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Will you summon for Emblem Celica?
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>Stacked Blue
>Stacked Colorless
Hell yeah I'm rolling
I don't think my Orbs will survive, I want to roll on blue and colorless
This blue selection is kinda insanely good, holy
She certainly looks less busted than Ike was, although that warp effect does seem nutty, still not pulling since i already have the other 2 blues and I'm out of orbs
>i can finally free up the C slot from assault troop
>maybe even bol4 for HP fun
Thank god blue is amazing. Even if I have to spend 40 orbs getting the obligatory Emblem unit, hopefully I can get some Guard Echo and Soaring Echo along the way.
lmao just go where the fuck you want on the map

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7Uf1CNgqoE video for those that want it
Oh yeah, Celica seems kinda tame combat-wise. Only 60% DR pierce, Desperation and in-combat Special jumping, like, Ike himself could probably tank all this easily.
Mobility wise the warping is incredible though.
So another Celica added and yet still no Valentia Seasonal in sight
Oh fuck that's right! Armours benefit the most from this
Maybe Gatekeeper and Myrrh's stocks go up thanks to this
>B skill
>damage as combat BEGINS
>precombat damage is cancer everywhere
>release counter after7-10 months
>next banner after changes it to "as combat begins"
Am I retarded or is IS trying to pull a fast one?
>movement is forever dead in FEH
Sweet, this game is unplayable! Can't wait to roll!!!
I love warping effects so I’ll try for a copy. I need someone to explain her kit to me though…I become illiterate reading these skills
Well her Warp Ragnarok has pass built
I don't get why the B skill damages you, is there something I'm missing?
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I can run a Nino team without christmas Nino falling behind now.
That pre combat damage is to yourself not the enemy
It's been dead since the bridal banner and the three Gullveigs getting a million moves a turn
Because that's the way it worked in Engage, same way they've tried replicating all the Emblem units' performance in Engage.
Two reasons
It can help activate HP threshold skills for one, you stick Fury 4 onto this and you get below half HP very easily, letting Wings of Mercy work
And the second reason is that in Shadows of Valentia, using magic cost HP, so it's a reference to that too
Because in Gaiden/Echoes you needed to use HP to cast spells
in celica's games using magic costs hp
Yeah, I was about to catch myself on that. Thank Christ it's not an immediate shift.
I still can't believe they're letting her warp around nearly the entire map. It seems really cancerous. How do you even deal with that in AR? Isn't Myrrh the only one that can coutner that? This sounds like it would piss off everyone who plays that mode.
>blue is amazing
>colorless is pretty good
>green is okay ig
>red is lol
Huh, I didn't think about skills like WoM. That could lead to more warp shenanigans on top of what's there

I meant more in a combat utility way than lore, but thanks, I didn't play Engage
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That's a distressingly good point. Science will have to be done to see if Warp Ragnarok actually counts as Pass according to Gatekeeper's/V!Myrrh's skills.
Shit, I could give this to Ike
SD is dead(er).
>Emblem Ike is already a pain to deal with
>now he can nothing personnel you
lmao SD
Every time they add new shit to the game I genuinely wonder why is punishing themselves by playing the worst game mode in FEH and taking it seriously.
Now we have this new effect you can just tack onto any unit that allows them to attack any unit within range 5 they fucking want to.
>don't have to pick off his teammates, he'll suicide bomb into my hardy bearing instead
very cool thank you
So far we have engaged abilities of:
>Marth- Reduce Special charge aka slaying.
>Ike- Ranged unpiercable 40% DR.
>Celica- Damage boost with specials and Hel's Warping (teleport to nearest space of enemies within range).

I honestly feel that Celica's emblem effect is going to be a bit more lackluster than people think. Sure the warping is nice but not many units want to be that that close to the enemy and not many armors want to be Player phasing. I think Ike's effect is still the best Emblem effect we have for being generally good and the same for Marth. Celica will be niche because she may be countered by warp bubble and similar effects since high dragon Wall became a thing and GK and Myrrh + Alts exist.
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...Nevermind. I just rewatched the video and saw Celica diving right through Myrrh's Warp Bubble. That answers that question, I guess.

Works on the jerks wearing her ring though, so long as they aren't also equipping Pass.
This might be tricky, I try to put Emblem rings on characters from the same game or region. Does Walhart count?
It's the same region after 2 thousand years or something, so yeah.
You could also just slap it on Alm.
>she can ignore Warp Bubble
Great game IS. No counterplay at all. Sound!
I can't wait for Fire Emblem Heroes to die.
Well she may be much stronger if the emblem effect ignores warp bubble but I wonder if she also ignore GK too?
