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New electric DPS/healer named Violet and new guild content coming this week

also did you finally full clear Portrait?
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>also did you finally full clear Portrait?
I am still working. Had to level up DC. I still think the mode sucks. 27 floors every week is mental. Power ups arent even fun. The only ''roguelike'' part of this garbage is perma death.
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earth and water floors always cock block me. I did not summon on Ellen and Vesti and 4*s are weak in this mode.
What graces are you prioritizing?
It' was a lot easier for me when I prioritized Thanatos first
>top pick
Thanatos, Ira
>second pick
Akasha, Aeasa, Charlotte, Rhynara, Borte Crown
>third pick / dump stats (might be good to rush lvl. 1 early anyways then go back to it later)
Abagnale Lanclen, Nightwalker, Barry Allen (don't go too far past Lv. 5 since CD will always be 15 sec), Boden Caryen

Greed for as many stages/elite fights up to floor 11 or so, personally the bottleneck for me was floor 13 since I don't have a well-built blood DPS so I stop greeding there. After you get through the initial hurdle it becomes easier when your Thanatos shield is up most of the time

I used Albert+Sorin+DC+Aurora the whole way, though it would be a lot easier if I had Blood DPS
Avoid the sealed prison bosses at the higher floors, they are harder than the story bosses because you can't kill them before they get to full buffs. Edward or Mad King are easier fights assuming you're already used to their patterns after AL8 Veda Nightmares. I used Aurora as my DPS for both
also I hate to admit it since I started playing with a controller first
But I switched to keyboard since I'm docked into my monitor set up with a laptop for now

It felt like playing with those fight sticks with only buttons for directional movements too so it didn't feel as lame as I thought it would be (after I got used to it). Also helps that I have nice linear keys, i imagine it would feel terrible if i was using the actual laptop keyboard, definitely need some key travel for it to be fun
Is the damage reflect trash? Lena Elrod
shouldn't get hit too much for that to matter or you're dead anyways
if you're getting hit too much beyond Thanatos shield, then you're being too greedy with DPS and you need to cycle through your tank/healer more often

I find that Sorin gis able to spam signature skills so often that I'm able to keep Akasha buff up more often to dodge/reposition fast without having to dash, also Albert can tank a few hits you can be more careless when you're moving around bullet hell with Albert
Need to save stamina for dashing when you really need to plus for DPS (the huge atk buff grace for a few seconds after dashing)

goes without saying but each unit needs to be well-built. My haloes were lvl 60 for both DC and Aurora, and lvl 50 for Albert and Sorin. El Cids aren't as high and really not as significant a stat stick as haloes, but still at least lvl 40 for everyone
Relics as well, have been replacing all my filler relics with useless substats (just remember the one exception is +base Veda energy is better than +% Veda energy). I think weapon enchants as well, the veda energy is probably the best one since the +400 atk etc is only like +3% overall while having +90 veda energy is much more significant
I'm not entirely sure how the mechanic works but there seems to be some positive loop feedback here where using skills on another unit feeds veda energy to other units so you can cast more skills often and so on (maybe it'sa just same element Sorin -> Aurora though, not 100% sure)
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This game ended up being far more interesting than wuwa and zzz; really fucking sad it was too afraid of these two games releasing and had to release pretty much a beta (borderline alpha seeing that horse event) killing it's first wave of players. If it was to release now? It would devour all that people that was left disappointed by both games. Really hope they can endure this painful first half and become everything it potentially could be in release. The issue with all these GaS games is that they give up way too fast and easy; they have been releasing update after update with ton of content (and no, I don't have to hear your spergy hate for cid and halos again, no, it don't matter in the big scheme of things RETARD) to do.

Did your guild survive bwo? How is it going in your place? EUbros? Still there?
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Feels like this is what Ellen could have been. A tomboy female knight, simple perfection. Instead we got cock and balls.
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Looking to move to set accessories, which of pic related would be good for DC? He's currently using a Pristine diamond with all damage reduction x2 atm
is veda energy regeneration or reduced energy consumption better for supports (Sorin in this case)?
>28th day Selector
I guess I can use her as an icon now...?
Regeneration I far better. Consumption is easy to reach cap. Prioritize regen with some consumption.
reduced energy consumption is better, not only can you reach a point where signature skill is an instant cast, it also helps with sustain since you need less veda energy in the first place to cast again

There are also plenty of benefits to being able to cast immediately, rather than having to build up to it so RVEC + base Veda Energy are what I focus on (not just benefiting from the instant buffs of a siganature skill, but also e.g. Sorin's halo gives you increased veda regeneration right after a signature skill so it's a positive feedback loop essentially)
Just don 't forget that +30 veda energy substat is better than +8% veda energy substat
and actually thats why they nerfed RVEC by capping the max amount you can get at 35% because it gets too strong if you could stack it more
the duality of Veda...
Fuck I just realized I forgot to include this in OP since we're not a general
Reminder, only a few days left to REDEEM

>for 5 purple pulls
>for free 5* Death Crown, 10 pulls worth of gems and other stuff
Can someone post the new tunic already. Some of you fags should already have it.
should we do a general for the guild update bwo? It seems like the start of Astra turning waves. The steady amount of content has been really nice.
personally with how annoying the purple ascension mats are to grind off sealed prison, I wouldn't waste them on any accessory that didn't max roll sub stats, or at least don't ascend past lvl 70
For anyone that doesn't scale off HP/DEF then the best defensive combinartion is
> Reduce ALL Incoming All DMG %
> All RES %
you can try but competition's been tough the past year
DFO general is gone, even the animal crossing general is gone
I think I'm gonna go with second one in my pic (reduce inc damage + def), I want that set bonus. Still holding off on upgrading anything until the update though, I failed 50 on Sorin so I'm sure to get the electric healslut.
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>that moan
my dick
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here you go
cute retard
>it's ANOTHER crit dmg tunic
But why
Motherfuckers, it's the same as the old but better.
Thanks though anon
Wait, seriously? Crit DMG again? Less reason to farm but huh.
Yeah I am not farming that tunic. Same thing but hp. Whatever.
there was a game's director letter not translated yet:
they are adding more floors for portrait
we are getting sweeps
more story content for units that don't have one
relic sets
buff to old unused knights, specially featured/limited ones
more passive skills like free scrolls when enchanting
presets for relics and gear
more income for cid mats, guild shop will have them to start

a shitton of QoL and other stuff im too lazy to remember from the top of my head. look it up in the discord
>they are adding more floors for portrait
I doubt any F2P can even clear 10+ unless they're overhauling it.
>we are getting sweeps
Huh. I mean we already have it so what's that for?
>more story content for units that don't have one
Reminded that Ellen literally only appeared to buy fried spiders.
>relic sets
Wonder where they'll add that.
>more passive skills like free scrolls when enchanting
Some of them are garbage so yeah.
I'll clap when I see it.
>they are adding more floors for portrait
it's a mode that will get constant updates anon, they are polishing it to be an even more meaningful endgame mode; he is doubling down in it's difficulty. I actually respect this a lot.
It's also not the only thing they are doing; either go and read it by yourself or wait for an official translation in 6 or 9 hours from now
i'd be fine with it if they 4x'd the rewards + shop, and made it a monthly thing instead of weekly

I dunno how it is in Korea but I play gachas instead of MMOs because Im a wagieslave, not a NEET who can turn the MMO into my job
It has like what 8 different effects with most of them being useless. It definitely needs more polish.
>adding more floors instead of redesigning floor 10-27 with new enemy compositions and bosses instead of being the repeat of floor 1-9 with just more HP bloat.
These gooks are fucking hopeless.
So dual elements will be the URs of this game. No point on rolling for anyone else
Maybe, but as it is, you just use them for coverage and we don't know how rare they'll be. They don't interact with shields as well so you can't abuse that aspect too.
yeah I have Arin and Edward, both with their unique weapons, and they've been relegated to backup DPS for Tower of Trials which I can probably autobattle at this point since it wasn't balanced with halo/el cid stat sticks in mind
new gems are here early

buy at your own risk, who knows what will happen after patch lmfao
sorry bros I dont think Im renewing my monthlies
At 15k? I think you'll be fine.
Anyone even bothered pulling for Violet? I got her in a 10 pull and her halo in 70 (which somehow doesn't reset the damn thing). Kitted her out with my Sarka's old stuff and she's pretty meh? Like her healing is pretty bad compared to Nayan.
Is new guild content up?
Yes, and it's fucking bullshit so you'll definitely need 2 other people.
>Bosses are scaled to level 100
>Basically fighting the entire Rogue One (Prison bosses)
>You start with Dark first, then another one spawns after 1 minute)
>Each boss has like 20 million HP or something maybe more. I couldn't even get it down to 60%
They locked her important function behind F2 (create shield with her signature skill). Gonna paypig more.
I think I see the issue
>ATK scaling healer
And I put her on Crit gear...
Cool, I'll be online tonight if anyone else in Lummies will be on to try it out with me.
i think she's intended to be built with crit considering her signature weapon/halo/el cid all have crit
But her healing is based on her ATK though. Guess I'll wait until someone figures her out. Her skill does last nearly forever so at least she can just pop in and out like Xanthia.
They're bringing back the goddamm carriage event? Are you fucking kidding me man
These devs are retarded
Cope. It was well received.
They can just reuse it and it's whatever. I don't even fully do all the content in this game since it's usually pointless. I haven't even bothered with the Mutation one.
I don't think I can play this game much longer. Feels like I need to get everything to make some characters decent or usable at all. Some get a huge boost with extra fates. Then you need their signature weapons, halos and now Cids. It's too much to keep up as f2p/low spender.
let me back in lummies thanks
Optimising for what though? The game hands you out so much stuff that the only thing that you can't really auto is Thierry and that's autism. Even Tower is a joke now.
Guild content and portrait are hard. I imagine hell mode and raids will be similar. Trying to prepare for it but these relic rolls and all the new stuff you have to level up are draining my sanity. I fear the next update will add more gacha gear.
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they are adding so much more extra places with more income, it's balancing everything around. The new battlepass is so fucking good now, even the free one hands you 5 times (literally) the amount of items it gave before. The Tower/Abyss has more than doubled the amount of starstones you could get from it, etc, etc.
And they are permanent content. Mutated Zones rotates every 3 days and every time it resets it's trophies. The new Guild event resets weekly. Thierry too. And on, and on.
Yeah, it demands commitment, but if you do? You are rewarded for your perseverance. If you enjoy the game (like I do) it's more than great. The game is fair.
Got you in

