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You ARE spending all your gems on the collaboration-exclusive magical girls that will never be seen again, right? RIGHT?
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Apparently the anniversary demon is already in the files.
how you find it
1337 h4x0r skillz
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Since it's a new thread... /smtg/ has a few open spots! Apply now before the Fire Demo starts (~21 hours from now). We always place in the top%, which means max faction rewards for you regardless of your damage dealt. Just search for "/smtg/" without quotation marks in the faction menu, apply, then reply to this post with your name/ID (or a clue if you don't want to) so we know you're not some random. If you're in a dead faction or want better rewards, you can leave it, wait 6 hours, then apply to ours. Don't forget to participate twice daily to get the gems.
>step1'd furykado
wtf bros, i no longer hate him!?!?
I should go for Mephisto right?
I have a few slow demons like Shaddai and 10th but no anti revive ban demons
Oh, yeah Mephisto seems like the best choice but I still want to hear your opinions
my nigga was the MVP during the entire SMT VV early game
Seems like we're following the same formula as the 5.5th anni to the end. Collab trio (Evangelion/Meguca), then an event introducing a commemorative unit (Cait Sith/Zhu Tun She) along with the usual 5* (Camael/???). It will most likely be a Doi demon from SMT V, possibly with new game mechanics.
anyone got a good t1 and t2 teams I can build with what little I have

what brands should I put on them/
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FORGOT this sorry
T1: Madoka, malicetron, furykado and either Lugh (to proc malicetron) or Vivian (for speed)
T2: ygg, narcissus, moloch, furykado
Do you think we'll get another Malice demon during this half anniversary?
Welcome to the winning side.
Always organize by grade from high to low when asking for advice. And wait for anniversary stream before rolling in these banners.
I was joking anon, Chotonda has been in the files for years, since they added drakes. It was supposed to be spoilered, but I messed up.
No chance in hell. Malicetron was added because of the story. Until we see another Malice demon (perhaps when the new chapter releases later this year) we might see another.
>Chotonda has been in the files for years, since they added drakes
I'm still waiting for Yuki Jyouro...
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Glacially based and borealpilled, I've been waiting for my wife too. Are we going to have to compete for the No.1 spot on the Devicon?
No because I hate brand farming and only play somewhat casually.
>>151754 t6
Then I'll get the No.1 spot for both of us.
Please do, friend.
>And wait for anniversary stream before rolling in these banners.
No point. I won't get anni demon and this will be my last chance to use up my daybreak tomes before daybreak banner gets deleted forever
Suit yourself, but why did you ask for opinions then?
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CUTE DEMETER! Love me some demeter spirits.
Also I didn't get any of the madoka units and got like 3 ladon pulls. Sad day.
Bro really thought he was cooking with this team
This one is just funny
Most people don't understand that you're not supposed to use Walpurgisnacht in a defense team but in an attack one.
People did the same in the Battle Tower that just ended, I just ignored her and went straight for the MC.
First for I hate the mutt
True, but she can be annoying on defense if maxed and paired with Demeter, Idun, and Ouro... if you don't have bulwark removal.
Free pull W
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Mermaid Love!
I wish that was me. I'm tempted to do my final pull when I get pvp gems but it's not a good idea when the next big demon is going to be revealed soon.
>i'm using literally all of the top four T1 units in my team, therefore opposing team bad
this one though, lol
I need to get 7 star brands just so I can finally get top 1 for my mermaid, either that or get Life Surge like the current first place.
Same but I don't have any of the demons required to farm BoS 14.
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>that team
this is a new low for lowqualityfags
Fool me once, shame on you.
Anyway, I finished the Finn McCool quest in SMT VV today. You even get an achievement for it, which is quite unusual. He would be a solid choice for a half anni unit
Reminder this is a pajeet that used to call other members leeches everytime someone would join , without even being top 3 himself, and by doing so made around 4-7 members Master rank to leave, he got so btfo that decided to memory holed it and call others retards in the faction chat. You've been warned, he only posts to fill his ego and always tries to use grammar as his "gotcha" while being wrong on many if not most aspects of the game.
where is the cat pic tho?
Whatever bro, now shut up
stay salty, you can't rewrite what you did lmao
literally not a single one of those things happened... why does this guy live in your head rent free so much it makes you want to lie about him?
Lil bro get help.
No, no, shame on you! Anyone who has played this game long enough knows at least some of the demons that have been left to rot in the files.
>He would be a solid choice for a half anni unit
If we aren't getting boss like Maou Lucifer for the 6-6-6, I'd rather we get demons with no 3D models yet (or something from the files like the throne Cherub) or Bai Suzhen.
Please understand, he's very mentally ill. Just ignore him.
Lucifer A, along with Vanitas, the Satans and YHVH, is reserved for a full anni with EOS already in sight, or at least after a TOS change where SEGA abandons its current format of adding new demons to the game every two weeks. Change my mind.
>calls others pajeets
>shits up the thread
hypocrite that you are...
Cute Idun!

