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A cat is fine too
anyone keeping an eye on this? drops tomorrow
The fact that the catgirls and catboys are also actual cats should be enough reason to kill off a person's interest.
lol no
At first I thought it was Nekopara: The Gacha so I actually got excited for a second but
>The roster actually has a bunch of dudes they never show in trailers
I'll pass.
avoid all mixed toilet gacha
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disgusting, stay a cat or stay a girl
I don;t want any transforming pokemon bullshit
big red flag when they don't use males in the advertising when it's a mixed gacha, not sure why they pull this bait and switch.
Right? Women aren’t going to download it since it doesn’t advertise catboys and men are going to be disappointed when they find out it’s not all catgirls. Fucking weird decision.
>not even actual catgirls
gachaniggers have such abysmally low standards
>fucking personality test while you download
>Furfag thinks he can talk about standards
>played during beta
>Witnessed the most leviathan whaling with coof triss
I'll play it but my faith that I won't have to fork over nearly a thousand dollars for a meta unit is wavering.
Not to mention ALL black & white units were similarly moneygated.
Oh also there's furry npcs but no furry pcs and that's gay
So is the pigboy fuck him
Would play if there are male chars, but I see zero when I search for the game and I'm not gonna risk downloading.
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Bro what are you risking exactly? Phone AIDS? just download it if your interested and if it turns out to be shite uninstall
I'm not quite sure why mobs are added to the gacha pool when they have variants of the cat girls?
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i have no idea whats going on in this game but im enjoying the music and the vibes
what is it about? premise of the story? is it worth a try?
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you have a preminiton of a catastrophic event that happens in 136 days and you try to prevent it with the help of catgirl combatants that can fight against the emotional aids.
gameplaywise you click cards/skills and stack them for higher effect in a turn based RPG combat system among other slice-of-life gameplay, managing a cafe (that offers food to deal with emo-aids) fishing and stuff like that. I think its fun and im at chapter 8.
Your main sidekick is sadly a robot that has no emotional so listening to her gets pretty annoying for me because i dont like the cold types
Damn looks interesting but is shame the game is omnipandering slop >>1545668
easy skip
>Witnessed the most leviathan whaling with coof triss
never get baited by leviathan/whales on games with VIP system especially in low playerbase gachas like this, decent ammount of those actually are dev accounts trying to bait clueless whales to spend more to beat them
considering the publisher is very shitty apparently according to shining nikki players its likely true
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Game is comfy so far, I like it. It did the persona feel better than zzz, it's pretty lewd too, I'm going to continue playing it. There are no SSR m*les, and just a handful SR ones, I can ignore them.
It's a 4 niggas in row type of game to put it simply
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My time is worth more than this slop I was right about, so no, I will not be downloading.
I played to chapter 7 and it's ok, It's cute enough, leveling and ascending characters is easy and simple. Speedx3 is locked behind a paywall but you get the instant sweep after clearing the stages once, and the tower mode automatically moves on to the next floor for you so you can just leave it on auto until you lose. The SSR rate is kinda low but there's a decent amount of roll gems at the start.

The only real annoyance so far seems like manual fishing for dishes since you get single fishing tickets and auto fish is locked behind the paywall, but you unlock net fish tickets (that can be bought with cafe currency)
SSR rate ain't too bad considering you can ascend each charecters rarity.

Got 2 Ultras & every other unit is gold SSR through ascending.

Only problem with the drop rate is if you are looking to increase stars.
Looks like a hag game, not enough SSR lolis for my liking.
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gyame gyood?
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sure, if you like cute girls and turn based combat
I like it. I also haven't done many gacha in my life and feel like i missed out on nikke so it's nice to get on this while it's fresh.
My only issue is a friend of mine chose a different server and we can't boost each other from the friends list now :<
The cafe is funny. There will be random patrons to interact with who say some off the cuff things at times.
it's pretty retarded. Still early in so I haven't seen them as actual mobs yet but there's a couple characters (specifically, all the male ones) that have such a jarring difference in quality between themselves and the cats it's clear they're not meant to be actual characters. Kinda sours things that the pool is filled with this crap
Game is a lot more sexo than I expected it to be. I like it so far, let's see how it goes.
Is there like a wiki or something for this game? Do I have to metagame it or can I dickroll?

