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sir this a tower of chinese fantasy thread not a christcuck sermon
lord have mercy
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anka mask is a personal profile sticker
Info Archive: https://toweroffantasy.info/
Interactive Map: https://www.ghzs666.com/tower-of-fantasy-map#/
Time Conversion: https://rentry.org/ToFTime
.ini Edits: https://rentry.org/ToFiniEdits



>/tofg/ Crews
They don't look like that in-game
Game so alive
Shit bros, why is linghan line up and nola so bad in JO is so surreal, I can't even pull off Roslyn kit asap and nola doesn't get shields lol
Bitch just use meme
nola numbers arent even nerfed dawg what are you talking about
Can you even read?
what are you even complaining about then. you dont even need rotations in jo anymore. just press nola skill and everything explodes in seconds. if you need a shield during that timeframe then you have autism
I miss my wife YoshinoUsagi
I'm actually running out of materials and golds, do people unironically just do DT?
What else are you gonna use stamina on, surely you don't need JO chests anymore?
I really like volleyball minigame!
It's so over (still)

>"The situation is quite grim"
"Recently, Perfect World released its 2024 semi-annual performance report. The company achieved operating income of 2.76 billion yuan, a sharp decline of 38.12% compared with the same period last year, and the net profit attributable to the parent company turned from profit to loss, recording a loss of 177 million yuan. The situation is quite grim. The net profit margin also dropped sharply from 7.48% in the first half of 2023 to the current -4.43%, reflecting a sharp decline in profitability."
"In July, Perfect World announced that the current CEO Xiao Hong and the current co-CEO Lu Xiaoyin both resigned"
"According to Securities Star, Perfect World (002624) disclosed on August 16 that its shareholder, Perfect World Holdings Group Co., Ltd., pledged a total of 86,513,400 shares to Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd., accounting for 4.46% of the total share capital."
Full report: https://static.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2024-08-27/1220982661.PDF
Summary: http://static.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2024-08-27/1220982652.PDF
Welp, just realized I drunkrolled A6 Nola on the weekend. Should I roll her matrices too? only have enough rolls for 0* 4pc
B-but the condoms! well i am running out of gifts for every region simulacras except D9s too guess i'll DT for a week or so
Its pretty fun but nowadays everyone just spike the net on red so blue can't win at all really kills my motivation to que
At this point i'll just ride it out till the end for global
She doesn't "need" them to function. They are just a pile of stats, nice to have but can be substituted with other new-ish limited matrices for your element.
They work with all elements but require you to have Nora in the team (which you ill probably do for the next year anyway. or till EOS whichever happens first)
Check your base and additional attack values (click main attack number on character screen and read the popup) - if the second number if higher than the first one (110%+) you are already hitting diminishing returns on Atk%, so 2-piece effect will add less than it says.
The 4-piece effect is comparable with other matrices of the same generation (and gives nothing to mono-altered).
And take care boozebro
so new costume free?
Somehow I doubt this is the fault of Tower of Low Budget
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I will play till EoS
dont feel sorry for a billion dollar company, they are all soulless and want one thing your money, tof itself is cheap to make and maintain its made in the middle of bumfuck no where in china with a tiny team and then replaced with intern devs that are cheaper each new big 1.0 patch, if this is happening this is happening elsewhere in the company.

they are probably putting all their chips into their new NTE game
At least this game lasts longer than Blue Protocol.
We outlasted another
this. at least we can play until they cannot milk anymore
oh, they are trying, alright
>Lin synesthesia level is limited by the number of stars you already have
>6 levels requiring 120 shards each
>20 shards per week for f2p, so 9 months to complete
>120 shards for each Lin pulled after A6 + flame gold exchange 1 to 1
people with maxed out out weapons and matrices will do that for the sweet 7% elemental damage buff from the warehouse because otherwise the ones who'd do that will get ahead.
So what's the finalized Lin syntesia effect anyway, is she really just another warehouse relic like nanyin?
what keeps you playing this game if hotta keeps treating you like a wallet? the waifus? the friends you made along the way?
honestly it's chill, they don't really force me to pay, for example for other gacha, they usually created some fomo options that you really regret for a long time if you missed them.
But for hotta insane powercreeping and heavy monentization, if you miss one, you will get another deal soon. For example, let take map traversal as example, Rebi, Alyss, Yan Miao, Ling Han, Nan Yin, Nola, they really shoved us with options. Nan Yin had ability to deal any type of dmg, Nola even takes it on to another level, etc.

I really spent over hundred dollars over year despite stingy as fuck when it's coming to live service shits.
>At this point i'll just ride it out till the end for global
I'll also ride it because I want to see EoS from the Floating Island with the bwos spamming Gatos while Meant To Be is blasting.
I'm really disappointed, but also a little amused, it's a weird combo.

There is literally no other anime style MMO to play right now, and all other f2p MMOs I used to play are gone or shit, so there's really no other choice. Although I don't know if "play" is the right word when all I do is wait for queues and then just dump stamina on some quick battle and log out after doing dailies.

That's probably the best way to see the game off.
>2.76 billion earned
>this leads to ceo resigning
yeah but >a sharp decline of 38.12% compared with the same period last year
Corpos are measured by trajectory rather than concrete results in the present, because of the fucking shareholders and investors, if the trend is brutally downward then they get mad as they lose their shares value and SELL SELL SELL spiral happens.
This also enables the bubbles, and the Silicon Valley scam of making a startup, get investments, blow it on whores, get into massive debt, overhype the product, promise it will start being in the green next year, then sell the company and bail before it explodes
not sure what the modder did but the new swimsuit mod on nexus kills my PC
That usually happens when some mods clashes, he did say to delete some of the mod files once the swimsuit is in the game iirc
i never installed mods of that swimsuit until now though. guess some other mod must be interfering. i'm too lazy to troubleshoot to figure out which one
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If by "kills my PC" you mean frame drops and stuttering but not crashing the game then I have an idea what's causing this - they are using wrong texture format because somebody told it will work for mobile as well.
Now it doesn't work for anyone properly. But I'm too lazy to open the UE editor rn and still need to BA dailies so will check in a couple of hours.
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Try this fix https://files.catbox.moe/noysbg.zip on top of the nexus mod you already have (don't know which version you use).
Name doesn't matter but the fix must be lower in the file list when sorted alphabetically.
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>game's so bricked it /tofg/ no longer exists
How much content is there since the player housing esque island thing was released? That was around when I dropped it, worth a replay? Also wasn't there supposed to be a reboot, how'd that turn out?
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Based. Will try later
>artificial island
That was the 1.5 patch so like almost 2 years ago, we're at 4.3 rn
>worth a replay?
Tof main story is dogshit so other than just fucking around in the overworld there's not that much to do so up to you
CN only
Where do you even use the Lin awaken thing?
it made it better but didn't fix the problem, it was crashing my PC and now it only crashes my game with your fix. removed all my mods from pak folder and it still crashes with lowest settings so it's probably my hardware if the mod works for others, thanks for the help.
Was the mystery box exchange always 270 tickets for Haute Couture outfits? I thought Lin was the first one but apparently I missed that Saki had one too when trying to search it up
I don't get it, weren't swimsuits a couple years ago basically banned in Chyna? Has the Eye of Sauron sufficiently moved on?
since when they were banned? i feel like they were always in gacha but i'm not keeping track of which ones are chinks/gooks/jap, arr rook same
same place you use dimensional trial mats for weapons
I do remember a certain female chink vtuber having to hongkong VPN to twitch in order to showcase her swimsuit model, as it was banned in bili2
If you're talking story, play through until you reach Domain 9 and then skip it and go straight to Network. Although if you want to do exploration I suppose you'll have to do D9's story eventually. Reboot/Classic server was announced for Global almost a year ago and no news since, likely not happening anymore.
Can you get away with costume mods if you keep it solely to the costume preview screen?
If you have the R-18 mods (where are the others?), only you can see them right? And everyone else sees a normal model?
should be fine, tof playerbase is really low to the point they cant be banning people, gateoo the biggest shill for the game advocates for mods but not mods that steal, tencent wont know the difference dont have enough money to give a fuck and wont even bother checking because loads of people are doing it

