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Do the right thing and pick Medusa for the free CE/servant combo in the upcoming FSN campaign.
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too tall
I'm so glad Oei is finally getting her NP strengthening
>Height: 172cm
Borderline womanlet
what r u onabout nigga? gals be 150cm on average
Pick your valkyrie, burn 1200 ice blocks to max ascend her and do all the NP acquisition side quests from maxing the last 4 attractions. Today's the last day.

Don't waste a 5* Saber pick on Medusa because of memes.
If i get 7th Saber copy, i will get coin?
btw wanna roll her on banner
I've got plenty of 5 star sabers including her. I'm getting Herc because I don't have him yet.
9 years of FGO and still a lot of QOL missing...
Will FGO ever get an update to adjust stamina to take 20-24 hours to refill? It's annoying to log in every 12h (9h cause you have 20 AP after exchanging 3 blue apples).
Redman and Herc are both valid if you have neither and want them.
But taking any of the FP servants for the CE is stupid.
The CEs don't even look that good right?
Archer's looks pretty good. The rest are meh.
>NP2 Seibah
>First copy of Herc or Archer
what do?
>can get saber any time and most people have her already anyway
>ce is an exclusive that you can only ever get now
i think you're the meme here!
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so uh
anyone here get the new fsn
Steam version already got patched through so just download the new update. Otherwise you'll need to change your local system to Japanese.
surely on saturday... haha.......
I'd get herc, he's pretty useful as a last man standing and he gets super strong once you get him to bond 10 and get the skill upgrade after atlantis.
>can get saber any time
Why don't I have her then?
How do they deal with the dick worms and sakura being a massive slut in the non-adult version of fsn.
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Abby has now had TWO strengthenings. I bet the next Foreigner strengthening is another one for her swimsuit version.
Her swimsuit version definitely needs one.
>Why don't I have her then?
you need to play everyday for 7+ years like the rest of us
Hopefully she gets a NP upgrade since that's pretty much the only thing she's missing, although I dont mind if both Abby's get them as they both need them the most compared to any other 5 star foreigner.
I forgot, how does NA do the download campaigns? Do they time it with 2 years behind JP or are we operating on our own downloads?
2 years behind JP with made up numbers.
well hopefully JP hits 30m, it will be start of a decline if fgo doesn't hit 1m downloads within a year
>play first interlude
Jesus Christ we've come a long way.
Castoria buff soon
Lasengle needs more saber/archer/lancers, all the new servants have been extra classes...
Pretenders made those classic knights obsolete.
The future of fgo is running pretenders, alter egos, beasts and avengers.
>Lasangle: Extra classes are the new meta.
NP5 Hephaestion has absolutely spoiled me. "But she only has class advantage against Casters for 3 turns!" yeah and with Black Grail, 3 turns is all she needs.
I'm okay with that, but my support is using year 1 knight servants. There's just not enough Extra servant slots
God I hate just sitting on a ton of SQ. It's easy to hold back when I'm low, but seeing servant I only kind of want, but know I'll never use keep tempting me to no end!
I always check mat requirements to help assuage the urge to pull. I'm one of those autists who doesn't feel like I "have" a character until they're completely maxed out, so seeing I need something retarded like 30 Hearts to get even 6/6/6 kills the urge.
I honestly don't get how people aren't swimming in mats now.
>have every servant
Whales have the time and resources to grind
>pick what you like
Events should have you stocked on everything
In reality QP should be the limiting factor unless you don't grail at all
Yeah I very rarely run out of mats now, and even if I do I can usually just buy them with cum cubes.
me with single digit shells and 4 new summer servants at 4/4/4: haha... yeah you're exactly right......
This is why I don't even care about min maxing anymore. If I can do the 90++ nodes, good, if not I'm fine doing 5CE or even just 6CE the old 90+. I've been playing since year 1 and have been doing hundreds of boxes per lottos. My entire chaldea is already at a min of 9/9/9 - with the exception of Traum servants and that's the 'issue' right here; my real bottleneck is the super new mats, like Traum ones but those aren't in lottos anyway.
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>buff is now selectable
that's pretty good
Specific material rates are dogshit and demands on low quality materials are high.
I've been playing a little over a year now and the line for a few mats is a mile long. My poor Jacques is probably never getting maxed.
class gems feel really hard to come by and I swear there's no easy way to grind them
bro your lottos?
You get like 2 a year tops
don't worry after 200+ boxes per lotto for 7 years you'll have well over a thousand of each type
Which is why you have to make the most of them when they come around, and grind your fucking ass off.
Long way to go then, I'm only on like 1 year 3 months

A horrifying prospect
>no easy way to grind them
>make the most of them when they come around, and grind your fucking ass off.
there are no free lunches
I would just like the daily maps to drop maybe 3 guaranteed
60% is what you get, take it or lotto grind
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Can Seiba and Herc please get Strengthen quest to fix these? Please?
I think it's an appropriate level, they're not too charismatic, otherwise why would saber get back stabbed?
not really seiba's fault desu; i reckon not even the king of rizz would dissaude the knight of treachery from her traitorous ways
I believed
didn't even realise first clear FQs are half off
finally, time to do my traum quests
I'm completely new to this game. Can someone explain why I would use Berserkers, when they get killed in like two hits by any class, instead of just using the class the enemy is weak to? I'm aware this may be a retarded question.
For when you're fighting multiple class types. Plus the good Berserkers will have some skills to increase their survivability, and you can use other servants to support them, either buffing their defenses or making them strong enough kill everything before they can get a hit on you.
When it comes to farming nodes, your AoE berserkers really do the job well as they don't discriminate

Also they're one of two classes that get super-effect against Rulers, with the other, Avenger only having 1 readily available option
...Castoria needs a buff?
buff her height or make her bond 0 again
Fuck yeah, long overdue and now she went from ol reliable to fucking great
For the lulz
finally, np5 great witch
could've been jane...
Castoria DPS team buff...
Egad, they actually buffed Merlin, I thought that was just a joke
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My cute daughterbookwife finally got a buff. I am so happy!
What's the next event? I've been neglecting one of my DPS servants and wasn't able to 120 due to lack of coins
Gudaguda is up next with the free Iyo
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fuck, i forgot that okuni was getting a rate up and spent all my sq trying to get lady A. Maybe it's time I did those 40 interludes that I've never got around to doing...
iyo is too hot
twintail bakunyuu is plain cheating
for me it's Himiko, cavewoman oneechan is too powerful
but their costumes are both 10/10
No welfare for Summer event. This game has fall off.
this is the final year for FGO
>last 2 SSR's were yet another Servantverse Alter that literally no-one wanted and another BB
>three of the 8 new summer servants are Moon Cancers
>on top of the append debacle

