+30%/full hp+10%. If it's shared its good for full hp teams but emnity teams are better since the condition is easier to meet at lower hp if you have iphi and minalca.
Eternal Tree Badge (from beating all routes but 30 gimmick stage) in AD gives the skill Awaken, which awakens zone and heals. Doesn't say once per battle - will check it out later.
It’s gotta be once per battle, otherwise almost the entire meta will be shifted around this badge
Doing the Laika quest reminded me how great the mech world music was. Everything else pales in comparison.
Challenge Feinne is laughably easy - exceeded to rewards on first try. Just bring Iphi to absorb her battle start fixed damage AOE ir make sure your team had more than 7501 max HP at battle start.
I blasted her down with Cerius, Iphi, ES Claude and Alt Myunfa. First turn have Claude empathy, Cerius use his crit damage up skill and have Iphi and Myunfa buff/debuff. Turn 2 AF. Turn 3 stellar, rest of battle just Volley Shot and have the others buff for score. Easy 600 mill points.
Same strat can probably work on any primary element DPS or buffing squad - score conditions are just all primary elements or Geo personality.
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Fucking stop with this retarded shit. This whole time I thought they were referring to a group, but it was strictly the crystal dude. I hate nu-english so much it's unreal. Use he/him/his if you're referring to the singular dude. This frustrates me more than it should.
It is actually a sexy alien lady using a reskinned Premaya sprite, and then they start using she exclusively
>speknik is death eater 2.0
I hate this trend
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This is your reward for doing the laika quest lol
Are both not applied? Everyone else's board categorizes the upgrades as Get Ability and Ability+, but Feinne's board uniquely calls both Get Ability.
New AD pet equips apply Max HP up in auto, Max MP up on auto and Phys/type res down on auto. Last is pretty good, others seem very situational.
You get a chant, exp up armor (worse than the catcuckqueen set though lol), armors that give buff skills, weapon reforge mats, some grasta (best imho being another permant hp/mp regen one) and the the superbosses (gives grasta than increases party damage in Sea of Stars zone). Worth the hour it takes.
They're not shared. Dormant ore only increases the element boost to 40%.
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Here's what all the shops sell. The tepid gear is type attack+ based on l/s and combo rate+.
Once you get the gimmick unlock items (vitality ore, magic ore and supercharged whatever) you can trade them in the inn for pet equips.
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Here's what some of the ore does.
>6% increase
That’s placebo levels of usefulness.
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I enhanced the void staff
>+60 MP
Such a fucking shame.
You're just as bad as them.
better than the shit that took several months to raise still
Say it ain't so
From my first attempt (just to get the skip cutscene prompt) it seems like he fuck you nukes the turn after you deplete a main body HP bar. Made a bitch of my default Sword to Death Team but I didn't roll any defense spells. Will try again later when I am full of barbecue.
fair enough have a good one
What's even the point compared to Bullseye or Rose-With-Thorns?
If you have four grasta slots it likely provides a larger boost than L/S att/int up.
>WFS's other gacha is finally getting a global release
well shit, I never thought I'd see the day
Should be solid. I've played a bit before getting burnt out because of my shitty Japanese. Gameplay isn't anything too amazing, but's good enough. Story seemed pretty cool. There's some questionable translation choices like using Phage instead of Cancer but it's not going to make or break things.
I'm guessing WFS partnered with Yostar because they didn't have the resources to be able to translate and work on the GL version of HBR in house, like they do with Another Eden. Hopefully GL HBR manages to be successful.
>Honkai Bar Rail
Who asked for this?
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What are they even doing at this point? It has been like 2 years and no Another X information. I'm only looking forward to Azur Promilia as of late to scratch my open world itch.
I've been pumping and dumping 1000s of CS I've been scraping for in Jillfunny's banner with nothing to show for it. This is the biggest failure I've had in a while. Damn, it hurts. I guess, I'll wait for the next star dream enocunter to pick her then.
