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Brand new open world game by Hotta studio the creator of Tower of Fantasy
I was still waiting for the ToF reboot server which is probably not happening anymore because I wanted to experience some quality Hotta jank kino again, but this is also fine. I hope they selfpublish and don't go through Tencent this time around at least.
>genshin style 4 niggas in the roster
>no character creation(?)
>unreal engine again(?)
ToF downgrade. The plus thing about it, is that there's no mmo(?) feature spotted.
EOS status?
looks fun at the very least, but i'm ignoring it, i saw playable dudes, insta skip for me
UE5 shovelware
What were they thinking?
It looks like that Touhou mod for San Andreas.
Well, at least the lolis aren't doing the Naruto run anymore.
Now it's the Mario run.
hmmm, very interesting concept
i like that we are entering an era of anime gta games with mugen and now this
there's also environmental damage, but it doesn't seem the npcs react at all, so that's a bummer
the character designs also aren't that appealing aside from the oni loli
this is from hotta though, so i am going to be very skeptical
also this >>1515389
character creator from tof was a good feature, they should have kept it, especially now that they are working on a proper gta-like title with customization for vehicles
That's a negative. The normal open-world market has long been clogged, and they had a decent niche going with their MMO.
MMO is a dead genre and ToF flopped. This is ZZZ competition.
more like mugen competition
delusional if you think a corridor game by hoyo is in the same league as this
this will be directly competing with mugen in the open world anime gta-like gacha genre
i know that there's a big emphasis on cars and driving, but if they handle anything like the bikes in ToF, this shit is dead on arrival.
it looks like they do, but there is collision and some environment damage, obviously not on the same level as gta
the npcs on the other hand are lifeless lol
Why do chink games all look the same
>why do chink (anything) all look the same
Lost interest when I saw the m*le party member at 2:10. Could've been a kawaii alternative to ZZZ.
It's truly over for japan all their young talented devs are snatched by china because boomers refuse to retire.
I'm not seeing any talented devs involved here
It seemed like they were slowly learning with ToF with all the coomer stuff lately and no new males, but nope, they haven't learned their lesson at all. They still think they're going to get some of that omnipandering money that Hoyo has a monopoly on.
Mugen looks better but even so both games feature rollable males.
Nah MMOs are boring.
I dunno about Jap devs working for China but yeah the boomers are definitely holding the industry back
"Pandering" is only relevant in PNG collectors with no gameplay. This is a game.
it was over the moment genshin released
jao boomers genuinely think they can just continue to shit out lazy rehashes, ports, remakes, "hd" remasters and asset flips
so many jap games are just half assed garbage with poor scope or longevity
turns out, people like playing long term games like gta, fortnite, genshin instead of jumping from one mediocre game to another
Only coomer shit is the death knell for a game with actual gameplay
I do not know why they bother. A cast with 1 male for every 4 females is not an """""omni""""" game, it's just a waifu game with an identity crises. They're only setting themselves up to backpedal again.
Is that why they haven't released males in Tower of Fantasy in years and how they only show the girls in the gameplay demo for this while the one male is barely shown in the trailer?
Looks worse than Mugen, a lot because there seems to be no verticality
But Mugen being a vaporware I want to try this one but I didn't play ToF. What should I expect? I heard ToF isn't F2P-friendly and the launch was really bad but how was it after?
literally every developer panders, even a game like concord is pandering, but to the mentally ill twitter crowd. Hotta is pandering by showing mostly pretty girls and hiding males.
ToF was not F2P unfriendly per se since the gap between base weapons and maxed out weapons with full duplicates was actually much smaller than in games like Genshin with the same systems. But it did have aggressive constant powercreep that forced you to keep getting the next release to be relevant. If you were F2P you'd roll for a weapon, play for 3-4 months before it slowly becomes obsolete and then roll for the next upgrade that would be 50%-100% better. If you were a whale your spending was completely invalidated in a similar 3-4 months timeframe and you'd have to spend the same amount all over again or fall behind even free players with new weapons. A F2P that failed to properly budget his rolls to keep up with this treadmill or a whale that couldn't keep constantly spending would get filtered incredibly fast, particularly since it was an MMO with a damage meter constantly in your face. If you had a favorite weapon or a playstyle you enjoyed in particular, too bad, fuck you, roll for the new thing or do 1% damage.
The developers are a mix of comically incompetent since fundamental issues with the game like being unable to render more than 10 players on screen at the time when it expected to have server-wide boss fights were never fixed and there were thousands of bugs from comical things like NPCs being duplicated during cutscenes to exploiters being able to fuck with your inventory. But at the same time somehow brilliant because they implemented pretty much everything imaginable in the game and a lot of the things they did were very fun and at their core the gameplay and traversal were extremely good.
So this game could be anything from a horrible dumpster fire to absolutely brilliant but probably somewhere inbetween.
>tower of fantasy people in charge
>atrocious designs drawn by either an amateur or someone who doesn't understand anime and how not to make characters eyesores.
>t..this is a real game
Why lie.
Snowbreak's incredible success story shows that quite literally the exact opposite is true.
the problem with all these shitty games is how they just dont know how to design appealing characters
i just cant believe the same people who can design all those pretty overworlds have also shat out those ugly looking vtumor rejects
the only good design in that trailer is the loli, and the male looks fucking ugly
what is up with chinese gachafags who cant even design proper male characters?
>"ToF was not F2P unfriendly"
>*writes a whole ass paragraph that invalidates the claim*
Hotta 1
Yeah... no. After the way they handled ToF I have no confidence that this will be anything short of a hot mess. Will wait until there's a beta for players to get a closer look I guess.
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NTE official discussion groups are banning discussion related to ML
might play it.
the loli is cute. a good sign from the start.
zero loading screens are great. and the transitions between regular city/supernatural stuff are pretty neat.
i hope it lets you run over pedestrians.

