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File: GSQsNoxW4AA4lyF.jpg (645 KB, 2048x2048)
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Is Natlan going to be the next peak of GI?
Nation of War, pyro region theme, dragons, a great cast so far, and easily the best Archon design until now. Mavuika is gorgeous.
File: GSsjxHDXYAEXyTH.jpg (81 KB, 495x779)
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holy sex her model looks good, mihoyo heard and listened, i'm full hype
She towers over every female except Signora boss model
the peak will be when notrussia region releases and notamerica/notjewsrael (which i am guessing is celestia) are the final boss of the game, redpilling all the zoomers who play the game about filthy bignose satanic pedophiles who ruin our world
>nation of war that looks like a disney park
This game just feels outdated by now
>no visible cleavage because the game is literally marketed toward women and children these days

Nothing about Natlan is looking peak, and certainly not the female characters designs. Wake me up when the characters can have actual tits again like Beidou and Raiden,
real natural thread you got here
It's clearly visible

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