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File: Doom MFF.jpg (92 KB, 740x758)
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Hi yall. Marvel Future Fight is an action RPG game made by Netmarble if you didn't know.

I didn't make this thread to discuss it, but to more discuss it's future, as it seems to be in a rocky shape nowadays.

NM has recently released an update wherein Doctor Doom has received a Tier 4 and a God Emperor Doom costume, and has not been performing as well as people have expected.

This, coupled in with the updates being relatively dry and no groundbreaking content, feels like NM just doesn't really care much anymore and is closing in on EoS for this game, or they just simply have new devs that replaced the old ones(that have probably went to work on Solo Leveling Arise or other projects) and don't know much of what they're doing.

Not sure, but this game feels like it's just in a state of limbo now. This thread probably won't get much replies though since it seems like very little people play it these days.
Played this game years ago, the powercreep with the constant new ways to "power up" characters was just retarded and excruciating to keep up with because they just kept releasing some new power up system, locking materials behind some new mode that really wasnt any different from the last, adding more shit to keep up with daily. The game was always in a limbo, but they're running on Marvel's infinite money and the game didn't exactly bomb the way other Marvel funded games usually do (getting axed from bombing on release). If the game really is on the red, than yeah, Marvel won't be happy about it.
I agree whole heartedly. This game feels sorta like a job. Although I believe it can feel rewarding seeing your progression, I feel like the various ways to power up your characters are little too much and you've also gotta grind alot to do it. PvP is also a complete fucking mess wherein literally only whales sit at the top due to the new CTP specifically made for PvP which can only be acquired through the gacha system.

In Bleach Brave Souls, they've recently put in a new achievement system which has basically made it easier for vets to gain powerup items. It's a real relief because now it feels like grinding is more optional and for those who want all their units completely powered up.

In Marvel Future Fight, it feels like a lot of the game is just centered around grinding. There are gacha games where the grinding is part of the game, but in MFF, it's literally a must to keep grinding away in the game.

If I didn't love Marvel comics and it's characters, I would've stopped playing sooner. I only recently uninstalled because it felt like this game was just not ever gonna get better.
The only reason i even picked this game up was because i used to play Marvel Avengers Alliance back on fucking facebook. That got me into Marvel (mostly, still really didnt read anything. Also Marvel vs Capcom). Moved on to play this and Marvel Heroes. This game started off alright, but it just quickly hit that same cycle of content. New power up > New enhance material > new mode that only drops it. And every mode was basically just "fight big boss in a room with millions of HP, and you're restricted most of the time". They almost never added new materials to previous modes or other means. Wouldnt be surprised if i installed the game now and saw at least 20+ daily modes just to get dripfed materials to make my units into slightly stronger wet tissue paper with my old account.
There's an upcoming Deadpool and Wolverine update but this thread is still dead. Damn.

I genuinely wish this was a bit more active. The official netmarble forums are even more chaotic than 4chan and the reddit forums usually simp for the game too hard for actual discussion of it's troubling state to take place.

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