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Previous: >>1541139
Your source of the juiciest dramas about gacha games. Anything goes---your sentiment about the gacha industry, schizo takes, conspiracy theories, MTL screenshots from obscure Chinese forums, or just random gacha related topics that don't fit in a specific general.
Any hoyoshill here, can you report the status of (You) pandering for Natlan? Not that I will play it, I just want to see how much Da Wei caved.
>inb4 gets deleted for being a general
>nothing will ever top vtuber tribalis-
Holy shit, you ESLniggers are really that desperate defending you censored gachas
>defending you censored gachas
>you censored gachas
Go ahead and say it was just a typo. Won't make you white though.
they're not allowed to talk about it bro, you will get called a schizo, trannies seem mad, so it might be good, just going off posts, haven't tried it myself.
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>Natlan and mommy Mavuika won't save gensh-ACK!
Climbed 46 positions and only going up from here on, specially when she releases
Down with Love and Deepspace

>new region and character of the pretigious Hoyoverse title Genshin Impact failed to make the top 5 slot

Not a good look.
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Anchor Panic devs ban shipping, c*ck and y*ri discussion, promise to rewrite story accordingly and stick to fanservice and shit.
and what game is this?
>Anchor Panic
I'm in
I'm out
They're not chibi in combat.
>Kaspersky Lab has uncovered a new macOS backdoor malware called 'HZ Rat' that specifically targets users of China's popular communication platforms DingTalk and WeChat. This marks a significant expansion of the malware's reach, which previously only attacked Windows systems.
>A particularly interesting aspect of the investigation was that it was found that the installation package was uploaded from a domain associated with miHoYo, a well-known Chinese game developer. While it's unclear how the package came to be on this domain, it raises the possibility that the attackers may have compromised miHoYo's infrastructure or found another way to exploit the company's reputation to distribute malware.
so genshin is malware, makes sense
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Don't know what game this is but it seems that after Snowbreak another game has now been censored.
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>losing to fgo
>copyright administration
Seems to be a completely different situation
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I think that's just the name of the department that asked for censorship.
Ah, well that sucks. Looks like we are all about to get hit thanks to this shit then.
ok, so when is love and deepspace getting censored, all i see are games for straight males getting censored. Why don't they start going after the lgbt stuff in mihomo games.
tick tock ZZZfags
Is this 1 or 2? Which characters were changed?
despite the propaganda zzzfags spread, it's already hyper censored, may aswell be all ages
Welp I better start backing up data for my favorite obscure chink gacha, they'll probably get caught in the crossfire soon enough
I can only HOPE this shit doesn't happen to Korea in the near future because going from Nikke to BD2 to the upcoming Horizon Walker, it looks like they're about to enter a Golden Age of Coom.

I found the game
It's long been suspected that these censorship departments are filled with women, who are obviously biased and will only listen to reports that target male-oriented games. So Love and Deepspace is probably never getting censored unless chink parents rise a huge stink in social media.
Truly a matriarchy world everywhere
How long we incels must be suffer!? Every in virtual world, they wouldn't spare us!
how many pesos does mihomo pay seapag idf?
these threads are near impossible to read
fucking chinkroaches and seapags
just lurk, bro. after some time you will naturally understand all the slangs (just like those cultivationfags)
Indeed, they even said directly "due to request from censorship department"
It's time to declare war on Otome games
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btw, forgot this pic
the struggle will be long
>Anon walks warily down the street
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Gaming is truly a hotbed for radicals, it's not a coincidence that GamerGate happened
Btw, even in stop killing game threads, there always defeatists that persuading, hah, humans everywhere are really the same
>saw shithole
>"damn why it's full of shit?"
idk what you expect
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Black Myth Wukong censored
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Genshin is targetting university students with their Natlan ad campaign. Paid a bunch of universities to shill Genshin on their social media accounts.
>turn based
I'll just play my hentai rpgm backlog if I ever in the mood of some turn based combat.
>study to escape the dregs of society
>consoom as you study
Why ? "Hoyoverse courses for game making aspirants" just that simple but even that is above them.
because these are safespaces for the esl thirdworld subhuman gachaniggers
Guess that's why you are a regular here.
>haha i am projecting, isn't that le funny XD
stfu brownoid. we'd have gotten rid of all these stupid gender war drama already if it weren't for you shitskins
Looks like it was ccp that stepped in after all. Someone contacted the government offices in CN and it was confirmed that Snowbreak wasn't self-censored.
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GFL2 is back
Why do you faggots care so much about gacha drama? It’s the most cringe shit I’ve ever seen how obsessed retarded ass gacha players are. Gachagaming subreddit only full of Hoyo shilling and stupid as fuck gacha drama. Holy fuck what a bunch of losers and pathetic lives you must live to give a single fuck about this shit, let alone obsess about it.
Because of 416 she’s the most popular character so this will likely be the biggest spike they get ever going forward. They could have gotten another good chunk for UMP45 if they didn’t make her a fucking nonbinary little boy now, and retire her or whatever.
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It's funny that the announcement that mentioned "censorship department" yesterday of this game >>1552907 was deleted.
Now the chinks at NGA ridiculed that "someone (censorship department) dares to do but does not dare to acknowledge"
>Fill in the blank:
>It turns out that the person who directed and acted in the 2D mobile game industry is _______
>I don’t dare to fill it in
just turn 360 and walk away sis, why do you even enter these threads?
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1. Gacha drama HAPPENINGs happen at a fast pace
2. Behind gacha drama are industry bigwigs and even government >>1553593 It's mini /pol/ in itself. See, the censorship department is behind almost every censorship of gacha games, but they don't even dare to issue any document. Even the announcement yesterday mentioning them was deleted. Isn't it fucking shady market manipulation and backdoor lobbying?
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There is also an SMS from the government office confirming the same thing. This one may be easier to understand.