What a horrendous anniversary
At least Tlaloc looks good, but that whole roster is really poor. Glad to know I can safely dump for Ereshkigal in 2 years
From what I understood, there will be a welfare unit.... but on the ordeal call released during the event. Dropping another story chapter during JP summer event is just weird, not to mention Ciel has to be one one the most poorly excuses for a summer servant with only a swimsuit and Space Eresh feels like a monkeypaw for whoever wanted her summer ver.
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This year's BB is Kazuradrop and I've been waiting for years and years for her. So I'm happy about that at least. Also Xu Fu is great and I'm glad she got a summer alt. Kind of stupid they're adding Servantverse stuff to summer instead of, you know, a new Servantverse event.
The third Mooncancer could be a Pretender.
there will be a 3rd summer rateup and it will be miyu passionlip and jack
i need a russian gf.
>Hakuno introduced like a Servant
Oh man, if she or loli BB are SSRs, I'm gonna be in big trouble
Did I miss an announcement? It was just BB, Tenochtitlan and MHXXA
They appears in the PV and event
I see her in the PV but there's no indication that she would be a servant...? I want to believe but I don't see it
Now that all the dust has settled, which servants benefited the most from A5?
Vanilla Saber. All her skills are 5 turn, so paired with double Koya she can use every skill three turns in a row, mean stacking charisma three times, Dragon Reactor Core on every turn, and the third skill every turn means you can loop her NP without order change.
>turn 1
>use all 3 skills
>4/4/4 CD
>turn 2
>3/3/3 CD
>1/1/1 CD
>skills off CD, use them all
>5/5/5 CD
>turn 3
>4/4/4 CD
How the fuck are you removing the last 4 turns of CD
That doesn't take into account A5 reducing the cool down, but I'm just now finding out A5 only reduces the cooldown once (NA player here), so you'd need a servant need a starting servant with cooldown reduction to plug out to use all her skills every turn. It would look something thing like
>turn 1
>use all three skills
>2/2/2 CD
>use 1 turn cooldown servant (then swap with Koyan for buffs)
>1/1/1 CD
>turn 2
>skills off CD, use them all
>5/5/5 CD
>Koyan 1
>3/3/3 CD
>turn 3
>2/2/2 CD
>Koyan 2
>skills off CD use them all

Assuming I'm understanding A5 right, I believe the math checks out.
>>turn 1
>>use all three skills
>>2/2/2 CD
Already failed, it's at 4/4/4 here.
Maxed A5 makes it apply to 3 skills, it does not make it reduce cd by 3.
The fuck? THAT'S what people were getting up in arms about? Outside of longer fights that's fucking nothing. Did everyone just collectively misunderstand what it does?
It's still pretty huge, just not stupidly broken on every servant.
>THAT'S what people were getting up in arms about?
People were mostly being up in arms about new appends requiring coins with no new way to gain coins making NP8 requires to max out a SSR. That and coins defaulting to the top of grail casting, with no warning, if the servant was 120 with A1-3 unlocked. Lasagna was staring at a potential lawsuit and reacted accordingly.
Well, then whoever explained to me got a shit translation. It was explained to me that the skill absolutely game breaking, hence the need for them to come up with a way change append skills. While still shitty, it doesn't strike me a something worth the kind of backlash it got. Ah well, in the end that backlash means append swapping, which sounds significantly more useful to me, so alls well that ends well I guess.
She showed up in today's story
>whoever explained to me got a shit translation.
Told you not to talk to fgog
>potential lawsuit
what the fuck are you talking about
well if she exists I will save some funds after NP8 aoko, or I may entirely shift it depending on her kit
The big thing is coins autosorting to the top and not giving a warning when used.
Essentially they were telling players the coins were useless then suddenly they weren't anymore.
bro if a mildly misleading implication was all it took to file and win a lawsuit, i'd be filthy rich by now
72% chance of Beast
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Finally able to make my waifu lvl 120, got NP4 on her rateup today
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>While still shitty, it doesn't strike me a something worth the kind of backlash it got
They are so many servants that you essentially can't roll for anymore. Chances are high that people would have used their coins on the meme appends instead of saving them for these new appends.
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I need to start saving...
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The BBrains of the operation.
I'm skipping the whole next year for super aoko. SIbuki will have to carry this coming year
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What are you, some kind of Aokoholic??
I just like nonstandard servants. Also some YouTuber said her plus SIbuki can do 1/1/X waves
>Also some YouTuber said
It's nice to see stupid shit from time to time. I would have never thought of using aoko as a support.
Also found out that ciel enables aoko to farm with face cards instead of np, so it might be faster...?
kino alert
same... after britomart
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This one is filled with so much mana, it'll be the equivalent of a pipe bomb
>spamming the /vmg/ thread
Hey newfag here just wanted to ask if re-rolling is a good idea and what should I aim for? Game looks neat so I wanted to give a proper try with a boost at the beginning if at all possible
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I've been banned from /alter/ for picrel. The broludos have friends in high places.
If you want a starting boost but aren't interested in any particular Servant, the general recommendation is to buy a (cheap!) starter account. Look for one that has Castoria at least, bonus points for Vitch and Oberon also.
Just buy a cheap $3-$5 account with Castoria and a few hundred pulls.
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You deserved it, loser. This is why nobody wants you around.
>4 way nezha rateup
i know mathematically what a bad idea it is but damn is it tempting
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wtf, i can't believe u would say this...
We don't deserve her
>Np5'd this dork by wired luck
I sure wish I had my luck wired
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Well that was a hassle. Lady A killed him with her brave chain on turn 69.
Anyone deal with the mega-HP angry man and tree boi quest? Ash’s NP removing defense buffs makes the tedious immortal setup that I did here a bit less effective.
Squirtle CAltria Mikon || Bazett anchor
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I ended up kill them with this team, where the support was a Yuyu-Chan in case the tree boi was the last man standing. I actually killed the tree first but Yuyu’s taunt-invul was still handy to buy an extra no-damage turn.
It would be nice if they added more lines or something but I'm getting the feeling we won't even get a Youtube release
What missions do you do for dailies? I would do X-A or some shit but it feels like a waste since either don't get my AP down to 0 after making 3 blue apples
I'm clearing my backlog of Free Quests, Interludes and Strengthening Quests.
21 AP free quests if there is something specific and immediate. 40 AP dailies if I want a bunch of materials and I don't care as long as I get something. 40 AP doors if I need qp. Fuyuki nodes from high to low to hit zero for the night.
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Just finished Arjuna. I guess I'll try something with Melusine?
Hey sorry if this question is retarded but how does the pity system work if the banner has two 5* servants with their rates up?
I don't think such banners exist anymore after the pity was implemented, NA even implemented it early and were obligated to split up a few banners that did have more than 1 5*
Kindly drop some account transfer codes and passwords in the thread. NA preferably.
You trying to steal peoples accounts?
I hope we get welfare Hakuno tomorrow
I hope Hakunon is the first SSSR 6 star with a base level of 100
Any of you bros have an idea on when the next banner with Morgan is gonna come? I really gotta dickroll for her
Faery knight cup pre-release (November)
Or just wait until 8th for summer Morgan and Tonelico
they get themselves done while im farming mats
which is shells atm
need me a gilles bf
Her only known future rateup is Fairy Knight cup prerelease, like >>1547270 said.
Thanks bros!
Tempted to pull for NP2 Morgan since I got cucked so hard on her last banner, but my Summer Ibuki has taken over farming to a degree that I have to force myself to use other servants.
Summer Ibuki loop is just so strong. With Castoria support and Xu Fu, her clear is stable so long as she has enough people to hit.
I'm finding she struggles a bit with 3 berserker waves but yeah, she's really good.
She only struggles if you don't have an NPgen/Arts CE. Just save Caltria's 1 for later waves as a fail safe.