>where SEGA abandons its current format of adding new demons to the game every two weeks.
To what? One demon per month? The game wouldn't survive that.
That's at least five separate demons, why would they blow their load on a single anniversary even with EOS in sight? They could spread those out over at least two years.
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Well no Meguka character for me but I finally got my first Maria from the free summons
>Change my mind.
Alright. It's the 6th.5 anniversary, that means that it will be 6 years and 6 months since the game released in Japan. On July 28th, it will also be 6 additional days since. Therefore, an unit added next week when metraca event ends will be the 666 units, perfect for Maou Lucifer.
Lucifer is already in the game so that's not an apt comparison. Also, I don't really want any of those to be added, specially Vanitas.
Didn't get the girls either, but congratulations anyway.
Maria is better than Walp and Madoka desu so you got lucky
take a shower stinky boy, unironically, we all can see you're samefagging trying to safe face after being a clown

that's solid, took me way more gems than what I initially expected to get my Maria, good job bro
You meant to say "save face" brosky lol
There's not a single maria in the pvp top 100.
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You miss more than P0 Gogmagog trying to use Earthquake on Guedhe. Retard.
>The game wouldn't survive that.
Precisely. But unless the devs are willing to make balance changes more frequently, introducing the franchise's strongest characters lorewise only to have them getting powercrept by whatever Doislop SMT VI comes up with will reach peak ridiculousness fast (personally, I'm still not over what happened to Elo)
each full anni features no less than three big boys or girls in the franchise: the New Year's duo and the sole defensive unit that follows right after. Vanitas is a wildcard right now, but it wouldn't be too farfetched to see them pairing Lucifer A with Satan (Kaneko), then YHVH with/or Satan A six months later.
I like your kind of 'tism; it's just like mine. Dx2, however, doesn't have a great track record when it comes to tying thoughtful real world details into its events. Closest I can think of is them adding Longinus during Holy Week and rerunning Mary for the first time in May (Marian month) -- and there's a good chance these were all coincidental
forgot to say that, being a launch demon, Lucifer "already" being in the game is irrelevant. I mean, Metatron is another launch demon and he doesn't even have an alternate design in the franchise; still they found a way to give him a gacha-only form
Yes, he's retard-kun. He is EXTREMELY salty that he got kicked out of the /smtg/ faction because... you won't believe this: He ragequit the game, announced it on thread, and then hadn't logged in like two weeks or so. Shocker, I know! Now WHY he has chosen recruiter-kun as his nemesis, I don't know... he's not the leader, he can't add nor kick anyone. All he does is post the recruitment and shout out in faction chat when someone replied so the leader knows he has to check it out.
Name? You can easily check his logged in days and compared it to when she got kicked, did she logged back in? Show us the logged in days and she'll stop posting likely. If she still has like 100 days then is not the same.
>You can easily check his logged in days
First we'll need the name, then whoever had her as friend can check the last log in and then count the days before/after. Was there a change in days since she got kicked? Or did it just kept accumulating with no change?
You're massively overestimating the amount of interest someone would have in this to actually organize around finding out who had the retard as a friend.
At this point all you're doing is making it seems like it's you, the retard. Both by saying >she and by asking for a name, as if you're salivating at the idea of someone actually remembering your name. Pathetic.
Bro you're unhinged as fuck with all that you wrote there, it's like your a psychopath, narcissist, and a schizophrenic all packed into one. All I said was for you to post the name so that whoever have her as a friend can check the last log in, and that would simply stop or confirm the narrative that it was "someone from the faction that got kicked". You have a problem with me calling drama makers as females? Might as well start calling you a she too roflmao.