yes only you and other people who have the mod can see it no one else
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any modders know how to make the accessory specific emotes usable with the profile card? that emote unlocker mod makes them work for ambassador statue but not the profile card for some reason
Have there been any mods that do head swaps? (ie., cocoritter A3 costume on MC)
Where are the other R-18 mods stashed a way?
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Head swaps are doable (well really it's a body swap, not a head swap), it just wasn't done very often. For example there are two mods in the mega that swap player outfit bodies with Nemesis.
As for NSFW stuff, since Gateoo's discord didn't allow it almost all of those mods are on Nexus, and the rest are split between the old /tofg/ mega and the Koreans. The Chinese might have made some stuff but I honestly never saw any good CN nsfw mods.
Which outfit is tied to the MoreBikinis mod in the mega dump?
Is there a guide to doing the model mods yourself, like extracting the models, etc and repacking it?
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It might be desert aurora though idk if the mod still works since its pretty old
I want to try this game, when are they going to delete the female mc and the m*les?
Deleting the entire reason people play sounds genius. I can tell you must be a real business leader.
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>Is there a guide to doing the model mods yourself
Step one: download FModel and use it with the following key for ToF Global
If the result doesn't scare you read the guides from Discord modders https://files.catbox.moe/7gs35o.zip, it also contains some scripts.
Their guides are covering mostly export+edit stuff and intentionally omitting swaps, so to do the basic swaps you need to:
-save files using FModel or UModel, - you will get files with the .uasset extension
-drop the exported folder onto decode_uasset.py,
-rename file, put it in the corresponding folder (of the one you want to replace),
-edit internal name to match the file name - open with UAssetGui and edit the "Export Information" section
-follow the packaging section of the guide after that
I remember some anons here were messing with outfit swap mods before. Who'd like to try swapping the MC's outfit body with Liu Huo A3? No idea who to talk to float this idea to
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Apparently this npc outfit is gonna be a BP outfit, looks very cute
We already have a mod of it even
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Will use it as example. There are several levels of that, depending on of how much effort you are willing to spend.
Quick and lazy swap as described here >>1557562 - done in 5 minutes, least amount of tools required. But you will notice a gap where the head connects to the neck, skin color mismatch and cannot recolor parts of the outfit. So it was mostly used for shitposts.
Proper way: exporting the model to a 3d editor to fix the neck + setting up material slot names in UE4 to support recoloring. If you are lucky that'd be enough.
But for Network characters even that won't be enough because Hotta started using a different type of materials so you will need to remake most of them + fix the textures.
+ you can add more recolorable areas, remove extra accessories, etc.

So here are first two levels to see the difference (replaces Wasteland Wanderer): https://files.catbox.moe/kq98t6.zip
NTA trying to learn UE4 Can you still risk getting banned if you don't actually have her A3?
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How long do you think before EoS? Can we outlive Tarisland?
We will probably even outlive wuwa, kek
Eh, i can see it happening any moment from now but it's up to hotta if they want the game to stay around just to exist until/along with NTE just to protect NTE's name so that its not be associated with an EoS'd game
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hey bro, got 1 last ever request for a outfit mod swap is it possible to get this "race the wind" outfit swapped onto a default outfit for example the "star sand" outfit? been wanting it for a long time but just thought f it and spent all my DC trying to get the bikini after i liked the mod and never got it with 2 rolls off lol and thus i wont have enough DC to get the plugsuit either so i wont have either.

thanks again for the bikini mod on last stand really enjoying it
Nobody was ever banned for using cosmetic mods of any kind because:
-they can't identify what exactly you've changed - so all mods are equal in that regard
-even if somebody was dumb enough to share incriminating videos of himself and got reported to customer support - they wouldn't do anything because it doesn't affect leaderboards or payments - the only stuff they care about.
All important stuff is either server-sided (at least now) or requires actual hacks, not mods.

Sure, this one is fast as well. Stealing is easy.
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legend bro thank you hope everything is well for you, have not been able to catch up in a while in game
NTA btw
He's probably in >>>/vg/wuwa
kek thanks either way bro just tried it out looks great, you gonna try out NTE?
Just an FYI but the map points reveal mod is buggy in the network map
It makes you unable to use the phone booths to teleport around.
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How old is the version you are using? Do you also use other mods like "teleport to taxi spots" of "find the old man on AI"?
It needs to be updated sometimes to account for new types of exploration points.
This was the latest update from a month ago: https://files.catbox.moe/ydpusi.zip
I can make a new one but that one should still be good. Unless you want to teleport while not being on that map at all (like from Vera to a specific booth in Network) - but that was never working even without the mod.
Man this video came out late as fuck.
The one in the mega folder
>other mods
Just the lewd ones
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>The one in the mega folder
yeah, that's the issue. modanon who was updating mega left for another (even deader soon, lmao) game.
get the version from catbox above.
thanks mod anon for all your work
Good. Fuck this game for what they did to Molinia.
Bitch you don't play this game
No shit why would anyone still be playing this.
Bitches don't play
Thank you. I got around to checking these out, it works fine. I'm totally not gonna go do something picky like asking to point the outfit to desert aurora or executor or something, kek.
I play this
Did Meryl release yet?
In a week.
But don't recommend saving for her, she will be gutted on global unless they do a release day change.
All her multipliers were divided by 3, and the part which made her good in CN by 4. CBT testers were very disappointed.
The only applicable scenarios are:
if you are very casual, hate Nola mDPS gameplay and want a faceroll A0 team with mostly background damage,
or if you can afford maxing out everything for a sight increase at the top level of meta.
They sure work really really hard at fucking volt over, every single time besides Fenrir and Meme. It's unreal.
Well shit. I wanted gunsword, but maybe I'll just try to get Loslyn after all and finally have a basic f2p team for every element.
I have to get her since I only play volt
I have to get her since I only play tank.
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arent these her normals? these are higher than roslyn. or was this the value before they divided by 3?
Bitch we love Meme
Swap seaside whispers to the scavenger outfit after this event is over and I'm gonna be a happy camper.