SIbuki is a great investment, come A5 and Aoko she can 1/1/X with double Caltria
>Thousand Year Castle visual disappears between Fights
They said they can't do this because of the spaghetti code.
They are liars. Don't ever listen to the devs. They had the balls to claim that doing a rerun takes almost as much effort as doing a new event.
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Admittedly I know next to nothing about coding, but I feel like FGO should be about as easy to code as pic related.
Just NP5'd the Saber Alter on the current banner. She any good bros?
asking japanese people to code is like asking a fish to walk
After next year Strengthening
>one fish
>one japanese dev
be fucking thankful, that one dev is hold all of fgo together
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Actually quite a lot of walking fish these days
Are we somehow getting class score before ORT?
Why did yoshiki come out to tell us they're working on ways to enhance shit servants?
Not possible, class score is tied to Ordeal Call
The FGO devs say a lot of shit, some of them are even stuff they've said years ago for JP which JP still didn't get.
like anon said, that's related to story
probably it's early A5 since that's still an "enhancement"
Man, I wish Mooncancer wasn't such a garbage class, and we just got done with the Avenger OC
They fucking did it
best trait alongside child and feminine looking servant
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>Anne and Mary
Yes, this is the best trait.
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I know it's the same, but...
not a face i see here often
I maxed out the points ladder, that will have to do for now. Time for OC3, I have a feeling that my Kagetora will be very useful
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What is it with ancient japan and sideboob?
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Cavewomen use their assets to attract mates.
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Oh my god, is that Blaidd Elden Ring?!
The heck Koyan, I thought we were friends
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So cute
I was going to say the same of Shusha in the new yamataikoku event but I’m suspecting that would result in a lot of
>he doesn’t know
>he doesn't know
And neither do I.
Man I hate these stories based on japanese history, I have no idea who they're talking about most of the time.
Shusha is a very cute little boy
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Watch more anime. Hyouge Mono is a good one.
How the fuck was that show so good?
Every Guda is the same for me: I start off strong trying to understand it, then 3 cutscenes in it's "ah, mitsuhideyoshiramasama, I should've known it was you all along" then I find out that mitsuhideyoshiramasama is actually just a clone of toriyamajoshiramasama who is a composite god and I just completely lose the thread and start skipping.
mommy chacha...
My biggest problem is that everyone has like three different names, plus untranslated titles that I have no idea what they mean.
Yeah I feel like I need a cliffsnotes to understand who half of these characters are, like I only just realised today that the guy Nobbu calls monkey is Chacha husband?!?
Yeah. Chacha was Nobunaga's niece. She married Toyotomi Hideyoshi. After Nobunaga died, Hideyoshi managed to complete the conquest of Japan and became the Taiko (the ruler of Japan). But when Hideyoshi died, his son was still pretty young and Tokugawa rebelled and killed Hideyoshi's son, Chacha and the rest of her family, burning them to death in their castle.

One interesting thing about Hideyoshi is that he was born as a peasant, not a samurai. He was drafted into the war and then saved Nobunaga's life during a battle. Nobunaga rewarded him by making him a samurai, and Hideyoshi was so smart he worked as Nobunaga's chief advisor and strategist, and it was sort of natural he would take over after Nobunaga was killed. He couldn't become Shogun though, because he wasn't born as a samurai, so he had to settle for the "lesser" title of Taiko. One of the big reasons so many retainers rebelled after he died is because they viewed Hideyoshi as just a jumped up peasant, and thought of his kids as peasant-stock, and didn't want to kneel to another peasant. Also, Nobunaga called him Monkey because supposedly he kind of looked like a monkey.
It got annoying when they started calling him "kampaku" this event, which is a term fucking no one in the west fucking knows. Just translate it as "chief advisor" or something. Bad enough they won't translate Daimyo, we don't need more untranslated positions.
Yeah, I really wish they would ruby text terminology like that so people would understand the meaning. They've got ruby text in the game, no reason they couldn't do that other than pure laziness.
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You bros by any chance have an estimate on her return?
In NA? In December.
Thanks man
No problem. Good luck in your rolls. I'm hoping to snag her as well.
>don't have the right units for 6CE 2T
>don't want to invest for event
comfy Caren with BG is good enough
Is there any 2T clears that aren't reliant on face cards? All the clears on YouTube always show face cards or high rolls of NPs.
>Ruler CQ
Oh cool, food for my Jalter, she's earned herself a treat.
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do we like draco here?
I have over 900 sq saved up to make sure I get her.
Just 5CE
I only like Marie
She's great, though I find I never have a reason to use her over my Summer Castoria
She is a Nero so as a Caskofag i feel nothing about her due default bias. I do think she has a neat niche as a though, it is just that that niche makes her kinda useless/superfluous for anyone with a established and invested roster of servants aside from bragging rights, not gonna go throw rocks at anyone who does like her though.
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This is pretty cheap.
Ruler Vinci has no fou's and A2 L1.
You can clear with Mr. Chen at 65 A2 L10, but low rolls will have face cards.
You need a friend Obe, since the requirements on CAltria is MLB + A2 L10