Or are you afraid it'll all crumble down once that little detail is out?

So go on, and post the last logged in and the name to end this little drama. Or keep having a literal who rent free in your head while proving >>1518170 right. Queue the namecalling, "samefagging" and irrelevant posts and watch how you keep seething.
>your psychopath

no no, not yours, my ELS psychopath !
also dead thread dead game can't wait for the anni leaks
>he's samefagging again and not even trying to hide it anymore
What did we do to deserve this faggot? Why couldn't another gacha catch his attention?
just ignore him
/smtg/ not like this bros....
is demeter still top pick in pve mode rn? I heard idun is taking her job bc she has quicker animation
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CAN i do anything with my account?
Demeter will help you clear it, Idun will help you speedrun it. Focus on making sure you can do the former comfortably first before worrying about the latter. Even if you can't skip BoS14, having a 15 minute clear time means you can have it running indefinitely overnight or when you're not doing anything else, unless the server disconnects.
Mephisto and Kaname are very good but they really need other demons to shine imo (speedsters for Meph, tanks and revive demons for Madoka) but overall they are very nice.
Old One is a bit unpopular but he is super solid, and Kumbhanda is good for farming brands and democalypse if you are into that.
Maybe keep that one until they reveal the next demon next week and see if you want to reroll for that one or just keep your cute magic girl.
you're right. it is worst
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I don't want to add more fuel to the fire but it's surprisingly common.
You can see a lot of schizos playing the game, either in-game (the chat) or outside of the game (these threads, reddit, discord, etcetera). Also a lot of retards and faggots but that's to be expected from a gacha game.
It makes sense because it's smt and a lot of autistic men, and women, like the series, but I'm surprised to see that many unhinged individuals.
>inb4 reddit and discord
Yeah I know. I joined the discord server to get help when I was new but nobody wanted to help so I just left. Most of the people there sounded like annoying fags so I probably dodged a bullet.
Maybe you'd have a point... if it wasn't because these threads were cozy until a few months ago when the dunning-kruger schizo appeared. It's ironic he calls anyone pajeet when he shits in the thread every time he posts.
nta but next time look up what words means before you post them anon

to be honest im just waiting for what >>1518750 said , the name or an ingame screenshot of the last logged in would pretty much solve this but it also bumps the thread as theres basically no discussion even when we currently have a madoka collab (sad, as its one of my fav animes) so it is what it is