Yeah, same experience. I haven't gotten an on banner 5* since Chiruriru ES despite blowing probably 30-40k free stones on the Anni Banner, Mazrika and Jill.
I only just got Jill on my very last stones. That banner has to be cursed. I've never spent so many stones on a single banner for so much garbage.
I've just started watching fansubs on youtube instead and yostar is known to make changes to dialogue for no reason.
Tfw I only got her 4.5* version. I guess at least I got her.

How many prai did you get? That's all that truly matters.
Kaputnik is total bullshit but everyone in JP seems to be nuking its ass with Ewan. Probably could skip SAing him.
Yeah she gets both.
Ah, fucker is immune to p/p which explains why my DPS sucked so much dick.
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The phys/type res down is only on C.Skill
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I spent a little to round up to 1000 stones and did my final pull.
This banner is fucking cursed.
Everyone will get gay dragon man on first pull next week who will be YET ANOTHER water/axe purgatorian and will have absolutely nothing good going for him.
I don't have anything left to pull with. I'm tempted to spend more money but I have self control.
I don't understand the appeal of gay dragon man. Is this fanbase gay?
It's w*men. This game seems to really appeal to them for some weird reason and they're extremely vocal on twitter and reddit. To the point they will actively shit on anyone who wants more female characters. Probably also why Aldo is always the most popular character in polls.
I'm starting to fall into the trap too, but I'm telling myself instead of buying 2 or 3 packs, I could just go buy a nice chair for the home instead.
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More light and shadow? Splendid. They'll make good backlines for the real mvp
It isn't women.
>Azami is so busted another universe named a city after her
Any retard proof Kaputnik strats? Is SoS the way to go?
No idea. I still refuse to kill death eater. I haven't even finished the Pokémon tower thing.
>Two Varuo
I'm not sure if I should get Renri Alter Opus or get something else to sidegrade my favorite characters instead
Just be yourself
How the fuck do I survive the opening nuke for the SA Feinne fight?
Use iphi
Have 7501 HP.
Maybe try emptying the AF bar?
hp up grasta
hp up badges etc
Is that the trick? I just Iphi'd. You could also use Nine Lives badges/grasta.
Is Anabel ES worth SAing if I already have 4 slots? Her stellar move being a simple combo is a nice convinience, but I don't really see a point to it.
I'd rank her around the middle of SAs.
Her stellar skill can be useful in Astral Archives where you don't have to waste a turn setting up Prayer without dealing damage, and being able to act in Stellar Burst gives her 1 or 2 more actions that she wouldn't otherwise get to push that little bit of extra damage through.
I'd prioritize the characters who actually require their SAs over Anabel, but if you have like 6 or 8 allcosmos starcharts and nobody you can use them on she's better than someone like Alma or Bertrand.
>Do the Chant Script math
>Have enough Chants to unlock every Style, unlock every Alter, turn every 4.5* to 5*, make Utpalka 5* if I pull him as a 4.5*, and still have 40 Chants left over for the next 8 releases after that
Just 5 Treatises and 6 Opera and the only thing left to worry about for a while is Starcharts
Exquisite. How is your tsubura backlog?
665, due to buying out the Suzette and Ewan starcharts.
I was doing some DPS tests with the new ores and TL;DR they are all inferior to l/s pwr/int+ on a 255 character.
According to the patch that just dropped, not being able to p/p kaputnik's main body is a bug. Didn't correct it yet though.
>implement feature
>complaints ensue
>call it a bug
Only so much mechanical bullshit can be tolerated
>all void reforged weapons only give +60MP
what trash
Increases the type attack boost from 20% to 30%, which isn't that great either.
You will rue the day when all enemies become immune to pain/poison, crit rate debuffs are added, and attack buff based on MP is more common.
Good thing this games story is almost done lol
Producer said they wanted to milk it for three more years. Even if they finish the main plot, they'll probably do a few more episodes and crossovers.
I'm surprised still no Present/Future Western Continent or North/South Continent.