Highly recommend to invest in Chen for future farming
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Here's the question though, feet or tummy? (Hag choosers need not respond.)
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What you don't have a fox? Caltria?
Missed the summer event?
I have all those and I think your set up is a meme
6CE is a meme, period.
Oh and the biggest meme is grailing just so you can farm better. Downright tragic, in fact.
>I will intentionally be retarded
See, I don't get why people like (You) exist. OP asked for a comp, I delivered. You offered nothing in your 3 posts
The biggest meme in the game was people not grailing for love.
It sickens me seeing something grailed simply to farm slightly better.
And using a servant that sacrifices servants to attack is the gayest, most soulless thing of all. Only grailing that servant is worse
Thanks anon, I actually found this earlier today
I wonder if I can macro with 7/7/7, since I don't have any shells... And I don't want to waste the AP farming then now.
Realistically what the flying fuck are you going to do with your 30+ grails if you only use it on your one wife. I used to be an autist like you, hoarding all the mats not skilling up 1/2/3 star servants because they saw no use.
Now that I stopped caring about that shit, I just use whatever resources I have to enjoy the game and make it as smooth as can be.
Giving other favorites a boost, faggot.
>not skilling up low rarity
Nah, that's just you. And if you're at the point of "grailing to farm easier" you clearly don't like the game anymore and should just quit.
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>Giving other favorites a boost
>But don't grail cheng or arash
>you clearly don't like the game anymore and should just quit.
>grail favorites
>don't grail farm memes
I don't see what is confusing you so much.
The part where "I don't enjoy the game", but hey, I'm not the one projecting.
I personally think calling her Caltria is a bigger sin
no fighting!
let's all sit down and have some tea ^^
Holy shit
Iyo was a rinface
Or is she an Ushiface?
caltria sounds bad, but is especially fitting for vmg, since castoria is mainstream like alter
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>fgo isn't a farming simulator
>fgo is a waifu collection gambling drain
That wasn't a fight, that was a slaughter. Never change /vmg/ never change
Thanks for the chuckle anons, saving this one for the books
Fgo is 31 flavors of autism with something for everyone across the spectrum.
Now we need a Castoria with ignore ignore ignore invul pierce
Surely you can mention the dick worms so long as you just don't show them eating Sakura alive
Mentioning sex by itself is hardly an R rating
>A second ++ node I'm only able to 3 turn due to having a clutch NP5 who perfectly counters the node
Following this pattern, I'm predicting the next ++ node will be farmable with my NP5 Wu Zetian.
It was completely doable with a summer welfare. If we follow the trend it will be another welfare will be good for the next ++
But looking ahead it's a 1/3/1 wave. Double Oberon and a Buster Archer/Zerker should clear with little rng
2 years for OC3 more specifically hakunon
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I need to plan my SQ, which servant coming this year has the best Single Target NP with the most coverage?
Bigger preference to Arts/Buster based and Summer/Wada cards.
Idk man, Draco and Summer Castoria can nuke everything that moves
Hmm, drake is probably slightly better overall, but I think Zerktoria has a better banner
And I guess next summer gives more time for more quartz
Speaking of servants, what are the "core" utility servants these days and when is the next time to be able to get them?
I have Waver, Tamamo, and Skadi and I know Castoria exists, but not much else.
Is Skadi still the premire quick booster?
>I have Waver, Tamamo, and Skadi and I know Castoria exists, but not much else.
Koyanskaya of Light and Oberon are the biggest outside of those and they're buster focused. There's also Lady Avalon and Xu Fu for Arts. And Reines is a general support.

>Is Skadi still the premire quick booster?
Yes and no. Her new summer variant has surpassed her original, but you're gonna want both for optimal Quick action.
Oh, and as for when you can get them, Oberon and Koyanskaya will both be available this december, Lady Avalon will be available again april next year, Summer Skadi august of next year, and Raines will be available January of this year. Xu Fu is a three star in the premium generic pool, so you're bound to get her eventually. This is the earliest you can get them, not counting Lucky Bag and Destiney Order summons. Good luck.
>3 in a one month period
>1 a couple months after
>and then a 6 month leeway
Well, at least I came back with 700 quartz on hand with a lot of side stuff to do. Plus like 3m FP for Xu, who I assume is LB gated?
Though, if you had to prioritze one of the two busters, which would you get? I've never been big on buster servants in general outside of like Saber and Gil, so I'm not terribly assed if i miss one.
More important is arts, especially since my big save is for an arts servant who is like a year and a half to 2 years out?
>Plus like 3m FP for Xu, who I assume is LB gated?
Not FP summon, she's in only available within SQ summons. She isn't LB gated though. You're almost guaranteed to her eventually as you roll for other servants.

>Though, if you had to prioritze one of the two busters, which would you get?
Koya has a far greater utility, and pairing two of them means it's possible to loop with certain Buster servants. Oberon is unique in that he has a 70% support battery, but his big buff skill leaves your servant useless afterwards, so he's bet used for a big final attack.
>SQ only
Ah. Well, guess I'll watch and hope.
So he's pretty much a "if you've got him, last round is going to be a guaranteed blow out" kinda tool?
Is it like a stun after the turn thing then?
Oh, by the way, Castoria is also gonna be available in december (packed, I know), so if you prioritize arts, best just aim for her above all else.

>Is it like a stun after the turn thing then?
Worse. It's a unique effect that stuns, removes all buffs, applies targe focus, locks their order, prevents them from being selecting them with Chen Gongs NP, and is completely unremovable and unpreventable. The turn after the buff that servant is DONE.
Should watch some CQ examples. Oberon is used as a taunt magnet in these. Not just a farming nuke.
>quick as first card gives +20 crit to cards selected
When did this change happen? It's kinda cool.
>those debuffs
Holy fuck
>Castoria in december
Shit, yeah I'd rather gun for her first. Maybe if I get lucky I'll try for Koya.
>When did this change happen? It's kinda cool.
Recently. They also buffed quick chains and added a new chain where if you get one of every type it applies all the starter bonuses to every card.

>Holy fuck
Yeah but considering it can DOUBLE the effectiveness of all np buffs, it's worth it.
>one of every type gives all bonuses
That's cool. Probably only situationally useful, but cool.
Add in the extra attack append I see and I could see just having three cards is a big boon for a single servant or solo.
Though something tells me servant solos aren't a thing anymore.
>double effective
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Huh, guess I did have some buster power after all.
And Reines.
>She is a Nero so as a Caskofag i feel nothing about her due default bias.
She's the better nero though.
Even if you're a caskofag you can not like her after her event
if you're a NAfag though, you'll see in a few months
True EXTRA fags love all wada cards
You'll need to max Reine's skills and do her interlude. After that, she's basically a more defensive Waver.
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I'm slowly working on that stuff, but right now I'm focused on LB4 so I can at least access the event and at least clear that story.
I forget, are there ever interlude/SQ AP reduction periods? Because I sure do have a lot to clean up and that's not even counting the about 30% of that count SQs I don't have access to thanks to neglected servants and probably a good 50 interludes for the same thing.
I think the first chance I have to mass exp farm is gonna be taken advantage of in a big way.
They only do half AP for Interludes or Rank Up quests like once a year. For servants you use a lot, don't wait on it, just go ahead and get their upgrade.
Oh I know, but at least they still do that so I have reason to not do stuff for servants I just never will use right away.
What >>1567511
Also, don't be afraid to use your blue apple plants to conserve AP when you don't have time. When you use them it basically banks 40AP as an apple.
I hate newfags
If you want me to consider even adding you, the least you can fucking do is skill up your supports.
It's even worse when they grail them so they show up at the top of the list
>People at 150+ are like this
Embarassing. I'm behind on some strengthenings due to not having played in a few years, but at least my support page was 10s across the board.
an undone strengthening is worse than an unmaxed skill in my book
I don't mind it usually. But some supports like Castoria absolutely need to be 10/10/10. It's especially infuriating because I'm usually on auto pilot when farming so don't notice until it's too late.
Don't forget 2nd append.
Castoria is in a unique position as a support where her NP is actually usable in farming harder nodes, and now that we're in the era of 90++ difficulty farming, it won't be uncommon to have wave 1 or 2 include an extra castoria NP for another 30-50 attack, but a lot of the time she needs that extra 20% to make it happen.