will wait to see what kinda interactivity there is with your characters, hopefully more then just seeing them in story stuff or fighting with them
>As development progresses, the world of "Neverness to Everness" is continually being refined. If you enjoy "Neverness to Everness" and have any improvement suggestions, creative ideas, or wish to join the moderator team, please contact us via the email provided at the end. We look forward to collaborating with you to make "Neverness to Everness" even more vibrant and exciting.
you can always send your ideas to them
So it'll be a cuck game? It's over.
doesn't seem like there will be any "violent" themes in the game
the npcs don't react at all even if you crash your car right next to them
game looks ambitious and the city design is good too
also yeah, the loli is cute, but she is the only good design in the game lol
after seeing fluid animations for every single npc/shop vendor in zzz, it feels weird to look at these rather stiff and lifeless ones with the outdated "gacha menus" on top
zzz really raised the bar for gacha games despite being a corridor game
guess we wait and see how both mugen and nte are handled in the post-zzz era
if they get character creator with optional multiplayer, it would be fun
>zzz really raised the bar for gacha games despite being a corridor game
>no argument
you lost immediately
Mihoyo knows how to make their derivative chinkslop look pretty. Unlike this latest DoA.
Netease has the funds and people since they've been poaching former devs from big studios, Mugen will likely be the most polished of all. But Netease treats their players even worse than Mihoyo so it will probably be a garbage game anyway.
okie dokie lets runs through it

>ZZZ has more loading screens than starfield whenever you do anything from going to fight to opening a door
>ZZZ other than instanced fighting is connect the TVs WOW


>Open World
>no loading screens, none, from going into buildings to instanced fights
>real time world events that create the instances whilst you explore whilst running and driving
>Wall running MEOW
>jumping and double jump
>driving cars, with first person mode and initial D smoke get smoked
>customisation with cars(it being hotta wouldnt surprise me there is a MC with this as well)
>buy and own cars and apartments
>buying apartments
>very interesting enviormental changes whilst going to new instances you can say its inspired by games like Control or animes like JJK the list goes on

and you know whats crazy this is pre-alpha/beta, knowing hotta with ToF this game will have a great endgame to it also there is probably a fuck load of other things involved in this game that we have no idea about like deep customisation, things to do in the world etc etc.

