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Micmac is GONE and so is the quality for these Cookie Run Games! Breaking this to you:

>Peril In Paradise - What if legendary cookie + corruption and darkness? Original!
>Meet Red Panna Cotta Cookie and eventually BLACK Sugar Sawn Cookie! Totally different!
>New season, new season chest! The marvel has kinda died down!
>After realizing nobody plays their terrible Breakout, it has been reduced to 10 runners again, as well as a single difficulty and stopping when you want again!
>Competitive has been forced into Cookie Trials, putting you against 29 others on a two-cookie map for high scores! Win AMAZING prizes like 10 Cookie Potions!
>Debate Mode returns in time for election season!
>Pilot Cookie gets a magic candy, resulting in him becoming the meta for sure!
>Custom Run returns with more rules rules rules!
>Meet Star Coral Cookie - Totally not Milky Way but on the sea!
>Crystal Jam and Trial Grounds for Moonlight Cookie added for you to grind!
>Moonlight Crystal Gacha and events to Obtain Sea Fairy and Moonlight Cookie!
>Song of the Night Sea special Episode - How many cookies does it take to change a lightbulb?
>Squirrel Shop, Super Mayhem and Legendary Costume Gacha are back because we run out of original content!
>magic candy for caramel arrow cookie i guess
Tower of Adventures
>Meet Kohlrabi Cookie and Blackberry Cookie! - We don't know why she's smiling like that!
>Ruminated Memories and Midnight Waltz Artifacts added!
>Unique Equipment for New Cookies & Story events!
>Champions Raid finally here! - Are you strong enough to even get in?
>Chapter 9 Citrus Altar! - Get out of sacred ground Gingerbrave!
Witch's Castle
>Meet Snow Crystal Cookie! - This is at least the third time we see a lonely yeti in these games!
>Ancient Ruin Exploration Event!
>More Levels and 3 new Cookie Puzzle Challenges!

Threadly questions to follow on the next post! Ran outta room here from all the wonderful and amazing gane content! Wow!
Discuss all things Cookie Run!
Are you HYPE for these updates? Why has Micmac TRULY been absent this update? Did Black Sugar Swan need to exist? If this is Season 9, when did you get into Cookie Run games? How long can you live in Cookie society, consuming only candy and soda? Why don't Cookies start to go bad or mold or ANYTHING? What modes do you ignore in your games? Do the story modes genuinely interest you? Come up with a new pet or magic candy effect!

As we all know, (you) are trying to conceive with your significant other right now, so beyond plapping and demanding they get pregnant, Birthday Cake Cookie requests you understand these tips! Copulate near the time of ovulation! Do it a week after the end of her period! 2-3 times a week because you can't do it daily! You're so tired! Maintain a regular weight to reduce the risk of ovulation disorders! Avoid alcohol, caffeine and smoking! Remember that ovulation typically occurs 14 days before the start of the next menstrual period, in the average 28 day cycle! Consider over the counter ovulation kits to be more accurate! Birthday Cake Cookie understands you play Cookie Run Games to relax from all the sex you have with your significant other all the time, so keep this information in mind and you will surely get the spawn you're trying to have!

Birthday Cake Cookie would like to remind you that the g in /crg/ stands for GAMES, not general! The rules state that threads that talk about a specific game are considered generals, which belong on /vg/! However, these threads are centered around MULTIPLE games of different genres! For example, Cookie Run: Ovenbreak is a runner! Cookie Run: Kingdom is a townbuilding RPG! Cookie Run: Puzzle World is a match three puzzler! Devsisters is currently working with a multitude of Cookie Run Games of different genres right now as well! These threads have never been to talk about a singular game! These threads are not generals and do not fit general specifics! Please keep this in mind forever, thank you!
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>Are you HYPE for these updates?
They are/were ok, didn't care AT ALL for the CRK one and just skipped the story, felt like it would be boring by the constant moonlight & sea fairy still being nothing and never going to be anything due to how Devsis can't 100% confirm characters like this unless they're already married beforehand or shit like that
>Why has Micmac TRULY been absent this update?
Child support settling in court with her Wife Sandwich Cookie and that other girl she married and had a child or whatever who care about her
>Did Black Sugar Swan need to exist?
For a story perspective from how they did previously... sure... but NOT in this way at all, this is the exact opposite of what happened with Moonlight Cookie in the anniversary Update when she was originally going to be a completely new cookie unrelated to her, but instead became a legendary costume, now we are going to have a Cookie that would have been otherwise a transformation and possibly just a costume that they always do a dark corrupted version of a character be instead the ugly black duckling tale but le evil and cookie.
>If this is Season 9, when did you get into Cookie Run games?
About Season 2 IIRC! When we first met Pomegranate.
>How long can you live in Cookie society, consuming only candy and soda?
As much as I would like, most consumable stuff is either sweets or a jelly variant of something, i'd most likely get diabetes in a month if I don't also become a cookie,
> Why don't Cookies start to go bad or mold or ANYTHING?
life powder explains everything about that i guess lol
>What modes do you ignore in your games?
i'd rather fucking die and everyone involved into making raid run and i don't care enough about 3 star-ing IoM.
>Do the story modes genuinely interest you?
I want new ones to see the story... same ones are getting stale.
>Come up with a new pet or magic candy effect!
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>Puzzle World nowhere to be seen in the op
nature is... healing
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Both the OP and the Birthday post reached character limit, so there was quite literally no place to fit it! It would have otherwise, but I felt adding a third post just for it would be overkill!

