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In the sweltering summer of 2024, GL's fourth anniversary closes with a healthy dose of waifus that makes sure to cover all bases, while JP slowly moves forward to its sixth anniversary and a new story chapter.
EnJoyers beware, as the Stage banners aren't far away in GL and Jo (Modo Termita) will probably drop somewhere this month or in August.
>does anyone know what makes her good?
She's a cute and capable detective!
>is she good overall or is she another remembrance unit?
More seriously, if you see her at the top of the hard content tier list, that means she's generally good for all boss fights, not just remembrance.
Thanks for the rundown, I remembered she was some sort of supportive buffer that also gave people Delay, but didn't realize exactly what she buffed. She sounds exactly what I need to clear Megalith Dragon Stage 5. I have the best damage dealer for clubs (Tatyana) and the best counter tank (Orlette), but my squad still needed more defense to survive.
oh hell yea i'm pulling then.
imagine if they did a Re:Universe for console
>been farming the dragon event every day
>hasn't made a single triple SSS ring
>event is over
Sorry bro, wish I could give you one of my spares. It's not gonna really make any difference, they're mostly just collectibles.
you mean a console port? or like a single player game with RSRS assets?
i'm feeling lucky today bros.

hana... will be mine!
Good luck, may Miracle Johnson watch over you
Good luck, you got this bro! I'm not feeling too lucky, been a rough day so I could use a win.
Thanks for this, have it on repeat.
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welp. luck was indeed on my side tonight, just not directed at hana.

i pulled 4 off banners, taty 3 times and myriam 2 times before hitting pity.

