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we got 404'd edition

MHN Database, contains everything you could ever need such as a set builder, info on monster HP, partbreak HP and break rewards, upcoming event info, and more

Current events - times are your own local time
>Even Happier Hunting - Monday 8/12, 9 a.m. ~ 8/18, 11:59 p.m.
>One extra reward when fighting in groups and doubled first two rewards in Hunt-a-thons.
>Finish quests before the event ends for a Wyvern Gem Shard, Alloy Armor tickets, and Zenny.
>Azure Rathalos and Pink Rathian have increased presence in Forest and Swamp biomes respectively. You must complete their respective chapters in Summer Bootcamp storyline to fight

>Howl of the Flaming King - Friday, 8/16 9 a.m. ~ Sunday, 8/25 11:59 p.m.
>Teostra debuts in Elder Dragon Interceptions and there are quests for ~20,000 zenny & 3 Teostra Tails, after the event Teostra and Kushala will share EDI spots
>Teostra weapons (except the LBG) contain the Blast status effect, which causes explosions on the monster when a part is repeatedly attacked

Upcoming Events - times are your own local time
>Driftsmelting bonanza! - Monday, 8/19 9 a.m. ~ Sunday, 8/25 11:59 p.m.
>Mysterious Driftstone B will drop that grants abilities like Blast Attack and Partbreaker, and Driftsmelting will take 2.5km of walking to complete
>Black Diablos and Banbaro will have increased presence in Desert and Forest biomes respectively, and will only drop Mysterious Driftstone B, other monsters will only have a chance to drop it
>Mysterious Driftstone B can be exchanged for with Driftstone Shards

Other notes:
Season 2: Dancing in the Tempest will end on September 11th. Make sure you have finished the Summer Bootcamp storyline.

Set builders:

How to Spoof:
>unrooted: VMOS, shady as fuck, maybe will steal all your data, will for sure get you flagged
>rooted: magisk, lposed, playintegrityfix, fake gps

Previous thread:
What the heck happened?
Jannies being retarded about the no generals rule despite plenty of other threads doing the same, put the links and stuff in the second post if it happens again
how is the teo grind going?
Hey guys this was me I'm back now because Mr Beast turned out to be based after all so now the collab is extremely funny
What the FUCK it’s called /vmg/, vidya mobile generals
Got 4/5 pieces, and two weapons, but I’m running out of upgrade materials. Haven’t used any ultra tickets. Might consider buying that gem bundle if they make good on their claim we’ll be able to buy them toward the end of the season.
But will it be worth it?
buying digital goods is never worth it, but you do you anon
what if he he has more money to know what to do with
>invest in something
>builds houses and start renting them
>start a business
the world is your oyster
>>invest in something
>to get even more money to know what to do with
>>builds houses and start renting them
>to get even more money to know what to do with
>>start a business
>to get even more money to know what to do with
do you think real rich people are rich because they spend their money in stupid things? no, they are rich because they keep making money. But like i said before, you do you anon.
relative to my cost of living, spending habits, and future plans im already rich and getting more rich is pointless
No anon, think about your worth. What does your job pay you? Minimum wage? A decent salary? Whatever it is, that’s what your time’s worth. So if it costs $8 for a pack of 5 of each, that’s saying you’re worth $1.60 a day, and if you’re worth more than that, you should spend the money and invest in a limited item that bottle necks you late game. Time is money, anon.
How is he based?
How does one HAMMER?

I got mats to make Diabolos Hammer and something about clumsy wacking huge monsters with an oversized hammer appeals to me

Is it more of a team-oriented weapon due to the fact that you'll never get enough time for a charged smash?
its a very technical and aggresive dodger reliant for damage, you need to know the monster moveset and timings so you dont die for being greedy
Slugger really helps with getting faster KO’s so in multiplayer it’s very appreciated so people can wail on their face and get their dps out, thus diablos greaves and Deviljho mask will help you out.
Is there a resource that lists the upgrade and level up requirements for weapons and armor.

I really wanna he able to plan my resource investments
Check the OP chap
Teostra stuff by the way since the last thread was deleted.
Not really sure how blast weapons will end up being. I saw a blast go off during a random online hunt and it showed a little over 2k damage. And while its raw damage is on the higher end, I'm not sure how that really stacks up vs just B.Diablos weapons.
7.3 LS deals half the health bar of a 10 stars paolumu
>sociopath grifter (living his best life)
>commits war crimes (how do you even get away with this? i kneel)
>harbors child molesting trannies (BASED accelerationism)
Man the Azure Rathalos items look super sick but trying to farm materials for them is crazy and the upgrade costs for them is also insane

I feel like i can go all in on Jagras weapons instead and be better off
Jagras weapons will fail you without the proper build at 9 and 10* monsters. Plus, two different elements, you’ll need fire element weapons too at some point.
The only thing that Azure Rathalos actually does better than just plain Rathalos is an Offensive Guard Lance. All other forms of weapons end up being weaker since most damage usually comes from the elemental side of the weapon. Azure Rathalos armor on the other hand, is worth building just about every piece. Though the main standouts are the helmet (Focus 2) and legs (Reload Speed 2, Fire Attack 1).

Jagras weapons will also fall off really hard once you start facing at least 6* monsters, if not 5*. So you'll eventually need other weapons of each main element anyways.
>he doesnt know about c3 azureos bow
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>Jagras weapons will also fall off really hard once you start facing at least 6* monsters, if not 5*
Not really? Other water weapons are better for sure but whether or not an extra ~10% of damage is worth the hassle of finding rarer monsters is up for debate I'd say
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Wouldn't you mean c2? I don't see how charging to level 3 for a level 3 shot is any different than anything else. Haven't built a Fire or Spread bow, so I don't know how spamming lv3 shots at charge 2 compares to lv4 shots at charge 3 like some other bows get.

I thought you were talking about using a Jagras weapon to fight non-water-weak monsters. In which case the other water weapons aren't going to fare any better, which is why I suggested you build more elements.
The gap between the tiers of weapons only widens as you progress, plus you're going to get walled by Rarity 6 materials for most weapons anyways. Best to put your resources in equipment that will take your further.
Wasn't that anon, whose implication of using only Jagras weapons for everything I missed while skimming, so my bad there. With that said, a ~20% increase is sizable enough to be worth it I agree, I wonder if there's a sweet spot for when the materials needed to improve Jagras weapons are better invested into Mizutsune's.
When it starts asking for 7 and 9 weapon upgrade mats, probably
>herb and mushroom items found in code, as well as
>hot rajang action confirmed as well
>gold rathian, Vaal hazak, nergigante, among many others
>the entire decorations list spoiled gunner specific abilities not yet released months ago, likely to come with the heavy bow gun teased in the code and for next season
>but first, let’s release this retarded driftsmelt offbreed of talisman melding to finally add gacha to the game, and also add items you can buy that circumvent this shitty process
Man capcom you can’t just assfuck me like this off the bat, come on, let us craft potions first so I can afford to upgrade to these ridiculous grade 8 driftsmelt slots, I know you’re gonna do it eventually.
>he needs potions
have you considered git gud?
What’s your answer? Artful dodger?
whatever floats your boat, just dont get hit
That’s fine if I use the one weapon that’s carried me thus far, but if I even want to experiment and test sets I need to try things that’ll get me killed, and it’s very un fun being told by the game indirectly that experimenting is bad. It’s not like they have a practice mode.
So the Gunlance is just like ridiculously good right now, right?
no, its just the easiest to use and advance with
then learn not to get hit with the new weapon
So what's the weapon meta/tier?
I think normal gunlance is actually good if you can get the full burst and wyrmstakes off
>Long: Focus & Artillery
Mainly charged shots, forget everything else

>Normal: Artillery & maybe Element
Fullburst mode, but lance swipes are part of the combo

>Wide: Element & maybe Artillery
Potential to lose Artillery altogether and focus on landing wyrmstakes or just swing the lance around, otherwise use Artillery to poke and shell your way to an opening

Also it's really weird that Teostra does not have a gunlance.
It's so tilting having to wait 20 ish minutes to try and hunt later because you made a small mistakes of not memorizing every animation of the monster and you get one shot
It's just a pukei, but killing a 9* this fast with normal is pretty promising, and there's a guy who also killed 8* zin and black blos with 6.1 legi GL
I legitimately can't find any other normal 9*+ elemental normal GL vids in English or Japanese though since probably nobody wants to try it
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>another paid ticket event
which monster will be held hostage this time?
I haven't spent a single yen on this game in the (almost) year it's been around, but I'll go to this since I live in Tokyo anyways
Dude the Rathalos tail swipe needs to he slower. That shit is basically instant. Glows for half a second and immediately throws out a one-shot
Just learn the monsters. At least half of the weapons end up being centered around perfect evades (or blocks), so you'll need to learn them eventually. Also ration your potions. If you can't kill a monster within a couple potions at most, you should probably just give up on it anyways.
Is armor even worth building?

