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Surely there's still hope for this game, right?
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I'm a lv4 jewelet, what are the best and safest characters(without sacrificing too much dps) for doing the first 2 challenge stages with randoms?
I'm guessing Yun for c1?
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Postan the guide
hn lv
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>4 years in, the fucking gooks still can't code in a timeout for coop connection
Anyway, anyone knows who and where to find these two?
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I only had the left one. The stage and name should probably be enough to track them down.
hmm, I did a run in 8-1 but didn't find him. Gonna have to try again, at least now I know who to look for.
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You dont need to post this every other day retard, just leave.
It's funny that they have a money for an actual artist, but not for art in the game itself
Its really over. Funny how this game is EoS-ing as I finally got a job. As if the universe is welcoming me into nothingness. Farewell frens.

Spongebob Squarepant collab would save the game
I don't know which relic to inlay with a jewel. Is triple atk+ a good option?
Skill damage is universal for lead
When did the "crit chance" meta for relics shift?
they should convert it into a single player game without gacha.
Single player with an unfinished story would still be shit anon.
A good conclusion like season 1 is enough to make it a full game.
>season 1
>good conclusion
Literally nothing is resolved at season 1 end, it only works as a chapter ending.
There is no doubt at this will be the game’s last year isn’t it? The number of players leaving is crazy.
I hope not, would be such a waste. Where do you check player numbers?
They come to me in a dream.
>gathered some of the champions
>defeated dark magician
Sure they haven't beaten the final boss yet but it opens up possibility for a sequel.
WTF, SERVERS are DOWN?!?!?!?!?!?
bro, your bi-weekly maintenance, have you forgotten ?
Got the Saya and her ex in 30 rolls.
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They're really going full coomer with these recent designs huh
No shit everyone else already left
It's probably the model they used to train their ai.
Took me 80
60 for me including the 20 controllers from co-op expedition.
Old player, what happened?
Dont ask that itt, local doomtranny is gonna spam his sob story about game being dead
Somewhat recent update brought some good and bad changes. Otherwise nothing much which is the actual problem.
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Rue's JP VA Atsuko Tanaka has passed.
Of you dont have relics you are screwed.
RIP :(
They increased the daily ad gems from 60 to 100
Guardian Tales? SAVED
They also moved the gems from third to fourth ad
Smart. It's also 50 coffee for the first ad instead of 30.
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S1 coop expedition unit tier list
I hate tetis coffee sink, feels like shit I didn't complete my merch for raid. is the old expedition dead for good?
where new story
What's the current arena meta and how can I counter PD?
You literally got a new nightmare chapter two days ago
Beth, Lupina, Kai and B.Sohee
>4 people
Beach Shapira rapes PD and Beth in Arena, other high mobility glass cannon can also deal with him like Odile or Hana. Probably other units but yeah, he's annoying.
Arena, not colo
Other than clearing co-op faster, any point to leveling your jewel?
I mean, considering that it's a new feature, it'd make sense if it gets used for more stuff down the line maybe?
For now that's all it does. The boost is huge with each level so it's worth it either way.
50 coffee+100 gems:
man i love beth
Game still don't let me to watch this adds.

Retarderd ass kongs
much thanks
Maybe dumb question but I'm curious, does the heal stat on relic affect only healers? or can you benefit from it if a healer heals you too. Was trying to reroll an all def one but got a heal one mixed up with two otherwise good stats
healers only
Ok thanks, gonna keep rerolling then
>noone discussing new nightmare
soulless thread...
I have the habit of always staying one story behind new stuff sowwy
I haven't finished it yet so I can't really say anything. I take my time doing a stage every other day.
I also haven't finished it yet
Can I upgrade jewels already attached to relics? Or will I have to detach it first?
you can upgrade attached jewels
Bros give me the tetis cheese please, I want to get the rewards before it resets again
If you have Marina and Bitch Loraine try this method:
I have them but they're unraised plus missing loraine's weapon, pain
You only need them for the side party, they don't have to be leveled.
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Hope it helps, pic is what I used.
Pretty sure it can be done differently but might be crutch.
S1 as Season 1?
Why would anyone need it now as its second season already?
The previous season was a beta. We are in Season 1 right now. Those heroes are clearly for the current season.
I mean this one, sorry for the confusion.
Yes that's what I meant.