hope you guys are luckier!
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Single Pulls Chad here, finally the Hana everyone was talking about has arrived and my 30k stack wasn't fumbling this time around! Now, bring me Jo game, my body will be ready (but not too soon pls)
Damn, sorry you got taken for a ride like that bro. I just got Myriam who's always been a qt, gonna keep on going.
Aniki, you still got it!
Fuck, that was long and brutal but technically not a pity. So that was two Myriams, one Tatyana, trolled by Asura (the Dojo guy, not the cool SaGa 2 boss) who trolled me on his original banner, trolled by an offbanner Prefecture Monika I maxed on release last year and then finally, Hana-chan is mine! At least I kept almost exactly 20k jewels, but now I'll probably have to skip the Seven Heroes banner. I didn't wanna pull on it anyway since I don't like any of the Seven Heroes, but everyone screams its a super meta banner and one of the best of the year. I'd much rather pull for Jo and Queen on the banner right after it.
My next batch of faves are actually the school banners, which are gonna suck 'cause I have 4 faves on 4 different banners, no overlap.
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Everyone has it! You just have to believe in the pulls, and yourself. Become a Luckchad, become a Faithchad, you can pull your dreams together anon!!!
Well bros, bitter or sweet?
Which Side Are You On?
On each banner I would get two early and have to pity the third, oh well got my all gals. Fuck all those offbanners though.
Slightly bitter all the way.
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saga frontier 2 remaster or remake when?
Got everyone except Primiera, fortunately I'm not particularly interested in her, especially when Vampy's banner could be nearby. Funny enough, Tatyana's banner took twelve tenpulls (and all three came at the final ten) while Lyza/Sothis only took one.
Did two multi pulls and got
Should I keep going or nah?
Definitely stop, you won so hard holy shit. I wish I had even half your luck.
It's gotta be sweet for me, since I went all in on the Sweet banner.
Thanks bro, I try but it's really, really hard.
Somewhere after RS2R comes out in October, I guess early-mid 2025? It seems Emerald Beyond and RS2R were sort of developed in parallel, we know EB's development started somewhere late in 2018 but got halted by Covid, so effectively they only really started working on it in around 2021, which seems the same time RS2R started development.
Kawazu said SF2 was already in the pipeline for some time so I guess that's what part of the main team is silently working on, after that Unlimited will be the main target unless they start development on the new mainline ASAP.
Nah, you're good, Liza's good but Sothis isn't worth it, Tatyana's really good but not good enough to splurge unless you're sitting on something like 300K jewels, chances are Rose will come out next week and if you care about gun remembrance she's absolutely mandatory, and the stage banners might come out at the end of the month or next month, or there might be some more time travel as usual and we get the SF2 banners.
So glad to have Competition Records exp stamps in the event shop so I can just run the Valentine's event and still max out all those other stages to 99.
Random target boss moves ignoring all aggro is the dumbest shit this game has ever pulled. Love how when Dragon Knight uses Lightning Slash and rolls 4 hits (which he almost always does), 3 go on the same non-tank person in a row.
Random LP damage is the dumbest shit.
Overall I don't bother with romancing anything since all those fights are unfun RNG clusterfucks and reloadfests that filter 99% of styles by default.
>Really want Hana
>Saga the stage banners are coming up very very soon
i have 2 pities worth of crystals.
it's not fucking enough!
It's enough for Hana and the Seven Heroes, and then you might have enough for Jo by the time we get through the next 5+ banners. You got this bro, good luck!
Finally got his ass. This was the RS3/SF1/SF2 series fight.
Yeah, that sucks too. Who does LP damage while ignoring aggro with random hits though? I'm sure it's been done at least once, but I can't think of who does it.
stay true to the stage brother
is Julian still the Counter God? I'm thinking of either getting him or HMale as my new CG. I already have Femperor and Sirius so I'm still on the fence about it desu.
>is Julian still the Counter God?
Oh no, he got bumped from that pedestal as soon as the latest Final Emperor dropped. He's still pretty good though, if you don't have Femp. The only reason why I used Julian in that pic is the series restrictions preventing me from using my Final Emperor. So if you do have Final Emperor, the only reasons to use Jules are a) it's a series locked challenge, b) sword remembrance or c) boss heavily resists slash but is weak to pierce.
Imo those reasons aren't good enough to justify spending jewels on Julian, but they are collectively good enough to justify using a select ticket if you've already gotten the other characters from the exchange that you wanted.
Guess I could try using a Julian/Hannibal combo or just get the last Esper Gal since I see some people still using her. Decisions decisions.
>chances are Rose will come out next week
how the hell am i suppose to beat those dragons during the limited time session?
EB Question, just finished Mido and got... I guess the neutral ending. Is there a good resource for ending paths?
Also which MC would be good next? Bonnie or Diva?
It's really hard. I've beaten them all on Romancing, but the only ones I've done all 3 series limited fights for are Genny and Dragon Knight, the 2 easiest ones imo. Which one are you trying to beat?
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And looks like the sweeties narrowly win. This accessory is incredible by the way, makes those dragon rings look like cheap plastic shit you'd get from a gumball machine. Look at this thing, it's like getting heat ups just by equipping it. Should stack with the bitter one once we get that later today.
>Is there a good resource for ending paths?
Kamikouryaku I guess, but Tsunanori's less about possible ending choices and more about NG+ loops, his story outright changes with each loop and the possible ending choices for late loops are pretty straightforward.
e.g. his first run will always end up with the standard Miyako ending, his second run will end in Providence, his third run will be the twist ending with two choices etc.
>Also which MC would be good next?
Anybody really, Tsunanori's story is pretty self contained and you only get a few people so there's not many carryovers for other MCs, Boh is a starting retinue member for Ameya and that's about it, if you wanna go with B&F go for it, you'll get a longer run and a lot more party members to play with compared to Tsunanori, they can also go to Miyako and interact with him and a couple of other key NPCs there so it will be fun to see the two stacies friendzone him.
Thanks a lot bro. I'll try B&F and then Mido again to see what has changed.
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Remember that a lot of things in EB are only unlocked in further cycles, e.g. B&F can recruit Diva in her Virginia body but only after you complete Diva's scenario once, Ameya's scenario progressively unlocks more nodes and possible endings depending on how many quests you complete in Pulchra with the other main characters etc.
While some worlds work on a standard route system, many others work on a cycling progression that alternates world states on top of the normal branching questlines, sometimes it may lead to just small or big differences in the base routes, other times it's entirely new routes with different continuities, some of these worlds also have unique questlines or events that are only available to certain MCs, e.g. Siugnas has unique event routes in some worlds that are tied to the members of his starting retinues which lead to different stories and even unique recruitment options.
Fun fact is, even the main quest itself works on a loop and constantly alternates different continuities, once you replay through a scenario you'll see, it's pretty crazy.
Gwayne is a real pain in the butt, but doable. The RS3 fight's going much smoother since I have a pierce counter tank (Julian).
Nevermind, jinxed it. RS3 is harder, and I'm once again being punished for not getting Forneus. He's becoming my new big regret now that I no longer regret getting Liz last December.
Fucking finally, hours later and so many team combinations and retries. I needed to use Ellen's S2 to not trigger his counters, and I needed Labelle to clear my stat debuffs. The thing that saved my ass in the end was Princess Rei's passive where she gives a huge party heal when she dies, then pops back up with a self-revive at end of turn.
And with this hardest of fights for me (RS3/SF1/SF2 Merlot-Syrah), I've finally cleared every single one of these damn dragon fights.
I guess tomorrow I'll try and figure out what the gimmicks are for floor 290.
>Gwayne is a real pain
Where do you get skin medals?
You gotta pay for them, there's specific Skin Jewel packs in the jewel shop that give you a skin medal.
Skins originally were paid skins, GL got away with it until now outside of that GLEX Human F female which as also a limited offer in the Jewel Shop.
Yeah no miss me with that shit.
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figured id throw at least one 10 on the rei banner
got the pair now rip blue dragon dream

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