Yeah you can block with Sword & Shield but why take the damage when you can just evade or move away from an attack. I know there's a combo you get after a block but it's so ridiculously slow that it'll almost never land unless the first hit break a part
Yes, armor is worth building, it can feed your dps. Are you dumb?
All of your skills come from your armor. You NEED armor. You won't need to upgrade any piece past 8.1, with most being fine a 6.1, but aside from the skills that unlock, the extra defense will let you tank at least a couple hits from higher difficulty monsters.

And I meant perfect block, not just regular blocks. If you perfect block, you actually negate damage and most knockback, but if you're using SnS, then you can also do a perfect backstep instead of a block to lead you into your Falling Bash combo. The timing on perfect block is usually pretty tight though, moreso than just perfect evading.
Has anyone tried the concussion build(maxing put Slugger and using a Hammer)

Is it actually consistent at stunning monsters or not worth it?
you could probably get 2 stuns per monster, honestly is just not worth it IMO
The new event Driftstone abilities by the way. Don't even know what I would try to put this on since I'm not planning on building a Teostra weapon.
magnamalo was already datamined, he might have good blast equipment
Issue being that the armor isn't in the game yet, so there's no clear choice for these gems. I guess Partbreaker and Aggressive Dodger are good on anything, but those are pretty luxury skills for most builds. And are status bonus skills even that good? It's hard to tell if those values mean anything compared to 500 Elemental Attack.
God why is my area always so dead
Free stuff
Huh, didn't notice that they added HR restrictions for the hunt-a-thon/elder dragon things
Ah so the recolors of the monsters are limited time, huh.

That kinda blows. I was really digging Azure Rathalos armor and weapons but I haven't seen one on the map for a while now. Not to mention I also have Pink Rathian Boots I need to upgrade
once you kill them in the season quests they will appear on the field again
japs were mad at people leeching from them, they also got the DL hunts range nerfed
That's good, but it still doesn't stop shitters from trying to leech 8* Teostra, or currently 9* B.Diablos.

Azure Rathalos and Pink Rathian have come back frequently enough to build weapons and armor, but yes they're mostly limited to week-long events. You might find rare ones in the wild or see them populate Hunt-a-thons.
The lagoon helm is very versatile, lock on with two points in weakness exploit has a place on pretty much any blade master set that doesn’t rely on two points of element on the head, and would probably suffice as a good place to put everything. Element up, blast up, aggressive dodger, literally everything could fit on there. Besides, blast attack is only efficient at 1 point, each point beyond it adds 25 less blast build up than the first point, but I’m sure it is significant when most blast build ups cap at around 600. What you really want is teostra’s blastpowder, that’s a threshold modifier, and will put in the most work.
>87 smelts
>0 gold skills
I've managed 3 out of 82.
Ice Attack on Jyuratodus legs
Thunder Attack on Zinogre gloves
Dragon Attack on Devijho waist

I thought you would be able to save gems to loadouts, so I was planning on just forging a bunch of stuff to the Jyura legs. But since that's not the case, I've just got to upgrade more armors.
the 87 gems were all from this event, got partbreaker at gem #93
Oh, well if you're spoofing then it doesn't even matter.
The Hammer beckons to me

What's the best Hammer? I'm guessing it's Chaos Shatter due to the increased part breaking power?
yeah, bblos hammer is the best raw one atm
but if you are ever planning go into 10* territory you will need elemental hammers too
I still can't believe they haven't fixed the bug where restarting the app sometimes makes monsters spawn around you
Or it might be intentional to make people excited when they "log in" for the day; who knows
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start your bets
which one will be the paid monster this time?
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Have they made the stupid "you're going too fast" forgiving yet? Dropped it since that was a huge pain in the ass.
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new "beginner pass"
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In a couple months or so? I would have said Mangamalo, but the introduction of Nitro Shrooms into the resource pool points to blast cat being more widely available. I feel like it would be Gold and Silver Raths. Mizu rotates out to make Rajang the HAT pinnacle monster. And then Nergigante takes the EDI slot from Teostra.
those all are next season with one of them being a paid ticket monster like nshade
Oh, I thought we were talking about the in-person ticketed event in Tokyo.

None of these monsters really seem like they would slot in easily to a limited release. Like I said before, Magnamalo seemed most likely, but introducing Nitroshrooms when nobody can use them would just be weird. Aknosom is probably the low tier monster like Basarios was this season. Rajang and Nergigante are taking the spots of HAT pinnacle and EDI monsters. That just leaves Gold & Silver Rathian for some kind of event.
I could definitely see those two being ticketed only. For fuck’s sake they’re literally shiny Pokémon. This is a niantic move for sure.
Mannl who's dumbass idea was it to give Black Diabolos a rushing attack it loves to spam that pushes it all the way across the field wasting so much time
>he didn’t kill b diablos before they nerfed her tunneling
You didn’t beat it.
Oh thank the fucking lord

“Furthermore, to help all hunters, not just newcomers, we plan to make gathering materials for forging, upgrading, and overgrading equipment easier. Please refer to the release notes for detailed information when these changes are implemented.”

The game is saved.
Yeah it kinda annoying how grindy it can be to grind. I've been trying to grade up the MrBeast SnS but I can't find Tobi's within a reasonable distance and even i get one from the Palico hunt it doesn't even drop Primescales let alone the Electrodes I'm gonna need down the line
God this weapon looks so sick I hate how unreliable it is to grind for it

I legit wanna one-trick it
Ok, but do I get a refund for all the mats I gathered/used?

A. Rathalos weapons look pretty cool because they escaped being IRON'd and BONE'd like most other World weapons. Too bad they're a downgrade from regular Rathalos for the most part. Also you're going to run into a hard wall if you try to use only a single weapon. You'll eventually need elemental weapons of every type unless you use a Gunlance or a B.Diablos weapon.
You could use the Teostra one with innate heroics and make an offensive guard heroics build for late game shenanigans.
Holy crap now that's some luck
I think it just means they’ll make getting resources like monster bone+ easier, or maybe stop dropping 1/2/3 wingdrake hides per kill.
What throws me off is that gold and silver seem to have their own R6 mat, but Rajang doesn't
So I think gold/silver in HATs is more likely with Rajang being the ticketed monster because everyone wants the funny monkey ($$$)
I actually managed to get it to 10 star relatively easily because of all the happy hunting events giving azure 1.5x drops from HATs and it just making them spawn everywhere; same for pink too
I've been hunting 8 star zinogre daily and still can't fucking get the plates to get his CB to 10 stars
Rajang does.
Rare 1
Rare 2
Rare 3
Rare 4
Rare 5
Rare 6
>Gold pelt