Oh sorry, im retarded
Thanks bros, took me quite a few tries and rooming Marina but I made it
How do we get 2 star merch now?
Tetis shop
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82 Freedomheit units.
I know celsius, 28 is not that bad
why would you want that? just for collection?
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Why are there five 3* Strength residents, two Dexterity, and no Creativity?
above 20 is too hot unless you're mystery meat.
You cap SP way too fast now
Just blow it all at the complaint center. That's pretty much why they added it.
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Wait, one of the two residents I was missing was a 3* Dexterity(last is 1*). It still doesn't make sense to have five Strength residents and no 3* Creativity residents when the current max is four buildings of each type. I guess the SP generation cap is 165,525 SP per hour for now?
Well, I finally finished it.
It was fine, Beth being kept on ice for later is definitely a choice. No real new insights on the robot maker demon guy other than being weirdly in the know about the invaders and what they are.
The final boss could have been a bit harder but it was, the gimmick was good.
Really dislike what they did with Cindy though. I understand that it's demon world nightmares, so still in misery mode, but at this point I'm just numb to the misery and frankly annoyed by it. Same as the ending of the first S3 world.
completely forgot it was a thing
Did the gooks stop complaining about the new changes or did they all quit?
Did anyone actually complete all the ranch monsters? I've been doing it at least once daily since release and I'm still missing two, shit I'm sick of it.
Is it worth coming back to this game? I left after princess dropped.
New story chapters are worth coming back to before taking another break.
I have but it took me months to get the final one
yep I got them around April, I only used the regular summoning at the end bcs I was missing like 2 blues.
idk maybe, doomposting never contributed anything to the thread anyways.

If anyone on the EU server is looking for a guild we have 2 spots available. Guild name: Astrals
After maintenance mode is officially on, some players leave and the ones reaming don't complain since they know what they are here for
It happens everywhere
Am I misremembering or were all the team arenas FFAs since S3 start? I don't remember any 3v3 weeks
I've heard the first week was a 3vs3 but it hasn't come back since
That sucks I hope they're not removing this mode too, I like 3v3
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>Hell World 1 added
>1CC paid SC
numbers bad gt ded kong retarded owari da
They should unlock the huge jewel bonuses on every content already
Let us go balls to the wall before the finale, Boogang
this but unironically
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Do you watch ads?
I let them play for the freebies, but don't actually watch them.
I got a weird minecraft porn (?) mod ad the other day.
What the actual fuck.
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Lahn relevant again ??? We're so fucking back, Lahnbros !
2 weeks of nothing woo
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The Gremory mission in the Complaint Center has a chance to drop an Option Change stone for 1mil SP. I've gotten 5+ from it so far (two in a row today).
>Option Change
I have hundreds of those. If only those were option lock stones
Why won't they buff her? One of the most unique kits in the game saddled with the worst weapon skill ever
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>a new SC already
Hell chapter is apparently for end game players and comes with a bunch of challenges.
>not Beth
>not even Future princess
>but fucking Camilla
I dont want to marry her...
What a downgrade
I like how she slams the bouquet, desu didn't recognize her at first
Yeah where the fuck is the Beth SC? Considering how popular she is it's even more glaring how they keep skipping her for SCs. Actually now that they're 100% paid idk if I even still want one for her.
Crazy the huge difference in presence old characters had compared to all the new literallywho shitters they keep releasing, outside of the OGs literally none of them matter
Hmm, yes, I wonder why characters that were heavily featured in the story have more presence that those that don't. Truly a mystery.
That was my point, they're all literallywhos, the new stories are shit and they need to do better. Thanks for confirming.
There is no gacha in existence that successfully made all of its characters have equal screen time, it's literally impossible unless you introduce new ones extremely rarely. And you are full of shit if you think that old characters like Marina, Plitvice, Oghma, Arabelle and basically half the old roster had any presence.
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New collection set
Literally all the characters you mentioned had presence, almost every player knows them and they have tons of fanart. Compare them to the random assorted whores we've had the past few releases. Stop slurping Boogang cock and maybe you too will see.
yep, full of shit
When are we getting out of this dark colo meta
When a better team comes in.
I hate the dark meta in arena more, pd+beth+ usually craig/sometimes 1cc. Going with a light counter team will most definitely gimp you versus every other team.
I have yet to unlock a single skin there bcs am still farming for minotaur necklaces... They're not removing the old ones?