Just make sure your Save armor can beat her.
armors are fucked by warp bubble either way because assault troop counts as warp
they also only had ONE option for player phase, which again was assault troop and ranged armors couldn't even use that
if anything, armors have the most potential to warp into battle and not get completely fucked because they aren't pure glass cannons like anyone else, and have good access to special DR

>realize we've long since had an obstruct seal, but not pass
I already paid for +10 Legendary Myrrh. Why must I also pay for +10 Valentines Myrrh whom might not even be able to survive her engage?
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Because she's cute and she deserves your love. Won't you be her Valentine?
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Already +10'd the cutest Valentine.
she definitely does
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me too
There is no counter to Celica's warp - Pass is built into it. She gets to delete any unit on the map at will
If this stuff had limitations on certain modes or phases it could seem workable or tolerable but IS really seems like they just don't care or anybody with a sense of balance left.
The only silver lining here is that Celica's Engage skill is susceptible to warp bubble, so at least she doesn't get to give some cancer unit like W!Edelgard an unobstructable warp, just a normal 5-space warp
how many player phase units are there that don't already traverse half the map to explode you?
i feel like it's more of a boon to older units
Listen faggot if you want to counter Celica you need to use Celica to kill her first, better spread those wallets and grease up if you wanna play the game
All this overpowered shit and still no hard PvE content to use it on.
My little sister is so cute bros
shame they had to ruin it by pairing her up with that slut
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Is there any unit you have where you're thinking "yes, Celica's emblem effect is exactly what they were missing"?
literally any offensive unit wants her engage effect. Galeforce units probably more than most.
Armored units maybe
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I imagine it'll get replaced with whatever Micaiah's ends up being, but my Hortensia will enjoy it since her movement will be less limited after using Magic Shield.
what even is our hardest pve
max grand conquests? it's been nearly 8 months since the last one
low% seer's snare would be certainly challenging albeit artificial
Will Miccy just end up giving increased staff range, or will she make it so every assist heals and cleanses debuffs like a mini version of hers?
So what will the other Emblems end up doing?
Micaiah's map will introduce Fog of War, and her Emblem skill will allow your attacks to light up spaces up to 5 spaces away.
i have come to the unfortunate realization that armors are pretty fucked for offensive C skills
at best you have joint drive atk, ploys, or smokes
no pledge, oath, incite, rouse, or alarm, but maybe odd atk wave 4 will help?

here i dug up and refined an old list i put together
>celica: warping (did in fact happen)
>sigurd: mov
>leif: vantage, and multi-weapon advantage? maybe he'll give guaranteed WTA or something
>roy: miracle
>lyn: most likely just potent now
>eirika (+ephraim): solar/lunar brace
>ike: DR + aether (only half went to his ring)
>micaiah: healing, and sacrifice for all allies
>lucina: chain attacks, and ally-protecting, so maybe some save or decoy shenanigans?
>corrin: every vein ever
>byleth: big buffs depending on weapon/class, and dancing all adjacent allies
>edel+dimitri+claude: raging storm, atrocity, and fallen star
>tiki: fat fucking stats, and turning into a dragon
>hector: basically just how armors are in FEH
>soren: basically just brave soren
>camilla: even more veins
>chrom+robin: basically brave robin
>veronica: summons heroes, who knows what they'd do with her
Extra move and canto
Vantage or something involving the WT
A miracle effect or spawning fire veins
Desperation since i doubt they will add range powercreep
Luna on your attacks
Sol on your attacks
Maybe some BoL4 like effect
Some true or pre combat damage depending on allies maybe?
A dragon vein (most likely water) or inflicting debuffs
Self refreshing allies Kvasir style?