Hotta 1 and without hoyo brainrot for once just be like you know what it is a great game, this is great for gacha games with how inovative this game is, i will play this enjoy it and it will push all other gachas to inovate as well competition is the best thing in gaming it pushes studios to do their best and the people that profit from this is the players.
>Doing the same jank shit you already do in ToF WOWEE
Calm down shill
look at this mihoyo faggot seethe
why are you comparing points that i already mentioned were setting the two apart?
i was pretty clear in my post zzz is a corridor game, obviously it's not in the same league as mugen and nte
why don't you challenge these points instead?
>fluid animations for every single npc/shop vendor in zzz, it feels weird to look at these rather stiff and lifeless ones with the outdated "gacha menus" on top
feels challenging to you?
>this is great for gacha games with how inovative this game is, i will play this enjoy it and it will push all other gachas to inovate as well competition is the best thing in gaming it pushes studios to do their best and the people that profit from this is the players
didn't say anything negative about the game besides the lifeless genshin-era npcs and the soulless gacha ui
in fact, i added at the end how it would be fun to play
you should take a breather before you go on your rants
still seething
settle down, shill
kek it's mixed toilet trash alright
whats ML?
master love a.k.a. harem
sorry i dont get it or why its banned
because it's a mixed toilet game aimed at the Homoverse playerbase
Don't know what anyone expected when homos were right there in the trailer. This is just the final nail in the coffin and there's no coping for anyone who thought otherwise, enjoy your mixed toilet game.
>No MC in sight
>Male characters
Unironically a recipe for EOS. Even homoverse knows to have an MC for players to self-insert. Unless they're just hiding it for some retarded reason. Banning ML in their discussion groups also means they have a clear intent to appeal to shipshitters instead of (you) pandering.
How the fuck did they decide that direction for this game when they're already known for pivoting in ToF when they stopped releasing male characters and increased the fanservice?

if hoyo faggots made NTE
looks like shit
lmao even
sorry i will reply after i get past this hoyo loading screen
>hoyo out of nowhere
not the correct way to market a shit game
sure hoyofag
Yeah "banning" Master Love basically means the characters will have affection for each other instead of the player (or the MC). It unironically means only shipshit is allowed, in a gacha game.