>no new tetis content
> coop is broken
> new content we can expect in 2 weeks is literal fanfic coomerism (have you seen the new comic animatjon? Wtf!)
> kong giving stuff like fried peanuts, further inflating the grind of players that already been super degraded in value since thier shit s3 update.
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Chill anon, take a deep breath.
What's up with tetis? I thought once the timer ended I'd get new rewards to complete? now I'll have to spend stamina for my incomplete merch
Fried peanuts?
Ah, you mean handing out like candy, nvm
NewDEITIES, we're eating GOOD
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I don't think i will anymore
Watch this shit. If you dot get angry, I’ll say take your fucking meds.
I meant this. Dammit

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Angie Wagie...
How did THIS made you angry? It's literaly just sad story of innocent child imagning happy ending that is never meant to be...
I think you're just some shitposter, but why would you do that in the dead thread i wonder.
Sorry, I'm a schizophrenic man who was forced to eat my puppy friend by my stepparents, so i hate everything related to happiness and family
Is ZZZ good ?
It's fine but completely different from GT
So uhhhhhhh.... that new fire melee slut was supposed to counter craig, wasn't she?
I think it was mostly a meme because she has guaranteed crits. Comprehensive Colo tech seems tough to find though, besides checking the top defense teams in a random bracket.
Yeah, can't even check stuff like positions or builds
We really are left in the dark when it comes to figuring things out on our own.
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Ma'am, a second heavenhold inn hit the lilith tower
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idk I just experiment with various comps, I found that positioning can matter as much as comp in certain cases. For instance against Lupina dark comp often use a double support set up with Sia+Gab, then I add either PD/Beth with 1 injury negation card and FP with also an injury negation card + earth necklace. The idea is to use use the dps to melt Craig and let FP do the rest. All def relics, oghma figurine on dps can help otherwise MPT+MPB. Heal merch on gab. You can bait the enemy beth to waste a couple of hits on your gab if you position her on at the back of the same lane.
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>2,000 jimmies for more content delays
EoS deniers sisters. Our status?
Still having fun
Any spoilers for the next new char?
While I do too, the daily coop expo certainly gotten grating. And I completely ignore team arena, I barely do one a day and still in gold.
I don't don't do pvp besides the bare minimum, but I think coop is fun, the normals have become too easy even
DMG in coop needs a nerf. It isn't fun when some nigger with a Craig just rape trains you from half the screen away. Non tanks just die instatnly
You're not, though
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>little princess says something along the lines "maybe it's from big sister (cammie)" when talking about new mail but this line is left untranslated
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Tanned playable Imposter Knight when?
uhhh content?
Chapter 1 hell this update
did you see the delay message? A 2nd ex and fucking achievements. That's the shit they pretend is "content" now enough to warrant delays
No new hero? I think I'm gonna roll equip for collection then
I fucking despise deathmatch
There's plenty of heroes it's nice if they focus on rebalancing some of them.
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>dude we're still using le nari rat memes from 3 years ago!!!
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>meme is old therefore bad
Not our fault, if the new literallywho slop characters had half the personality and memeability of the old ones maybe it would be different. I forgot the names of most of the recent releases already.
Why do mono earth colo defense even exist ? Is it some kind of new meta ? What teams do it even work against ? It's the worst thing I've ever seen.
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I kinda like this game, people in co-op are nice
If I'm fighting someone that's under leveled/geared or that's using a meme comp, I will give them the W.
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this arena is ez with melee light team lol
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Noooo my jiiiiims aaaaaaaaah
I should probably try something similar, I'm tired of being bodied by beth+pd combo wombos. Which EX for Lapice?
open umbrella is better for everything
hmmm... raid meta ? she looks Chrome related
Idk but she's basic, +30%WSR, +30%SD party buff
okay useless
Hopefully not, I like her design..
We Reverse 1999 now
You literally get blown out by a single Erina or Thotee, it's not worth unless you're stat-checking
Rape-able, but whats the point of rapebaits when there is no rapist? This game popularity will soar if they released more rapeCHAD heroes. At the very least, ascend Marvin faggots
nta but I haven't seen very few Erinas, and only an occasional Sohee. pd+beh+craig are a dime a dozen though
Mono-light is literally my main team ever since every single merch that isn't Mad Panda statue fell off the fucking arena meta
I've been an a hammer grind lately, gold is surprisingly annoying to farm when you have to also spend coffee for tetis books.