mod anon could we get this swimsuit outfit swap for the original meryl and new meryl for the people that rolled for her?
Replacing original Meryl: https://arch.b4k.co/vmg/thread/1471365/#q1546327
Swapping new Meryl with HC outfit will make sense if weapon and weapon effects are also updated. Still working on that. Will need to see how it looks when she releases.
WIP of Nola and Rei HC weapon effects (swill missing some effects for the bike): https://litter.catbox.moe/irkpgw.zip
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>WIP of Nola and Rei HC weapon effects
wip? also does the rei hc come with the outfit also thanks for the meryl, btw nte should have new gameplay out this month from the tokyo booth
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That's just a preview for now. I'll release a proper version later when I'm done messing with:
>nte should have new gameplay out this month
sussy leaks? we like them.
They can't resist adding Chinatown to any modern fantasy city cant's they?
where did you get these from?
also got anymore lmfao that game is shaping up to be something really good surprisingly
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>where did you get these from?
recorded myself of course.
>that game is shaping up to be something really good surprisingly
Yeah, they really nailed the setting of urban fantasy with anomaly zones and mysterious secret organizations making deals in the shadows.
Sound design, OST, cutscene cinematography, VA work are very nice as well. And they incorporate live2d animation during dialogues to make characters more expressive.
Can't believe we would get this degree of attention to details from Hotta devs.
And we wont :^)
Because this NTE-killer is called GuiLongChao and it is already available (in CN). I just found it funny the setting is so similar but they did it first.
Solid game overall (for a platformer with sidescroller action combat), If NTE manages to be as good I'd call that a success.
Is it a good idea at all to save up for the new upcoming ranged phys?
I'm paranoid she might be another crappy filler like Yanuo/Yu Lan/Umi/Icarus/Alyss/Cobalt all over again
Wasn't Yulan so fucking good that she stayed main dps even after Ling Han released?
A6 Yulan is. But for the rest of us f2ps and dolphins, that's out of reach. Maybe if you saved up a bazillion gold nucs right when she goes into the standard pool.
>recorded myself of course.
kek i meant is there a place to watch more footage i really wanna see more of the game, but i presume you cant reveal it

>nte is shapping up well, tof never ever lmao
yeah its sad how tof ended up gonna try nte out but im not spending thats for sure maybe a monthly pass at most if the game is kino
It's already a dead game, launch patch didn't even crack the top 200 rankings. I checked NGA and Tieba and the people who actually played it are calling it a game for women.
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>He's probably in >>>/vg/wuwa
How did you know... did the mega in the op give it away?
I'm 99% sure they buffed Yulan's A6 because everyone in the beta complained that she was too weak when used with Alyss, which is pretty funny
Turns out they just weren't playing her correctly and she ended up overtuned
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Didn't I already tell you before that I have a schizo folder for all notorious thread personalities and crewbwos (past and current) ?
how long does it usually take for characters to end up in standard? who are the next characters going into it?
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It probably doesn't help that I'm doing the exact same things I did in /tofg/
Rubilia went standard July 2nd and Liu Huo went standard on 6th August, so I'd guess Yulan is coming in the next few days when we get the next patch.
thanks, think i'll do some long term roll planning and save my rolls until next half anni for now. kinda messed up my planning with this current anni but it wasn't too much wasted flamegold/rolls
Stop it, you're scaring me anon
Yulan is the most recent to go into standard on CN. I think next is Zeke, and then Mimi.
New mod came out that lets you move the camera around in the dorm shower
>MC nude mod (more bikinis folder) in the mega don't work
I don't know where I am messing up with this mod.
I'm pretty sure that one replaces the desert aurora outfit. Is it crashing the game or just not showing up?
I must've made a mistake putting in the mod earlier but I double checked and put in the files as they were in the mega. The nudity kind of works now but it has stockings with high heels for some reason, instead of bare legs and feet.
Getting crashes after the update, seems like some mod got broken
Nvm it was just a very old UID censor/hide mod
>46gb update for steam
lol why?
A consolation for those poor souls who rolled A0 MerylX.
f2p+ mod replacing her A0 skin, weapon and effects with gachapon version. You can truly pretend now she is Frost and not V*lt.
i forgot how caked a3 yulan was god bless the commissary store and each SSR going to standard

based i actually think the meryl swimsuit is one of the best
Meryl is fun
So much less awkward than Nola
I like how things die just from standing next to them.
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yeah, like this thread, lmao
We are more popular than ever bitch
>update refuses to download
Well guess it's time to quit again, it was a somewhat fun 3 weeks I guess.
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I love her
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>she might be another crappy filler
This anon called it.
Whether he was interested in the next phys weapon or the character shown in the preview - in any case he's right: she will be either a crappy reused character or volt which is shit by definition.
Dumb, the alternate characters are cool. I want a Samir X with helicoptering.
Meryl's dive powercrept Rubilia
I'm really bummed out that Samir is the only ranged volt that can aim properly. Plotti (fire) and Mimi can only aim side to side when you hold attack.
>This anon called it.
ClaudiaX is gonna be crappy like MerylX?
i didnt even know that was claudia
Meryl can also hold aim freely too, but it does basically no damage. Just for puzzles or aggro.
Are they in the story or trailer or do we just have names?
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Agleia is the name of "Gray Fox" hacker girl
Claudia X - not shown yet, just mentioneed in the game files.
Antolia - "legally-distinct Mercy" from this PV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVTYsPYnOgA
People assumed Antolia will be phys according to the release order before Claudia X was datamined.
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Agleia is supposed to be a healer (most leaks agree on that),
and seems to be another magical girl - I've seen her skill descriptions mention stacking "magical balls" on enemies (but I'm not a real dataminer so might be wrong and they just reuse some old kits as a placeholder)
>volt getting all the mecha girls
Hotta if you're releasing cool characters don't make it volt please
Volt privilege is getting the best girls with weird kits
Hi, /tofg/, how are you all doing? Haven't played the game in a while (3.1). Just seeing how the game's doing.
i can't sign up to a race why?
Well you were 16 seconds off from when sign ups were open.
man that water race bugged

i'm stuck at animation and how to use boat?
At the start? Sometimes you have to swim around a bit to find a spot to spawn it
Someone at Hotta must be playing FF14 since they added the Cactpot stuff.
whats cactpot?
The new lottery and scratch off
Nobody cares. Fuck off.
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lol 4.4 you can get your simulacra's to explore different regions for you we really are at the point where i dont know wtf they are doing anymore with this game i dont even know wtf im doing either
I mean adding random ambitious mechanics is par for the course
realistically how long does this shell of a game have until eos?
depends how low they operate their margins
That sounds good for swamp and D9, I never did finish those. Unless it takes like a week for 1 exploration point, then I'll just do it myself.