Also to all Lummiesfags since the new guild content apparently needs coordination I've created a discord server for us, invite is in the in-game bulletin and guild chat. Joining isn't mandatory but if you're going to be doing the new content then I'd recommend joining so it'll be easier to set up groups.
guys set up a time for weekend im a wagie

ill look at discord later
In light of Veda's revenue staying decent at 900k last month, I ended up F6R6ing Violet.
Isn't there a new one?
Yeah, this game is doing fairly well for the niche it's in. It's still doing better than Brown Dust 2 did revenue wise in the same timeframe and it's set to have even more content than that game in the near future. If the devs keep this up, I can see Astra joining the high end players with enough polish and word of mouth. We were playing an alpha at the start, and now we are in beta. Full release should start at season 2.
>Doing better than BD2
Is it really? I don't believe that.
I wouldn't be that optimistic. BD2 got a new wave of players with the Mushoku Tensei collab and a generous amount of gibs. They also started to hyper fixate more on the coom which attracted the coomer crowd. I don't see Veda getting any noteworthy collabs outside of KPop maybe and I don't think gibs will be enough - they need to consolidate the entire early and mid game so that new players can catch up faster in my opinion.

Above all while this game does have attractive female characters they will really need to go further on the coom. It's in the middle of summer and yet we have no summer banner/skins to help attract people.
Compare the early charts anon. A comeback is in the realm of possible.
>i don't see
YOU don't see, do you factually know anything about it? For all we know their connections could reach far larger than we think as collaborations are a matter of social links more than anything else, and the showbiz? Full of them.
>the koom!
now this is peak retardation, that isn't what will "save" this game at all; a huge part of this game's population are women; I see Sarka fangirls everywhere in twitter and facebook, and some of them whale really hard. "le coom" path never guarantees anything at all, otherwise countless porn gacha would be running to the top of the charts every month. Hell, this month's gacha revenue second place is Fujo gacha.
her healing is based on damage done, not ATK
best relic set for Death Crown?
I'm using Vagabond, it's the melee auto attack set which boosts it by 20%. I can't really see anything else that's worth it. His skills and Ultimate take too long to make good use of the other sets.
He builds ult really fast actually.
Maybe it's because he has no Veda regen on him but his attacks feel too slow to build up.
How wrong are you playing him? I have his signature up most of the time. I get it faster than his normal skill at times.
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bwos... I have been doing several runs in the guild event and... it's really fucking fun. This is pretty much a preview of whatever they are cooking for raids and hell mode, and all the conversations I had with guildmates about compositions and strategies have been a blast. This is a really good fucking game when they finally got most of it working together.
I shall now try to shill it a little more. This is a good game.
My harem
>been so fucking long for content I can't auto that I'm absolute dogshit on the fucking content that I was hodling my limeades for
I ate one and it was glorious. We finally got to 3/7
Managed another 7/7 run with Lummiesbros today
Earth prisoner is the most annoying to kill because Veleno is dogshit at procing the poison shield fast enough so that Deathcrown can burst it down with fire damage.
I think this mode really needs to reward you in some way for killing the bosses faster because it seems like killing them early doesn't add seconds to the auto-timer for when the next boss spawns.
Is there a way to search for specific guilds? Looks like the search only works for the current displayed guilds making it worthless.
Getting real tired of the delusional hopeshill spam handwaving all criticism. Utterly embarrassing. This game will never be big or a household name and that’s okay. Why do retards want everything to be popular?
i love my schizo wife violet
Convince me to try this game out
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i'm playing sword of convallaria on the side but 2D action is fun, not as combo/beat em up oriented as DFO, more like a 2D dark souls where in endgame it's basically bullet hell and patience

as dumb as a comparison that sounds, it did rip off a lot of elements from dark souls and bloodborne
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fucked up how sexy the npcs are just to only have 3 or 4 lines
Any Lummiesbros need to 7/7 the guild battle still?
Me but I'm weak as fuck
barely got my first El cid
Well we can probably at least clear the first 4/7
Let me know when you have time before the weekly reset
ngl, this guild content is really fucking fun. Guildless people with no Discord are really going to miss out on this
It'd be more fun if the game didn't lag to shit and back.
Any EUbro here that is in a guild that can actually complete this event?
fuck I don't have the patient for floor 27 every week, i fucked up and it takes like 15 minutes of no greed or other mistakes to beat the hp meatbag

I really hope some whales in korea have already given feedback to 4x the rewards and make it reset every 4 weeks instead
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oh damn actually floor 27 rewards was really good since tthey reset the first clear rewards so it gives you a random 5* el cid again

Just barely beat it Albert and DC dead by the end
>Considering that weekly resets may contribute to content fatigue, we will carefully deliberate internally to find ways to improve this aspect.
I swear the devs purposely make things shit on purpose then "fix" it later to something reasonable so the "updated" state is better received
>losing interest in the game before getting the 5* Greataxe unit
It's been a good run bwos...
Rebecca soon bro...
Same, the portrait and guild shit really dampened my mood for this game. Shit is just pure tedium yet you have to grind them if you want to progress your end game builds.
Honestly thought they WEREN'T going to go the Korean MMO route considering this is a gacha game. Imagine my surprise...
man look at the launch for sword of covallaria for comparison, same peak steam numbers at launch but you can already tell the retain rate will be better than 5% after 100 days

why did i let myself get into sunk cost fallacy with this gaem
SRPG isn't exactly a popular genre in the first place, so people who bothered enough to try out that game would have high chance to stick around.
>Fire tank
>When they already released one that's free
Well DC isn't exactly a fire tank but Rebecca doesn't really fall into any proper niche so hard to be excited. Plus no real content I can use her on.
I don't care for the Guild content but Thierry is just a hassle to farm. Resetting to Floor 0 and needing to climb back up for a chance to see an accessory that you want is bad.
Well yeah it's niche but were people really expecting much from it?
>SRPG isn't exactly a popular genre in the first place, so people who bothered enough to try out that game would have high chance to stick around.
the same could have been said about Astra if we didn't enter what was essentially maintenance mode for half the year
Art is great, combat is fun and as much I enjoyed DFO's more combo-oriented spam gameplay, DFO is too dated to get back into
I like the bullet hell that I have to tryhard in with Portrait though more variety and streamlining is needed because it's too grindy

As much as I like how much cleaner and more polished (+ MUCH MORE story content) that Sword of Convallaria has right now, I still enjoy the gameplay in Astra more
gonna be tryharding in Portrait again and see if i can do a faster clear than 2h 50m this week, though again I wish this was 4x rewards and once monthly instead

no more monthlies for me though, have enough for whatever Blood DPS we'll get eventually and that's it. Aurora is enough to steamroll through the entire Portrait and ignore element
Aside from completely revamping her kits, or changing her role and element, the only way I could see them making Rebecca useful for any real contents is having HP shields as part of her kit, and knowing these gooks they probably locks that shit behind at least F2.
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faster clear this weak with 2h 13m clear. First clear rewards didn't reset this week though so rewards were meh, might skip next week

I changed my mind,on Charlotte, it's shit, you shouldnt get hit more than Thanatos shield in the first place. The revised priority is:

Top priority for survivability

Top priority for DPS, but prioritize Thanatos first if you have the choice

>Borte Crown
Next priority for DPS, Akasha also helps for survivability because it increases movement speed. I assume you have support units with reduce-veda-consumption to spam Signature skills often (Sorin can keep hers up VERY often)

Dump stats, good to rush lvl 1 early on at least (most benefit from 1 level-up)
>Abagnale Lanclen
this one is really helpful for clearing out mobs but low priority for the boss unit itself so it's a dump stat
Don't go past lvl 10 for nightwalker since you'll already proc it all the time at that point (cooldown stays the same at higher levels)
>Barry Allen
don't go past lvl 5 or so, for same reason as above, no point
holy shit i went from rank 50 to rank 273 in the same day that's the worst fall I've ever gotten in just 12 hours
3-4 more days for the trailer of our next knight. Fingers crossed for Becca.
is the electric hag even descent? I already have lightningbwo as my main lightning dmg dealer.
She's okay but if you have Sarka built already you can skip her. She more or less does slightly less damage than him but can make shields and heal.
Need F2 to be actually useful since she can create shield with her signature skill, otherwise you get a DPS that can heal as bonus.
Skip, Sarka does more than enough and her healing isn't so valuable when Sorin/Saeya exist.
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Thanks, bwos
I don’t get how that game rakes in billions in just a month. Nexon said they made $6 billion a month and that was after Tencent and the Appstores took their cuts.
Just pull for her if you like her.
It's the chinese. Coincidentally, right now? Hong Kong is the biggest spender for Astra.
it's really fun, before it got bloated and everyone including support units got screen-wide nukes, also it did that apocalpyse/cataclysm shit that all MMOs were doing as well so the progression got weird. Iit also did events where you skipped to max level basically which was kinda dumb, like it just disregarded the progression and that fun