>The Alears
Some buff when near allies is all i can think of
Miracle on allies or maybe adaptive damage
Self refreshing special so everyone can be Gulveig
Some true damage or special charge effect
Damage reduction
Tactical decoy i guess
A divine vein effect (probably the one her leg alt has)
Ike's effect but for 1 range enemies
See lucina i guess, that or some bullshit like free to change fate
Rally or hush spectrum
If Byleth doesn't get ally refresh then she gets it, that or a dazzling staff effect
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I wrote my guesses for Sigurd and Lyn earlier, so I'll just write ideas for the rest:
>Leif: If unit or foe's Special is ready, Vantage
>Roy: Miracle if unit's HP > 50%, once per turn
>Eirika: When unit's Special activates, deals damage = 30% of foe's Def or Res, restores HP to unit = 30% of the damage dealt
>Micaiah: When unit's Special activates, restores 10 HP to all units and their penalties get cleansed
>Lucina: Grants Dual Strike and Warp to unit and support partner, or if no support partner then the unit with the highest Atk
>Corrin: Places Divine Vein (Water) after unit's Special activates
>Byleth: Grants Dodge to unit at the start of turn; if unit's Special activated in combat, then any unit adjacent to ally whose actions have ended will be refreshed
>Tiki: Grants +10 HP and +4 to all visible stats, and mitigates damage taken by 20% of unit's Def or Res (whichever's higher)
>Edelgard: If unit is armour or infantry, grants +1 Mov at the start of turn, if unit is cavalry, unit deals 20% of Atk as damage (including AoE), and if unit is a flier, mitigates damage taken by 20% of unit's Spd
>Hector: Melee version of Ike's
>Soren: Grants Assign Decoy to unit's support partner, or unit with highest Def otherwise
>Camilla: Grants unhindered Mov status to unit, clears away any opposing Divine Veins within two spaces of unit
>Chrom: Grants Rally Spectrum and Hexblade to unit and allies within two spaces
>Veronica: After combat, inflict Gravity on foe and adjacent foes, then a new effect gets added on top of that each turn after: flame terrain, deals 10 damage to foe and nearby foes, restores 10 HP to unit and nearby allies
>Video shows Emblem Celica BTFOing Mythic Loki
>Mythic Loki is only a month old
With warp abuse already ramping up, I dread the next dancer banner at this rate.
+1 move that stacks and canto
Vantage and always having WTA and gets a bonus to it
A miracle and big fire veins
astra but better
Luna on your attacks on odd turns Sol on your attacks on even turns
heal all allies equal to an amount of this units current hp minus one. every other turn
more near by allies = more damage and stats
various dragon veins depending on the move type of unit
4 person dances with crazy buffs
>The Alears
who fucking cares
targets lower of res and def damage and gives stats and special CD
raging storm turn 1, true damage or special charge effect turn 2, Damage reduction 3. repeat until map over
they fucked this one up by making it brave soren. fucking retarded IS
A divine vein effect but big
armor stuff but better and does a lot of damage
legendary chrom but better
brave robin and legendary robin all in one unit
gain a random prf at start of map
Where's Summer Mia hiding?
middle left, or bottom left.
Odds middle, evens bottom.
I'm sorry.
Any galeforcer and their dancer.
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Does my legendary Lilina want Celica?
Warping to a foe within 5 spaces is only as far as a 3 move 2-range unit, so all it'd do for her is help her move over obstacles like trees, rivers and trenches. Would be helpful in Arena at least.
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Wait I'm dumb. I was mainly interested in the special damage bonus but somehow I didn't read the "excluding area of effect specials" part. Nevermind
So many units are walking around with 1 charge specials so it's hard for me to remember the extra damage based on special charge is part of the emblem effect.
After seeing the emblem banner lineup I decided to prioritize getting BoL4 fodder, but I just rolled Edward after spending 9 orbs, so...
I already got the pass for Hinoka, might as well get to spark sniping blue.
She'll be able to teleport all over the map like in her home game, it'll be so cool
Is the emblem effect warping once per turn? If you gave it to a Galeforce Edelgard could she warp multiple times in one turn?
It's worded like any other warping skill, it's always active
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>Emblem Ike really needs extra stats and a jetpack!!!
Speaking of Galeforcers, similarly Celica's emblem effect will be nice on Gullveig to get around her self-gravity.
Now that's horrifying
It is technically "best" for melee nukes because it adds more to their threat range compared to ranged,
The movement for galeforce is nice but you won't get the damage because you need an offensive special for that, and for ar you still need to play around traps so you're probably still smite'ing people in and at that point you'd rather have marth ring, it also gives you more flexibility for who you can run on a line.
>it also gives you more flexibility for who you can run on a line
Yeah, throwing Citrinne in a cav line came to mind earlier, but then I remembered I don't have any good ranged cavs.
Are we getting the new hero banner at the beginning of the month?
Swimsuit banner #2 in early July, New Heroes mid July, new Mythic Hero late July
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Damn it. Oh well, two more weeks until ascended/rearmed/attuned Lilina trust the plan
it's time for binding blade again?
surely firdev will deliver ascended karel this time
old men don't get ascended alts
Anyone throwing Resonance on any of their units? I imagine it'll just be inheritable to any mage of any move type. Would be neat if healers could equip it, but I highly doubt they will. I might throw it on Christmas Nino or base Linde if I roll a second copy on the way to 40 rolls.
>old men
we're getting yoder too?!
bless you IS!
Your units start 6 spaces away in aether aids, how do you prevent celica from jumping up your asshole turn 1 and killing your dancer or whatever

Man this game sucks ass, I'm to the point where I can't get excited for new units because of shit like this
you roll for the character that applies a debuff which halves warp distance which will release in a month or two.