as it stands it might as well just be an unhinged samefag making drama for himself and then acting like he was another person calling him retard
>nta but next time look up what words means
Oh, I know what it means, and (you) exemplify it perfectly.
>as it stands it might as well just be an unhinged samefag
Heh, yeah.
For fucks sake just ignore him already
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>just deal a 44000 damage hit on an enemy Camael
God, I love this blue fluffy bastard so much.
>no discussion even when we currently have a madoka collab (sad, as its one of my fav animes) so it is what it is
It's not like we can much discussion when most of the units are somewhat solved and the teams were made. Also some anons weren't able to get the units (myself included).
>joined the discord server to get help when I was new but nobody wanted to help so I just left
My literal experience.
By the way, the average IQ in the Dx2 Leddit is 40 and its official language is ESL. You may think our threads are an all-time low, but over there, not only are the questions retarded, the answers are too. I read it out of pure masochism sometimes.
Example from scrolling the front page for a single minute: barely literate idiots not understanding how the step up banners work because they DON'T READ. Top voted answer is misleading, which doesn't even seem to be intentional, just stupidity.
bless you anon , you'll get the next meta unit in less than 10 rolls next time
Who /savingupfor7thanni/ here?
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I have Malice metatron and can get Diamond 2 and 3 somewhat easily, so unless the next demon completely obliterates my team I think I'm saving for August and September (because most good banners drop around that timeframe) and December.
But for now I'm just dropping gems like a madman just for completion sake.
Let's hope for the best.
curse you anon , you'll get the next meta unit in less than 300 rolls next time
Me but only because the alternative is opening my wallet.
How its the game nowdays? Thinking about coming back to it
Same as always in principle, but less people playing. It doesn't seem to have much retention with new players, or at least before the current event. Depending on when you quit, you might find new systems like the Devil Connector, but you can always ask questions here.
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Finally fulfilled my lifelong dream of saving at least 54k Jems. I can pity two 300-tome demons in a row if the need ever arises!
I won't, though. If the anni banner is a solo unit, I'll stop rolling after getting a single dupe and then grab its P2 with Unis (got 145 rn but they'll certainly run Chagrin next week). I might have 70k gems come the 7th anni.
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Good shit dude.
I need to learn this power be ause there are so many cool demons that I want and I just end up wasting my gems.
Hope the next demon is someone you like.
When was the last time you rolled?
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Thanks, fren! I guess my dream pick for this anni may be a bit unpopular, but I have fond memories of her. If not for Nocturne, I wouldn't be here.
Luckily, I already own most of my favorites (the ones in my previous screencap)
I tomed Idun (after rolling 5x Mephisto) and then Fury Masakado. This left me with 215 Jems in the end, but carried me through the entire semester (as far as you can go with no Hustle Pack, at least).
Do I actually NEED to play PVP? Everyone complains about it when I ask if its worth playing the game but are the rewards for being competitive actually important?
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Nyx is so cute but I will be mad as hell if she is next because I only have enough for one step.
PvP and BT are the main source of gems. The second one is democalypse (around 540 gems iirc every 2 weeks).
If you don't do them you are pretty much not getting gems aside of the battle pass and daily 20 gems.
Also after you finish the story pvp and democalypse are the only things left to do aside of farming brands for both modes. I dotn want to sound mean, but if you don't find any of those modes good you should uninstall.
There are a lot of people I've seen of very high character level (which means they've been playing for years) that their badge shows they're in low gold or even silver, meaning they have been enjoying the game without encroaching into PvP that much (or basically not at all).

