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Discuss joseimuke games and those with similar appeal to the same audience
No girls allowed on this website.
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tfw no lvl 99 mafia boss bf to look at in disgust while he chokes me and i shoot his dick off with his own gun as he cums
>Sylus anecdote
>He’s also from outer space
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised anymore, it’s right there in the game’s title
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I’m slow so I just realized that Sylus’s twin crows wear little devil horns with their crow costumes…just like how that little girl’s mom describes Sylus when she uses him as a “don’t wander off” threat
Where the fuck did pb find the money to hire sugitan sisters?

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They also have 06 and 07 on their hoods, I wonder who (or where) 01-05 is. I’m okay with never seeing their faces because if they turn out to be hot I’d be sad knowing they’ll never be rollable
Sugita is willing to voice r18 games? Thought he would be veteran enough to avoid them, unless he just doesn’t mind
Love these guys so much. The devs won't deliver but I know the fanarts will be yummy
Would all 7
if sylus didn't want me h*lding h*nds with them, he shouldn't have left them at h*ndh*lding proximity
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Is this the first time since its release that nu:c gets dethroned?
I love the twins so much. They should just make Sylus be into netorase and everything would work out fine
He's done in the past, especially bl, picre is his meme role, but it's been years since he's actually done real moaning.
>I wonder who (or where) 01-05 is
good point. I wonder if Sylus has an army of crows he maybe lost and if the twins are the last of them. Kinda wonder, too, if Mephisto is numbered (haven't taken a close enough look at his model myself to see)
Velvet react boys are really cute but the whole game is slop for now. The mc is a self insert too and basically more of an npc. It's time for nucani debs to release a rin card and save their asses because Nocticulent is going to be strong too.
>4 (four) games (actually three)
We've come so far sisters
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Looks like he can't instantly recover in the daytime.
I don’t get how WHB can feel like it’s constantly on the verge of EoS and yet can still pull this. They must have some big whales or some corpo funding or something
Makes sense why half his texts/sns posts were ranting about the daytime
VR launched a new event today, they were 2nd yesterday so it'll probably go back when that's done
he'll have to learn to enjoy it if he plans to stalk us while we go on dates with raf, zayne and xav
New event buff, I'm surprised they already released one not even a month in but it was as buggy as expected for such a rush job
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Sylus has some great Duo poses. Too bad it will take forever to unlock these considering I barely have the other guys at 70 affection.

I wonder if they'll ever do jacket off variants of outfits. They're hiding too many nice black turtlenecks.
Kek I recently reread the whole vn, his deep-voiced, "dark edgy psycho" moments were so much more cringe than I remembered
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Who did ya pick, Belle or Wise?
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Capitano Face Reveal leak
All I have left is Sylus anecdote and then I have inhaled every content I own of him… guess I should catch up with the other boys afterwards…
Also I went to go listen to that tender moments anon mentioned last thread but it’s gated behind affection lvl 35 how the hell did you reach it that fast, I’m at 29 right now
The upgrade to the photo studio is making me actually want to use it now, I basically ignored it before this
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I really wish I used my chocolates on that outfit for MC instead. They need to raise the weekly limit.
Moid retard shitting up the thread again
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There's someone sharing them on telegram. And yeah it happens quite often, every character barring Ebizome has at least one room where you can't see Walter's face. I'm starting to wonder if they were even planning to have an MC in the first place.