I'd give it to Ninja Camilla if I had one
>rearmed Yoder back from Sacae with the arcane Mulagir
Yes please
>make fun of b8% threads for over half a decade
>they finally start giving units with actual value in them
>attuned, emblem, attuned
I will now buy feh pass. I still don't understand why whales rolled for plus 10 mythic and legendary units 90% of them were ass before and after remixes.
You better +10 him if you want him that badly for taking a spot in the banner
End her turn with seidr, go in turn 1(this has always been important), use a far save, drop some buildings, safety fence honestly there are already alot of setups already in the game that allow you to go just as deep as her.
I just want a cool inheritable + some Forging Bonds kino
>muh spot
Who gives a shit? Did you see the shitters in the Micaiah banner? No one gives a fuck.
Are there any cute girls not in the game yet?
There’s still like 5-6 from Thracia, one of which is a milf that looks a bit like Misato from Eva.
>one of which is a milf that looks a bit like Misato from Eva.
Which one would that be, again
loli tharja
as opposed to...?
i rolled for niime too and I'm still glad she's in the game
I'm a collector foremost
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Solm soon
how happy will she be with all the dragons and beasts in askr
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She's going to pass out from overstimulation
Imagine if she got a harmonic with one of the laguz
The Celica trailer made me realize there's a lot of With Mila's Divine Protection renditions. I think the Smash one is still my favorite
Harmonic with Volug where she rides him would be neat, probably the only way a character that can't speak human language at all is getting in
I'm a bit upset we don't have a harmonic like that.
He basically stays in near permanent Laguz form anyway (thanks to an item I believe, which you can only unequip in Part 3)
So that sounds pretty creative actually
And you know IS, they sure do love creative ideas...
That's actually kind of clever, too clever for IS to actually implement.
It was a skill that allowed him to "halfshift", I don't remember the story reason though. Part 3 you can use halfshift freely as long as the skill is equipped.
man that would suck ass
you know, i really hope they give hardy bearing to some emblem
would be fantastic
>Black Knight finally has access to a lore-accurate warp
>He's one of the game's worst units by now
He can still use Special Spiral 4 though, can't he? The only thing he'd be missing is the DR that Ninja Zelgius gets, but it's still something
They released a Soren alt that only grunts
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The Man Lad's baby momma, some chicks from 4-5, Mitacutie from fates, and a few chicks from engage
Canto and extra move
Vantage and Hyper Feud or something
Big fire veins
Dodge or desperation
Healing and Luna affect, maybe piercing
Wide heal
I don't know?
Potent follow up maybe?
Big debuff (-4,panic, exposure and gravity)
BMarianne dance effect
Adaptive damage
DR 1 range
Rally or Hush spectrum
No idea
Ended up getting one last Veyle merge before the banner ended
Gonne finish her the next time she appears
Quitter talk. Make him good, anon.
had to spark for sothe whatever idgaf
Who are you giving his dagger to?
I only got 3 star events this whole Heroes Journey
I guess the two units didn't love each other enough
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It's another Celica! And her follow-up attacks occur consecutively!
Finally, Legendary Celica!
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I for one would love that on a couple units. Namely Duo Linde and Summer Linde.
>file update
Anything other than Celica stats?
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>Not infantry locked
That's neat, I don't have anyone who can use it, though
>staves can use it
Holy shit. I can finally pierce DR on my healers.
How long until summer part 2 again?
1 single Ivy in 40 rolls. This game sucks.
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what the fuck is this LHB
Rolled up to spark and I'm happy, two Caedas are going to Medeus and Fargus. Good luck on your rolls tonight

Don't gotta worry about Celica's giga warp range if you just take care of her turn 1
playing footsies with celica
only the last map took me multiple tries, but i'm definitely not looking forward to AR with celicas
Celica's Emblem effect is going to make it super easy to position correctly for future 1 turns.
Her ring is fantastic on armors, this opens up a lot of possibilities.
had to pity celica but had a damn good haul along the way
makes up for the nothing i got before duo gullveig
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Wtf it was so hard
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>2 Gotoh
>2 Caeda
>1 Ivy
>1 Formotiis
>1 Celica
Kinda funny that I got Gotoh and Medeus on the same circle when the one I wanted was Formotiis, at least now I have them
resonances seems like it kinda fucking sucks?
predictions for july remix/refine? Its gotta be ashera right?
Counter warp shenanigans, with warp shenanigans.
I'd put money on it, but they've skipped ahead before. I hope she gets something rad
40 rolls
181 orbs
12th roll: Ivy
13th roll: Xander
25th roll: Merric
28th roll: Caeda
Yeah okay but where the fuck is my Celica
No I will not pay for a pass, sparking should be free
94 rolls
433 orbs
65th roll: pitybroken at 11.5% by Vero on a circle with no blues
75th roll: Caeda
80th roll: Ivy
87th roll: Ivy
That's it, my stash is gone now, all hope is lost
Gee, anon, that's a pickle. Maybe a nice Feh Pass would make it easier on you
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*Spongebob narrator voice*
One million Game Overs later...