>[Chengdu Hi-tech District CCP Office] Hello! Thank you for your call. The issue you reported has been verified and handled by the CCP office of the Hi-tech Zone. The relevant situation is now replied as follows: Regarding the recent "Announcement on Adjustments of Some Characters and Costumes" in Snowbreak Containment Zone (URL of Announcement on Bilibili), it is at the request of the superior department that some content needs to be rectified.
r/gachagaming is taking turn defending genshin after natlan flopped
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If this is really real then at least we can 100% prove that mihomo self-censored themselves.
Let me check how the chinks commented
LMAO the people who said Snowbreak "self-censored" shut up real quick. So I guess Manjuu and Genshin realy self-censored after all.
i thought they were always massive shills for mihoyo, this doesn't seem new
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>r/gachagaming exposed
>paid shill
they wish lmao
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Great! There is even a recording, no one would dare to fake matters related to the government.
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Who said China was a totalitarian country? They really dare to complain directly
>Many people think that there is something wrong with what I said. The document at the end of last year is good for players, and players support the relevant departments. I would like to ask if the document has been implemented? Why not? Because you (players) are not important, and those who oppose the document are more important. Why is the harmonization (censorship) of games so straightforward and there is no room for maneuver (negotiation)? It's because you are not important. The other party does not take you seriously, but you defend the other party.
r/gachagaming only acknowledges IPs less popular than Genshin as gacha. They are afraid of western lootbox, card games and Pokemon. Even though they Genshin is Chinese and has less gacha legitimacy than anything Japanese and equivalent legitimacy to lootboxes.
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>Hello! After investigation, the operating unit of the online game "Dust White Forbidden Zone" you reflected is Hainan Xishanju Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd., and it is understood that the Central Propaganda Department issued a rectification requirement in May this year. It is recommended that you report the problem to the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee or the relevant departments of Hainan Province.
I only need this
>really that desperate defending
try voicing that out, it's fucked. obvious esl
>hentai rpgm
if I wanted to be cucked in a video game I'd just play genshin
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They noticed.
50% instead of 55% as promised
posting archer is like posting fat bastard, change my mind. reminder that fate was supposed to be a mixed toilet vn from the start: made for women, but tried to appeal to men to along the way, because their dev team had been made up of waifufags like the saber simp nasu works with. which is also the reason why she's not cuckbait like the rest.
So it's confirmed Manjuu and Mihoyo self-censored after all? Chinks should start asking about all censored games.
Last time I checked, they were defending Mica over the ntr drama and claiming that chinkcels were just overeacting.
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>So it's confirmed Manjuu and Mihoyo self-censored after all?
Shanghai Publication Bureau answered an email saying that they didn't ask Genshin to censor
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This is the one for Path to Nowhere
Now any game that couldn't provide an official confirmation from the government, will automatically belong to "self-censored" category
Censorship = no play, dgaf 'self-censored' or not
So the question is is where does Seasun go after this? Assuming the content that was hit this time was because of a law technicality everything should be fine from now on. If not, any 16+ game is fucked.
Uh oh.
good, I don't advocate you to play what you don't like
but this self-censorship matter is very important to lower the morale of remaining slurpers in gacha games, it proved that devs are totally woke in itself
>lower the morale of remaining slurpers
I doubt that people who still put up with mihomo trash or path to fujos would care.
But you do you of course.
What I can say is that my first 5* of this update was Diluc, luckily he only cost ten wishes and now he is c1. Now I'm waiting for Raiden.
he said to lower their (your) morale, retard. not to change their minds.
but keep preaching in this threads of how mihoyo will never fall.
>(your) morale
>keep preaching
What a retard lmao, you chink slurpers are really stupid, don't you?
mihoyo will die in your lifetime
that's saying quite a bit, considering you're a troon
So, since the chinese contacted authorities and found out Snowbreak was really censored because of higher powers, does that means other games were really all just self-sabotage to either spite the players of gather sympathy?
Was it really all a ploy? I've even read some chinese schizo theorize that all other gacha's self-imposed censorship before were done so when real censorship happened to their rivals, people were already domesticated and desensitized, thinking saind censorship was also self-inflicted.
Obviously conspiracy, but I say at least he's justified in doing so since didn't people were just recently also saying Snowbreak was also a case of self-censorship?
Anyways, the only thing I've liked about those happenings so far is how this cemented the opinion on people that if you cry you were castrated and attempt to put the blame on higher ups, you now need to show proof.
Path to Nowhere and Mihomo definitely had self-censorship. Not sure about other games but didn't Aether Gazer outright remove a skin? That might have been self censorship too.
>Not sure
It's always self-censorship unless proved otherwise with receipts
It's basically impossible to tell.
I believe a lot of the others gacha devs are in Shanghai where Snowbreak is in another region of the country with a different local authority.

It could be the local government in Shanghai is willing to lie at the expense of these companies. Or the companies did self-censor.
Given Mihoyo's changes to Genshin from beta to release the latter is very easy to believe.
Is there proof that manjuu self censored? I only ever see proof about mihoyo
Path to Nowhere and Mihomo I can absolutely believe due to the player base and devs. Companies like Manjuu are harder to believe because their entire business model centers around fan service, plus the shit they put out now is miles more lewd than what they did pre-censorship.
Wait, so Seasun had been issued a warning in May, but still only warned players 3 days before the 'adjustments'?
Pecunia non olet, amirite?
>still only warned players 3 days before the 'adjustments'?
Outlawyered. They game changed its rating to 18+ in April and they thought it would be enough.
They changed the rating in response to the warning in May, but then in August were notified it wasn't enough and that they still would have to censor. Seems pretty clear to me.
Have you never really worked under someone? A boss tells you to do one thing but doesn't elaborate further, you do it, and then your boss tells you should not have done it like that?
It's similar, government is just really that bureaucratic.
They asked for rectification, they did what they deemed appropriate, but since government bodies are always slow and unresponsive no matter the country, it seems only now they are being notified it wasn't enough.
>change game rating and ban minors from playing
>nothing happens
>assume all is good
>sudden CCP intervention
I assume this is what happened, because May is when the age rating changed. Considering government bureaucracy is slow I could believe it.