Global? I'd guess a year, two max depending on revenue. Aren't there 2 MMOs releasing next month? Some people will probably quit and go to those. CN they'll likely try to actually do the 10-year plan.
>2 MMOs releasing next month
Which ones? If they're not anime I doubt anyone still playing are going to move.
Throne and Liberty
What else?
Bootleg Asurada A0 and HC replacing Crow: https://files.catbox.moe/z4pnl9.zip
Didn't bother with A3 because nobody probably will use his simulacra anyway.
And his HC skin is... hmm... uhh...
NTA, but I know Gran Saga is releasing on October 30. And Blade and Soul Neo is releasing in Korea in mid-October. I'll at least be giving Gran Saga a try. Might try BnS Neo if I don't need a vpn.

Also this, I totally forgot about Throne and Liberty coming out on October 1.
Two weeks
How many hours until NTE TGS News?
>Didn't bother with A3 because nobody probably will use his simulacra anyway.
kek weapon does look cool at least
Depends on if NTE takes off. If that pops off then you can bet your ass they'll divert employee resources to that project.
10 mor yers you rike?
I dunno if its gonna be good cause its just a another genshin clone at the end of the day? The only people that still play ToF are the sunk cost players. I doubt single player games have a better retention.
Idk how to get stronger
found fix for race (race not started yet), change chat channel and join race
gold gear and titan upgrades, also the suppressor upgrades add up
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You didn't brick your account trying to save Volt, right?
Good. Because most global players didn't.
Based consistent revenue
Nah at this point i rather be the last voltkek if i'd have to
Is this game newfag friendly?
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If you want to outdamage people in multiplayer content and contribute meaningfully then fuck no, it'll take forever for you to catch up. If you just want to roll for characters and outfits that you like, do the singleplayer stuff and events? It's not a bad experience.
I wouldn't advise anyone to take this game too seriously at this point, but you can still have fun with it. It doesn't demand much attention from you since dailies are very skippable, only weeklies and events matter.
How many hours would it take me to catch up?
Catching up weapon wise is easy, just roll the new stuff for your chosen element and you're done. Powercreep means that the old stuff isn't worth much.
The issue is that gear upgrades are timegated, so it's going to take ages for you to first farm a full set of good gear, then upgrade it. For singleplayer stuff it doesn't matter, but for multiplayer stuff it'll take months, not sure how many exactly though.
Unless you play as a healer I guess, it's much quicker to gear up a healer.
yeah the gacha is designed specifically for new fags
>only weeklies and events matter.
yeah this is the vibe im on atm with the game
don't raise dimension level, keep dimension level low like below 40
That daily login box seriously just gave the default SSRs.
You rike?
not to mention failing 50/50 still gives only default ssrs.
Probably the best advice while leveling/gearing and exploration, but be aware that it also fucks you out of world boss chests if you care at all about those.
I want to stop racing guys... is the next event better for farming?
Does the survival one ever match? I did one round of it the day it opened, and haven't been able to get in again. But I play at weird times, so I'm not sure if it's because of that.
yea no gl trying to get 10+ people to queue. thankfully whatever rewards it gives is just more monster transformations.
I did like 10 when it started and never again. It was a lot better than racing too so go figure.
Damn, guess I'll have to do racing and whatever the 3rd event is. I hate this racing though, half the time it gives me some weird error at the start of the race and kicks me out of it.
If you didn't que on the first day of 2nd event then you gotta make party to farm it since nobody queing it anymore
Genshin player here looking into playing something siilar, wuwa failed me miserably
This game any good? What do you like the most about it?
Which games did tof players move to?
eww no
Gran Saga if it's any good. If not, then I'll wait for Breakers.
you're missing out, bunch of us /gig/er play tof waiting for sumeru patch
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im playing path of exile, grim dawn, bunch of single player games and mw3, hope the msgk bros are doing well in life and in gaming
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I'm mostly keeping myself busy with spess mehreen 2.
I still check into my hottajank a few days a week though, just at weird times so I rarely catch other msgk people online who seem to be doing the same thing as me. Need to keep going just to see what hotta comes up with next. The ride never ends.
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>I'm mostly keeping myself busy with spess mehreen 2.
kino just installed a fitgirl repack of that today need to move it to my SSD it just doesnt load on my external hdd lol, im personally waiting for path of exile 2 coming out November 15th

>log in different times to other people still waiting to see what hotta comes up with
same bro would be nice to bump into you guys have a catch up, some day it will come probably the next big expansion hopefully
why does this game have 5 different currency s??
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Umm, there are 23 different types listed on the "Currency" tab in your backpack.
+some others which they forgot to add (gold, training points)
+time-limited event currencies
+regional currencies (shells, dandelion seeds, d9 energy)

Hope this helps, lmao. This is an MMO silly.
If you mean gacha gacha currency then:
Purple and gold = f2p
Red = normal limited
You turn the dark crystals into red (or costumes)
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These new mini-game is pretty great since people suck at roleplaying the bot.
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El Gato still lives on my desktop... never forgotten...
Evangelion fanboy here, I just want to get Asuka and Rei
I downloaded ToF and played until the story let me do my first gacha pull
From here, what should I do to farm as many nuclei as possible so that once the Eva collab starts, I can pull for the Eva characters?
Also, are the Eva characters good, or are they low tier?
Where are the new games at ree....
I don't have them, but I'm pretty sure Asuka is still a top pick for Phys teams, and should also be usable in Flame teams. Rei is still used in Volt teams because Volt has no better options for buffs. I don't think I've seen her used in Frost teams at all.

For red nuclei and vouchers:
-Events (locked behind main story, so get to Gethos Network asap to unlock the current ones)
-Artificial Island monthly trades and check daily for the old dude who randomly appears to sell you stuff (this is your own AI, not the regular one)
-Weekly dreams, but the chance is pretty low
-Mirroria gachapon, need Mira and Veron to clear them out
Bro i need that wallpaper
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do this>>1594091

if you want to spend money get monthly pass and or battlepass

get 110 pulls to guarentee getting 1 copy of both asuka and rei so 220

dont spend any dark crystals

join a crew asap for crew box and extra dc

Asuka is great but im at the point i dont care about damage im saving for Rei gachapon outfit at this point
El gato lives forever
SAme, it is too good to ignore
cool weapon effects, im surprised they didnt have a freeze enemies with time skill
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I made it ages ago for a /tofg/ shitpost, but I've been using it ever since.
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>Also, are the Eva characters good, or are they low tier?
They will even be buffed in the same patch.

