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2.5 anniversary is underway. Free rolls, selection tickets, 9000 quartz. Best time to start playing
Not available in my region:(
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It's been a while since I last did anything other than a free pull...
The SA was free this week, did 1m at 134-20 without mind's eye even. Better do it now, because the next two weeks seem more challenging. Too bad the SA badge is disabled, could have farmed 1m for everyone.

Also, don't forget to claim the serial code on the HBR website for a free 10-pull.
Official tweet:
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I wouldn't say it's THAT easy, due to two damage down mods, which automatically lower the potential score, but it's easy in the sense that you can run fairly greedy comps.

But dark weak, single target... the (I'm pretty sure still) strongest functional SA team in the game just eats that alive.
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10 S dupe ticket
The summer 31A cards and 31F cards are actually really strong this time. Too bad they didn't change anything else about the mode. But at least there'll be a pretty big shakeup for what the optimal deck is going to be

How are WFS so incompetent at programming
For fucks sake, why tease us after so long with a global release and not even give a date. It could still be another 6 months to a year.
I wonder if they ever plan to give big defense down to literally fucking anyone else, it's been almost a year since Isuzu, how is it that scarce.
They're still drip-feeding character profiles, and they're only at 31B, so I have no expectations at all.
Just buff onsen Isuzu. She is obviously too weak considering people forgot about her debuffs and as such WFS never cared about creating alternatives.

Make it last 2 turns and add big fragile on top. Easy. THEN people will not forget about her.
I just don't get it. DP defense down is understandable, it's fairly unique and also completely fucks over a whole class, they're going to be very careful with it. But big defense downs are basically the same shit as attack up/big attack up. There are around 6-8 buffers that have big attack ups either on ults or normal skills, and also at least like 8 units who can self-buff it, it's not rare at all. So what happened with the big defense downs? What's even the issue?
They probably went perma def down instead..
Gotta look forward to the next style re-balance, which will probably happen on the 3rd anniversary or so.

Honestly, debuffer YunYun would benefit from a large def down, since that style was basically dead on release.
It's not THAT bad. One of the best rush styles vs single target enemies. (i.e. very useful vs lvl 4 orb boss')
Compared to what was actually buffed, i.e. christmas Bungo (as unimportant as that buff was) you can definitely use Yunyun. You still won't be using Bungo though. Very unlikely at least.

There are a lot of random ass styles that got unimportant buffs, and a lot of really shit styles getting nothing. I don't really think it'll ever be truly important. Most of the time it's just conceptional flaws.
Inori's is a good example. It's the right idea, to give her ult 400% piercing critical, but her self buff gives herself crit-rate and the charge, so you now waste most of this buff, but still need it unless you happen to run Yanagi. At least you can ignore the crit-rate and just auto attack I suppose. But even with all of that she needs a hit-buff to compete, and that makes it ugly. Most elements either have chars with that built in (fire, ice for aoe purpose), or can't hit buff her (dark and light hit buffs require the style to be that), or simply have weakness creation which is a pretty big additional damage only that element benefits of (dark and thunder). Thunder in particular also has a token user, who can heal you until she attacks and with max tokens has barely worse base power vs. HP.

Anyways, do they actually have a site, where they show what they buff? HBR quest isn't very useful for that. Tower buffed skills are considered new, but buffs are "invincible" in the db.
I simply watched the anniv stream, but there is also a compilation here:
>Compared to what was actually buffed, i.e. christmas Bungo
I'm a little confused that Carole was the only SS1 they buffed. SS1s should be fixed first because every new style can use their ults, making random alts that nobody wants to use a little better doesn't do anything. You made Irene SS1 so amazing, maybe go back and fix Yuki and Hisame too? Megumi's SS1 literally needs to be reworked if they don't plan to buff/change stuns.

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