This event is one of those cases. There's a simple Iyo Castoria Castoria Vinci team that works with 1 MLB drop CE, but it pretty much only works if all of them have their 20% mana loading append. A few of my friends didn't have their castoria appended so I had to watch for failed runs until I MLB'd a 2nd CE to be able to make it more consistent.
Fair, it's on my list to fix after this event as it is.
I'm just on a mad scramble for the 2m points and at least some shop stuff since I only started it two nights ago.
Thank God, I got Ciel without getting spooked by the 4 stars
Personally I don't get the point of fixing supports. The only thing that matters is the CE. There might be once in a blue moon where someone needs an actual event dps
>tfw nothing interesting me until Rasputin
Any Castoria's until then? Next year looks to be brutal between Summer and Draco being so close
An anon earlier said she appears again in a couple months.
Sorry Hakuno, but I have my own blue cube on my side
I was surprised Komahime turned out to be pretty cute.
Why do Kingprotea, Ciel AND Hakuno need Saber cookies, this is outrageous
Extra Classes are great fun to have until you remember how much of a drain on resources they are to grow
If you're latecomer to the game, sure. If you've been playing for quite a while, extra classes are easy to level precisely because they mainly need stuff like the statues and gems.
>Finish Atlantis
>Really wanna rush into Olympus, but no idea if a half AP thing is coming there too
It is.
The Mega-HP Charlotte quest is getting on my nerves. Anyone beat her without using Command Seals? What was your team?
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Gogh hohoho
use my 120 np5 illya with lv100 BG
Yep, Dolls and Cookies are always a steady supply and you will even at worst wait like a week, meanwhile with shit like the Gold Eggs is a real cockblocking hell if you missed their respective lotto.

Let me put it this way, even without events and One-off quest rewards (Where Class items are definitely more common):
>Secret Gem of Saber: ~57% Drop chance for 40 AP on Sunday Extreme training.
>Egg of Truth: ~13% Drop Chance for 21 AP in Dival/Inari Shrine.

It is much harder to pick up slack if you are running low on the more general rare items then the Class items.
Anyone wanna post some team comp ideas for these super fights?
I don't have any of the recent top meta supports so I'm stuck trying to figure out how to do this with things like Merlin, Reines, Tamamo, etc.
I used Gogh, Merlin, Tamamo, Asclepius (poster girl) for Charlotte.
Okita, skadi, skadi, castoria for Caenis
Faker, castoria, lady avalon, shiki and merlin for cerberus.
I used Castoria + Merlin + a support Morgan, then had some random damage dealer in slot 4, Mash in slot 5 and Herc with his CE in slot 6. I steam rolled all of them, no need to spend seals. Immortal comp is completely busted.
>summer skadi
If only. Not sure what Gogh actually does, so I'm not sure if I could adapt that one.
Is that Shiki just the old welfare one?

Yet another out of my hands, sadly.
Charlotte has high insta death skill and evade removal, which really counters Skadi's NP. Gogh plus Mikon can alternate between the stun and charge drain to stop her from using her NP.
>Is that Shiki just the old welfare one?
>enemy is rider
>the only other alt shiki is saber
You tell me, bro.
Ah, her NP.
And sorry anon, I'm operating on about 2 years of out of date info, for all i knew there was a new Shiki 5* assassin that I missed.
Mash, Castoria, =>Super Orion, Summer Oei, Chevalier d'Eon, Merlin
with Atlas MC for Caenis. Not sure if d'Eon and Merlin were swapped.

Waver, or Lanling might somehow work for Castoria. She pierces defense on the last bar so I can't remember if Reinnes has Damage Cut to block that like Waver. I don't know if Tamamo provides enough defensive utility.
In theory Barg should be good to eat all of her removable buffs. Santa Karna might be good since he can block the attack debuff.

Too distracted to clear the others.
Skadi, Queen of Sheba, =>Castoria, Merlin, Circe, Mash
With Atlas MC for Charlotte.

Sheba got her to half her last bar I think. Circe died to instant death right after guts was popped. Everyone somehow survived all of the instant death NPs in a super stall for the last 500k. On a replay I would just take Merlin, Skadi, and Castoria and just do the whole thing with attacks.
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Cerberus is a mess and I ended up with >>1579587 with debuff resist CEs on Merlin and Castoria.

I kept trying with a first wave damage to die into an Assassin but the first wave dps always lived too long.
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Anon, which of the new summer servants did you like the most?
I really liked Dobrynya Lancer and her boobs
XX alter. I'm just glad XX has a buddy now, though it doesn't look like her counterpart will reach the same levels of popularity she did. Now we just need Lalter...
If I had to roll it would be on Ciel and friends but I think Tlaloc is the cutest so far.
Summer DATA LOST is still my favorite
sex with macarios while adele watches
Andersen has a lot of great updated my room voice lines
goddamn both corday and aphrodite are literal cakewalks with super illya
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I just solo'd Aphrodite with Memelin.
>Finally blasting through Olympus
>It's not actually that bad
granted its a slow start but once you start fighting the gods it's much better
>optional side story after lb5
>has some kicking music

It is. Especially the big stuff. I admit to tearing up some towards the end.
Thoughts on the 30m download campaign?
It's a free Non-limited 5*. Not much to say, good opportunity to get something storylocked that doesn't really get banners anymore or Tamamo/Waver if you don't have them. Freebies and other things are nice i guess, I guess thye needed to pull the 5* ticket card after Anni+OCCC seem to been a bit controversial if got shit right (I probably did not get things right).
Dumb question. returning player
NA or JP

If not NA when do we get it
NA+2 years
Indifferent, unless the chosen SSR gave coins too.
Outside of the free servant, there only notable things are pure prism restock tickets and teapots being available in the mana prisms shop. Neat.

The free servant will probably be in two years, but NA tends to get QoL updates sooner than JP, so we may get the other things I mentioned earlier.
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I'll be able to get the cute puppet-spider-waifu.
big news
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I caught the standard Taigong Wang instead of Oberon. I'll keep rolling. If I get a moth, I can finally launch my NP3 Dobrynya. (Although I recently caught np2 for Europe)
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Finally I got a standard Mordred! Now I have all versions of Mordnya on both accounts!
Best girl!
The Mega-HP Aphrodite was a hassle. I finally found out that Medea Lily + occasional skill-seal was her hard-counter, and grinded it out with Lily, Castria, and Anastasia.
Earlier I remembered that I'd never finished the permanent version of ooku, then after an hour of slowly going through corridors and rooms I remembered why I hadn't finished it.
>Gogh banner soon
I'm pretty sure NP5 Gogh is a waste of quartz, but after pic related I feel like I have to.
god could Watanabe-no-tsuna have the decency to be an interesting character if he's going to be such a fucking pain in the arse to fight
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>male sabers
>pain in the ass to fight
No such thing
Literal dick-head.
She did carry me along with support Kintoki, yeah. I swear that cunt got 2 x 20K damage reduction every turn
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her hard counter is actually illya
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>NP5 Gogh
Next stop: Level 120.
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One more level. Just one more level.
should i read water margin
Why the fuck does gamepress keep directing me to their shitty v2 site, just let me use the old site that actually has the info I want!
How many SSR copies minimum for 120 and all max appends again?
Comprehensive Catalogue of Aussie Pay ID Casinos

6 in NA, 8 in JP
Man, when the hell are they gonna reward me for autisticly maxing all my mystic codes?