We saw post-blessing Zeberiya in Chiruriru's ES quest and it was pretty idyllic. There's not much story there until it has to be levitated (on a fuck huge awesome crystal pillar maybe?)
I tried to see if the new max hp+ buddy equip stacks with tetras passive to work with otohas after victory hp/mp+ and it does not. Tetras passive does increase otohas passive after victory ability since it calculates it based on the newly increased maximum.
Kaputnik's main body can now be p/p'd but it is still a boring bullshit fight.
Good, that means we can go back into the alter timelines.
We're in an alter timeline right now. Until the Alter Timeline came to us I guess.
I just really fucking hope they go balls to the wall and make Xenogearsable world maps for Miglance past/present/future.
I hope it does because really there is too much potential for it
I haven't started the Elpis weapons stuff yet, but will a fire team of Ewan, Minalca AS, Iphi, and Anabel ES/Mazrika be able to beat all of the superbosses? I do also have Xianhua/Yakumo AS magic team or Benedict for the Dr Fetan guy. All SAs.
I'm f2p so those are my only good characters.
Develop your mediocre characters, this isn't the sort of game where a one size fits all party ever works.
if I recall those fights correctly, you should be able to handle them with the characters you listed
Azami AS, Nona AS, Aldo and Prai are also solid f2p options that are worth farming L/S for (+Prai)
Azami AS Petalfall cleared a slot of Elpis bosses, Nona can tide you over until you get Yipha AS or Ewella AS SA.
>weird reason
Seriously? It's an adventure jrpg with cute girls, cute boys, cute cats and a little straight shipping. If anything it's more weird that it appeals to men who get so triggered at seeing male pngs and cry about homos. In a game with almost zero fujobait even
It 100% is not women.
>Long dryspell of no 200 CS from finding cats
>Get 200 CS last sunday and then again today
>Distracted while playing
>Open phase shift in AD
>Click to enter phase shift
>Click to enter phase shift
>Realize at the last moment that the second click was to leave
>Close the game just in time to be inside the phase shift after loading back in
Fuck that was close. Next survey I am 1000% going to tell them to change the color of the phase shift portal to be red instead of blue for the portal that exits the shift
I hope that eventually characters that don't get an SA have some kind of generic awakening, just for the extra stats and maybe a buffed signature skill.
I would like to get a second aldo already
Someone should make a database somewhere for all Astral Archive strategies/teams for max scores.
Be the change you want to see
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>finding the same cat four times gives you 200 CS
Congrats. I've had that happen to me twice nice.
It is way more rewarding to figure it out on your own. Except for Gariyu. Gariyu is total bullshit.
and Azami
and the shitty Arcadia bosses without an Arcadia team
I forget, did they ever introduce how Aldo got Ogre Rancorem at the game start or does he just asspull a super sword against Guildna and everyone somehow thought that was fine
They mentioned it in Flamme's CQ and possibly Victor's as well.
Gramps Mayor found Ogre Rancorem on his journey and was keeping it locked up in the house, and Aldo grabbed it and just walked out to do guard duty because he thought the sheathe looked cool and wasn't aware it was a sentient superpowerful demon sword.
I cleared gairiyu and I think at the time with what was in the game his true manifest was harder than book with current stuff
But not in the very beginning right? We're introduced to Aldo just having it way before we know how he gets it. It's kind of a weird decision on the writers part considering he is saved by it
I just found out that the Party Bonus needs everyone in your party to have AT LEAST ONE corrosponding Personality trait, not for everyone in your party to have THE SAME corrosponding Personality trait.
You also don't need a full party of 6 for the party bonus.

Iphi (Fire) + Clarte (Geo/Earth) + Myunfa Alter (Earth) + Prai (Fire) + Uquaji (Water) starts the Feinne tome with 1000 total bonus, but adding Alma as a 6th removes that bonus because she's not Geo, Fire, Water, Wind or Earth.
I honestly have no fucking clue how any book challenge shit works. I just af take what I get and then save it for later when I need that one last stone for a pull
If everyone in the party has at least 1 Personality that the book wants, you start the battle with +1000 bonus.
