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Beta has begun. I will keep updating this thread with all the information I can gather from Bilibili.

Here's what I've compiled so far:
- open-world monster-collection game
- visuals similar to genshin impact
- features similar to pokemon: legends arceus
- player character has health, in the form of hearts (similar to botw); players can be attacked by wild elves, which will reduce hearts; hearts can also be reduced if an elf faints, meaning players cannot take consecutive losses or they are teleported back to a resting point
- player character can jump, climb, and swim similar to botw and genshin impact
- elves use moves using points from a pool; when the points from this pool deplete, they have to rest to recover points, or wait for the points to gradually recover; moves do not have individual power points
- elf progression is similar to genshin; there seem to be stages of ascension, no "dupes" or "weapons", only collecting materials needed for ascension from the overworld and ascending them; no gacha for elves (so far)
- elves can be leveled up when they are fed fruit
- no "artifact" system; stat-grinding will be similar to pokemon instead; stats are also similar to pokemon (hp, attack, special attack, defense, special defense, speed); each elf can have one favorable and unfavorable stat
- overworld has chests that give both premium currency and fruits
- boss fights similar to legends arceus; players have to avoid taking damage from boss' attacks and manage hearts; when the boss' shield is damaged, the boss elf is stunned, and this gives the player character an opportunity to use their elves' moves in quick succession to take them down

Bonus stuff:
- voice acting
- player character can be customized to some degree (i did see a female player character with different hair style and hair color), and clothing can be purchased through regular and premium currency (again, no gacha so far, premium currency seems to be used entirely for character clothing)
- can interact with elves in the overworld, such as petting
- every single elf has attack animations for contact-based moves
- elves have overworld interactions such as unlocking elemental chests, collecting items, solving overworld puzzles, interacting with collectible objects in the overworld such as fruit trees or ores
- player character can ride certail elves, some can also help the player character glide in the air, swim on water
- wild elves can be seen battling each other in the overworld

That's all for now.
Overall, the game is simply stunning and promising. It is everything I ever wanted in a monster-collection game.
The developers put a ton of effort into it. The visuals are appealing, the animations are top-notch, the game is polished, gameplay is engaging, and monetization seems friendly.
It all sounds nice but how do they maintain the game if they only monetize cosmetics? At the very least they need to release either inflated cost costumes or continuously release them. I think progression will be monetized.
premium passes with premium monsters and cosmetics are my only guess for now
maybe there is gacha, but i havent seen it so far in the gameplay
this is tencent though, so maybe they monetize differently, but there's definitely no gacha or limitations on the monsters since they can be found in the wild and the game doesnt have any equivalent of character duplicates, weapons or weapon duplicates
progression doesnt seem monetized either
you can endlessly battle wild monsters to level your monsters up, ascension materials can also be found in the overworld
might be rude asking this in a mobile board but does it have pc client?
yes, forgot to add to op
pc, ios and android
no news on consoles yet
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-shinies confirmed; the shinies have a rainbow gradient flow effect on their regular texture, with a rainbow star on the stats menu
the most important thing for me, is there an autistic egg breeding system? also post your favourite mon/elf designs
Any video footage?
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- character customization is limited, but you can change the following: skin tone, hairstyle, eyebrow, hair/eyebrow color, iris style, eye color, face texture
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- character clothing seems to be divided into two categories: ones that can be purchased through free currency, and ones that can be purchased through premium currency
- all categories of clothing can be mixed and matched

yes, there is
i will grab a screencap in a second

i wish i could post it here, but there's so much footage on bilibili and it all looks really fun
i tried compressing some gameplay footage into webm, but couldn't get it under 4mb
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- three eggs can be hatched at a time
- each egg has its own unique pattern

also, no favorite right now because they all look appealing
the art direction in this game is easily my favorite out of all monster collectors in the market
the developers also put a lot of effort into making them lively, with their unique sound effects, interactions and animations
all elves feel equally interesting
>at a time
This seems like something they could monetize similar to warframe/tfd crafting times
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Is there only kid size playable character?
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another important thing
it seems there is a new "region" still in development, similar to how genshin has new regions with their big version updates
it is themed around mermaids, possibly called "mermaid bay"


- another thing about player hearts and player progression: player can get cold or hot depending on the temperature
- when that happens, the hearts will start turning blue or red depending on what temperature is affecting them
- i have yet to find out how this affects gameplay, exploration or combat; i will update this later

- player progression is dependent on exploration
- completing certain overworld traversal challenges or puzzles will reward the player with a star currency, which will be used to permanently expand their stamina meter
- hearts can also be extended