I'm liking the story so far more than nu:c's honestly, nu:c struggles with world building. Too bad VR is doing a lot more wrong, and nip games hardly ever change.
Jesus hes an actual mob character kek this would be funnier if it wasn't so sad
>that outfit
A little too cool for my babyfaced MC but I really like it.
Just noticed though, she's wearing ridiculous high heels with it, but the model isn't any taller then the outfits with lower shoes, magic.
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I'm close to the 600 wish crate, but I'm not sure what to do here. Complete Lightseeker and Abysswalker and save for the next Sylus myth pair, or just pick up his current set. I already have Lumiere and God of the Tides.
>Lightseeker and Abysswalker
If completing one of these guys would help you beat more stages and earn more currency, do that. Otherwise just hang onto it until you manage to roll one Slyus card and use it to get the other.
this would be what I would do
>get 1 sylus myth on your way to 600
use 1 crate for the other sylus myth
>don't end up with any sylus myths but you really like sylus
use both crates on him anyway
>you're itching to try different companion styles
get lightseeker or abysswalker
>you really like caleb
save both crates until he drops
Skip the current sylus pair and save for the next one unless he’s a priority in your heart. I’m reading his myth right now and it’s good but doesn’t compare to the others. Also the other two boys’ outfits are just so much cooler
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Is he hiding Mephisto in there or something
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It would be the best way to smuggle goods in a dangerous zone. Can’t tell but I wonder if he outdoes Zayne’s workout fit
Good lord, never mind the Xaviass, did he powercreep Zayne’s bulge?
cant wait for the summer speedo thong cards...
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daddy has become too powerful
I know everyone is going to take the Sylus card from the Promise but Raf’s drunk card is really cute
Holy shit
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Everyone be saying his design looks "bland and boring", meanwhile the other side says he's "too white and not dark enough!"

But rest assured once Natlan is officially released and the boycott blows over (it's already failing), everyone will be rolling for the Natlan cast especially Kinoch and Ororon.

And you can bet the Genshin yumes and fangirls everywhere will be making ships, shipping art and lewds of Kinich or Ororon fucking Lumine, because of course they will. I mean tell me Kinich and Ororon especially already don't look like the usual dark haired stoic and seemingly mature male character who's one of the numerous love interests in a shoujo or josei.
I saw snippets of it and it seemed cute, I feel bad for neglecting my fishie while I’ve been catching up to all the Sylus content
>cant wait for the summer speedo thong cards
Fuck next banner's going to be summer isn't it
I don't think these character designs are an universal hit, compared to what we've gotten previously and this is just me but I think Genshit is on a steady decline and it'll start with Natlan. Lazy character design, ugly world map, uninspiring characters and the gameplay is just the same stagnant shit. Majority of people are just stuck due to cost-sunk and not because they're having fun.

Idk why youre harping on yumes like a retard, as if this game doesn't have a horde of fujoshis shipping the blandest characters on the planet, ergo it doesn't matter what kind of trash they release. There will always be people making content for it
>makes new plushie appear
>inside the claw machine
is he stupid
>he asks what plushie (you) want
>makes new plushie appear
>it's not the one (you) asked for
>Sylus picks the wrong plushie
>(You) don't remember plushie names
He was made for me
>Genshin yumes
do these even still exist at this point
nta but I guess I'm still a yumefujo. As much as I dislike the direction genshin has taken, I'm still hoping for more playable harbingers
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Looks like we got another new Honkai Star Rail boy
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>4* hunt
caelus skin
Since he's supposed to be a weirdo I thought he would look more eccentric, meh. Also
I know asking for skin (on male characters) is a waste of breath in omnigames but I am so tired of the completely covered except for one, both if you’re lucky, arm look that is literally every guy not in a suit
>that picture
Good taste, having an eccentric like Hollow could be fun. Maybe he’ll have a fun, eccentric, vivid personality even if his design is really meh (not holding my breath)
Mogged by literal npcs >>1516009
>just 2 days later
huh, that didnt take very long
The last part of NuC's big summer event dropped today so it makes sense that it's back on top
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they also did just drop a very generous double banner that im about to rol-
>pink gems only
fuck youuuuuuu
the buffs are getting out of hand lmao
>Lightning Hunt male
>4 Star
Unironically dead on arrival
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LADS players, could you pls explain abyssal chaos to an idiot (me) T T will the finding Tobias task disappear after the reset in a few days? or it's only the rewards that reset but the missions stay the same and you gradually unlock new ones as you progress? will the rewards stay the same or will there be some new ones? I don't wanna miss anything, like the outfits and other rewards, but i haven't decided with who I want to do the abyssal chaos with so so far I only did the tutorial. Do i have to pick only one boy? Or can I do the same mission with all of them? How to unlock the special scenarios? I rly don't want to miss anything but I'm afraid I'll just mess everything up if I start unprepared
I don't know much more than you lmao but I did start a run with Sylus, aborted it halfways, and started a new run with Raf with no issue. There are multiple "paths" depending on your choices, so you definitely need to re-do them to get all the endings
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each boy has rewards for getting that 100% so you're supposed to do it with all of them, multiple times
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The deduction points (capped at 2000) you've gained are what resets in a few days, but the huge chart with the rewards (caps at level 120) stays. So just make sure to hit 2000 points before the reset and you wont be behind on any rewards. I think the mission will stay the same since 7 days is too quick for them to constantly come up with new scenarios, that’s my guess. I have only played with Sylus so far so idk if the others even have the Tobias mission or if they all have different missions.
>Do i have to pick only one boy?
Nah you can pick any of the boys but in each cycle (idk how frequently they'll rotate, maybe every 2 weeks with the deduction reset?) there will be a new boy who is on "trial" and by using him as a companion, you'll get extra Companion Factors which you can use to upgrade your Companion Genes (pic) with any boy you want, so its always worth doing some runs with the trial boy. Btw upgrade your skill tree (in General Genes) whenever you finish a run as it'll give you extra bonuses for every new session you do.
>How to unlock the special scenarios?
Which ones? If you mean all the Incidents then you just need to replay (or refresh nodes) until you get an Incident node and click a different answer to your previous ones each time. There is a flow chart and other info in the Records section telling you what you're missing and where you can encounter it.