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It's around 10 shekels, anon. You can find that in loose couch cushions.
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Away, away you foul temptress
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>hey it's the Koyasu anon
>why does he have Validar in his team though
>checks Validar's wiki
>Takehito Koyasu
Okay then, I didn't realize that he was voicing him too. Just learned something, thanks.
I need.. all of the fodder!
So after the banner trailer reveal I went for Edward to have a BoL4 to give to Caeda, got him on the 40th summon as well as 2 Micaiah along the way and so I selected Sothe as my freebie. Already put Sothe to use.
Today I went gamblin' for Caedas and Celicas but oops mostly Ivys.
Can't really tell but the lvl 37 Celica is +1 merged. So that's:
7 Celica
4 Caeda (including free select)
8 Ivy
additional 1 Veronica, 2 Xander, and 1 Rosado
In about 1130 orbs, so okay result but not ideal. Celica returns in September on a banner that's currently empty of Blue slots and is slated to be the next Emblem Hero. So my current temptation is to give 1 Celica to Ivy for Verge of Death and Reasonance 1-4. Reasonance would be tough to hand out but I think Teatime Lysithea would like it and potentially one other unit. Additionally Verge of Death is something Ivy could hand out to any flier I want Soaring Echo on and there's no bottleneck on copies of Life or Death. I'm gonna get my money's worth outta these Ivys.
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Wyvern yumi so good.
I'll give Selkie some new skills soon, this should be the last abyssal she clears with her current 2021 ass build.
What is Selkie's build anyway?
Got my celica on my 15th roll. tempted to farm some f2p orbs and try again though, I want that armor caeda as well.
Celica's battle is piss easy if you camp outside her warp range until she starts moving
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Or you can get her Turn 1
Surge sparrow - iceberg - atk/spd menace is her usual kit, but I don't use her much outside of PvE nowadays.
Pic related is what I had to run for this clear, she only really needed to support Setsuna and do some cleanup towards the end to keep the others safe.
Hoping for Nott, I think she's next
Only question is how she would give her Pathfinder? Since Dagr is able to give hers to a support partner (which my Peony puts to fantastic use)
Nott's can't also be based on ally support because by the nature of being a defense Mythic she's gonna be in the hands of the AI (and thus, can't do ally supports)
It would have to be a stat check, like Pathfinder to the unit with the highest Spd in two spaces or whatever
>>1501878 (me)
my mistake it was ten rolls and upon my 11th I pulled caeda kek. I love it when rng goes my way.
>throw celica into special training map on auto
>kills herself immediately due to resonance
i probably should have expected that
Well, that EHB was a bit disappointing.
Then again I got Emblem Celica and I gave her Engage ability to L!Shez, so maybe that's why.
what's the condition for an AI to rally instead of suicide attacking someone?
i thought it was 0 damage but testing seemed to prove me wrong, is it only dancers who avoid the bait?
celica-engaging seems like it could be a liability on defense
So what do the best C-slot options look like these days, for converting an old favorite unit (who isn't already a staff/dancer/weirdo like bonus double Eliwood) into a support backpack so you can still take them everywhere?
>just BoL4 them into a healer
>Res-boosting A and S slot, then a Ploy 4
>Celica Emblem + Panic/Pulse/Def Smoke 4 debuff leader
Anything else I'm missing?
I think if a Rally doesn't overlap with a bonus a unit already has, they'll give it to them instead of kamikazeing into a unit.
Mozu is a really underrated tank
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she better be after waiting 7 years
feed her an attuned caeda and she'll have a great time
If a unit could attack you, but die or rally/dance someone it will choose to attack if it can do about 7 damage (might still work if it can do at least 5 damage but I think 7 is the safe number). But that's only if it's the only unit in range to attack you. If two units can attack, the one with Rally will use it if the stat(s) the rally gives would be useful to the other unit (assuming both would die if they attacked first).
that's what i would expect but in my testing map, this lel doing 0 damage still suicides herself
send home 28
Can Ike not attack the target? She'll suicide if she's the only one that can attack.
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blue nuke with billion atk, damage pierce, and insta specials STILL cant kill ike

scowl is the only thing that can deal with this guy
I always heard it's 5 damage minimum, that's the magic number
Unless that got changed?
Ahhhh I'm still mad about all my wasted orbs
5 is probably right yeah.
