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Beach event ongoing!
Vincent release soon!
Join the battle ranking and earn luxurious rewards!
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love 4-star tickets
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>luxurious rewards
>the thread that saved EC
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where is her bush?

Same. I have better luck with regular draw tickets.
Remind me, did they said they're lowering the CC chapter difficulty with the release of Vincent's?
no, they're just lowering the overall Story mode difficulty, not the extra sections
That's what i was asking anyway, i just didn't knew if the CC chapter had been already affected with the previous update or not.
she shaved
hello shelke swimsuit?
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I was thinking of getting Lucia's summer outfit, but i cannot think of a support build for her, any ideas?
Rank 55 right now. Am I safe?
PC rip this model yet?
I assume so, it's the same engine as the remake
We're still playing this shit huh
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Nobody is forcing you
i will literally be killed by se if i stop playing
Why doesn't anyone post their rank?
I dropped to 150s, this type of event is already solved for the most part and i don't really care about them
I've been playing less and less. Missed my first log-in since launch the other day. Think after one year anni and I will finally be gacha free.
because if i did people would know who i am
tho right now i'm within top 300, but i feel like i'll get edged out at the end
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It's a shame that you can't remove her shorts
why not
It's probably part of the model itself
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Any butt shot?
fire/cold debuff, limit break atk buff, idk
She has good debuff but red mogs her
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I went full retard and downloaded the mobile phone assets instead of steam's.
Plumbers have tie
Not based
Whats the strategy for top 100 and less? Max i could rank in points was something like 770k and im sitting around 160~
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WASDQE and right mouse for navigation.

Runs like ass on chrome.
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she's literally me
Is that you?
nice maintenance
This is interfering with my ec routine
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>me on my way to Kyoani SE for this maintenance because I am a gacha addict with severe problems
same, shit sucks.
it's back
>1 more day for shiva ex and the meme challenge
let's goooooooooo
Bro pls carry me
You gave me the ick
I'm still missing 1500 memories, fuck this hardcore grind shit.
on shiva ex? we need 1 more
yeah, 'ick inside you 'utt
i stopped caring about 5+ summons grind, that shit is ass
uuugh the extension to the event is likely going to just barely cause me to be edged out of top 300
post butthole
farm some levi memories and bump up the max dmg
Vincent coming out
Guild name?
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Guild name?
Dunno bro, I'm bad at naming.
Yuffie Sea Cave Crusher :^)
>only a dozen or so ranks above 100
oh well
When's Vincent?
On the 17th
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yeah, no

is that good?
>every boss has an instakill aoe that you can't survive without pulling for new meme weapons
you tell me
Honestly no. He can't revive the team when everyone dies besides him.
We'll get revive ability too eventually.
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3 more hours. TICK TOCK lmfao
Shit mechanic desu
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The next hit will kill him for sure LMFAO
>still no CC character
This game will die before Zack gets a friend. Just like OO release Angeal when it was going under.
If the invincible buff is the same as coop, you should have time to heal.
>zoomer never played cc
zack is the only character, always has been

i guess you're the same troon seething about adult sephiroth
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holy fucking SLOG

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