When you AF you get a +50 AF bonus but you don't get any Personality bonuses for that turn.
When a character acts outside of AF, they get an Act bonus equal to the total of all their applicable Personalities. If their action is not a damaging one, their Act bonus is multiplied by 1.5x for that turn.
At the end of battle, your Damage is divided by 100,000 and then multiplied by the total of your [AF Bonus+Act Bonus+Party Bonus]

As a practical example, in this Berserk Beast King Tome clear, Guildna used True Sword Prayer on turns 3, 4, and 5 even though he could have swapped to a different skill after applying the buff the first time.
His Act Bonus is normally 75, but when he uses a non-damaging skill he gets an extra 37 for 102 total.
If he spent 1 turn using an attack such as Calamity instead of True Sword Prayer, he would have had to deal ~238,880,000 damage in that round to make up for the reduced Act Bonus to achieve the same total Score.
If he spent 2 turns using attacks, he would have had to deal ~243,800,000 both rounds to make up for the lost 74 Act Bonus.
For this reason many clears use 1 or 2 "Personality Bots" whose sole purpose is to accumulate as much Act Bonus as possible by using non-damaging skills while you have a character like Sesta or Yakumo accumulate as much damage as possible.
VCs count for Act Bonus, so a Turn 1 AF into a Turn 2 VC into a Personality Bot lets you set up buffs and debuffs (which usually last until at least turn 4) while still maximizing your Bot's Act bonus since it wouldn't be counted during the AF turn anyways.
It sounds like they just made this shit convoluted for no reason then
You can cheese about half of them if you have Yakumo/Iphi and two superbuff units (like Flamme AS, Ewella AS, Alt Myunfa, Mazrika, AS Yipha, Nona AS). Do AF spam first turn, getting all your buffs on and having Yakumo rape blast. Second turn, apply Faith/Devotion/whatever if needed, swap your buffers out for characters with the Personalities matching the challenge. Have Yakumo keep blasting every round while the Personality Slaves use support skills for the 1.5x bonus.
Note for this Yakumo NS is a baseline, as there are several DPS that can outperform him now.
Yuda opus? (I have 2) or something else from the sensationalist?
Not worth it. Who do you have on your upgrade list?
You'd be better getting Renri Alter if you have base Renri.
I do but she's gonna need 2 more. I have Xian though and Iphi along with others.
I also have 2 Takuhatachiji Opus?
I'd just go for Renri and start building yourself towards 3, unless there's someone else you want for personal reasons. Like, you'll get your third Takuhatachiji sooner or later so there's less need to rush it.
Fair enough. I do want holy sentinel but that has more to get. I'll start building towards renri. She must be really good huh.
She's kind of like Mazrika where she adds a bonus attack onto someone else, but hers works on AoE attacks, so she's great to pair with characters like Xianhua, or Benedict or pretty much anyone.
I see, I shall stray towards the path of justice then. Thanks anons.
Are the upgraded Void weapons better than Elpis for Astral Challenges?
Didn't see this listed anywhere online yet but reforging the Tail Slasher (shrimp ax) adds chance to inflict pain.
Did some damage testing to compare how well the recent reforges and endgame weapons compare.
Based on really quick and dirty testing, (in the absence of anything other than guaranteed crit and the enemy being pained), in Awakened Zone, on turn 1, the Reforged Void weapons are about 2% stronger than the Lepid weapons, which would be eclipsed on the second turn by the Lepid's damage every turn.
I made a rather lengthy break from the game after ES Anabel was released. Did I miss anything important during the last few months? I see that I should bum-rush the story for a few extra characters.
That's only like 4 banners, you are missing little. Feinne AS got released and 6*d but she is mostly useful for people going full free characters only.
