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With Natlan coming soon, thoughts on the Pyro Archon?
I NEED Mavuika in my life!
Xilonen will be busted
Xilonen -40% res
c2 buff
Pyro: +30% akt
Hydro: +40% hp
Cryo: +20% crit rate
Electro: not mentioned
Geo: +60% def
isn't that just himeko? people seriously hyped for this?
She doesn't even look like Himeko, does she?
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>that zipper is actually touching her puss
And ass crack too
i'm surpised this got greenlit, there's going to be mass female kvetching, when they catch on
Every female I've seen loved her
So zero
If that helps you sleep at night, sure
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Started playing this summer thing, don't know if I'm just tired of this game in general or if it's just this stuff but man
It's being well received by the playerbase so I think its you being jaded. I'm finding it a bit hard to finish myself
i skipped last year with kaeya skin, i'm going to force myself to finish this year's only because kirara skin, otherwise i would have skipped
I hope she has the sunglasses on her actual model and not just an idle animation or something.
Look >>1523113
That's her in game model
Then again I just played another fairly similar game for 60 hours, so maybe it's just down to that. Then again then the differences feel very stark when you play these back to back, first you're physics yeeting big blocks and boulders through interesting obstacle courses, and then you're talking to frogs and shooting a squirrel through hoops
I wish it's like a gadget which you can equip for her at will.
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Can't wait to chop wood while Arlecchino has infusion~
Ah well, she still looks great.
This would be based.
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Damn, I actually forgot that was a thing since I haven't bothered with anything but the daily points in the Teapot for like literal years now.
will dehya's burst be actually worth a damn
will Raiden be able to trigger Beidou's burst
or none of the older characters will see these changes
find out more next bat time same bat channel
I'm more of a story driven person so I can't complain much. The only downside is that the dialogue is a bit too extensive, as everyone has pointed.
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I will ride to Natlan
>retards sacrifice ATK (or HP for Hu Tao) and Crit for EM
When will this meme die?
pls gib shork
>C1 makes the shork stamina bar last 75% longer
Is she gonna be one of the first Natlans?
Having 0 EM is absolutely retarded
She will be the first limited Natlan character, yes
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Think I have enough for two guarantees, but then I'll end up absolutely broke. Do we know if the drill girl is four or five stars? If she's on the same banner maybe I'll splurge
Kachian is a 4* yeah, not sure whether she'll be in part 1 or 2
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still saving for C4 Mauvika
Why not C6?
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Hu Tao needs 250+ EM. Even if you get close to the HP cap for her E, it will always be better to have that amount of EM. It just be like that, I also dislike it.
My poor Hutao only has 75 em
>probably not going to get key
>no dockhand either
My Nilou is gonna be bricked for like a year
She works with EM sword
I'm not giving Mihoyo money.
Based, the boycott is working!
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>/gig/ has been an absolute mess of jaded schizos and Wanderer cuckposting ever since 4.8 started
Let me in here? I just want to enjoy cute Genshin girl feet pics...
So, is this part of the "updated" characters models they are supposed to start doing from 5.0 onwards?
I ask because she looks of the same goofy proportions, just a little bit taller.
She got nerfed into the ground sadly, which totally killed my hype for her
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he is really good a riling up the schizos
I really doubt we'll ever see noticeable tweaks in standard proportions because that sounds like a visual consistency nightmare unless they rebuild older models as well.
/gig/ has been an absolute mess of jaded schizos and cuckposting since fucking 1.0
Footfags truly are the worst.
I feel urged to worship Barbara's qt feet more than any Archon's statue!

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