Is that with BoL4? I chucked my base kit E!Ike at her and he exploded
I hate her because she fucks my autobattle
Fatal Smoke 4
BoL sort of has a measure against that, but it should help against non BoL Ikes
Ike is also only going to attack you once, so Miracle can help against him
i really slept on new years nerthuz
BoL doesn't help Ike tank Celica.
Easy come, easy go.
An unmerged christmas Dimitri can one round it on enemy phase lol
The Boar still reigns supreme
>lapis and nifl manuals incoming
hell yeah thanks
Still need one more merge though...
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terrifying and hilarious
>Ingrid refine
Sweet, was wondering if it'll be this month. Hope she gets something nice.
It is pretty funny how little IS seems to give a fuck. Billion dollar game and they're like yup this is working as intended.
Why should I even bother with AR anymore?
Terrifying "what if" scenario. Glad we're in the "Fun to use, not fun to play against" phase. Guess they got salty that Hinoka and Elincia get shutdown by warp bubble.
Holy lol
That warping is more nonsense than I thought
Because aether raids is easy
this is the worst thing i have ever seen
Wonder if I'll regret not getting the forma a second time. My first one has crap skills (though when she ran back then there weren't all these good flier skills yet)
You probably should've got it but what's done is done. I suspect her prf will have an effect akin to BoL4 if they keep her original gimmick.
Giving allies BoL4 would be awesome but probably won't happen lol
She gets BoL4. Her version doesn't help allies but doesn't require her to be within 2 spaces. Something like it anyway.
What are the gullveig art differences? I cant tell on a phone screen
>head into VG
>two emblem ikes
boy am i glad i brought my hard counter, ate em both up
Seidr has a gold line on her side in her damaged art and that's all i noticed
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The people who are getting refines
Realistically in normal gameplay how are you to tank these hits? My unit was almost obliterated with support.
If you outspeed with special DR you should be good otherwise you have to use fmaria, vantage or hardy bearing if you don't want to lean heavily into outstating her
>first hit does nothing
>second hit nearly kills
Ike's ring, Dragon's roar and Kana's dragonstone DR all activate on the first hit only
she's not all that fast honestly, so outspeeding isn't too bad
ike's emblem ring can help you tank a hit, and then she's also really fragile so you can kill on counter, if not run up and smack her first
as long as there's only one celica, you can also position yourself to interrupt where she could warp since it's "nearest spaces" only
>the Embla, too
Special circle of hell for these "people"
Luckshit a dagger Nino, haven't actually built a thief in years
Is Lethality over a lower CD special still worth it when most of these units can already run a DR-reducing B-slot? Is it still reliable for swinging matchups against modern stuff like Ike/Myrrh/Byleth etc?
Got lucky and got Attuned Caeda which is pretty nice
Thinking of giving her stuff to Shez, since she doesn't have any Echo skill yet and I think Guard Echo works well with Arcane Thrima's full Tempo effect, and she can get D Bonus Doubler at the same time
Kinda lame that Def/Res Oath is still only on NY Fonse though, means I can't get Def/Res Pledge at the same time
I think I'd rather run an AoE than Lethality assuming you're helping precharging it with Marth's Ring. If you aren't going to give her Marth ring, then you're probably better off with Luna and either keeping her Tempo or giving her Phys NFU since she sadly has no NFU on her weapon
For Ike a pre-charged Lethality is going to be much better then any low cd special you can run because you need to do as much initial damage as possible and Lethality adds around 45 dmg none of the lower cooldown ones come close for Myrrh or Byleth the scowl would make it alot harder to proc it so you'd have to either tank their hits or add some brave or desperation effect or outRES them if you can't precharge Lethality it would be more impactfull to use a lower cd special that you can precharge for Ike but for Myrrh or Byleth I think lethality would still be better but you do need to have to effects to get it off on your later hit, you can also use lethality alongside the DR-Shredding B-slot as a sort of failsafe for when you can't hit your special or to get more damage from your other hits.
>have to check EVERY unit i come across now because they might have a surprise celica warp
Is Speed Smoke good for a BK build?
I've recently started feeling Spd Smoke has the same problem Brazens did in that your skill slot is essentially empty until after you enter combat once, and even then you'll only get to make use of it on enemy phase and only if you're sitting in range of another enemy. I'm personally starting to move away from Spd Smoke as a C slot option in favor of skills that are always active.
I get that, it seemed like a meme skill for a good while. I find them useful when put on a unit that can take a hit
On top of that, Spd Smoke is only okay against common PvE units, the ones that pose no threat
Any new unit just ignores the DR that Spd Smoke provides
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>pull attuned Caeda
>decide to fodder her skills off
>can't fodder everything at once
>only her, Nergal and NY Alfonse have Def/res oath
>have a Nergal but he's too good to fodder off
We'll get Def/Res Oath on a 3* after 5 more Atk/Def Oaths and Atk/Res Oaths 3*s.