Easily missed since it’s right before gold rathian’s drops.
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What does one call this phenomenon?
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Surely, this time…
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Nope, just kidding.
I don't even know what you're trying to refer to. What am I supposed to be seeing?
My palico’s paintballing skills are very odd. I cleared an entire area, except the Deviljho, turned on adventure sync, walked around a bit, and it picked up a completely random monster not even in the vicinity.
Palico paintballs haven't worked that way for at least several months if not half a year. They pick up a random monster that you could normally spawn in the field, not actually pick one up FROM the field anymore. So now you end up with up to 5 extra hunts per day, versus those being monsters that you could have just fought normally.
Why, though. What an awful and backwards change.
But it's much better than it was before. Otherwise you would still be stumbling over your own Palico to hunt things in the field. And if you're in range of hunting something, you might as well just hunt it then and there.
Now I can’t hold onto rare finds I get in the city and bring them to my local 9-5 working friends. It’s way worse my dude. I know they patched the bug where you could hunt something your palico paintballed, so there’s no technical issue here forcing them to turn it into another glorified egg system, like they did to decorations, although that was probably just to make money off of it.
>150 drifsmelts into jyura legs
>1 partbreaker
>2 aggresive dodgers
this particular piece is cursed, i only wanted blast attack
They "fixed" it, but you were still constantly touching monsters that the Palico had randomly decided to paintball. So I like this system more since you just get more spawns. And if you actually want something, just use all the pink paintballs they gave you as gifts :^)
>got blast attack as soon as i posted this
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Fellas I must confess; I've finally paypigged
I spent the 280 yen to get gems to double a Teostra drop
It was 2 horns and 2 tails so I could get the armor to 8 to maybe meld blast attack on it
I wanted to at least get to 10 stars, kill 1 10 star (ended up being odogaron), and I have 4 G10 weapons already before I spent any money
I do feel a little dirty though
So you ended up with 4 horns and 4 tails?
Well thanks for paying for my share either way.
Yes, plus 6 bloods and whatever scales/shells were left
the saddest thing is that 10* odogaron dies to legiana grade 9 weapons
Oh I wrote it oddly, but I am at 10 stars and have killed 1, so I did get that far at least
They’re gonna make us wait for the new season to give us the improved upgrade system aren’t they. My item box might burst meanwhile.
Please, just ONE Mizu scale. I'm trapped at 8.4 and I just want to use up the rest of these mats...
Also I never noticed how few Monster Bone L's I have. Usually I'm overflowing on rarity 3 parts, but maybe it's just because so much of my recent equipment has been bone based. Tobi, LNY, Jyura, and Anja. And I guess Mizu takes both bone and iron?
Mizu will be back early September. Your gun is strong enough to nearly solo a 6*. Save your huntathons for the pickle or a toaster.
LBG sucks BTW, i have it at 10.3 and it can barely take 3/4 of 10* tobi's health
If you’re using free aim, water 5, reload 3 and recoil 3, you shouldn’t be struggling so hard. Unless… you foolishly built the jyura LBG?
no, its the mizu LBG with all the skills
Damn son. Maybe you should play closer to it, idk man I’ve beaten Tobi kadachi with said bow gun and skills at 9&5/5.
10 stars tobi kadachi? doubtful
It's actually so fucking AIDS trying to roll into a group that will actually get to the first break point let alone compete the hunt that I forgot why I stopped going to DEI's.
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I just redownloaded this game to play with my brother, played it for a while a time ago, I used SNS as main weapon and have some purple and yellow rt as rarity weapons. Is it still a good weapon?
Also any progression sets? for hammer and sns please
its a good weapon but relies a lot on perfect dodges into shield slam, the usual build is skyward striker 5 as skill
So Zinorge and Mitsuzune are special monsters that only show up at HaTs?
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zinogre appears on the field once you finish the season quests, mizu is hat only
there is also the upcoming event
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forgot the mizu bit
MrBeast SnS is decent for progression if you are just dying to use SnS (is that event still going on?). But the Bone Gunlance is probably the easiest way to progress at the moment, since you can use charged shelling for everything. Overall, SnS and Hammer are pretty weak though.
>Skyward strider
Does it come with a specific set? I was using kulu, legi, and paolumu/rathian just full divine blessing
Rathalos is the highest monster I cab hunt atm
The mr beast event is still going on; I'm playing it with my brother he just started a couple of days ago, we don't really care about min maxing shit but some basic tips to not struggle too much would be nice
Dude Black Diabolos is such a horribly unfun monster to fight. This thing wastes so much damn time
Skyward Striker build is not something that you make for progression at all. It's like an endgame build that requires a lot of upgraded gear and driftstones (ability gems).

As for tips:
>SnS is I guess the second safest weapon, next to Lance.
>Shields will probably help you learn most monster movesets, though I think higher tier monsters add a move every * up. Once you learn their moves, then you can learn to perfect evade instead of blocking, which gets you a big damage counterattack.
>Field monsters also rotate on the hour now (god, I remember when it was 3 hours), but you have infinite retries so long as you have your HP.
>Health regenerates to 100% in an hour, so Health Boost doesn't actually help that much.
>Learn to manage your potions; you get 5 free per day, but you can hold up to 10. So the max potions you will have access to in a day is 15 (10 held, +5 waiting to be claimed from the shop)
>Elemental Attack is the most important skill for each element type.
Season 3 post is up, some sad losses to the field but everything looks good, including no hunt a thon only monsters. Yet.
I'd argue Long Gunlance is the safest weapon because you can just charge shot.

Regular Lance is safe but the damage us much more lackluster in comparison to the regular Lance

This is my impression, of course
silver rathalos and gold rathian + nergigante
>less monster tracker monsters
It's shiiiiiiiiiiit
If you're close enough, it won't charge as often. Otherwise just use a ranged weapon to deal with it.

I kind of forgot that GL shields while it charges, but that plays into how good it is for newbies in particular. I think the upside of regular Lance is that learning monster attacks and timing is basically part of its moveset, moreso than other weapons.
Walk in the park for us Lance Chads
It's specifically only the update monsters from S0-S2 that are leaving the tracker
I'll just cope and assume it just means temporarily even though it doesn't look like it's worded as such
It says temporary and they can be re-unlocked through the story campaign. So far the only monster that really disappeared from the field was Barioth. Maybe they'll swap it back for Khezu? No clue.
>no longer be able to
Sounds pretty serious, so I can only hope there was just some miscommunication
It's not like those monsters are particularly valuable anyways
I'm under the impression that the two lists are linked and they can return via story progress like the last season. It wouldn't make sense to permanently remove near half of the roster.
I wouldn't put it past them to make tracker list monsters season specific to be honest
It looks like everything that's temporarily disappearing from the field can be re discovered by finishing the story, but the language on the tracker is pretty straightforward.
They all have one or two pieces of armor worth taking to grade 8, basarios in particular
Cool thanks!
Also any progression builds that you guys recommend? For hammer and Sword and shield, mostly raw since we can't farm for elemental builds yet
The girros or the diablos hammer are probably the easiest, raw damage hammers you could farm for. Kulu is just ok, crits are nice but paralysis from girros’s has more utility and diablos outperforms kulu. Personally I’d shoot for

Pukei Helm
Jagras/Rathalos Mail
Rathian Vambraces
Paolumu Coil
Diablos Greaves

At grade six it gives
Health Boost 2
Rising Tide 2/Weakness Exploit 2
Burst 2
Divine Blessing 2
Slugger 2
Partbreaker 1
Focus 1

For S’nS, I would not recommend a raw only weapon because it is so much more suited to create status or apply elemental damage. The girros sword is pretty popular, people save hunt a thons and raids all the time just keeping the monster in place. Nightshade paolumu’s sword isn’t accessible now, but it’s a good sleep sword. For the girros sword I would use

Kulu Helm
Tzitzi Vest
Tzitzi Vambraces
Girros Coil
Girros Greaves

Sneak Status Attack 3
Paralysis Attack 3
Earplugs 2
Sneak Attack 1
Artful Dodger 1
Critical Eye 1

But, if Tzitzi is too rare and you want more commonly found stuff, or you can’t get behind monsters, the pukei helm/rath vest/rathian braces from earlier are also acceptable.
There's really no such thing as a "progression build". The resource costs do begin to add up and you might as well be building something that you'll continue to use/upgrade anyways.
Another thing is that most melee weapons prefer to use Lock-On, since that lets your target specific monster parts for weak points and/or part breaks. Kulu helm is probably the most accessible one and comes with a little Critical Eye. It's much easier to rely on this than hitting wherever your camera decides, or trying to gyro-aim it.
Sound's great since most of the time we play together one of us can para the monster while the other knocks it out, thanks!
Yeah makes sense, thanks
What’s the general discourse on Kushala weapons?
It seems like they’re just harder to make and usually inferior to Legiana weapons.
I know unity would push it ahead of Legiana but these fucks take 700+ scales to upgrade to max
Girros Charge Blade any good?