I'd play DFO2 and hope it just starts fresh with a better focus on story stages AND not fucking it over with another apocalypse/catacylsm garbage that all MMOs back then had a hard-on for for some reason, even Ragnarok Online literally ruined Morroco and half the maps just for a new raid boss, never mind all the renewal shit doing the same thing in making everyone a nuke
>The 8/22 update will include the DPS Blood attribute Knight of Veda, Gabi, who wields a Large Axe.
Literally who?
>No one liked the garbage guild shit they just added.
Just make them soloable, add a score system or something, or at least turn those bosses into a guild wide raid so everyone can contribute their effort to whittle down their HP like any fucking guild bosses in every kusoge outthere, at least you don't have to wait for your fuckbuddies to show up just to have a chance to clear it, this isn't a fucking MMO.
Seems to be the lightning mages friend.
They keep making the game more MMO-like with every update, despite that being the biggest thing that will fuck the game over.
I think they are very aware of the problems but still decided to fast forward these updates to pad their contents and fix them later to gain some good boy point from the playerbase. Look at how quickly they are trying to solve the problem with the Thierry mode, that how it should have been at the beginning.
This will most likely become more of a MMO than a traditional gacha. It's the path they have chosen. If you don't like it, just quit already. There are countless kusoge gachas out there for you.
They already buckled up and added ton of skip shit in the upcoming update, I don't know where you get such unfound confident from.
this doesn't have anything to do with skipping? How do you reach that conclusion? The upcoming golden city raid is made with multiplayer in mind. Then comes the huge raid with the big knight that will also be multiplayer, and then comes Hell mode dungeons that will 100% need a full party to beat. All meaningful future updates are made with multiplayer as their big focus. Most korean MMO's end up having their endgame like this, and since the start the director has wanted to go in that path.
I don't think you understand the different between having multiplayer contents that you can do with everyone else and having contents that require specific people to online at the same time to do.
But whatever. just keep going on with that narrative if you believe it so.
Are you a fucking idiot? You are going to need specific people online in order to beat the new raids (with a big "S" here; there will be multiple ones) and hell dungeons (S) The future of the game will depend on you having friends or a guild, and this is good. FUCK the autistic playerbase desperately wanting to dumb down this game to one of their skip simulator kusoges because they cannot talk to other people. "B-but the search function!" Nah, complete waste of resources at this point; go away and ask people directly like we did decades ago or get in a fucking guild already and learn to have a conversation.
I don't want the game dumbed down, I want them to stop locking all the useful shit to whales (seriously, why can't I level up Halos and El Cids without pulling?) and not ask me to play 2+ hours a day just to keep up.
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Qingyi and Grand Archive TCG is taking my wallet space for this month and next so I will probably cope with F2R0 at most on new characters for the time being...
Boss-chama... nyo...
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If the new blood character is free blood shields for Aurora then I may think more deeply about it...
is this you bwo? I miss you bwo...
Golden City Raid is next; if you ever whaled for anything, this should be time for it to shine it's worth.
What locking? I have been able to lvl up all my halos and cids I use to lvl 40-60 without paying a dollar yet. And do I need all that extra power? Not at all. I can clear all 27 floors of portrait and completed the guild raid already several times already.
What they are doing is cutting the daily keep up by a lot. Though, you know what? I actually enjoy being able to play Astra more than 10 minutes a day like countless other gacha. I feel like I'm playing a videogame that I enjoy instead of something that automatically collect gifs and png's monthly.
honestly i find it hard to trigger aurora's shield in portrait of thierry before i get elemental overload, not that it never happens but only if I've set everything up properly to fully unload DPS without dying (i.e. drop it down to 1 mob only, and have albert's statue summoned, thanatos shield active) BUT at that point I'll have elemental overload ready as well anyways
Just because you like to waste your time on useless shit doesn't mean everybody else does too.
Fuck, I had no idea you could farm challenge counts for portrait by using one man teams. That will help a lot to not totally brick myself at least.
Also in the whole EU server I managed to find like one guild that could complete the guild event...
i got carried by lummies for that insignia, the individual rewards/mission i didnt get any beyond 50k gold or whateevr it was lol
Is DFO a MMO or a gacha?
Not really an MMO but grouped in together with it. And earlier MMOs started the gacha shit but probably not what you are thinking of with "gacha" unless you mean DFO's fatigue system

it's basically a lobby beat-em-up game.
overworld town where you can see other players, and you can party up into dungeon stages (like 5-10 rooms sometimes RNG
where boss will be), non-whale runs would typically be 5-10 minutes per dungeon

Astra feels like it's trying to be DFO 1.5 or something which is probably how it found some (short-lived) success, but it tried being both an MMO and gacha and obviously turned away both sides lmao
It started off like a gacha but the KR MMO brainrot has seeped in. All these extra time wasting modes to try and increase player time count is a little silly.
yeah I legtimately just use a macro everyday for dailies (including automating the pvp autobattler) because I can't sweep
Like maybe it's too much to ask for pvp autobattle skips like Blue Archive's since each battle lasts like 20 sec anyways (but I give it 1-2min for my macro just so it doesn't mess up)
But the regular dailies I dunno, maybe they will fix it soon so I can do it on my phone without having to autobattle and overheat my phone+battery (my phone is new too) just for dailies

I'm going to keep playing but the next step is eventualyl only log in once a week and probablty just quit after that lmao
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this is what Gabi (5* Blood Axe) looks like bros
Must be the ugliest female character in game, worse than those NPCs.
genderbent death crown
the old illustrator left/got fired
What the actual fuck is that thing. I am literally about to start doom posting but there aren't even enough people here for me to even do that. Is it literally over at this point?
Was looking forward to the new character to see if it can renew my motivation for this game, and this just, yeah nah.
Whoever fuck behind this one can't even draw long flowing hair, her hair looks like it grows on a solid block of sausage.
It's OK her in game model will redeem it...
>doom posting
enough shit has happened that an EOS announcement would not be a surprise at this point
>Could have gotten something similar to dragon crown amazon, but instead we got a fucking gremlin.
These gooks can't even ripoff shit properly.
What the fuck is that song
It'd be one thing for it to be a gremlin. It's another to make her look fucked. This is clearly a rush job because of the lack of Blood characters.
Good question. How did they go from Violet's fairly good trailer to this dogshit?
More gear gacha btw, whip that wallet out and maybe you can save this sinking ship!
>More gear gacha that makes your characters look even uglier with random tacky shit attached all over their body.
This game art direction really went off the deep end.
>Already downsizing
Kek game is actually fucked for real now. The director is an idiot.
she looks kinda bad but im gonna pull for her since melee units are much more fun to use

Then I'll have the Aurora/DC/Gabi trinity and never pull for anything again until EOS next year. Not renewing monthlies anymore obviously lmao
I actually think radio silence would be better than releasing this crap. Now everyone knows that game will EOS soon.
>announced that they will have to change their update schedule from 2 weeks to 3 weeks in order to improve the quality of new character.
>release that crap.
Should have changed Rebecca into blood DPS, at least they could fool people for another month.
Yeah that's pretty much where I'm at, except I've actually been using Sansar over Aurora. Sansar/DC/Gabi/Sorin will likely be my forever team.
You'll get Rebecca as a Fire healer and you'll like it.
I would have preferred the 4* axe guy to be a 5* blood DPS
Honestly thought that guy was going to be 5*
Men don't sell well in KR anon please understand. Ellen doesn't count cause he's a boy, not a man.
bye bye my $100 i dolphin'd into this game

It sucks because I still like the gameplay in veda better than the other gacha I'm playing right now
maybe it's time to just go back to real games
I completely agree, the gameplay is very fun despite its simplicity. If they had made the bosses have new mechanics in Portrait I think the game mode would've been really fun, but instead they said "fuck it they have way more health and we're spamming adds at you".
Hey, is the Freezing Prospect sword any good on anyone or does it get mugged by literally everything else? It just dropped for me and I dont know what to do with it. I do have Baphomera already.
what in the fuck is that, they literally misplaced every feature on her face
where's that dickriding coper that was in here a while ago how is he reacting to this
did he rope yet god that would be so fucking funny
It's better than Baphomera for DPSing provided you aren't having issues with low damage content like tower. In high end content you might as well use it for the damage boost since the Bap shield isn't saving you anyways.
>bunch of artists were let go
>Art quality took a nose dive with Gabi
>Community Managers left the Astra discord and joined the Dungeon Stalkers discord. The other upcoming game from the same publisher
>Most whales quit
It's actually over. Same fate of Dragon Blaze. Kept alive by a skeleton crew, rapid and excessive power creep, gacha bloat. It's amazing how the director made the exact same mistakes again.
Muh 7 year development btw
Really goes to show consumers are just mindless cattle that will believe anything that makes them feel good and deserve to lose all their money.
i need DFO2 to come out NOW!