But I asked how Puzzle World was doing and they said that their latest update added (you)r favorite cookie and then they had to immediately remove them because they were too OP!
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As soon as I read Wizard Cookie's name I knew who I was making a board for, he's on my Top 5 favorite Cookies list after all

Also I'm still taking/delivering requests if anyone else is interested, I believe only Spinach Cookie is left
MEGA folder: https://mega.nz/folder/d95hQAgC#ggZFDypTkALUnjHdXJwFyA
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Repost from old thread:
New OvenBreak coupon code ---> PERILINDPARADISE (500 rainbow cubes; expires 8/29)

Don't forget to redeem the other coupon codes in the special season tab!

Can you do Dark Choco or Dark Cacao please?
That's so lovely anon, thank you so much!
Blackberry would be greatly appreciated if you need requests after Spinach
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Perhaps one of my most streamlined boards up to date, and the greens look real nice too!

I will certainly be covering these requests (and any others if they pop up), I don't mind working on these
I'll just mention now that I'm going to make a couple requests I got from friends first (Cream Ferret and Milky Way) and then I will continue with thread requests, so hope that's okay!
Have you ever made a BonBon one?
Have you done Sea Fairy? If you have you could always make one for her legendary Ovenbreak costume that'd be really cool.
fuck these shitty ass fucking translators, dated this story worse than milk outside on a scorching day
Considering I had to look up what she said to see the reference it's fine lol.
what exactly am I supposed to be looking at here
You have to be knowledgeable of TikTok to understand because apparently “very demure, very mindful” is sorta referencing something on there.
yeah imagine how mad people are gonna be in ten years when they're reading up on the plot to cookie run ovenbreak's trouble in dessert paradise update and they see one outdated meme
losing my fucking mind trying to get the last skill activation on cherry cola's normal trial
hate this pixel perfect jump shit
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Haven't made either of these Cookies yet so I'm adding them to my to-do list
Feel free to check the MEGA folder >>1552000 if you're ever curious about what Cookies have already been made
Take your time! I'm honestly really excited to see those other requests too! All of your mood boards are really amazing
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Sonic heroes
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Anon this could be a precedent on how it could potentially make localizations rely too much on it and in bigger if we start to like it not in just this story but one after another doing the same thing, they've almost done this with CRK.
>Are you HYPE for these updates?
I didn't even look at the preview vid, don't really know what's comming.
>Why has Micmac TRULY been absent this update?
He probably died, killed by a korean truck. It just takes time to make a robot remplacement.
>Did Black Sugar Swan need to exist?
I love hags, I love dark chicks, so I love her already. But it feels like a low effort legendary cash grab, we'll see her skill/playstyle.
>If this is Season 9, when did you get into Cookie Run games?
Around S3, during of a bit before the Birthday Cake Cookie release. That was one of the most enjoyable event I played !
>How long can you live in Cookie society, consuming only candy and soda?
I'm not american, so maybe a few days before I die of beetus or I stop eating and die from starvation.
>Why don't Cookies start to go bad or mold or ANYTHING?
They are so sweet, no mold can grow on them.
>What modes do you ignore in your games?
Breakout because I'm washed up.
TR because I can't be arsed.
Raid run because.
Sometimes I wonder if I even play the game anymore.
>Do the story modes genuinely interest you?
Not really if they don't contain cookies I like. I mostly skip everything but from time to time I binge 5-6 stories and they are alright if you keep in mind it's aimed at little kids. I don't mind a bit of candidness.
>Come up with a new pet or magic candy effect!
New pet : transform bears parties into bitter bears party and gives bonus points for normal jellies.
New candy : add a jauge that recharge with time : at full charge when you run into an obstacle, it create an explosion that destroy every obstacles and jelly on the screen. Bonus points for destrution and jellies destroyed by the explosion.