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She's for Colosseum/Tetis according to the Summon page.
no one cares tho ? no one asked for this
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>from 60% to full completion ever since the addition of hero selector
It was never my plan to collect them all, thanks Boogang
Which collab heroes are you missing? I have 138/138 in my book.
Slayers is the only collab i've rolled for, i've skipped the slime and whatever the other thing was
I see. I skipped Popp, Dai, and Xellos, so those are the only heroes and their EXs I'm missing.
The slayers collab is the only one I don't have all the heroes of. Which is a shame because Lina is pretty strong
I actually learned about/started playing the game because of the first Slayers collab. Since I was new I didn't know heroes needed their EX weapons and didn't find out until after the collab was over. Luckily I got her EX on the rerun.
I started a little bit before the rerun of slayers and didn't have the gems or luck to get Lina.
man i hate arena, its either some fat ass craig that solos my whole team or some newguy that i oneshot and neither are fun...
On the contrary I love arena, bursting people down with Shapira's shovel will never get old
>50 coffee and 100 gems
turdiian fails
congrats you just found the entire playerbase, either whales and obsessed autists or newbies who haven't quit yet
Thanks for the codes all the time
Is Alef a jewish reference ?
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Neva EX when?
Also, check em
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It's all so tiresome
Trust me, you want that over Chroms oneshotting you
They weren't kidding, the hell chapter really is for late game try-harding. Shit's tough
Wait a second since when did that new heavenhold area unlocked?
What area?
There's new area on the right opened in heavenhold. Was it always there and i'm just fucking blind?
It opens once the inn reaches a certain level, either 15 or 16
> play Saya
> kill kills 1v1 in arena and master arena
> got gangraped by craigs in tdm

Thanks for the guroerotica inspiration kong. Now I need to commission/AI crafted a pic of Saya getting snuffed &ryona’d & raped (not in that order) and write a guroerotuca story myself.
This boy ain't right
nobody that's still playing this kusoge is
How many of you bought Cammie's wedding dress? Haven't seen anyone talk about getting it. There's just one dude in my guild with it and also don't see it very often in multiplayer modes or anything
A few people in my guild bought it, but from what I've seen most people think the premium skins are way overpriced for what you get. I don't see myself ever buying one.
Why hasn't there been a banner in a while? I recently returned, and found it strange that there's no new unit. Didn't season 3 release recently? Is this a filler update or something?
>he doesn't know
Game already soft EoS. ITS OVER
Remember that marketing blitz with season 1 finale plus jp release? I don't get it. It's like Kong just gave up
>+100 points at colo from defences
wow, been a while since I saw colo defence wins, especially at this amount
They're working overtime to release three characters at once and a huge story update in a megapatch next month so don't worry anon.
They're working overtime to still delay the release of exciting """content""" like uhhh... a second EX and raid mechanic changes LMAO
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Nyooo, my jims
10 minutes to get a coop room full, and the taunt button is useless, why do tanks even exist ? not that it matters with how hard they nerfed that shitty game mode, just make everyone a dps
It works on my machine.
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ok fine, I'll mileage the ugly AIslop fairybrat
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I like her, too bad she's just a raid slave..
Also new hero only being good for tetis (no way she'll work in colo) is a disappointment, I like her design.
Yeah, it's really a tragedy, such a cute design. I really love this type of hat. She have been a raid slave.
I forgot /vmg/ even existed lmao. Did the plitfag commit suicide ?
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plytfig will always live in oyur hyearts
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I managed to complete the monopoly board before I finished all the laps:
They raised the number of laps, used to be 15.
I would have finished the laps at this point IF I DIDN'T GET MOSTLY FUCKING 1-2 ROLLS, HOLY SHIT,FUCK YOU
Yeah, it's rng until you can do the guaranteed rolls and complete and spaces you're missing. This is the first time rng has played nice for me.
Plague Doctor with his almost arena wide AoE was such a pain in the ass, unless I didn't figured out his gimmick. Phase 3 was pathetically easy, I guess they nerfed it. At least I'm glad Heavenhold isn't in that eye bleeding purple anymore. Shit was cool for like 10 days.