I have all these Girros mats and haven't used any
does anyone have character "sliders" for this game
i assume it's too limited to avoid gorilla face, but who knows
Kushala weapons are stronger than Legiana's statwise, with the main differences being between weapons that have alternate behaviors (bow, LBG, CB, GL), so the main detractor is how much you want to actually hunt Kushala. I don't end up building a lot of weapons for limited monsters though, just because it's a pain in the ass when you need more materials.

I don't think any of Girros's weapons are particularly any good, speaking strictly DPS, but you might find some utility for them in group hunts. Girros CB is also impact vs element discharge and I never feel like impact gets to be very impactful (no pun intended).

Your character's face does not matter at all, because nobody is going to see it in that detail except you when you're editing your character. The main thing other people will be able to see are your tattoos, face makeup, and hair color, but I'm pretty sure all the facial geometry is actually just shown as default when participating in group hunts.
girros gunlance with tzitzi status sneak attack is pretty good
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How many chapters is the main story? Only on 9 and the season is ending in a month.
I'm about to give up trying Thunder GS. The only reason I built it was to cut tails, but I can't get them with any consistency. And when I do get an actual opening, I'm constantly blocked by the huge wing hitboxes.
Maybe if you practice more
literally got no one playing in my third world country. if some kind anons would help me do the harder friend quests, it'll be swell. every 1-2 days, i go out in the morning to take 7-10km walks, so i'll be doing my part. thanks anons.
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Right so Kaiser Mail is clealry the best chestpiece for SnS, right?

What about Rathalos Armor? Worth building for Weakness Exploit? Or is thst better on Lance?
yes, Teo mail is good, you could also make the coil and smelt burst, paired with rathian gloves + another burst you could have burst 5

rathalos mail is good but it has fallen a little out of favour because of coral pukei helm which also comes with lock on
Why the hell does Girros Hammer have Sneak Attack?

Don't you wanna be bashing things in the face with hammers?
because status hammer and GS have always been a noob trap, dont fall for it
Ugh the grind is starting to wear on me
I'm sick of hunting Tobis
if that weapon didn't have tranny colors I would probably g10 it, even the explosion has tranny colors
All girros weapons have sneak attack, it’s not about it being a hammer.
Theyre not the same shade. Tranny's are pastel, MrBeast's are electric
I don’t know about clearly, but only because most of the set doesn’t particularly synergize with SnS. Personally I think it’s very easy to perfect dodge with SnS and weakness exploit from Rath Mail is probably better matched with the Kaiser leggings. Unless you’re also using the Teostra sns, then you should strive for three pieces, 33% increased likelihood for status build up is insane.
Doesnthe Lance's counterstrike proc Offensive Guard?

I'm not quite sure what a "well-timed" guard means
well timed means when it's about to hit you, when you perfect guard you don't take damage and get blue particles around you
Only if you do it perfectly yes. And that’s why raw damage is just as favorable as element on the Lance.
Teo chest has hardly anything to do for SnS and isn't particularly remarkable even outside of that. If you're not using an element, I would just go for crit. That leaves Rathalos (Weakness Exploit), Odogaron (Critical Eye), or even Jagras chest (not crit, but Rising Tide is OK) might be more generally useful.

Yes. I'm pretty sure that to even activate the counterattack properly, you need to perfect guard anyways. Lance's window is pretty large though, so it's not as hard to activate compared to SnS or CB.
Boy I sure do love it when several hours go by and not a single monster spawns within the area of my home
I'm pushing up against my item box limit nonstop... Could really use that new season bonus space.

I've been saving at least a few materials for each monster's rarity, but maybe I need to cut back even more. I'm still trying to build up several weapons and holding 100x rarity 1 fangs/claws, plus however many field materials since you use up 50x at a time, so it's easy to run out in a couple upgrades. Currently I'm holding 24/18/12/10 per rarity of each monster I'm not currently building for and up to 80-100 of the rarer field materials.
I have the same space as you, I keep 100 of each gathering point in there and 10x of each monster mats except for the mats of the weapon I am building
get rid of the monster mats you don't need
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Here’s your season 3 story bro
Wasn’t expecting that lineup
>silver and gold will be paid event
>mizu still hat only
>jho nowhere to be seen, not even in volatile zones
>nergi elder hat
that leaves us with 16 monsters, don't know how they will handle rajang spawns
What makes you say no Deviljho? Maybe you need to unlock it again.
Rajang will probably be same as Zinogre now
In HATs and very rarely on field too, but you'll see one or two a day
because 99% of the Jho in volatile zones are worthless 5 to 7 stars
So move up to 9* and they will be mostly 6-8*. I agree, the saliva drop rate is crazy low, but from where my gunlance is, I only need 18 more! Maybe in 2026 I’ll complete it.
Mizu moves to HAT/field hybrid like current Zinogre
Rajang could potentially be positioned as an invader, but I imagine it'll be HAT-exclusive, replacing Mizu.
I am on 10* my man
that makes sense I guess
The season 3 update said Rajang will join the field.
“Magnamalo, Rajang, and Aknosom will appear on the field once you have unlocked them in urgent quests that occur within each chapter of the Season 3 story quest.”
Eugh, not a good sign. Can you even kill 9* Deviljho? Are they impossibly beefy?
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I can kill 9* just fine, but jho spawns have always been like that, I know because I have a 10.2 Jho gl, a 9.5 Jho bow, a 8.5 Jho LS and enough Jho mats to get any of them to 10.5
Damb. I hope Nergigante doesn’t invalidate these weapons, I really wanted to make the hammer and the charge blade.
I hope for the same, shit was a pain in the ass
Nice triple dubs anon. Anyway, you think the long sword is worth it? Quick work seems kind of superfluous, and I feel the other weapons are better optimized ie the SnS the dual blades the hammer and the GL. I’m enjoying the GL, with two monsters super weak to dragon element the wyrmstake shot is so satisfying to land on their face. I just wish kushala’s face would break after 4-5 careful injections in a hunt.
gl is pretty good if you stack dragon attack and play it stake style
can't speak for hammer, db and SNS but the LS is pretty good if you know how to play it
Just wasted my daily 5 potions on a single Rabadon because this thing has the most retarded attack patterns imaginable

>Glows red for an attack
>moves a ton but doesn't actually launch the attack til 5 seconds later
Monsters in the regular series don’t even glow red, it’s probably one of your first few radobans, you’ll get there, anon. Try to wait 18 minutes between attempts, and you’ll take each attempt more seriously, it’ll help in the long run. Save potions for ‘oh fuck well fail the interception if I don’t heal and keep up dps’ moments, or, “the hour is about to change and I don’t want this thing to disappear on me” moments.
You basically have periods where you're just waiting for Radobaan to finish because it's not safe to approach or continue attacking. Both the beyblade spin and somersault I usually just end up sitting and waiting until to comes to me to time a perfect dodge. And then once your weapons of upgraded enough, you'll constantly be breaking its parts so it'll be perma-staggered until death.
I really wish Radobaan gear was useful because it's so easy to get a shitton of pieces.
You’d need the coil for a sleep build and the helm carried me through the beginning to mid game with gunlance strategies, plus it’s a grade 6 driftsmelt slot. Everything else is ignorable and that means you can sell parts for money more often.
Help me narrow down my weapon plans for Kushala and Teostra.