Wow, that's great ! Many thanks Anon ! Feels comfy and peacefull.
Why doesn't Whipped Cream figure out Black Sugar Swan is the sugar duckling? Is he stupid?
Duckling doesn't have booba and isn't le bad evil woman, desu
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Wind Archer arriving in Kingdom soon, lads
Finally another lad bowman. Means new element, or?
I swear to god getting good crit rate and crit damage is really hard.
Possibly, alongside new Treasures for said element
Wind element yes
I Used 200 scrolls to get double debuff amp. Only got 2 uncommon.
The RNG is killing me.
Witchs castle got another patch
They added this store which lets you use jellies that you collect after beating levels used to progress the special chapters to get stuff
So, no new chapters dropped in this patch. However they still want people who already beat all the levels to use that store, so they released another 50 levels for them to get the jellies. These are neither from the main story or from the special chapter, these are literally filler levels for people to get these jellies.
I guess i could use that store, but i could also save these so that i can skip the next new special chapter without beating any levels. But i dont want to leave too many levels to clear. But the store also kinda sucks, theres not much good stuff in there, not enough reason to buy stuff there
So yeah, kinda of a mixed bag this patch
Id rather they just do another new special chapter. I know they cant release the final chapter of the mt saint creme arc yet, cause they wanna release rainbow sherbet with the new season, so they couldve just done that instead.
What the hell is this guild run matchmaking? I'm using maxed combis and my runs are like 99% flawless and I'm still in 20th place
Probably failed the strat.
Or koreans are just better.
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Comfy Cream Ferret Cookie moodboard (this time with a better shade of beige)
Early season sucks ass, it's literally just a matter of waiting for the extreme tryhards to get back into their own little world.
This piece feels like a sweet hit! Love how I can feel their minute routine— well-travelled, too!
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More Beast-Yeast I'm guessing, and Wind Archer Cookie is going to have an important role next update
So I came back to Overbreak after, what? 4 years holy shit it's been that long
After spending 20 minutes just collecting stuff, I'm incredibly confused
Can you not roll for cookies anymore with gems? Or am I just hallucinating that there was a cookie gacha?
Nope you can't roll for them anymore, you can unlock and upgrade them directly with gems if you want though.
Ok, thank goodness, this was making me incredibly paranoid
Any must grabs cookies from the last 4 years I should know about?
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Last one of my private requests, and I simply love how Milky Way Cookie's color palette pops so much
I shall start working on thread requests tomorrow so thanks a lot for your patience
Are they updating CRK's Guild Battle again? They've been tallying for half a week now
Youll fight only two bosses per round and the bosses level system will now be based off of the big cakehound boss with the infinite hp, the more damage you do, the higher its level.
Basically they are forcing us to deal with abyss now. To make up for this, abyss will now spawn more goo monsters more frequently and they will have more hp.
Mint choco will still get his candy tho, its hilarious how they havent changed the screenshot
Same as >>1556103, been about 2+ years since I last played OB and wondering which Cookies I should go for, alongside if the guild has any room since the old one I left was a ghost town
Current big legendaries are Pitaya and Ananas and between the two of them they pretty much dominate trophy race. However, Black Sugar Swan is dropping in the mid-September update and I'm sure that will all change.

The newest cookie (in this case, Red Panna Cotta) is always a good bed. Cream Soda and Cherry Cola are also safe investments. Pilot just got a magic candy and is showing some relevance, and Churro seems to be solid on a couple of maps as well. I would skip over Strawberry Stick and Mint Wafer, they seem irrelevant already. Flat Tofu has a lot of staying power, it seems. Sauna Egg is several months old but refuses to die and is still a decent relay.
Huh, the new legendary reminds me of this cookie oc. Like a #Destruction counterpartto Sugar Swan?
I'd like to share this, wondering if you have any pointers on this Black Pearl one, would like to know your take on this rushed edit
Love that comfy train aesthetic. Dream Conductor indeed, and thanks!
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This was on twitter
Candy Cookie is as basic of a name as it gets
Guy or chick?
Fuck me sideways my boy is finally getting a gcl skin????
>Black Sugar Swan releasing soon as top legendary
Hope Whipped Cream has a chance to shine as a potential combi. Current top legendary combis, yep, that Pitaya, and that Cherry Cola. Think it's neat to have Red Panna Cotta maxed out if possible too. Legendaries atm, real grindy, even with the guild run and the breakout payouts.
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Alright Blackberry Cookie Anon, you convinced me, here have some big busty maid, hope ya like it! Full:
Huh, a personality flip of latte cookie, interesing.
Honestly hoping to check out a combi list for the latest TR maps, hoping an anon compiles them like with the breakout combi recommendations yeah
All these costumes for Latte but they won't let her be in any other game.
Latte vs Crowberry vs D.Enchantress vs Timekeeper (ft Witchberry and Lychee)
the broom riding team
>wondering if you have any pointers on this Black Pearl one
Every person has their own take on moodboard-making, and I personally prefer letting the images do the talking
Therefore, for example, I wouldn't put Black Pearl Cookie on the top right and bottom left images because they show traits she might have (webbed hands and sharp eyes) and right now she's obscuring them