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Is the game still in as much trouble as it was when the season 3 update happened? I quit around that time and from what I hear now, thing's aren't much better. Someone said something about paid super costumes? Surely that's a joke, right? Also what happened to the 4chan guilds? They still a thing?
>Someone said something about paid super costumes?
The newly released super costumes are paid only, no word on the old ones though
>4chan guilds
I dunno, I started playing 2 months ago, where's my Cheerleader Mayreel, Kong? Also, there's optional ads ingame now, so maybe they're doing better, not good, just better
The game is thriving and everyone is having a blast, paid costumes aren't super costumes, they're cosmetic bundles that also come with a weapon skin and decoration stickers. Yes there's still 4chan guilds. At least I know the EU one is doing ok. Multiplayer is a bit more PvP oriented when it comes to gem farming you can get them in colo but also in the new pvp mode deathmatch and arena. Hero crystals are easier to farm but there's a new upgrade for hero with a resource that must be farmed on a new PvE mode:tetis. There's no more kamazone or coop def but coop exploration that can be farmed for jewels which are an attachment to increase relics magic res. Overall it's more or less of the same pace of story content has slowed because they've been adding the new game modes and reworking older stuff. There's also a new Heavenhold location that seems like it'll be permanent with new unlockable areas.
I don't know about better. Devs are still lazy faggots who refuse to release even basic content in a timely manner. Yes, recent super costumes are exclusively paid and no sign of free ways to get them. Outside of Astrals for EU, all the other guilds I can remember have long since died. Playerbase is overwhelmingly newbies since most old players have quit. Also more grindy mechanics and replace kamazone with more coop because that's what Kong thinks the players like.
If this keeps going then I fear we will be slowly dying more and more
I'll openly admit. I quit several months back (Season 3 ruined the whole game for me) and I still fully believe my prediction of eos before the end of next year will come true. I've kept an eye on revenue from time to time and it's still stagnant. The developers pulled out everything for season 3 and there was no revenue boost at all. Looking at it now, the devs have had plenty of chances to fix/improve the game, and they've either been too lazy or too stupid to sort stuff out. Part of me wants it to fail because the devs deserve all the backlash, the other part wants it to succeed since it was a great game for the first 2 seasons.
Softer from NA2 is still alive too with enough daily logins to sustain top 150 or so in guild raids.
>previous update happened later then usual
>current update set to happen earlier than usual
What the hell happened? Why aren't they updating on tuesdays like they used to?
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There was some Korean holiday and they are just working around it so things get back on schedule.
Astrals has 2 spots available if some EU player wants to join.
Uhhh bros? The doc. hasn't been updated in a while...
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Thanks login controllers:
nice one, I got her in 20
120 draws for her EX
>get a white box in umbrella weapon banner
>it's a Genocide
I thought white boxes were guaranteed to be the featured drop because that's been my experience so far, shit sux
I think it's just a much higher chance I got three white boxes before i got the gunbrella
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thanks Kong, too bad my backlog of heros is massive right now, but I think she's really cute
I don't really understand what's the point of the "my room" thing
It's just so you can have boobs on your home screen instead of the same old HH.
A less interesting version of blue archive's recollection lobby then.
another useless update with more bloat
It is just more slop they can pretend is "content" while they collect paychecks

Sinking ship. 1 year. it'll all be over.
At least we'll be finally free of the evo mines
Will we even get a collab? I have 50k jims sitting around
so we were in the doomed time-loop all along...
there was one already this year so it's unlikely
Go back to >>1571840
It'll be over when they announce it.
It'll be over when it's over.
And we like that, nice EoS ethic.
50 coffee+100gems:
>it's real
well damn, thanks for the heads up
EoS deniers sisters our status? Keep grinding just like real life

> yes, yes unironically

I will continue playing this game as it represents a the vanity of itself. Basically me playing this game is like tibetan monks making mandalas that are to be destroyed when the finished them, a celebration of from nothing to nothing.
Nothing again next week?
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Ruri is up next (the interviewer from Kamazone).
Lana's day is inching closer, I wonder if Lana anon is still alive
game needs more shortstaccs
Another rapebait, yet still no rapist. No wonder this game is going to EoS.
Also are those fuckinh bangboos. What in the actual fuck kong looks loke a zzz ripoff. EoS is truly inevitable isn’t it
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>Nintendo invented bangboos
They've been a part of her design way before Zzz.. was a thing.