Kushala’s Dual Swords and Hammer are both really cool looking and strong, and the LBG doesn’t use spread shot so it’s automatically better than legiana’s, but I can’t feasibly upgrade all three since they require horns and nobody can break a face in 8* interceptions it seems.

I narrowed teostra’s weapons down to the hammer and charge blade, both can take advantage of heroics easily and the cb gets offensive guard procs easily with guard points, but again, how could I possibly build both.
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Use the builder in the OP to see what works. Unfortunately all of those choices for Kushala weapons are a little tough.
For any Ice weapon, you would want to fit in at least one piece of Kush armor for the Ice bonus, but then you also need your regular Ice Attack armors (Barioth Gloves for +2 & Legiana Waist for +2). Luckily Kushala Frostwind + Ice Attack 4 usually works out to be pretty similar, but you still want that extra Ice Attack meld to get to max. DB's seemed to work out the easiest, but I think you would eventually want to use Rathian Gloves instead, for Burst 2 & Lock-on, which would require more Driftsmelting and shuffling some equipment around.

Heroics is basically a big meme, because going below 29% means you can't hunt again until you recover back to 30%. Big number means very little to me compared to usability.
>Zinogre does its giant tail swing
>perfect guard it with lance and counterstrike
>it instantly goes for the same attack again and one shots me because it's way faster than the recovery of my counter attack
Wow thats certainly fun gameplay
I want to hunt this hideous thing into extinction
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>rathian does backflip
>guard point it
>throw AED
>it does another backflip
>I die
what can you do
Honestly I would way prefer Coral Pukei mail for power prolonger 2, the increase in dps with 40% more demon mode stamina is quite high, but that’s the set I came up with too.
Negative Affinity just exists to make it harder for you to Crit with the weapon, right
something like that, weapons like bblos have a 25% (or 30%??) chance of doing -25% (or -30%???) damage, thats why you cant skills like critical eye and wex to at least get it to 0% affinity
Ah so maybe it's more worth building Pukei Lance over Basarui because it won't randomly dud damage
dunno about lances so i cant comment, only thing i will say is that if you dont want neg aff you can just build a little crit to cover it or just go with something else
Treat it like MH4 charge blade, you’ve got to set up with the horizontal AED into the double swing until you get an opening
Some 10* monsters don’t die without heroics and it’s built into the blade, may as well combine it with offensive guard for maximum output. And yes, it requires you to go under 30, but it’s solely for overcoming huge hurdles like 10* story monsters, and if you start with 30% and then take a hit guarding with 0 guard, you’re immediately put into range for the rest of the fight without the need for guts.
I considered putting that, but I felt it would just be easier to just put an Odo chest. Otherwise you're wearing 2 pieces of 8.1 C.Pukei armor. Not necessarily difficult to do that, but event monster materials are usually stretched thin.

Eh, I don't see much point in fighting anything over 8*
Power prolonger is just that good. But yeah, I wouldn’t spring for heroics if 10* monsters weren’t horribly balanced, but here we are, where a 10* Banbaro can be feasibly beaten without heroics or even an elemental weapon, but deviljho is on a different planet of hp and bullshit.
Wowee zowee
Honestly have no clue where to put these specific driftstones since I don't have any Teo gear up to 8 yet.
Well personally I can use pukei lagoon helm on every blade master set so that’s a good start.
I got the same meld and like the other Anon said, it's on all my blademaster sets
For LS it does nothing, but hammer, CB, GS, and even Lance kinda kick ass with it (I also somehow got it again on the pink rathian boots and barioth arms when not even trying for it)
My Jho Hammer set now uses the barioth arms just so I have AD+3 since I got dragon on the jho waist. It's stuck at 8.5, but I've managed to kill 9 star rathian with it already
Heroics isn't a pain in the ass if you can block, but it's still a pain in the ass
At 10 stars now, and while I can't kill any besides Odo, my weapons are all 10.1 or 10.2, so I'm not feeling the need for heroics yet, and even if I did, I don't think I'd bother to make heroics sets
Hammer will likely need guts to not get one shot, which is another wasted skill slot
People meme that the CB would be bad with blast because phials, but I honestly think the game balances status procs around motion values/weapon speed so that GS can still deal reasonable status damage
I have no proof though besides poison proccing always at around the same time with my pink SnS and my Pukei Lance

But with magnamalo coming soon, he's likely going to have every weapon and while I doubt they'd be better than Teo, they're probably going to be decent/close
We already know his weapons, Magnamalo has every weapon type, just like Rajang.
no wyvern strife dual blades for silver Rath though what the FUCK
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I agree blast is very balanced, even boosted elemental damage seems to increase damage relative to the percent of the whole rather than favor weapons that strike often.
>can’t kill anything past Odogaron
And that’s why I need a good heroics set.
This is my WIP, I don’t think I can afford resentment, but with Nergigante and Rajang down the road maybe something good will come from their armor. You think artillery is unnecessary here? Maybe I should replace them with Teostra armor for the blast factor?
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Maybe this?
Help, all of my friend quests this week suck
It's really fun killing 8 8* zinogres and 4 9* zinogres in a day and not getting a single plate
I think I could've made two zinogre weapons by now if plates didn't exist
Did they change the proportions?

I feel like I'm much smaller than the monsters
Pro tip for Khezu
After he does the first roar, if you get to his side/back quickly enough, he won't jump back and do the annoying electro ball flail attack + the electrified jump right after
Also rathalos always does a little taunt after every fireball when flying, so it's always safe to use a big attack when he fireballs when flying
Anyone have any others?
Higher rank monsters are generally bigger
I’ll say it here, since I’m sure some of you retards are in this thread
When you fight Kushala, you need to BREAK the fucking head. STOP spamming charged shells and AIM at the FUCKING head.
How many shells and scales do you really need until you’re satisfied? Are you just so excited to complete one? That’s great for you.
But for the rest of the competent players. Please. Break the face.
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I'll continue shelling the tail
Anyone got any advice on taking out high level Barroths with Lance?

This is like yhr absolutely worst match-up I can think off. The Lance seems to have way too hard a time breaking off the mud armor and I can't even counter the head slam it does because 90% of the time the stupid thing it too far from me and misses
this dude has some pretty good lance videos, maybe take one or two things from him

Rathian under 7* will always do the double spin first things first
You can manipulate Deviljho to walk towards you and waste time by making sure when the fight starts he’s directly in front of you, so you’ll get a free few seconds to set up
Basarios’s back can be targeted and takes full damage from a gunlance shell, so you can help stagger it to death
Aggressive dodger’s effects can be held onto indefinitely, so you could use a special once you store an aggressive dodge one
Wear layered armor from grade 6 armor pieces if you don’t want people to avoid you in elder dragon interception lobbies
If your weapon has a shield, perfect dodges are much safer if you shield into a dodge, and if not, dodging backwards/southwest/southeast has better perfect dodge frames
Diablos and variants are weaker to long sword not literally but because helmsplitter can target its body/back and or tail properly which is way weaker than the face and much harder to hit than anything else
Sometimes, if you’re hunting in a group, you can fight the same monster twice if one of you hosts, the other goes to fight solo, then joins the other’s lobby inside the start fight screen, to maximize rare monster kills
Khezu’s legs have 25% less HP to break than the face, and take 93% of the damage the face does once they’re broken, so if you’re farming it they’re the best place to start cracking
You can only fight the same "monster" twice if you're at different stages of story progression. The game spawns monsters in the same map locations for all players, but it may be a different species between two players at different progression levels. So say you find a Legiana in one location. If your friend hasn't unlocked Legiana in the field, it'll be something else. So you can do a group hunt for the Legiana, then after, the other player initiates a group hunt in the same exact location, but for the other monster. On the chance that they line up and spawn as the same species though, the game will tag the hunt as "completed" for both players as soon as you finish the first hunt together.
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By the way this is what the "easier upgrading" is:
>Lower material requirements up thru Grade 5.
>Chance to get Rarity 3 field materials from the random single gathering points (they weren't part of the pool already?)
>Small monsters have a chance to drop 10x parts
yeah, literally nothing, classic Niantic
Jeez getting to Grade 5 wasnt really the issue. The absolute insane grind to go to Grade 6 and beyond is where it gets crazy