Alter Ciel, a solid Blunt Zone dps/support hybrid with a strong End of Turn attack but pretty much requires a full Blunt team
Yakumo's AS + Kumos AS, THE Magic Zone support who can still deal solid damage. Kumos AS is mostly a downgrade to base Kumos with his Charge skill costing 8 instead of 5, but it lets Yakumo AS act like Prai for a turn
Mazrika, a support who is starting the Single Target Only meta; her primary skill gives 1 character a Link that is a 3000% damage hit but only applies if using a single target attack. She also acts like Yipha AS, buffing the Link character's stats and giving buffs and debuffs that are more effective for the Link character and against the single enemy she attacks. And her Stellar Burst skill is a 9000%+ attack that also acts as Prai's Indulgence
Jillfunny, continues the Single Target meta by making Awakened Water Zone give even bigger damage buffs if you only use ST attacks and not AOEs. She's also a solid dps/prayer hybrid and her Sidekick Pyggie is a fucking nuke.
Feinne AS, decent budget Prayer who can also 100% charge the AF gauge. Unfortunately her Stellar Passive is to start the battle in Sea of Stars which means you can't T1AF unless you're also running Aldo. Recommended to avoid the bottom left of her Stellar board until you're absolutely certain you want that.
Minalca AS, counter tank who replaces her basic attack with a 2-turn Guard+Hold Ground that also auto-casts her Counter skill. ST so works with Mazrika, and does a ton of damage as you'd expect from Minalca.
Alter Renri, a Shadow Link dps/support. She gives an 800% Link to all Shadow allies except herself and then does big damage numbers.

Ewan also got a SA, bringing him from useless tier to tactical nuke who spins2win to hit a dozen times per turn, eating his own HP to deal increased damage. He pretty much needs a full Shadow party and an Absorb Grasta to function but as long as you can keep him topped up he is wild.
the new Dungeon has the Water equivalent to Underworld's Rust Earth Grastas, which aren't terribly exciting by today's numbers but might get some use.
There's also some new Weapon and Armor sets, new Ores, new Sidekick Gear, new superbosses, and the standard secret things you have to find to get L/S items that are standard with every chapter.

Lepid Weapons are strong damage options if you're able to maintain Awakened Zones, the Reforged Luna set is top tier for Speed boosting, Fugu Fists might reclaim their throne for Fist dps?
If the Fugu Fists work off the same formula as the Tail Slasher (but poison instead of pain), without additional boosts/buff capping, they're only slightly better (~0.5-1.0%) than Elpis for astral challenges. If that's the case when levels are capped at ~80 like the challenge fights seem to be, then Fugu/Tail are nothing special.
Does type res- on enemies boost elemental physical damage?
Yes. Magic res down (brand new debuff) doesn't though, like how phys res down doesn't boost magic.
Stream later today. I guess more superbosses.
Any idea who the new banner character will be?
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>Zilva AS soon
Absolutely based.
Utpalaka seems like he does a lot of attacks, but otherwise seems kind of mid. His stellar seems meh as well, guard every OTHER burst? That's worse than Partitio, a free unit.
I think his Lunatic will be used to make him Guard far more often than his Stellar skill will.
Pair him with base Orleya and he has 2 uses of Guard Lunatic. If they release a character or a buddy with a skill that refreashes Lunatics for the party he could Guard forever.
Also he's Thunder+Dragon personality so he'll be great for that one Astral Archive with Thunder/Dragon/Miglance personalities.
His lunatic has a hard once per battle limit bro.
so did Clarte's before Orleya was released.
Utpalaka's skill is Lunatic+ and it specifically said in the live that it's 1 per battle, pretty sure he's only gonna get the guard once no matter how many refreshes.
Bara fagon dragon looks kinda lame but I'm gonna roll on him because I am a homo.
>doesn't even have NS
I'll take it
That is the case for most of the gacha 4*s, only ones who got NS 5*s are Ciel, Miyu, Benedict and May.
and Bivette, Sevyn and Prai. Bria if including 3*s.
Thanks, totally forgot those, but the pattern holds. Non-gacha upgrade = NS 5*
Gacha upgrade = AS 5*
So he's a brick?
