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9th Anniversary Part 1.
LuckCHAD & SaveCHAD edition.
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Who got shafted on these banners with over 1k stones?

Been hearing horror stories about how people put a lot of stones into these banners and got out with nothing. Some dude on reddit actually put 3k into these banners and got nothing.

Seems like guaranteed featured SSR only marginally increases your chances of getting the unit you want. Makes sense though, shit's 1 .in 10 chance afterall
>2 posts
dead thread, dead game, fucking pathetic
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Why are you seething, anon?
i got everything but it was over 1.5k. i'm banking on wwc being gtcringe so i can skip.
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>saving for cuckwide celebration
CHADroes are gonna explode this game.
Based, only savechads are luckchads because their MOJO is in sync with their seed. I'm the biggest luckchad ITT tho, a shame that this Anniversary is the biggest skip known to mankind, not even full def equips, rainbow and double support could save Turdly's sorry ass.
INT Buu>>>Skiply
>he summoned
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I am content in my mountain of Gogetas.
Based, no one's falling for such shitty banner
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Did anyone actually skip the banner? Because the ESL samefag didn't.
Same, my stones for WWC are safe
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why the fuck does majin vegeta needs these medals
because there was no dokkan event for majin vegeta when he released I guess
Esl samefag sisters.... we are being called out....
the first few LRs had some pretty cringe awakening requirements. broly needed 77 of each of the kai medals and 77 million zeni to awaken. LR SS2 Gohan needed ultimate clash medals, and then Goku Black and Zamasu and Majin Vegeta just needed a fuckton of medals from dokkan events
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>broly movie made for the mutts
>gets shilled everywhere
>reddit soundtrack mid-fight
>mutts love it
>broly movie themed anniversary drops
>mutt country can't even contribute for the top grossing
>esl countries keeps this game alive
>Dogshitly sold my run once again
This piece of trash...
>5 regions, most of them full of brownoids
Kek, everyone's skipping this shit, fillerversary? more like Flopperversary
you're literally brown
He knows, thus he lashes out in anger.
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Ssbe bro.... no one cares about this form anymore....
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Cope. My prince is beautiful.
Tardku rats?
my monarch...
Super Broly? More like Filler Dogly
They should've played that instead of Blizzard
Seethe and brown
but... apt fags were so adamant that broly is slot 1 and linking him with himself is realistic... you mean they were wrong as usual???
Gogetabrown is crying about godly again
transformed can slot 1 most of the time yeah
I feel robbed and I've rainbowed with 500 stones, what a letdown of a headliner, get's absolutely mogged by Cell Max. Anyone that summoned for this piece of shit deserves the shaft
So these lv. 7 orbs do exist huh.
Btw does someone else also keep track of how many good skills orbs you are getting from the Whis event? I'm only missing the level 5 gold AA and dodge to have the best ones of each type.
I'm getting jack shit, but have nothing else to dump stamina in, so I force myself to do it
you replied to yourself
>legends is completely unplayable for beginners and I missed the ssj2 gohan banner
>no other mobile games are good or are full of moeshit
Sad case these days
Whoa, what the fuck? Level 7 EX? Can that drop from the non-category secret treasure?
unfortunately very true. used to love one piece treasure cruise but bamco absolutely ran that game into the ground. sad
Mobile gaming is kind of cringe though anyways
I believe so because the category exclusive chest has better and ridiculous skill orbs like level 8/9 bronzes as well.
And according to the JP wiki the best skill orbs that Whis can drop are
>level 7 stats bronzes OR 2+1 skill
>4+3 silvers OR standalone level 5
>5+5 golds OR standalone level 6
All EX.
It kinda feels like to me the Broly hatred is coming from people that didn't pull him.

He's a good unit that's at his best in the later turns than the early ones. It's a bit unfortunate, but his team does have Zamasu that can tank like a god early on.

better skill orb filtering fucking when
Do you remember last WWC and how everyone said we would never get a bigger powercreep again...
Lr piccolo still a God unit
Resetting seems to fuck the clear time, idk. Trio dodge is sweet even without eza
>no INT frieza
it's so over for me bros.......
i regret not pulling for the arales back in the day. I had no stones and I was a broke college student who couldn't afford to buy any either
i got so unbelievably lucky in pulling her dokkan fest back in the day, i wish I got her supports because I remember them being rating way higher at the time, her best attribute was easily her leader skill
Rolled a new account
Give it to me straight, I just picked this game back up after like 6+ years away, 4 days in how bad is my team? I'm doing the boss rushes for dragon stones, still need 3 more dupes of Broly for potential, but zamasu seems to be pretty good, which is funny because I slept on grindijg LR for him until I got the dupes for 100% potential
you don't need to rainbow broly right away. you'll get more dupes on future banners. that jank team can clear most content in the game and possibly everything with items.
Gods and Cooler are the weakest links. If you've been maxing on Broly's banner, use Int Golden Frieza, and Phy Blues after they eza in like 10 days.
When will TEQ Vegeta return on global if we follow JPs schedule? I want to buy 2 copies asap.
>team name window 30 miles long
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Reminder EZAreas are shit
Who do I level next >
Majin Vegeta came back on teq Bardock's banner and Godku came back on ToP Androids which were both the end of October/"Halloween" banners so I'm guessing we'll see him return then
actually androids were beginning of october so probably sometime in october generally
>5 cycles
>0 Broly
Now what? You want my fucking blood?
>Replaced with ULTRA UGLY
He finally did something cool looking but Toyotaro couldn't resist his fanfic past.
He didn't even bother to keep his black, just made it a ugly ass purple.
Zamasu and AGL Broly, then PHY Broly and TEQ Vegito and then just do whatever. The rest either aren't as good or will need to EZA
Super Bosses should be your next focus.
>PHY Broly
Talking about the LR one btw
Toonrami is really the best
the first 3 rows
Friendly reminder to use your Whis tickets on the Super Heroes or Bosses ex orb banners
I'm saving them for when they add lvl10
His only real flaw is not being on Planetary Destruction
he never destroyed any planets
But he could!
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Wow we have so much content for anni!
>Did anyone actually skip the banner?
Me, yes. why would I pull for units that were dated on release and have shit animations to boot?
If I'm going to pull for meta instead of soul beast is just around the corner.
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Came back into the game and pulled a ton of stuff. I also see there were plenty of ezas that I am farming for stones and whatnot. Aside from teq chadhan which i assume is probably good are there any other noteworthy eza units?

also pulled int tuyrles movie goku and agl chadhan, not sure how good they are but ill farm them shortly after i finish these ezas
int gotenks, teq exchange buu, str kefla all got insane glowups from their ezas. lr buutenks became one of the best lrs in the game from his as well.
if you have phy kid buu his super eza is nuts and worth doing as well.
how about agl bardock and agl 13? i am a sucker for androids stuff
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>agl bardock
say it aint so. i have him rainbowed and lled from forever ago
Treeku sucks. Aglhan aged since his eza, fine for most 2023 and earlier content and midgame. His banner Int 16 eza is hilariously good.

Both trash I fear.
>Aglhan aged since his eza
I think he means the buu saga one we just got
He mentioned teq and agl chadhans.
He said chadhan after talking about turles goku, so he must have been summoning on Gogeta's banner
Oh right, I completely forgot the yellow coin exists. He's very solid.
*but he really needs dupes for crits, otherwise he's mostly a link battery for teq chadhan.
didnt get any dupes for him yet so i guess ill just farm for him later
3 Gogetas.
I'll stop there and use rest on Beast and maybe some on Gammas.
Goku & Vegeta WWC
>Saiyan Saga Goku and Saiyan Saga Vegeta DFEs
>SS2 Goku and SS2 Vegeta EZAs
>GT SS Goku and GT SS Vegeta EZAs
>Carnival Bardock and Carnival King Vegeta
This but with Carnival GT Goku vs Baby Vegeta
Wait you guys are skipping the anniversary? I thought Gogeta was good?
Yeah I could go with a worldwide skip after the massive dump on Beast in a couple of weeks
Bro... what the fuck is that team...
nta but it's pretty clear he's running otherworld warriors for the frieza event
I understand that. However the statement still stands. Where the fug is the second Golden Week SSJ3 and where is AGL ghost usher Paikuhan.
>godku sissy is still coping about how good or piccolo is and how much better GODly is compared to fraudku
Saddest brown
We're absolutely getting LR versions of the INT SS2/3 Goku and TEQ SS2/Majin Vegeta for the WWC, and those cards will EZA.
No one gives a shit about saiyan saga. the last time we got LRs for them (teq great ape vegeta / str kioken goku) was one of the lowest grossing times in Dokkan
>the last time we got LRs for them (teq great ape vegeta / str kioken goku) was one of the lowest grossing times in Dokkan
Yellow coin LRs in the part 2 of a BCE (Before Carnival Era) anniversary. Your point?
good news the new ss4 gogeta shits all over that gohan specifically and has all the gimmicks that made that gohan awful amped. very good time to reroll and run a fusions team if dokkan is boring you.
if you want an actually good gacha though I'd suggest giving arknights a look instead.
Just had this victory handed to me on a silver platter for the Legendary Existence mission then forgot this vegeta disables dodge like the fucking retard I am
In case anyone asks, this is what Dokkan looks like on the Samsung Fold
What ui goku is that?
JP's tanabata unit
currently mia for Global
the tanabata LR, he starts as UI sign and transforms into MUI
Oh cool actually not cool because I like bejita more where is my bejita unit?
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>70% chance to dodge
>never dodges
he almost always dodges for me at least.
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>phone JOBS in the middle of fucking nowhere
Thank Zeno the backup worked. No way I'm grinding a new account all over again.
That's my greatest fear
Same broly is better imo
Set up scrcpy so you can at least use it on PC if your screen dies. That's what happened to me.
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>saw one anon complain about his jours changing/lack of them.
>meanwhile I agree to more
the things I do for Gacha pocket money
we don't speak baguette here
The french are just waiting for Beast to drop, don't worry
Go do your twitter dailies
hmmm... nyo
Hoping the tickets will let me get one of the new units.
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vgh... all I'm missing is the tickets...
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Nope not touching that.
Xitter shilling is a job for brown people in india
kek, zased
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>It kinda feels like to me the Broly hatred is coming from people that didn't pull him.
Cope, he isn't even worth 500 stones rainbowed
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>even dafatty thinks his is number 10th and gogeta nmber 8th
based and truepilled
it's coming from smoothbrains who think he's a slot 1 gorilla like beast. literally skill issue.
I never seem to have Silver equips with additional on them, man.
I'll wait for the Movie Bosses or Youth category.
So far they haven't updated the content of that chest, so we don't if it is gonna be like the CB chest that was updated from time to time with better orbs.
>no more Blizzard as Main Menu music
This is fucking bullshit why can't we use Burst Points to at least get an instrumental?
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they already blew their load on shenron
He still don't have a transforming Syn.
Before you summon test out your luck.
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when will they revive cell like they did frieza so I can get a new cell form?
SO, jp players, how would you rank all anni units?

I was able to pull two gogetas but aside from good attack stats i am not really seeing much from him.
in terms of how good they are and usefulness, for me it's
beast > broly > gogeta > gammas

>beast is a must own unit who is dominate in all the current hardest events, has the best units on his team and his team can auto everything
>broly is a super class unit disguised as an extreme class but he helps so many extreme teams, can melt bosses hp if he's crit'ing and helps a lot with the upcoming extreme class missions, really good extreme class units are always good to have
>gogeta is great but got fucked being a carnival lr and his leader skill is lame, and he's fighting for a spot on all his best teams imo
>gammas are underrated and had some use for the artificial lifeforms mission coming but then got replaced because of all the buu buffs which are all artificial lifeforms
even as a frieza enjoyer I have to say cell max was a much fresher take on a character revival than golden frieza. maybe we'll see an actually completed cell max in heroes/divers or the manga someeday
Scholars do I put dodge or def equips on golden showerza
The new INT banner unit? Full Dodge.
why is boss rush even a thing. just give us the stones in the mail at this point.
>when will they revive cell like they did frieza so I can get a new cell form?
When they remove the spots from his design.
So never
real shame i cant summon on the brolly banner anymore. i already have all units there aside from him , most rainbowed even, and i already did one rotation. so i guess ill hope ill pull him next year.
gonna save my stones for gohans banner, it has way more units that i need dupes for. Real shame the gammas banners dont have their dfe units.
worst case, just save at least red 500 coins for when tanabata drops on global, most likely around november, and coin him.
but yeah, definitely go all in and try to pull beast if you can, you can throw him on any team he's on put him in slot 1 and he'll be fine even at 55%
what are the best teams for Gogeta/Broly? Rolled both within the first cycle of pulls so I wanna know where to throw them to be as broken as Majin Buu Saga is
gotta wait for ezas
Teams? You actually use units? Nigga we just collect them
brother I'm a collector since day 1, save up for heroes every single year, but I still like using these guys in teams
>all these units at LL9
Omatsu... the free kai keys... por favor
Managed to pull LR Ribrianne thanks to tickets. Are they at least good for the Gogeta Super Bosses mission?
>have pulled str Vegito 4 times
>have pulled fused Zamasu 5 times
>have pulled the duo saiyans maybe 2-3 times each
>not a single Broly
This is my life now.
giant form cancels all his bullshit yeah.
Teq Vegeta's
they're a solid option for sure
Ribrianne is good with Trio. She gives them orbs, they give her support, extra DR, and enable giant form since they're on PoW. Feel free to use giant during teq phase so you can save double whis for the end.
>won a $50 gift card at trivia at a local bar
based, +100 stones for beast
Would be cool, even if it's GT

>When they remove the spots from his design.
We have AI now to add those. No longer an issue.
already finished the stones and tickets never touching that again
Based Dokkan scholar
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How's your beast fund looking, guys?
2400 but i'm not going deep. mostly want an ssbe or two.
I regret not doing the twitter shit sooner. Long as you use a burner account it's an easy 60 stones and free tickets multi.

I also think it might reset each part which is why it only lasts a week.
Is it possible to keep shilling for free on X after claiming all the rewards?

Took a big hit on Broly but managing to control my urges for Beast. Glad Gogeta is shit, makes this a lot easier.
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>actually dodging the super
It's post-EZA and first turn so he had 100% dodgerate, too bad nobody told the opponent.
>Transforming Baby
Just throw it in the trash
1600 or so. doing up to seven rounds or until I pull a copy of beast and then bailing.
Why is there no Shenron/Porunga wishes active right now? Make no sense.
I am NOT making a twitter account
Why the fuck does it need my phone?
Lmao what? I literally made a Google account with a fake name and used that and it didn't ask for my phone. Use a burner if you actually give a fuck about your main account.
Did Musk change it? I remember the phone number was a requirement even when trying to login with google
I literally did it yesterday, and no phone required.
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I'm not going to make a Shitter account! I'm not a lucklet and begs for dragon stones.
Huh, you're right. Well that's nice.
Pretty dissapointed Toppo's stuck in limbo for global because I feel like I have every single good unit for his team aside from LR Ginyu.
Same, I also just think Toppo is a cool unit with a really solid kit who I'd enjoy using. I do think he'll be coming after anni and before WWDC, though. It's Cell Max, UI & part 2, and then whatever DFE JP gets after tanabata that are probably in the real limbo.
>JP gets units the minute anniversary starts
>global has to wait 2 days
>JP gets LR broly trio eza 7 days after anniversary starts
>7 days after anniversary starts on global, eza hasn't even been announced yet
sasuga omatsu-san, we love to wait
>sync happens
>jp gets some units on the banner while global gets some others
>jp gets the latest EZA/SEZA a week after the celebration starts while global has to wait a couple of weeks
can't wait to see this happen
>GT again
Please Gohan vs Cell instead
when are the new red zone / supreme battle events coming out? is it this next week or gotta wait until part 2?
I should have enough to do four rounds, maybe 5
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He got hit so DR + Guard chad's win again.
>1k no Broly
>NEET farming stones on my bed
>Fell asleep
>Wake up
Now I need Gogeta pls
We already had that theme for WWC. If they do that again, it'll be for a different celebration
It pains me that Gogeta and Broly have god tier animations, but you can also tell that they’ve already aged some.
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>worst release of the year so far isn't even really bad
this might be the best year for dokkan in terms of unit design
who cares, 7th years aged immediately in red zone and you can still run them with items, 6 months before eza.
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460 free stones
Gogeta on my first 30
Got him again on the free pull
Got Broly on the 45 tier of that banner
A few dupes and LR INT Kid Gohan
I think I did okay considering I haven't played since the Heroes banner
To combat bots but it's kind of a moot effort when shit like google phone numbers exist.
I was grandfathered in so I never added a phone number.
>worst release of the year
>absolutely cooks
Just because a unit's teams are ass doesn't mean the unit is ass.
ToP Droids however, are straight up trash and not even usable on their own team.
Can't dokkan just delete your account if they find out you were using a throwaway?
Yeah, we haven't really had any truly bad units come out this year. Mainly a few mid EZAs like AGL Bardock who even then fulfills certain niches and can get nice def stats in the right rotation
>Broly aged
You've all been influenced by whales and private server shitters. You actually need damage units when your whole box isn't rainbowed.
Dokkan doesn't give a shit.
Linking Twitter, Facebook, Google are just ways to log into your account.
Also I went one rotation on the Carnival banner against my best judgement but to me it's the higher value banner. Don't want to be greedy with Beast coming.
Not sure if the 77 pulls can be used on Beast or if Beast will have a discount or step up.
Hopefully all this shit over laps for a bit before discount pulls expire so I have a better idea how to use my free stones.
broly might not be one of the best defensive units, but he melts every boss and if you combo him with cell max, it's one of the strongest rotations in the game
why does he keep going for that unkempt amish beard look
just trim it dude
Cope globalette
he looks like early cumtown stav in the old photo and covid nick mullen if he gained 100lbs, jesus christ
I finally managed Super Bosses vs Gogeta. The new Hit is pretty good
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the start of this year was crazy looking back
All shit except for our hero Ribrianne
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9000, but this is skipperversary we're talking about, I'll use the 77 ticket multi for him and then SKIP
>he whaled
Wait you need to do the social media shit to get the 77 summon?
When are they removing Chain Battle from the menu

I think those are an extra 7 tickets for singles
no you dont
>pulld 4 lrs out of the movie bosses red zone tickets

this shit is rigged for new comers / come backers
How do you get those points? All I did was tweet and it gave me 3 stones
>all of those got semi buffs this year except omega
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>Broly sold my run once more
Motherfucker can't even tank Kid Buu even after a couple of Supers, what a fucking FRAUD
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Skill issue.
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55% but not that bad
It's through this chinese dolphin porn malware site.
Their tweet about it
which part of the tree should you unlock when you hit 3rd dupe: bottom left or top right?
I do top right
Top right for most units, bottom left for tanks.
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How do I find a faster team for the turn missions?
use a domain or friend with domain
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just a few seconds off.
Stage 1 has a mission to finish the fight in 5 turns. Most domains can't be activated until a 5th turn.
I'll use it on stage 2 but for now I'm trying to do as much damage in stage one.
Going to try a Zamasu team.
gohan, broly or rose can kill him in one turn once the domain is up. so just restart until they spawn in turn 1. stage 2 you wait until domain is up then use a nuking item.
Thanks anon I'll use that strategy and see how I do mission wise
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i wish. when should we get confirmation on the part 2 LR? tonight?
I'm happy I got a copy of broly
Hopefully I can get a copy of gogeta too
>Not sure if the 77 pulls can be used on Beast
It can
Haha my boy the SYNC will have all the content you would ever need
tonight, I think
I hope he is better than UI
i'd kill for a really good transforming jiren
Still amazed people used to joke JP would be getting Beast while GLB gets Ribrianne and they managed to actually do it
dont worry bro global will get more details for their scraps after jp gets their new info first
I'm such a HAPPY GlobalKEK!

