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Is such a feat even possible?
what do you mean? like a fully paid game with multiplayer and no mtx? or like a game with live service? if fully paid maybe, depends on their DRM, my 3DS is cracked and I used to play mario kart and other games online because nintendo had shitty drm. It would depend on the DRM implemented by the company, if you mean a paid game with live service, then definitely no.
So no convenient app for such purposes? Shit. Was trying to get a game that's not available on the store to work.
if you want to find a game no longer on the app store, you'd have to check those sites that have archives for older app versions, they should usually have those games if they are discontinued, but you are downloading at your own risk, they could be loaded with god knows what, i've done it but on shitty old tablets i don't care for

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