I'm still learning the ropes myself but lmk if I said anything confusing
unfortunately, I dunno if/how often the actual cases reset and I can't remember if they brought it up in the stream or any of the other information out there about it. I am guessing, though, that it'll be a while until the rewards reset since there's a hard limit on how much you can earn per week (like the chocolates from the arcade games) and there's like 100 tiers (I think, right now, I only got to 20 when I maxed out my points but ymmv)

>Do i have to pick only one boy? Or can I do the same mission with all of them?
You can pick any of the companions and they give you 'trial' versions for the ones you haven't unlocked. You can switch among them as you like, and (from what I've seen?) the scenario changes a little depending which guy you take. Also, completing challenges gives little bonuses you can unlock for the various guys, so it doesn't hurt to spread it out, unless you're committed to one and only.

>How to unlock the special scenarios?
As you go through the stages, you'll get choices which branch out to different paths and, from the two I've done (Sylus and Raf) for one of the choices you'll get an item that gives a better(?) ending, but it looks like each scenario with each guy needs multiple playthroughs if you want to see it all
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And here is the HQ version of this pic
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It has begun already. Slowly but surely.
Are you old enough to be posting here?
>Sylus's heartrate rapidly changes from anywhere between ~126 to ~140
Is he ok?
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I admit these boys are kinda stealing the show for me
>Sylus's heartrate rapidly changes from anywhere between ~126 to ~140
>Is he ok?
No he isn't, genuinely. Weirdly enough his Myth has 0 lore in it, it's all in the anecdotes and new msq chapters.
they're so cute. I'm so jealous Sylus gets them liking his posts... I want them to like mine too....
I'm kinda hoping they eventually start making some posts of their own (together or individual) like Greyson, Thomas, etc have been doing.
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Imagine not getting your posts liked by Luke, couldn’t be me (I don’t know what happened to Kieran)
>have to grind kitty cards for a like
can't remember for sure, but is this the only post Nero's replied directly to? I was really amused to see his reply pop up (not that it isn't on point for him, but still)
Kieran hates us, is over
maybe Kieran's just as sick of kitty cards as the rest of us
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A gift from /vg/
i hate kitty cards so much its unreal
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Leather techwear trenchcoat Zayne AU costume when?
Teasing me.
And Sylus gets a shower scene right off the bat? Wonder if they'll ever do that for anyone else.
Too much dumb synchronicity today making me think of my real husbando lol.
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I wish the side characters had little profile pages too. I'm so curious what Kieran's profile pic is.
The only negative about this update is having to actually play the cards again for Sylus’s achievements. Also he seems to be even worse at the crane game than Xav.
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Waiting for them to announce LaDS boob/ass mousepads and r18 figures as physical merch
Kieran’s pic is similar to Luke, the crow is just facing the opposite side
>pink gems only banner
makes sense, the Japanese love the pink gem reruns
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What post did you see him interact with?
It was when Sylus made one of his first few posts and it was at 0 likes. I was scrolling down the whole page looking at previous character posts and then a notification/update popped up about them liking his post, so I could click on their profiles. Now I wish I took a screenshot since Kieran is being elusive...
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nta but I’ve seen him like this Sylus post and another one about the sunset
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To be fair, they’re probably too busy stalking me on Sylus’s orders to stay on top of social media
So Sylus gets irritated by the sun and can't swim. Now I really need a beach event.
Sylus in a kid's floatie while the twins carry a huge parasol over him...
I know what kind of game this is, but I'd really like to see them interacting, à la ToT. Blame my fujo roots.
>So Sylus gets irritated by the sun and can't swim
Is Sylus a vampire?
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thanks a lot. your explanations were super helpful and i think I'm finally gonna give abyssal chaos a try tonight
i love seeing these different responses. It sucks that you can't see what he answers to other ones but i understand devs. It gives a more real life experience. but still... i've decided to postpone answering to him until I know him better. Right know i don't know yet how to pick the "best" responses for him. And i have so many moment responses of the other boys that i wish i could change