If they go in this direction the game is fucking dead on arrival in China, women aren't going to play a GTA-like game and men aren't gonna spend money on shipshit characters.
>Yeah "banning" Master Love basically means the characters will have affection for each other instead of the player (or the MC). It unironically means only shipshit is allowed, in a gacha game.
>If they go in this direction the game is fucking dead on arrival in China, women aren't going to play a GTA-like game and men aren't gonna spend money on shipshit characters.
this is sad to read if a game will rise or fall if the women are not all whoring themselves after the mc lol
Good, chinkcels are unironically just as insufferable as fujos and yurishitters.
well yes? who's gonna be spending hundreds of dollars on characters only for them to go fuck each other? also if i wanted to use male characters and watch whores I'll just go play GTA, way cheaper and the gameplay is far better.
Who says there's a "master" to begin with. Gachabrains are truly mentally ill.
>who's gonna be spending hundreds of dollars on characters only for them to go fuck each other?
i personally dont know a gacha where you are fucking the SSRs you get desu, i think to have a meaningful story where characters give a fuck about each other is has more depth, it doesnt mean they are all going to instantly have a 69 orgy amongst all the females whilst one or two dudes jump up and skill move their way into the pact, i personally think you being special to everyone for no reason is really played out
>good story
let me guess, you think mihomo or arknights is the pinnacle of storytelling? I've yet to see a gacha with good story, they're all slop.
no i dont play them just ToF, read what i said, its boring being the 1 and only saviour of the world with no character development, the best story in ToF was Rubilia and Ruby because of their relationship it had depth to it and was interesting, instead of all the characters whoring themselves to the MC which is what i think you meant by master love right? good story is character growth and their story within the world with the other characters which then makes you the paying customer care other than i just need this character to do x in the game, genshin makes billions doing this shit. no wonder hotta went in the same direction
>thinking (you) pandering and good story are incompatible
its this mindset that led us to the mixed toilet shipshit hellscape gachas are in today
So what the fuck do you want from the story? Because im a bit confused on what you are even complaining about
Both shit. End of discussion.
>mix toilet cuckshit
>tof devs
>banning ML stuff when they are desperate in ToF and started doing fanservice
This, even tho i already thinking this game was fucking dead just because is from the same retarded devs from tof
>having good story
back to l*ddit you go
both of you are faggots and have no answer to a better story you fucking trannys
stfu tranny you are actually retarded enough to go to gacha games for stories, your brain works like a normalfaggot redditor
no you dumb fuck im explaining how genshin makes fucking money, you are the tranny crying about master love or whatever cringe fucking shit that is
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STFU you dumb tranny cuck, if you really think hoyo makes money with their slop story you are actually more retarded than i thought. They only got where they are right now by copying BOTW First, putting on fucking phones and having the covid boost. And fucking cope tranny, no one will play this mix toilet cuckshit and after it flops like ToF they will go back crawling for pandering, just like ToF is doing with a fucking dorm system and fanservice
cope and sneed tranny cope and sneed
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I accept your concession, tranny
>how genshin makes fucking money
you outed yourself tranny, genshin is the cancer that has been killing gachas because now there is a lemming train from developers, and everything upcoming is stagnant and cringe, like when all the devs were copying halo or cod, the clones were all trash. even wuwa is crashing and burning, not a single successful mixed toilet game following genshin's formula
faggots explain to me then if im wrong about the character development and story and their interactions with one another is not an important part of people actually giving a shit about them in the first place, because you trannys know for a fucking fact that none of them bitches on genshin are hot looking they are all carbon fucking copies of one another with granny pants on so sexiness is not whats selling them

so tell me how hoyo is making billions if its not what i just explained

faggot did you not read i dont play anything other than tof or is your retarded ass that way because your mom threw you trying to abort your goblin ass after she saw you when giving birth?
now stfu mihomo faggot
>Character interacting with each other
Wow, it's deep and complex!
>The same situation, but character interact with MC
Boring! The character doesn't have personality!!!

LMAO, hoyotroon.
This is a good game, bro. But I won't play this because it's mixed toilet.
Beware of hoyotard, xhe is everywhere, in every thread about game that can beat Homoverse games.
It's funny how they always repeat this same shit too. Same goes for fanservice
>if it is for straight males = bad
>if it is for women, gays and trannies = stunning and brave
Yeah, always. You'll always know that this comment is from woman or brainwashed goyim. And another example.
>Cute feminine woman
Bland and boring!
>Dom/Masculine Woman
Yes mommy, step on me!
Yep, every single time they are like that
then dont play it lmao i dont care im playing it, who even fucking said they wont be talking to you as a character you retard? i said its better when their backstory is more fleshed out with their interactions with other characters in the world setting it adds depth to the fucking character holy fuck you retard