That including bond 15?
Actually it's NP6 Bond 15 all around. JP had an update to increase the bond rewards.
If only 4* were the same.
Is there a decent alternative to FGO? I like the character designs and the turnbased combat, but that's about it. The game is dated and slow. Lasengle is stingy as fuck. There are a lot of dead periods. They keep adding new CEs to the general pool so I can't get my 5th BG. I'm kinda just tired of it at this point and I'm willing to jump ship if another turnbased anime girl png collectors hits the right spots.
There is nothing.
R1999 is supposedly good from everyone shilling it but I quit it since I have too much on my plate. But this thread is not for recommendations
Heaven Burns Red should be getting a global release fairly soon. It's a turn based, anime girl collector.
>an event that favors old fags that aim for servant variety over getting copies
At last, my time has come.
It's pretty funny that knowing what is coming up this is basically the event that foreshadows the "BUILD UP YOUR ROSTER FAGGOT, LEVEL/ASCEND MORE SERVANTS" the hardest together with Anni implementing Ascension rewards.
This event favors my dick, Huyan is so fucking cute
It's a weird event for me. I just see a bunch of 5* servants and my couple of grailed ones giving me a ton of points.
Read the fucking game anon, the higher level, the more points
I swear people like you complain about CQs being impossible
Yes anon, I figured that. It's just funny how my thing is almost entirely maxed SSRs outside of the guest slots and my grails.
What's the next few GSSRs? I wanted to pre-buy SQ since I have a 5x point boost right now
Lucky bags are every new years and anniversary in July. And now we get destiny order summons on anniversaries as well.
this alternative to fgo is just reading other TM VNs
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dammit I didn't realise you dont need to actually use your servants that you set in the event to get the points ffs I spent so long making sure the ones I'd use were spread out
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You ever have that one servant that's so forgettable that you don't even remember him from the JP timeline? For me, it's this guy-I swear I don't even remember this guy's FACE, and I can at least do that for every other male servant. One thing I can say for sure, he definitely got overshadowed by Huyan Zhao in terms of popularity.
>got tempted by Yang
>blew 200 SQ and didn't get her
at least an NP2 MHXX fills my ST Foreigner gap
Yeah, but I can't remember who it is.
Most m*les are inherently forgettable.
Paisen has a fat fucking ass
It's only that big because horsebro turns it into a balloon after blowing his load in it.
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I might have believed he was NA exclusive if he didn't show up in JP as soon as I opened twitter
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>Columbus was secretly Jewish
Yeah, that tracks.
I think they do fine overall, it is more that it is that they tend to need a lot more charisma and legwork and not just go for the "For you" angle and call it a day with a attractive design like a lot of female servants can do (Not that they don't try mind you) if they wanna stick. I think what makes Huang forgettable is that so far other then being a pretty face he is "just" a straight man nice guy to Huyan when there are already plenty of pretty faces in the male cast (And still more coming up) that arguably have more going for them due things like actual plot relevance, he can't really stand out like say Edward Teach does by virtue of being one of those characters you want to bounce other characters off by being "Zany" or by actually being involved in the main plot like Oberon. He comes off as a awkward filler 4*. "Likable" but not interesting.
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>by actually being involved in the main plot
Being plot relevant doesn't stop you from being forgettable.
True, but it factors in how much screentime one can get to potentially sell oneself so people remember you, if you are still written in a dull way it can't really save you, another good Traum example is probably Mortiruler because he is more forgettable then Mortiarcher.
Chinese Men come off exceptionally bad as well, the names are inherently are less memorable than the western Servants
what the fuck how do they get summer miyu before us
What's the recommended CE for supports? Red, Blue or Green?
Oh the this CE has ignore def, crits and buster, I'm really tempted to feed my 100 LZO into it. I can't imagine any scenario where LZO would be better in any use case
Dunno, I've been swapping between blue (mostly QP rewards) and green (mostly hellfires) but I'm sure someone will say I'm wrong.
How does ignore defence work again? Does it just ignore the targets defence buffs?
Only ignores (DEF up) buffs, so it won't go through any actual defensive buffs like evade and invul
to add on, it'll only ignore up to 100% of def up
so if the enemy has like 200% def up, you'll have to stack atk up on top of ignore defense to counter it
I want to say this is just false, but I don't remember any CQs with stupidly high defense buffs adding more defense on top of the initial buff.
Unless the shiki NP ignore def works differently
There's an advanced quest that's supposed to be cleared with curses so they have a massive DEF up buff, I tried it with muramasa and did like 50 damage per NP
I know that “damage cut” isn't affected by “ignore defense”, could it have been that? The 50 damage that went through would probably have been Muramasa’s divinity or something.
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Yeah, it's special defense, most of those "crab with defense" are actually the same "no fuck you buff" that's on bosses
For your own team you can do whatever, but I think most people would enjoy a red bonus since majority of mats are located in that section
I put up Red but pick Green because Exp Cards and Pages (A LOT of servants i have want Pages, and ones im planning to pull for want more still), I don't think a lot of people gonna really grind this event that hard when a Lottery Event is around the corner though, which is also why i think people are probably not gona be picking Blues since it is just Claw of Chaos and QP.
nerofes siegfried had like 300% def
to do anything, you needed either ignore def+over 100% atk up/def down, DOT, or damage plus
That was a fun one, once I got a good curse stacking team going I just set the microwave timer to like 11 turns.
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this place seems nice, I think I'll live here now
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Holy shit
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Oh it's Yu Mei-ren and Xu Fu, I couldn't tell who it was when I was looking at it in game cause Yu looks kinda weird and Xu was kinda small.
Is Oberon still the only one with expanded art?
Andromeda. Maybe someone else too.
>targetable cooldown reduction
Imagine if all 3 of his skills get that addition on them
A couple CEs have it as well.
They do? Any NA ones or is it just JP ones so far?
One of the Riyo New Year's CEs, the anni CE with everyone in an American diner. I can't remember if last anni CE could be expanded or not.
Also Kenshin
Overflowing is such a good CE... until I saw the hp/atk split
>Kazuradrop messed up our room right after we finished cleaning
What a jerk
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you think Goredolf gets dom'd by Caenis or is our glorious chubby chad getting sloppy toppy'd by Koyanskaya... maybe both HMMMMMM
Gordie obviously tops, because he has Riding EX
Based on the remaining silhouettes i belive the santa servant of 2024 will be a triple Illy Chloe and miyu servant!
What do you think?
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not happening.
next theory.
Theory, fgo will shut down in 2026
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I can't believe Kazuradrop actually released. She's been my most wanted servant since practically the day the FGO released.
>Going over options for challenge quest
>Level 100 NP5 Rikyu randomly on my support list
Oh wow, that actually felt unfair.
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>0 gimmick CQs
easy shit
This is what it means to be unfair
I'm more surpirsed it only took her two months after the summer event to show up and she still got the anniversary servant treatment (swimsuit shoehorned in).
Passionlip on the other hand...
America isn't the worst singularity, but it's the one I'm disappointed with. Early American history is fucking absurd, and they used... almost none of it??? Like lion Edison is cool, finding out he's a super fusion of all US presidents was significantly less cool, because holy fuck how do you not include AT LEAST Andrew Jackson?
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It introduced best girl. It has my seal of approval.
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>bro wants lolibaba
It's cool guys, she's actually a granny.
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This thread....
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She's definitely one one of my more favorite servants. I just wish she got more serious moments. It seems like 90% of her appearances she's just caught up in the Edison/Tesla bullshit.
She's sakurai's character. So unless some other writers care enough to want to use her, she'll be stuck in the same stupid gag.
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Why aren’t you saving for Draco Anons?
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I generally like the Tesla/Edison bs, but I'd also appreciate more serious moments as well. First time I was really happy I pulled Sherlock was when she showed up in his interlude.

