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File: xperia-play-main.jpg (51 KB, 640x427)
51 KB
Why didn't the Xperia Play phone take off? It had a built in controller and it could play PS1 games and Sony planned to add support for PSP games too.
it should have been able to play ps2 games like gta
neat concept for a gaming phone, now if only some developer actually made a phone like this with better specs and ability to play more popular/newer games
emulating is a novelty that wears fast on mobile, i remember when i started emulating on the early android phones back in 2.3 days, and was like oh cool i can do this, then never actually played any games. gacha games are better suited for mobile because you can pick up and put down and play for a few minutes, while ps1 titles i'd rather play on pc or ps3, or even my vita, and put time aside to dedicate to immerse myself in the game
old console games were getting android ports and mobile gaming wasnt the mtx shithole it is today so people didnt see the point of buying a worse phone just for ps1/psp games
It was fucking expensive. Have you seen how much was Sony charging for these? You could get yourself a PSP and a regular phone just fine instead.

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