I still enjoy 2d gameplay but this game's direction is doomed
in case anyone needs their fix of a sidescroller action game, just hope this comes out before you die

wtf is this DFO2? looks cool
All they had to do was give her the loli model with the same outfit and it would have been kino.

In fact, she looks like an aged up loli which is probably why its so off putting. Probably was supposed to be a loli but chickened out of dressing a loli in anything but burka.
so DFO is not even a proper MMO with an over world like other MMOs, why is it making so fucking much money? It's got with 850 million players but the cheap graphics look like they're from decades ago. Still, pulling in 800 hundred million dollars a month? That's fucking insane.
The strict definition of MMO has become loose in recent times, but I'd still consider it an MMO. Similar to Maplestory, the game has a ton of people who play it due to nostalgia/sunk cost. I will say DFO has a ton of really cool ideas, but the nickel and diming was too much for me to stick around for too long. FFS, you can't even have your characters look like their splash art without buying some limited edition costume bundle bullshit. It heavily turned me off from the game.
She has pretty good thighs. And honestly her face looks better in game at least compared to the splash set. But we could have gotten a much better character with roughly the same design for sure.
Also what's the source about the artist getting fired? Seems like it's probably blind speculation to me because of the awful splash art.
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>Also what's the source about the artist getting fired? Seems like it's probably blind speculation to me because of the awful splash art.
The artists updated their profiles a week ago and are looking for jobs.
Oh shit
>her face looks better in game at least compared to the splash set
that's some hard cope right there
I honestly think so. In game she at least doesn't look out of place with the other characters the same way her splash art makes her look.
Apparently Gabi seems to be quite OP, which is not really surprising at all...
That's gonna be the norm from now on. Just like Dragon Blaze, powercreep every update.
It's not the powercreep every update thing, let's not be overly negative now for no reason, it's not like we had any other blood character since launch. And plenty of characters have released that haven't powercrept anyone.
It's just that they seem to purposely make unpopular characters quite powerful, which shouldn't really be surprising I guess.
The more I look at Gabi the more I want to pull for her, what's wrong with me?
Violet's utter trash though and I regret pulling her. it's been a while since we've gotten another DPS when the last one was like what, Ellen?
She's actually really cute and her splash her gave her injustice. She's bouncing around when you move and does the retard "arms outstretched" run when you sprint.
This, her character has as much care put into her as any, perhaps even more since most characters don't really have such a unique walking and running animation.
If anything this should be a lesson about how important splash art is in gacha. It completely ruined the first impression of her for most people.
Double-sided Power suddenly became quite decent as a weapon with portrait being a thing. It's not like you are going to be dodging any attacks with the amount of mobs there.
I rolled for Gabby
She also has visible notes while skipping around, it's very cute.
I think it's better than Gabi's sig DESU. Staying on field for lengthy periods on a not-tank makes little sense unless the boss is stunned, and you can stack it super fast if you intentionally take hits from the spammed trash packs.
>Gabi splash art releases
>Doom and gloom for a couple of days
>Gabi actually release
>People actually find her fun and cute
They really need to redo that splash art
Honestly, someone really took a look at that and said yep. She's pretty fun all things considered and I don't feel too bad benching my F3 Eliyar for her.
Well it's that and them adding even more gacha. That being said at least they're making (some) slight step forwards.
it's fun as fuck, if you think the 2D action of Veda is still enjoyable, then imagine if you had a bunch of other skills and attacks to actually combo with

It's just really dated and bloated now I don't have any desire to go back to (old) DFO
>LOST 50/50
OK bye
>210 pulls
>F0 R0 blood gremlin only
wow that was painful
Veleno feels really strong with the DoT buffs
will try Atterisee later
Yeah this is it for me. It's not the gacha gear that bothers me so much the sheer amount of RNG shit. We alreardy had random substats, random enchants, and random values on those subtstats. Now add relic engraving on that, and another gear as well

You'll never be done maxing out a single unit. It's a grind forever. Am I playing a gacha or an MMORPG?
Even MMO doesn't have this absurd "new gear gacha for you to roll and reequip your whole rosters again" every month like how this game is doing.
The stat bloat for the new mode is also fucking insane, if you are f2p or low spender you are stuck with the 2 easiest difficulty level, Nightmare and hell are impossible to clear unless you are megawhales.
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>Fights are often so chaotic that dodging isn't really a thing
>Albert somehow always dies first
Thank god for these two. Also doubt anyone even realistically beating Phase 4, Phase 3 is already a kick in the teeth, Phase 2 is somewhat doable.
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>shills do desperate damage control after release
>"g-guys everyone totally finds her fun and cute now please whale on the new gacha btw"
I genuinely wonder what's your beef with the game. You've been doing this for months now and not just here. Why?
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This looks so retarded. Can you even hide them?
Probably the worst addition as of now honestly. El Cid and halos at least offer extra customizability and not JUST raw stats. While also not ruining the aesthetic too much. This just looks like you stuck a cheap jpg on the weapon.
They really don't know what to do with this game and it's sad to see them keep ruining the game aesthetic with these awful korean MMO attachments. Can't wait for next dumbass shit like sunglasses and whatnot to make their debut.
That's probably the last addition, at least for a while, considering the roadmap
Maybe I should take a break till season 2 or something. Watched a nip streamer spent 5 minutes whacking a hell boss in golden city and didn't even do enough damage to scratch 1/10 of his HP bar before he gave up, I honestly don't expect anything fun with the hell mode boss battles they are adding.
Is Gabi from the same tribe as Eliyar or something, they basically dress the exact same way.
Also, damn that bottom heavy gremlin sure is powerful. She could probably even work as a sub DPS to Eliyar thanks to her ult not requiring her to be on the field.
Considering hell mode bosses are advertised are almost unbeatable alone, they are probably going to be huge bullet sponges. If you really want to take a break, probably the best time would be right about now if you don't feel any fomo for any kind of one time rewards.
Until S2, nothing really interesting seems to be happening.
you just know they're waiting to add wings and auras

well they prob just forgot to add a hide option for the weapon thing
Ok I think I get portrait now. The First Clear rewards reset after every big patch when the elements get changed. Just clear it once a month along with Tower of Trials

Once weekly clear are just for MMO junkies
p.s. lummies
the discord invite link in guild notice is expired. I dunno if I need to join for this treasure chest or if I can get carried again like last even lmao but just in case
I am honestly having way too much fun just running around with Gabi in the city hub.
yes, you can hide them anon

it looks bad in most of the weapons, but in some it kinda looks good actually; it's all a matter of mix and matching
the max difficulty clearly states that you will need perfect characters with perfect rolls and weapons in order to tackle them. You are just hurting yourself taking upon that challenge without the requirements.
It frankly just looks bad throughout, I managed to get 3 leggos and all of them I can't really use but I see people on the hub with them and they look fuck ugly. Honestly all of the additional accessories look horrible. Not even tacky Korean MMO accessory horrible, just horrible.
They should completely rework portrait or at least make you jump from one dungeon to another instead of being brought to that board. I tried to power through 5 floors and it was awful. I can auto it with no issue but needing to tend to it a lot is bad.
El cids and halos were honestly cool. El cids especially since they don't affect appearance but the halos didn't look awful either. This new ones are pretty bad all around though. Not only do they look awful, they also don't do anything interesting like El cids and halos. They are just pure stats. At least you can hide them I guess.
they all have unique passives anon
They have unique passives though and arguably weapon tier in how broken they are. I guess I just don't like the Light Halos since they look like yellow balloons. Blood and Lightning looks alright.
Just be in the guild area around 7:50 EST.
Is the chest pet random? Seems retarded if that's the case since people can be there every day and still miss it
What chest pet...?
idk anon, it makes it more special me thinks
guild gacha chest, it starts in less than 1 hour; run to your guild or you'll miss it since it'll be online ONLY for 2 hours or so
>5 relic slots
>mats needed respectively is from the 2nd to 6th boss stages in golden city
wat the heck is the 1st boss stage material for
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alive game (for now)
>walk up to veda
How does the weapon attachment work? I was about to put a purple one onto my weapon but the confirmation message almost feels like it's implying it's permanent
>That one guy using blonde fem Vulcan
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it was pretty cute, makes me feel that people are still playing this ded game

it gives me some hope that maybe the devs will surprise us with a steady stream of story (or even just one-off event stories now and then) from October onwards. lol.
That's cool. The recent release was pretty nice though, while short it did give a quick glance over the other characters and did progress the story somewhat. But then they release that monstrosity that is the weapon accessory and it's just taking a step back.
One step forward, five steps back has been their philosophy on every patch except for Deathcrowns where they took two steps forward before tripping and falling face first when they decided to make him free for a limited time. Perfect opportunity to add a beginner's 7 day event like other gachas where you get assigned a ton of tasks and the final reward is beating Edward for a free DC.
it's impressive this game is still pulling some revenue given that there's been no story updates for so long, or even more of those event stories like Veleno or Aurora's little stories
That's pretty much the expectation from any gacha every 4-6 weeks or sooner in its first year

I'll try not to have high expectations for any sudden shifts in direction in October but pls Kim surprise me
**though I guess we did get some cutscenes from Portrait and Golden City
the game spiked on steam, but more importantly, sales went up to the roof for a moment with the last update:
dcinside in general was pretty active thanks to this update; they are doing a good job
they are also already hiring new artists in their job page
The power of finally releasing a Blood character. I still have little faith in the team, but if Snowbreak can come back from the brink anything is possible.
>hiring new artists
New cope, they fired the old artists because they were the ones responsible for Gabi's awful splash art
yeah the saving grace is that global NA/EU "servers" aren't really separate from KR/CN, it's all in the same client so we'll just be carried by them or merge eventually