Rei: arrow damage increased from 120% to 180%, arrow detonation from 360% to 520% - overall x1.5 increase (because MerylX was so bad)

Asuka: Vengeance stack damage increased from 600% to 720%
A1 damage increased from 2000% to 4000%
A3 shield pierce increased from 30% of A.T. field strength + 20% to 30% of A.T. field strength + 30%
A5 A.T. field regen increased from 6% to 9%
4p matrix set Vengeance damage increased to 864%
- not that big of a buff overall and locked behind getting more of her copies
New girl is cute
Why is the thread so slow though, even Aether gazer is faster
i know bro i had it before but i accidently deleted it when cleaning up my PC to make space for games thanks

i didnt know they were getting buffed, theres no eva story happening right i mean new stuff?

ToF died a while back its very niche now most here that use to play it as a die hard mmo try hard for everything myself included are now playing it incredibly casually and using it as a collector game waiting to see if any cool shit is being made by hotta and also as a preview to NTE (which i kinda hope we can make crews in and tofg crews can join up into 1 big one would be kino and wholesome)
Recommend me a gacha, or did we get something new this month?
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No new content, just buffs to make sense re-running them as limited banner in current meta conditions.
Ji Yu and Roslyn (lol) got small buffs as well but much smaller, just to pretend that gen was buffed.
Someone calculated average increase in 2:30 would be:
Rei - 36k% Atk
Asuka - 27k% Atk
Ji Yu- 15k% Atk
Roslyn - 6k% Atk
to be honest bro ive been playing a bunch of cracked games im waiting for path of exile 2 out novemeber 15th

it would have made more sense re-running them during the so called mecha/future/space big expansion rumoured coming
Nobody told me how funny all the NPCs having AI voice acting was.
theres AI voice acting?
Are you using JP? The random mooks like Nola's underling all have bot voices.
Been the case since late 3.6 update
cn voices
yeah, cn is the only one that doesnt have AI voices
i personally like the CN VA since Ruby
WIP of Nola and Rei HC weapon effects (swill missing some effects for the bike): https://litter.catbox.moe/irkpgw.zip
not found gives error 404

Could you reupload it or provide a new link?

I would like the CH suit for Rei
normally i dislike how chinese sounds, but in tof i find its way better than the others
Grayfox flight should have been Coco's, welp I don't have many pulls anymore so ez skip for me, lyra's team hyperbody is still good to drop and brevey team cleanse for graybite + pseudo link like Fiona's is still superior I think?
I hope it stays that way. I originally used EN because while the voices weren't great, they weren't terrible at launch. I think it was sometime in 2.x that I switched to JP, and then when that started to fall off in 3.x I switched to CN. CN voiceovers in games are a crapshoot for me, but in ToF they're pretty nice.

Are there videos out for her yet? I'm tempted to try and get her, but also tempted to stop rolling support weapons completely since I can never find groups for the content that actually requires them. But if she's more of a dps/support hybrid then she'd help my shitty frost team a lot.
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i really like king's EN voice. it was really over the top, but like in a good way lmao. also anka and roslyn are really nice too. its just a shame its gotten so bad its not worth using anymore.

>But if she's more of a dps/support hybrid
she seems to just be a buffer from what i got out of the scuffed translations. her playstyle seems to be just like frost nora. press skill, then press skill again and swap back to roslyn ig
anyone seen that ZZZ mod called: Jane Doe - Bottom Heavy? can anyone mod these models into tof?

I feel like JP is now also using canned lines since the intonation often sounds way off
Or maybe they stopped paying the voice director
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Bootleg Gray Fox A0 and A3 replacing Coco. https://files.catbox.moe/4zlfie.zip
Her gachapon outfit is not in the game files yet. Not happy about the skirt clipping so might change to another old character with a skirt later.

Other stuff:
Exploration points (map unlocker) mod updated for 4.4 - https://files.catbox.moe/9sywl9.zip
Now you can teleport to Network phone booths from other maps as well (officially global gets this QOL in a week).
New Halloween outfit replacing Nightwalk - https://files.catbox.moe/rhbi65.zip
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That link had just weapon effects, not outfits, so that was probably not what you were looking for anyway.
But I did fix the effects for Nora, so here are the Nora (on A3) and Rei (on A0) gachapon weapon effects - https://files.catbox.moe/0wd1bf.zip

If you just wanted Rei gachapon outfit, here it is - https://files.catbox.moe/6lr3un.zip
thats nice artwork
>Bootleg Gray Fox A0 and A3 replacing Coco. https://files.catbox.moe/4zlfie.zip
based gato
apparently the guy who did the japanese voices for link in zelda did the new male SSR, which i dont understand link doesnt speak maybe the grunts lmfao but thats what reddit is saying

more thanks
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Was still bothered by clipping so made an extra version replacing Annabella because her running animation accounts for the skirt.
Uses proper pose and idle animations from Gray Fox https://files.catbox.moe/347rie.zip

That's clearly a fox.
You almost guessed. Ex-gato to be precise.
>That's clearly a fox.
close enough desu
>New Halloween outfit
Anyone got preview?
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You can easily extract a model from a ToF mod, but taking a model out of a 3dmigoto mod is more difficult. I wouldn't be surprised if the Koreans have a script hidden away somewhere that can extract the files, but I'm retired from ToF modding anyway because cooking files in unreal is fucking annoying, and I think our remaining mod anon mostly enjoys stealing from Hotta.
Does the firewall event not have a deadline?
The Koreans have been planning this for years, tax-free
Anon, there would be an 8-man seasonal FCE shit soon, you will need all the buffer weapons to clear that shit. I really hate how they lock rewards behind MMO and should've just the way around where fags join you and help clear shit like bygone. I'm already getting trouble getting a 4-man VA team work starting from stage 1 and let's not talk about how they crapped oow by putting two bosses with shitty mechanic pre-stage 20. I doubt anyone would want to carry your ass there solo now since higher levels need at least two dolphines with A6 current meta for a smooth run heck let's not even talk about the last stage where healing kills you and you should go with a team without a healer reso but with fortitude instead. Damn, should have meryl or asuka instead of Nola.
Gray Fox is a healer and debuffer, she only becomes a team buffer in addition to that at A3+4p. Only completely dedicated support mains will bother with getting her there, and how many of those still exist on global?
Oh I had to unlock it first
What's the best one to farm?
The delta one takes like 10 seconds
I miss my Astral Noa healslut sex slaves
anyone remember how much the HC for rei is? the eva collab is re-running next update
almost forgot the last weekly event red ball before maint
i somehow only got 24/25 shards for the npc outfit what the fuck
Why does the updater keep getting stuck on 1.1 GB? It did this for the 4.3 patch too; stalled on 1.1 GB for 30+ minutes before finally finishing the download. This is a fresh reinstall from anniversary, too, is everything about this game just that unoptimized now?
What the hell, the weekly reset
I'm bricked
is the balance still shit?
have they launched the new special server yet?
This roaming thing is the best feature I've ever seen in an open world game that wants you to find every last % of the map.
hello i can't play the game after patch i get this and it quits me out of the game.
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RIP my luck.