She looks so similar to nicole anon, and there are no bangboos in the art you posted. Lazy dev had AI made a nicole lookalike after they realize this character kinda resembles her, allowing them to cut cost while still publishing “content”. ITS SO FUCKING OVER
1500 jims
>remade her whole design and got rid of the glasses and nerd aesthetic so you can't even tell it's the same character
>they're digging through the box of old character designs again cause they don't have any more new ideas
literal slop tales
who asked for the Heavenhold bloat ?
Doesn't work on Asia. That sucks.
>got rid of the glasses and nerd aesthetic
Never has that bitch acted like a nerd whenever I ran into her in Kamazone, shut your pie hole nigger
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yeah she did, she was dorky and evil. and it doesn't change the fact that she still looked nerdy with big glasses, that's what aesthetic means you double baboon nigger
they turned her into the most generic bimbo streamer bitch. dead. fucking. game.
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Looks like Rey can finally be replaced in Water Melee.
what's the occasion? jp anni?
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Hope she's good. Chink anni units became meta while jap ones were a dud and a side grade to raid
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>Tinia finally kicked out of Ranged Light
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wow, finally a light raid team with light units
I quit before Season 2 ended, QRD on Season 3 and what happened?
Nothing they're still taking time with the story. Maybe come back next year.
Man why is Guardian Tales so fucking mismanaged, there used to be sidestories for every single hero like Marina, Eugene and Gayram and now it's like one story chapter every year
Genuinely what the fuck is wrong with Boogang, the only good thing he made was Eunha and most of Season 2 was a flop hype-wise
wtf is wrong with global server
Which one? Worked fine for me
f2pinoy moment, white servers are fine
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literally who ?
Anyone here did hell? I gave the first stage a couple of tries and it's rather merciless
oldfag here. Quit months back when season 3 update flooped. Is it worth coming back now? Or are the devs as incompetent as they were at the beginning of the year?
there hasn't been much change other than hell mode, at this point i feel like you should just come back when a new world drops
Depends. What didn't you like about the S3 update that made you quit?
Worst two for me? UI being ripped to pieces and the blatant use of ai art for characters. Almost looks generic and soulless now. The constant lack of updates also put me off. Devs clearly didn't play this game when I was around, because there were hundreds of issues they never addressed. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and thought time would fix things. Story mode was the best selling point for me, but the world releases were stupidly lazy, so much so I lost interest. I left at the beginning of world 19. If the devs weren't lazy, this game should be at least world 22 by now. No idea what the current world release is now.
How do I punish those pesky earth team in colo? They're annoyed as fuck.
idk like mono fire, I had good result with the melee one
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Saving Guardian Tales
I hope every arena runner gets cancer and dies
Q4 2024 QnA
>Part 1
>Part 2
The meta team for the new Tetis mode is:
Yuna, Ara, Veronica, Yun, Eunha, Craig, Future Knight, and Miya.
>Ara is useful
yay. Don't have Veronica or Yuna though
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New evil waifu dropped. Chrom old and busted, ??? is the new hotness
noooo my jiiiims aaaaaaaahhh
Am I supposed to just auto this new tetis and get as high as possible?
part one is full of "we're working on it, trust me™", whole lot of nothing, but at least we're getting event super costumes in November
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They should get rid of all the other mines, if it's going to be the tetis mines forever.
50 coffee and 100 gems:
15HC 2 change stones
strange, first code works, second doesn't
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Worked on my machine:
Are you on Asia? Doesn't work for me there either.
Yeah. Guess we only get one code.
How the fuck do you people play the same fucking raids with the same exact bosses over and over again for literal years and still care about every week's teams? It doesn't make any sense. It's literally as fun as watching paint dry at this point
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They really fast-tracked Tetis S2 for JP.
Why not? You can still do season 1 with season 2
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Pretty sure I met a cheater in 3v3 today, the guy stayed alive for a while despite his HP being depleted
That's just server desync/high latency
I don't know, if it was a couple of seconds I'd agree, but it was like 2/3 of the match.
Don't forget the weapon skill spam. It's not like the game mode is relevant.
Finally broke floor 100
Floor 100 of what?
Probably the new version of Tetis.
If it is, then that's not bad, I am only up to 30+, though I am not pushing it much.
To make real progress you have to dump a ton of coffee into it to level up and get more skills/artifacts to keep your heroes alive. Having the correct heroes built is also important of course.