Though I can appreciate it being easier since Grade 5 weapons are at a good point. Hopefully it's really easy because it would be nice to be able to make a bunch of Grade 5 weapons to find the one that I click the most with
I think I'm coming around on SnS
Just killed a 9 star Khezu with a 9.2 Pinkian SnS (burst 5, CE 2, lock on)
I think falling bash is a meme and only worth it if you can absolutely guarantee you'll hit the head after
But according to mhn quest builder, a bubbly dance set is probably comparable to the above + the easier perfect dodges might be nice + any future resuscitate gear
When is this dropping? I just started the game and upgrading stuff takes a lot of farming, I need 3 to 4 days just to upgrade one armor piece by one level
I assume it's for next season which is around 10~ days
it's already live, it was a server update yesterday
I wholeheartedly disagree. I spoofed into NY and found an 8* Deviljho, then saw “join fight” and it was an 8* Deviljho lobby, killed it, then started my own lobby, then saw someone start a lobby for an 8* Deviljho. I did it 3 times in a row. There’s a trick there for sure.
Lol, got any more?
Jeez the Bone Cannon seems like a mistake. Really strong but insanely cheap to build to. It takes no grinding effort to actually Grade it up and it's so much stronger than all my other Gunlances that I really dont find myself having reason using them despite type advantage because Bone still does more damage and is crazy easier to use
I really wish they'd change the health system in the game to chances rather than recovering health.

Going around to hunt monsters and then being KO'd for a.mistake or inexperience and being forced to wait an hour before you're topped off is such a buzz kill. I'm only in this area for the 6* Zinorgre and I lost a hunt so am I really expected to wait around doing nothing for another chance?

I wish they'd make the Taggibg the standard; you get a few l chances before the monster flees the area
Are Mizutsune and Zinogre rotating?

I've seen a ton of Zinogre on the field but haven't seen a single Mizu
Just git gud. If the system were like that, you'd probably not get any potions at all for free.

Zinogre is this week, Mizutsune is next. Field spawns and 5x Zinogre HATs will swap.
Am I wrong or are the Rathalos Gunlances useless?

They're Long lances and I've been told that Long types get all thier damage dine through charge shots which don't apply elemental damage
You can still hit them with the actual lance part, but yes for Long lances, the stats of the weapon don't matter a whole lot since shelling damage is only affected by upgrade level (and Artillery). That's why so many people use the base Bone Gunlance since it's so easy to upgrade but you don't lose much damage comparatively. Wide and Normal care about their weapon stats a lot more since lance strikes and wyrmstakes are a bigger part of their rotation. I still think they're going to nerf charged shelling for the next season.
The wyrmstake shot is also a great attack and does use elemental damage. It’s more of a late game move, since elemental overcomes shelling damage at the higher grades.
What set goes well with P Rathian SnS?
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Something like this.
P. Rathian is mostly just raw since it's not worth trying to add status boosts, so you probably just want to go for crit. You can also get away with leaving them all at 6.1 since all the skills will be unlocked, except only the helmet will have a Driftstone slot.
If you don't have the LNY helmet (Critical Boost 2), you can swap it with the C.Pukei helmet (Weakness Exploit 2, Lock-on) and Rathian gloves (Burst 2, Lock-on) for A.Rathalos gloves (Critical Boost 2), but then you'll also need to upgrade the C.Pukei helm to 8.1
I would avoid the dragon mask if someone didn’t get it during the event, and replace with Barioth helm for skyward striker 2 which will improve half of its moveset
Do I build another Zinogre weapon? Seems like a waste of claws otherwise. Though with Rajang and the new season in general coming up, probably best not to spend too many other resources... not to mention HBG.
Nah. I think Rajang will overcome Zinogre weapons in a Deviljho kind of way, big raw and decent element but negative affinity, but it will be entirely up to the abilities they place on each weapon. If each weapon got something that synergized like jho’s does, obviously go with Rajang weapons.
With how ridiculously good Lock-On is you'd think it would be a standard feature instead of locking it to certain equipment virtually everyone has to carry

As much as I want to keep Teostra Greaves for Artillery, the fact of the matter is Rathian Greaves come with Lock-On so it's significantly more important so I trade off my Pink Rathian Boots for Barsarios for the 3rd Artillery and lose that sweet Special Boost 2
There's lock on on every piece besides chest now
Why not CPP head or black blos waist?
I have still yet to see a good enough reason to use lock on over gyro controls (besides not looking dumb in public)
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Your FOV is MUCH wider using Lock-on compared to using full gyro. I used to only use gyro too, but the difference is night and day. Gyro puts both your weapon and face up a monster's asshole.
Is it wider than after pinching in (or is it pinching out?) the screen on gyro?
>>1556677 (me)
Actually, ignore this, either that function was removed or it never existed for gyro and my brain just made up things.
On a related note, I wish mhnow had a proper landscape mode outside of hunts too, the wide fov is kind of nice
you can just put your phone sideways on gyro, otherwise there are apps that force landscape mode on a per app basis
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These kind of purpose-build armors make it seem like you should build these specific types of weapons, though it's a bit silly that Teostra doesn't have a gunlance.
>balance each weapon so status applies fairly across each type
>give one of the slowest moving weapons blast so it can wyrmstake shot a hundred explosions with status sneak attack
They have to cook a little.
Had to do an entire HaT by myself

How sad but I guess no one wants to run the Barioth and Banbaro ones
barioth I can understand but banbaro? like, why?
You don’t anon, keep making lobbies, you’ll be hooked up with someone else who’s doing it eventually. Also, don’t do that, you lose out on group hunt rewards, which could mean a 12.5%-25% increase in rewards all around.
Before they decided to hook everyone up to the internet, that's how you would end up doing HATs anyways. I remember barely being able to do 7* Zinogres with a Legiana SnS.
Oh great I Just hit an Iron Ore bottleneck
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Are there any are resources like this? In English
the weapon row is
>priority of weapon building
you should already know that circle good, triangle mid, x bad
the second row with armors and weapons is
>weapon and which armor pieces it needs on the build
What do the.color codes on the monsger itself meant?

I'm assuming the type of damage required to break?
Red for Blunt?
Yellow for Slashing?
red=weak point (head should be yellow too but its red because weak point)
yellow=breakable part
pink=shit damage area but not that shit
brown=shit damage
>red - weakness and breakable part
>yellow - breakable part
>gray - too resistant (aka shitzone)

The line below the Teo graphic says
>The path to the 10.5 weapon
>about 250 kills
>5-6 times a day
>1.5 months to complete

Green for weapons/armor means should build
Yellow is needs consideration
Red is don't build
Line is doesn't exist

I really have no idea what they decide should/shouldn't be worth making though
Power prolonger and burst on the waist is only yellow for DB?
Looks like they based it off of discussion with their discord peeps going by the tweets. Maybe yellow/triangle is build/playstyle preference dependant while green/circle are meta/necessary?
Eh, a lot of the armor recommendations just don't make a whole lot of sense or are just inconsistent.