On the other hand, I like her inclusion in images that are just water, like the middle left and bottom right ones, because those are places you expect her to be in and she makes them look less boring
The textual element being in the middle catches the eye, and I like the variety in image sizes and the bleak color palette, so there are many good stylistic choices here
Maybe I would have added some sunken ship imagery as well? But I understand this is an edit

Too many words but I wanted to be throughout with this, hope it helps!
She cute
they better refer to him with he/him in his costume description (since they did that with crowberry)
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So hey
Ive been playing ToA since launch, and only now i found out that all of crushed peppers damage scale with his max hp. I had him built him wrong this whole time, he had a bunch of defense stats. I also forgot fishing for shield stats as well.
So i crafted his unique the remaining scrolls that i had, and after some frustrating rng moments, this is what i came out with
Im feeling pretty okay with this
If only he was at 2 stars tho
dark sexo

New update
Confirmed chikababe, bro. It's as per >>1557310. Ain't quite like an Affogato or a Peach Blossom in Kingdom.
pretty good anon! Here's hoping you get more dupes of him and his relic
Odd that there's no second cookie but the update seems pretty good overall.
>Wind Archer Cookie + Legendary costume release
>Side-chapter and mode with him as the main character
>Two new treasures
>New wind element (Rebel Cookie and Mint Choco Cookie indirectly buffed)
>New candies for Pastry Cookie and Mint Choco Cookie (he can't be dethroned from Guild Battle)
>More MyCookie icings (Dark Cacao Kingdom represented)
>New minigame(?), Harvest Festival
>Returning Hanbok Costumes
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>>Wind Archer Cookie + Legendary costume release
I think they just hate Frost Queen Cookie.
Might be because she got overshadowed by the other characters in her story.
love this! bless you!
Appreciate the feedback! I especially liked the set imagery, and would keep in mind of the beastly features of sirens. Real liked the suggestion of the depths and wrecks to add to the melancholy and the tragedy of Black Pearl! As a token of appreciation, saw you liked Star Coral, her lantern reminds me of a weapon used in one MMO I real liked, so plenty thanks!
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Sharing random cookie run art cause why not
keep it up anon, nice work! but I’m wondering who would be, boy with earring, tatsuya, maya, and kotone?
That pic was made by
MacirollFights on Deviantart on March, so it's not made by that Anon you're replying to.
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new tower of adventures cookie is ass, who is going to actually fuck her?
damn right she's ass. huge fat ass that I'm gonna fuck. i love me some martial arts girls. got her some chun-li thighs
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Here it is! Finding quotes for this one was as easy as looking up "dark quotes"
Oh this is super cute!! Not sure what game this is, but I love how you used supernatural Cookies as her "units", and the blue highlights in her outfit are very neat! Many thanks for the art anon, I'm definitely saving this one
My boi durian finally has a cute tagger wife to back him up, you bet your ass im getting her
Woah, nice job as usual! I look forward to the other cookies you do and crossing my fingers for Blackberry lol.
Funny how they suit each of the protagonists one way or another, Really nice!
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I love her
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I love this, thank you! :D
>magma ded
aw shucks...
Wished he drew in this thread, needs more drawfags methinks.
Would love a Fate Grand Order x Cookie Run, can't believe latest collabs were with Sanrio's Hello Kitty and BTS a mighty long time ago.
this is what I would expect if persona ever did a collab with cookie run before murdering it I wonder how will their abilities work in the persona costumes? I wanna see him draw the navis next
same, but I feel like he actually lurks there since he uploaded his ultrakill art once I guess, you can say his more shy to post. anyways yeah he should
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Guess who was next on my list! I usually pick Cookies if I get more then one suggestion, but otherwise I won't skip
As always, I appreciate the support and positivity a lot, so I hope you enjoy this Blackberry Cookie moodboard
Oh! Thank you so much, this looks super good! I love the pictures you chose.
I've been playing for years and i've never seen the ghost pirate treasure island map in trophy race, i'm really not a fan of it though
>Decided to have maintenance early
>Check CRK at the scheduled time