My cope is that it doesn't really matter whether I'm playing with only 500-1000 players in a server vs 50,000+, as long as the game survives, it still satisfies that slow-burn stat progression i want from a gacha. I can pretend this is an MMO private server or something
RIP to the anons in EU server, is /akovg/ still even alive or what
You only open one chest for the guild event right? Does it matter if you are even there for the fight or can you just pick it up after?
I think you can pick it up after. Though that said it's fun to see everyone in the guild online.
i forgot to log in for sam's treasure
Still no pet. This event is bullshit
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>they keep buffing Veleno
>doesn't even have her own Halo and El-Cid yet
Can't wait for her rerun. She's going to end up even more retarded than Aurora with how strong they are making Poison.
NAbros reminder guild chest spawns in 25 minutes

Surely you'll get today's
2 hours to claim your rewards NAbros
I feel like Gabi already overtook Aurora
They really made it some sort of a fucking MMO guild event. I guess the game already is one but fuck this slim timeslots.
i know where this is heading to
>new units that iare immune to DoT damage
nothin personell kidd
As much as I need a poison DPS, I'm not excited about having to farm poison relics, Halo, El Cid, PoT accessories, and then relic enhancement on top of that. Never mind having enough pulls for Veleno's weapon as well not just her. Oh and maxing out the skills too
The craft-able short bow is great. Stop being a retard and just use that.
Nothing to talk about and content drops are slow.
I finally got Atterise today, was on the verge of getting F4 Albert before getting Atterise

Is she good for poison DPS with the new changes? I have the generic 5* staff too, and generic 5* El Cid, just missing a 5* halo and 5* WoG
Her kit is more geared towards support. If you have F6 Capecchi he's probably better suited to being a Poison DPS over her.
I could do that, the Golden City fights do give a reason for the 4* units now. Can't have 4x Velenos or whatever after all

Bigger problem for now is my lack of a poison 5* halo. Hopefully a Veleno rerun would have haloes/el cid that are compatible with the other 2 poison units
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more chests with pets this time, I think like 5 ppl got it this time
someone with the pet got it again
What server are you on? Either I missed mine or yours is way earlier than mine.
NA so it's just 8pm EST
Fuck, I thought it was Friday through Sunday, I actually missed today's one. If I actually don't get this pet because of RNG bullshit I may drop this shit. Getting fucked over like that would be the last straw for me.
>game so ded no one mentions free rewards
already missed 600 gems wtf
I'm now just dumping all I can in Gabi's banner hoping for a dupe. If nothing comes out of it and the next patch is more nothing, I might just drop it desu. I had fun but yeah, had.
I got the retarded pet, guess I am not dropping the game, for now
>vedtards coping about how the revenue will surely be higher this month
>its almost half of last month

>>vedtards coping about how the revenue will surely be higher this month
Who are you quoting? Did you miss all the doomposting about how Gabi's banner looked like absolute shit and was the only thing we got throughout the month?
remember when this game made 6m dollars in a month on mobile alone
and then the devs proceeded to do fuck all with the game for the next 5 months
yeah apparently their "live-service" model is to do a content update every 6 months instead of every 4-6 weeks like most gachas

whether people will still remember to come back after maintenance mode i highly doubt considering Dragon Blaze is a failure
>history revisionism
>sales went up the roof for a moment
That literally happens any new gacha banner regardless of how shit it is. How does that equate to saying that revenue will be higher for the whole month? Why are you so desperate that you're resorting to strawmans?
I have resorted to asking questions on the official D*scord channel instead because this general is so dead
Just a consequence of being banished to /vmg/ but better than having no general at all I'd say.
I finally have some spare time to start building crown.
How does the double element work? should I pick one and max it? What set and equip?
Just go Dark. Double element just means that he'll use the off element if the enemy is weak to it, but he'll be considered a dark unit for the most part. The Dark relic set should be fine with him.
i use slave knight, before gabi, DC helps me get 2 hour clears on portrait along with aurora

now with gabi it's 1 hr 30 min but it's a team effort between DC, Gabi, and Aurora
Portrait of Thierry is going to be more of a progressive thing now, you can claim rewards for previous floors you already cleared


no details but Im going to assume there will be checkpoints now
Took them this long to figure out that maybe climbing 27 floors with at least 5 levels each every week wasn't fun. Come on Director.
when did this happen, I wasn't told of anything, I couldn't participate. is that event good though?
How many new characters do we have until S2? If just one then Rebecca is obviously the upcoming character.
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I'm in NA server, it's 8pm EST thursday to sunday, if you miss it the chests stay for 2 hours afterwards for everyone else

if you get the mimic pet again you get 10 pull
Shit I was right
They delayed season 2 for a month so either we are getting another character or it's a whole dead month after this patch.
odds are the game goes under before next season
If anything S2 is when the suits decide if this game can last for another year or it's time to pull the plug.
It's hilarious how easily they could've made this a middling income game, but I guess the KRMMO brainrot is just too ingrained into their society to even consider anything else.
Even without the added KRMMO grind, these gooks are way too greedy with the gacha dopamine, people would simply quit after they got tired with how much shit they have to roll for a new character to actually be usable.
KRMMOs have had gachas in their system for years. MapleStory basically pioneered it. It's not just terrible RNG gearing and infinite grind.
Release was so bad the saving grace is maybe they won't be afraid to take drastic measures with S2
Either EOS so I can move on, or just revamp the entire game and turn it into a proper gacha not a fucking MMO

Gacha gear is too late to revert but you can just make currency farmable with stamina in a reasonable manner without limit. Also tone down the fucking RNG stat garbage because it just discourages people to pull for new units. You could revert it easily if you give people other shit to use stamina on like currency for gacha gear. Buying the currency with gems would just be whalebait in the same manner as buying purple enchant scrolls or any other in-game shit with gems

I really wouldn't mind an EOS announcement. I'm a retard who somehow enjoys this garbage game more than other new gachas I played recently, combined with a mild gambling addiction, so I can't move on from this garbage until I'm really tired or they announce EOS
Gachas keep me from gambling 5-figs or more in higher stake shit like options or pennyscams, well actually I still gamble in those but gachas help me minimize it while keeping the rest in index funds
also the garbage on doubling down on the stupid pvp arena grinding
It could easily have been a decent part of the game for fun if it wasn't linked with autoclicker grinding, even a no-rewards ELO-matchmaking leaderboard would have been enticing whalebait. Or at worst, just a mode to invite people to pvp as a novelty but no fucking grinding for FOMO rewards
Needless to say I haven't been renewing my monthlies anymore. I might buy the battlepass again if S2 changes thing but lmao
is this every day?
I got the chest from the guild, where it is located and how do I open it?
Same place you set up your assist/display character, should be the bottom tab.
Is Gabi's halo any good? I already have the basic blood halo but I am starting to accumulate a lot of halo currency and don't even have any xp mats to level my current halos above level 60
It's good, but not needed. It's about the same power as Earth girls halo, and slightly worse than Sorin's.
Damn, I also somehow doubt Rebecca's halo will be any good. I am not sure if I should pull for Gabi's or not at this point.
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The devs really have no idea what they are doing in so many ways.
Who's bright idea was to release Rebecca as a fire tank when we so recently got deathcrown and another 4* fire tank. Especially when she used to be a support...
Rebecca got released?
Rebecca is probably their earliest shilled character and the last to be released so it tracks. Plus DC isn't a fire tank, he's dark so water doesn't even hit him for super effective.
Ah yes, he isn't a fire tank, he is better than any fire tank, my bad
Probably won't get an answer in time, but how is Gabi's El cid?
Both her halo and el cid are good and worth it since she's basically mandatory on Deathcrown teams anyway. That being said, the 5* options are fine enough if you have them.
>Both her halo and el cid are good and worth it since she's basically mandatory on Deathcrown teams anyway. That being said, the 5* options are fine enough if you have them.
I have the halo 5* option but not the El cid. And unfortunately although I have plenty of halo currency I can't say the same for the El cid one. We didn't even get an El cid selector I doubt I will get one anytime soon so I will probably bite the bullet and pull for her el cid. It bothers me a bit since I am not sure if "wound aggregation" will be a thing for other blood characters but I need to progress at portrait and I may as well see this as an investment for that.
Is the craftable weapon for Rebecca good for her? Seems on theme at least
This game looks like dragon's crown and muramasa. Anything more like it?
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I never stopped believing in /ourgirl/ Veleno to be honest
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It's a good thing the devs know to be generous, I doubt I would still be playing if that wasn't the case
Should have at least been for every adventure stage. This shit is only for the pigs/spider and dailies. And it doesn't even actually complete the stage in the dailies, just the missions themselves.
Are any of the new halos/El cids any good?
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Is this game dead?
not yet
dying, sure, but not quite dead
But why? I want a vanillaware-like to succeed
Because the devs are retarded who keep making dumbass decisions and then spend months to fix them..
Whoever are still playing this game is either holding out for S2 to see if they could get their shit together or they are still there because of sunk cost.
Rather than doing the smart/sensible thing of just copying other gacha accurately, they instead decided to copy the worst aspects of Hoyo and KRMMOs instead.
loving this update. Their decision to spend more time polishing the experience instead of just throwing up mediocre content was a good one. As always the reactionary community was retarded for hating it.
₩10 have been deposited in your account
It's over, dude. The game is shit and dead. Just let it go.
yes but if you're f2p and have a gambling addiction and just want to roll, then it's still fun now that it's finally a login simulator, even Portrait can be skipped now (can collect l2/3 of the rewards with a skip every week)
devs are desperate so theyre showering everyone with gems and currency for all the shitty different gacha gears, now you can roll for 5 different slot machines regularly instead of only 1 in a different better-planned game

just don't bother spending $$$, like seriously
There's no point getting a $5 monthly since it did not scale with the 5x gacha system. Seriously no point in getting +100 gems everyday when the devs are giving +500 gems daily plus other shit, and it's not even 6-month anniversary yet
It's not fair. I want a vanillaware gacha.
A lot of people did, that's why it made money the first couple of months. Then people realized the dev team is incompetent and left.