I'm told this tierlist is fairly accurate, but game is easy enough so I'd suggest dickrolling. You'll probably end up doing that anyway since the strongest units are also the best looking ones.
Why have they released so many main story chapters all at once? I feel like end of chapter 7 was suppose to be a separator or at least it feels like it should be and separate them quarterly. I assume we are going to be in event mode for the next half maybe an entire year before we start getting main story stuff?

music is good.
Damn my niggas, I only started but shit's pretty grim.
Think we are beta testing I thought the JP and Global were coming out at the same time but JP releases on the 19th of September. They are going to be pretty pissed that the gacha pool isn't just cat girls but also other things.
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Nekopara collab it seems
what the fu WE JUST STARTED
I was about to say I should save up on rolls but looks like the purple orbs are most likely going to be for regular rolls while the red ones are for new character banners and the exchange rate for those aqua looking stones to red orbs are kind of bad. Considering it's 3 characters or possibly 2 with one being wellfare in the best case scenario I don't think I would still have enough.
not complaining, but isn't nekopara a hentai game? is this the first porn collab in gachas?
I think it's a similar situation as the Fate franchise, as in it started as straight up porn but later installments were just ecchi.
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[Collab Preview] - Warm Sun

[Cat Fantasy x NEKOPARA] collab is about to begin! Can you guess which NEKOPARA character this silhouette belongs to?
Hint: Bright and spirited, exuding an approachable warmth.
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[Collab Preview] Bright Moon

[Cat Fantasy x NEKOPARA] collab is just around the corner! Can you guess which NEKOPARA character is hiding in the silhouette?
Hint: Subtle and sharp, exhibiting a clever and agile intellect.
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[Collab Preview] Morning Star