Do you NEED to? No.
Is it worth it? Yes, for the gems.
How did you guys do? thinking of leaving my faction
Top 3%/top 100.
how does sword and shield work? do you need to collect them all or just build the better ones?
For PvP, just the best ones.
For PvE, grab one of each element's healing sword and the shields that are highest in each stat, because it gives you a bonus for the shields you're not using.
for pve use asura shield, it has the best all around defenses except against ice demons so you need a ananta or rama shield for those situations
attack means jack shit in pve if you care to get to the 200th floor for the title mission, and the bonuses the shields give are quite useless
Yes. If you don't play your gem income will be laughably low.
Such is the way of this scummy game.
>game rewards you for playing it
woah...such a scam...
I haven't played since bayonettas collab, how the fuck is everyone so fast in pvp now? slow teams have like 25k+ and fast teams have like 30 to 50k? how the fuck do I even try to compete or get to that level with this shit.
>fast teams have like 30 to 50k?
That's midrange. You can easily get over 100k now.
>how do I compete?
Lmao? You do need a final good demon. Maybe just use basic ass Kartikeya or go for the meme P3 Lilith, Cleo, Fury Masakado, Speedster team.
I ran that shit with Garuda as my speed fodder demon and got like 60k. Of course 60 isn't that much, but you can use the kangaroo guy to use his passive skill to attack first and fuck some demons up.
Am I being a retard by not puting speedster and speed brands on everyone then? Im only hitting 24k and if I don't go first I get turbo fucked.
>Am I being a retard by not puting speedster and speed brands on everyone then?
Pretty much. Cleo is surprisingly fast even with mediocre brands, and with good investment she can reach 60k easily. The best teams probably run her alongside Morrigan and get up to 80k or maybe more, but 60K is good enough for you imo.
You already have two demons that add PTs and Kaname adds extra power iirc, so just use good brands and kill some people.
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This is what I was running for a bit when cleo released, and I think before I got Astaroth recently I had like 50k with Garuda.
It may not look like a lot but Lilith is a massive lardass and makes the team slower, but aside of that it was a very funny team.
You will probably be able to get really good speed with your demons.
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Will you redeem it?
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Oh fuck he is in!
Either I'm being memed up or Sega fucked up.
Sega fucked up. They took the page down
Did anyone save a screenshot of what he does?
they couldnt see it. We know he is ailment in SMTA so prob will be ailment pierce
I was about to ask how to deal with ailments and now we get a demon that focuses on ailments.
Also English site still hasn't announced this
Imagine if he has ailments pierce.
Only the event page was saved it seems. You can see it on the wayback machine but it seems that the event will give you Force Prana, so I guess that's a hint of what his main attack may be.
>2 force demons in a row
Didn't expect that.
Well his in apoc he had positive affinities in elec and force, since he wears green they probably went with force
Ailment pierce bros we WON
Last year we had 6th angel and then Camael, so it's not that surprising.
I'm interested to see if they will have buffs this year.
Is there actual confirmation that he'll have ailment pierce? I'm asking so I finally have an excuse to stop playing the game completely.
It's mostly a meme but Krishna is definitely bringing a new mechanic with him
Without ailment pierce, I can't think of something he can do around ailments that Ouroboros doesn't already do. Fire off all the ailments and then his main attack does extra damage based on how many ailments the enemy has. Only thing I can see Krishna doing with that is being the force element big damage single target version.
So instead I think he'll be the spirit chain version. Fire off one stack of random or all spirit chains, then his main attack does extra damage based on how many spirit chains the enemy has. Demons with "reduces spirit chain by 1" like Cleo and Kuzuryu will benefit, and it'll open the door for a spirit chain cleanser later on.
I have an idea that doesn't involve ailment pierce
>if an opponent nulls an ailment instead put one count of decay per ailment nulled
>if an ailment is inflicted deal force damage and Inflicts weak
I fucking hate this game!
>t. $EGA's #1 cocksucker
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>ailment pierce
Just saw the leaks and did 3 steps of the bait banner because i don't give a fuck about IV's ugly twink.
How's this haul?
Vivian is okay for pvp bur she is a Greta demon overall.
Human Beelzebub doesn't become good until P2.
Ose hallel needs buffs but he is good for dealing with most pve content.
Camael is still super good for pvp.
And Old One is decent for pvp and with the right team, and the dumbest opposing team, he can be super annoying. Has good synergy with Camael.
Not bad.
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I honestly would take anything over ailment pierce or ailment affinity down. Talk about having a lame demon with a lame skillset.
But considering the skills he has in IVA I could see him being full ailment support for ouroboros, homura and cleopatra, having stuff like constant tarukaja, rakukaja and rakunda after hitting ailments, as well as punishing demons that don't get hit by ailments by adding some Chain. Idk, I think they can do something interesting with him but we will see when he gets officially announced.
i was the one claiming that it was ailment pierce because of his SMTA ability. We don't know if its Ailment pierce and you should take it with a grain of salt till the reveal comes out. it could be something else. Don't know how everyone now thinks that is its ability just from saying prob ailment pierce
SEGA do not let the anni demons leak challenge (APOCALYPSE mode)
By the way, the very concept of "ailment pierce" is the most retarded shit you guys here ever came up with. It doesn't even make sense from a gameplay perspective lmao
JUST kill the units protecting the enemies from ailments, stupid
BASED retard
I think it's a meme everywhere because I remember being mentioned when I lurked in the reddit discord.
But yeah, it's retarded.
man, if that's real there's no point even trying to play. every fight will be like praying you don't get charmed or bound so you may have a chance to attack.