>Helmet for Latent Power and Guts
Latent Power builds I guess? Meh.
>Chest for Critical Eye and Artful Dodger?
I'm sure there are much better chests for just about any weapon.
>Gloves for Artillery
>Waist for Power Prolonger and Burst
Burst is typically regarded as OK at worst for almost all weapons. It's just an easy to activate multiplier.
Honestly not sure how valuable reduced power drain is for LS. Maybe enough can prevent you from losing red sword after your special? And I guess red shield duration is good for CB. Seems like it should be BIS for most DBs as both skills are solely in its wheelhouse.
>Legs for Critical Boost and Evade Extender
Meh again. Critical Boost is a rather generic good-for-everything type of thing. And most weapons really don't need EE except maybe Gunlance since it only gets tiny hops.
>No hits for SnS or LBG
LBG makes sense since it's already strapped for Recoil Down, Reload Speed and Elemental Attacks, but SnS could benefit from some of those at the very least.
I would guess it clashes with equipment from other monsters that are higher in the priority list maybe? No way to know until they make similar charts for other monsters, and this seems to be first of them too.
Mizu is back, get your silver Rathalos killers now
Probably shouldn't be wasting my potions fucking around with an Offensive Guard lance while there are Mizu to slay.
Also my 8.4 Mizu LBG was a hair away from killing a 9* Kulu... though I still have to roll a Water Attack to get the 5th pip.
It does seem smart to work on weapons and armor of event featured monsters so the inventory can remain balanced. I fucking hate that both Zinogre and mizutsune have their rare 6 hidden behind a tail break. What solo opportunity am I supposed to take to get behind it without getting whacked?
Depends what weapon you use. I use DB for Mizu, so my special puts me back there. I can also just keep dodging around it or break one of claws, which will put it on its side for a while.
I use bow for Zinogre though, so I just break his face twice and hope for a tail in the other rewards. Zinogre does like to just stand still and feign howling a lot though.
Yeah, I use gunlance for mizu, so it’s a bit dicey doing a wyrmstake shot
>Mizu Gunlance is Long so the water element is lost to it
>can't build up Mizu Chest and Arms for Bubbly Dance because I need Basarios Chest for Artillery 2
This saddens me.
apparently aknoksom (or whatever it's name is) helm will have artillery 2
Says who?
Element is more important the stronger your long gunlance gets, trust me, wyrmstake shot is no slouch. You can easily pump out 1.5 x the damage of 4 fully charged shots with artillery 5 if you use element 5 on it. And you don’t technically need to have one single set for the gunlance. Do both. Make the standard long type set
Rath Soul Helm
Basarios Mail
Kaiser Braces
Nero Coil
Basarios Greaves

And then make an elemental set for wyrmstake spam.
Mizu Helm
Mizu Mail
Mizu Braces
Nero Coil
Jagras Greaves

And gem in water attack on one of the Grade 6 driftsmelt slotted pieces. I have two sets for the Jho Gunlance, at 9.5 I’m injecting 900/proc, 13 procs, plus a stab motion value, and an explosion at the end, right on a specific area. If Kushala leechers werent so rampant I wouldn’t need to do this since face breaks would just occur, but I’ve figured out the timings to inject over 4 of those combos, and I pray my teammates can aim for the face while I do as much damage to it as possible.
>against monsters extra weak to element, such as Jho gunlance vs Jho or Mizu gunlance vs. Teo
>2 shots with 1 artillery + stab+13procs+explosion = 1,784+1400+11,700+1720 = 16,604
>takes about 8 seconds
>4 charged shots with 5 artillery = 10,872
>takes about 7 seconds with focus
This is a cherry picked example of course but even if the monster was only just weak to the element you’d still be doing about 13,200 in my first example. And that’s not the calcs for a maxed out one either.
apparently it was a placeholder skill, nvm
Got anything for full burst spam? Killing the low level monsters with a big burst of numbers is so satisfying it I might start building a Normal gunlance
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NTA, but seems pretty straightforward. Best options at the moment seem to be Zinogre and Anjanath, since they can fit Elemental Attack 5 in fewer driftsmelts. You'd still want as much Artillery as you can since FB is all Artillery, though you do use a few strikes to get there. FB combo also leads into wyrmstake for extra damage.
It's just my luck that I decided to go for a new build and no monsters spawn in my home areas for 4 hours

I just need one more monsters too and my Palico finds a Banbaro too
>>4 charged shots with 5 artillery = 10,872
I was about to call you a liar but the jump to 10.1 really is 30%. Thank god I made the bone lance.
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early access elders
we are stuck with teo and Kushala for another 2 months at least
If they’re letting us raid for free or at least buying the ticket provides passes to raid with, you bet your sweet ass I’ll be spoofing in
Probably the same as N. Paolumu. Paid ticket for unlimited HAT entries and accelerated location turnover, and zero access without a ticket.
Great. If all the whales show up the rooms will be ezpz and I can feasibly farm an elder dragon in one night. I hope it’s good…
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p2w is here
Oh boy, I finally have the chance to slot in another junk skill on my armor!
>1 in 3 chances
Anon, I....
Enjoy your aggressive dodger I guess....
>new update lets you move the map and actually see spawns, nodes, and regions
holy fuck this is a real game changer. Now if only they could revert the dimensional hunt radius.
These have only 3 abilities to pick from. But, you will probably get aggressive dodger. Best of luck, I’m trying to get all elements on one hat.
>gunlancer gets in position to hit the tail
>starts shelling it
I see this so often, people are so retarded in this game it's unreal
Wyrmstake shot can cut tails, but you need to shell twice to start the combo
He was not wyrmstaking he was charged shelling
It stands to reason doing damage to a part should make it easier to cut for others but, no, gunlance’s shelling doesn’t make any progress against cutting a tail.
GL allows retards to progress too fast so they're still in the "wow I can kill the monster" phase instead of the "I need to break this specific part" phase.
I’m in the both phase, where I still awe that my shelling GL can kill 9* without an element and I make sure to wyrmstake shot it if my retard long sword cousins aren’t attacking the tail for some reason.
>gold and silver rath spawns
>limitless nerg raids
>possibly extra daily log in upgrade materials from special quest
>special armor to keep me alive for the event
Best $20 ever spent on this game
Oh, I guess technically Ice or Thunder would be the safest options, as the remaining skills are very broadly useful.
>You still have to walk 5km to use it
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News from the datamine thread:
>Rajang has every weapon type
>same for Magnamalo
>Aknosom has 5 weapons: Great Sword, Dual Blades, Long Sword, Lance, Gunlance
>New item “Feystone” is likely a Driftstone
>Fighting Spirit: new ability that increases damage for an undetermined while once your SP gauge fills up
>Guarding Reload: guarding with CB, GL or HBG increases shots by _ amount
>Hellfire Cloak: level 1 simply inflicts yourself with it, and monsters when they’re attacked, level 2 increases damage taken and given while inflicted with it
>mentioned but incomplete: Critical Element, Poison Provoke, and Nergigante Spike (Silver Rath, Golden Rath, Nerg unique abilities)
>“Deep link hunt” mentioned, could be remote hunting
>Raw meat is now a daily item claim, and can be used to cook Rare, Burnt, and Well-Done steak. This can be done from the main screen.
>Consuming meat will guarantee a full SP gauge at the beginning of hunts for __ amount of minutes
>season 3 premium pass includes 105k zenny and 20 weapon/armor upgrade materials
>Mizutsune and Nig Paolumu will spawn on field after completing their urgent quest
Here’s some extra HBG for older monsters.
>Critical Element
Nice. Been waiting for that one.
well, keep waiting, its paid only and locked to shibuya, japan
What's the point if you can barely fit regular crit stuff on your armor in the first place?
I’m sure the silver rath armor comes loaded with weakness exploit, critical boost, and maybe critical eye as the former two have in the past, and if you only need any 3 pieces to gain full crit element, you could feasibly get element 5 too if you driftsmelted one of your element +2 pieces of armor with a third point. As it stands now, critical hits already do affect element, so I assume it stands to be a critical boost specific to elemental portion of damage.
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What is this? A purple reskin of Alloy? Point. Point and laugh at the paypigs
Sneak Attack bonus maybe?
Boy I love the gunlance