The only reason I'm still going is to make my Nec & Xanthia as strong as possible and I want to get 6 copies of their weapon, halo and el shirt with all the currency they're giving out that I won't be using anywhere else
So what's the new tunic? It looks pretty cool at least, anyone unlocked it yet?
Do you have enough currency to get 6 copies of their weapon? It's a LOT of currency...
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I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me, and I walk alone
I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one, and I walk alone
If you're NA join Lummies
If this is SEA/EU I'm sorry for your loss
this is our SEA branch bwo, that just my alt, I'm already at Lummies
imagine playing this garbage on not one but TWO accounts
you should give your time to people who need it cause you clearly don’t
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This would have been really good if the second half that buffed crit worked for anyone that has sacred flame on (which could still be the case since the translation in this game has never been the best). Has anyone tested it at all?
Fire characters don't exist.
The substats are also way too defensive oriented. If you want the crit effect then I assume you are thinking of putting this on a DPS but you're better off just using the generic halo in that case.
Obviously the stats aren't good for a DPS. Which is why I was wondering whether the second half the ability would work on ANY character that has sacred flame (aka the active character). If that was the case then in theory that halo could buff the CR/CD of someone other than it's user, which would be really good and ideal for a support character.
It says "if the equipped target" implying it requires the halo to be equipped onto whoever has the sacred flame buff in order to receive the crit benefits.
The translation is so notoriously bad that "equipped target" could very well be referencing sacred flame and not the halo itself.
Most likely you are right though, but you never know. Which is why I was wondering if anyone tested it.
How (You) focused is this game? Need to know before I select my character.
ultimately it doesn't matter what appearance you pick so just choose whoever you'd like or pick the default red-head if you want to feel like you're picking the canon protagonist
No, I meant it in the "characters are constantly sucking your dick or getting the hots for you" way.
You should pick long white hair on the standard male protagonist so you can do a reverse Griffith at the end of the story
Nec is a hot big tiddy witch who is obsessed over her dead lover and wants to bring him back to life.
Vesti once met a boy in her past and fell in love with him and is on a journey to search for him.
Aurora raised Ellen and the two share a teacher-student type of relationship, highly implied that Ellen cherishes her.

There are a few characters who lean towards being for (You) like Sorin but ultimately there is shipshit in this game.
Thanks, I really liked the default female, so she shall be my waifu.
My wife
was gonna give the game a try
anything I need to know as a new player?
You're not a new player.
How early do they usually announce upcoming banners? I am constantly waiting for a development note to see what we are getting until S2 drops and they haven't said much so far. The only thing they have shared so far has been about the new equipment preset mechanic, which is a cool qol feature but doesn't exactly excite me.
like literally 1-2 days before the current banner ends, it's stupid but it's also understandable theres no point trying to build hype at this point

how do i stop playing and ignore sunk cost
It's gonna happen naturally when you find something else you are interested in and have to drop it to make time for it
Uninstalled in the Golden City update. Came back to see how its doing but it looks even more dead than before. Sad.
We're just waiting for the Season 2 update at this point
>We're just waiting for the Season 2 update at this point
Basically this. S2 was supposed to come early October so things are kinda slow now that it was delayed. Especially since the devs seem to be unable to understand that they should announce new content at least one week before release to build hype and keep interest instead of doing so 2 days before.
Guys, I can't beat the lighting guy in the golden city tutorial. I don't have an earth DPS or an earth 5* for the fact other than the lion fag. And not being able to give the boss a new weakness like every other enemy outside of Golden city doesn't help at all.
ok cool, it doesn't really matter
Veleno can brute force it if she has a levelled halo/el cid. Albert is also fine if you invested into halo/el cid but it'll be slow. This is also assuming you've got maxed relics and accessories from Portrait.
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Shortstack update
Good news is that trailers are also back to being 1 minute long, so the doomposter in me is satisfied for now
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Things are not looking good.
I feel like this game had all the production values needed to make a good game, but some really stupid design decisions, especially at launch, left a bad taste in peoples' mouth. First impressions matter most in the cutthroat world of gacha games and things just never recovered.
it has been since may? june? I habe opened the game, Not sure if I will stick around though
It's just the lack of meaningful content at the moment. There's content for getting you stronger/hitting bigger numbers but why do you want to hit bigger numbers? There's no real hard endgame thing to farm - their idea of difficulty seems to be either to give something absurd amounts of HP and/or spamming the screen with adds or multiple bosses. There isn't really any challenging content designed in a good way.

I'm still holding out for the new content but for now I think I am completely done spending on the game.
This is definitely the lowest point of the game so it's to be expected honestly. How S2 will fair will make or break the game
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this is the lowest point of the game *so far
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># Notice Regarding the Knights of Veda ‘Bikki’s Skill Upgrade Materials

>Masters of the Book,
>Through the 10/2 update, we confirmed that the Skill Upgrade Materials for the newly added Knight of Veda, “Bikki,” were incorrectly applied as Tanker position materials instead of DPS position materials.

>Upon discovering this issue, we intended to correct it so that Bikki’s DPS materials would be consumed. However, we noticed that many Masters of the Book had already upgraded Bikki’s skills using the Tanker materials.

>Since many players have already maxed out Bikki’s skills by using the Tanker materials, we were concerned that taking further action could lead to discrepancies in material consumption depending on when the upgrades occurred.

>As a result, we have decided to maintain the current Skill Upgrade Material status specifically for Knights of Veda ‘Bikki’ to avoid any growth discrepancies among Masters of the Book due to material consumption.

>Moving forward, we will ensure that all Knights of Veda introduced in future updates will require Skill Upgrade Materials appropriate to their designated roles. We kindly ask for your understanding in this matter.

>We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and we are committed to providing a more polished service.
>Thank you.
someone got rush reworked during development kek
somehow the censored version looks better
Sorin's my fave and i like the boob window but i also want some packaging to unwrap
I feel you. She looks too naked, and not in a good way. Almost like her top didn't properly load or something, the censored version looks much more natural (and feels like the original design). I am not about to complain about the absence of censorship, but I am beginning to suspect that making her more lewd was a last minute change to increase revenue, which is why she looks so awkward.
It's a shame this game isn't taking off. It's kinda fun but kinda shit too. Wasted potential for sure.
honestly even the sunk cost is starting to wear out
i pulled for bikki and im reminded of how much clutter i had to go through

pull for bikki unit
pull for signature weapon
pull for halo
pull for el cid
level and ascend each one
socket and enchant weapons
luckily i can reuse the same relic set from eliyar
woops almost forgot to 10-10-10 each skill
fuck finally now i can beat nightmare beast boss
fuck i cant dps the hell boss fast enough because i dont have genesis for large club

im tired boss i think im done since i dont expect season 2 to save this game with the desperation the devs are showing >>1584858
>am beginning to suspect that making her more lewd was a last minute change to increase revenue
That's 100% the scenario I assume as well, the covered version looks far more coheret, it looks like the intern artist was forced to fill paint on the bottom part of the shirt. Maybe if it wasn't so last minute, the artist could have designed her with a sorin boob window instead, but doing fill paint on the model was much faster
This is exactly how I felt when I pulled for Gabi. I cant simply get the character and have fun. I have to keep pulling for all these gacha bullshit to make her usable and then level it all with limited resources because this shit is also in the gacha. The director is a huge moron by adding all this crap. I dont think the game can recover anymore.
the devs themselves figured out very thoroughly it wasn't going to recover back when they gave out free Death Crown and the revenue didn't go anywhere so they decided to make packages more cost effective because there's no way such a move came from the good of their hearts or from a lack of statistic projections performed on their behalf

everything hereon out is just milking the cows who are for whatever reason willing to keep playing

and desu bikki's top getting torn off is fine by me and is additionally a great representation of the state of the game in more ways than i am willing to list over the course of a single post

so i won't mind if they keep leaning into absurdism in the dank hopes that something will sell, because then at least i'm going to get some laughs out of it before things end up going where we all know it's going to go
it's so stupid, this game is so badly managed but I still enjoy it over other gachas
same, I like it more when it leans away from being an autobattler like all the other big gacha games that are available right now
It's so hard to find a gacha that isnt a chibi turn based auto battler. Its either that or MMO auto battler. Its all so dogshit.
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>adding F7
What the FUCK
>for season 2 you can spend EVEN MORE MONEY ON DUPES
lmao this game is fucking done man
i get that they're going to make currency more readily available but f7 is a weird af move to make