nulls will be useless I guess, same with barrier brands, same with demeter's passive? I preferred the game when all you had to worry about was your team being tanky enough to handly a t0 setup
Not so different from when magic attack were shit and everything were about aim/dodge.
"""stream""" just started
The ususal
>2000 Gems
>Free Summons
>150 Uni spirits
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Parchament stuff
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This seems important
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New moder will rotate with battle tower
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The new mode sounds even more P2W than usual...
>3 teams of 5 meta demons
Yep, I'm getting filtered.
>system to bet on one person
>the guy they bet on got absolutely steamrolled
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you don't get any gems from this?
>Choice summon file
Gabriel, my beloved!
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New Demon
pretty sure that's the regular choice summon
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Oh........ The fuck you need that shit for?
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>ace frost panel 4
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Faf and Ace buffs
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>By the way, the very concept of "ailment pierce" is the most retarded shit you guys here ever came up with
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>cumshot soul
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These don't seem to be that impactful
Hope when they get to the Hallels they get better buffs
>1 turn 2nd year of middle school
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Sounds like they're buffing him for both democ and Avarice 14
Why is the guy they always put in drag isn't wearing blackface?
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>>>>>has the effect of recovering the spirit chain
wait 100% of maximum hp?
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now I have Vishnu A, Kalki and Hare Krishna. I am peak superpower
Spirit chain REDEEEM
*5 Deity Krishna (G98)

Transferable: Force Amp

>The Origin's Avatar (Passive)
Adds Force Pierce, Null Mute/Bind.
+30% to Max HP. +25% to Force damage. +2 to own Natural recovery rate of MP.
Activate the following Chain Effect when attacking second: Inflict 1 count of Spirit Chains of Salvation to the enemies with the Highest and Lowest HP, and grant 3 counts of Fortify to self.
Activate the following Chain Effect at the end of own turn: Inflict 1 count of Spirit Chains of Salvation to the enemy with the Highest HP.
While the one with this skill is alive, all allies receive the following effect: When attacked by an enemy that has Spirit Chains of Salvation, any bonus turns generated by that attack that nullified.

>Spirit Chains of Salvation:
At the end of your action, receive damage equivalent to 100% of your Max HP (upto 7500) as Salvation damage. (Ignores Bulwarks and Endures.)

>Tune of Salvation 6MP (5MP at max level)
Inflict Force (Magic, Power: 300) damage with Bulwark Pierce and Remnants to a single enemy.
If attack is successful, Remove 1 count of Spirit Chains for all allies, and increase Press Turns Icons by 1.
*Ignores Endures, Revive Seal
>Spirit Chains of Salvation:
>At the end of your action, receive damage equivalent to 100% of your Max HP (upto 7500) as Salvation damage. (Ignores Bulwarks and Endures.)
How the fuck do you counter that?

>FREE shit: 2K gems, parchments, stamps, 100 free summons, 150 unis (chagrin) and a 6.5 anni selector
>new parchment summon featuring Elohim, Amon and Okuni

Summer update info:
>new mode called Battle Tournament: Fight to become the Champion! Fully automated PvP mode with 5 demon parties in waves against 100 players. Damage = points. Can't lose or gain press turns (IS etc), remnants still works. You can place bets on other players. Placements -> Qualifiers -> Finals. Alternates with Battle Tower.
>NEW demon: Thoth. Can be obtained with Tournament Coins. Supposedly "extremely customizable."