Having 3 different ways to play it is great. I just wish playing Artillery with Charged Shelling wasn't so one-dimensional
Sneak attack, reatard
Just had a Jagras drop Wingdrake Hide

it happens sometimes, nothing new
I wonder how it works since crits already work on element
I bet it's going to be pretty good though since they keep adding ways to make element better
I want to try normal, but all of them belong to monsters that I'm already making weapons for (except anjanath but eh)
Fortunately aknosom's is normal
>no mizu plates since the start of the event
>pretty sure no WGS either
>just got a plate from group hunt reward
It’s almost like part breaks are fucking stupid and a waste of time in this game. I never get horns from elder dragons and I never get R6 from part breaks.
I'm still rather new are yo6 telling me some components don't drop unless.you break certain parts?
>the first row of 4 rewards are random
>the second row are part breaks rewards, which are also random, but breaking certain parts have a chance of giving you certain part

take the image from the OP as an example, breaking horns on banbaro, diablos and bblos give you a higher chance at getting a wyvern gem shard (rare 6) in the part break rewards
No, all drops can occur naturally, but you have a greater chance depending on what you break to get them as a break reward. Most monsters reward tail breaking with more than a tail.
Breaking parts with lance feels very hard given the slow mobility

Should I just abandon the idea using Partbreaker on Lance? Should I have.Lock-On too?
yes, you should always use lock on
Bummer, I really wanted to use Barroth Helm
unless you are playing lance with gyro and hitting weak spots you need lock on, unless you have a grade 10.5 weapon and are bullying 8 stars monsters for fun i guess
Have you tried this?
And just wear the helm with layered armor.
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Forgot pic.
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you could try

Coral Pukei Helm
Misutzune Mail
Misutzune Vambraces
Diablos Waist
Misutzune Legs
4x Offensive Guard
1x Guard
Weakness Exploit Lv2
Partbreaker Lv1
>try this random set where none of the abilities are actually on the armor!
God i really hate those attacks with a ridiculously long delay

Like why does that Khezu glow red and then doesn't actually attack for like 5 seconds after
Speaking of Khezu I'm so sick of my Palico marking them

I'm so uninteresting in using any of its hideous equipment even if it would be useful that I just sell all the drops
The hood is kinda cool. The chest piece is useful. The legs are good for hammer too.
How long till some autist decides to scrape the wide map feature for all the gathering nodes into a single map?
Now Lancer isn't quite as fun as it normally is.

Being the stalwart Paladin of the hunting group that manages to stay in the fight the entire hunt was a unique feel. There was something truly exhilarating about having your 3 fellow hunters return from camp after getting KO'd to the fight and seeing you hold off that Monster on your own tanking each attack

The nature of this game completely removes that unfortunately
I normally main lance in mainline, and I didn't like MHNow lance at first
But I figured I'd try to make the azure lance, and it's back to my favorite again; currently building up the CPP and kushala lances now
Once you get perfect guard timings down, you can really rip shit up and never move
Holding to guard is still pretty retarded though; there have been many times I hopped back and ate shit instead of counter guarding because it didn't register the touch long enough
Bros I’m genuinely excited for next season. Do you think Rajang weapons will supersede Zinogre ones? Will the sparkly wyvern twins have super OP armor and weapons? What weapon do you want to see next?
I’m really hopeful insect glaive will be intricate and powerful, but also clean to play and not too clunky.
If it's just a normal field monster, it would presumably be a side-grade at best. I imagine Rajang's weapons are more raw-focused with negative crit, so maybe you can get a Thunder OG Lance akin to A.Rathalos.
I've never fought Gold/Silver Raths, but going off of World, their weapons are probably going to be pretty similar to Mizutsune's, except Fire. So weapon-wise, they'll be just a hair above their normal counterparts.
They seem pretty keen on keeping the more powerful equipment pretty limited via HAT/EDI/events, so I don't expect anything very exciting from the start of the season. You might just get a couple key armor pieces that let you build elemental/focus/gun weapons more efficiently though.

Full Focus + Element:
>Fire - completed by N.Paolumu chest
>Ice - missing 2x Element pieces and/or combo piece
>Thunder - missing combo armor piece
>Water - missing 2x Element pieces and/or combo
>Dragon - needs driftsmelt or 2x element gloves

Full Gun Skills + Element:
>Fire - completed since C.Pukei
>Ice - need lots of pieces
>Thunder - needs a driftsmelt or a combo piece
>Water - needs a driftsmelt or a combo piece
>Dragon - needs lots of pieces
Well Silver Rath weapons are way different from mizu in Rise
>Pale wyvern blade
And yeah, I expect Rajang weapons will benefit weapon types that prefer high raw. It’s just that the Rajang dual blades and long sword are so much cooler than zinogre’s, makes this a tough call where to invest my Zin plates.
I don't get it
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HBG is imminent, how are we feeling
Cluster Bomb ammo. I don't remember if that ammo type is exclusive to HBG or not.

Just hoping it actually plays differently than LBG.
It has a shield and two different specials, I feel it has to be different. And hopefully not reliant on 6 ability points.
so when I played last year zenny was a real problem and you cant do multiple weapons. is it better now?
I've never had a problem with zenny and I have a weapon for each element that's capable of killing all the 8* monsters. Past that, I think it's just going to take a while, mostly waiting on rarity 6 pieces (Wyvern Gem Shards & whatever pinnacle monsters get their own unique equivalents).
The beginning is rough, because there’s so many things that need money and parts, but eventually, you get choked by resources and money starts to pile up. Just play every day, do the dailies, do limited quests which are a regular occurrence, do hard friend quests for 10,000 a week, and sell sell sell your shit, since you now many a penny off of it.
they are making more zenny quests in events, right now there is an active one that gives youi like 30k total
I'm hoping Wyvernheart is recyclable enough to go near full DAKKA with a Concentration & Special Boost build.
>9.5 Jho gunlance
>eventually break head by the end, but sometimes miss it
>switch to 7.5 daora hammer build
>knock it out 2 times and break the head directly after second stun, continually presents head for massive crits
wtf hammer is incredible??
Break my heart that I can't get to these guys
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Never played any ranged weapons, any other pieces I should start incase it's good?
basarios arms
God why tf does Diabolos always feel like it's 2 grades above what it says

This thing is always so damb ridiculously hard to take down. Wastes my damn first Palico search of the day on failed hunts if this bastard
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tfw no trouble with an ice hammer
what happened to her
I hardly see anyone using Lance, Hammer, and Great Sword

I understand Lance because it's pretty weak rn but Greatsword and Hammer are some of the best weapons for part breaking
The only reason Lance is weak, especially in multiplayer, is that you're relying on Offensive Guard and guard counters. If the monster isn't focused solely on you, it's a lot harder to hit those consistently enough to get your actual damage in.
And no weapon is actually "good" at part breaking since part breaks are just based off of monster health thresholds. That said, LBG Slicing Ammo actually does accumulate increased part damage.
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Some guy on r*ddit counted, and you would be correct
Lance makes sense like >>1562323 said. I main lance and definitely don't perform as well in groups because of the lack of not only offensive guard but also counter thrusts (big MV)
GS is too slow/difficult probably
Hammer I have no idea though; I have a 10.2 Jyura hammer and 8.5 jho hammer, and the jho hammer can beat 9* rathian
I think it's just tail cuts that put people off hammer, myself included sometimes even if it's a pretty fun weapon
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Interesting. Never really thought thoroughly about Burst only affecting raw damage. Thought for sure Tzitzi weapons were for sure just straight downgrades, but Burst does a lot of carrying.

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