This clip but it's Global trying to sync with JP and Ofatsu releasing new units on JP and delaying them on Global
My HEROES... and JOBnic.
>new event has no item missions
Maybe the dodgeCHADs were right, my boys...
yes, bring dodge units to the broly stage. hehe....
Were these two stages supposed to be difficult or something?
They're for exclusive orbs so no
Farm your F2P LR Beerus my boy
>Universal Saga
Ugh. For a saga with a surplus of new characters Dokkan sure loves giving us the same fucking characters over and over.
But hey at least Four Arm Tien is getting an EZA.
Huh Global bros????????!!!!!!!
THE CONTENT????????!!!!!!!!!
none care about triclops jobber
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised to see them shift every single EZA to part 3 just because of the new banner format.
Uhhhh my boy???? HELLO??!!?! You link levels?????
This useless Buutenks piece of shit never fucking dodges, stop glazing his ass.
I should focus on evolving the Brolys next right?
Agl Broly and phy Broly trio, not phy super broly. Also phy blues.
The LR ones, yeah. First the AGL one then the PHY one
Thanks anons. Any tips on who to swap phys Zamasu out for on this team?
>all those rainbows
>asking this
TEQ Godku & Vegeta
>esl babble
gentleman... remove this rapscallion...
Switch to ss3/2 goku and vegeta as your leader, then you can run phy trunks. But once trio and blues eza, your team is broly, phy gogeta, trio, blues, and zamasu/vegito/str gogeta
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>fight Extreme enemy
>they hit hard
>fight Super enemy
>they stun, seal, lower defense, etc. (and still hit hard)
So how would you do difficult content? Or is the GT Goku Legendary Event and ESBR (granted the category is a strong one) the most you can tolerate?
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Alright, I did the Memorial Battle missions. Where's the rest of the content?
Never ever
>isn't even bad
Shouldn't be long for the first EZA batch?
Trio eza is already late and they haven't even announced it
Gogeta's unique equips suck
They're cooking something
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>mfw watching Broly solo every boss phase after transforming
You don't like crit equips on a unit who always has super effective attacks?
I do not care for the slot 1 super meta
>Broly solo every boss phase
Don't forget he's aged out apparently because a youtube man said so
I guess they've decided we're just gonna get everything two days late this celebration. I'm guessing trio eza announcement tomorrow evening at rest and then eza live at 4 am or whatever wednesday morning
>crit skill orb when gogeta reachs 100% crit in blue
No, he aged out because there is a separate version of the game that is 6 months ahead and hes garbage in the new stages there you dumb fuck. Global is only going to get the tanabata and 10th anni events sooner than usual plus whatever the wwc brings, all within a 6 month period. No shit hes going to look good in the stages they designed for the start of the celebration to sell him.
What events are we talking about?
when is tanabata part 2
where are the ezas???
how do you prevent an Iphone from going off to sleep mode while grinding on Dokkan?
For some reason Dokkan is the only gacha that doesn't have an option to avoid this issue...
I'm an androidchud
Is now a good time to get into Legends?
The ones inside his own mind ofc. They just haven't made it global yet, trust.
Fuck no lol that ship is long gone
>farming awakening medals for a dokkanfest tur
>do the last run
>get the powerlevel bonus
every fucking time
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I quit a week later it came out. Best decision in my life.
at least you get a head start on the banner unit :)
Besides the buu team, which team including Broly and Gogeta is the best atm to easily clear all the content in the game?
TEQ Vegeta
Wait, THIS was the impossibly hard Gogeta fight that JP players were hyping up so much?
Lol. No.
>finally get orange piccolo
>tanks everything but his damage is dogshit
>giant form that everyone dicksucked only exists to waste turns for half a health bar's worth of damage
>literally just a waste of a slot
Dafatty really put THIS in top 10?
>Wrong fight
>Unit that wasn't out on JP
Super Majin Buu saga easily does more damage and is tanky enough than extreme buu
the giant form exists to make the boss waste all his super attacks for the turn giving you a turn of not getting hit by a super
>finally get orange piccolo
Wtf do you mean finally? are you new?
wrong stage
along with this and aoes you can also do things like double orb pick up, fixing the orb field in general, bypassing character locking, or running up boss turns
No i just had dogshit luck during the original superhero celebration, been here since 5th anni
If you think the giant form is there to do tons of damage, you're entirely missing the point.
Step-ups Chads what about this year?
One of my favourite rotations... wish I had more dupes for the LR, also shame I couldn't float Gotenks more for Super attack stacking.

Super Majin Saga still top 3 of the best teams in the game btw.

I summon.
>dogshit luck
Your coins??
He probably either spent them on someone else and ran out or he's just the type to save the coins and never spend them.

Might be wanting to rainbow a unit that he REALLY likes with coins too.
>Currently farming medals while taking a shit in a plastic bag because my parents are having guests
Fuck this bullshit Economy
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fellas why is my shit crooked

nah this situation was worse than I thought. This nigga Nick spent 100k USD on a girl who used him for fame and clout and also cheated on him. Spineless simps like this is what gives these whores power.
Your QPUs are unaligned
Didnt buy enough stones
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JirenDAMN that was easy.
I saved them for anniversary units thinking they wouldn't age. Oh how wrong I was.
Based Hugo was fucking her on the bed that Dacucko paid for.
kekky pow! what a fat loser
Is the LR Agl golden space lizard any good? The one that starts with a 90% dr.
With dupes an okay tank for stages that ban the good one.

For debuffing and killing everything with your team as he tanks before his DR fucks him.
Only for that turn. More if you use Whis. Good for those gimmick fights where you debuff the enemy, like mortal will vegito, bluezone ssbkk, and cell max 2.
his DR drops fast because it drops even on turns where he's not on the rotation
It sucks how fast units seem
to age niwadays. This power creep is kinda nuts.
What are some good team builds for beasthan? So close to 500 coins
He's good for the first two rotations he's on and needs to be put in slot 2 or 3 on the third. He's really good on events that aren't ridiculously long or have a large number of phases where the boss gets stronger with each one. One of my top picked extreme units just due to the fact he's dependable and reliable. His links are straight garbage and him not having BBB is a crime against humanity.
>last base jiren to release was 2018
i always summon on those
last year i pulled 2 copies of agl kale and 3 of phy bardock I didn't have, and got to rainbow kid buu and lr janemba
skipped a bunch of turs this year so far, so I need a bunch
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Please help me bros I can't defeat any anniversary content or any Red zone at all besides the first stages of GT.
And getting completely fucked by Frieza rush.
I mostly play Zamasu/Black and SDBH teams...
I'm tired of getting filtered for years...
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You should spend time and awaken all those majin buu units in the top row. that team can beat everything

Left to right, just awaken and eza the str fat buu, the LR agl super buu, LR phy buutenks who's ready to rainbow, the teq transforming fat buu, the tur str super buu who is also ready to rainbow too, and the super eza phy kid buu and you're good to go
I would suggest str goku and vegeta over str super buu. They don't link with buus, but they're so strong it doesn't matter, and they lead buu saga with whatever friend you wanna bring. It also lets you use teq gohan, another powerhouse that doesn't need links.
Am I seeing correctly that you have phy black eza'd but not super eza'd
Part 2 really soon...
They're moving all the EZAs to part ex to compensate the early Vegito and Buuhan EZAs, aren't they?
The what?
Top G
so we dont even get an eza in part 1? this anniversary sucks
>banner int piccolo eza
i stayed up for this...
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>double 200% lead
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The Alpha of Awe. The Brute of Brawn. The Cultivator of Class. The Duke of Domination. The Emperor of Eloquence. The Fiercest of Fighters. The Greatest of Glory. The Height of Heroism. The Imperator of Intellectualism. The Jarl of Justice. The King of Knights. The Lord of Loquaciousness. The Master of Mortality. The Naysayer of Noobs. The Overlord of Obituaries. The Prince of Passion. The Que-hagen of Quixote. The Ruler of Ruination. The Sultan of Smite. The Taskmaster of Trembles. The Undertaker of Ubiquity. The Vaeyen of Vociferousness. The Warranter of Weaklings. The Xenophobe of Xenogeny. The Yardmaster of Yesteryear. The Zhar of Zoroastrianism.




























LORDren the KING









Jiren the Gay apparently couldn't afford an actual budget for his animations
only heralded scholars can witness his TRUE animations
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Hahaha! The fuck is that
>once I caught a fish this big

Bet he's shit.

Post the translations. Make the calculations.
This Jiren is surely a humiliation
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Is this better?
can't read all those moonrunes, but he seems to have ki +8, ATK&DEF +350%, 50% damage reduction, and in slot 2 or 3 100% more attack, and maybe crit chance? Can't tell what the 11% extra is
Jiren is kinda mid in slot 1 apart from his standby.
standby skill
can't attack, 350% def and 50% damage reduction
11% more dam reduction per ki sphere, maybe? 100% more def when receiving an attack and the rest is just babble i don't understand
almost like he is supposed to be a slot 2 unit
So he's not top tier like all slot 2 units.
read his details retard hes insane
And can't tank supers in slot 1 outside of his standby
jajajajajajaja El Jiren esta acqui cono jajajajajajaja
the standby that lasts for 3 turns btw
Midren the Skipped
Jiren confirmed must summon
I'm honestly just enjoying Kelfa being cucked out of a LR by a better AND stronger character.
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Well of course. that's over 126 stones you'll have to pay to use on the discounted format for beast now!
Feels even better being a skip chad and ignoring the part 1.
Wait, wait. What is the point of giving him a U11 lead if he also leads USS? They are the same fucking percentages too. Are they trying to be funny or are they really that fucking stupid?
I'm laughing at the one kek in this thread
u 11 gets 4 ki ig. its a meme category so id assume its an exception
Super AGL LR Supreme Impenetrable Power Jiren
Leader Skill: "Universe 11" Category Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +200% or "Universe Survival Saga" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +200%
Super Attack: Raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes colossal damage to enemy
Ultra Super Attack: Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes mega-colossal damage with a high chance of stunning the enemy
Passive Skill: Ki +8 and ATK & DEF +350%; disables the action of the enemy hit by the character's attack once within the turn for 1 turn upon the character's entry turn; reduces damage received by 50%; plus an additional ATK & DEF +50% when attacking; plus an additional ATK +100%, great chance of performing a critical hit and reduces damage received by 11% as the 2nd or 3rd attacker in a turn
Standby Skill: Stands by for 5 turns, during which charge count increases by 1 per Ki Sphere obtained by allies. Can be activated starting from the 3rd turn from start of turn (once only)
Link Skill: Supreme Warrior, Shocking Speed, Infighter, Godly Power, Tournament of Power, Fierce Battle, Legendary Power
Categories: Universe Survival Saga, Realm of Gods, Full Power, Transformation Boost, Universe 11, Space-Traveling Warriors, Powerful Comeback, Defenders of Justice, Battle of Fate, Tournament Participants, Super Bosses

Jiren (Standby Mode)
Passive Skill: Unable to attack: DEF +350%: all allies Ki +3; reduces damage received by 50%, plus an additional damage reduction of 11% per Ki Sphere obtained; plus an additional DEF +100% when receiving an attack; randomly changes 1 Ki Spheres of a certain type (AGL excluded) to AGL Ki Spheres; all allies ATK +70% (self excluded) if this character is the 2nd or 3rd to obtain Ki Spheres in a turn
Link Skill: Supreme Warrior, Cold Judgment, Infighter, Godly Power, Tournament of Power, Fierce Battle, Legendary Power

Jiren (Full Power)
Super Attack: Greatly raises ATK and raises DEF for 1 turn and causes colossal damage to enemy
Ultra Super Attack: Massively raises ATK and raises DEF for 1 turn, causes mega-colossal damage to enemy and stuns the enemy
Passive Skill: Ki +11 and ATK & DEF +400%; reduces damage received by 60%; foresees Super Attack and reduces damage received by an additional 11% for 1 turn from start of character's entry turn; plus an additional ATK & DEF +111% when attacking; great chance of performing a critical hit, plus an additional chance of performing a critical hit +11% with each Super Attack performed; plus an additional ATK +50%, attacks guaranteed to hit and performs a critical hit when Ki is 24; plus an additional ATK +50% with each Super Attack received
Link Skill: Supreme Warrior, Shocking Speed, Infighter, Godly Power, Tournament of Power, Fierce Battle, Legendary Power

Courtesy of /ourguy/ Dokkan World
Beast sissies I don't feel good...
Inhuman Deeds don't even have a 170% leader yet. Who would be the best person to take get it if/when they remember that category exists?
Oh, didn't see that. I'm stupid then
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he sucks
he broken
3 links with Broly
Def 400%, further damage reduction and further def buff after attacking. OK, well he's never dying.
DFE Slug. It's been 6 fucking years already.
So on global we're just wasting stones on 2 banners mostly filled with 90% dead units?
Global isn't even allowed get EZAs so you're a second class citizen.
Beast is still insane and his banner has LR MUI and EVO which are also insane post-EZA and synergize well with the new UI and Jiren
>No built in AA no revive no target
He's not even better than Cell Max
Absolutely shit, you're a retard if you even think this is worth 5 stones.
>best team in the game has BEAST, Jiren, Both UI goku, SSBE bejita
Ego and nigger frieza sissies...
>Def calcs for Jiren, rainbow (55% in parenthesis), 200%, no links
326k (250k), base form
735k (563k), base form, post SA
653k (500k), standby
363k (278k), full power
996k (762k), full power, post SA
Yeah he's taking 5 billion damage from any super attack, insta skip
what's the strongest enemy SA in the game at the moment?
Won't they shadowdrop them in 2 days?
There are multiple that get to near 3 mill
ok /dokkan/, if you're such big boys design a unit that isn't shit then
>ui #1
>jiren #2
>cell max #3
And just like that the fillerversary units are already out of the top 3
What about Masenior father of Majunior?
>Greatly raises ATK & DEF and causes colossal damage to enemy

>ATK & DEF +999%
>Reduces damage received by 90%
>All Allies Ki +6 and ATK & DEF +100%
damage is not that good because of no multiplicative buffs or additionals
>people summoned on the fillerversary part 1
Kek, every single unit releasing in JP is 10 times better than KEKly and KEKgeta.
They're going really hard with Super, I expect a GT WWC and then a full Z and Movie 10th year
I don't care
I like them better
LR devilman who's guaranteed to trigger his passive and has a ghost usher active skill you can use as many times as Goku's you have on the team
GT is impossible they already milked out Gogeta 4 nobody is going to summon on kid goku shit
>milked out Gogeta 4
Standalone LR with original animations
Watching DBS Super Hero for the first time. What am I in for compared to DBS Broly?
>10 times better
UI is barely top 10 same with Jiren. I think I'd rather run a rainbow buu duo than Jiren. I hope you didn't waste your stones yet.
Decent story, some really good Piccolo moments (he's basically the protagonist), the 3d animation is actually very good, incredibly boring music..
While Broly was mostly a single great fight, and the plot was just an excuse for monkeys pucnhing each other, Super Hero is mostly story with some fights. It's not as hype as Broly, mostly because it doesn't have the music chanting the names of the fighters.
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Piccolo movie until Gohan shows up and steals the fight
Also thicc Bulma and recycled Cell Saga
> Congratulations! Your Pickle evolved into a Cheeto
>DBS Super Hero
Looks like some show made for three year olds. Unfortunately DBS Broly is the only good super shit.
The golden frieza at the end of Movie Red Zone 2 supers for 8 million. Maybe the Spirit Bomb from the UI dokkan event?
Still need a Baby "Corroded Body and Mind" 200% leader at least.
MUI and SSBE are on TEQ UI Goku's banner you dipshit, and the EZA's for global are coming late, what a fucking blunder of a celebration
>MUI and SSBE are on TEQ UI
A new release being worse than two units on his own banner. Has this ever happened before?
Good Piccolo movie until Gohan shows up
Raditz for sure, tree of might goku as well.
>Coping this hard
TEQ UI is literally top 3, off yourself
Int Piccolo EZA

**Leader Skill**: INT Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%

**SA Effect**: Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn, causes supreme damage and lowers ATK.

**Passive Skill**
- Ki +1 and ATK & DEF +200%.
- When HP is 80% or below, attacks guaranteed to hit, and when HP is 80% or below at the time of attacking, seals the enemy's super attack.
- ATK & DEF +100% when launching a Super Attack.
- ATK & DEF +100% when there is a "Representative of Universe 7" ally on the attacking turn, and when all allies in the attacking turn are on the "Representative of Universe 7" category, activates guard against all attacks.
- Ki +1 and ATK & DEF +30% for all "Tournament participants" category allies, plus an additional Ki +1 and DEF +30% if they also belong in the "Representative of Universe 7" category.

He gets like 800k post super with guard, really good floater
Gohan&Piccolo were like this with Vegeta&Nappa
>top 3
If you're going to bait at least say top 5
TEQ Android 17 EZA

**Leader Skill**: TEQ type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%

**SA Effect**: Greatly raises DEF for 1 turn, causes supreme damage and raises ATK for 6 turns.

**Passive Skill**
- ATK & DEF +170%.
- ATK & DEF +17% per ki sphere acquired, plus an additional ATK +50% and DEF +20% per TEQ Ki sphere acquired.
- DEF +50% when attacking.
- Medium chance of evading enemies' attacks
- Chance of evasion +17% (up to 50%) per rainbow ki sphere acquired
- When there is another "Representative of Universe 7" ally attacking in the same turn, launches an additional attack with a great chance of it becoming a Super Attack.
- Always performs a critical hit when there is a "Battle of Wits" ally in the attacking turn (self excluded)

He maxes out around 1.5m def unsupported and 1.7m def 40% support
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You're retarded, yes, incredibly retarded
TEQ Android 18 EZA

**Leader Skill**: TEQ type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%

**SA Effect**: Greatly raises ATK for 1 turn, causes supreme damage and raises DEF by 50% for 6 turns.

**Passive Skill**
- ATK & DEF +180%.
- Changes PHY and STR Ki spheres into TEQ Ki spheres.
- ATK & DEF +30% per Ki sphere obtained.
- DEF +50% when receiving an attack.
- Medium chance to perform a critical hit.
- Chance of performing a critical hit +18% (up to 50%) per rainbow ki sphere obtained.
- When there is a "Representative of Universe 7" category ally in the attacking turn, launches an additional attack with a high chance for it to be a Super Attack.
- When there is a "Battle of Wits" category ally in the attacking turn (self-excluded), reduces damage by 35%.

Woa those sure are numbers why should i care about those?
AGL Majin Buu (Fit) EZA

**Leader Skill**: AGL Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%

**SA Effect**: Raises ATK for 1 turn, causes supreme damage with a great chance of stunning the enemy.

**Passive Skill**
- Ki +3 and ATK & DEF +200%
- For 7 turns from first appearance, further Ki +3 and ATK & DEF +200%, high chance to perform a critical hit, and high chance of evading attacks (including Super Attacks)
- For each ally in the "Representative of Universe 7" category in the attacking turn, ATK, DEF, critical hit chance and evasion chance +10%.
- For each attack evaded, ATK, DEF and damage reduction rate +7% (up to 77%)

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>Tabanata mogging the ever living shit out of the 9th fillerversary
LMAO! You love to see it, now we wait for the real one...
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>Tabanata mogging
>UI which never transforms
>Jiren a pure tank which you can't put in slot 1
UI? Far more reliable than 3 out of the 4 headliners of the fillerversary, Jiren? Literally better than Dogshitly
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> Tababana
>Jiren? Literally better
>Does 0 damage
>Tanks in slot 2(useless)
>No revive no target
Better at what?
That's so ZESTY coming from you...
>Tanks in slot 2 (useless)
So...Like Dogshitly? But unlike that piece of trash, you have 3 turns of standby where he is literally immortal
>no revive, no target
Now you're making shit up because UI has those, and I said that UI is better than the 3 Fillerversary headliners.
>Better at what?
At being a reliable unit unlike dogshitly
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>70% atk and def support for 2 turns
>100% damage reduction with 5 orbs
>50 million attack stat
>once only nullification and scouter
>ends the fucking game
Imagine being a BrolyKEK right now...
Oooof you didn't counter any criticism for Jiren because you know that he's trash my job here is done bye bye
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>bye bye
>he unironically RAN after being BTFO by facts and logic
>because you know that he's trash
From what I've seen he's far better than Kekly, Gogeta and Lammas, cry more.
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>This is filleversary's quality control
Sasuga Omatsu...I'm such a happy KEK!
Tranniversarybros...WE'RE FUCKING DONE!
Jiren is the best in the game.
>RoU7 restriction
>Jiren's slot for Global will probably be January 15, two weeks before 10th Anniversary
Global isn't getting UI and Jiren until they come back on some banner for JP
Oh sweet, lore accurate gogeta blue vs base broly!
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So...The Rising Dragon Carnival banner we have in December? Cramming 2 new Carnivals in one x2 SSR rates banner seems to be too much value.
>We won't get UI until Saiyan Day if this ends up being true
>Global isn't getting UI and Jiren
Phew it's only super trash being skipped
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What a BEAST!!! His movie and the strongest btw.
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KEFLA SISTERS?????????????????????????
Don't care. Still skipping for LR Kefla <3
2 more weeks.
No one actually likes Kefla
That's not that bad, Jiren has tons of utili-
>Scouter and 71% DR only available for 1 turn
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>December catchup banner with GOATren, Cell Max and the new Carnival
Imagine the kino...I would cream my pants so hard and then deplete my stone stash to the brim.
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>new LR revealed on the same day the original LR came out
>less DR than BEAST Goathan
beast bros are we tired of winning yet?
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Do not bring up 2020
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Please post more about 2020
An additional on passive and jiren could have been the strongest unit on the game but he is a bit on the weird side now

he is good turn 1, not a massive tank but good, standby is unkillable but does 0 damage, full power is gonna drop 50 million supers but likely once

im waiting on the numbers but jiren is just a better broly, thought i dont know if he beats transformed broly damage
Yes, I will be running.