I know you're grasping at straws, but tell us, what difference would it make, with respect to being anti-male, if snowbreak had notified players of it back then or now?
Let's see:
>Starting from the maintenance at 17:00 on April 18, 2024, unregistered users under the age of 18 will trigger identification during the real-name authentication stage and cannot register game characters.
April is before May, so it is weird to assume that it is no biggie if warning was issued after the age rating change.
Actually, it's weird to 'assume' in that kind of matter anyway. How are they still in business if they operate like that?
They could've given more time for people to consider if they want to buy skins or not.
But I guess inducing fomo is fine if you are le based snowpeak for ML chads.
you sound like you'd be incredibly annoying to argue with. only a troon could've shown as much bad faith as you did here.
the skins have been out for years and if you would've bought them you would've. that it's going out of sale is a "fomo" so trivial it boggles the mind why you'd make it out to be what you do. "weird" that you would, in fact.
as for the rest, there's no need to engage with you on that, and I haven't, because it's easy to see what comes next. you'd argue for the worst case scenario and we'd have to debate each and every one of your grand ideas until the entire thread is filled with it.
but I might as well throw my hat in. the devs may have been contesting that decision on grounds that it was a retarded demand to the last minute. now you would argue that it wasn't the theoretical best decision they could've made, and we'll spend a hundred more posts on your deliberate shitflinging.
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Liar, they finished changing it to 18+ at the end of may in response to the notification. Has your tranny game proven they haven't self-censored yet?
PFFFFT. caught lying that fast holy shit
holy shit the mihomo troon got obliterated
People theorizing why Snowbreak wasn't mentioned in the Kingsoft Corporation Limited report released a few weeks ago, and how everything is connected.
Not really anything but just something I thought it's interesting since even I forgot about it.
If you don't like censorship, play Japanese gacha. Oh wait, you won't because you think they're "woke" now.
I don't play japanese gacha because there's nothing that appeals to my tastes that is of high value, that means a 3D game with combat. In the end it's all 2D or Live 2D.
Action Taimanin doesn't count because it's not high value to me, just like certain other games.
No, I think that they're even shittier than chink ones, even if not censored.
Yeah that's why i'm still playing genshin even with all the cuckshit because i know it has the potential.
I do it for free, tho
Sure, zhang
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the consequence of mixed toilet
>im tired of FEMALES, make more MALES
>only time males sale is when they are so ridiculously OP it is a brick not to get them
>waifu fest
1 female on screen is waifufest, please understand.
>male erasure
Why aren't these people just playing joseimukes? I am sure they will have a great time
>5 years later...
The same reason why waifu players don't play AL or some other png collector instead.
Don't want to be labeled as creep.
>natlan flopped
it was revealed to me in a dream
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>Im female (im not)
But waifu players aren't playing hoyoshit nor complaining about it because they know better than looking for apples in an orange tree
>only time males sale is when they are so ridiculously OP it is a brick not to get them
>waifu players aren't playing hoyoshit
You guys really should pick one narrative...
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Both me, btw
At least xe is honest
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they are ANGRY
>HoK below Douyin
Wait what happened?
>going back to their roots with their shit revenue too
Definitely a tourist that joined in sumeru
Genshin made most of its money from mondstadt to inazuma, and it went downhill from there
No biggie, genshinbros.
Everyone is saving for Mavuika, she will break records, again.
>everyone is saving
oh yea another 0 tiktok hour banner
>unironically browsing r*ddit
Both are correct see >>1553885 the game lost a good chunk of both waifufags but even then women are still the minority of the playerbase.
>game lost a good chunk of ... waifufags
>but even then women are still the minority
>waifu players aren't playing hoyoshit
is not correct bruh
correct enough
Can we stop posting redditorshit? Im more interested in chink, gook or jap opinions since they’re the main spenders. Global audience never matter in gacha scene.
chinks have trust issue with mihomo
gooks abandoned mihomo after they hired gook feminist artist + shilled wanderer in collabs
japs are still loyal to fgo
Westoid perception of Mihomo's decline is incredibly twisted.
>chinks have trust issue with mihomo
Chinks are saying that Mihoyo had fallen into Tacitus Trap
>Tacitus Trap is a political theory named after Roman historian Tacitus, which describes a situation where an unpopular government is hated no matter what it does and whether it is right or wrong. The theory was brought up in a 2007 book by Professor Pan Zhichang from the School of Journalism and Communication at Nanjing University. In the book, he quoted Tacitus' remark on Galba, an unpopular emperor of Rome, to explain the recurrent declines of the Chinese dynasties throughout the history: "When a government is unpopular, either good policies or bad policies tell against the government itself."
>chinks have trust issue with mihomo
Yet they haven't abandoned it. What is wrong with them?
>8th place in iOS with a new region and new patch
They are but slowly, or do you expect genshin to drop to zero in a few days?
This shit tales time. Also look at how it has been dropping since sumeru.
The consequence of having slept for 5 years and not being able to create satisfying content for both genders. Genshin due to its lore cannot have only playable females, unless they initially came out with the idea that elemental powers can only be used by females, and anyway the main quest of natlan is garbage for now.
not even pro genshin tieba bar could defend its decline
They seemed to form a narrative that Genshin going down is because the game is "allegedly" going the waifu route (Snowbreak). So tone deaf. If Genshin were still putting out male characters, they would actually implode right now. The future of Genshin is grim.
>LnD steals their husbando whales
>Snowbreak/Wuwa steals their waifus whales
>Now Wukong is here to steal their "cultural export" spot.
>The only one left are casuals who don't spend. Casuals that spent were rich kids who were stuck at home back then, but now they're off spending on rich kids stuff like designer bags or travels.
Male characters had the spotlight last AQ.
Fontaine was homo dragon wank, why are they freaking out now?
Because they have to wait 20 days for their new male character.
Gooks just dropped the game the moment their demand wasn't met without any prolonged "caring for the game" boycotting bullshit.