like why? surely the types of powerboosts f7's going to add could have been moved into el cids or halos or somewhere else if they weren't just greeding like the pigfucks everyone'd expect them to be right now
>Some ugly old hag with glasses
>even more P2W
Was waiting for S2 to see if it can salvage this garbage dump but from the look of it, I guess it's time to pack up for real.
Upping the cap already and is not even anniversary. This game is done. They are milking the few remaining delusional pay pigs before EOS.
>All those delusional boot lickers praising this piece of shit
they're mindbroken like that one megashill that used to hang around here just to yell loudly how the game was good and all the dogshit modes were actually fun
i wonder if he roped already seeing the absolute state of this
i'm laughing so hard at these update notes right now

hope you all are ready for:
>xp cost to get to 100 being absurd
>ascension material cost to 100 being even more absurd
>skystone rewards from story content unchanged
>weapon & accessory xp to get to 100 increasing by roughly 18x
>mythic relics having an infinitesimal drop rate, costing weeks worth of stamina to get a full 4/4 set
>mythic accessories having their own separate drop rate on the lower levels of thierry and thus not being guaranteed and additionally the drop rate is going to be ridiculously small so it takes a month to get a new set (which won't sync up with the old one so you have to keep wearing your shit set as your face gets knocked in by the whales) and then it ends up being the wrong set with suboptimal rolls on stats so back to the waiting room you go
>f7 powercreep being obscene, bitches are going to start throwing sparkly shit everywhere upon reaching f7 when it was already ridiculously impossible to face a f6 as a f0 of that same character
>>this has the side effect of making things even more ridiculously impossible to see during a fight even if you aren't the guy playing the f7 character
>Rhynara X Death Crown becomes an unbeatable team because she's going to do literally everything all the other supports and healers were capable of in a single button press (buff allied damage, HoT & CC & damage like Sansar)
>>her f7 is required to complete their state of being an unbeatable dream team so only the whales can taste what being a god is like
>100% cdr xanthia (f7 & r7 sig required), forcing devs to finally cap cdr
>new stages just boring copy paste with AI Art assets and the worst storywriting you've ever seen
>new bosses have like 8 instant wipe attacks that miraculously don't work if you have a decently upgraded Weapon of Genesis
>new relic sets only exacerbate every single other problem and make the problematic power creep even worse

i've got my popcorn ready, this is going to be golden
If you don't like it, get out. We're all having fun.
>one guy pointed out all the problems with the game
>the bootlickers immediately jumped in told him to git gud since it's all skill issue and they can clear game contents as great f2p players easily.
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That's more than you'll ever make
Don't forget that the S2 units are obviously going to massively power creep the S1 characters out of relevancy so your progress is going to be soft reset anyway.
>be devs
>decide that overload is busted
>cap it
>players revolt over yet another stat being capped
>immediately remove that and instead phase it out by spamming dogshit AI battle modes
Why are Koreans like this?
wow they really made the next dual elem a support for elements that have no shortage of them
im going give s2 a try but i can feel it, it's vedover for me

i think having to refarm relics and accessories is just too much, it won't be the last time
this shit is trying too hard to be an MMO from the beginning and i was a fool to think they might change course by s2
It's a half-assed attempt at an MMO, what multiplayer even is there? PVP? Co-op is dead, they replaced it with the worst game mode in the game and doubled down on it. It sure as hell isn't massive. I guess it is online though.
>Game with beautiful art has the most dogshit systems ever
It's all so tiresome.
fk i dunno man, i think this game is so bad but doing dailies still give me a little adrenaline boost that other gachas aren't giving me. I already want to quit sword of convallaria which is undoubtedly a better polished game but astra is still more fun for me

t just sucks that they ruin it with garbage designs like bikki and gabi, F7 shit, and making you refarm ur garbage which already has massive substat RNG
Sword of Convallaria is hardly doing better if it's any consolation.
Didn't that game have a boom of a start? Did the devs do retarded decisions like Veda or did people just get bored once they finished all of the story content?
SRPG gameplay is only fun in small bursts, it has too many tedious "content" grinding, and funnily enough, too many events
it just burns ppl too much eventually, theres a reason why autobattlers are so prevalent in gachas, most spenders are just wagies logging in for a bit every now and then, i DONT want anything close to a second job like an MMORPG

fk i wish i didnt quit blue archive but i didnrt enjoy most of the event stories, the music was great though
Not sure why they're so obsessed with super hard content either. It's like they're only focusing on try hards/whales.
Most gachas understand that fun/presentation comes first.
anons, what other games are similar to this game?
Dragon's Crown/Odin Sphere
DFO if you want even more grinding
Yes, almost all the events are stupidly tedious bullshit with map re-use, Tower of Adversity is even worse and the devs added signature weapons about three months ago. You have fun for a while but you ask yourself what's the fucking point soon enough.
It's easier and faster to create "super hard contents" just by giving mobs and bosses fuck ton of HP and damage, while it actually takes time and effort to create fun and presentable contents. These gook devs are cutting corners like no tomorrow.
Players understand that devs can't output content that quickly, that said pushing hard content too much will make them question if the devs give a damn and that makes it easy for them to drop the game. Maintaining a balance is tricky.
Stop giving me shortstacks and give me lolis you fucking cowards.
Thanks bro
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>started playing a couple of days ago
>feels hard to progress through the story
is this normal or are my characters just garbage? pic related.
>Hey this kinda --
>are my characters just garbage?
Probably. I used Nayan instead of Capecchi though, I didn't get a char on my standard pity, but a weapon no one in my roster can use.
My weapons are just upgraded 3 stars rarity I believe
I just reached chapter 7, since you are still lv21 I assume you are in ch6 now. Can really get tough without elemental advantage
yeah i've been stuck on the last part of ch6
I don't know the state of your accessories and relics but upgrade them but don't enhace to the next tier. The bracelets as well or necklaces, I forgot what they're called
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i've been continuing to grind and upgrading everything i can just to try and eek out enough performance to clear the fight
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oh what do you know, i just beat it
The characters are bad except for Yanko but I'm willing to bet something is going even more wrong in the gearing department
If you can figure out how to discern a well geared support character from a poorly geared one it will make your story grinding significantly easier

I disagree, give me more shortstacks with even bigger tits and hips than Bikki
just cleared ch7
excited for my free KotLD
>stuck on the last boss of ch8
why are the end stage bosses so much more difficult than the rest of the level?

what's that?
do the pvp medals carry over?
Death Crown
The currency does but the little ranked points that you get at the end of each game to progress you down a rewards line do not.

King of the Living and the Dead is Death Crown's full title.
why's it so difficult to exit the arena. the queue pops fast.
>why are the end stage bosses so much more difficult than the rest of the level?
how close are you to getting the boss down to 50% hp before team wipe?

usually i get wiped by the bosses around 10%. i feel like they get some bullshit mechanics at that point.
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yeah yeah. i beat it manually now. time for the next stage.
well that was easy...
Mad King Magnus and Black Prince of Death Edward do get bullshit at lower HP, they have a skill where Magnus roars, and Edward will do some dumbass fire pose floating through the air, and it buffs their own entire kit and it makes them cancerous to fight against. That's why you avoid them in Portrait of Thierry unless you have a really well built blood/water DPS.

You can still just instagib them when you get good enough gear but it becomes challenging to get damage in on melee characters without dying or sustaining loads of damage.
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whats this relic sharing business about? everyone can wear the same piece? do they all get the same bonuses or is it split amongst the characters?
IIRC it caps out at 5 characters wearing the same piece of gear and I'm too lazy to test it. Doesn't work on weapons.

Same bonuses, no diminishing or splitting or anything.
Maint in an hour

What are you guys looking forward to the least and most after the season 2 patch
Is Crystal Maiden not free like DeathCrown?
>dumpsters edward and his Dad easily on AL9 quest
Did they make the game easier or something?
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codes from discord and the site bwos
>Squad battle mode
actually cool and makes clearing story content faster but needs a healer AL9 above
Active Codes:
the two you fight in the quest are ridiculously scaled down
i'm actually enjoying the update, how deep has the rot grown?
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>cant go to the new zones yet because not a high enough level
is the new character worth rolling on? or should i keep saving?
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and which of these guys should i take?
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this is my current lineup. i was thinking of taking more death crowns or maybe velenos to replace rani.
F2 Veleno + Nec
Veleno + Nec + Xantia + Gabi
Veleno + Nec + waifu picks I guess
I picked the Xan+Gabi because I want to cover more elements than stacking on Veleno
>>cant go to the new zones yet because not a high enough level
some missions give a lot of exp I am overflowing exp because too lazy to uncap
Where do you get the selector? I signed up for it
Wait they gave away 4 SELECTORS?!
They really are trying hard to bribe us...
>F2 veleno
so i'd need to use three selectors to get to F2? assuming the first copy is F0?

idk, they were just in my mailbox. i did use all the codes though >>1603081 & >>1603075

yeah i got a ton of exp too. i need to clear the prison quests to level up, but the difficulty ramped up in the first zones so now i can no longer kill them. im not sure if i should drop the adventurer level down to clear them or not though..
Only jp twitter has updates
Rip game
dont most gachas die within the first two years?
It's entirely depending on the game's popularity nowadays
We have too many gacha games still briskly running that people have said would die in 2 years for that number to be accurate, even Dropgalia Lost managed to keep going for 4 years before dying and some other shit games like FEH are running for 7 years straight