>UI Goku TEQ
>Jiren AGL
>EZA Jiren TEQ
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>if he beats transformed broly damage
He's not even remotely close...
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>but jiren is just a better broly
>thought i dont know if he beats transformed broly damage
Jiren gets the edge over him, Broly does 1 25M USA and usually 3 15-18M SA's, this is without crit. Jiren does one 50M USA with guaranteed crit and if you pump him full of ADD, he'll probably do another SA for 35-40M. I prefer Jiren for utility and the fact that he won't be cucked by domain shenanigans
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>worse leader skill
>tanking and support is more limited than Broly's domain
It's obvious who is the winner
Jiren is better than Cucked-domainly
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our spic dropped the APT, he is aight
>APT 87m full power
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>Does 0 damage
>Dies to a stiff breeze
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i mean his tanking is excellent but you are stuck at least 5 turns of really shitty damage and then you get just good damage after transforming
>needs an additional super and support to tank evo blue vegeta super who is already going to be replaced by 3+ even harder fights
I know anons are shitting on dogly with good reasons but cant you just run both jiren and broly together. You could run a team of broly, masu, jiren, cellmax, eza kefla, and the soon to be eza fp jiren with 2000% to his stats. If you hate domain clashing you can run broly trio, golden shitza maybe, and phy seza base black as substitutes. Unless i cant read and jiren has a domain.
Jiren sisters our response?
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How about running double Jiren? He has a far better team under his belt than Broly, plus you're nerfing him thanks to Shitly's domain
This Jiren and EZA Full Power Jiren is going to be the best rotation in the game
jiren isnt even better than mui or ssbe vegeta, doesnt even come close to cell max or beast
Jiren DAMN
if full power EZA jiren is just insane for like 5 or so turns in slot 1 so you can get the new Jiren into standby/transformed and ready to go they will be nasty. if he's just mid or cannot eat a hit any better than the new jiren in slot 1, super bosses is in the same spot they are now and USS won't run him because he doesn't beat out any of their existing options
>includes the cope additional super that you will rarely see
>even with all links active he still can't go in slot 1 and gets spanked by boss SAs
>87 million APT
Kek, this character is dead outside of his standby.
Why are retards even comparing him to broly when he's not an extreme unit? Different niches again

>nerfing him
Do you even know what broly's domain does
I will wait until he's in game to make my final judgements but it does really seem like they cannot help but make these carnival units somewhere between solid to quite good. I would say even Gogeta, who's probably the best carnival unit yet, has moments where he's exceptionally but overall is just very good
90M ATP with guaranteed crits>120M APT with no crits, Kekly hits like a wet noodle when he's not popping crits up
>Do you even know what broly's domain does
>Extreme Class enemies' and allies' ATK & DEF +10%, plus an additional ATK & DEF +10% for characters who also belong to the "Exploding Rage" or "Movie Bosses" Category; increases damage received by Super Class enemies and allies by 10%
You're nerfing Jiren if you use him with Broly you stupid fucking retard, he's Super Class
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You're aware that APT includes crits and additional chances in the calculation right?
nta but super bosses is this year's power of wishes. they're updating that team almost every other celebration. USS is drowning in good options but super bosses still needs slot 1s. Jiren and Broly are similar in that people are looking at them from a predominantly super bosses lens AND that it seems like Jiren isn't good enough to lock down slot 1 consistently but also has a kit with slot 2/3 callouts but also doesn't beat out broly in terms of damage
>Congratulation mr Jiren here's your worst major celebration unit damage dealer award.
anon... APT factors the crit chance...
jiren APT is 87 million because he has guaranteed crit otherwise it will be lower

transformed broly damage is always higher both the hidden potential and passive crit chances are taken into account for APT

there is no such thing as 90 m apt > 120 m apt
thats not how it works
With hipo additional
>increases damage received by Super Class enemies and allies by 10%
I know you don't play the game but this applies to the final damage calc, meaning it only matters if you would take more than double digits. And super enemies are debuffed against all allies, including supers. Stop coping.
Good to know, thanks for the explanation
>And super enemies are debuffed against all allies, including supers. Stop coping.
>S-Stop coping!
Ahhh yes, an extra 10% bump to the defense stat is going to compensate eating 10% more from the enemy's SA. Stupid fucking bitch, you're nerfing Jiren by pairing him with Broly.
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Then it means Jiren's APT is far easier to reach because you'll only need to proc the ADD, give him 30 ADD like FPSSJ4 and you're set, meanwhile for Broly, you'll need to proc crit in each one of his SA's, miss one crit and you're doing less and less damage, plus we should factor the standby of THE OTHER JIREN and the support it gives.
>standby of THE OTHER JIREN
Bros we've reached maximum overcope
>Bros we've reached maximum overcope
Just like when you Brolytards are astroturfing that piece of crap by pairing him with his untransformed state in unrealistic scenarios? For Jiren isn't even unrealistic because that'll be the proper way of playing with him and his team
I've seen enough, MUI and SSBE are still better
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Boom. One singular release has redefined the game. And when the original LR STRONGESTren EZAs next week the game is solved forever.
APT is an average so these numbers factor additional chance, crit chance and everything else you can think about, there is no difference in consistency because well its an average... so this is what you are gonna get statiscally speaking for both of em

i do think jiren is better than broly but damage isnt the reason why i think so
>MUI and SSBE are still better
Another great victory for us savechads
Jiren looks like a slot 2/3 unit trying to be a slot 1.
>i do think jiren is better than broly but damage isnt the reason why i think so
Team synergy? Scouter? Unkillable Bulma-like Standby?
he is 100% a slot 1
on standby mode...
>bulma-like support
only in slot 2 or 3 :(
Only if jiren was going to take significant damage from the super anyway, in which case... what a skip!
no slot 1 restrictions
"can" go slot 1
>one is putting them next to each other
>the other is running double standby which is impossible
>Got Ginyu from tickets
My luck? Unmatched, skipgods won
>10% DEF increase (meaning +100k Def most of the time)
>Enemy doing 10% more damage to Super class allies, which means taking 200k/300k/400k more from BlueZone enemies
You can't be this retarded
>what a skip!
Broly? Yup, the biggest skip
>O-One is putting them next to each other!
And cucking the next rotation, which means getting yourself killed because Broly's team is dogshit
>>the other is running double standby which is impossible
Not at the same time and not impossible, use the Standby with your Jiren, buff the other Jiren for the duration, transform into FP after that, and then use the standby of the other Jiren for the next 3 turns, easy. You're a piece of fucking shit
>ATK & DEF +70% for all Allies for 2 turns
>Standby lasts for 5 turns, meaning 10 rotations with this godly support
Jiren won
>cucking the other rotation
>200k/300k/400k more from BlueZone enemies
If they were going to deal 2/3/4 million damage after all calcs, you massive retard.
Oh so he's indeed taking more damage under Broly even in the best case scenario? Not so great for Midly's apologists, For Jiren I'll be using him as a leader with a full USS team, which is 10 times better than Skiply's mid team
Yeah when he takes 80 damage after all mitigation, now he's going to take 88. What a nerf.
>I'll be running him on a non-extreme team that's inferior to beast's
>It is not a nerf!
>Yeah it is a nerf but who cares lol
This is your brain on Midly's retarded apologists, why should I gimp Jiren by running him under Kekly, the inferior unit? It doesn't make sense, Double Jiren for the win
>double digits becomes double digits
>deals more damage to super enemies

>This is your brain on Midly's retarded apologists
>crying so hard he can't even speak english
ginyu on tickets? what tickets? ginyu isn't on the f2p ticket banner. Luckgods don't need to buy their luck and you're not skipping, paypig
>He doesn't know the meaning of apologists
Double digits? He'll be taking more than 5 digits under Dogshitly's domain, like I said it is better to run Double Jiren
nta but if you're running double universe survival saga leaders you might as well just run double UI, SSBE, MUI, team u7, 17 and frieza, and then beast lol. no room for jiren on that team
>your brain on apologists
This isn't English, ESL
>still doesn't understand how the domain works after a simple explanation, but doubles down anyway
Your crying is tiresome
We're talking about Jiren vs Broly here
>Ignores PHY Toppo and STR Dyspo, which are great
>TEQ Jiren EZA will probably be far better than U7/17&F
Ehhh, I'll take it, plus with the 10 turn support MUI/AGL MUI and SSBE they could reach nasty numbers
>we're talking about a super vs extreme unit here
So finding any excuse to cry about anniversary, as usual.
>You're doubling down!
Because you're just wrong, as simple as that
>Your crying is tiresome
Says the obsessed stalker that always comes out of his cave like a bitch in heat when I say something kek
>Orange Piccolo vs God Goku
>9th Anni being a skip
>Now Jiren vs Broly
You're a pretty sad individual, imagine begging for the attention of some thirdie, LMAO.
Why is this your sacred cow? Are you going to make a 9th Anni religion or something? You slimy, disgusting piece of shit?
>this goes against my narrative and autistic 9th anniversary vendetta, so you're wrong
Sorry chimp but that's how the domain works. It doesn't magically turn 2 digits into 5. Keep lying though.
>run double UI
You've never actually used TEQ LR UI
If Jiren gets hit by a 3M Super, I don't want to eat an extra 10% of that, plus running him under Broly severely gimps him, why should I run a far worse team just to make room for Dogshitly? Better to just run double Jiren like I said, both being flatout better than whatever Dogshitly has to offer other than getting his ass carried by the superior Cell Max
>actually summoning on tanabata
V+T is an anomaly. Every other tanabata character since 2020 has been aged out completely in a matter of months when the anniversary rolls around. Far quicker than basically any other non-Heroes banners.
>Muh VT
VT was already eating shit when Syn Shenron SD event came out, plus there are videos of retardes E-celebs beating the hardest SBS stages with INT FP SSJ4
>has to lie about game mechanics and find any flimsy excuse to cry about 9th
Not obsessed at all

>extra 10% of 3M
Not how it works. If you don't understand by now then you're hopeless, and you talking about game mechanics is laughable.
>b-b-but broly
Jiren is competing against super types so have fun with that
>Jiren is competing against super types so have fun with that
So? I wanted to compare both units despite them being a different class, you're the salty bitch here coming out of the woodwork to argue with me everytime
>Not obsessed at all
As opposed to some trash tier retard that is foaming in the mouth at every chance I post something here to have the opportunity to be a little contrarian bitch over and over again, you're sad
>Not how it works. If you don't understand by now then you're hopeless
It is how it works retardo, if you can't understand that by now, then you should kill yourself
Holy KEK vmg is sucking off a slot 2 tank with no damage. You guys are actually gambling addicted.
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>People are shitting on a unit before it even comes out

Literally how many times must this happen?

Once the DDL arrives and he's tested on the private servers, a lot of you will be shutting up as usual. When Cell Max arrived, you fuckers talked about how he wasn't anything special, but then we saw him perform impressively at 55% and it made people quiet.

And Teq Jiren's also gonna EZA, pretty obvious. So he's gonna look even better.
Sunk cost fallacy because they just summoned on the 9th Anniversary and then realized how big of a mistake that was
we knew cell max APT and defense shortly after he released and that was enough to see why he was so good, some people just dont like cell max

we already saw jiren apt and defense and we already know how good he is, once again some people just dont like jiren
no amount of cope is gonna change his apt and defense, not that i think he is bad but he is top 5 at the very best
Pointless we know the numbers. It's not my fault that you guys are retarded
You're the only retarded PoS here
i just realized that teq mui exists so yeah i dont think i can put him on the top 5
top 10 for sure
>I just want to find any excuse to pitch about anni units, no matter how irrelevant
>I'm knowingly spreading misinfo but I don't have an agenda
Mental illness
>N-N-NO MENTAL ILLNESS IS [esl babble]
Shut up bitch
Why do you care so much about what I post? Other than you being some trash tier obsessed bitch I can't find another explanation for your behavior
>Shut up bitch
Kill yourself you fucking homo.
>bitches nonstop
>"Stop bitching"
>bitches harder
Shut up bitch
Skipiversary sissies are still coping, sad.
>Get's angry and does a melty everytime I post
>Keeps replying to me over and over again, getting angrier overtime instead of just ignoring and move on
Mental? Ilness
>S-Shut up!
>literally anything gets revealed or happens
>somehow turns it into a melty about anni
If you're sick of getting shit on for horrendous posts, reddit is that way
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Stop trying to justify the fact that you're doing a melty every single time I post, even when I'm not talking about the 9th Fillerversary. You were exposed the last thread, I think you don't even care about the Anni at all, you're just here to be a contrarian little bitch to me, that's all.
>reddit is that way
Reddit is a perfect fit for a mentally ill fag like you.
So you've been shitting up the thread with a singular obsession for years, except you've switched from orange piccolo to anni. I wouldn't call that progress.
I've been posting here for about 2-3 years
>except you've switched from orange piccolo to anni
Again, why do you care? No explanation other than you being an obsessed little fag, there are like 120 unique IP's in this thread, and I'm ignored by 99% of them, why you can't do the same instead of getting angry like a bitch in heat?
Skip the anniversary guys
>Summons on brolys banner, for Buu duo (kek)
Be smart like me and skip the anniversary guys
>Buys premium tickets for Gogetas banner and ends up pulling Ginyu (kek)
Yep, an obsessed little fag like I said, literally mindbroken. Anni is still a skip btw
>esl babble
If it seems like I'm responding to you a lot it's because your posts are horrendous. Multiple anons have refuted your retardation itt. But keep coping.
>Multiple anons have refuted your retardation itt. But keep coping
Sure sure, "multiple anons", your blatant samefagging is embarrassing
Status report?
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Jiren sissies, your response?!
>Uses twatter and religiously follows heckin epic content man
Get me off this ride
The KING himself has spoken DOGlybro >>1515880
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It's Owari Da.
The dafatfuck just confirmed Broly is better
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Repeat after me:
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Jiren will bless my first multi so I can spend my whale money on burgers instead!!!
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Done? Done.
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In the heart of Metroville, where towering skyscrapers loomed over bustling streets, Iron Haven stood as a beacon of fitness and strength. Timothy, an eager fitness enthusiast, stepped into the gym, nerves tingling with anticipation. Today, he would train alongside the legendary Jiren.

"Hey, uh, excuse me, Mr. Jiren?" Timothy approached the titan of muscle, his voice wavering slightly.

Jiren turned, his gaze piercing yet somehow reassuring. "You're here for a workout?" he asked, his voice deep and commanding.

Timothy nodded, trying to muster up some confidence. "Yes, sir. I've heard a lot about your training methods. I'd love to learn from you."

A faint smile tugged at Jiren's lips. "Then let's get started."

For hours, they pushed through grueling workouts, the sound of clanging weights and heavy breaths filling the air. With each rep, Timothy felt himself growing stronger, fueled by Jiren's unwavering encouragement.

As the sun began to set, Jiren motioned towards the exit. "Hungry?" he asked.

Timothy's stomach rumbled in response. "Starving."

They stepped into the warm glow of Five Guys, the scent of burgers and fries instantly enveloping them.

"Two doubles with everything, please," Jiren ordered, his voice carrying the weight of a thousand victories.
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Sitting in the parking lot, burgers in hand, they dug in with gusto.

"These are amazing," Timothy said between bites.

Jiren chuckled, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "Nothing like a good burger after a tough workout."

Between mouthfuls of food, they discussed training techniques, swapping stories and advice.

"You've got potential," Jiren said, a hint of pride in his voice. "Keep putting in the work, and you'll go far."

Timothy grinned, a newfound sense of determination coursing through him. "Thanks, Jiren. I won't let you down."

As the night sky stretched out above them, they finished their meal, the camaraderie between them stronger than ever. In the company of Jiren, Timothy had not only found a mentor but a friend – a bond forged through sweat, burgers, and the shared pursuit of greatness.
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Yeah I think Renny won again.
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>Shitren can't dethrone BEASTGOD
Let's call him Jizzren super fans are all semen slurpers
>Trying to rile up some tribalism between two different teams
The Ren won, Dogly? Absolutely irrelevant now
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Fat man got mindbroken when people called out his shit Broly build KEK
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>Broly not even in the top 10 anymore after GOATren's release
It is over for Brolykeks
Brolysissies we are the WORST anniversary unit of all time.
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Broly sissies, your response?!
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No. But HE can
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Yup, I knew it
>YoU dOnT uNdErStAnD dOmAiNs!1!!1
>100% jiren takes 285,521 from boss rush Broly super
>broly domain then buffs the boss super to 3.6 mil
>add on the extra 10% to super class
>100% jiren now takes 622,227 from the super
No effect they say though...
He's coping, and has a vendetta with me, no point in wasting time with that retard
he spent weeks shilling broly to me. I spent over 1k stones. And now he says this? I'm suing him
shitren is garbage
skipping trannyversary
skipping trannybata
skipping shitroes
skipping shitmas
skipping shityears
skipping 10th trannyshitversary
skipping shityan day
skipping golden shit week
only summoning on monthly DFE banners now. that's where the real kino is
Beast? Too FRIGHTENED to even face Jiren. That's why Gohan didn't transform in the ToP.
>broly domain then buffs the boss super to 3.6 mil
Buffing that specific boss =/= nerfing super units. I'm talking about the 10% "debuff." What that actually means is a flat 10% damage increase after all other calcs. So if Jiren were to take 285,521, it becomes 314,073.
Nta, but he does buff Extreme bosses (most of the newer ones because almost all of them have the super bosses category) and he nerfs Super class units too. Stop trying to hide it, running Jiren under Broly is a bad idea, and you're drastically gimping him for no reason.
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Majesty of the Mighty.
Jiren (Full Power).
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Why the fuck can't Hearts give 50% DR to the entire turn in Dokkan?
We've been robbed!
Buffing extreme bosses isn't a super debuff specifically. The only actual debuff only applies if they were going to take damage anyway. Yes, he might take an extra 100k damage... if the attack was gonna do 1 million. Kinda moot at that point.
or 70k if he's going to eat a 700k from a SA, considering that current HP pools are oscilating between 700-800k in the best teams right now, that would be the difference between winning the run or dying to the boss.
>Jiren is indeed nerfed under Broly
End of the discussion.
Okay, now post an actual boss where this would happen
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Reminder, this guy and Ultimate Gohan can and will EZA sometime next year.
Nigga they haven't even eza'd the Dec 2019 ddf
no they will not, its still years away
just because a unit turns 3 years old doesnt mean they instantly eza
He isn't even 2 years old, RETARD
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thinking about it will the gods and the monkeys be the first units with intros to EZA?
>2025-2022 = Less than 2
only if you don't include F2P units
The first 200% lead. Omatsu doesn't have the balls to raise it.
That's Hearts (angel)
Does 700 extra hp really make that much of a difference though? That stuffs literal right? Like it means it just gives 700 extra points.
700 extra points before leader skill gets applied so its actually a lot more than that
Explain, I think I'm a smoothbrain. So like, even if the leader skill is a 200% then it would just double it to 1400? Am I completely stupid
Do we want them to raise the leader skills beyond 200%? Super unrealistic but I think it would be cool if they got an extra category added or at least another one or two added to the extra 30%
I wanted Kefla not some bald cracka
>I wanted a tranny
We know
It adds to your units hp stat. They're still shit though.
>20,000 Ă— 5 = 100,000
>20,700 Ă— 5 = 103,500
You could give an entire full 200% team +1600 hp equips and it would only add 56k hp.
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They could just draw her looking feminine
the HP gets added to the unit's HP stat which goes towards the team's total HP and then the leader skill gets applied
>They could just draw her off-model

Watch Fairy Tale or something if you want coomslop, this is Dragon Ball.
They won't.
Shitren bros...
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You seem to be lost, xir
>>>/lgbt/ is that way
You seem pretty familiar with it, usually the case when people have zero control over their own hormones.