He really probably wants one of the new Wave 4 skills
>spd wave 4 is NFU when the best option armors had was savvy fighter and enemy phase only
BK could even get DR piercing that way through special spiral
man i can't wait for the other wave skills
imagine if they make even ones that have other effects that the odd ones can't cover, we could freely make well rounded builds on anything because wave skills have no restrictions
I suspect they'll have a def/res Oath 3 unit soon now that they're selling the upgrades on big premium units but hopefully it's not something we actually have to roll for.
I'm so glad I quit this game years ago.
Yeah, terrible they gave Merric an alt. Stay away. It's only gonna get worse. Ike and Celica are only the beginning.
>Attuned Micaiah drops foe's Atk and Res basically by 50 just 'cause
>basically near most of an opponent's strength, sapped
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There's really nothing else to do in this game, it's all the same monthly events, the same overpowered units overpowering last month's units, I can't even roll for new units for fodder because their prfs are so overtuned that it's a waste just foddering them for skills, and the fact that I've been forced to spark in so many banners in a row just to get one single damn copy of the unit I want has really gotten on my nerves.

If I'm not getting Genny's resplendent or a new Nowi alt, I'll just make my game mission to fully merge all of Gullveig's alts, I really don't care about anything this game has to offer anymore, I'm just riding it all the way to EoS because of sunk cost.
Wise choice. Wish I had done the same. You keep thinking it'll be fine but IS keeps trying to make it not fine.
>just cause
The reasoning is clear. Every new premium unit needs to 1v1100 the entire roster of FEH characters or players won't spend.
>but the biggest whales spend every single banner
Yes, but they're always going to spend so IS doesn't have to worry about them. In order to push the profit margin they have to chase the occasional spenders and the people who haven't been tricked into spending yet. And their plan to do that is to make the game unplayable for anyone that isn't rolling for all of the new units. They're probably also mad about those people that save up 1000+ orbs before rolling and want to force a stop to that.
Legendary Hinoka still good?
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>Roll a Brave Corrin
You are my Counter Roar now
good movement, good support, dual effectiveness, and sweep, so yeah she works in most cases
particularly for celica now, if you don't have good movement options then she'll shut you down much quicker than you can approach
Finished edgy Maria's skills, so looking back at bunny Maria's skills. Stick with this or try for Distant DR Solo and Squad Ace HP Spd Def?
>lose guard
>opens up DC seal for someone else to use
Though after typing that out, I kinda feel Distant DR Solo is the better option.
i always grab DC in A for my forma because i want a do-all unit for limited battles and there's only one seal after all
>They're probably also mad about those people that save up 1000+ orbs before rolling and want to force a stop to that.
Short of limiting the amount of orbs you can hold at a time there really isn't much they can do to stop a f2per hoarding for months.
The fast turnover of units, ironically, works against incentivising pulling on every banner for that group of players.
They will never be able to compete in the high pvp tiers regardless so at that point the mindset switches from spending frequently (for a toy that lasts a month at most) to spending only on what you truly want.
I miss my first ghb rerun and orbs today....
>they didn't spend orbs on the last 15 corrins
>but THIS one they'll roll on for sure!
Her native C isn't even that good. Just fodder BoL4 into her and distribute it among your ranks that way.
i kinda like VG for very quick bites of combat against randomized but competent enemies
sometimes i wish it was always available in some form...just like most modes
Just your unit, two other random players units up against three random players units
That should be a Training Tower map, a special one that gives you a random okay reward each day (some Feathers, some refining stones, just something kinda helpful)
Please tell me, just out of my own curiosity, is F2P only (not a single draw done) playing still viable?
It will be really sad if it's no longer possible. Not that I particularly care, as I never did it myself. I just always found it great that people could clear everything with being completely F2P.
Does Feh Pass count?
Oh god, what the hell is that?
>not a single draw done
that's just stupid and arbitrary, always has been
orbs are a free mechanic, use em
I never said you had to play that way, anon.
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The subscription service. I got it for sick ass skins
Depends on your definition of viable. Getting a high spot on most competitive game modes? Absolutely not. Completing most of the pve content? Definitely although you have to be a bit lucky or use guides if you don't have a lot of strong units
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do your training tower quests
That limits your modern units to what, one of the free Corrin/Soren/Robin/Gullveig?
Even if you keep it to just PvE, I'm dubious if any of those four can handle every newer unit, especially with higher difficulty PvE statbloat.
Oh shit I completely forgot and I haven't done any.