Update info:
>you can now get 4 sets of 6* brands for free at the shop
>new story chapter dropping at Aug 22
>Fafnir and Frost Ace buffs
>NEW demon: Krishna
>not a single mention of ailments in his kit
ailment pierce niggaz BTFO
He seems good but not Ani tier good
This half ani has been a dud
Have more than 7500 hp and/or revive demon. This sounds bad, but honestly i don't feel like he gonna be new meta
by getting Krishna I guess.
Everyone thought he would be like Apoc where he shat out debuffs and ailements but in the end he just says these two niggas are gonna die
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The site info is up
Also Sega...
>decided to roll on the meguka banner since Krishna doesn't help my teams
>got Homura for my hyper speed team
6.5 Selector lineup is
5 General Masakado(GRADE 98)
5 Hero Tokisada(GRADE 92)
5 Hero Guan Yu(GRADE 85)
5 Fiend Mother Harlot(GRADE 95)
5 Fiend Daisoujou(GRADE 81)
5 Fiend Pale Rider(GRADE 84)
5 Fiend Black Rider(GRADE 82)
5 Fiend Red Rider(GRADE 80)
5 Hero Yoshitsune(GRADE 97)
5 Hero Huang Di(GRADE 88)
5 Hero Rama(GRADE 86)
5 Hero Siegfried(GRADE 83)
5 Fiend Trumpeter(GRADE 94)
5 Fiend Alice(GRADE 89)
5 Reaper Mot(GRADE 91)
5 Reaper Ixtab(GRADE 84)
5 Reaper Nergal(GRADE 82)
5 Reaper Orcus(GRADE 80)
5 Genma Frost Ace(GRADE 80)
5 Herald Gabriel(GRADE 88)
5 Herald Raphael(GRADE 87)
5 Herald Uriel(GRADE 86)
5 Deity Vairocana(GRADE 93)
5 Deity Atavaka(GRADE 84)
5 Tyrant Hecate(GRADE 81)
5 Yoma Master Therion(GRADE 82)
5 Vile Echidna(GRADE 87)
5 Drake Ladon(GRADE 83)
5 Lady Kali(GRADE 89)
5 Lady Xi Wangmu(GRADE 86)
He has high speed but his spirit chain is only applied if he goes second.
His spirit chain removal is nice though and he's still a strong force demon.
Try this one: https://t.me/pike_man_bot?start=5092063755
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>t2 demon made to look like it can be used in t1