Reboot/Classic probably isn't happening for global.

It really is. First thing I did when I logged in was toss simulacra to Vera and D9 to finish that shit. Kinda curious if I'll get anything from the one I sent to Aesperia, since I got 100% on all of its maps ages ago.
>Reboot/Classic probably isn't happening for global.
I really had a lot of fun when it launched. Such a good game.
Yeah, it sucks. I think it's been a year since they announced it? Something like that. I actually quit back in January because I got tired of waiting for it. Only came back around 2nd anni because I got bored waiting for Blue Protocol global, and then BP announced EoS the next day anyway.
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Is volt getting the coolest weapon again?
>Weekly activity reset compensation
Did everyone get this or am I still bricked?
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RE reference? Based Hotta
I fucking hate this map, it reminds of Abyss exploration but much more cramped.

Yesterday you could drive through those on Nora's bike and not take damage, today you actually have to be careful.
i need 2k DC and i got this rei outfit fuck i got everything else
At least you can get in, i can't get in the new area since its always full in SEA for some reason
Does anyone here know where to find the NPC models are at?
I saw an NPC wearing a kinda plain but cool outfit that looks good enough to swap a costume slot for the MC

A couple JO maps had the laser corridor section
If you're as someone small like Ruby or Mimi or Ene you could just crouch and walk through the whole thing.
New area sucks, it's a maze with tiny rooms and skinny corridors filled with enemies plus doors that require specific elemental damage to open. Trying to just run through to unlock a rift or find an exploration point? Oops can't do that, the door requires volt damage and you're using flame, can't change weapons in battle.
I like it precisely because it's small and easy to find everything.
I don't understand the hacker area at all
How do you "verify your hacker credentials"?
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It's been a long time since I've made mods, but looks like I still remember what I'm doing.
/Game/Resources/Characters_XXX (region name goes here)/NPC/.... ect
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bros i managed to f2p my way to Rei HC thank the gacha gods, i have a request for the mod anon if you are still here and willling, could you remove the skirt from rei's hc outfit where i have highlighted? ill post 2 pics i think it would look exactly like a swimsuit/nan yins a3 without the skirt and if it looks great maybe add a f2p option as well for people who didnt get the hc but just base a0 rei anyway hope you can do it thanks again, hope everyone is well
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i tried to follow that curved line at the back but im shit with tracking on mouse lol
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ill post nan yin for comparison if you do decide to go for the mod
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You gotta get the hacker identity first then go back to those scattered laptops around to hack for points, there's red nucleus on hacker shop dunno whats in the glowie team tho
Yeah finally got in and its confusing as fuck, they gave you perms from the pods to bypass the mechanics but i already finish most of the map at that point lmao
Where is the shop at?
Near the npc that give you the hacker identity but if you're using the hacker identity you can't do hacking exploration outside of the minigame area
the new area is a maze lmfao
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That was done as soon as her gachapon outfit got released >>>/vg/468800604
Take just the ReiMod_P files from there in addition to your current setup.

>>1597959 (me)
Other updates for the things which broke with 4.4 on Global:
Rei gachapon weapon now doesn't crash the game on matrices equip screen https://files.catbox.moe/22gfsf.zip
CN Halloween outfit files are on Global already, so replacing to fix the materials https://files.catbox.moe/rg7qut.zip
Fixed materials for Gray Fox bootleg mod https://files.catbox.moe/8qhsuu.zip
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>That was done as soon as her gachapon outfit got released >>>/vg/468800604
got the url link bro my dumbass cant access that vg post/thread it has a line through it
How did you even survive on this site without 4chanX or at least knowing how to use the archives?
I don't even have a suitable picture to laugh at you otherwise I would.
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i survived with the help of frens like yourself many thanks anon ill try the mod out and post what it looks like
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Mods and waiting to see what hotta is up to next alongside the last of my crew is what keeps me playing this game, thanks desu for all your help
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Perfect World 2024 Q3 report: https://static.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2024-10-31/1221568299.PDF
"In the third quarter of 2024, the company achieved a net profit of -212.9114 million yuan after deducting non-recurring gains and losses. Among them, the game business achieved deduction of non-
Net profit after recurring gains and losses was -94.6664 million yuan, of which 115.9592 million yuan was recognized as an investment loss due to losses of the invested enterprise"
Analytics review: https://gu.qq.com/resources/shy/news/detail-v2/index.html#/?id=nesSN20241030203645ab83f8ec
"This was mainly due to the company's game products being affected by the life cycle, the recharge flow fell compared with the same period last year"
Your fault basically. Buy the skins.
Not development costs of their new game...?
It's always funny when Hotta adds random shit like that hacker game.
I don't understand how they're making this much of a loss, Perfect World has other shit beyond Hotta and ToF. If they're fucking up this badly then the rot goes far deeper than ToF and they just don't know how to run a company.
i was thinking just the same, there is thousands of people still playing tof as well, i know this because of those personal cards i see people with 1000s of likes on some of them who actively try hard to get likes on it

but i did, with DC i saved lmfao, also you cant expect players to buy skins when the game is this close to the edge its all over the fucking place
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I think Claudia was supposed to be in that funny shadowy meeting at the end.
i got that gato wallpaper installed everytime it asks me do i want to run something it pops up and its wholesome
I just realized they just turned the cutscene into that trailer, atleast they show us our mc instead of defaultcutor chan
This final trial thing seems absurd for the shitty rewards even on normal
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Only Frigg poses some threat because she keeps ramping up if you don't kill her fast.
Once you are done with her it goes much easier.
Other bosses have mechanics tuned for 4-player modes so in 8-player mode they all can be ignored (you are doing enough hits to autocomplete them).