genshitters listen, ZZZ is a boring shit heap, Genshin is shit you are here because you know this and NTE is a upgrade in comparison to both.
>tranny calls other genshitters
>while defending mihomo and their garbage writing
fuck off faggot
>you are here because you know this and NTE is a upgrade in comparison to both.
No, i'm here to say this game is shit all thanks for showing up in the first page of the board. Keep coping tho, this shit will flop harder than ToF and they will repeat same the cycle of
>not releasing any male characters because they don't sell
>starts pandering to bring waifufags in
>starts going full fanservice mode when the game is close to dying, just like ToF is doing right now
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yes yes games going to die yadyadayada keep coping you have been saying this shit about ToF for years now and its still running gateoo even made a video saying its one of perfect worlds most profitable games its made over $600 million in 3 years with a staff amount of 50 in a non expensive town where hotta is located, the entire fucking gacha revenue on reddit is a fucking lie they dont know shit its all guesses $600 million is the correct amount as they have to by law show it to the CCP, so keep crying on the side whilst i and many others enjoy this kino game
Now keep coping with your flop crawling back to waifufags with the fanservice fag
>$600 million in 3 years
95% of it came when cuckmangold was shilling the game. telltale sign the game is doing bad is they started adding coomer stuff. Heck I remember back then I had to disable chat back, because people wouldn't shut the fuck up, now I don't even need to disable chat because it's dead.
Oh you're that faggot who gets btfo in every board. Nice seeing you humiliating yourself like this again.
you are replying to a very passionate hotta shill who thinks anyone who says anything negative about the game is a hoyo shill
mental illness
kek so you are also the fag who shits up /v/ and keeps replying the same thing to everyone who criticizes totk
definitely not surprised
>totk, aka the DLC game from a console that i don't have and that i gave up on emulating on my pc
>you must be *my schizo headcanon*
take your meds Mihomo tranny
>with MC
"MC" is rarely an actual character. Talking to a wall isn't an interaction.
where did mihomo touch you?
>Hoyocuck shill hurt because people talk mean shit about their shitty homo company and their shills
There's a reason why even self insert visual novels like to swap POVs, because they realized a wall can only do so much.
Or common routes exist, where the characters generally mingle.

Or... and this one is drastic.. they even give the MC a personality regardless of the self insert stuff.
>self insert is le bad
>muh generic npc is somehow le based story telling, despite having the same writing
you fags are so disingenuous
You faggot don't play many games and it shows. Just because you fags or troon love shipping, it doesn't mean that the story is bad because self-insert. And self-insert ≠ blank slate MC.
Retard like both of you don't know about RP from RPG genre.
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Online multiplayer confirmed
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Good (or at least entertaining) self insert MCs have always had their own personalities. The trick is that said personality has to fit into what the target audience envisions as an ideal version of themselves. That's why most JRPGs have a young male MC that gets along with everyone, is determined to fight against all odds, and has a special power. It's someone that the player can get behind because they want to be that MC.
Unfortunately Genshin wanted the normalfag audience and toned it back until we had the absolute blank slate that is the traveler. And every company decided to make their own Genshin by copying hoyo down to the fucking letter. Since everyone copies Genshin's dogshit MC writing and since Genshin at least has some small moments of (you) pandering in it, retards started to believe that all self insert MCs are boring blank slates that are barely a character.
Even worse, now that ship loving fags have flooded the gacha scene, any MC that even begins to approach the actual good JRPG style self insert just gets branded as 'incel pandering' (see any time HSR's male MC is allowed to interact with the girls, especially in official media). We're never gonna escape this hell until other companies learn that the normalfag audience is content staying in their homoverse bubble.
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>no character creation
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>this so much
according to these guys, worst game ever made for incels because queen marika is literally for (You)
>worst game ever made for incels because queen marika is literally for (You)
didnt marika tranny herself with a dude at the end? you want that? a tranny?
>Oh you're that faggot who gets btfo in every board
this is beyond schizo babble, im honestly curious what boards do you think i use. i need to keep reminding myself this board is infested with the mentally ill as well as based faggots
>Online multiplayer confirmed
>after ToF shitshow
you WILL roll for ugly vtumor reject characters, goy
then why are you here? genuinely curious
are you a mentally ill faggot? actually nevermind, i dont think i need an answer to that question, you obviously are
>as well as based faggots
im in that category tranny deal with it and continue your beta bitch schizo babble im enjoying it
You sell characters based on their design, animations and interactions with the player. The last one being the most important and you can't do it well if you have to account for every oc mc which couldn't be properly animated in the first place.
Multiplayer mode coming in future updates is just bait for investors, the game will be dead long before that.
poojeet, you will always be nothing but a mentally ill subhuman shitskin shilling a shit game on a website meant for white people
Das Raycist Obama Larper
No seatbelts.
pippa pipkin?
dem pantyhose looks hot but dem white-haired girl not so, dem gameplay hardly seems fun to play. who care if it's gta or open world i want a fun to play game
this is a official image lol
Anyone still trusting Hotta after they blundered ToF for years is a fool. The first time was understandable, the second isn't.
Just say that Chinese games are winning because they incorporate gambling mechanics to get young people addicted.
>who's gonna be spending hundreds of dollars on characters only for them to go fuck each other?
Your retarded ass is acting like self-insertfaggotry has been the norm from the start of gachas or something. The most popular and profitable gachas on the market are "mixed toilet", while your shitty harem games largely die off.
>The last one being the most important
No. The first one is. The last one is only important in certain types of games, while the overall design is of upmost importance no matter what type of game you're making
chinese games are winning because they arent abandoned half complete after release like nearly all dogshittendo games are
hard pill to swallow, but games like genshin, fortnite, gta online staying relevant among players years after their respective releases actually says something that you don't want to admit
people like to have a "main game" they can regularly log into
Hilarious that chinkcels have turned into screeching feminist types that demand everything accommodate them.
you mean chinese males and those that parrot them because they want fanservice and master love?
yeah, that's really fucking pathetic desu
i can understand they have a fucked up gender imbalance in their country, but why the fuck would you willingly announce your virgin status to the entire world? lmao
and that too by begging for cope virtual waifus
It's probably gonna be like The Simpsons Hit and Run where pedestrians get comically smacked away by the vehicle or try to dodge you like in Crazy Taxi.

