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i started playing PNC for the stein's gate collab anyone got tips for the game ?
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when i first started playing, i would pick buffs at random, i didn't know what the function chain was for the longest, but getting their bonuses at 2 and 4 help significantly, and increases your team's combat power, so don't neglect them.
Bonneville or Hatsuchiri?
Start is very slow, but you will eventually be very strong. Milau is in newbie selector and is very strong tank+buffer
I don't like neither of paid collab skins sadly. They feel both out of character, wish they did classic MQNya^2 outfits instead
Most PNCerds lurk in the GFL threads.
That said the game has quite a bit going for it. You have your macros which you need to get resources otherwise you're gated. For your oasis, focus on prefabs. That is the bread and butter of most items. Generally if you do not buy the battle pass you'll want to continuously roll out skill pivots. Then when it's unlocked you want to continuously roll out AI cores and the purple exp items. Some things to note, don't go to Arma Inscription lb 30. Stopping at 20 after the breakthrough is good enough.
Now on to micro or the actual gameplay. There are 2 damage types, hashrate and physical. If you play league of legends it's essentially AP vs damage. Each doll has their own favorite type. There are some corner cases where one doll will scale with hashrate, but since the scaling isn't particularly useful they're built with physical damage instead. Generally this only happens with supprot. You can tell what they use by checking the dolls skill. Blue is hashrate and red is physical. Considering what is available right now, you should aim for a sniper based comp. Assuming you have Christina. Make sure you can clear out the event since okabe might not be added to the fragments. The best tips is to generally just read the rewards and pick the functions that best apply.
For early game team comp stick to 2 flavor DPS (war or sniper) 1 tank 1 healer and 1 support or another DPS. If you pick the same flavor, most of the functions will affect more of your team enabling more damage.
Node types, purple ones typically offer a challenge but they provide positive protocols which is another way to buff your team up. Depending on the game mode other nodes may be more favored

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