Also if you are talking about it just now, you've missed the reward from the previous week because they fixed the claim attempt count later.
Eh, its basically just another weekly raid and on normal its easy enough anyway
i just did it for the event trail thing for the DC to get Rei's HC outfit
See you all in ToF2
Go back to your containment thread at ... umm,
how did the NtE thread managed to die on /vmg/ of all boards?
A highly anticipated game indeed. CBT registration is open btw, but nobody cares.
How do you win this stupid event as the ghost? Does everyone else have to be retarded?
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nothing really to talk about with it, just some trailers and the gameplay showed exactly the same thing they showed in the trailer
Gray Fox A0+HC (gachapon witch outfit) on Annabella
Tail doesn't attach properly but she has *the* hat and nice underwear with a spooky surprise.
I'll try to fix the tail later if I'll have the time (don't want to commit a Maygi yet on my day job). Maybe this weekend.
Luck, just be glad its afkable.
you'd have to somehow keep everyone frozen for 10 seconds, but that's basically impossible
gotta love the cosplay
>blue protocol is dead
>gran saga pc port is shit
Somehow ToF is still the only anime-style MMO worth playing. Maybe they really will make it to 10 years.
>gran saga
Gameplay looks like every other mobile mmo who even wants this
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yanuo bunny broke randomly this patch. it was working earlier, but i guess one of the hotfixes bricked it. can the chad who fixed it last time fix it again?
Phone "gamers". It's a shame they didn't do a proper port with actual kbm controls because it looks pretty nice and I've heard that the story is decent. Only played it for about 10 minutes via Steam and it errored twice in that time claiming that the internet connection was unstable when it wasn't.
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Old bunny mod works fine for me on Steam, so I'm guessing the standalone version updated material files again.
Here's a shitty fix. The remaining mod anon might make a proper fix for it later because I just deleted the material files. I'm way too lazy for pak modding these days.
its a damn shame the korean modders started acting like a bunch of faggots they made great mods
apparently the company that makes project mugen's higher ups had corruption and are being investigated and charged for money laundering thats what gateoo was saying meaning hotta's GTA NTE has no fucking rival either if true

Hotta on a ten year arch would be funny as fuck to witness
what i mean by this is, netease used mugen as a money laundering scheme apparently which i dont know if thats true but thats what he said

speaking on tof i dont see any anime mmo gacha on the horizon, hotta just need to make the base game good for people to get into it, its been the same since fucking 3.0,

2.4 with innars was innovative nothing since then has happened, i heard the NTE hotta staff started after 2.4 meaning its the same team that made everything up till that point which is why nothing in tof is happening thats anywhere near as good as previous expansions
I thought the money laundering thing was confirmed to just be rumors, but I haven't really been paying attention to it.
The only anime-style game releasing soon-ish I can think of is Breakers, but I can't remember if that's actually an MMO or just an RPG with possible multiplayer for some things. Personally I want an actual MMO, not something with gacha included. Well, fashion gacha is fine I suppose, as long as the fashion doesn't give an advantage in anything but looking good.

Gran Saga doesn't even uninstall properly via Steam. I had to find the folder and delete it manually because it apparently only uninstalled the basics and left behind like 9.5 GB of shit.
This new area ruined quick network dailies
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do them in domain 9 the tunnel thing is just annoying for daily bounties
i just randomly checked out gateoo's stream after not watching it for months, wanted to see if anything is on the horizon for tof nte etc probably is just rumours, i seen a Halloween gacha skin for the chick with the key weapon
is it hard to fix the MI file? what would i need to do if i wanted to do it myself?
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Umodel or Fmodel to extract the material files from both the Korean mod a fresh one directly from the game.
Then you'll need to open them in uassetgui to see how he edited the material file and apply whatever changes he made to the fresh one. It might help to save the material file as a .json so you can open it in something like notepad++ and use a compare plugin to specifically see what lines are different.
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actually its debatably even easier now. everything you need is in this area. put ur nanyin portal where mine is (next to phys locked door)
to get to the exoskeleton man area just enter the office area from the phys door and go all the way down the stairs then just keep going and you'll end up in the sewer area with it.
also there's a roof mounted turret right in front of the phys door, and if you keep going down the hall opposite to the abberants, you'll get to the floor mounted turret.
its a mouthful of instructions, but once you get the hang of navigating its quite fast
okay, maybe i'll try that out next time im not feeling lazy, thanks
Not really, if you have nora just switch into phys then just bike around the new area the mobs will melt themselves and daily's done except if you got the drone one
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Micro bikini Lyra
i fell for it
Anyone still plays the game? So I'm a healer with all the benediction weapons available but this final trial with anti-healing just straight up kills me in the last stage? What should I do? It's been 3 weeks and feel like I'm the only one left with a fiona A6 that can execute the boss for that shitty mode. Heck I'm only running icarus/fiona/brevey but the last stage just kills me whenever I try to heal.
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I'm not a real gameplaychad but maybe this helps. this board does not allow catbox albums, so remove space.
Boss trait breakdown so understand what wiped your party:
https://catbox.moe/ c/7ei7xt
Images are from a russian dataminer (smilekritik) so the translation is a bit scuffed.
OOW teams have been researching that info since those mechanics are poorly explained in the game.

So in your case during Minotaur fight you need to keep track of the debuff he puts on a random healer and swap healers or stop healing at all for 10 seconds during the debuff.
Having at least one tank is very important, two if your first one gets debuffed and dies too quick.
>Netase and Project Mugen on the hook for laundering
>Shiftup kowtowing to Netflix and california woketards

The competition can't stop shooting themselves in the foot.
All that is left is for Hotta to buy out Mugen and fold it into NTE.
i kept dying to that too, i done it with randoms one of them was doing 100s of billions into trillions of damage, i didnt know it was into that extent already
Thanks that's a bunch of help for this weak, the only problematic bosses are minotaur, frigg and chaos armor so far. I didn't notice this before but the yellow bar under the boss can be easily fill with shatter yeah? I should ask people to play forti next time then huh.

Just hop on the turrets and grab the barrels and threw them into the boss, I'm easily top 3 dps while doing nothing as a benedictio, now only if I can tell what the debuff icons are while playing on phone.
I created a new account on a whim and am having fun just clearing Aesperia. Comfy world.
Claudia is next
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is there any fix for this? or is this just something that commonly happens when you mod a outfit onto another?
>new oow season drops
>can't get past level 2 solo

Jeez, how much do they want to grift players huh, even my A6 rosyln is now obsolete. This was easy up to level 16 but now is just bullshit.
OOW is for group play desu
This happens when content from CN is backported to global and global catches up later.
Sometimes I'm releasing mods in 2 separate packages (like this one), so if you have both Swimsuit_P and SwimsuitF2p_P then just remove the Swimsuit_P one. The first one contains new files from CN and F2p is the one doing actual swap.
In other cases the mods need to be repacked to remove duplicate files or update the materials.