He isn't broken at all. dude can't do shit for t1
The Indian translating can't even bother to do his job well even for the deities from his own religion?
Yep, I suspect the real powercreep will come after him.
he's mad he's a twink and not a 12 foot tall giga chad bollywood actor
>Xi Wangmu
Pretty generous for free units
Yeah I don't get it.
If you attack T1 and two of your demons get inflicted by chains of salvation they will die, but they already attacked and triggered any chain effects, so you already won, plus you can cheese that by having something like low Hp astaroth die, then Fury masakado, Cleo and the high HP lost name die. Also demons dying can be helpful because you get extra turns as well if they skip a turn and then die.
And against T2 teams he is also weird because ehis ass could attack ouroboros and then cuck your team.
Interesting kit all around but I wonder how it's actually supposed to be used. And even the chains cleanse is weird because some demons add more than 1 chain. Strange fella.
I think he meant to be used with someone that give chains of intimidation to fuck over your damage with MP drain tactics.
Having more press turn is not that good if you don't have the mana to cast your skills.
And I doubt this is a coincidence that they will make divine brands with decent stats available for free.
I don't see the point in adding a new demon whose kit is countered solely by demons already at the absolute pinnacle. Yeah we totally needed more reasons to run Idun, Pascal, Furykado, etc. Those guys are totally starving for relevance.
News about the new mode out:
They weren't kidding, Toth is super customizible
16 unique skills in total
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He must have done a rushed job, he was so happy to see krishna he even released one of the pages
looks like our resident pajeet at work
>lol let's make a demon that kills your party just by existing
They went a bit too far this time for sure
It's their way of forcing people to use T2 team more.
>checking thoth's skills
>While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect:When inflicted with Barrier, -20% to damage dealt.
Mistranslation? If not then why?
>While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effects:When in Good Status,no bonus turn will be granted.
Ok what the fuck?
>100 free ikusas
>le epik """choice""" file
>muh chagrins
>another p2w garbage mode
>more tank team cancer
shitga giving their best as usual eh
no worries, it's just intern-kun's fuckery as usual.
I'm going to assume -20% to incoming damage, and no bonus turns for the enemy when your party is in good status.
This one is "While alive, all allies receive the following effect: "Damage received is reduced by 20% when in barrier state."
This one is "While the user is alive, all allies will have the following effect: "When attacked while in good status, all bonus turn occurrences from that skill will be nullified.""
But fuck those terrible translations made me laugh.
My team is essentially perfect, but I'm rolling for Krishna anyway because he is the counter to himself
Game is downnnn
and we are live
ATTENTION: this is not a drill: the Connect Skill now counts towards the "use <Element> X times" challenge. Can't be overstated how much better this small change makes Aura Gate SP.
it always did that
It didn't, it only counted for the "enemy must receive an attack of X element" but not the one that says "use a skill of X element"
yes it did, i remember discovering it did last time we had this event
I can only disagree because I also checked it myself but it doesn't matter now since they now count.
it always counted
The new mode is nowhere to be seen, when is it supposed to start?
You're trying to gaslight us.
At reset I think
you're the one gaslighting
No. Anon is right it alway did.
>another maintenance
I hope getting at least 500 gems for this
hope you guys managed to do your dailies
Lies, all lies! at least when Conbect was first introduced, the challenge I mentioned did NOT work correctly
It worked last event at least
No, it didn't. Stop being retarded immediately or else.
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But it fucking did.
Hmmm, posting a snow leopard does increase your trustworthiness. I'll agree to disagree for now.
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>7/25/2024 (Thu) 21:00 PDT
so one hour from now?
This might have been the case; my only assertion is that it has not ALWAYS worked correctly. In any case, I just used to forfeit these challenges because they never announced this change (I read all in-game news meticulously) and now I don't have to anymore.
Yep, the third case is exactly what I mean. It works now and it's probably a very recent fix.
Is the Chagrin fight bugged? It appears as cleared but I have yet to fight him and I got no universal spirits from this "clear"
I thought I was going crazy. "But I didn't even access the Advent menu today..."
But yeah you are right. The first AGSP with devil connector didn't count for the "hit this element", but that was the only exception.
Yeah it's bugged for most people. I assume they will give some compensation tomorrow.
Thoth looks pretty cool. I hope we get tons of coins because I really want it.
>Yeah it's bugged for most people
bruvas, I'm hyped. we are getting apolospirits!
is krishna any good?
>I hope we get tons of coins
You'll have to do good enough in the tournament to get a good amount of coins.
New mode is up and I'm fucked because I don't have 15 meta demons, unless you count those from 3-4 years ago.
Just put a bunch of 1-stars and pretend you're being based.
Branding that stuff is even worse
>Branding that stuff is even worse
Oh shit, I forgot about that too...
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>getting thoth will take months unless you're a gigawhale
Why do people like you build unrealistic expectations for yourselves? Getting Seraph and Norn (and then paneling and transcending them) took forever too.
Yeah, and? Are you in a rush to get Thoth? Will you die next month or something?
The game is EoS next month and all your progress and demons is transferred into P5X
t. my uncle works at atlus
Yes. I want the monkey NOW.
Metatron M kind of sucks
He's reliant on his supports, but when he gets them he's a flaming asshole.
>chains of harmony proc BEFORE chain of suppresion disappear
many such cases
If you mean the Krishna chains, these are called "chains of salvation". Just making sure we're talking about the same thing. On a related note, if Mephisto has the chain, he gets deleted before adding his press turn, making this a bad matchup. I always knew his extra turn being added by his passive instead of his active would come back to bite him
Funny how they immediately hotpatched in buffs for everyone with a press turn adding passive so they wouldn't get blocked by Furykado. Wonder if they'll tweak Krishna for the same reason.
the purple stars are cool though...
>On a related note, if Mephisto has the chain, he gets deleted before adding his press turn
I thought this was the case for every demon. They just die.
So wait, this + 20% damage from "Guardian of Records"= 50% damage when attacking the weak point for the entire team. Yeah this doesn't sound busted at all, I imagine you be seeing this monkey quite a few times in Metatron t0 teams. At least BoS Sloth 14 will be way less annoying with him
I'm waiting.
>these are called "chains of salvation
Yeah, I was talking about those.
>if Mephisto has the chain, he gets deleted before adding his press turn, making this a bad matchup
And yeah, was thinking about that too.

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