Purgatorian banner is pretty good. If I get DragFag I might roll to try to get Mazrika.
Update up. Good luck to the noobs tanking through all the challenge modes for the 2 rolls.
Got Fag Dragon on first pull - going all in on Purgatorian banner for Mazrika now.
Got fuck all like the past several banners.
Looks like no Iridian 5*, the new missions just make it easier to grin for the weapon sets. Which is pretty pointless as they only unlock after beating the storyline. For challenges I guess?
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Neat. First pull. I don't even know if he's good tho
>first 1k stones
eh I'll take it
>3k for 4.5* version
It wasn't complete waste at least

>1 and 1.5 arc
They aren't as bad as Gariyu/Azami one. You don't even need to get max point.
Just tested it out, Ultpalaka + Orleya NS
Turn 1 they both Lunatic/+
Turns 2, 3, 4 they use buffs
Turn 5 Lunatic and Lunatic+ both refresh, and Ultpalaka's deploys E. Thunder Stance and gives him the Guard icon.
You don't need any points. I've beaten them all max before but just put Iphi and Radias in the front line and chivalry-chivalry-chivalry-attack-attack one lcicked all of them
got mostly 0 but got 19 points on synth drone which is lol
Remember to set aside 2k CS for The Dragon Exile if you want 2 guaranteed 5*s.
Wenefica, Sesta, Yakumo, Alma, Orleya, Flammelapis, Necoco, Red Clad Flamemancer, and Violet Lancer make up 9/12 units you can get with the duds being Garambarrel, Zeviro, and Cyan Scyther.
Of course if you already have most/all of them then it's likely to be dupes and you might rather pull on the 5% Purgatory or 4% Dragon Hunter banner rather than the 100% rate Exile.
>Cyan is a dud now
I want to go back.
She's a pretty selfish carry whose strongest multiplier is 1400%
and single target
when you compare her as a Wind Slash unit to Sesta whose Twinblade Wolf ends up being 1000 + 1000 + 7000 with one 1000 being Null, one 1000 being all enemies, and the 7000 being ST Wind you have one very clear winner ebtween the 2 of them.
or compare her to Mazrika who gives any single target character a 3000% modifier hit, which can repeat if it's given to someone like Ewan with his True Manifest. Who even without Mazrika can hit for 11k% while also having the additional stats from being able to reach level 100 and have 1 or 2 extra turns in battles due to actually being able to act in Stellar Burst.

I guess maybe she could be in a similar boat as Alma, Necoco, and Flammelapis where she has value in being able to unlock base Suzette if you don't already have her, but unlike the aforementioned characters Suzette will start out with 0 Light if unlocked this way which means if you want to Stellar Awaken her you'll need to invest that much more resources into her.
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Thanks for the tip. Without it, I would probably waste the rest of the story in vain hopes of getting Renri.
So I threw a pull at the dragon exile banner and got wenefica, how good is she? Worth using 2 Allcosmos on her? I have Iphi, Yakumo, and Toova ES for shade but I don't know what she does. Does her death curse awaken shade zone at the end of every turn? That seems insane.
Her SA passive lets her automatically stack all curses at the beginning of the fight, and using her SA skill automatically activates the curses. Really good stuff, especially when you completely negate enemy turns by constantly proccing stun/sleep. Obviously doesn't work on bosses, but it's unmatched everywhere else.
Downsides are that the pain/poison curse doesn't guarantee that she inflicts pain/poison. Also, if the enemy has multiple phases and statuses are cleared between phases, all curses can be removed, meaning that you have to manually apply curses individually using her regular skills.
Death Curse only applies during a Stellar Burst, not just using the SA skill, so it's not as broken as it sounds. Still good though, as good timing with it can basically let you skip an entire boss phase.

Definitely suggest pumping her up to 80 shadow for those stellar points and extra skill slot.
Death Curse is only applied during Stellar Burst.