Toriyama makes shitty twig characters as a gag, that's soul. You're too young to get it.
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>porn addict linking to the mentally ill porn addict board
Why is there no premium Dokkanfest 18 character hornybros? Did we lose...
Dogshitly cumguzzlers...
No wonder birthrates are tanking so hard. You may as well castrate yourselves.
All of 18's big moments are heavily tied to other characters. It just wouldn't make any business sense to just drop her by herself when you can easily make the 1000th 17 & 18 unit or a Krillin & 18 unit. Her only real fight was against Vegeta and the only time they really release Vegetas is for Saiyan day or some other Saiyan centric event. 18 and the SSJ Vegeta this year could have made a perfect DDF or 18 could have been a great part 2 LR for him. They simply just can't stop being autistic about how and when they release Vegetas.
I, for one, enjoy having a game I can play in semi-public situations and around friends without generic moeblob titties bouncing around when I touch the screen. I'm still taking judgement for playing an anime bubble popping game but at least I'm just a loser and not a complete irredeemable social reject
Will we ever get Vegeta Ego?
when or if the DBS anime returns and gets to that point
alternatively, if it appears in a movie
unlikely until they make a move to introduce it into other games or an animated format. the sparking zero team explained recently that they have to work with two separate IP owners for licensing. Bandai Namco has licensing for the dragon ball animes and the concepts covered within. Shueisha, as the owner of the manga Dragonball as the IP, would have to provide their blessing to allow Bamco to use ego or any other manga exclusive or otherwise unadapted concept
*dragonball manga and the IP as a whole
Hopefully never but it is time for a SSB Vegeta.
How the FUCK do you beat the kid Buu RedZone, he is absorbing literally everything. I know, ki blast supers won't work but fucking still.
you can nuke the first phase, the fight ends if you manage to kill him during that
How do
nuking items obviously, I used a friend angel SS3 Goku because I don't have him myself
>Nuking items
I'm only allowed one item tho. Also what do you mean, I hear guide robo is good for this fight but what else?
Okay nevermind I looked up sphere nuking, but still, you can only use one item on this stage so?
>discount gfssr dfe
>clear extreme, super bosses etc for the rest of the year, maybe use an item

>low/no discount carnival
>have to chase toppo, dyspo etc for bootleg super bosses
>doesn't solve extreme
>still gets mogged by super heroes on super
>probably november at the earliest, likely january

Stop mindlessly listening to dafat
you can use that item twice
I'll report back after an attempt later, if I lose I'm gonna get you anon
good luck, it took me a lot of tries because sometimes Goku is just short of killing because he missed a additional super
When you said SSJ3 Goku, do you mean that new AGL unit that came wlout alongside the int fat Buu? Cuz I've got that lad if so
that one, I had to use a friend one because I don't have him but having him should make it a bit easier
Right on
Then it should be easy. Just cheelai twice.
Broly isn't even worth it at rainbow, Jiren will have that juicy x2 SSR rates in Global, no amount of Shitly cope will change that Jiren>Broly
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Wait, dyspo isn't even on super bosses. So you gotta wait for even more releases and ezas. Pointless.
You got baited by le Anni hype, I warned you, at least you'll have months to save for Jiren
I can't wait to pull jiren on next years wwc carnival banners!
>atk and def +999%
>plus an additional 999% atk and def for 99 turns from the start of battle
>plus an additional 99% atk and def for each attack performed
>plus an additional 99% atk and def for every attack received
>100% chance to nullify Unarmed, Ki, and Other supers
>chance to dodge +50% with each super attack launched
>damage reduced by 50% with each super attack launched
>passive can run out
I can't wait to never pull Craply because he sucks!
Use your ssj3 goku seza + kid buu seza + friend angel goku if you dont have him. Goku's family memory, make sure to exit out if you dont see both ssj3's in the same turn before you go to the boss since it won't trigger the support memory until you enter a fight. Only use 1 cheelai for each goku, pray for additionals and crits. Worked for me
Will try this later, I have almost every unit on that team except the Gotenks I think
>for Jiren
>Can't tank slot 1
>2021 APT
>No revive no target
>From the worst saga in DB
Holy this must be the best unit in the game
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>Spouting nonsense once again
Meanwhile Kekly
>Has a team full of cucks, competing for the juicy domain because otherwise they're dead
>One of them will lose all the gas in the tank by turn 5 unless you transform, the other Broly will be a liability for 2 rotations, (you can't use 2 Full Power Dogshitlys until turn 10 at the earliest)
>Most of his top tier allies are Super class and he wants to link them, meaning you'll nerf your Super Class team by running this piece of shit thanks to his cuckmain. His LS sucks for the Extreme side
>No crit in passive meaning that you have to pump him with full crit and pray that he procs at least 2 of them when he's attacking, otherwise all his SA's end up hitting like a wet noodle
Oh, how could I forget about this?
>He's a cuck in canon, his love interest was taken in front of his sorry eyes
Apely is trash, period, Jiren is far more reliable.
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Kek, even the Wikifags are shitting on Midly
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It is not looking good for this unit
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Jeez guys, give this unit a break!
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Ok...What about JP?
>By turn 5, the other Broly is at risk and you may lose
>At that point it is better to just run Rose
LMAO! Guess Dafatty was right, Broly doesn't even have a spot on Super Bosses anymore
KEK we really mindbroke the Jizzren guzzler
>biggest extreme lead somehow sucks for extreme
>irrelevant "debuff"
>still mogs other apts/averages
>wiki comments
The skipschizo desperation is palpable.

>summon for broly dfe, coast missions with whatever you have
>wait ages for jiren and whale for his SB team
Your call.
>Biggest extreme lead
That's INT Buu tho
>Muh APT
Doesn't matter when he's getting his team killed
>Wiki comments
They have more sounding arguments than you, obsessed faggot freak.
>You need to waste stones for Broly just to clear these 5 stones missions!
Holy mother of cope.
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>everyone else making good choices
>meanwhile, did half a rep on gogeta and broly, will do half a rep on beast then dump it all on gammas (I just want Future Gohan and zamasu)
I'm retarded and I'm proud.
>int buu covers more extremes than broly
>downplays damage then flipflops to "it doesn't matter"
>you need to waste stones on jiren just to... uh...

>sounding arguments
Lmao. Esl learned his English from fetish porn.
I am downplaying the damage because it is true, his damage is terrible if you don't crit, at least Jiren is a consistent damage dealer with the guaranteed crit
>Shitting on INT Buu
INT Buu is far superior, and in terms of relevant units, there are far more usable units under Buu than under Kekly
>Fetish porn
What? Seek help, retard.
>"consistently" deals 2021 damage for 1 turn
Like anon said, he wins on apt averages, accounting for crit chance. You're grasping. Broly covers practically all the extremes under buu you mong, and tons more, plus a bunch of super heroes.
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>He doesn't know
>His mind defaults to "fetish porn" when he sees a trigger word
A coombrained retard with brainrot, how surprising...
>he wins on apt averages
But his team is atrocious, so he'll get killed, Jiren? More utility, consistent damage dealer, and has most of the top tier units under his belt and can be paired with them without issues (Unlike Broly and his cucked domain)
>You're grasping
As opposed to what? Some retard that doesn't even have the unit rainbowed to talk shit? Get real kiddo, Broly is trash
>Broly covers practically all the extremes under buu
You're cucking these units because they don't get the 200 under Midly and their links are gimped as fuck.
The only way for Broly to compete is to gimp other units, make room for him, make a team tailored to his needs, while risking the whole run because the other Dogshitly becomes a huge liability after turn 5. You lost, retard.
>consistent damage dealer
He's not even consistently shit because he starts out insanely shit PFFFFFFFFF KEK
Hey you said "sounding argument," not me.
>jiren is
A super type that barely breaks into top supers, and doesn't compete with any of broly's roles or niches, except one if you whale his specific SB team. Once it exists, that is.
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Good I'm not a lucklet and pulled them both with less than 200 ds. Saving for the real BeastGOD.
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This is one of the Anniversary headliners with Full Crit/Def equips taking 385k from a 2 month old Redzone, and yes, he's getting murdered by AoEs and most supers, mind you, this is with the intro bonus, after turn 5 you have one of these pieces of shit with gimped stats, meaning you'll get killed in most cases.
sounding argument is a real sentence used in debates, a pornsick freak's mind defaults to thinking about porn when he sees a trigger word, nothing strange in someone with brainrot
>All that bullshit about Jiren
Jiren is top 5 in General, stop with the bullshit, he's better than 3 fillerversary headliners, you're just denying reality at this point
>Omatsu designes a problem then sells you the solution
>he's done this for 2 fucking years now, every celebration
>but now all of a sudden it's a problem
Orange piccolo was an outlier and we all know it.
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Except that you knew what it was coming, everyone knew about Broly's flaws thanks to the last bit of Global's foresight we'll ever get, and then INT Buu released, which is a defensive behemoth and a great Extreme leader, there was no reason to summon for Broly, if at all, Jiren being released just seals the deal, Broly isn't even needed for Super Bosses anymore.
I'm not really opposed to saying Broly's value is entirely aesthetic. I just think it's a weak argument to go
>wow unit released in an earlier celebration is actually awful for new celebration content???
Because this ALWAYS happens.
Sometimes we get lucky and stuff cycles around, where we get longform content again and stuff that's good there resurges, or the same for short term.
I guarantee DLC will come around, you can post some clip of Buu getting blown out even on turn 3 after a turn of stacking then go
>people summoned for this TRASH??????
>still saying sounding argument after he looked up the term
That word is definitely stuck in your head, and I don't wanna know why
>jiren is
Worse than beast + ezas. Not even a SB leader until there's a ToP SB team, so have fun whaling for that.
>you can post some clip of Buu getting blown out even on turn 3 after a turn of stacking then go
Buu at least has some resources to keep him relevant for a long time, he has a revive, heals, 2 ushers and survives KO attacks.
Meanwhile the friend Broly is getting me killed because I decided to transform mine to see if I can one turn a boss before the untransformed Broly gets hit, most of the time I fail to kill the boss (even with INT Frieza on rotation) and untransformed Broly gets murdered.
When the only thing you have to offer is "LE DAMAGE!" you get old pretty fast, and seeing how Beast released in the same fucking celebration, makes Broly even more lame in comparison, he has stupid restrictions and he isn't as good as he should be.
>That word is definitely stuck in your head, and I don't wanna know why
Again it is a word, you're just thinking about that kind of porn because you have brainrot
>Worse than beast + ezas
Uhhh, like Broly?
>Super bosses
I already have Rose, and he's far more reliable than Midly, Jiren can be run in Rose's team without issues
>he has a revive, heals, 2 ushers and survives KO attacks.
The heals are always on board, revive is contingent on him being the one to die (it has been years since they ripped out being able to reset to see where supers are), and I'm assuming the 2 ushers references having 2 buus.
He's still great, he still has value, but it's very easy to kneecap him in a vacuum. Especially with an era of redirects being the kings (even if they're impossible to kill now).
>Meanwhile the friend Broly is getting me killed because I decided to transform mine to see if I can one turn a boss before the untransformed Broly gets hit
Honestly it feels like they should have made these transformations active skills and the domains standbies. This mechanic has kneecapped Broly and Rose. I get not wanting us to stack domains, it could get insane quickly, but we need something fixed.
>When the only thing you have to offer is "LE DAMAGE!" you get old pretty fast,
Entirely true, though, and being a DFE, I'd say he has the least value of the 4 units because it's way easier to coin him than the gammas.
>keeps using wrong word because he's clearly overexposed to it
Yes retard, they're both worse than Beast. However Broly fulfills several mission roles, while Jiren is another second rate super type.
Kek. Don't look at your precious wiki comments about him.
>top 5
>"second rate"
>Kek. Don't look at your precious wiki comments about him
The JP tier list puts him above Broly for Superbosses, and it is true, with this Jiren release he has a far better team now.
Btw Jiren doesn't even get the 200% in Broly's team, so you're cucking him further with the lesser stats and the domain nerf, literally no reason to run him with Broly
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Jiren's ass is so back
This whole anniversary is a joke
>b-but B-bea
Not worth rolling for
Yes, not on Beast's team, so second rate. Oh no, Jiren loses a bit of his mid damage on a 170%, it's unrunnable.
Jiren is not worth the investment in carnival shit for super teams, nor for SB when broly covers that and also extreme. This pretty much covers it all >>1516041. Way more investment into multiple things for no reason.
>(it has been years since they ripped out being able to reset to see where supers are)
I literally just did that yesterday w/vegito's scouter lmao wtf are you talking about
that's not what he's talking about, closing and re opening the game used to take you back to orb selection even when the attack phase had started, this was changed years ago
Teq Caulifla can dodge Gogeta btw.
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correct translation
>still no trio eza announcement
im pretty sure they were a surprise even on jp. and global never announces shit so maybe there will be a DD soon
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Say their names.
Hit and a bunch of trannies.
Frieza and a bunch of fanfics.
Hit, Frieza and the troons
CUTEgang and two purple dildos
OUR HEROES HIT and slurpza (+ ugly fake saiyans)
>Another LR Jiren
The Tournament of Power has so many characters but they keep cycling through the same characters.
Is there really that many hardcore Jiren fans out there?
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Somehow I don't see dokkaners whaling for LR Oregano.
You make him meta and put some other units they really like as bait it could work
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Fun team little bro
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Everybody fucking shittalking Broly as if the the domain update won't buff him by making it so that he can be transformed even if Rose or Zamasu have their domains up.

I'm still riding with Broly. Fuck you.
LR teq jiren eza confirmed
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My dokkan device suddenly became unimaginably hot.
Bergamobros... our eza?
it doesn't even matter. he clears all his missions now and until next anni at least. worst case scenario i use a whis, instead of whaling for incremental creep.
>Final boss of Super
>Two (2) units released in 9+ years
>Last one was exactly four years ago
Yeah but sure, we need that bird guy from the Ganondorf dwarf God of Destruction's universe instead
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I think we all know the eza is going to be shit, the second coming of STR Jiren. Preemptively laughing at Jirenfags already.
It will be stronger than Agl but only if you fulfill its arcane conditions.
>helping the new jiren by ezaing the other jiren
damn they're finally learning
Won't be released cause he'll break the game by being the only unit to easilt hit standby-tier defensive numbers while being a random UR (unless they gate all his defensive buffs behind needing certain category allies or some retarded shit)

not a fan of orchestra, this is a good theme, but it just doesn't hit the same as a rock song....
S-sync will still happen my boy! Haha did you forget the part EX with the half a years worth of units crammed onto a single "catch-up" banner including the entirety of tanabotta?
>4 niggas in a row JRPG noise
JOBS to Teqren kino.
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you're right. he has a similarly outdated passive like the str jiren
they've gotten better with being able to atk/def lower some difficult enemies, but you can't stun any and losing out on crit is huge
I hope he can be a slot 1 tank for the slot 2 carnival at least


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thats pretty cool actually
Genuinly kino wtf. Honestly more hype then dogly
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>4 universe 11 units
Lol what are you going to use for this? Lr jiren, eza jiren if good, toppo if you summoned for him, str dyspo, eza toppo are your only options
Good luck if you don't have the new lr Jiren, Toppo and Dyspo or eza lr Jiren if he's even good
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Guarenteed crit too btw. Ngl the superboss team is pretty much meta if a Lr kefla or hit gets added. Say hi to the superboss savior
guaranteed crit is only after standby. that's a single attack with no built in additionals.
They even had the decency to make kid buu's mission 3 PBSS, and that has way more options. What is Omatsu smoking?
This shit better mean LR teq Jiren's eza is busted or else this is bullshit.
still bullshit honestly. you'd have to roll for toppo and/or dyspo.
I know this is said a lot but TEQ Jiren really doesn't need much besides a stat raise.
>no built in crit in base
>no built in additionals
Even if he got a 2000% def raise at the start of turn, he would get one shotted by any super above 1.5 million. Start of turn def is garbage unless it gets some sort of multiplier added to it.
global data download. what is on it you ask? i do not know
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>WT in the middle of anni
>omatsu heard the cries of contentfags and answered the best he could
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Kino is back on the menu boys

No guard, DR or 70%+ dodge in 2024 is a death sentence
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>WT stones in the middle of anni
Omatsu, my liege.
they could give him 1100% atk & def with massive defense raise on ultra and he would still be shit
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CHAD Tournament? In the middle of this FLOPversary?!? YIPEEEEE MY CONTENT
>free stones
thank you ofatsu o7
>2 ezas and a wt
that's 100+ stones to the beast fund
Why do I have a bad feeling the WT units will either be lumped together or be in EZAreas
Will the part 2 banners have discounts too?
wt units eza with the hercule things dont they? im pretty sure they have not gave stones for a long time
I was watching videos since I'm a returning player and saw guys saying oh Paragus is a good get.
Was confused since that unit is dog shit but learned about it's EZA.
Feels good to have all paths open with zero spheres put into him.
you cant run him anywhere because of his categories
Probably because you don't play the game and get all your info from Youtubers.
I know people say Pure Saiyan team are bad but i like running it so he'll get some novelty usage from me.
can LORDmatsu just drop the 50 stones in my box this time? i've been a good little wt slut but i really don't want to do this shitty grind again
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Demons category soon
Unorthodox but it's honestly cool we get a WT while we have good sta regen
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>AD already showing part 2
>joined forces beast+piccolo
>new gamma 1
Fake as fuck
>w-we won't get EZAs until part 3!
Get fucked doomers.
>new Jiren doesn't need Teq UI Goku
We're getting a special banner with him and Cell Max in part 3
teq Ui Goku medals*
Teq EZA Jiren will be the slot one GOD
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If EZA Jiren is good slot one it's owari da for everything
10th anni powercreep is looking frightful
use heroes, survive the first phase and use the robot guide item on the second phase
i'm excited, I haven't felt the thrill of very challenging content since red zone first dropped
>jiren doesn't have an intro with Belmod telling him it's time to start fighting
>it might be a USS or U11 support memory without voice acting
got a +5 dodge /+5 crit gold equip for super heroes, who should get this bad boy?
gammas probably
>4 universe 11 characters required for the new goku & frieza magnificent battle stage
hahaha hope you're saving some stones for toppo, dyspo, and jiren my boys
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Middle reminded me of pic related.