- heart system: when an elf is defeated in combat, a heart is lost; this means when the player loses all their hearts, they can no longer continue battling and will be teleported to the last rest stop
- if the player loses all hearts even if they have elves remaining in their team capable of battling, the player is still teleported to the last rest stop
- players can also take damage from falls; no idea if drowning does the same
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- all elves make actual physical contact with the opposing elves, each having their own unique animations
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- protective moves do not have flavor text; instead, such moves have visual cues, showing the shield knocking away the attacking elf from the shielded elf
Use catbox
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>google roco kingdom
>see this
so the original game is like from 2010 and it looked like this? holy shit im glad they didnt stick to the furry mcs
This isn't leaving CN region
Morefun Studios is going to publish this for the global client.
Agreed. The change in art direction is a huge upgrade.
Calling it now, there'll be skin gacha.
I'd take it over character/weapon/mon gacha any day.
okay, and?
mindbroken by 50/50
...nothing? I was being neutral about it.
Is there any multiplayer aspect?
there is co-op and pvp
all monsters are scaled to the same level
co-op is most likely similar to genshin where you can team up to defeat overworld boss elves
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co-op raids
can also be played with npcs, similar to pokemon
I can see skins being more of a money maker with if co-op is prevalent
premium passes for each season contain 2 elf families that can also be obtained by people who did not buy the passes by entering the world of the player who bought the pass
the player with the pass can then activate a certain mechanism in the overworld (the stone owl statue in the op pic) that requires "fruit" (looks like an acorn with the design motif of the elf) to spawn elves of that family in the wild
so, it seems none of the elves are paywalled
premium cosmetics are the only thing so far that cannot be obtained without paying
stat grinding is based on fruits
there are 9 types of fruits in the game
each fruit provides exp to the elf, with 3 of them providing only exp
remaining 6 fruits give bonus stat points on top of the exp for one of the stats:
- hp
- attack
- defense
- special attack
- special defense
- speed
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another variant besides shinies
they look like de-colored versions of the regular elves
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your elves can attack you if you annoy them too much
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you lose hearts even if your own elves attack you, not just wild elves
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male hairstyles
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the scale of the world feels just right
settlements feel big enough despite the wild areas taking up more space
world-building is already great
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Is this really a kids game?
yes :)
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what a whore
this looks really good, hope it's as fun as it looks
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griffin elf that can also fly!
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i can see them monetizing cosmetics a lot since there's nothing else paywalled, even the premium elves from paid passes can be obtained by other players
there's already a duck elf with a unique skin, which is given as an egg from the login event
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tasks similar to pokemon legends arceus
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Nice but at least they could have used something other than spheres, I understand wanting to attract a certain type of audience but the similarities are a bit too obvious. The combat system could have been different too, maybe they could allow you to control multiple elves at the same time against more than one enemy.
People like throwing balls there's no point changing it just to chase some meaningless originality.
they actually changed the original design of their gachapon balls they had been using for over 10 years, which looked similar to pokeballs
personally, i dont like the new design, but thankfully there are variants
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global never ever
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i want to believe but didnt honor of kings take like 10 years to release globally?
They're probably not gonna make that mistake again. It's because of that they lost the entire SEAnigger audience to Mobile Legends.
>no furry mc
>Mobile Legends
Also helps that the pricing for most non-collab stuff there is affordable for SEA so a lot of people here don't mind throwing some cash for skins every now and then.
game is really promising, but i don't know if phones will be able to handle this for long
there's almost always monsters spawning in the overworld, and the overworld doesn't look low quality either
game will require newer phones with better specs
thankfully this is also releasing on pcs
the developers should also release this on both playstation and xbox to fuck with nintendo lol
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next test will start near the end of the year or beginning of next year, according to their bilibili page
will also be available for android devices next time
i guess events like these will keep the game alive
there's also pvp, but i doubt it will be popular among many people since pokemon pvp is also very niche
raids and shiny events like pokemon is the way to go to keep the game interesting until big updates
also, here's the leak about the second "region"
based on mermaids and stuff, possibly with entirely new monsters that cannot be found in the first region
i guess they will release the game with two regions, just like genshin did with mondstadt and liyue
these "pillow squirrel" monsters are so adorable
they sing when you approach them
I'm surprised it's not releasing on playstation at least. Maybe the devs just don't have manpower for it.
there seems to be
there is already a variant of the duck elf wearing a bow >>1547660
they should definitely do it, similar to pokemon unite
good way to monetize the game without gatekeeping damage output, plus we get to have cool cosmetics for the monsters
wonder if this will be problematic with the recent lawsuit against palworld
yeah, they should definitely think about releasing it for the consoles as well, at least playstation
Is this the Palworld killer?
Is this the Azure Promilia killer?
it's its own thing, and that's okay
eeeek ook eek ook
Just don't reuse Nintendo patents
So it's turn based?
Is this the Temtem killer?
yes, it's turn-based combat
plays like legends arceus when in the overworld, but without the strong/agile styles or turns getting influenced by strong/agile moves when in battle
this probably isnt releasing before mid 2025

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