Still haven't forgotten about their 50/50 gachashit, overpriced as fuck fashion items (FROM GACHA TOO LOL) and powercreeping. They really wanted to charge GI prices without fixing the extreme jank.
>It's probably gonna be like The Simpsons Hit and Run where pedestrians get comically smacked away by the vehicle or try to dodge you like in Crazy Taxi.
i hope they are based enough to do that
t. trannies
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Why are you here?
to make fun of trannies like you
this faggot is still sneeding
>the tranny thinks he can call anyone a faggot
lmao even
you still waiting on that loading screen?
>loading screen
take your meds faggot
uh huh
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>uh huh
I think Japanese games are doing just fine, I enjoyed gbf relink a lot, not everything has to be gigapredatory addiction slop to maximize profits. Get out of the gacha space and you'll find that nip games still mog the chinese in most other genres.
As a mixed toilet player, I wholly supported banning those hypocrites malafaggots. Let them stay in their Divine Mala Game Snowbreak.
>gigapredatory addiction slop
you just described japanese games perfectly, thank you
i too love wasting $60 on every single lazy rehash, port, remake, "HD" remaster, and asset flip only for it to be abandoned at release and be replaced with another lazy rehash, port, remake, "HD" remaster, asset flip a few months later
>get out of gacha space
you are truly sheltered if you think people who play gacha only play gacha
i play a variety of regular games, but japanese games are easily the worst in the market, especially those produced by dogshit greedy companies filled with boomer japanese hacks like nintendo
>lazy rehash
kek says the chink gacha sloppas that have completely identical copy and pasted UI and gacha systems as mihomo games lmao okay dude
>he bought
Oh really? I too love wasting hundreds of dollars just to buy 1 character on every single lazy ass rehashed character swap gacha slop formula after character swap gacha slop formula
fucking gacha retard off yourself
what are tendie slopslurpers doing in /vmg/ anyway? shouldnt they be defending the latest slop and making low quality coomer/ai marketing threads with zero gameplay discussion on /v/?
Even those mixed toilet gacha know to make characters for (you) to make money, in fact the reason mixed toilet gachas are collapsing is because they're focusing on shipshit and characters having their own lives instead of pandering to master love.

