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Are there any good mobile games that don't need an internet connection or is it pretty much exclusively emulator games?
Gonna have two 9h flights soon (in addition to several hours in the airport) and want to have some games to mix in with the shows/books/movies

Bonus points for free or "free"
See >>1450095
tyty, I usually search things when I go to a new board but it's almost always in vain
Yeah, it's basically a gacha board. The demand for other games does exist, though, and we usually have a thread for them.
If you're looking for something specific, you could try searching on https://minireview.io It has filtering by genre, monetization and network use, so it's easier to find stuff than on Android or iOS store apps.
I feel too lost to find anything in this list, but this is helpful to get a more indepth view of the anon suggestions that seem interesting from the other thread, so thanks
Yes. hitman blood money on mobile. game does not require an internet connection. i have about 100 hours in that game. its basically a console game that was ported to mobile. amazing. cant recommend it enough. its a bit old (2006) but if you can get past the graphics you will love it. Of course, you need a beefy enough phone or tablet to play it.
I know I am too late, but you can try Evoland 1 and 2

also Dungeons of Dreadrock
unciv its civ 5 on mobile, also theres a mount and blade game but i forgot it, its like 1 to 1 mountand blade but the assaults and defenses are a bit different
I think you will singlehandedly fix my play store recommendations thanks to this page. Thanks anon
Yeah, the store is hopeless for finding decent games to play. Even when searching for something specific, the top results will still be some sponsored crap.
It also doesn't track discounts on paid games despite having a wishlist, so if you plan on catching something on sale, consider using AppSales.

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