Hell, even the original Dragon Blaze is still technically "running" despite being a fucking ghost ship crap fiesta of a game
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All outlined Tear relics are +Lifesteal Rate or +Lifesteal Chance.
The blood relics are just shit stats.
These are the results of a few thousand stamina spent on farming and a few thousand Flowing Time fragments into rerolling.
healer bros...we're getting replaced...
>so i'd need to use three selectors to get to F2? assuming the first copy is F0?
That's right, your decision if you want a strong unit than variety
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im much stronger now thanks to everyone
if youre on NA join lummies
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its over
Mmmmm I just accepted a new member today, but there is someone who hasn't logged on in a few days. If they hit like 4d+ inactive despite the start of a new season I'll assume they quit and will invite you in
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wtf scam
how necessary is being in a guild anyway?
there's guild rift (weekly pve content) and guild chests that are periodic events every few weeks
you don't need a guild to progress but it is nice to have some free stuff including rolls
also you can borrow any guildmate's support even if they're not on your friend's list
I love how they put 100 mobs in a 4x4 area against you on ch8 onwards
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at least you can go there, im still getting dunked on by this
Why not borrow a whale's Veleno?
how do you borrow characters?
tap that hands icon on the 4th character slot
wow it worked, thanks
Is there a DPS dummy for testing here?
Yes, it's called the Training Ground
I forgot if there's a requirement to access it since it was patched in at some point
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>play the new content story
>we fight the plant DPS hebe
>just realize we are so late/lacking in content
How can they fumble this hard bwos? no manpower? retarded decision? or both?
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should i roll on her? is she worth getting or should i keep saving?
if someone should roll for her comes down to if they have ellen farrell or not yet

sansar's good enough for light dps but saeya's damage is dogshit among default 5stars

ask yourself if you want to save for ellen farrell or if you like rhynara more and go from there

also if you do go for her make sure to get her halo and el cid because they're huge segments of her power budget
I just started touching gems and what the fuck, more layers of rng lol
its rng all the way down in gacha games. easy for developers to code, terrible for player's gameplay experience.
The amount of RNG this game has put most gacha games to shame.
i cant decide on sorin or violet for a second healer. which one works best with the least amount of copies needed?
Sorin F0 will likely do you better. She's bulky and puts out good healing and veda energy but does absolutely no damage. Violet is better than her when she gets to F2 and if they're even fated afterwards then Violet remains ahead all the way through F7.
Sorin's got more typical supportive utility with CC immunity and heavily CCing the enemy, but Violet's shields are just too insane. The fact that her damage is great so she's a healer and a DPS in the same slot just makes things even crazier when you're investing or teambuilding. Preventing all wounds >>>>>> reducing wounds received.

And then don't even bring up the damage immunity waiting at F7...

But yeah if it's just F0 go with Sorin.
Yeah, if I find another interesting game I will dip
There's just so much here
Is the game worth giving another shot bros? I stopped after the first month, but I sort of feel like I have missed out on to many Freebies if I come back now
Not really.
Aside from few QoL like skipping some shitty daily chores, the game wasn't improved for a slightest, and frankly only got worse with even more gacha and rng shit on top of more grindy contents. If you didn't like the game before I doubt you will find it's fun now.
absolutely, the game is in a great state with so much content to do, you'll be thinking about it all day. The future updates also seem really nice; go and read the director notes if you are curious about the path of the game. There are several selector codes to redeem for you to pick any character you want right now as well. Give it a good try. The story is the best part about it.
you'll only miss out on too many freebies if you miss this current cycle, and starting now is fast enough to get all the shit still

The biggest thing they changed was their pricing in the cash shop, we are free from genshit prices and now it's like $3 or $4 for a 10pull
Sales are up significantly in the overseas markets and look to be staying there

We'll see if the game sinks or swims over the next couple of months, and right now it's kind of fun to get bombarded with all the free things they're giving away
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There is a LOT of free shit going on right now. I'm talking about F2P actually getting to F7 a character of their choice at the moment. Definitely worth looking into again even if it's just a time killer for a couple of days.
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New story doko?
beside the vatican's slut beatdown what next?
i have full cleared to f36 in thierry for the weeks since the update and i have not gotten a single mythic accessory piece, much less a high rolling piece for an element i require

i expected it to be hard to get a good usable set but this is more than RNG burning me, this is burning down my entire city i'm mayor of and killing all of my residents then genociding our local specialty brand of crops

are other people faring better than me or is the drop rate for mythic accessories just really that significantly low?
Good lord, I'm just gonna uninstall, this game has like 10 gacha games' rng
10x the dopamine
Nah more like 0.1x, it's shit
surely this week i will get a mythic accessory piece
there is no way i can add another week of full clearing without getting a mythic accessory piece
i am looking forward to getting a mythic accessory this week
i am incapable of not getting a mythic accessory this week
this upcoming week is the week
this upcoming week is going to be the week

i'm week in the knees for my mythic accessory this week
i'm so excited for my mythic accessory this upcoming week, it's coming after thierry reset
let's go... let's go...
yeah man, just gotta hope you maxroll everything
it's only a 1 in 9 chance
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im making progress but i've only got two purple weapon genesies so far. how long does it take to get a legendary one?
purple craftable short bow is better than that gold piece of garbage there, especially on veleno because of her poison ticks scaling off of crit damage
make sure to spend your daily 2x nightmare runs farming for its crafting materials

idk about the craftable long bow, but if you can get an r7 Avelin's Bow it will probably outperform Salvation of Apecatina on Aurora as well

no comment on golden/legendary WoG farming time because it's RNG gambling fuckery
good luck though
i'll try the new bow out. i should already have enough mats to r7 it. i only have an r2 avelin.
should veleno's gems also be crit damage?
veleno's gems should be "Poison Effect DMG Bonus" and they should give like 22% or more, don't get it mixed up wtih the 8~10% "poison DMG bonus"
crit rate or crit damage might be alright if you're low on those
can i still get those 4 5 star selectors or is it too late
this game is hot garbage but i enjoy it and it's not just sunk cost fallacy since i quit reverse1999 and i spent $200 on there too
Shill the game to me please
play a real game instead

this is a slot machine disguised as 2D beat-em-up that's slowly turning into an 2D autobattler because gacha rot
The following feels as if it was designed and cultivated by AI Training Models:
Character, Enemy & Boss design & art
Character & game code as a whole
Character voice acting
Music & Song
Menu artwork assets
Story Writing

The interview with their new art staff that they flaunted did nothing but worsen my feelings regarding this, the game feels so artificial in so many regards, but underneath everything there's some actual work here that evokes classic KR MMO gaming aesthetics like Lineage which just makes the AI feed end up stinging a little worse

I wouldn't recommend this or any other mobile game currently available on the market. Everything's pay2win, Astra's no better.
Starting with season 2 they made paying 2 victory significantly cheaper though.
i'd play diablo instead of this but i just cant find d4 appealing to look at unlike this game
how far we have fallen, but i am doing the same
So when you start out should you roll on Call of the Stars banner or ignore it completely
The beginner's call of the stars*
I'm dumb sorry
you have no better use for blue pulls
but never use your gems to buy blue pulls

eventually you'll just be dumping your blue pulls into standard banner all the time
you can only use purple pulls for the limited banners
Gimme the tierlists bros

deathcrown, rhynara, bikki
violet, gabi, xanthia, sansar, atterisee, shikh, veleno
[all other dpses when hitting into an advantageous element], sorin, yanko, nec
nayan, saeya

notes & alternate mode changes:
cdr wanderer arin>god
build edward for dot
don't use off ele dps unless required
portrait of thierry:
rebecca>mid or high
if you have trouble with any melee dps in portrait stop being shite at the videogame and dodge and use openings


battlefield of the wargod's:
orlik, rhynara, xanthia, nec, cdr wanderer arin, sorin, eliyar
very high
deathcrown, marthel, rebecca, violet,
albert, veleno, sarka, bikki, aurora, somehow also yanko
everything else

arena/real time & survival
no tier just a mess
go cdr wanderer arin until they finish fixing it

sources: collected rankings across servers & am a high ranker myself personal experience

ah that's right almost forgot
whatever new flavor of the month drug they're selling/pushing
esoteric bullshit setups/loadouts that don't belong on a tier list like eliyar/gabi/frozen bleeding longsword because it requires long term building and strategy, just try picking into element and crossing your fingers to figure out what's happening

the drug they don't want you taking anymore/everything else

don't ask for ancient golden city tiers
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>somehow also yanko
pet + cc. using him is almost like trolling the ai.
>deathcrown, rhynara, bikki
you forgot the * on bikki stating she needs to be f6
>bikki stating she needs to be f6
Nice digits, but is she useless without f6
without elemantal overload, pretty much
build up to ult you have burst damage for a bit i guess

veleno meanwhile just has to shoot from afar and stack the poison debuffs at leisure, also DoT damage ignores def too so she is pretty consistent across all elements (she outDPS's aurora against blood enemies)
get this veleno propaganda identity politicking out of here

bikki's damage is great at f0 when compared to other f0s if you aren't retarded with gearing her and she scales ungodly hard the more fates you end up feeding into her
bikki does not need elemental overload to function and if you think she does you are bad at the videogame or problematic, either or both, she does not need f6 to be good any more than all the other dpses who suddenly have their damage take off like a mantis shrimp's punch upon hitting f6

and fuck off with that "out dpses aurora against blood enemies" shit
no wonder more than half the playerbase is fucking worthless when they're sharing information together like that

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