And the progenitor to gachas, Kancolle, is still alive and popular, and is just a self-insert harem with only girls. Your shitty mixed toilets came later, because they wanted to expand to a wider audience.
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ZZZ isn't open world. It's an arena battler. Perfect for a 2nd action game that doesn't have to be your main game.
If I can't run over people with cars then it's a poor gta.
The real problem with Netease is that they don't finish half of their products. They have a lot of quietly cancelled games and unlike this game Mugen actually looks ambitious.
>As a mixed toilet player,
look at this 3rd world junkie
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>l-look at feesh thiwd wold joonkie
street shitter lmfao
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Drip marketing.
this is actually good lore wtf
so this and mugen are pretty much the same: anime open world with a "supernatural" side theme to compliment the casual urban theme, except this one is more "creepy" and bordering the horror genre
guess we wait and see what mugen presents after this
both of them will be competing directly for having too many similarities
i wish some developer made an actual anime gta though, complete with the violent and adult themes that make gta so unique
i see that gacha urban open world has to have some fantasy child-friendly elements or they wont be marketable to their main audience in china
i just dont see an anime gacha like gta happening anytime soon, especially not ones that take more creative input from players such as character customization and give the freedom gta gives its players
we know nothing about mugen
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Big VTuber energy.
espers sound famous in this world
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This is MC.
>because they want fanservice and master love
It's not even the fact they want their shitty haremslop that makes them so pitiful, it's the fact they screech and bitch over the silliest of thing. The fact certain Chinese games have to go as far as eliminate all other males in the story because Chinese gacha players think they're being cucked if their waifu speaks to another man is peak pathetic. And don't you dare have any of the girls have any friendship between each other, that might be misconstrued as yuri pandering.
if there's no customization, then it's an easy skip for me
seems like a downgrade to tof
i loved creating my own character in that game and the character i created turned out really great, i just wish that cool feature wasn't stuck in that mess of a game
i already don't like the 4-character system either
tof letting players use your created character with any weapons was much high effort than this lazy design choice
>Shittier kiana
EoS lets go.
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>Chinese gacha players think they're being cucked if their waifu speaks to another man is peak pathetic. And don't you dare have any of the girls have any friendship between each other, that might be misconstrued as yuri pandering.
Shippers do the same thing, it's almost impossible to discuss the characters in pick related without shipniggers coming out of the woodworks.
lol they're blatantly calling out the mugen devs with that question
hotta does enjoy pvp with other devs
Cllrinde is Wrio's wife tho
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2.8million preregistration
>>no character creation(?)
I moan whenever I am faced with one. I never click on "finish" satisfied. Just give me a roster of characters designed by professional coomers and then let me pick out the qt outfits for them.
This is already confirmed to be spats central btw
They made it a point to show off the spats in the trailers to dash any hopes
you sound like a retard or a shill or both
Give them time, hotta are based
Enjoy your mixed toilet, censored slop based Hotta is going to give you
Dev interview
I'm older than 16 so I know spats are better than a poorly detailed panty shot.
>censored slop
every other gacha game is censored tof is not and neither will this you fucking retard
>shilling a shit tof downgrade
i wish this urban overworld was used for a better game, it looks good
everything else is crap
Only if they have some detail and not just deleted textures
How bad is the powercreep going to be in this one? In ToF new units do 1% of damage of newer units released 3 months later, since they are not that retarded I think it's going to be 6 months this time.
We are going to be lucky to get spats, granny panties it is.
I personally don't mind spats, but when every fucking character has them it's boring. Final Fantasy Zero made a point to give every character different panties to display their personalities.
you silly boy, of course they are going to make the same mistakes
outrage and backlash from the chinese community didnt stop them from shitting out the global version of tof without fixing a single bug
That's good to know. How kind of the chinese to let us know from the beginning that their shit is broken, so I don't have to take time out of my day to pay attention. Same with GLF2, or ZZZ.
>mod for San Andreas.
I wish these people actually made something other than overdesigned waifu collector gachas with action combat. Bet this won't even have any guns or killing npcs. That other game, mugen, looks the same. Just another cheap reskin of their other gacha games.
>Bet this won't even have any guns or killing npcs
well obviously lmfao

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