Because I've been sitting on the 900 sq needed for a pity summon since the anniversary.
The interlude showing her dying moments with Holmes was good
I just started a secondary gacha, I think the 2 year delay literally made me unable to be care about any news even though it's exciting things actually coming soon enough
Needs more Gorgon.
maybe one or two 11-rolls.
Oh wow, I didn’t notice the cookies were in the shop, for the first time in forever
I like it. Not being able to plan out my rolls 2 years in advance sounds fucking miserable.
Clairvoyance EX is a godsend
I swear no-one bothered rolling on this event's gacha, I barely can find any support servants with the currency CE's
The 2 new servants are kind of forgettable, plus the 2nd banner hasn't even started yet.
Huang Feihu got outshined in his own event by Taigong Wang, it's pretty tragic
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Get better friends, or be the change you want to be
Oh, i pulled, i just got Huyan and Huang before i could MLB the 5* CE. I also got my first copy of Waver off-banner, so im very satisfied.
I'd love to be the support for everyone but I blew my quartz on failing to get Yang Guifei and now I need to save for Rasputin
>Got spooked with my fifth Lan Ling
>Suddenly notice I have just barely enough to get him to 10/10/10 as well as NP5
>But my only two decent Sabers are Barghest and Bedivere
Is a fully maxed out Lan Ling worth forgoing Saber looping for another year?
What does pretty boy even do apart from pose on his horse?
i would
Targetable battery is neat at least, as is the charge drain and party damage cut on his NP

He's an alright support for an Arts team but the Usual Suspects will always outperform him
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Ughhhhh saving sisters….our response
I've had both of them for years, so I'm set.
Honestly, I can't even remember the last time I used either of them. I think it was before Skadi released.
never liked them
This was a OC2 update for JP, wasn't it? Nice we are getting it early i guess.
I have resigned myself to never owning Jalter, so I'm fine
GodDAMN it feels good being a Jalterfag.
I have a rule of one copy per banner. I will have my wife level 120 NP5 full appends one day, I am a patient man.
I instead lost impulse control and got NP3 Astolfo instead baka
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>Ocean Flier level 100
Actually no idea what to max next. Is there, like, a list of "best CE's to level to 100" for retards like me?
Detective Fou?
Morgan is fat and I didn't want her anyway
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Hey lads, just a reminder that our 4cc team is about to start our autumn cup run this Saturday and as chosen by the board, The Destroyer of Franchises will be there. All information is in here: >>1600377 and pastebin.com/nr9ujDMN
Thanks for the support
Nice. Is the EoS soon guy the one from Persona 5?
yes, sadly >>1604272
summer little
>picked the option to go swimming with Jeanne Alter
>the option to splash her has 3 times more dialog
great. now i gotta go back and to reread it with that option.
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Why does my daughter look so silly?
Why is her skirt hitched up to her armpits?
Good question
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holy liz love!!
You see that with traditional clothes sometimes, for example look up images of someone wearing a hanbok and you'll see the waistlines of the skirts are very high, close to the armpits.
wtf... sex penis??
What happens if you impregnate gogh?
I'm going to kill someone if Castoria doesn't show up aside from that one sex CE
she blooms
big fan of the lotto being available even if you havent cleared LB6
Oh is that what the news was talking about when it said certain parts of the event would be available to everyone? That's cool.
Has Gamepress completely shit the bed then? They don't seem to be updating their old site and the new site sucks ass and barely works.
astraea looks so damn good in the cc
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I should farm lotta events but 453 runs doesn't feel like enough.
I feel like the AP cost for events is way too high...
I'm glad the 90++ is mainly earth-type and has 3 enemies on wave 1, Summer Ibuki with black grail can consistently 3-turn it.
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I'm 3 turning with Melu.
BG is overkill
Meanwhile I'm just doing the 90+
Also have they seriously not added in a bigger lotto pull amount by now?
We already have pulling by the box, do you want pulling 10 boxes at once?
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Is it only available with box 11 on or something?
Or am I exceptionally retarded and blind?
Yeah it's available after you clear the normal boxes, though I think it's only a 100 pulls at once and boxes are 200 pulls total iirc.
>100 friends
>Only one of them has a Castoria with starting NP CE (Kaleidoscope)
Have I gone completely insane? Is her NP not actually that important for looping???
From what i got the bulk of looping enabling is on her skills with Arts Up, NP Gain+ and the chargers, her NP is just Anti-Enforcement Defence and a Attack buff, that while it potentially helps with pushing damage threshold to kill and surviving if you don't oneshot doesn't really improve the actual looping (Getting the NP gauge up to 100 each turn), so most Castoria supportes seem to run on the idea you have powerful arts unit that has enough damage output (IE: BG or just being naturally powerful or having natural advantages for that particular encounter being farmed) and focus on having Drop/Bond bonus so they get picked as support.