I wonder, who aged the worst of those four? It's gotta be Corrin sadly
At least Soren and Robin have support with Assign Decoy and Rally Spectrum respectively, but even the latter has counters with Scowl and ironically enough Hush Spectrum
Shut up Akariss lol
Does Guard Bearing 4 work on both phases or only enemy phase?
marisa won. I will not be killing myself today
God damn it, I keep forgetting to do these
From my experience it is pretty doable to stay in the higher tiers for AR, i can imagine it being more difficult for arena since that requires alot more pulling but for sd you technically don't need to pull for anything to score enough but i'd imagine it being abit more difficult than ar. For pretty much every pve mode it's very easy to clear everything with f2p stuff because of skills like galeforce.
Post thrones and crowns
Relay Defense was better than at least 3 of the events that are still being reran.
Your concession post has been accepted
I cant hear you. all these crowns are covering my ears.
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Post your 100% affinity in Affinity Auto-Battles NOW.
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no homo
Kinda sad seeing how pointless walls are now.
that stage can go fuck itself so i'm fine with it
I got rank 1 AR.
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Why are you hiding your name?
But you don't need merges to get max score in chaos season.
I dont know what any of that means. I just the units I like (they arent good)
Walls are for pussies
I dunno

Im f2p
>usually bring my most recent new units along on modes for fun and HM
>been getting TOO MANY units i actually like recently and they can't all fit on one team
what a strange problem to have
doesn't help that our only consistent brigade mode is rival domains and it has negligible rewards and no replayability as a result
>it has negligible rewards
This is a problem for all events not named Tempest Trials. Looking at the rewards for Affinity Auto Battles makes me sad.
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Based Sumiabro. She'll get her alt someday, I believe in her.
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are there any 4 stars with def/res oath?
None yet, your only bet is roll a Nergal or get lucky with the 4* seasonal focus and get NY Alfonse
Alright never mind. Im just going to kill myself instead. thank you
Not yet, hopefully they will add it to a grail or main pool demote soon, but i expect IS is going to put it on a seasonal demote first
man, why do all of Mia's VAs suck so bad. Its such a shame .
>A few points off
Any tips on how I can close the gap?
Yeah, I'm not staying lol
Use better units
Her VA for her base and Halloween versions was the original from Radiant Dawn (with that one line of dialogue), I agree that her performance in Feh isn't great desu.
>no Arena bonus units except Cornelia and Alphonse
Uh how many grails would it take to +10 Cornelia now
Emblem Ike
>celica ring in resonant battles
this is just silly
and a terrifying glimpse into grand conquests, if it existed
if your score is already under par, you won't survive to the end of the week regardless with that team
mind you, an unmerged duo gullveig still has 205 bst, l.m.alear is 205 with guaranteed max scoring, modern units blow old +10s out of the water

consider taking a demote week instead of devoting a bunch of grails for a temporary endeavor and minor difference in rewards
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Kinda wanna forma both of these. Any other skills I could look for? Are BoI4 or Crystalline Water in the HoF pool? I haven't seen either of them so far
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Let me try that again with a less fucktarded pic
>marth was tied to alear
>ike to solm
>celica to firene
so at this rate we might next get
>roy from brodia
>lyn from elusia
>sigurd from lythos
but even those three will take another half a year
>+5 Nagi off arena tickets
Maybe it's time to get her to +10
Might as well, her AoE damage mitigation has aged fairly well since such damage is one way to bust through tanks
Is the summer Claude manual worth getting at all?
Probably as a bridge for spd/def snap
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>Are BoI4 or Crystalline Water in the HoF pool?
hmm very nice
Might as well, can't carry them over and not much else worth it other than Kana.
Yeah, why not
Spd/Def Rein is an okay budget skill for any fast physical flier you've built up, if they really have nothing else to use
Silhouettes tonight?
Oh yeah, we should also be getting the update soon, right? Is that tomorrow?
In which case, silhouettes tonight then trailer tomorrow, ig
Today silouettes, tomorrow the trailer and in two days the update because we'll get the new units on the 5th.
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clanne and petra?
I thought left was a girl but the braid does match Clanne, that and girls have never gotten a jacket for summer
Looks like Clanne and Petra, yeah
Probably one other Engage and 3H to join 'em
And then who else? Any other FEH OCs maybe?
Petra’s silhouette looks pretty good, maybe I’ll roll
Guess it's another skip
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we usually get one out of place FEH OC for summer 2
summer thrasir please, but maybe hel
Aww man I thought it was Rebecca, shame.
If cuboon is doing Petra, I will never financially recover
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Bro, you can see Petra's large boobs in the silhouette...
>boobs having weight instead of being hard lumps disproves cuboon
she also has some really good hips and thigh gap
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Summer Petra by Maeshima Shigeki
When was the last time we got someone drawn by them?

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