>are you afraid of the water, kitten
The twins still wearing their full chuuni henchcrow gear even while waist deep in water is so perfect. Nice work, anon
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I love you for this
Is there a trick to getting 5* stuff from radiant galaxy or am I just unlucky
no trick, welcome to the lucklet club. i've only gotten 5* shards once
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Just be lucky. If there was any pattern to it the chink autists would have figured it out by now
Where is this from? Abyssal chaos?
Based & saved
>dies from facetanking too much
>can't catch any plushies
>sucks at kitty cards
Why is my Sylus so retarded
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I gotchu
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And Luke
he's so bad at everything, I love him very much. Completely misses all the plushies. I don't know why he has so many guns, dude can't aim for shit
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Love these cool bois
Yeah MC makes him 'disguise' himself as the 'Mad Doctor Enyaz'.
sylus is good and all but I love these two so goddamn much
I like the kitty cards but I got BTFO 3 times in a row playing advanced with Sylus
I love him.
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damn i completely forgot to pre for it lol
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New Genshin male character leaks for reals. Surely you'd like their design.
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Gotta say I'm intrigued. Star/Constellation themed costumes should come out pretty good
What do we think?

Will they throw the fans of the fammiliars a bone out of pity?
do people genuinely give a flying fuck about Aster and Morvey?
I like them more than Oli, Blade and the dog, but I stopped playing ages ago
Idk their first ever cards were a mess, between de-shotafying aster and not having morvay get actually dicked down on either of them kinda made me lose hope but then again eiden's second card was a vast improvement from the first so who knows
Depends how well their first banners went I heard the reception was a little mixed, the rooms having eiden in their r2s but not r5s frustrated people who either wanted eiden in both or neither plus the fact that you don't even get to see aster use his dick in any of them
ill pull for aster if they don't change his appearance to the boring ass seme design again
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it's probably yakumo and edmond again
I'll pull for Aster if he fucks Eiden in his shota form
Fuck yeah
Hopefully no
I like Aster
I didn't go for the last banner though since he looks completely different. Maybe it would have been cool if it weren't his first and only SSR
>rolled twice for Belp
>got his item both times
ebin all I need someone too use it
even if you can't get Belphie, can his artifact be used for anyone else? I haven't read the description so idk what it does, but maybe it can be a good placeholder for one of the other guys until you get him
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God, I love his bouncy tits. His ass jiggles too but it's harder to see.
Kek I was planning on uploading this here too, it’s such a subtle but 10/10 detail to add. Same goes for that old Zayne 4* with his happy trail stubble.
not that experienced with it, but I think this has to be the most enthusiastic attempt at male jiggle physics in a game. I thought Raf had some nice jiggle going but I think Sylus beats him
They say that they do. But people I've seen talk about them also usually don't like them enough to roll on their banner either.
how can they ever top sylus
Caleb is going to be BUILT just you wait
I don't care about Caleb. Is my grandma ok??
She is 100% dead
Caleb looks like a monkey to me, if they really waste a LI slot on him then oh boy, I'm dreading the banners he's sharing with the others
I would like Caleb more if he was half or full BR onii-chan but even the eng TL neuters him more by writing childhood friend when jp says brother
He is ok though I’m pretty neutral on him
Luke and Kieran duo unit, of course
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I’m still pretty neutral on Caleb (need to spend more time with him) but twins playable would break my wallet
>check his heartrate later
>now it's 60-80
when i checked it at night it was around 130. then i checked it around noon and it was much lower. maybe because he hates daylight or sonething? And he's much more energized at night
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>they become playable but still wear their masks
>they will randomly switch clothes and have you guess if the one you are fondling is kieran or luke
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You can pick 3 LIs to be on focus for shared banners
Can't believe he shamelessly let us measure his tits.
I'm gonna try to play Ensemble Stars because the boys are cute and I never played this type of game.