[Cat Fantasy x NEKOPARA] collab is coming soon! Can you guess which NEKOPARA character is joining us?
Hint: Serene and contemplative, with a keen observational skill.
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I'll probably stay for another month but this does not inspire confidence.
I've seen games go for over a year while making less than 100
though, the one I'm thinking of in particular announced EoS last month after going for 2 years...
What's the official/vmg/ guild?
it'll be fine, i couldn't even download it off the ios after release, now i can, seems there's barely any advertising, it will be a slow pickup, but it's solid, and has soul, i think it will do well in the long run.
I'm having fun so far, but there's a couple things that irk me:
A. shit takes forever to do to the point you're rewarded for staying logged in for 2 hours a day
B. red rolling currency seems scarce for how much you'll need. there's some in the puppet shop though so maybe event shops will be a source.
C. "newbie recruit" looks like a noob trap since its pity progress doesn't appear to carry over between banners (unless I'm missing something) and costs red currency
>really like Shiro
>her banner is bait and red pathos is scarce
>collab with something I like already happening
she DOES have a one-piece swimsuit variant floating around the standard pool if you hope to get lucky eventually.
How predatory is it
Probably really predatory after we get over the current 1200 free rolls for people that started from launch. Red orbs seem to be the actual currency to roll on any noteworthy banners while the purple is used for regular and it's what they are giving out
Well I might fuck with it until it starts to dry up and see if it's worth continuing
The cat maid on the loading screen was pretty hot, hope this trend keeps up
So are we all being self-insert gods or going the lesbian catgirls route with the MC?
I picked the FemMC but the MCs hands shown in some scenes are clearly the hands of a man, so now I unironically feel like a tranny
Self-insert gods win again
God willing we'll get at least one doujin/image set of Shiro emotionlessly having sex with the MC.
MC feels cannonically male, they show man arms in cutscenes, the treatment doesn't feel ambiguous like most games, it feels like they treat him like a male
things seem to be locked weirdly deep into the story too. The whole equipment system doesn't unlock until chapter 6, and I'm pretty sure you can't even get enough points to complete daily missions until like chapter 9?
I've lost a full week of opals because I couldn't dedicate enough time to get through the story fast enough...
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>monthly card is 5 bucks OR you can get a permanent card for 30 bucks
What's the catch?
I should be saving opals to buy the red orbs right? I always forget the f2p strats since I don't play much gacha
Is there no way to make the game full screen on the PC client?
i hit F11, but it's my nvidia screenshot button, but it still fullscreens doaxvv. I had to disable it for it to go fullscreen, why can't games stick the universal alt+enter
The pc client has some weird issues like no way to close the client fully if full-screen unless you alt+f4. Since the game technically doesn't have a proper option the devs probably assumed you'd just click the x button in the window
I don’t play these multiple server games, am I supposed to roll on the first server or the third one that says ‘NEW’ with way less pop?
i dunno, i picked the first it gave me, in mmos it makes sense because the server determines who you can play with, like irl friends and stuff, in gachas i don't see the point, there is a chat, but there's a global chat which might be all servers so it probably affects who you see in chat.
Some anon said earlier that him and his friend rolled on different servers and couldn't share friend codes or something, so if you're gonna shill it to people make sure they roll the right one.
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>getting all these hot and cute cat girls
>still just primarily like Shiro
Man, Dorothy really colored my tastes as a kid.
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>still just primarily like Shiro
just the fact she has kokomi's (suzuko mimori) voice is all I need. fell in love with her voice in senran kagura as Rin
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>maint ends
>open up game
>nekopara collab live
You can't even access the event until you complete 8-4. Time to start speedrunning
jesus fucking christ, they really wanna speedrun that eos
Are they even for (you)?
Considering where they come from i doubt it.
They are matching the Chinese and Korean I assume JP will also be same but won't have the Nekopara collab until it's re-ran. This what I assume why we have over 300 free rolls
>Separate banners
without the possibility of a spook of the other in them. This is pretty evil
I'm still on chapter 4 wtf
Does this game have a voiced storyline? I can’t read through text without VA like arknights, too dry
The main story seems to be fully voiced outside of (You) of course. Not sure if Nekopara event is fully voiced but the Puppeteer's Thrall event story doesn't seem to be voiced at all which I found odd.
Can you push far in gameplay with SSRs w/ no dupes? Are there level syncs like NIKKE / Eversoul?
No idea I only just started a few days ago and making my way through the story. I haven't hit any major stonewalls that couldn't be solved by just leveling up the units I have. I only have one unit that I have at 3 stars and that's Shiro who is one of the beginner units.
I found a site for redeemable codes: https://lootandwaifus.com/guides/cat-fantasy-free-codes/
Seems like only CAT8888 and WELCOME666 are the only ones that give pulling currency for the regular gacha
Was wondering where the fuck the gift codes were, cool
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Just get further in the game bro.
Boutta burn all my fucking purple rolls to try and get that SSR Shiro Alt.
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I'm gonna go for the long haul and try to reroll for dorothy
No level sync as far as I'm aware. Dupes seem to be important only if you're pushing ranks, pvp, stuff like that. Looks like for 99% of the game dupes are nice but not mandatory.
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I've managed to get a reroll script going up to mission 1-7, each attempt takes about 20 minutes.
Since it's relatively low-maintenance, I'll keep trying over a few days until I get a blessed chocola + vanilla start.
>game has a Stalk Market analogue with Marshmallows
I was wondering why the fuck I got a mail about that. It's a genuine mechanic?
I think so, I sold half my stock yesterday for I think 115 and today it's 108.
>get a note in the bottle while fishing
>its about cat's anal glands
Thank you game, very cool
What chapter do you firmly unlock all the major grind/side content? I'm assuming it's like Chapter 8 or 9.
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Ayyyyyy, and I still have like 2k left
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>Shiro becomes Kuro with the UR outfit
Uh, based?
I'm that anon. Can confirm. Be on the same server you invite friends to.
We're having as much fun as we can but it's taking forever to get to maintanance.
Game might be extremely predatory considering nekopara units aren't returning.
I think it's enjoyable if you just focus on basic ssr units. Save the premium resource for grills you like.
Take into fact you need 10 copies to max out any unit and just because 80 rolls gaurantee an ssr it doesn't mean it will be the ssr you need.

Overall... this game is fun. For me it's the cafe. It's taking me back to old management games you'd play on flash.
I don't mind having to wait for dupes of Danica. Literal tiddy monster.
>white hair + red eyes
damn cat's going for a bingo of my interests
makes it all the harder to decide between dropping what scraps of currency I have on her or on the nekoparas...
>Swimsuit Shiro get from the free rolls
I think I'm gonna have to do it
I'm gonna get em all
Echo owes me sex
I see that this game will be fine for a while. There are a couple big time whales it seems
Is dropping 30 on the advanced pass still "f2p btw"?
Thanks King.
Does anybody do Invasions or is it just everyone is centralized at the higher tiers? Queuing does nothing.
I assume most people use the AI function. Seek Asst. > then either friends AI. Official AI, or Clan AI.
Ah I thought people would be queuing to farm those friendship points for bonus rolls.
[ New Week Gift Code ]

ycdsct8e4a (expires 9/13 UTC-5)
It's a shame you can't run Character Alts all in the same team I want to do an All Shiro Team.
what are the best packs to buy bros
Did you already buy the lifetime monthly pass + battle pass thing?
I'm not sure about buying these because im not logging in everyday
This might be a mistake but I'm burning my red orbs on the Dorothy banner since that's about to end and I'll have more time to build rolls for the other banners. Even if she's 0 Star I just want her, same with all the current banners desu.

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