Which unit encapsulates vidrel the best?
> Demons category
If true, I hope they don't forget to put SDBH demons in it. And DBZ Dabura. And maybe King Piccolo.
Eza that Xenoverse final form Mira so he's actually usable while you're at it
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Yep. If they EZA all the Xenoverse units and give us a new one with a 200% leader skill, we could have a whole Xenoverse team
You orangeshitters are irrelevant now
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One more week for Beast... one more week for Beast... one more week for Beast...
How long until TEQ Zamasu returns next time?
I only needed 1 round+1 multi to get both Broly and INT Frieza. But still don't have TEQmasu! God dammit! I need him for the TEQ spot on a rainbow Super Bosses team! At least, I think I do?
to me zamasu is pretty much the best aging 2023 LR so i would honestly just coin him
Next WWC, so about a month from now.
> coin him
I would if I could.
Actually, is Beast a red coin banner? And the Broly banner will still stay up after the discounts are gone.
Yeah, maybe I'll get enough coins while summoning for Beast
he is the red coin banner for part 2, Gammas are the carnival
Are the LR gammas any good?
>units are now casually hitting 50m attack stats
This game is so fucked
>Retard thinks the game evolving to new heights is somehow bad
You can really tell who the newfags are. Be ready for the whiplash when the schedules sync and 10th anni powercreep comes up with zero babying global used to receive. You're not gonna be able to clear any events because your box is obsolete and you don't have 6 months of early EZAs.
Numbers getting increasingly large was like a big attraction to dbz for a lot of people. Doomers are weird
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Damon unit when?
0 attack
0 defense
200% dodge


second is gamma 2's finish skill
based, I actually really really like toppo's intro too
>Doomers are weird
They always obsess over some weird niche shit that Akatsuki doesn't give a shit about. In their head Dokkan will shut down because a number is big or a f2p unit sucked.
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the underlying issue from powercreep is the majority of the box becoming useless, even units that happen to age well through their raw defensive capabilities will fall short once the damage cap raises and raises in events, and the rest of the few un-EZA'd units will have to struggle to play keep up as they risk falling victim to out of touch developer oversights making them potentially worthless for even mid level content. Even with the onset of Super EZAs bejng able to revive uncredibly old units there's still keep up and disappointment becoming inevitable, especially moreso given that we still have units that haven't been given an extra link skill to fill out their deck, or the fact that SEZAs don't change leader skill or supers.
>second is gamma 2's finish skill
I expected something cool and it's just a guy endlessly jerking off his guitar.
while i'm talking about OSTs I have to say my sleeper favorite was banner unit phy zamasu last year during WWDC, shame it's a conditional intro and they made him doa with a bad kit
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What will be the first Heroes LR?
Jp could clear anni with anni ezas and friends. Which they got 6 months before us.
Tell me the year you started playing and the % of your box you could use after 7th anniversary.
1 - power creep and units getting outdated is a normal thing for gachas, they all do it.
2 - THIS IS A SINGLE PLAYER GAME!!! There is literally no rush, and you don't compete with other players.
3 - Just because an older unit can't be used in one latest event, doesn't mean that all the previous events are gone. And they'll still be useful for farming and for category missions.
4 - Just because power creep happened, it doesn't mean that every new event will be at that level of difficulty. Remember Legendary Frieza Event?
i strongly doubt there will be one but my guess would be on something like blue goku and xeno ss4 goku. I doubt they'd do a dual fusion unit or something because they'd undermine their own non-heroes hype. I also think there's a pretty good chance they're not going to lean into super hype what-if team ups just yet. My guess is 10th anni will be standalone gogeta and vegito and then another two years from now or so they'll drop a gogeta and vegito unit or something. they know that once they open that bottle the genie never goes back in. they'll wring everything they can out of the source material before they start really leaning into what-ifs and dokkan originals
The game survived Red Zone Broly invalidating 99% of everyone's boxes, it'll survive bigger numbers.
I don't even know wtf does duress mean HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
you sharting mericans like having sex under duress duresss hHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
under duress under durag you stupid fat lards sharters hahaahahahaha
> the year you started playing
A few months before the 4th anniversary, so uh, 2016

> the % of your box you could use after 7th anniversary
Most of it, since I never really bothered with challenge events. I still haven't done like half of SBRs and almost all of ESBRs. I only now bothered to finish the "Red Zone Movie Edition" even though I had units for it for a long while now. It's a marathon, dude, not a speedrun.
Actual loser
If they actually decide to release one? I reckon Universe Tree Goku. Card art would be sick btw

the absolutely need to make what-if units if they wanna keep shit fresh, they can't keep pumping the same vegito and gogeta units ad infinitum when there's so much more potential, other gachas have done it before
I'm the one having fun just collecting units.
You're the who complains about pointless shit, lmao.
>jiren rainbowed, turn 5 isnt even top 5 damage wise
>muh increase on powercreep
>Dokkan releases heroes LR
>To justify him as an LR on a GFSSR he's the only unit featured but not guaranteed
>Only there for one time since heroes is dead
>Would trigger whales into overdrive

Would be fucking hilarious. Cool if the unit aged really well as a result though.
they definitely will - eventually. creating what-ifs and teams up are almost certainly going to be a bigger investment and drain on resources because they'll need to choreograph and create the animations without source material to go 1:1 on. I don't recall if they ever made a statement but looking at Vegito Blue for instance, his vegito special looks awesome but it seemingly came at the cost of the rest of the animations being mid outside of the active. I think they have another year or so to flesh out the reasonable revisits and undone characters (new namek super saiyan, new final form frieza, new sutandalone vegeta, etc.) before they will feel the pressure to make brand new stuff.
I never said that.
And again, it's a single-player game.
>both unique arts in the page and teq icon still haven't been used
Unironically what did dokkan mean by this
chain battle returning soon, trust
Okay I can't beat the fucking kid Buu RedZone. I tried the cheelai orb nuke trick and.using the Goku's family support memory and it isn't working. I've gotten him down to his last 3 bars of health before his second phase activates. This is my team, wtf am I doing wrong
Do you have a different super class unit you can run in place of fat buu? he's very solid but he's not gonna help much in terms of damage output if you're aiming to kill in phase 1. Also, are you running your angel ss3s in slot 2 or 3? they obviously tank insanely well in slot 1 but they lose out on some damage. FPSS4 might be replaceable too
if you're not aiming to kill in phase 1, you might want to switch it up and bring double fat buu and any other good MBS allies you have for better health sustain, a better chance at a revive, and two ghost ushers. buuhan or super eza kid buu do real work in there too
you could also just beat him normally by using the robot item, but you need to use units that dont get their supers nullified
I could use LR AGL broly instead of Buu for the type advantage maybe. He'd at least get the 170% buff from ssj3 goku. Shouldn't angel be in slot 1 for the full tank effect though? Not 2 or 3? How about this setup maybe with the bond of parent and child support memory
Where's your modded apk?
I'm trying to beat him phase 1 because he nullifies way too many super of my best units
1. if you're going for a phase 1 rush, you want angel ss3 in slot 2 or 3 for better damage via additional supers. Kid Buu doesn't super you until the last slot of turn 2 - so almost any char on that team minus the str vegito duo should be okay to take a few normals in slot 1.
2. agl broly can definitely help rush damage for phase 1 but honestly can be a liability in phase 2 because his 12 ki (which he can do like 5 times in a row) will get nullified pre-transformation
3. blue duo will get you dunked on without a future saga category ally for their intro. not a great option unless you're running two of them as leaders
also even if you can't manage it now, the ezas we have coming will really help if you have them. agl MUI, int ssbe, and phy evo/ssbkk can all cook pretty well in there even with the nullification. not to mention beast as your own unit or a friend
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>muh powercreep
Make your units last for YEARS! The secret Omatsu DOESN'T want you to know!
Noted, will try this.
i still havent beaten red zone beerus this fight is retarded
based whis chad
Giant form pretty much skips his rage phase. Either lasts all 3 turns or stops him from supering on the 3rd.
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>Mission: clear stage without Support Items
Maybe this then?
Was really hoping for a beat & note lr to cap heroes off but I don't think it'll happen
>memorial battle
If you have the unit that the ex orbs are for, you can no item it.
There are NO no item missions for any stage that gives tickets. NONE.
Late to the convo, I poured around 4k into each banner
Both units rainbowed
Its objectively better but still feels like shit
The amount of STR Coolers and TOM Gokus is revolting
Best practice going forward is to fully skip a whole year and summon every 2 years for Anni/WWC
You WILL rainbow everything but the new ones
anon... why rainbow?
I did it! To the anon who suggested putting SSJ3 angel in slot 2 that was probably what I was doing wrong because I kept putting him in slot 1
I hate how every unit has timed intro buffs
They make ridiculous shit like Kid Buu but Broly loses 100% in base in 4 turns
I just want to stack more attack...
i didnt know he can lose his rage phase since i kept soon into it. thanks anon ill try this team
Just rainbow him and stack def in the movie bosses redzone rush
900k+ def before supering
Easy skip, summoning next wwc to get them rainbowed and 0 of the new units
they'll be on 10th anni banners
Is there a single reason why people think it's going to be GT?
because annis likely going to be z, also wwc never been gt iirc. it sure as hell wont be super again, and
>og db
>annis likely going to be z
It would almost be weird if 10th anni wasn't a transforming Goku and a transforming Vegeta going through all Z
Take it for the stats
Use his memoral silver/Gold and level 7 attack bronze
20 add/6 crit/12 dodge
holy boring. theres a reason we dont have these 10 form transforming units anymore
What're the chances they start dipping into the super manga? There's so much potential there but they've to my knowledge only stuck to the anime only.
games cannot use manga content because shueisha wants dragon ball to die as a property for some reason
only if it gets adapted into anime first
Do people actually get elitist about using items or whis's? I don't really interact with dokkan players outside of a couple friends and you guys occasionally on here. I don't follow Dokkan tubers or anything
people here sure do at least
What're the chances the game shuts down soon? It's going on 9 years, gachas give me anxiety because they could shut down anytime. The fact that they're merging with JP soon makes me worry about that too
jiren-sama... i kneel

>wwc never been gt iirc
Weren't Ss4 Gogeta and Omega the first shared units?
yeah, same kind of people that say you didn't beat a souls game if you use certain weapons or magic abilities even though there's no reason not to
Even better if you like Dragonball
But fuck public perception
My guess is that they're going
>Goku Base Kaioken SSJ SSJ3 SSJ Gogeta
>Vegeta Base Ozaru SSJ Majin SSJ Vegito
And they're probably making a new transformation mechanic where you can skip a lot of them.
I see a lot of people making the DAMAGE DAMAGE DAMAGE mistake

Yeah he hits like a noodle without crits - you want that to sandbag and stack more, especially with a team built for it
Broly lead, Teq Vegeta, Teq LR Goku (yes actually, slot 2/3 him and take calculated risks), Cheelai and Lemon, Golden Freezer, Kid Buu
good supports, can sandbag, Vegeta and Broly with low/no crit
When both of them transform they will absolutely decimate with no question
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i need them
i need them NOW
i kinda want a dokkan original unit with adult goku and kid goku for 10th anni, for part 2 or as the f2p lr
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>Tfw I pulled two of these trying to get gogeta and broly
Are they good on other teams or are they pretty much trapped in universe survival
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same, i'm going full offense
you can throw them anywhere and they're great, but you have to make sure there's at least one super hero unit on the team for his rainbow ki changing, which is super easy since the top 20 best units are filled with those
I see they used all of Jiren's budget on Goku.
they just dont tank supers but holy shit these guys are definitely up there for best unit in the game for me
they should be fine, their only condition is needing another super heroes unit on the team for the rainbow orb changing and that should not be a problem with how strong the recent releases for that category are
hell yeah brother, good stuff. major W for clearing the hardest content on global right now
He needed a transforming unit
And boy am I glad they churn out so many transformation units
Its criminal to have a unit with only 1 or 2 super visuals
Its a DBZ game and I am obligated to max out the canonically strong characters
Really? Fuck.
Yeah because thats too much funding
>giving players more animations in one unit
nah son pay up for each separate form loooool
>only 12% defense
it's over jiren-sisters....
that's a big reason why, just look at the animations for transforming agl Goku, teq Frieza and phy vegeta
every animation before the final transformation is complete shit that is just reused from old units (aside from god vegeta who has a unqie SA but that one looks like shit too)
>Work well on superheroes
Perfect then because I'm planning to make a super hero team. Hoping to pull at least one Beast and a Gammas if I'm lucky.
in fairness those characters are like 6 years old
Is content tonight
Post Metal Cooler, no excuse.
The only "Z sovl" you're getting for 10th anni is version z goku eza. The rest is fusions.
i'd say super vegito and super gogeta carry some z soul for most fans
EZAs drop in 7 hours and 20 minutes. I think the content comes with. WT in 31 hours. EZA Evo/SSBKK in 4 days 7 hours
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universe survival saga went from shit to the best team in the game
>shitty super hero background song
And muted
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>TEQ Jiren
Counting your eggs before they hatch.
>no attack attraction skill
maybe if it had even 1 but super heros beig able to activate 3 a battle puts it above still
means nothing if your entire teams strong enough to survive anyway
>Open Dokkan
>Broly and Gogeta ost is gone
>Boring superhero theme playing
Sound off it is.
so are we never hearing blizzard and broly vs gogeta anymore?
Part 1 is over. Just go to youtube if you want to hear those.
We already had Blizzard playing like what, 3 different times?
They did the same for MBS. Now they just need to do it for the other sagas.
super heroes is. but it has taunts anyway.
>title screen just spoils Beast Gohan and Gammas before they're revealed to casualfags
kek Omatsu really doesn't give a fuck
It does matter. When wwc comes around and the bosses are doing 4+ million super heroes will have several turns of worry free protection while putting out as much offense as USS. Meanwhile if you have full USS and running double jiren or goku you're stuck with one of them in their mid base form for awhile and only 1 revive.
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Seems easier to do for Namek saga since so many units are still waiting for EZA. Unlike Cell saga.
>disables intercepts
what now bitch
I loved Broly and Gogeta....
sorry im new, is just weird since their banners are still available...
They're gonna be available until the last day.
omatsu will invalidate taunts with an aoe boss
this and they are gonna invalidate damage reduction too btw dodgechads are gonna win
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>boss disables passive guard, dr, and dodge
>we have to go back to monotype with type advantage to beat bosses
For Cell saga, would they really release another ssj2 gohan and perfect cell?
Bosses are normal attacking for over 1 million turn 1 how would you balance that
They already have modifiers for type, like godku's agl phase.
How the fuck am I supposed to no item Gogeta? I got close using Super Bosses but that piece of shit PHY Goku Black keeps selling to the final phase super attack
I used this apparently. Super/movie heroes and buu saga should be able to.
bro??? you fat buu??
int buu
phy buutenks
teq good/evil buu
teq mr buu
str vegito
lr agl super buu

got both no item and rainbow team missions, the weakpoint is agl buu so if you have agl angel ssj3 goku use him instead
Is the new golden INT Frieza really that good?
My 55% took kid buu super for 300k pre-SA. Pretty good for a banner unit.
And I got them. The best AA+dodge skill orbs from Whis, plus the 5+2 silver from CB.
That is all I wanted since I have no interest in AA+crit.
I also got all the level 6 golds but those are meh for me.
One of the few general pool SSRs I've bothered Dokkan Awakening at 55%.
Just beat his ass. Honestly I'm yeeting INT Buu to get a faster clear so you don't need him.
Nah. Siper heroes has all the best parts of that team and gets to replace kekren for two beasts.
An argument can be made that it has dethroned buu saga from second place however.
>memorial battle
>int vegeta/trunks
It's unironically sad how fast that unit aged out after 8th anni. Best 170 leader skill in the game but they can't tank attacks for shit anymore. I have a feeling that bond of parent and child will be another final trump card and we won't get a good category leader for it until the category is completely outclassed beyond a shadow of a doubt. What unit could they even make lead the category, ssj goku/gohan training in the hyperbolic time chamber?
Only thing with itemless missions. And only gogeta and gamma stages give orbs for it.
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The bardock + goku fanfic for saiyan day 2025.
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a bunch of stages drop in 45 minutes, one of them you have to grind a fuck ton
what stage do we have to grind?
>"Stay Strong! Super Heroes of Tomorrow!"
It drops a tradeable item for the baba shop. Isn't much at first but they add a bunch of equips to it later in the celebration
>0 Broly
>Everything else rainbowed
What's the course of actions here?
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I never seen this man before in my life
Is he good?
his lr is okay. better than most of the unfeatured LRs you could have gotten
he's very recent was was a global and jp same time release, he's good on a majin buu team
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Yolo single and I was praying for Metacooler
3rd path open
At this point I should just stop and buy Cooler some other time
It's up
At first I thought hey he might be able to run with Beast but nope they gave him Bond of Parent and Child instead even thought Piccolo is part of the unit
Save your red coins
Piccolo is only in the intro animation despite the LR art making it look like he joins in the attack
you never see him if you have animations set to skip
What's the point of LR Gammas now that both URs are dead?
Gamma 1 can still be good but Gamma 2 not so much
When is BEAST's banner?
None of the end game fights are time limited, right? Trunks smoked super bosses in phase 2 and I don't care to do limited attempt events unless I can destroy them.
JP has had no content for literal weeks. wtf?
Eva/Add for Broly trio?
EZA AGL DBS Gogeta still good?
you could rainbow SHITler and he would still be shit
If he dodges he's great. If he doesn't he gets one shot by normals.
>bring rainbow INT black in against super enemy
I think I hate this asshole.
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Almost used a whis. Cursed fight.
our boy became the camwhore...
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>rainbow teq UI linked with agl literally couldn't break goku+frieza's damage barrier
>agl nuked them for 26k
Crept already
when can we use these fucking blue zone tickets
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>Extremely Intense Saiyan Sex
Aw yeah! Now THIS is my kind of event!
Best anniversary ever!
Ui Goku fight is a joke. The other fight is crazy though. Goku and frieza do 5.7 mil supers and 1.9 million normals when under 50% hp and you need to do at least 10 million damage to even hurt him...NOT attack stat but damage. So like 28 million for type/class neutral or some shit.
legends won...
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They also gain 100% atk below 50% HP. At that point in the fight, Beast's taunt will get him killed.
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Very likely on the 26th. Going by the discount countdown and the Elder Kai banner.
Also corresponds with last anniversary's part 2 banner
Also the first 3 phases all get stronger the longer they go on, phase 2 locks, phase 3 disables dodge, phase 4 has no super attack cooldown and none of them can be debuffed. Oh yeah, this is the stage with the Universe 11 mission. Have fun!
>piccolo jr esbr
thanks for the free stones
There are only 3 units worth pulling now that I think about it.
10th Anniversary focus will be on original Dragonball. LR Kid Goku as the centerpiece pull.
Bookmark this.
part 2 will be Daima kid Goku
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its over...
Should have put in another phase to drag the fight out more and make Beast a shitter by the time you get to Goku and Frieza.
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>Goku and Frieza super for 5.8 million and nullify all damage below 10m
If teq Jiren isn't head an shoulders the best yellow coin eza I don't know how the fuck you're supposed to beat the 4 U11 mission even if you summoned for Toppo, outside of the very first few attacks in his God of Destruction form he'll still get absolutely obliterated.
>Farming some shit event
>Full list of rainbowed Gogeta buddies
>Serious thing
>How curious only 55% around
Fuck this garbage
I fucking wish.
But we all know it won't be.
Once again they've perfectly tailored the fight for the Tanabaited units and you dumbasses fall for it every time. Once WWC drops everyone is going to forget about them.