How casual it is?
Disregarding schizo rerolls, meta gameplay tips, is there something I need to know?
You're going to play music? It's super tedious. Ranking in events is hard, especially so as a newbies as it requires you to be on the game multiple times a day grinding. Not sure how easy EN enstars is compared to jp but yeah events can be a pain if you want to get 5* copies. Besides that it's just your usual low effort gameplay, story honestly is getting worse and worse with idiotic writers retconning old stories.
t. Jp enstarsfag since 2016 who quit after a year of music
Absolutely not casual at all
Gonna assume you want to try Music.
It's not casual if you want to get 5* cards from events. The events only last about a week, energy recharges fast and is full after only 5hrs, so if you want to maximize event pts gain you need to not let yourself cap too much. Another thing to know is that there are 49 characters (+5 if you're playing on jp) so it's recommended that you focus on a few characters you like unless you're fine with not having a complete collection on those chars. Also the main difference between the jp version from the other versions (cn/kr/tw/en) is that there is no auto which helps ease the grind.
>win 5 times in Kitty Cards Advanced
why do you force me to play this game mode...
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Its a Mystery...but it probably Blade (my beloved)
Description sounds like Blade. So Blade/Edmond?
Snake punished for the crime of getting an SR
They're probably trying to split Blade and Rei because they've been together twice but always need an SR to carry them. Separating them and putting them with more popular characters would work better for the banners.
Yakumond sisters in shambles
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>Xav gets assist card to get 2 more assist cards
>Uses it
>Gets assist card to get 2 more assist cards
>Uses it
>Gets card to get a previously used assist card
>Uses it
>Gets card to get 2 more assist cards
Jesus christ this is hell
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This shit is rigged man, I hardly get the double draw assist when I need it, and when I don't need it it's all I get when I then need a kitty destroyer but he gets all the double draws instead after destroying his number cards for 3 turns, the boys better enjoy CBT when I'm done with this bullshit
So wait will this mean we're going to get another Dante/Garu banner? Dante/Olivine? Quincy/Garu? Can't we have a new fucking bottom already? Yakumo/Rei sounds like a fun banner, but fuck me how often the bottoms get passed, especially Garu

We desperately need another top-top banner
Excuse me but it's only Blade that needs the SR, not Rei. I predict the Blade/Olivine banner will have SR Edmund
Zayne just did this same to me, kinda reminds me why I started skipping playing cards every week
There's only four unique 2P top/bottom pairs left that haven't been done if I'm counting right. Yakumo/Rei, Quincy/Garu, Blade/Olivine and Dante/Rei. If they had a problem with repeating pairs they would have given us top/top or bottom/bottom banners by now, but they don't seem to care enough to do so.
Zayne always pulls this shit with me. Feels miserable when I'm trying to get the Kitty Card achievements.
I just bullied Sylus the whole time.
Quincy/Kuya was the only top/top banner
Yeah I meant more besides the one. I just don't think it's going to happen, we have a better chance of getting a new bottom.
the peak of this entire game, bring back more top/top banners or just resort to doing bottom/bottom
Sylus is surprisingly a pushover when it comes to kitty cards. I thought he’d be the toughest opponent
They need a "stop talking" toggle, I've already seen all this dialogue and it easily doubles the time these rounds take.
I play "serious" games like Honkai Star Rail and Genshin, I think some of the boys look pretty cute and I would love to hang out with some of them, didn't know it was that hardcore of a game, yes, I would like to play the musical segments.
Sleepy bottom, let's go!
Grub's art has a chokehold on me. If only they weren't so allergic to making proper husbando pandering.
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Silhouette exuding sex.