>Have to wait 30 more minutes because they couldn't finish in time
Thanks for the gems DevSis
*15 more minutes
It's out now anon
The invite a friend event from ToA is back again
Anyone up for it
Heres my code
I hate the new debate...
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I'm hyped!
Need two more now
Whoever used my code, if you are willing to do the missions now, just say the word
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here's mine
please add
I love the new debate because my side is winning, I wish they used Almond's pet for the title though.
Gotchu breh
Okay, i typed the code and it worked, but im not sure if we have been added to eachothers friendlist. And im not sure if you are online right now
If you need me to do anything, just ask
3L5KXQX9R my ToA code if anyone wants to help me hoard more for whenever they drop a cookie I really want.
oh so that was the collab for the 10th anniversary
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Fucking finally
would unironically be kino
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I'm not gonna lie I kinda don't care man
We've already got the roadmap for both the legendaries and now beasts so it's not really going to be that much hype unlike brand new ones and beasts cookies are stupid how many more even more ancient and the REAL first cookies ever made are we going to get until it turns out that they were baked even before witches or humans or whatever the fuck, at least legendaries like stormbringer were nice for a different thing than the OB Staple ones.
Wouldn't mind it, but I fucking hate jumpscares.
Hyped to see awakened gold cheese carpet bombing teams in high rank for a few months
>Ancient that lost his Kingdom in a hallucination comes first
>Ancient that actually lost her Kingdom comes second
Really makes you think
How is Hollyberry gonna lose her kingdom next?
Eternal sugar will basically seduce the entire kingdom to the ground, like a proper succubus
Then its just gonna be a proper catfight between the two
Her son and Jungleberry get kidnapped during an insurrection or whatever...
Maybe they'll invade her kingdom in the middle of some important party/holiday, when their defenses are down
just outpower them lol, pitaya is able to easily do it, even more so considering he reclaimed part of his strenght back in the special episode, so anyone in his strenght range should be able to wipe them out
now that i think about it, how's the power hierarchy between the seven kingdoms? this is counting Gingerbrave's and the denizens of the Republic (we'll give WL the faerie kingdom now that she's the guardian of the tree)
or... well... six, since Golden Cheese has no kingdom besides Fetuccine
other folks like the duskgloom sea or the city of wizards are pretty much out of the picture
What are two Cookies that, regardless of backstory/game/setting differences, you'd like to see interact?
Raspberry and Kouign Amann for the ultimate "proud of my house" fight
Cauliflower and Wizard for fun sience vs magic debate
and a quadruple meeting between Caviar, Oyster, Sorbet and Captain Ice
Stardust and Astronaut
why is red panna cotta's hard mode trial so fucking awful jesus christ
I equipped the bubblegum shoes just so I could get a rainbow on that easier.
1. Bell Pepper and Strawberry Crepe
2. Blue Lily and White Lily
3. Strawberry Stick, Mint Wafer, and Parfait
4. Cream Soda, Cherry Cola, and any sword wielding Cookie from Kingdom

These are some of them off the top of my head.
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We need more art of this baddie
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god dammit why does she always do this shit of going private and then wiping out all her art out of the face of the earth (then suddenly draw something form another else and gets billions more likes), I've seen way too many other Asian artist do this...
>Korean Artists
Porn laws that ban porn unless you're in a specific part of the region, so many have to release and wipe so that they don't get tracked for too long.
Also Korea has that really bad issue with excess pressure on society to succeed being shoved in all the new generation's face. Leads to a lot of mental breakdowns and just shutting everything off.
Asian artists love DFEing as soon as something slights them, it's why I make sure to save everything I like from them regardless of how they feel about reposts
>Cream Soda, Cherry Cola, and any sword wielding Cookie from Kingdom
She'll get the sword of light in the next tourney.
>with excess pressure on society to succeed being shoved in all the new generation's face
Honestly could say the same thing with the other big Asian countries, China and Japan. It's just that their new gens are going about it in different ways.
The last part was the one that always fucked me over, but i think Pilot's hard mode is even worse

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