Lmao at you retards who get baited for summoning. Second verse, same as the first.
predictably, majin power made quick work of the new stages without any issues. great and fun team
Where is the love?
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The power creep is fine guys, lol! 99% of the game made ineffective again, isn't that just normal?
broly back on top baby
>99% of the game made ineffective
Once again this is a tailor made fight to jerk off TEQ UI domain. They made it untankable on purpose.
But the 3rd phase ignores dodge.
Unsurprisingly, Majin Buu saga(CHADper type) cleared it faster than an extreme kek team.
TEQ UI domain allows you to dodge even when the boss disables dodge
basically it disables the disabling of dodge
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The official Jiren build just dropped.
>disables the disabling of dodge
Clever of them to make it so you usually can't bring any dodge units except these new shiny ones. They're very good at baiting retards into spending 1k+ stones every tanabata
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>tries to bait people into give dafatdt views
I remember when this general said Broly Trio was the best defensive unit in the game. Meanwhile I'm here trying to use them and they get their shit slapped because
>6 orbs
>6 orbs
>6 orbs
they would be if they had some kind of orb changing built in (that is not restricted to being low hp)
Your Goku black? Your Gogeta?
The powercreep is just getting fucking retarded at this point, how are f2p players supposed to compete??
You expected 100% dodge with perfect consistency you dumb cunt?
Where are the anniversary dick suckers now? Crying over your shitty units being crept? Even Beast dies a to super from Goku and Frieza. Lmao.
I said he was ass when they showed the EZA. You faggots are the ones that jerked him off. The fucking cope is insane.
Just go full dodge
Holy shit you're retarded no unit is going to have 100% dodge every turn that doesn't mean that they're bad.
Did you go full dodge in HiPo?
ok based
Just shat on this no item with:

Beast 55%
AGL mui 79%
SSSBE Vegeta 90%
PHY gogeta 69%
PHY Evoken 90%
TEQ piccolo 100%

Gamma friend

you basically need to use every single ability, piccolos free turn which is gonna do a whooping 0 damage, gogeta taunt, beast taunt, drop the gammas nuke, you NEED for vegeta or goku to die and get their revive boost just so you can damage the last phase
>no item
Oh nice another easy item clear for me then
This faggot never used Broly Trio outside of a dokkan event
Fillerversary faggots been real quiet since this dropped. Lmao
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This is so cursed
obsessed retard. btw your precious fatfuck said broly and gogeta's rank just went up for this fight.
>Needing multiple gatcha units to beat one event

Lmao, WWC and 10th will solo.
New Gokuza when?
beating this with majin buu saga is a FUCKING NIGHTMARE
if they do they should add 17 in there somewhere, maybe in the form of a stanby or something
>>1517807 (me)
fuck, I meant to reply to this >>1517770
I did not get any sleep
WWC final boss will make this seem like child's play
How many stones does wt give? I only do it about 5 times before I'm tired of it. Plus don't want to get banned
Why would you get banned?
there's no reason why you would get banned, unless you modify the game to cheat
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Dafat has me agreeing with a tranny, this is tragic
Pay piggies don't get banned anyway.
>raise his damage by 90%? nah, I need him to dodge with 100% DR
Platinmods but I am a paypig. Used to whale like Dafat
If you only do 30 mil you won't get banned.
>Telling a tranny "you are literally always objectively wrong"
Based Truth
Yeah good time to stop pulling
I'm happy with Gogeta and Broly, the game can go fuck itself with powercreep while I wait for 2 years to roll on 10&11th anni together, if I even bother
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is there a better feeling than seeing Trunks load up a super, but you got 7 orbs with the broly trio?
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JP Dokkan user beat it with a bunch of shit units and Marcarita.
>Support Memory
How do you build Broly trio? Is it a dodge or die unit?
they are very much a dodge or die unit, they have 100% dodge if they collect 7 ki spheres but you will not get that every turn
They fucking suck and like usual jpfags overhyped some shitter.
Bet he was autistically retrying a zillion times.
there are attempt limits
Crit. If you're not putting them next to an orb changer, don't bring them.
You're the one cringe loser who hates them for no reason and you've been obsessing over them for months
the event just came out today
>use 6 saiyan saga units to beat this stage in a celebration that has nothing to do with saiyan saga because...just do it ok???
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Beast sissies...
>beast extending the fight to give you more time to enjoy pure kino
>don't have str jiren
it's over...
every time i try and no item gogeta this fucking nigger super attacks the first slot in the final phase on the worst rotation and i lose. fuck this gay mission i hope omatsu gets diabetes that fat fuck
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all this molested little pink faggot does is get hit by supers and die. it's like his dr means jack shit in anything other than quest mode
he's very disappointing at 55%, not even a good floater when he gets dropped so easily
he's 79%. i'm so fucking tired of this orange NIGGER gogeta hitting units for 900k when they shouldn't even be taking half that. how the fuck is teq zamasu taking that much damage. this game is dogshit
I clear them easily and fine *shrugs*
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hopefully we get the stones when beast drops. almost have enough stones for 7 rounds
>teq zamasu
Uh anon you do read passives right?
i dunno bros, i used a lot of dodging characters today and i'm starting to see the appeal
Same, but only if it's built into the kit.
Skill issue
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Is this team any good?
i'd replace birdku. at least when ssbe eza comes out if you really want a revive.
remove birdku, use zamasu or the EZA'd LR Cheelai ass
Based. Now that is a kino OST
>Beast too weak
More like bitch
He actually works alright as a slot 2, then when Broly intros runs out plugged next to Vegeta for him to get his free additional super
Cheelmo is better but I find they make it too boring, little to no risk
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That was pretty cute.
Take off goku and throw on one of the 5th anni units, they synergize well with gogeta. Then later replace them with ssbe when he ezas. Vegeta is fine without a goku around.

Buu's OST matches how stupid Broly performs.
Why were people saying Trunks is hard? I beat him first try.
Don’t forget to farm the super hero mineral water event in the story tab. 20 dragon stones, Kais, etc in the baba shop you can exchange for the drops. More items like skill orbs for super hero characters are added to it later too
he caught me with rotation lock until i started to float my slot 1s in preparation
And don't forget to farm the 8 sta instead of the 15 sta.
super has the higher LL rate...
There's no super difficulty, dumbass.
z-hard, whatever
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With the stamina you're saving by doing the normal instead of the z-hard you can go to your favorite LL stage at least once and have higher chances of LL.
I got all the banner and I just got him once. I want to rainbow that fucker but I'm f2p and I know I'm wasting stones but he is my favorite. :''(
locking is retarded. he also just supers really hard
He hits ridiculously hard. If you get caught in the wrong slot before you build up it's gg for most units.
How did you build your Gogeta
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>he needed items for a blue zone
>he needed more than one attempt for a blue zone
add > dodge (if i had dupes)
>He read the wiki and watched several videos on the fight for months before release
Zero challenge, nothing to brag about.
Was Boss Rush ever hard or was I a shitter and units today are just more OP now
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Minimum amount of attack needed to damage goku & frieza
This mechanic fucking sucks
I'll simply not play those stages. Not fun = not playing.
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Nothin personnel, ofatsu
Imma throttle Imma bidle Imma didle Imma purkin imma fartin twerkin ferkin twerkin murkin
Ameridoodle Amerishuddle
Get your Majuniors ready bros! WT in 25 minutes!
>was about to rank up yesterday
>stamina recharged to max while sleeping
>go do daily Roshi event
>Don't want to complete stage immediately so sta it recharges before rank up
>disable auto map
>look away for a bit
>somehow the game finished the stage with auto map off
>rank up with -30 sta
It's already over
>Hussling for days for... 50 stones
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>Play preliminary
>local rank 1
>wt sissie posts that artist
typical L

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Gohanshin soon
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>for days
>it takes him more than two hours to clear all missions
I guess this is what we call non-majunior problems.
>wt CHAD posts that CHADtist
typical W
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lol 500k
daima units in the heroes spot
Why the actual fuck is there another WT so soon. Feels like we just had one last week.
Also, can you not just double teq caulifa the newest hard stage on jp
just run the most recent units + eza
you could but the 17 and Frieza phase disables dodge so you have to watch out for that
which I guess its too bad since teq UI domain allows you to dodge anyways
not too bad*
Any of these 3 WT ezas worth a shit?
Daima looks fun, I doubt that WWC or even 10th Anni will be Daima content.
I expect GT or Dragon Ball before that.
Caulifla is alright for a f2p. The other 2 are barely runnable.
Daima will get a LR DDF at the end of the year at best.
They need to catch up to sync properly. After this we'll be synced on WT, Pettan, and we have 1 more battlefield (they probably won't give us compensation crystals and I never gave a fuck cause I don't play that dogshit mode)
Eza buu is currently the only WT eza worth a shit so no
>got both gogeta and broly in 1 rotation
>still have 300 saved stones
Should I go for dupes or wait and save to try and rainbow beast?
If you're a f2p, never chase dupes
go for at least one beast Gohan before you decide if you want to chase dupes or not
>both eza 6th anni units and friend teq goku
>2 whis and support memory
This is just those "beating red zone with only 1 unit" videos in disguise, it's still "pull these units or you're not winning" lmao
>people have been saying this content is hard
>able to 1 shot all of it, without items, with a Majin Power team lead by a 69% INT Fat Buu
>don't even have TEQ Evil Buu so I have to use AGL Super Buu or STR Super Buu
I had to swap AGL Super Buu out for Ulthan for the Vegeta fight, but these three fights are a joke, I thought they were supposed to be hard?
I've had a harder time clearing those fights with Gogeta and Brolys teams than I did with the Buusquad
He needs to get hit 6 times before his DR is fully built up, but once it's maxxed he's sitting at like 900k defense post super w/ 60% DR. Not much in the game that can do anything against that.
Stop putting him in slot one and expecting him to tank a Super STR SA pre super.
in fairness you are using a team that, technically, was almost entirely released after the hard content you're talking about.
>int buu
golden week after 9th
>teq exchange buu
golden week after 9th
>seza kid buu
golden week after 9th
ex part of anni
>banner evil buu
golden week after 9th
>mr buu
WT after 9th anni
even gotenks and vegeta (and in a manner of speaking, kefla) were all released after. if you're only using units jp had at the time the fights are pretty tough
Yeah no shit, I'm not talking about people on JP complaining that it was hard anon. I'm talking about people on GLB complaining that it's hard and that it's bullshit you can't beat it without Beast or Cell Max for the UI Goku Extreme mission.
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Full link.
fellas i dont wanna grind the wt...
Wait for the next banners. You'll be lucky if you pull 1 copy of Gohan.
>grinding wt on my birthday
so this is what it's come to
happy birthday dawg
>3 year old units that were on tons of banners, including beast's, and coinable now
>teqren eza isn't even out yet
Really nigger? This is too much to ask for the hardest stage and mission in the game?
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This looked much better in the first trailer lmao
if you have broly, he can lead the majin powe team and they can do a lot of additionals that can end the fight in 1 turn with buuhan eza or nuke the entire team with str fat buu eza
maybe the kid gohan, chichi and vegito are mid
Fellas I wanted content not WT.
>couldn't defeat trunks with superbosses team
goku black is an excellent salesman
this. the only time i have ever gotten dupes is when i finish a rotation. otherwise every time i dip back inot a banner i get shaftity shafted
i'm a paypig and i don't ever go for dupes. I got broly 1st rotation 3rd multi and i just got outta there, didn't even finish it. Dupes come naturally from the next big banners
your frieza?
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fuck battlefield
fuck that nigger cooler
and most importantly fuck that faggot fat motherfuckin buck tooth nigger omatsu cock sucker hope someone fuckin stabs him in the lungs nigger fuck you
>vtumor zoomercel plays wt
>spreading all your best mono type units out for no reason
>Not having type supports

Lmao, boxlet and brainlet filtered.
vietnamese hands typed this post
Lmao retard. This is why utility is important, you're the same retard who would say skip heroes and not realize they have 130 type supports leads.

Also wtf are you using Teq Gohan as a leader? Do you know how to play? Lmao. Goku Black would've provided 120 leader over the 100 androids give.
shut the fuck up nguyen
>Give advice
>Cry and whine

Lurk more boxlet.
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>wtf are you using Teq Gohan as a leader
thats gotta be some autistic troll from the dragon ball /a/ general
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im in disbelief that i have to share a fuckin general with you underage bitch nigger children, get raped and fuckin killed for real for real no cap
>Samefagging and seething over being filtered by a bubble popping game

Please keep your autistic rage to one post anon, or better yet add a trip so I can filter you out so I don't lose brain cells seeing your sub 30 IQ plays.
nguyen shut the fuck up
He's right. Your filler units are selling you. If you ran leasthan, trunks, z duo and bardock on your saiyan team you would've cleared easy.
Why bother having Goku Black and Buu on the team and not SEZA them? Are you new and trying to rush battlefield for stones or something?
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>get rid of Mr Buu SRs to make space
>I won't be needing these soon
>Get WT Mr. Buu
Oh nevermind, just realised the aura doesn't show afterwards so they are probably SEZA'd
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>not using the CHADroes team
>Implying boxlets have heroes units

Heroes is the ultimate filter. Great utility and become great for ezas, even the latest batch haven't aged for certain content.
no i'll just use mono teams and a backup super heroes if i need it
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How would you guys feel about a new rarity above LR?

If 10th anni is where it's revealed, how would you want it to be? Do you want it to be basically like, a unit with a 300% leader skill with a passive skill that makes it above even the likes of Beasthan?

Do you even want a new rarity above LR?
sounds like stat bloat and dialing powercreep up to 11.
>rarity over LR
please no, cause that new unit will be mandatory
I'd only like it if it was exceptionally rare and was some kind of evolution or upgrade for existing units or free to play units. Like the OG LR Super Saiyan Goku having another tough grind to upgrade him to Max Rare or something. I think it's hard to think of visuals or design elements that would make anything beyond LR feel worthwhile or meaningful. 36 ki super attacks? fully voiced moves? some new kind of skill beyond active skills or standbys?
7th anniversary broke the game's power creep
it was rising steadily but when the Gods and Monkeys came out, along with being mandatory for the new Red Zone, destroyed it forever
>destroyed it
no. it's in a good spot now.
It seems inevitable. Another gacha I played went up to LR and I thought that would be it, but then they made XR. Then I thought that would be it, then they made TR.
what does the T stand for?
Don't know. It was a Japanese only game
>it's in a good spot now.
I'm not so sure about that
I don't like the damage cut off shit
Might as well at this point. Units are doing 50m+, by this time next year 80-100m attack stats will be normalized.
Lord Slug WWC btw.
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our lord has spoken
part 1
carnival lord slug
dfe piccolo exchange into goku

part 2
carnival kid goku
dfe demon king piccolo

this is why broly's back
I'm going to stop farming stones because I lack self control
Up to 18 attempts on Trunks blowing me the fuck out.
This guy's got hands, everything else in that event was way easier.
Might just try full on U6 tomorrow with rainbow Broly friend under Kale lead.
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the ost is making me like jiren bros...
7th was the first time we've ever had a major reset, and looking at this tanabata, 10th is looking like the second ever.
>inb4 some retard who wasn't playing at the time pretends Gogeta into Vegetto invalidated 95% of units in the game
but the tanabata units are barely top 5
The celebration is more than the units. The point is number inflation will continue to spiral as it has under omatsu's shit design, and beast won't have the reign orange piccolo did.
not everyone can be godccolo
thank god we are probably getting some busted shit on wwc before we even get the goku and frieza fight on global, shit looks like a pain in the ass if you dont get teq ui
>dafatty 1 turned the last phase with an anni unit
>jp player cleared with two 6th annis and four u11 shitters
It doesn't seem that bad. Numbers are high on paper but they give us many ways to deal with them.
You guys are running out of excuses
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I probably have plenty of stone for part 2 right
There is a lot of old content I never touched and the current meta and units makes it's a breeze to get through
Well 35x9 is 315, just under 1 rotation
Maybe I can luck shit Beast early or the 77 pull or whatever will be good to me.
Wait no these rotations are 255, so 1 and change
I keep fucking pulling on the Gogeta banner
I just got another Krillin when I have him rainbowed I think I've learned my lesson
>Vegeta who everyone agrees is incredibly godlike as an EZA
>a rainbow friend of the new unit designed specifically for the fight
>MUI who synergizes incredibly well with said unit
>Jiren with one of the 3 possible enemies where his passive isn't cut to 50%
I mean sure, people will find outs, but this is the same as someone posting their Godku against Broly in 7th anni and going
>see, we're fine, guys.
>sissieccolo midrange posters pretending he's good
You always have friends of the new unit that solves the fight. He brought 4 legit garbage units including an SA farm SSR. If two good ezas and a friend can carry the fight, we're fine so far.
I'd make an argument that the entire reason this works is because the metas themselves have become so utterly warped around praying your heavy hitters carry.
You could probably see a clear with 3 saibaman replacing the non str jiren units. Margarita's job was to dodge, and I guarantee she and jiren were the 2 floaters so every turn that Toppo was up he had guard (next to SSBE Vegeta).
But yes, units will be good for 3-6 months, then become totally and utterly irrelevant by the next anni. That's been the path for 2, going on 3 years now, and was not the case for the first 7 years of the game.
How many days until gammas/gohan banners?
Fuck you tanabata vegetrannies and suck my balls
I can't justify more pulls on Broly since I got him and Frieza. Guess my Str Gogeta is stuck at 55% forever.
Same but with vegito
>Nearly half of the list is from the 6th Anni
7th Anni Units are going to be amazing if powercreep continues to happen.
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Beast? A weakling
Weaker than a side banner EZA.
Brolybros... we won...
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>STR MUI Goku dodges more than my AGL UI Goku
Baldies do it to themselves
is 55% Gogeta enough or need more
He does his job at 55. Bad banner to chase dupes on.
Dokkan bros how do I get a girlfriend please why is it so hard?
best gogeta blue?
Be White
Don't be fat

That;s it. That's all that's required, then you just talk to one you like and it's a done deal.
works on my machine, non-whitoids g
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>1936 stones
>still 6 + dailies to grab from WT
>another 30 or so from Bluebros EZA
>around 10 from Burst mode
>4 to 6 days of regular dailies
Kind of tight, but I WILL have 2000 f2p stones ready for Beast despite having to go 1k for Broly
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I only have 500 stones
LR TEQ Jiren EZA news when?
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5 minutes? 5 hours? 5 days?
nguyen shut the fuck up
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>finally notice the Records button
>click it
>records of friends who cleared the event
>top friend has an unorthodox team
>use it
>it works
Well I'll be blessed
k based, i dedicate this score towards my hate for brown minorities sitting in their huts in the rain forest which main game is a phone gacha
>esl babble
I've started using Lotad's world tournament team and it seems to work pretty well in terms of getting you to the 1000s pretty fast
fuckin pajeets in the UK, fuck south east Asians in the us and fuck niggers and jews
finna copy those teams
I'm in the top 3k wt rank because Lotad (a guy who usually gets into the top 10-100) posted his team
I got both gogeta and broly
I'm done until wwc, unless cell max is the EX banner
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I still don't have these...
I wonder if it'll work if I at least get the FGohan as a friend lead?
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>RNG manipulation
The fuck? Manipulating what exactly?
in a reply he clarifies, the enemies are determined by your team
he claims this team makes you fight more LR and EZA'd enemies
>boxlet and lucklet
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So apparently, there is a legal feud going between Shueisha and the Capsule Corporation, over the use of Dragon Ball ip.
If Capsule wins, we might actually get manga characters in Dokkan!
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>higer team cost doesn't give you more points
I never knew that.
From the wiki:
>For exemple, taking UR or above units will grants you more points based of rarity and team costs, at a maximum of 250 (since 2021, team costs doesn't affects points any longer). A team composed with full LR units will increase the difficulty by matching you with stronger opponents, however, this will not increase player points
So what? A mix of UR's and LR's will give the same amount of points as a full LR team?
The wiki description contradicts itself.
>Only Future Gohan manipulates RNG
How? It sounds like a glitch.
By manipulating you into having barely any links active or support for your piccolo so they can get ahead faster while you waste time. Why else would spergs that grind wt to top rank everytime give out this "advice"
someone test and see idk
Preliminaries have 3 fights. You only have 2 ghost ushers so if you use this team you're just begging to get sniped at some point during the grind.