>>Now Wukong is here to steal their "cultural export" spot.
This is the most important for me and that it will carry far deeper problems for gachaslop
I feel that china somewhat left alone their gachas to do what they wanted because they were the only "cultural export" of their nation until wukong released and shattered records
But I've seen that now the government is again tracking down sexy content in some few gachas and censoring them (this didn't happen in a long time), so I guess their gacha industry is not longer china's priority now
Gooks are VERY sensitive to femnazis problem,
Shounen wank male Capitano lost to a woman.
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I agree with your sentiment, but it's nice to see troons have a melty. They're always at a loss as to why things are happening because of their echo chambers, they can't see the canary in the coalmine.
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[GOOD NEWS] Gook Incels are fighting back for their freedom
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continue from >>1550945
Tencent, NetEase, and Paperstack (LAD devs) have voiced their concern about the rapper. A lawsuit is under way.
because they want a game that panders 100% to them and no one else
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>you won't because you think they're "woke" now.
its a fact thougheverbeit
>Bandy Namky
Can't wait for black female Goku in the next DB Xenoverse game
japan is always late to the party, even microsoft is abandoning the dei ship, various other american companies are rebranding dei because it's guaranteed failure. Hopefully they won't poz the souls games, i don't really play anything else from bamco, since they refuse to bring imas over.
I was right about Gbitch being woke shit.
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Genshinsisters, this isn't looking good
Even gardenscapes mogged us again
Good, I want to see blood flows as river!
Whether rappers or yumes, just fight!
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Snowbreak and LAD were both mentioned in Natlan survey (CN server only)
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>Shanghai Yiyou Company issued an announcement: investigate the legal responsibility of the whistleblower
this LAD drama is getting out of hand
>snowbreak taking male players from genshit
>LaD taking female players from genshit
>snowbreak suddenly gets censored before natlan release
>LaD suddenly center of attention due to rapper putting spotlight, immediately after snowbreak censored
>now both mentioned in a dying game's survey
hmmm... curious
I don't get what the issue is
mihomo is the real enemy of gamers
so mihoyo finally course correct? is it safe to play genshin now?
I don't see the point, all of their games are full of shipshit, and they have a previous record of making for (you) girls into shipshit. Why would anyone trust them? We know they won't commit to snowbreak or LAD levels of pandering anyways.
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i'm still waiting for this mythical pandering, so far it's the usual characters blabbering about nonsense and lore dumping, i don't really see a difference, maybe i'm not that far in yet. Unless not having homos in every other scene is considered pandering to these people
For those interested, in Natlan AQ there is no pandering except the classic one about the traveler being a great and famous fighter and adventurer. One thing to note is that Hoyo remembered that the traveler is immune and has a certain ability to purify the abyss, but I don't consider this pandering since finally the abyss is the main enemy since the beginning of the quest. However, even if the traveler has contributed more concretely than in the past, the AQ is mainly on Mualani (boring) and Kachina (boring) and a little on Mavuika (boring) and Chasca (not bad), Kinich (so-so) has been put aside for now.
QRD on LAD drama???
>Kachina (boring)
Now that's not cool, bwo. She is cute and probably the only likeable potato gremlin this shit game ever have.
I believe that is what they think yes
I think it's more about girl power, so females in the spotlight doing cool stuff. Kinich is almost excluded from the most important events, even when he invites you to visit his tribe the game sends you to Mualani's, Capitano is injured by Mavuika and has to retreat, the traveler can be female, so for the entire second act there can only be females if you use Lumine.
If Mihomo was serious about "returning to their roots" and they meant HI3 and GGZ, just expect shit like that. Mainly girls doing things with a man sprinkled in here and there.
I need a new for (You) gacha game to play
Your options are pretty slim at the moment.
>not the (you) pandering the chinese wanted
>less male screentime so women and troons will seethe
>the normal portion of players are indeed burnt out of gacha or getting bored of genshin anyway
I honestly don't know what hoyo can do to manage better genshin now, they really put themselves into a dead end
>to manage better genshin now, they really put themselves into a dead end
Pretty much, the majority of the audience left are shipfags. I never understood why they just didn't make a ML dedicated game and leave it at that. You get that share of the market into your ecosystem like their plan is to begin with. Snowbreak already proved ML makes money, so it isn't like its financially non-viable.
Shipbait is one thing, but do you really think they could still make a bank even without shipshit after shaoji got exposed like that?
The women and troons at Mihomo HATE ML. It doesn't matter if it makes money. Why do you think they've been constantly going out of their way to try and sabotage Snowbreak, first with the voice actors, then with the censorship.
Mihomo at this point would literally rather die as a company (which it's already doing with a slow but noticeable decline) than give normal straight men what they want.
Mihoyo, as a company, isn't dying.
They've been investing in other ventures and business outside of gaming.
AI development for military use, nuclear reactors, joint research and partnership with hospitals... they've just decided they've made enough bank from gaming enterprises and are now relocating funds.
>you won't because you think they're "woke" now
???? nigga what
umamusu and gakuen aren't woke, those many shitty jap IP gachas aren't one too
just look at current jap gacha scene and compare it to chink ones, for every good shit like gakuen you get way much more slops. its so bad that some of the better H gachas in fanza shits most of current jap gachas even if you remove all the HCGs
like take arpg gachas for example, chinks has pgr, wuwa, zzz, aether gazer, hi3 and more upcoming ones while japs has uhh the stiff as fuck action taimanin and that super outdated bleach gacha?
Looks like the Snowbreak censorship can be avoided in a similar as it is in Azur Lane.
and yet it happened anyway. it will happen again in a matter of time
Same reason a lot of people here don't fully play jap gachas. Most joseimukes have crap gameplay.
Japan really is America's bitch.
2 nukes still haunts them bwo. Can't be helped, should've blame the jews for this DEI bullshit anyway.
This is the state of r/gachagaming, just off-topic hoyoshilling.