Very excited to see Blade paired up with him again
>not a familiar banner
thank fucking god
Love wife but I can tell from the silhouette that those shoes are going to be so stupid

Just put them out of frame on the home screen and forget that they exist.
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>actual sex in my chink game
Absolutely haram.
I’m kinda surprised how spicy these little story parts can be. I wasn’t expecting much story or character interaction in my rougelite but I’m not complaining
aw i was kinda hoping for yakumo bc we havent had a matchup with him and blade yet but eddie is good too
Idol fest, and technically the detective event?
This mode turned out so nice
>story modes with actual lore and intimacy
>but also skippable text for fast grinding
>great rewards
>no stress about leveling cards, the biggest drag in the main game
>good balance between combat, story, and other events
both triple banners where they didn't interact that much but now i wonder if this one might have an SR too
Is this nigga really wearing kicks?
>but now i wonder if this one might have an SR too
It won't. Edmond is enough to draw in whales. Blade banners require someone stupid popular. If he's any of the unpopulars, he gets an SR. Rei was pretty new so I think that was the reasoning with the Blade/Rei getting an SR
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Remembering that Light and Night is still CN only
Still pray every day that the success of LaDS will inspire them to do a global version but since most of their income comes from China
saw one of them having a meltdown on twitter kek
I don't play either of those, but you can play EnMusic pretty casually if you don't mind missing out on several events since the events happen bi-weekly.

>I would love to hang out with some of them
I don't read all the story because I mainly produce only one character but from what I've seen/skimmed, the characters don't spend a lot of time with Anzu (the producer/player character) but it does depend. Majority of scout stories are them hanging out with each other, and event stories might not involve Anzu at all but I can't be too sure since the one I produce belongs to a unit that's barely involved with her. If you're looking for full otomebaiting though, you won't find it here. The rhythm game itself is fun imo, not too hard and not super easy.
I'm interested in the story but not a fan of the art style so idk, I'm not in a rush to have a global server. I heard they released a korean one recently though IIRC.
Wish they would make SRs just for the sake of it. Would be nice to see the boys more often.
My first time playing with Lightseeker Xavier and holy shid this guy summons a giant sword for his resonance skill
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too much sugar

thought we were getting an ethereal tanabata event but instead it's a Nike vapormax collab
It's not even his strongest myth set, just wait until you try the Lumiere kit. He's got that really useful pull like Raf but you can spam it much more
Still only let me win once.
It's not required to the the 5*, there's 90 missions but you only need 80 at most (less if you do the 20 pt missons)
I still wanted to get all the little prizes too, though I guess that one was just money.
What happened with whb again? The drama is amusing to say the least.
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>Uwuwu yes I wanted to become a god and kill all humans but now I'm just a silly lil hat guy nyaan buy my kawaii catboy merch pls. Oh this? This heckin lil dragon is more related to Albedo's plot... but now he's my misunderstood mini-sidekick (he's just like me frfr)
>Buy our merch pls cat ladies :3