Also we don't know how much the point difference is.
It might be significant if you're doing 900+ runs going for 1billion points, but I doubt it will save me even just a cycle going up only to 23mil.
One issue I have either the franchise is the use of these canned, inoffensive lines. Take ultimate gohan's intro where he say I'll defeat you. He nay as well be talking to a saibamen for all the weight put into those words. The are the guys who stole your child and all you can say is the same tired line?
Frankly I thought Gohan went a little too far here.
Toriyama got a bit obsessed with the raimi movies during that part, it was a different time
>If Capsule wins, we might actually get manga characters in Dokkan!
Why does this sound like an irrational pipe dream. This should be a given. Capsule better win
For some reason. Shueisha has a massive hate boner for the franchise. I don't know if they're holding out for some insane profitable unreasonable bid for the IP or if they genuinely just want to kill it. I don't think Dragonball constantly needs an anime or ongoing project but the way they're treating Daima is insane. CCT needs to win the rights and let Bamco have fun with it
They just want One Piece to replace DB.
It definitely feels like that, but I'm not entirely sure why. I wonder if Dragonball feels like something they've never really been able to replicate organically or have full control over - and it's threatening to them that they cannot manufacture a replacement or exceed it's success on demand with another product.
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dude deleted my form the friendslidt because he got to the 78th eza level stage and I did 100 feels weird man, thought we were racing for fun
God I hope someone in the distant futures opens up the artificial life forms ranking
Could actually be because of DEI shit.
Dragon ball has high testosterone energy, one of the main characters, Vegeta, is always talking about racial pride...
Meanwhile One Piece, despite all the good parts, is heading into being a giant advertisement for communism and globohomo
I can see why the current (((leadership))) would seethe to have OP over DB
>One Piece, despite all the good parts, is heading into being a giant advertisement for communism and globohomo
We're talking about One Piece with Nami and Robin?
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The One Piece series with the based trannies and open borders stuff, yes.
The man that hates damage units and should wank Jiren the hardest placed him as the 6th best. Let that sink in.
This just means Jiren will fuck up the rest of the team that DOES need to build up by nuking the easy early phases of any event
>with the based trannies
Uh have you watched how they look in the show? Wait have you ever even watched One Piece?
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LR Hit when?
he doesn't do much damage in regular form. a single 16-21 mil attack with no built in additionals.
my man jiren goes into standby for two appearances and does a whooping 0 damage, base does an amazing 30 million apt
>a couple of trannies were ugly so that invalidates all the other positive trannies
Even the ugly trannies ended up giving Sanji a blood transfusion in FI so he owes them his life and his (natural and healthy) disgust for them is watered down to a gag to desensitize the audience to it.
>slots perfectly in every single team
Jiren in Peppy Gals let's fucking go
I'm a smooth brain how well does Freezypop work in that team?
Idk man you sound kinda obsessed just normal okama anime stuff. Maybe check out another board they're more into your culture thing
buffs super bosses and tanks with 3 orbs
If it was just a one-off character it'd be whatever. But when you get multiple of them being key players aiding the heroes and now even representing an entire faction (rev army), plus all the other stuff mentioned in >>1519411's pic, it becomes obvious what the author's intention really is.
>Maybe check out another board
You're the one who asked.
Now cope, seethe, mald and dilate. In that order.
Oh so that why people were popping off when they got him
I love those free slot characters that can be put anywhere and their contribution is survivalbility like TEQ Dodge Queen Caulifa
>rank 100 with 11 wins
am I in a sweaty group?
Right wing insanity aside...
yikes, glad I avoided troon piece
i have 22 wins and i am rank 60 i usually was top 20 with these numbers
i guess they put me with the tryhards this time
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I mean it's not all bad.
Also talks about a World Government which rewrote history, pretends to be a democracy but is secretly a monarchy whose rulers are satanic rapist slave owners.
But yeah, you kind of have to eat around the poison.
Your loss. It's legit a generational work. It'll be taught in the history books.
pirates are gay
Never got into One Piss because the art is obnoxious
deciding if i wanna give my big boy equips to SSB kaioken and vegeta. I only got a couple of gold +5add+5dodge before i gotta hit the whis mines. Worth it or nah?
give them some attack equips, they don't need anything
Give your best orbs to your favorite unit.
And by favorite I mean either your most powerful unit or the unit you like the most.
>start abusing Whis/Icarus regularly
>actually begin winning challenges
And here I thought I was supposed to rely on dupes, good hipo loadout and max links for more power to get through tough challenges.
i beat the new goku and frieza fight with a 55% broly
all i needed was a single cheelai and he just deleted them

as long as there isnt a no item mission, theres basically nothing to worry about in this game
nooooooo, you have to rely on a 10 dodge build because there was nothing else you could have done that turn
>a single cheelai
>using items
Does /dokkan/ really?
>So what? A mix of UR's and LR's will give the same amount of points as a full LR team?
The teams you fight are based off of the total team cost of your team. The higher the cost of the units you beat, the more points you get. Thus, you want to try and pump up with f2p LRs specifically.
Dunno what he's on about future gohan, and at the end of the day, it always just comes down to bashing your head against it infinite times.
it's probably related to gohan's HP stat. it auto picks friends based on HP so maybe it does the same for opponents.
Yes, because we aren't dafatfuck or his fatbase
>The higher the cost of the units you beat, the more points you get.
>(since 2021, team costs doesn't affects points any longer)>>1519227
Makes no sense what you said
Then it may be some other factor that has a positive correlation with team cost. >>1519561
makes a viable point, as that is something that sticks out about Gohan specifically.
Maybe it does go off your team's total base HP, and that just so happens to scale along with team cost the majority of the time.
Objectively the best WT team
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>support memory
Did not beat it.
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>I'm getting less points with my 428 team cost; lr teq zamasu, lr broly, lr phy ginyu, agl nappa, 2x piccolo jr, str piccolo
How the fuck? In preliminaries I get 20k more points and the finals 10k with that Lotad team. The quarter finals and semifinals are almost equal.
buy an ad
The Dokkan community is so easy to manipulate. All it takes is one eceleb to say something is optimal and everyone will start parroting it.
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>he and his discord trannies are the top 10
waste of time, items and stones
falcone whale , how many stones did you spend to rainbow broly?
Im telling you, dafat is going to sacrifice his gullible followers to demons for stones, box space and more rainbowed units
It took around 5k+tickets
General average is 1k per 1 unit but you can have shit like not pulling the featured new unit in 3k and then rainbow within 2
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after seeing the quality of the latest releases i am basically certain beast gohan is about to be dethroned on WWC

it was a good run for jp, lmao1month for global
is costmaxxing a meme?
You will never be a /dokkan/CHAD
How much money do you put into the game
>23mil WT points with natural stamina
And I'm done. Thanks 2-min stamina for saving my MEAT. If it wasn't for the Whis event I would hate you.
your extreme mission?
Way too much
But I got everything I wanted now, Gogeta and Broly
Its over
Damn, an actual whale in here.

I thought this place was nothing but f2p faggots.
>majin power
why did you bother with u6 then...
i feel obligated to roll on beast even though i hate all his assets except the kick and unit super
Probably gonna go for 30 mil like usual then see where that lands me in local and overall.
Usually I push 32, 33 million to get top 20 local.
I don't even play wt anymore. They should've remade it or dropped it alongside chain battle.
Tried it out. Go killed.
It's not worth it, you simply have to pay too much attention to the game while using this team. it's 100% a team made by and for trannies that are obsessed with WT to a degree of extreme mental illness.

Chiaotsu and Jaco still reign supreme
I now own every single WT reward card and DB Saga banner SSR. I won. Fuck truth, fuck omatsu and fuck WT
>lost my win streak to one of the special WT teams
What the FUCK I thought these were just weak SRs
I won.
>got to 23m
Done, piccolo made it slightly less shit
>f2p faggots
There will always be people feeling superior for their terrible life decisions aka pay pigging in a Japanese png gambling game
As if snotty f2p dick suckers like you are any better? Lol
Dragon Ball Dokkan Battle since 2015 to 2024 has only made 30m USD. I thought this game was a massive hit.
>2024 and people still don't know how WT works
Your teams HP pool is what determines the enemies you go against.
Higher HP pool = harder enemies = more points.
You use STR Future Gohan because he's got the highest base HP in the game, and if for whatever reason you need someone to take a hit or two, he's got 80% DR unconditional and as such doesn't need to be under the leader skill.
>Chiaotsu and Jaco still reign supreme
lmao even
So HP equips actually have a use?
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maybe i'll wait to do this mission
What are some GT units that will get a eza/seza I could be link leveling rn?
You have enough for a full team if you use the SSRs!
Just put full dodge on everything my boy!
the TUR SS4 str Goku and agl Vegeta,teq ss4 Gogeta and maybe int ss1 vegeta and phy ss1 Goku
What's the damage report? You didn't use up all your stones before the best celebration right?
Waiting for beast then waiting for the next OG DB, namek saga or movie celebration. But I'm good on stones.
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probably some of these
haha... nah of course not
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>Content almost gone
>Still have to wait until friday for Beast
>Broly is 4 fucking phases
No. I can't kill him 8 turns. I don't know how the fuck I'm supposed to be expected to do so.
>2022 red zone
what the hell team are you using that can't 1-2 turn him? at this point you can do it with friend broly
>saiyan saga vs broly
bro let me out of this ride
One turned him with double Yamchad.
I really wish they’d taken the time to create a new app with better coding/refined UI/etc. in time for the 10th anniversary where everyone’s stuff gets transferred but that’d be asking for too much from these dudes
or a copy every multi
that has a lot of solid f2p options at least
Dodge is ba-
I'll take the goofy ass UI and slugish loading from time to time rather than take the chance on them completely fucking everything up and losing my account when they make some new version and fuck up the database somehow and then shrug their shoulders and go lol oh well plz understand.
You got it, Omatsu has shat the bed in design to the point that endgame content has become a crapshoot of hoping you don't get blown out by uncontrollable factors! Make sure to always pull the newest unit and max dodge.

I've beaten this event with not a single dodge build on my units. I've beaten every hard event without a single dodge build on my units.

I will not listen to dafat's propaganda about dodge
DaTruth need to lay off the booze, nevermind whatever fucking STDs are reaching his brain currently as he constantly brags about prostitutes he buys biting his dick when they're meth'd out
Well they deal under 3 million so I don't know what he's talking about
Nigga has brain rot from chugging all that alcohol from when Sejla left him.
they hit for nearly 6 million if under 50% hp
well that's a gimmick so use your own gimmick or whis
he was already an alcoholic before that, he just became a literal wetbrain AFTER that happened, I have fond memories of him bragging about "a girl biting his dick" and then him drunkenly admitting it was from a hooker he bought causing him to have a breakdown and admit that he's only ever had sex with hookers
thats another conversation entirely i just pointed out they do hit hard enough to do that kinda damage

personally i just like nuking gofrieza, its easier than using a whis and watching my 55% units do 0 damage
>I have fond memories of him bragging about "a girl biting his dick" and then him drunkenly admitting it was from a hooker
Yes I remember that too, I wonder how the hookers can even find his tiny little pecker amidst all of the fat on his body.
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should have went full crit to kill him first
>hit 30 million
>barely top 50 in locals
>two more runs
>26th, 23k overall
Well hell maybe I just run it to 40 million for shiggles.
"Movie Heroes" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +200%
where's the faulcon content
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>AGL Jiren MUCH better than Turdly
>INT Buu already going up and he'll be above Turdly by the end of the year
>Turdly is now the 2nd worst 9th Anni headliner
Looks like I was right once more, what a fucking piece of trash of a unit
I wonder what they’ll do when they run out of WT units to EZA and they run of all of the old banner and side units they used to make…maybe eos is soon bros….
make more
2:30 am my boy
Jap tier lists continue to make zero fucking sense
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I would have tanked that.
>Tier list is read right to left because it is japanese
>Which means TEQ MUI is above Beast
Beastbros we've had a good run, It didn't even began in Global, we'll be replaced by the time WWC arrives
>esl replying to itself
EZA ToP Bluebros my beloved...
Dogshitly LOST! I FUCKING KNEW Majin Power>>>Super Bosses
>beast gohan has aged out in less than a year
Unironically a symbol of this games dogshit design post 2020 red zone meta. Any faggot eceleb who shilled this needs to pay for their crimes
that's not beast. beast has 40-80% DR on top of guard.
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Meanwhile, the EMPEROR of Dokkan:

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>70% dodge DOGeta almost killed the run
Oh no no no no n
They obviously made the Tanabata fight untankable so they could shill the mediocre UI dodge domain it's not that deep.
>55% GODgeta TANKED that TWICE
Offense chads won, defense sissies lost.
this new trunks stage is super unfun
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HOLY FUARK someone translate
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>300%+100%+200% ATK&DEF and 30% Damage Reduction
seems mid
30% DR for 1 turn, guard and +100% above 40% HP
Crits when enemy is debuffed, ki is 24 or active skill turn. Disables once per turn.
Rest of passive unlocks when below 40% HP, or below 80% on turn 5: +200%, ki +3 per attack (max 11), and does an additional super after receiving 3 attacks
>when below 40%
Yeah, dead on arrival. Especially with how much the meta has shifted towards take no damage/ all the damage.
It is kinda fucked. Even getting below 80% SoT is annoying. But at least you only need to do it once.
>don't have teq KEKren
>one of the only gold coins i still dont have
thank god i dont have to coin him or try to summon on a banner for him
sorry fellas i have him at 79% so he had no chance of being good. i'm missing teq ss2 gohan so he'll be cracked.
Jiren is garbage. Barely reaches 500k def pre super once all his shitty passive conditions are met, and peaks at 1.25m def when double supering. He can't tank any super in hard content, even on his active skill turn, and is a slot 2/3 unit that doesn't help the new Jiren in any way, since he's also a slot 2/3 unit.
Now post his damage
Gogeta sisters....
Esl spic sisters....
The trunks in specific is just a dick.
>can do nothing to him in phase 1
>phase 2 can be defense lowered, but still hits like a truck
>phase 3 can be attack lowered, but WILL super before you move and do 500k through a whis, a domain, and guard
What hidden potential for evoken?
additional with attack equips
Full dodge my boy!
Jiren EZA is bad and the new shiny Jiren is already top 10 arguably less useful than Gogeta
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shitren sucks
Wait a minute that's pretty good with his built in cr-
>No built in crit
>video about dbs broly
>posts z broly
Explain to me why this is bad. Boring sure but he’s very good
>very good
No built in crit=bad for damage
>needs to do 22.86 million to damage goku & frieza without crits, 15.06 with crits
>takes damage from their normals
They really need to start making super attacks that cut your HP by a given percentage instead of it all being raw damage
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>euhmmm... ackshually that's technically the "Z" version of Broly *snort* yiu dumbass
Super TEQ LR Jiren (Full Power) Majesty of the Mighty [EZA]
Leader Skill: "Universe 11" or "Universe Survival Saga" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +170%;
Super Attack: Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn, causes colossal damage to enemy and greatly lowers DEF
Ultra Super Attack: Massively raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn, causes mega-colossal damage and massively lowers DEF with a high chance of stunning the enemy
Passive skill: ATK & DEF +300%; reduces damage received by 30% for 1 turn from start of character's entry turn; plus an additional ATK & DEF +100% and guards all attacks when HP is 40% or more; plus an additional ATK & DEF +200% starting from the turn in which the character's HP is 40% or less from start of turn or if HP is 80% or less starting from the 5th turn from the character's entry turn; Ki +3 with each attack received (up to +11); launches an additional Super Attack starting from the turn in which the character received the 3rd attack in battle; attacks effective against all Types; performs a critical hit when the target enemy is in "ATK Down", "DEF Down" status or stunned; disables the attacked enemy's action once within the turn when Ki is 24
Link skill: Supreme Warrior, Shocking Speed, Infighter, Godly Power, Tournament of Power, Fierce Battle, Legendary Power
Categories: Universe Survival Saga. Realm of Gods. Full Power, Universe 11, Space-Traveling Warriors, Powerful Comeback, Defenders of Justice, Battle of Fate, Tournament Participants, Super Bosses
is the new goku/freiza boss able to be debuffed?
didn't realize burst mode had a mission for 6200 points. Whatever, not gonna waste another 30 minutes for a few coins
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Yes, so get it right next time.
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Mad cause bad
if it wasn't for the symbol on Goku's gi this would just look like 2 Gohans
DBS animations sure are something
ssbkk/ssbe is certainly very good and can shit out damage but really makes me feel how grim the slot 1 situation is right now on global. Outside of the MBS teams, who goes slot 1 on any major teams?
Vegeta can hold down slot 1 on his own team but if you don't get a Vegeta turn 1 your run is basically dead
Broly's team really has no one unless you're lucky. phy Rose can eat hits decently well but big hits will trash him and if broly cheelai and lemo don't get 7 orbs they're worm food.
Super heroes has teq godku and orange piccolo I guess but even still they're both conditional and can really get slapped up. eza str ui? I feel like he gets hit more than he dodges
Guess we truly are waiting for beast, toppo, and the y6 lrs to sit in slot 1
I got 6410 without knowing about the mission
Pretty chill Burst mode, I had no problem getting most of the team to like 3mil+ defense.
Shame both Spirit Bombs didn't crit so did crap damage which was lame.
How do you even build this garbage? He needs every ability.
Full crit for sure.
not worth it when hes just going to be used for battlefield anyways after this celebration
You can crit in battlefield too.
he crits when the enemy is stunned, atk, or def debuffed + has infighter and guard
What if Gero grabbed your balls and started draining
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They are talking about us dokkan
You're late: >>1519221
So what is currently the strongest team on Gbl?
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F2P collection autism is killing me but I must soldier on for the sake of obtaining them all.
I know I won't use them (except the Trunks&Broly one) but god damnit I want a neat, clean, completionist box.
The Gohan aren't buus so eh
>Full crit
>Super effective against all types

No. Full AA.
Something led by Broly
nguyen shut the fuck up
Majin Power is the best team, Piece of FuckingShitly will get you killed
Whats the problem?
Int fat buu
phy buuhan
teq exchange buu
seza kid buu
teq banner evil buu (or lr super buu if dodge is disabled)
mr buu or eza phy buutenks depending on typing
int fat buu

might not compete with what super hero/USS is now on JP but on global this is almost certainly the most reliable. resilient, rng-proof team
Shame I missed out on the Teq evil Buu and I don’t have LR agl Buu. I end up running Str Buu (not the kid one) and he gets slapped. Might just throw Teq Gohan on.
teq gohan is fine on there. he doesn't link exceptionally well or anything but he can certainly hold his own. it's also arguably best that he replaces teq banner unit evil buu because he's the only unit exclusively tied to majin power allies
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>still a couple of days away from beast
Finally have 500 green coins. I know the objectively best option would be to wait until Jiren is available but that will take a long time. The rest will probably come back within the next month or two but I can't decide between the Super Trio, Future Gohan and Omega.
>Super Trio
>Future Gohan
His teams are dead.
Omega is easily the worst carnival LR, not only is he restricted to only being good on one team but that team is GT bosses
Majin Power by a goddamn mile, but only for like another few weeks until the MUI/SSSBE LRs eza.

INT Fat Buu is a complete juggernaut that I've seen at 2.5 million defense on turn 6 (after active) - and that's without the revive buff.
PHY LR Buuhan is another uncontested god.
TEQ Exchange buu sits at 800k+ defense (post super) and 70% DR
SEZA Kid Buu hits 800k-900k def with 60% DR when fully built up post super
TEQ Mr Buu will literally face tank in super in the game (on global) with 4 rainbow orbs which is pretty simple to get due to his dual rainbow orb changing
Last slot you can fill with LR AGL Super Buu (if it's a short fight), STR Fat Buu (the AOE with huge DR), TEQ Evil Buu (banner unit), PHY Buuhan (surprisingly tanky but can get sniped), or last resort you can throw in TEQ Ulthan who is practically invincible in current GLB content even without 200% leads.
He's one of my top picks specifically because he is so niche and hasn't come back very often. I've beaten everything that requires GT bosses without him obviously but the next time I need that team he'd make things a lot smoother.
Same with Future Gohan. Entrusted Will ESBR would have gone a lot smoother if I had him. It's hard to choose but I'm really leaning towards Omega because he has fallen off the least as he was already so bad to begin with.
Why in the FUCK would you waste 500 coins on shitty units that have no teams that are nearly useless instead of just waiting like 2 months to get Jiren or your first dupe for Jiren?
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Omatsu-sama for WWC i would like a slot 1 better than beast gohan, 100m+ APT would be acceptable, no need to go crazy on damage as long as it tanks better than beast

please and thank you
with love, anon
I want something now. It'll take J at least six months to come back. Every other carnival will appear in the shop during WWC or before the end of the year.
I feel you and I'm even an omega fan boy but I'd strongly consider waiting. Omega might return for WWDC or some random other banner you feel like summoning on and you might get a copy. I'd also say that GT bosses needs a whole ton of love for Omega to be valuable anywhere else in the game. Once the dual 17s are the worst unit on the team - that's when the team might be runnable.
WWDC would need to be like:
super busted transforming baby
super busted transforming syn into omega
busted banner unit of like baby trunks or gohan or something
eza for lr shadow dragons
eza for super 17
eza for phy nova
eza for int baby
super eza for str omega
And those 6 months can be used saving even more teal coins for a J dupe
>he thinks GT bosses or heroes will ever be a good team
Lol, lmao
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GT Heroes is a decent team right now and has been a numbah one few times in the past. There's just so many other teams with units that dodge and/or tank everything and just play the game on auto for you lately that it makes GT look terrible. It's really not that bad though. It can get through hard content with just a bit more effort to make it happen. Just one GT focused celebration can make it top 10. There's a fuck ton of EZAs that they've held off on for no good reason like INT Gogeta and SSJ Goku and Vegeta, PHY Pan, etc. Just those would turn this team around. SEZAs for the OG SSJ4s and a 7th year EZA would demolish the meta.
they've shown that they really can do whatever they want to. Majin Power went from being unrunnable dogshit to top tier on global with:
one DFE
one banner unit
many good EZAs
in the span of essentially 2 celebrations.
They can make GT Heroes and GT Bosses good - and I have a feeling GT heroes will be quite good soon. But they'd have to want to do it. Considering GT Bosses already has dogshit conventions to fit into (no minions or "non bosses") and the fact that they slap insane arbitrary nonsensical restrictions for things like androids or target goku on super 17s, saiyan or hybrid enemies for baby units, and then gt bosses units for omega they'd have to buck the trend or the team is probably just ass forever
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The problem is until we actually get the units and see the EZAs/SEZAs you can't be sure that Super Baby 2 or whatever GT Bosses DFE that comes out doesn't have the same fate as the AGL DFE 1st form Frieza that came out and has no team and is practically useless.