>shilled wanderer in collabs
QRD, what collabs?
>still unironically browsing reddit
kindly go back /srs /j /s
Someone has to so I don't have venture to that septic tank. Sometimes it's fun to see them seething.
And why would you put it *here* exactly? Too afraid to argue outside of your safe space?
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What does it mean?
t. ESL
Someone seems buttblasted...
Why would you waste your time typing out an entire post for a subreddit that'll delete your shit on a whim? That r/gachagaming deletes most posts that aren't chinkshilling.
A little off-topic since it isn't drama per se, but:
>granblue is now canonically a cuck game
Wow, guess the japs were afraid the CN were going to beat them to the race so they speedrunned it
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The guy who took the mihoyo self-insert hint from an insider, streamed and popularized it just "disappeared".
One day after the first stream, when he revealed Fu Hua dev, the police was sent to his house to shut it down. He made one last stream on bilibili saying that the matter was much bigger than he imagined and he will have to delete his bilibili account.
One week later, he opened an account on another site to stream. I don't know about the content of that stream, but no one really said anything about it so I think it's just a normal game stream or something.
But yesterday, that new account and his accounts on other sites are all gone, without any warning. He has been completely radio silent.
Why should i know? I only care about what's within the scope of OP.
Never build tolerance for stupidity. If you're an adult then at least have some standard.
Okay what happened now?
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Love and Deepspace rapper drama continuation
Rapper community downloaded LAD, customized the player avatar into their waifu, self-insert as the male love interest, then roleplay on Weibo.
LAD got over 30k downloads, it is currently 10th on the iOS top free games list.
The current female playerbase is not happy about this.
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Using the new feature in profile setting, chink found out there are 11.42 million active users on Natlan release day (CN server only, not including B version)
>what is B version?
Some dedicated Bilibili server of genshin, see https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv35053498/?jump_opus=1
So Natlan is actually a success?
We lost?
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People dont drop the game but they also dont spend as much as before
Dawei lost, boycotters won
I don't play gbf so take it with a grain of salt, but the short of it is that apparently their latest event said the mc is of a different species and cannot interbreed with others.
>can't breed
Doesn't that mean you can fuck them without contraception? Sounds like a win for me.
Yeah, but that also means pretty much all gbf doujins are cuck porn now
who'd actually think a bunch of dramashitters only a minority of people know about are going to put a dent on any of mihomo's games?
lol, lmao even
Sounds like the whales left as they tend be the minority in terms of player numbers.
>djeeta cant get pregnant
Actually, literally gacha cartel
Anon,this is what they mean by going back to "the root". By giving the males as little screen time as possible while having the girls the center of attention and mc is just there as usual, doing jack shit. The only ones happy here are /u/cucks.
as if that means anything. mihomo has no you pandering and yet it has a shit ton of porn and doujins
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>japan is not wok-ACK
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latest chink math shows that the new mechanic doesn't actually add 5% to your soft pity win probability. instead, it starts at a 0% boost and gradually increases your soft pity win rate IF AND ONLY IF you keep losing soft pities. so basically, if you roll a lot on a banner, your overall 50/50 win rate will eventually converge to 55%. if you watch videos of streamers who triggered it, they almost all have lost multiple 50/50s prior. the more you roll (aka c4, c5, c6), the more you benefit from it; if you only want c0, or c1, it'll barely help, and that's why Paimon.moe stats are almost the same as before.

tldr: it only helps whales, a hard pity for consecutive soft pity losses.

>chinese gachas and mobile games overall dominate the market
>japanese games getting shittier and some of them even woke
>japanese games keep bombing, only big IPs of big companies sell good
>wukong absolutely destroyed records
It's a matter of different factors that now chinese companies are pulling back from investing in japanese studios and looking to invest national
Japanese games (and gachas/mobile) future is looking very grim now
I mean this is good, that means all the males will leave the girls and stay as homos while Djeeta (me) will own all the girls.
They have been ramping up the homo in GBF lately. Like making a character some people hyped for into a low IQ mouth-foaming dyke, more /u/bait with Silva and Song or making "men's asses le funny" joke. Now they dropped this bomb >>1554564 out of nowhere.
djeet got bulge down there
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We laugh at genshin players but gbf players are unironically even worse
Ah, ye olde classic deflection
men are so fucking sexy
imagine not being bisexual
>mixed toilet
chinksect terminology for absolute subhumans.
perfect self insert for trans people
>MC is literally a reality switcher demi-god
>MC is not considered "human" despite looking like one
yeah no, that's some made up idiot drama.
No one will "maliciously donate" to Genshin (and oyohim) anymore, hence the shocking low ranking of 5.0
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Women have become the biggest obstacle to the development of otome games. It's imperative Love and Deepspace adds female characters, us men account for 80% of revenue after all.
What's B-game?
>walk away
>by turning 360 degrees
Never heard of Michael Jackson?
Newfags and tourists those days...
>Hero Entertainment's financial report pointed out the loss of its investment in KuroGame (13 million as of June 30)
>Hero Entertainment holds 37% of KuroGame's shares, Tencent 14.3%, and the founding team 48.6%
Wuwa is in bad state right now
The whole "self-insert" brouhaha is just a bunch of Chinks on internet forums discovering something and then collectively whipping themselves up into indignation over something that, removed from that context, would just engender a "oh so they do that. Whatever" any other month if asked in real life.

You realize that, right?
another cringe eslshitskin gachashit thread on the wrong board
Not really
no, it's because this is a mobile game board
go squat on /v/ or /vg/, shitskinjeet/chinkeyepag
>made up idiot drama
Where do you think you are dot gif
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it's nyover...
The voices are cute and I can buy it that it's an actual anime girl speaking, unlike in the West where my mental image is always that it's someone (a flesh human) trying hard to do a cutesy voice.
But I can still not easily get used to the Chink language.