Yeah, I realized that when I saw my first sweep raise my level. I decided to do switch grind, day of item rift - day of tetis, Since green hammers are even more needed now, I can't stop with the item rift.
How much whaling do you have to do to be at floor 799 already?
However much it costs for enough coffee to sweep for leveling that high that fast. I'm in the mid lv.20s and cleared floor 400 so far without buying extra coffee. If you have all 8 heroes needed for the meta team built then you can slowly push through by dumping most of your daily coffee into tetis sweeps.
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World 20:
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>mid lv.20s and cleared floor 400
Wait what how
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Use the poison Guardian Spell (manually place it on floors you get stuck on to kill the most enemies at once). Apparently I was lv.9 when I was where you are at. I should have taken more screens:
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Am i missing something? Why am i getting oneshotted by a stray hit in deathmatch while barely doing any damage? I thought stats were balanced there or something...
lol the tetis coins income from sweeps are so fucking trash, they really want you to be stuck spending all your coffee on that shit
Been gone about 6 months now. How's the story going? I'm assuming you're at world 22-23 at least by now. Anything worth coming back to or did the devs learn nothing?
Lmao even
Still at world 19, I'd just wait until they release season 3 finale or end of
Come to think of it, i should follow my own advice and go take a break until then

Also, is this 10 minute captcha timer new?
>10 min captcha
yeah, but I went back to 3s after a week or so I dunno
Deathmatch still fucking sucks
Yes. 15 minutes to anyone who is new/constantly resetting their router/turning airplane mode on-off/using incognito browsing which they applied to all boards.
>Still at world 19

Isn't that 1 world this year? WTF, these devs are so lazy if it's true.
Not that anon, but I can't seem to use that spell. Can't click on the button or choose a location where to drop it. But if it's auto-battle it gets activated without issues.
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If the auto icon for it is off you should be able to drag it to a location and let go to drop it.
1. Who's that barely visible to the right of Craig?
2. Why Veronica? I thought she wasn't part of the meta 8 of this season
1. Eunha
2. Check the leaderboard she's in the meta team(s). If not that exact team, then some variant.
>end of
End of what?
Can you still draw from the gacha machines after the event is over, or only exchange points?
You can still draw. A common strategy is to save all the coins until the next event starts for the coffee boost if you don't need it right now.
Ruri is paizuricore
>call her tits fuckable
>get her in 30
Time to lose 30 gallons of semen to her
How's the matchmaking even done for that kusoge ? Or is it actually just dead.
Is Garam's new weapon any good?
for tetis or whatever it's for
What's the best relic and effect for arena?
>max out Valencia's evo stones, even though I don't have her
>use the summon controllers from the bingo
>get Valencia
cool. Is she even still core anywhere? Would she be better for mono light melee arena over Lapice?
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She's currently part of the light melee meta team:
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World 20 added.
New hero (Dohwa?) finally replacing Kanna in Basic Raid
Training room now gives max blessing/full engraving.
5 retries for Guild Raid.
wtf i just built kanna
mayreel got shafted for dabin after i just built her too
glad I withheld from building Kanna I knew she was falling out of raid soon. Also did you guys notice the reset stones in the store? Is this foreshadowing for a future big meta unit?
Coupon code:
Two more codes for 500 gems and 1,000 coffee:
Thanks for the codes.
Works on Asia.
Doesn't work on Asia.
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There isn't even a point to this one. They've really given up, even more than they already have
B-bros...the super costumes....w-when...I need Mayreel to ride me...
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>wake up
>see this
>go back to sleep
What the fuck, I just got Kanna and her weapon recently, at least her replacement is extra cute, looks clumsy as hell with all those bandages. At least I luckshitted her
Green Hammer are on the shop for 5000 gems. It's renewed weekly now.
tetis should have an option to automatically retry floors
The labose in death match murders my framerate.
I also thought about making a useless comment post but then I remembered this game is dead.
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Getting the ranged buffs make nutetis a joke
I still haven't gone past stage 40 in Tetis, can someone post the meta comp?
>Craig ascension
I haven't done this guy yet, dammit
>he didn't make the best tank in the game
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>Hero Natsume added
>A Festival Pass that allows you to obtain Super Costumes and Unique Goods will be added.
>Three new Legend Accessories will be added.