She sets and awakens Shade Zone every Stellar Burst as long as you use Lynx as her SB action.
Her bottom left Stellar board Passive stacks all curses on all enemies at the start of the battle, so she has her skill slots freed up.
Her right side Stellar Passives are based on filling the gauge faster in Awakened Shade Zone and debuffing Shade Resist for the Burst turn so she's an obvious fit for full Shade teams.
She's really good at eating through multiple HP stoppers/life bars; Death Curse can deal up to 999,999,999 damage at end of turn, and Flensing Curse is an end of turn damage that is either 160/200% (not in Awakened Shade Zone), 320~800% (Awakened Shade Zone between 11-49 Grudge) or 3200/4000% (50+ Grudge)
She fills out that party perfectly. She is worth the Allcosmos. That team busts 99% of content, except new superbosses that are intentionally designed to counter it.
Finally got around to Death Eater since the stupid run back and forth rng was removed
Xianhua absolutely annihilated it, I pity anyone who failed to get her
As with any banner I will do a single pull
legend has it that a thousand years later, archaeologists will have finally discovered who asked
I got the new char at 4 star
It feels more cucked now with starchart shit
Depends on who it is. Mazrika for instance doesn't need it if you're rolling her as support.
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After reading this I went through the gacha SA units and ranked them by how I would prioritize their awakening.
Utpalaka is a little difficult to determine since his Stellar Skill's multiplier isn't on the wiki yet (and having to simulate Echos and Scars in calculations) but I think I'd put him somewhere between low A and mid B.
Alt Akane is really nothing special. She should be switched with Tsukiha, who is a superboss destroying rape machine with her SA.
>Alt Akane
Permanent Singular Focus for herself, her Stellar skill is Her Strongest Skill But Better adding on -100% Earth Resist and 6 stacks of Earth Break to all enemies before activating Hawk Talon, her SB multiplier is about what's expected of an SB skill, and her SB Activation with majority shadow is 80% Katana damage which is stronger than pretty much every SB Activation other than Weakness Multiplier +1 and Barrier Pierce against a Barrier boss.
Was actually one of the hardest to place, but she ended up where she is because her Stellar Burst is DOGSHIT.
Compared to damn near every other character who can use their SB to wipe out an HP stopper/entire life bar with a between-turns-instance-of-damage, Tsukiha's SB does 0 damage, instead giving her Ascended Blade, Risktaker, and Hold Ground.
Sure her Myriad Blaze adds another 3k hit after using another skill so she can do 6k total per Scaling Serenade, but if we compare her to Alt Akane inflicting 6 Break to double all 4 of her Hawk Talon hits, that ends up being 8k total per turn with Stampede while also being able to remove an entire health bar with 12k Stellar Burst Stampede that still leads into 4k(effectively 8k) Hawk Talon.
Comparing her to other characters is also not favorable to Tsukiha; Oboro can use his SA to ascend to Raijin 3 during a T1AF, Ciel gets an EoT post-HP Stopper hit, Minalca gets a 12.5k attack that ignores defense (you know, that thing that Alt Akane has in her base kit and Tsukiha doesn't get even with her SA)
Man, I got two alma, what is the optimum way to play with her?
Brain Record to Kaleido to the weakness and place a scope
Lunatic to enter Trance state
Aether Alchemia if you need barrier piercing or you're in Magic Zone
otherwise Crystal Fragor is her stronger damage
Elixir Ray can be used in longer battles to regen Lunatic to quickly trigger Trance again

Although I'd personally look to sidegrade to her AS form, since that lets her act as a guard tank, a rage+counter tank, an elemental break setter, and a start of battle Crystal zone setter in addition to using Aether Oratio to pierce barriers, and having Brain Record and Elixir Ray.
This is what happens when you exclusively read skill descriptions but don't actually play. Tsukiha can hit max per hit damage with very little support 2x a turn indefinitely. Alt Akane requires an entire team to bring her up to that par.
>only missing Sesta and Cyan
Someone tell me not to click.

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