Now there is movement in Tieba to go play otome game (Love and Deepspace): https://tieba.baidu.com/p/9151505161
Totally hillarious
Everyone laments that Jimei (sisters) games are so good, Snowbreak level of fanservice is just shit compared to Love and Deepspace, kek
So games that don't allow you to self insert and build a waifu harem are bad according to you schizos.
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>that don't allow you to self insert and build a waifu harem are bad according to you schizos.
not really, if the game is not targeting self-inserters, then just make a real protagonist (for example Vertin in 1999), don't make an self-inserter protag such as Genshin, and then belittling the protag ingame, or even NTR that protag.
In short, target your playerbase well, don't do halfass shits
thats how gacha games work yes
Otome sisters... male players are taking over our gachas, this isn't good. It's time we band together and fight back. We can't lose Love and Deepspace!
B-games = otome games?
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>in fact, not only the modeling, but also the performance and emotions are very natural and smooth.
I agree with this guy, I also just tried Love and Deepspace, the way characters acting is very natural (a very good way to understand what girls really like). On the other hands, our waifu games are so unnatural, as if the devs don't really want, but force the characters to love the protag
I wonder, how would Wuwa be if they removed males, female MC and started going full ML pandering?
People say some girls are for (You) but you can still be spooked by males so that's meaningless.
It's pointless, after playing Love and Deepspace, I'm awaken that Mala in games such as Genshin, Wuwa are untenable, because they're not galgames, but numerical combat games. Mala is always a honey trap in such type of games, and it's very pretentious and fake. The only way to save Wuwa is releasing a truly good action combat contents, instead of just copying Genshin method now.

A true Mala game must be structured similar to Love and Deepspace, where companionship is the core of the game.
>some girls are for (You)
Literally every playable character is for (you), male or female.
I've been saying this from the start, WuWa is not a good pandering game. The characters are very for (you) but all that is limited to a few moments in their companion stories or the main story in Jinhsi's case.
The relationship of Rover with the characters would have to be prioritized, instead of having something like this festival where they bring back everyone for a 2 minute quest and tell you hey remember Yinlin exists because she does and she still likes you.
Every patch should have the dynamics between you and at least some of the previously released girls evolve.
It's almost as if you can't have a game be good and have every character be for (You). Go play eroge.
The problem is each character only has a limited appearance until the next character comes out and it is her turn in the spotlight. "Festival" patches do fix the issue but, again, as the roster grows screentime becomes more and more scarce. You could always release alts, but people might me less interested in pulling for alts unless they like the character.
>let's just raise another dude's child bro
I also like when the (Me) is only an expectator, like sinoalice (rip) where the game is purely narrative. Is nice
>It's almost as if you can't have a game be good and have every character be for (You).
It's almost as if your business model was selling characters that cost upwards of $3k each for the complete package you want those characters to be the focus of the game.
If they want the game to be a serious respectable story driven adventure they can abandon the gacha monetization at any time and find another way to make money.
GBF is everything wrong with omnipandering.
It's a bummer, but thanks to it I can now peacefully stop playing while remaining sound of mind. I'll probably never touch any other gacha game, because 8 years was good enough for a run, I guess.
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continue from >>1554550
The rapper issued an apology after playing the game and found out there was no sex scene
Many developers want both genders of players to increase the playerbase and therefore revenue. The problem arises when these developers do not actually want to create pandering for one or the other gender but are forced by the higher-ups to do so, the result is clearly seen in Genshin. As much as it may seem cringe all this talk about self-insert and mixed toilet, etch, the players are right, those who are wrong are the greedy companies that through misleading marketing delude players of both genders. As far as I'm concerned I have never been a collector of waifus or husbandos, I only get the characters that I like or are useful, and I don't care about pandering but I understand the need of players who want certain things.

Putting it simply, if the main character is a self-insert the paths you have are different:
- Self-insert Male/Female, pandering must be for both genders in equal measure and with male and female characters playable/obtainable at an equal ratio. This is the hardest one as it seems to be mostly male oriented but then as you progress things change and eventually make both genders unhappy, Genshin, HSR and WuWa are prime examples of this.
- self-insert Male, pandering for males and only playable/obtainable female characters
- self-insert Female, pandering for females with only playable/obtainable male characters
- self-insert for one or both genders but the game does not pander for any gender.
Speak english chinkcel
Isn't it fade to black?
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I havent played the game yet so I dont know
Also, thanks to this drama there is a massive influx of new male players in LAD. They even started metafagging in this game
>now males are invading the yumespace who just minding their own business
Oh the irony...
>Male players
Why? They're playing ironically, right? It's legit a hardcore female pandering game like snowbreak is for men.
>80% of the LaD revenue comes from men

Bros what the fuck
>fujos shit up male spaces
>males lash out at yumes of all groups
You guys just don’t get it, LAD is actually a solid game. I tried it out of curiosity and saw why it's making in so much money. Yeah the monetization is greedy but the game itself is really high quality and polished, plus it hits all those hidden desires that make female players want to spend.
A lot of twitard/redditor women want omni games to add more dudes and use LAD as a success model, but they don't get that doing that will basically kill the game because the way guys are portrayed in LAD is very different from omnipandering games.
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This is so funny on many levels.
They even asked for more self customization of the feMC.
Care to elaborate further? Is it doing a better job at pandering than snowbreak?
Is there any hard evidence that men contribute the most in LoD or otomes in general? Would be hilarious if true.
I refuse to believe actual, non-troon gay men want kpop twinks
>They even started metafagging in this game
Yeah I believe >>1554954
It has to be either Ironic, or the gameplay is actually decent
Why is jamal in that guys pfp?
No, but apparently the biggest spenders in these otome games are actually gay males.
>FeMc players are faggots
What's new?
So women can't even outspend a few gay dudes?
What else did you expect? Women spend money on other things, but not in videogames. They're just really loud which is why some devs listen to them and ruin their games in the process.
>Is it doing a better job at pandering than snowbreak?
Yeah, this game has the best self-customization for a mc I've seen even compared to non-gacha games. You can tweak your self-insert voice which feels like magic and something I haven't seen elsewhere.