And since we are on the topic of updating the materials, basically it is what >>1609678 said but in reverse.
MI files contain the configuration part which can be parsed by UAssetGui and a binary part. So instead of comparing and copying values one by one you can export to json and replace the binary part entirely from a donor MI file from global.
Stupid how simple it is, but if the donor file is of the correct type it works in 95% of the cases.
Discord modders already fixed this paticular mod though, so you can take it from there if you haven't seen it yet.
(Yes they finally showed their true face, ripped apart the KR guys mods and did a little "I fixed your art" thing)

Level 2 has just a puny damage reflect. You can wait it out or go in with tank resonance.
Just wait till you see levels 5 and 11.
Meh, being doing solo since the time of its inception, this season is really just garbage overall.
I'll just switch back to lyra/brevey then. I could still solo that golem with reflect when his maximum gets off though I will be stuck using brevey hold attack because using any skill will instantly kill me lol.
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>replace the binary part entirely from a donor MI file from global.
Oh so that's all they were doing with material updates? I expected it would be something more complex.
I never bothered looking into how the files changed each update and just invested my time into a more permanent fix instead. Ends up being very janky though, like this file that has one material and texture file tied to both Annabella's paid outfit and the battlepass outfit.
Damn, how to I unlock these hidden chest in explorations
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>Oh so that's all they were doing with material updates?
They are not changing them intentionally. Just one change at the root is causing all dependent materials to break.

How UE4 materials work is that there is a Master Material somewhere (MM file) - a chaotic mess of hundreds of interlinked nodes.
It is made to support all possible textures and numerical sliders to adjust the effects. Here is where the magic happens.
All actual materials used for objects in the game are Material Instances (MI files) - children of the the master material but with the specific values already populated.

Now to explain why do they break - to reduce the compile time shaders are compiled only for the master material and shared between the children. So the MI files binary content is allegedly just references to shared shaders table.
When the devs decide to update the master material - add another parameter for example - shaders are recompiled and old references are no longer valid.

Why does the fix work - because old materials don't use those newly added parameters and just need the updated addresses for old shaders. It is never guaranteed and probably wasn't supposed to work, but seems to be enough.
I've tried to use the script which is just moving similarly-named parameter values (texture names, colors, etc) but ended up just making a list of donor materials for each patch and using the script to select a correct donor and replace binary part automatically.
It is probably possible to include the list of used and corresponding donor materials with the mod config file and have mod manager patch them automatically, but nobody would bother for this game.
Forgot to mention - the difference between Material and Material Instance is why the models cooked in UE4 editor don't show the materials properly when previewed in umodel later.
So to fix that - after cooking open the uasset and on imports tab replace Material with MaterialInstanceConstant
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That makes a lot of sense actually. I might spend some more time playing with materials now since I don't have unreal installed anymore. Messing around with uassetgui is going to have to be the extent of my future tof modding.
>then just remove the Swimsuit_P one.
Interesting, ill try that out thanks

really? at what % do you do it at? the higher levels one shot you without multiple healers at times
At 100% but I could do just fine with 300-400% before they change it to dual bosses. Heck I remember doing it before with Lin solo because the passive there scales with 4000%. I usually stop at 18 or 20 then form parties from there. I basically soft quit the game and just do dailies now.
i think most people are on that soft quit sort of level atm hotta needs to introduce something big to bring people back to play like they did including myself im just doing my daily or just finishing off the weekly/event then waiting to do it the week after
I was able to clear level 4 solo with A0 Yan Miao, A1 Nora, and A3 Fiona. Couldn't do enough damage on level 5 though, stupid dog just kept healing. I was only doing it for the tasklist stuff anyway, so I'll just do one of the other things if I can't find a group for OOW this weekend.

Personally I can never find groups for the lower levels, and I need the buffs to actually contribute and not immediately die. Haven't bothered getting past level 10 in months though.

new pv
Meh, she took the miles morales leap and made some ghetto effects ala ZZZ. The weapon looks so underwhelming heck, all the characters have been so underwhelming so far in terms of, what do you call this... "Getting hype" on the thing. Now I wonder what hotta is cooking at this point, we should be getting a new world soon but I'm fine staying in network for as long as possible and I hope this Antoria getting shilled in radditz is worth the hype.
i believe its a mecha sci-fi world even beyond the shit we have now supposedly surprised the eva re run didnt happen when that dropped but oh well, expect some new mechanics there to be tested for NTE
rip tof it was fun while it lasted
What now?
oh i was just saying bye to the thread i thought it was going to die lol
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The real tof were the friends we made on the way
It annoys me when I remember they're going to be focusing on some dumb open-world game when they have the best mobile MMO on the market they could be polishing.
New altered Black Star
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Original idea do not steal
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Bootleg ClaudiaX replacing Claudia (obviously) - https://files.catbox.moe/02jsuz.zip
You can guess how much effort went into this "new" character by the size of the mod which is almost half of the usual (and that's even including the gun model for the idle animation).
And also the totally *real* researcher outfit for the MC replacing Roamer - https://files.catbox.moe/cih9jw.zip

In other news:
Gray Fox is confirmed 15yo and not replacing NanYin in the DPS meta on Global unless you max out her and her matrices.
Even benediction is in a weird spot because they will need to get exactly A5 - according to leaks from CBT it seems that A6 is messing up with DPS damage in team content so meta healers will not use it.
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And optional ClaudiaX versions with no skirt https://files.catbox.moe/r8gsyj.zip
the crazy thing is the team that worked on tof from 1.0 to 2.4 is the same team working on NTE, everyone praised TOF for how it was getting better during this period and then it dropped because they focused on the new game, i agree no other anim mmo rpg is out there that touches it they dont know what they have but the playerbase is fucked so they dont give a shit about it
thank you for helping my dream of being a degen come true that is the tower of fantasy
Researcher outfit?
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tested it, grey lol
Too old
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Steam? Get this one then https://files.catbox.moe/ne7fvo.zip
Neither of them are correct however because the proper outfit should use 5 recolor channels, but we only have 3 on free outfits.
So there will be some parts (like the logo on the t-shirt) which cannot be recolored yet.
Wonder if we can use 2 outfit slots to get 3+3 color options. Would require 2 tickets to recolor though. But even without using tickets, any color combination would be better than default light gray and darker gray.
I think it's a bit too late to salvage ToF's reputation. I'm not saying it's hopeless, but these games have a limited potential playerbase, and while hotta could maintain the remaining players and maybe slowly work their way back up, it's easier and safer to just drop a new game and make a bunch of money.
Releasing new gachas is like an infinite money glitch.
>Wonder if we can use 2 outfit slots to get 3+3 color options.
I tried something similar when I first started experimenting with borrowing parts from multiple outfits and couldn't get it to work. It's probably possible with enough effort, but it would require doing something smart.
>Steam? Get this one then https://files.catbox.moe/ne7fvo.zip
yeah thanks fren
true just look at the initial release of tof it had 1mill just on sign ups
also interesting that they are adding more customisation options

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