Don't get me wrong, her NP IS good, Amazing even, but it is more like a cherry on top rather then what lets her enable/improve looping/farming, it is more something that helps with stalling/survival, add to that that Castoria already comes with a Team Charger and is probably rocking Append2 and a 50% charge is enough if you want any at all (50(CE)+20(A2)+30(S1)=100), Basically KScope is overkill for most cases.
Boxes are 300. 600 tickets to clear, 3x 100 spins
I have literally never used her NP for looping.
There's an open Dante's interlude if you haven't done it.
Thanks for reminding me.
I took one look at the guides for the exhibition quests and remembered that I hate these fucking things, guess that's several tickets I'll never get.
So far most of them have been straightforward affairs with Merlin/Castoria/Looper with damage CE. With some taunters and maybe a friend with another damage CE in the backline.
Yeah I've heard that they're not that bad, but I just really can't be arsed to put in so much effort just for one ticket. It's the same for the advanced quests, I have several left to do but the rewards just aren't worth it.
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>2 Goghs
I'm being spoiled.
This event is giving me some serious Ooku vibes
I love miners
King Tut seems like a servant that's been massively overdue. Glad it's a well known historical figure, feels like they've been slacking this year on that front
>25 servants in 2025 so far
>6 are just alts of existing servants, 8 if you include the new Marie and Dantes
>9 are OC's from other typemoon works, 10 if you count Asora
there's 7 new, unique servants in the game this year, that's miniscule
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These CQ's are driving me to madness. My support list is 100% 0 damage supports, not a single fucking ST damage dealer with the damage CE. My assassin list is literally just a page of foxes with identical farm CE's.
If you want, you can drop your friend code, and I can stick my damage CE on my level 100 NP1 Jack for you to use.
I think everyone aoe looped Europa because of the taunts.
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I used Gogh
That's a no-Gogh for me.
The Servants I gave the MLB damage CE are my LVL 120 Saber Ibuki, LVL 100 Barghest, and LVL 90 Arcueid (I may grail her to 100 soon). Would any of them help you out?
Fool that I was trying to figure out how to get Euryale to punch through golden boy while also clearing the first two waves.

Turns out Archetype Loop with double fox just breaks his spine with a single buster crit.
I've been doing arts looping with FromSoft dragon. Can't three turn, but I can pretty consistently 4 turn.
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finally found a team i can work with
I found a guide that suggested Iyo and Santa Martha (with 2 castorias) for the 90++, occasionally iyo doesn't kill golden boy in one shot but another swift kick to the head finishes him off.
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How the fuck can I beat the tamlin challenge quests when my Avalon team gets crippled by buff removal and DPS teams don't have the durability to outlast enemy buffs? Specifically trying to beat spishtar (5 cherries) and Morgan (lore), the others aren't essential
>melusine x 2 with MLB damage+200%
>lady avalon
simple as
I focused my card attacks on Carmilla until her last bar popped, then popped Ishtar when everything was ready. You can avoid taking the enemy who grants invincibility so Ishtar won't steal it but I didn't worry about it.
Merlin (dodge CE) , friend Morgan (damage CE), Castoria (np gain per turn CE),
backline unused, Atlas MC

Use Merlin's buster buff when it will help Morgan crit down someone. Protect Castoria, she loses defense stacks faster. Use Morgan's guts skill for the attack debuffs. If you can't kill someone, charge NPs.

Wave 1: Skadi is priority (anti-Fae), I killed Hogan (stardrop) too
Used Morgan's guts for the attack debuff. Use a spot invuln on Castoria
Wave 2: Reines is absolutely priority (class advantage defense), (Ruler Skadi is priority if Quick)
Used Merlin's invincibility here or next wave so it is charged by turn 10
Wave 3: Nightingale is priority if (Buster), Sanson is negligible (3x debuff immunity) and somewhat harmful (see Douman)
Wave 4: I killed both, regen from Aesclepius is nice, Paracelsus is priority for Arts and useful even if not
support NPs should be coming online right around here.
Wave 5: Try and kill Zhang Zue if you can (crit strength), Xu Fu is useless against boss
Wave 6: Try and kill both but Babbage's defense buff has staying power with Reine's
Wave 7: Do not kill Mephistopheles, If you can kill Phantom (star gen) without further attacks killing Mephi then do so, otherwise try to charge NPs on Morgan.
Wave 8: Try and kill both with attacks, I think Purin's overcharge is permanent? Which would be very good for Morgan
Wave 9: Douman is absolute priority (huge attack buff when cursed) plus he will nuke you,
Do not blow Merlin's invulnerability this turn, boss still has NP seal, May want to use Castoria's on her
Turn 10: use Merlin's invincibility, and try and charge NPs.

From here it's normal stall tactics with Morgan occasionally going offensive. Charge skills are reduced.
Have a defense up when the third break bar is popped, with all her buffs, friend Morgan one rounded her second HP bar with an NP mighty brave chain.

You can't seal revive, if it will perfectly save the run then command spells can charge Castoria's NP.
Thanks so much anon, it took 29 turns but I finally managed to clear the quest with your guide
Finally... I'm finally able to join the Loopchads in Loophalla...
you better be feeling thankful, bros
My checklist for upcoming banners is Kuku, Tez, Draco and Tiamat, do any of those need to be at NP2?
All of them yes, if you actually want to use them to farm 90++
Jesus christ I've been going with single copies for literally everything up until now
suck it up and do the old 90+ node
who did you burn?
I don't even know and I'm praying it wasn't a habby
FP pools don't give RP
That's even worse
Are you sure the RP isn't just because you've claimed the limited mission rewards from your present box?
This is specifically right after I used 12k friend points and then burned whatever 1-4* servants and xp were in my box as a result, and if you really don't get rare prisms for burning habby etc then I can't think what else it might have been
Yeah, you done fucked up then. No other way to put it. If you can farm RPs from burning FP poolers, you'd see more people being enthusiastic about spending FPs outside of when there's limited bronzes.
You don't get Rare Prisms for burning FP gacha 4*s or 4* event welfares. If you don't get it from some other source, like a limited quest, then you must have burnt a 4* from the gacha.
This is why I lock all my servants.
Ciel makes the 90++ a breeze
Goddamn, as much as I want the south American qts I think I need to start hording every quartz in preparation for Draco and Tiamat.
>Castoria Banner
>This close to Rasputin
shan't be falling for it again, I can make do with Friend Castorias
I didn't understand this post until I started trying to 120 my Gogh. Holy hell I was so focused on having enough coins I never realized she would also require nine billion embers, fed 20 at a time.
>Over castoria
I like Kirei
I think he just likes Kirei so he don't want to spend and potentially go under Pity threshold when the banner is so close, even for Castoria, and i think pulling for Likeability over Meta is fair, especially if he feels confident in being able to manage with support Castorias.
Well, so long as you aren't expecting him to be anywhere near as useful, knock yourself out.
>20 at a time
They really need to up that to a hundred for the 100-120 level climb.
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>gets to be an S-class Arts support servant
>when the two Yu Mei-rens only have as many arts cards between them
First she gets cucked by robot horse cock, then by her own skill set. Being Xu Fu is suffering.
I am no longer a Castorialet
But I am surprisingly lacking in offensive arts NPs.
Highly recommend pulling for Summer Ibuki next time she's up, with double Castoria she can loop basically 99% of the game.
Bro, your free iyo and valkyrie? Your free jason? Your chen gong?
I have no leeway in being able to invest in another 5*. I already pretty much have to pass on Oberon and I still need summer Skadi and that one I'm praying is lucky because I have a major target like 5 months after that.
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How did Daybit even get a 4WD into his lostbelt?
Some of you apparently need this
>no guide for arts looping with ibuki
Welcome to the halls of Loophalla, brother.
When is it worth getting Quetz?
I would wait until NA decides to make an equivalent of JP's aniplex account linking, they got a discount for buying from there
Shit, I thought you were talking about buying quartz

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