The arpg gameplay isn’t the main selling point but it’s still serviceable for an otome, combat's similar to Aether Gazer except you can only play as your self-insert character.
For pandering, it's better than snowbreak since the cast is smaller (4 guys vs almost 20 girls) so they get more screen time, the touch interactive features in SB feel like a cheap knockoff of LAD with worse 3d models and lighting.
Can they announce EOS soon already, please?
So I can stop playing it and issue my refunds or chargebacks, depending to what it leads
"Girls are 20% of the playerbase but contribute 80% of the revenue" is a Chinese Arknights meme, not a real statistic
Mass effect 1 and 2, Fire emblem, Unicorn overlord aren't eroge.
This is the fate of all open world gachas.
No No NO, it's just a joke bros, because you guys don't know enough about chink gacha drama. This meme was from a little drama of Arknights this year, when a story chapter (or event? id remember exactly), the copywriter mistakenly let a character address doctor as "Xiansheng", aka. Mister, Sir. Therefore, Jimei sisters were very angry and rushed to comment at Arknights Weibo, in those comments, there was a shocking comment:
>20% female players contribute 80% of the game revenue!
Now male players are using that meme to troll female players back.
btw it's sad that that comment used my favorite 37 as pfp...
You thought chinks weren't homosexual?
Have you seen genshin players?
At least i know chairman xi is.
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It seems that this latest drama has caused some sisters to be very stressful
>Love and Deep Space Super Topic: Asking sisters how do you deal with seeing men rushing into the game and substituting the male protagonist to insult the players... I'm really anxious and going crazy. The homepage has been blocked as if it can't be extinguished. I play a game with pictures. Is it a man who substituted the male protagonist to insult me? I know the male protagonist has done nothing wrong, but I'm disgusted now. What's the matter? I'm disgusted every time I see a man. If Love and Deep Space doesn't issue a statement that this game bans men, I really won't be able to deal with it. Can you open the account cancellation and one-click refund? I'm really dying of anxiety and can't sleep at all.

Now Tieba players are celebrating, saying it's so happy to be Cyber Angsa (Anglo-Saxon, aka. colonists), heh
Please understand anon, the SEAnigger you are replying can't play anything else that isnt mobile games, you can add Persona games to your list btw
>Unicorn Overlord
I fucking love Dinah
Jacob alone would make every single one of you call Mass Effect cuckshit, don't even pretend this isn't the case.
To think this all of this happened because Snowbreak got touched by censorship.
When I started this game in March, I would never think that it would become this influential.
snowbreak redemption arc when? also i hope manjuu is watching, this is their future
No, all of this happened because of Genshin and other male-oriented games betrayals against players.
Now extremist Mala players (Genshin Leakers Forum) are very militant, they will not let everyone play games peacefully
irony, they call us incels, they deny us self-inserts, they report our games so they get censored and laugh at us, kek well deserved
don't forget baldur's gate where there's exposed penis giggle and you can have sex with bears and all the characters, and that's a twitter approved game
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Indeed, offense is the best defense!
Actually the reverse happened in ME3 Jacob leaves FeMc for another woman.
>ME3 Jacob leaves FeMc for another woman.
At least Miranda was loyal....
That's what I was referring to.
How the fuck is it reverse? He literally betrays you.
That's not even counting garrus and tali.
>garrus and tali
That only happens if you didn't romance either of them
And you think that isn't enough to be labeled as shipping?
Which will fall first?
Snowbreak or LaD? Anyone else is just an indirect casualty
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Neither, the ultimate target to colonize is actually Infinity Nikki! This time we will win big, turning female-pandering game into mixed toilet!
Yeah but you can kill also Garrus in the suicide mission in ME2.
>chinkcels creating any secondary material
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lets play LAD
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since my post got auto removed from the gachagaming subreddit despite it being a large update (a new Style in Girls Creation is basically a new character that will get several skins) I made r/gachagameupdates for DMM updates and news.
What if the Wuwa devs add Christiano Ronaldo and other FIFA players?
This just won't fucking happen. The devs explicitly wanted to create a playable shonen anime.
>blocking view up the skirt
Do people actually expect anything in otome games? They all wear shorts underneath
Nikki is not otome, but a dressing game. I also played Shining Nikki when I released on global side, it has a feeling of buying dress and simping for a virtual girlfriend. They even let you have a separate identity (just like Captain in Honkai 3rd) from Nikki, choose your gender, and interacting with Nikki through Moment and Dorm system. I played it for a while, even topped up to get the New Year outfits, but eventually quitted because the game was so fucking grindy and laggy (it seems female players can tolerate that).
Hope that Papergames would improve Infinity Nikki and make it into a proper mixed toilet instead of just targeting female players (I'm not joking)
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This invasion of otome games by male players is genuinely hilarious. They've already found an invincible strategy.
Natlan release only stopped these homoshills for 3 days and now they're trying to get everyone to play LaD and pitting it against snowbreak kek
This board can't handle a game that doesn't have every girl be for pandering and then wonders why all the stories are bad.
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Feminist union's first attempt to create a female only game studio
Studying doesn't let you escape society. Are you retarded? If you're studying in a uni, you're trying to further solidfy your status as a slave to society.
You'd still be left with bootleg genshit that goes harder on china pandering than genshit itself and in turn alienates everyone who isn't on board with character names consisting solely of q, z and x letters
Devoid of content
Atrocious character progression
Retarded wuxia plot
>and pitting it against snowbreak kek
but why should I care if a bunch of literal faggots play a game I have 0 interest in?
AL 3D dorm when?
Because it's the chinks so you must comply, gweilo.
What, did they finally make something worth playing?
wrong thread
Nope, just another thing they do out of spite.
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lmao wtf
did LAD get new banner or the ML audience actually SPENT money on it?
lmao even
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>better graphics
>no censorship
>better (You) pandering
why wouldn't snowbreak players start playing LAD?
>I made r/gachagameupdates for DMM updates and news.
