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New clan PvP coming tomorrow. Hopefully it's not another whale fest, but knowing this game, it will be.
Serious question from a f2p casual player, why do any of you guys play? Raid seems like its a neat game underneath all the obviously predatory monetization, but I don't see how you can get much out of this game without either grinding for literal years or spending money, and what you get is usually just whale bait anyways. I picked it up since I travel a lot and it was neat to play while taking a shit, but if I were to add up all the hours I've stared at 12-3 brutal scroll by, it's more than I think I'm willing to continue spending. What's the point?
I can't speak for us all, but personally, I glean as much enjoyment as I can from PVP and constantly improving my account. It's a gacha game, there's always something to be done. End game PVP is a bit stale right now due to how the devs have designed the meta, but it's still fun to push Plat, do love arena, or wait until the last possible minute to swap out your 3vs3 before reset and push into the green/yellow. If PVP isn't your cup of tea, we'll there's a lot of PVE things to do, like pushing higher levels of content, improving your champ builds, and cutting your run times. Finally there's the collector mindset; unless you've spent literal hundreds of thousands of dollars, you aren't gonna have every champ in the game, so chasing the final pieces to the puzzle/getting your most wanted champ is a big dopamine rush.

Also I know you said you're just a casual player, but it seems you might have fallen for the early game trap of building a bunch of champs unnecessarily. Sooner rather than later, your aim should be pushing clan boss, not building new champs for other content. CB is the most important part of this game, hands down. Even if you're just a casual player, you're gonna want sacred shards, Lego books, gems, and brews to progress your account and do fusions. You gotta have a UNM CB team to do that.
> It's a gacha game, there's always something to be done
I'm not him but whoa, pal.. There isn't. Maybe in this game there is? but overall in the genre? There isn't. You can play this game 24/7 can you? Have you?
You understood my sentiment..
I don't play it 24/7 as you said, but it is my 'main game'. I'm in a pretty highly ranked pvp focused clan, every week I push for platinum arena (highest tier of pvp), and I'm ranked 5000th in the world in the live arena leader boards. And I do it all with a relatively low spend account ($150 over the course of 4 years). I'm nowhere near a top player, but I'm comparatively highly ranked; anyone who's highly ranked on any multi-player video game will always have fine tuning to make their account better. We're you surprised when I said "there's always something to be done"? That's how these games are designed; the devs want to keep you playing (aka spending), so they constantly add new events, tournaments, and other bullshit to keep you invested/fomoing, whether that's financially or emotionally. Maybe "there's always something to be done" isn't the right phrase; but there always is some fine tuning I can do/some champ that I can rebuild/some dungeon I want to cut down my run times. Obviously i don't spend literally my entire day doing that shit, overall I balance my free time pretty well I'd say.

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