It's not always going to be like U7 or Majin Power.
And, if it DOES end up in a position where GT bosses ends up viable, you (or the other dude, whoever) can green coin the Shenron then.

Unless it's purely an autism collection thing -and trust me I get it- then I don't understand why you would waste 500 green coins on currently useless units just for the hope that one day they'll be good. Consider this - if WWC isn't GT bosses, then you're looking at another 6+ months before GT bosses is actually viable, and by then Omega Shenron will be nearing 2 years old and absolutely won't be useful in any content that comes up in the meantime.
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So it's obvious the the first Anni units will SEZA during the 10th Anni.
But will the second Anni also SEZA at that point?
(similarly to how 3rd and 4th Anni units got their EZAs at the same time)
Alternatively, it is possible that 1st Anni SEZA will happen at the WWC, and then 2nd Anni SEZA at 10th Anniversary
I totally agree with you - if GT Bosses was good enough to be worth running, Omega would need to be like the 5th best unit on the team. He's really not worth coining at all in my opinion unless he was like the only carnival you were missing or wanted to collect him because you like the character.
With the schedule this year, and how on the JP side it's been mostly very tight with good support, I'd say I'm a lot less worried about a unit getting dropped now with no help and no future - but being a villain AND being GT bosses has historically been a death sentence so the skepticism is wise. Bonus points of they decide to make the unit extreme teq or str
I think a lot of people, myself included, expect Vegito and Gogeta for 10th anni. I'm thinking we're likely to see STR Super Gogeta and AGL Super Vegito get super ezas at that time.
If the WWDC is GT themed, I think it's really likely we could see the 2nd anni SS4s super eza.
In my opinion, I'd like them to a little more in order because I think GT has plenty of other ezas and sub ezas that we could use and STR omega would be a great super eza. Hold onto the 2nd anni super saiyan 4s for a rainy day to buff the team once it falls off a little again instead of EZAing every option all at once and then the team dies in 4 months. just my autistic rant.
also 1st anni super ezas for wwdc could happen but I think it'd really be theme dependent. if the theme is movies and they had new units or ezas to synergize with I could see it, but they probably wouldn't drop them without a home
WWC 2024
Part 1
Carnival Goku going Ssj for the first time
DFE Frieza to FP
Part 2
Carnival what if Frieza and Cooler
DFE Goku and Bardock
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>god ui goku sissy still trying to surpass OrangeCHAD's son
this would be dope if they drop like zarbon and/or dodoria or some other kind of namek help inbetween now and WWDC. I like the theme but the EZAs/team lineups might be pretty weak.
They'd basically have:
WWDC FP Frieza
Gohan & Krillin
Banner Piccolo
3rd Form Frieza
AoE AGL FF Frieza
STR FF Frieza
very old STR SS Goku
and then any misc. Bardock/SS Gokus or something. maybe the great ape team bardock units finally eza
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It will be:
SSJ3 GT Goku transforming into SSJ4
Baby Vegeta => Super Baby 1 => Super Baby 2 => Giant Ape
ss3 goku --> revive into super saiyan 4
baby vegeta intro into super baby 1 -> standby into super baby 2, great ape active skill

syn shenron --> omega
base vegeta --> standby into super saiyan 4
I need a fucking domain that negates stunning and sealing now. This shit is so annoying. Breast and Gogeta just keep getting stunned every time.
new frieza with ruined namek 5 minute death match domain that prevents and negates all status debuffs soon anon, trust
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Breast Gohan
Yeah I see Vegito and Gogeta 10th anni. The LR teq Gogeta will eza too
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Final haul on Shitly’s banner
0 New Broly
5 PHY Broly
2 TEQ Zamasu
2 Super Spirit Bomb duo
1 LR Cooler

In short? Fuck DOGly and fuck his banner. Beast will save us.
>base vegeta --> standby into super saiyan 4
Nah, standalone Ss4 Gogeta
I could see it, but standalone fusions feel like the last big push they have before they need to dip into what-if content and tag units or something. I could see them spacing out standalone super saiyan fusions, another set of blues, and ss4 gogeta over the next two anniversaries or so
How many stones total?
beast when?
>standalone fusions feel like the last big push they have before they need to dip into what-if content and tag units or something
Last time we got them was 5th year anni.
10th year anni will absolutely be the stand alone blue fusions.
but we've never gotten standalone super saiyan fusions
>no pettan chart
/dokkan/ is dying
I got the LR Gogeta after 1(yes one) rotation how the fuck are you guys getting shafted this hard
you are just really lucky
I’m gonna guess an SS3 that standbys into SS Gogeta will be the 10th anni unit. And that the new mechanic will be that getting the Gogeta out activates the Dokkan attack and some sorta system which powers up the Dokkan attack or let’s it continue onto the next turn
They are never updating the Dokkan mechanic.
I'm guessing Pikkon would be the standby, like how SS4 Goku's standby is Uub
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>lock yamcha slot 1
i just go for 5500 and only max out hp and defense. to get all of the stones you dont even need to boost the bosses damage or give him locking or anything cringe
majin power feels very silly at the moment as even after rolling all the new anni units I can still clear ANYTHING with it while the anni ones struggle
>INT fat Buu lead
>TEQ Skinny Buu
>TEQ fat/skinny exchange Buu
>LR AGL jacked Buu
>PHY Kid Buu EZA
>LR PHY Buuhan
it's fucking DUMB how easy you can clear anything with this, as a friend choose either the other INT Buu for a free ghost usher or LR PHY Buuhan to evolve and let him flawlessly link with your (unevolved) Buuhan and just clear every round
I don't know if I've been playing wrong for months or if the unit just sucks but INT Buu has cost me so many runs.
I guess, it would be a neat way of implying the soul punisher orb though
He's worse than SS3 Goku:

New SS3 Goku >> fat buu
Eza teq gohan > teq buu
Eza vegito duo > eza buutenks
LR Ultimate gohan > LR super buu
EZA int gotenks > any other filler they have
SEZA SS3 Goku and SEZA SS3 Gotenks > SEZA kid buu

Clears stuff in half the time and better tanking, extreme glazing is real.
It would be extremely painful.
I'll now summon for your super units.
Int buus leaderskill is pretty ass. Found myself running double lr Buutenks quite often as I find it more comfortable
in a week
pettan is synced now, so you have to wait
how the hell is that even possible lmao
if he dies he gets a revive and has a ghost usher turn
some events are longer than 3 turns
Full dodge build would have saved you btw.
>Some events are longer than 3 turns
He has a revive, he has a free ghost usher, AND stacks defence with each SA which he does an extra of after revive. An event longer than 3 turns would allow him to comfortably stack.
Legitimate skill issue.
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Plus guard and insane HP recovery. How anyone could manage to sell with INT fat buu is beyond me.
If you only play global and have no knowledge of how much harder events have gotten on JP, I need you to stay out of my conversations. These fights will not just let you sit there and stack all day, it's not 2019 anymore.
its very possible to run into a situation where he takes a lot of damage but does not die to trigger the revive and then one of the other characters on rotation gets hit and dies
kekkyroo. JP must've been laughing at us in May.
except global has the kid buu fight which is one of the hardest and the fat buu and his team easily clear it no items. if you're running the fat buu and dying because of him, it's a legit skill issue at this point
Kid Buu isn't even top 5 anymore. You have to keep up baby.
Do anti-datruth schizos really?
>clickbait title
Yup, another dafatto video to ignore! Feels great to wake up without the taste of cock in my mouth.
Anyways, unrelated video.
how much longer till I get my pilafs
>+sticker effect
....Stickers do something?
they are visual only
Your unit gains +1 swagness.
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>rainbowed dev team
big fuck off
I bet he was using level 20 skills orbs, that fat fuck.
It is well known fact that devs use boosted units. They appear as friend leads sometimes and then they threaten to ban people for using them.
uh no, he definitely is
only ones above him currently are the blue boys, goku&frieza, and cell max. arguably gogeta
main point is you have int fat buu and you genuinely suck ass at the game if he gets you killed because him and his team can clear kid buu no item
what fucking teams are you guys using for this anni burst mode?
>my exact team I used except just threw in SSBKK instead of Trunks
Fucking SHIT I STILL don't have that PHY Goku.
I left sealing on and sealed him with str mai
I'm using this team but I subbed PHY Goku with STR Kaioken Goku and ran a secdonary Bulma as Friend so I could orb change all willy nilly. Frieza never comes close to dealing triple digit damage. He just tanks forever and you chip at him.
Reload the game and try them in a different slot. I'm doing this burst mode right now and my z duo spirit bomb didn't crit in slot 1 or 2, but did crit in slot 3. It's just how the games rng works. If they don't crit in slot 1 for example, they never will no matter how many times you reload.
I tried that. You can also reroll the rng depending on which orb pattern you click on.
The pieces of shit just would not crit.
You kneel to me Ofatsu
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>Even the people in his comments are getting tired of his dodge obsession

Dafat sissies.......
Are the bardock duo and broly/paragus eza worth it?
might as well since it refunds the zeni with hercule statues
Broly and Paragus are alright. Can essentially become invincible if they roll the 3 additional supers and can infinitely stack DEF. Only problem is they have jack shit for categories to be ran under. Could run them under God Goku or something along the lines of Turles.

Bardock and Gine are pretty much useless. Free zeni is always good though
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Between this and the twitter likes shill campaign, they're really getting desperate for free advertisement.
T-t-the game is healthy, guys!
This time they'll probably put a disclaimer about fraudulent activity to deter people from using the bot but then do nothing.
had to spend 15 stones fixing my blue bros hipo...
So how's your beast fund looking? You have at least 1k stones, right?
I don't even remember what that was. Probably going to ignore it.
620 stones for the gamma banner, of course!
Like 600
Why would I save for that spic shit?
EZA Jiren in 20 minutes?
I think you had to download some software, input your account number and then solve a captcha picture thing like 10 times which would create like 10 fresh bot accounts that would complete the scout campaign missions for you.
Took like 5 minutes and got you like 80 or 90 stones
It's at 0. I have 2158 stones right now after using 510 for Broly. Will skip KEKhan and summon for Cell Max, Toppo and Jiren instead. Also skipping UI SHITku btw.
f2p here got Broly is Gogeta banner worth trying? looks terrible
shillbros, our stones and tickets are out
what are some White man banners I should be saving up for
>new GoD boss disables damage reduction
>GoD boss disables damage reduction
Another Tanabata fight that perfectly fits UI what a wild coincidence.
UI has damage reduction in his first hit
>UI has damage reduction in his first hit
It's obviously just another dodge fight which was designed so UI could shine.
fake news
Based xitter shill stones. Glad I made up some bullshit email.
Wtf, how do you get this? I don't have any.
>he didn't do the twitter shill campaign
Team building is such a drag if you can't just copy something off youtube or other. Holy fuck there's all this shit to keep track of.
>leader skill
>link skills
>possible synergies
>type advantages
God damnit wish I could just put all my units onto some site and it'd spit out teams for me.
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>remove damage reduction
meant to reply to the one before that but the point still stands
>When are they removing Chain Battle from the menu
The new JP update removed Chain Battle.
The red zones seem really easy this year, just beat frieza first try itemless. Is it just cause I was using Corrupted Zamasu and he's TEQ or is the new difficult content just the "blue" zone, I haven't tried that one yet.
you can add the lowest atk buff which gives you 100-200 points and the enemy still hits like a wet noodle
I only add that atk buff and easily get 6k
hipo for these ex-jobbers?
they have guaranteed crits at 24 ki so either full aa with the rest in dodge or the other way around, your choice
full DODGE my BOY
full dodge, secondary additional. They do so many additional attacks built-in that even 5 points into additional becomes a 10% chance 3,4, or 5 times - so the additional is already very likely to happen. Dodge enables them to have opportunities to survive that they might not have otherwise because you're already critting and very likely to drop the additional which could be a normal anyway
the movie redzone isn't exceptionally difficult and we got them a good deal later than we were intended to. JP got them around new years with dragon fist and hirudegarn. blue zone is basically the new difficulty step but the old movies redzone does get a very tough boss rush stage soon
>olve a captcha picture thing like 10 times which would create like 10 fresh bot accounts that would complete the scout campaign missions for you.
That does sound familiar
I found the majin buu saga one hard. The movie one was released before 9th anni so it’s geared around teq fusion zamasu level
Do I have the maximum amount of tickets or have I missed some?
Unless something changes or they decide to add more tickets we don't know about, the maximum you can currently have is 44/57.
7 of the 44 came from the twitter event than ran and ended a few days ago.
The other 37 have been earnable in-game by logging in and completing the missions.
Sometime over the next two or so weeks, we should be able to earn another 13 in-game for a total of 57 tickets.
50 tickets can be used in bulk on any of the 4 headlining banners to do a multi-summon that contains 77 units with the last 7 of the pull being guaranteed SSRs.
The spare 7 will probably let us do one additional 7 unit multi without guarantees on any of the banners, too.
There's also a chance they may award more additional tickets for top grossing or thank you or whatever, too.
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Nah, but I have 500, then I'll spend however much money to get 1/2 dupes worst case; depends how shafted I get.
A little over 2100. Hoping to get a copy quick, use my tickets on the gammas and then continue to stockpile to be ready for cell max, wwdc, etc.
worded very poorly but he removes his OWN damage reduction
I see, but I do wonder when they will make a boss that removes our DR
Are we getting Mr. Beast Gohan this week?
We should be. JP got Beast and Gammas ~17 days after Broly and Gogeta dropped. Part 1 discounts end in a little over 2 days - so I'm guessing sometime between 1:00 AM EST, 26 Friday and 1:00 AM EST, 28 Sunday. Most likely early Friday or early Saturday but you never know with global
They are aware global players are excited for him. So instead of releasing him this friday, they will release him next week on monday. Tuesday morning if you're EU. We are dokkan
always a possibility lol. they could add two days and drop them monday morning or something
>44 million 18ki
>28 million 12ki additional
>30 million 12k hipo additional
jesus CHRIST this game

>AGL jiren immediately does a 56 million attack 18ki

this powercreep got beyond insane incredibly quick.
Events are trivialised due to characters that release on both at the same time like the Majin Buu DFE and EZAs, or TEQ Vegeta coming out long before GLB gets the event but well after JP got it.

They're meant to make the events easier for JP, who had been struggling to finish certain missions, and as a result they make the events pissbaby easy when it comes to GLB.

Genuinely the only reason I actually want the sync to be finished.
yeah I'd say damage has increased about 4x or so on average across the last 2 1/2 years. 7th anni LRs were doing two ~7 million supers turn 1 and people thought that was outrageous. Transformed they'd do 2-3 10+ million supers on good turns or more if they could stack. Now we're seeing about 4x more damage. It's certainly wild but I'd say it's not as bad as people make it out to be because our characters the last year have been performing at great to exceptional levels as opposed to the last two years of mostly bad to mid with very rare great to exceptional units in major celebrations. I don't mind big numbers and insane content when 4 year old LR EZAs are dropping 100m in total attack stats each turn with 90%+ dodge
Yeah, I'm tired of being two sets of difficult content behind with a weird mesh of having characters that are more powerful than intended but also missing characters we're supposed to have sometimes. I understand people loving global foresight or whatever but I will lose that 100 times over to prevent those ridiculous situations where we wait a literal 7 months for july LRs to drop in January and 11 months for WWDC units to return. JP's schedule is vastly better than ours
It's the initial drop of Cell Max / Red Zone all over again.
99% of the roster is useless now and the only good characters are the brand new ones that get aged out in a matter of months, or EZAs - most of which are on cards no one really bothered to summon on. Yeah, we got MUI and SSBE and Buuhan as god tier EZAs but the rest of the EZAs have been either mediocre or on shit like 17/Frieza or 17(U7) which no one in their right mind summoned on 4 years ago when they came out and since they're gold coin LRs you might not even have a single copy of.

I mean fuck dude, I spend a decent amount of money in this game and I still don't have a single copy of SSBE Vegeta despite rainbowing MUI Goku 2 times over.

I just hate when gacha games do the bullshit massive power creep every few months to invalidate everything that came before it. Dokkan was doing it, but it was only really every few years that the powercreep shifted substantially, now it's every other major celebration. That's a terrible terrible sign for the longevity and health of the game.
I know the feeling for sure, and I know a lot of people don't agree, but I don't necessarily think there's anything wrong with the top-level difficult content being incredibly hard on day 1, month 1, etc. Some of the most fun I had in the game was Red Zone Broly on release and despite it being frustrating I was excited on reset each day for the better part of 3 weeks until I got the RNG and luck needed to get my win. I don't think the game always needs 10+ teams that can reliably clear every piece of content the day it drops. These challenge events gatekeep 5 stones and maybe some tickets - they're not something that needs to be farmed or cleared within X days. I think it adds a sense of progress and anticipation as you get new units or EZAs that open avenues to win in this content
The Twitter tickets do not count for the 50 total, how dumb are you? They're a bonus.
I literally called them a bonus 7. Where did I say that you can use the 7 as part of the 50? Literally reading what you want to read instead of what is written
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idk, I rarely summon for extreme units so I don't have many problems.

Only reason I literally bought 2 dupes for buuhan was because Gohan is the reason he's so strong to be honest.

Ready for the USS upgrade injection.

>inb4 my only featureds on beast banner is the rainbow guys here.
Betting time - are we thinking Beast and Gammas will retain the step up format from part 1 or not?
Bonus - do we think we'll see a similar format for WWDC and will it be on both versions? Or are we doomer mode and expecting the end of tickets/incentives forever moving forward
Also his banner won't have the new step up system (which should be the new standard for all banners).

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I really hope they old yeller pettan battle next.
at least the pettan rewards suck so I feel no incentive to play it and don't feel bad about missing it
Jap players loved our anni step up and it should be the new standard for the biggest celebrations. Also I don't think it will hurt their earnings much, but as always I'll keep my expectations low...
Yeah, I think the secret to success is making characters consistently good, content consistently hard, and missions reasonably varied and unique. People will certainly dump money and stones in with high-value banners if the unit is strong and the content challenges them. They were burning money last year releasing shit like super trunks who is not top tier hype with garbage coin flip restrictions. If the character isn't strong OR cool it's a waste of time. I actually felt more inclined to buy some of the stone packs because of the good value of the banner. If we didn't have these step ups I'd probably have let schizo skip poster here convince me to just coin these characters when they come back
Beast and Gammas will have the step-up.
This is definitely only because this is the last time global will have to wait for anniversary units, so it'll never happen again unless they start being real fucking generous with JP too.
Movie 2 red zone was piss easy when it came out on JP. It was filler like the red ribbon one. Buu zone was also a joke with anni units and ezas. Only global was struggling.
qrd on TEQ Zamasu worth coining or he will be for WWC?
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>he made a xitter account
>Make a throw away account that takes 30 seconds with throw away email
>Like a few posts that takes a minute at most

Lmao seethe retard. I'm 60 stones richer and will never use that account again.
>lucklet has to beg for stones
lmao cope
>He begs for stones by playing the game

Lmao lucklet.
>making a Xitter account
>"""playing the game"""
The absolute state of a retard
If you get f2p stones in any capacity you're a lucklet by your own logic. If anything you earned a lot of stones for less time investment in the game. Please cultivate some self awareness, hypocrite.
Imagine making an external account to get pity stones, because lucklet could not pull certain characters with the in game stones.
Why are you assuming I didn't pull the units because I want more stones?
Just kys lucklet
UI Beerus when?
Int Buu has all the buus what the fuck else do you need
I'm guessing he wants androids 21 on the team? she's not on int buu's leader skill
but then again if that's the case he can just use android 21 as lead
>tfw teq goku was considered "unaging" and had 6 million damage + crit
>completely unusable now, aged after like half a year
>int vegeta and trunks were seen as THE slot 1 and have the best leader skill in the entire game
>completely unusable now, took actually a good amount of time to age
The powercreep is so sad to see, 200% leader skills really flushed this games balance down the toilet
They should've killed pettan instead of chain battle
even int SS4 Goku, its pretty much the same case for him as with vegeta and trunks, not nearly as bad but still bad
I am just amazed at how quickly 1 million defense+guard was powercrept.

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