Do any of you Gemshit yumes still unironically love Scaradook to this day?
I just beat him three times in a row. Compared to Zayne, he's beginner tier.
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I had to spend a lot of gems to force pull Quincy but damn if it was worth it,this was hot af
thanks for the pic and your sacrifice anon
Wait... This is available in the Google Playstore!?
Abayo o7
>whb riot
F2p fags trying to justify pbs decision to put a paywalled character that was advertised to stay paywalled, into the normal standard banner, accessible to anyone who didn't pay before. So understandably p2p players are upset. Idk what's with f2p and their egoistic view that everything in the game has to be handed to them. Pb can be glad p2p exists to keep this dogshit game afloat but with this decision I can imagine paypigs leaving in droves and f2p are not going to cover the cost to keep the game running and barely anyone has a braincell to realise that
Undestandably, but like why are f2p fags happy? With the update they can barely get any red keys now. On top of that in order to fully get everything from a card you need x5 copies of each card and an artifact. So p2p fags shouldn't fret much since f2p fags have to suffer in order to get these anyways. The cards stories ain't voiced either. I think pb made that move to stop f2p fags from datamining. As if that you'd stop them lol, since another card is going to be japan exclusive only this time. All whb players have reading compression issues along with the creators brain damage issues.
Did velvet react taking their place hurt that much kek. They'll go fourth after Nocticulent comes out.
>In a tie with 3 white cups left
>Haha I'll just put whatever in one cup and win in the next turn
>He uses the assist card that lets him fill the remaining 2 cups in 1 turn
Go on without me...
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Room 5 is good too sis
fuck it im buying the extra scrolls i need him
already did 200 rolls and NO quinquin
don't make me go back
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Sadly I don’t have any of his Lumiere cards… even though he’s on trial it won’t let me play with that set. Boo. I’m still having fun with Lightseeker in abyssal chaos though, he has some fun exclusive codes for it
Oh no I agree. The update in general is shit like usual but you can't expect these people to read the patchnotes, let alone figure out that no one wins with such a system
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What if Mini Durin becomes a playable character in the future as Genshin's first possible playable shota. How many of you would pull for a playable Durin?
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A. fuck off
B. I want human Dvalin cause Takeuchi Shunsuke
>B. I want human Dvalin cause Takeuchi Shunsuke
But who'd be the English voice actor? Yuri Lowenthal or Chris Hackney reused again because humanoid Dvalin would sound much different than his dragon form?
I don't care about anime dub VA's.
Quincy is always a treat
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Astro boy :D He's looking a lot like his SSR
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Any sis in here going to pick Sylus/Xavier (JP dub) and is willing to record and upload the call? I'm going for either of them and just want to make sure I'm not missing out on content.
Can also upload the one I'll record and post it here
Why does a robot need a space helmet?
Because it's cute.
to protect his dumb head from getting any dumber from getting hit by a shooting star
Not a fan of the cloudy helmet, already bulky and making it cloudy obscures more
Looks cute but I'm glad that wife has his helmet off
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>chinese only closed beta
ngl im looking forward to noctilucent more and more with how they're handling the release cuz theyre actually taking their time to make sure they release a good game and not the rushed shit show VR was with their constant maintenance issues
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tops dont look like this
blade is too cute to make me horny that i barely watch his rooms anymore i just like collecting his cards bc they're pretty
I'll get Xavier for you.
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These devs are such clowns.
I have no idea who they’re even trying to please at this point. They go back and forth on pissing off whales, low spenders, and f2p so often. I don’t know who’s running this game but holy hell are they bad at it
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>a mistake on our part regarding confirmation of the existing announcement
Yeah okay sure
It's 150 rolls to guarantee a myth set, right?
How do people have so much faith in a company that can't even write a staff note in proper English
Yeah but why are you asking? There’s no myth banner afaik
So I'll know what minimum amount to always keep in my stash.
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Awesome, I'll have Sylus ready
sylus rabu
I think it’s mostly because pb was pretty open and receptive to their players in their last game so goodwill carried over. Unfortunately pb sort of blew through most of that with how they’ve handled WHB
>2 crates
>missing both Raf and Sylus myth pairs in the lot
Which would be better to get. I have Raf's Sea God pair so I was thinking Sylus, but I don't have many 5* purple Raf cards
Any hopes and dreams from the AK livestream?
I had this issue too but I ended up getting Sylus anyway.
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These two will be shipped more than the Sasuke and Sakura parallel
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If its Sargon then Liaison is all I want
Its them, the same faces:

Are they getting an anime
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I know I should be hornyposting but
angst time?
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They put his whole ass on stream
Maybe more mention of Lucian? We don’t really know a lot about before he became vice captain so maybe they’ll do more on that
>Not playable
I want to lick our wife's slutty tummy...
>swimsuit version
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Ragazzo is the playable unit, next flash is collab so there shouldn't be any more summer units for the year
You gotta use your imagination
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2024 is the year of wife wearing slutty skin tight mock necks
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>new 5* summoner boy
>special Phantom mod looks STRONG but is IS-only
Skipping summer to save for Dunmeshi

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