>Three new Epic Accessories will be added.
>Selective Summoning Probability UP Event, allowing you to summon the hero or epic equipment registered in the first slot of your wish list with a higher probability.
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really sad how this place just turned into a graveyard to post the shitty comics, raid chore #1000 and patch notes (probably all from the same guy)
what a fall from grace for /gtg/ and a game that used to be universally recognized as good and sovlful
Yeah, I dunno what the fuck Boogang is doing, I preferred the old director more
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Yeah, I quit after chapter 13 and it legitimately breaks my heart to see this. What really killed the game?
A yes, the glorious days of /gtg/, when 90% of the thread were the same 10-15 pictures reposted and ritual posts of "hana love" so the it doesn't die. The game never had large following on 4chan but the thread died because retards would rather doompost instead of talking/posting anything game related
lack of updates, that's it really. i understand that it's a bonsaige but this much inactivity is just plain mismanagement and disregard for the ip
total doomposter death desu
I uninstalled during the last anni. I just didn't have it in me to do that many chores. I still check in from time to time.
Quit at the start of season 3. I was sad, but the devs have had hundreds of chances to fix their shit. They never. Some guy said you lot are still on world 19. If that's true, this game deserves to die. I consider the end of season 2 to be the official ending to this game.
World 20 tonight. They added a few Nightmare worlds and even Hell world 1 along the way.
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Well, ok then.
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She's so pretty
Is she good though? I haven't seen her kit
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She can replace Kanna in the Basic raid meta team.
>new achievement missions are for clearing world 1 hell
fuck, those stages are really hard
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uh thanks lol
>the return of the 3 EX lucksack
I don't think I ever got more than two at once, and even that was super rare
I hate you. I did 80 pulls for her weapon and only got 2 random EXs(same 10-pull) and my second ever EN.
Dude you got an EN stfu.
I don't have a single EN and i played for years...
I have two and I am 90% sure both were from mystery evolves.
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I like this dork
yeah, she's cute, what more can I say ?
Who's the best sustain healer for earth? I have been using Aoba in boss rush because no way Kamael can do the needed healing alone, but I wonder if there's a better option
new coupon, world20
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That's the jp anni unit, isn't it? Coming to kr/global?
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Yes. Live for KR right now, so next patch for us. There will also be one of those 5k gem/7 day attendance packs so save up if you can.
she is probably the cutest character in the game right now, and not forced shit like Eunha
I dont have this in my shop...
Are playing the kr version? Because that picture is obviously from there
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It is in the next patch for Global.
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Agreed, the artwork and L2D are so nice it makes me wish for a headpat function
Eunha basic team against Cyborg Erina doing a 100% on a single WS, is that intended ?
Yeah, Erina always had weak status resistance
50 coffee/100 gems:
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>World 20 has a HxH reference
>takes a jab at the constant hiatuses
I don't know if they get to make this specific joke and come out on top. Also, how come no one's talking about the new chapter? It's neat, Dohwa is adorable and I liked the themes the story touched on like grieving
I have only done the first stage, so I can't discuss, but I liked the light gimmick puzzles.
I will once again express my hatred of arena. Is pvp damage the best option for relics in arena?
I'm still stuck at world 19 boss unfortunately
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>Earth Necklace easier to obtain
>More powerful accessories to help bridge power gaps

Anon, I think this isn't over yet, I want to believe.
>had fairy box and got Dohwa's weapon in one 10-pull
Thanks lp, you did it.
Anyone tried champion difficulty of the coop?
I didn't wanted to respond, but no, can't be bother to find guys to do it.
I gave up on co-op and arena a few months ago
Yes, level 2 and 3 were harder to beat than 4, just need a good comp and a few tries.
level 2: you need 2 vishuvac and a good tank if you don't want to suffer.
Did you manage with randos or friends/guild mates? And did you try chapter 1 hell?
Mostly guild mates, but randos can also work. Can ask for help in global chat too.
For challenge, people are most active on Monday.
2 healer 2 vish also works if there's a yuna.
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sometimes you're cool, regular draw
There's a banner pull boost next update, so I heard.
Yeah, see:
>New hero 'Jade Exorcist Tasha' will be added.
>A new season of the Cooperative Expedition, 'Black Ship Legend: Mask of Guiyoksan', will begin.
Raidcore ?
No details for anything yet, just the short announcement.

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