Should've called it r/DMMgacha or just r/DMM, gachagameupdates is too generic.
Blue Protocol is being revived by Tencent
If there was an actual female version of LAD with the same semi realistic graphics and features it would cause the same amount of controversy as the rapelay incident. No one gives a fuck when males get sexualized which is why they can get away with it regardless of how explicit the material is.
why this getting pushed here ? It is not even out ! It is still using photos from the dying BP to promote MMO elements ffs.
it's not gacha drama, but this is also a mobile game, so I think they can also stay in /vmg/ no problem
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Snowbreak x Love and Deepspace cultural exchange
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The consequence of recent SB and LAD dramas
>male players started playing LAD
>female players tried to push them back, didnt succeed, started playing SB
>why this getting pushed here ? It is not even out
Oh welcome to the board, we hype games that are not out and most of them are DOA like nornium and in the best case they are not even in English. Hope you know your Korean
>women going to poop in the male toilet
>men going to poop in the female toilet

Excellent, the gacha industry destruction plan proceeds smoothly.
It's amazing what not having a life can do. Scary d e s u
in some ways the repressing of male sexuality is what allows society to function.
When they call you incel and berate you for not doing what they deem appropriate that is a very deeply engrained and programed function.
are women stupid? the whole point of the invasion into lads is because the company remains ambiguous on its loyalty to yumes. the gambit is to figure out of the dev team is pozzed against their favor, or if they'd gain adaptive immunity like snowbreak did.
what are you talking about? the same is true of females too, they just got to free themselves of it.
>the whole point of the invasion into lads is because the company remains ambiguous on its loyalty to yumes
The game already bans fujoshis.
I get where you are coming from. I also am a straight guy who likes dressing up female characters cutely. When I played a MMO (Guild Wars 1) this was basically my entire motivation for example.
You actually made me interested in the game. I am doubtful if JUST dress-up is enough to hold my attention, but we'll see.
I have 3 outfit ideas I would definitely make my simped anime girlfriend wear: sportswear-style (like in KPop) with a tennis skirt, sailor uniform with loose shorts, and some cute outfit with a short-sleeve blouse.

Also dressing up a female char has absolutely nothing to do with wanting to be that char (or wearing the clothes). It's like saying wanting to learn how to stuff and roast a chicken means you want to be the chicken. It's insane people logic.
so? are you trying to refute my point?
it's not a question of logic but stereotypes, pattern matching. people who like it for dressup are also more likely to insert into that char playing dressup. you could reason many rationales for it but it all stems from the base phenomenon that you're just more likely to troon out mentally or physically when you're puppeteering a woman.
Are you sure? Maybe all this mess could lead the two sides to understand each other better and maybe find a new balance, after all, males and females who play with this stuff want the same thing.
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Sure, the basic pattern matching via stereotypes is just a basic ability that makes you a functioning human.
But a smart or semi-agreeable person will take that elevated likelihood and keep it in the back of the mind instead of hollering "you are a tranny! you are a tranny!" like an NPC at a button press. I deal with such apes extremely frequently whenever I discuss a topic even remotely related to what we are talking about right now. It's really tiresome.
a birthday banner for one of the LI just started so it's probably that
I think /v/ boards have an abundance of people who love to use buzzwords where they don't make sense, but in this case I do really think it's a justified assumption.
I won't be making claims about you and your life, but the reason random brownian motion gets to look like simple algebraic pressure is because air molecules make a fuck ton of collisions to appear as if they exert a constant predictable force when measured at human timescales.
the same is true for sociological analysis. there is a time dynamic to pretty much all things human, where you need to integrate your model over a large enough timescale to get the right answer. and I would consider that over a large enough timescale, what I've argued for could be considered statistically inevitable.
>according to you schizos
english gachacoomers are just repeating whatever chinese otaku hivemind says, it's not an original thought.
but yes that's what they're demanding.
>irony, they call us incels
it's not irony, the femcels going into panic attacks because some random guy on CN twitter self inserted as the npc husbando is just as pathetic as the male virgins pushing NTR drama over Raymond or whatever
keep crying GFL cuck, all t-dolls belong to Raymond
>If you doesn't want to become cuck, it means you're pathetic
Ok, autist.
Hey look it's the show where the MC fucked his own grandma.
Sinoalice is EoS'd
But both Granblue and genshin story is shit.
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Dress-up is 100% straight and incelcore.
It's always the ESLs
I’ve paid to have a thread pushed to 1500 upvotes there before. Was like 50 bucks there are a lot of websites that will do it. A lot of the comments are bots for sure it’s super obvious tons of astroturfing happens on that sub. Hell i astroturfed on the sub.

You’re delusional may as well rename the sub r/hoyogaming
The majority of the Raymond NTR drama was a funded smear campaign by multiple other companies. It was one of the most elaborate ever done in gacha gaming because in the industry GFL2 character models were acknowledged as being the best so far so they wanted to sink the game as efficiently as possible with coordinated effort
The sub is owned by Hoyo shills - literally. So they heavily curate what is allowed to post so that Hoyo stories/posts stay front and center pretty much 100% of the time.
Maybe there was but fact is GFL2 went feminist to their own demise. The head writer was a feminist and feminism doesn’t fly anywhere but western culture. They made dolls stories about the dolls and other dudes and look at how they remade UMP45 into some nonbinary character model from a feminine one. Nobody likes that shit except a small minority and redditors who are all nonbinary feminists themselves. How many feminist stories and tomboy characters do you see in Genshin, HSF, WuWa, FGO, fucking any gacha pretty much. You don’t because the vast majority don’t like it
>caring about leddit this much
>accusing others for playing victim yet they do it themselves
do antis really?
According to gooks Project KV is pretty similar to Blue Archive in nature and that the devs (people who left BA) have been working on it in secret while still working on BA. They even recruited members in secret internally at the company before leaving.
Project KV has been banned on BA communities.
>Project KV has been banned on BA communities.
>when every BA follower i see have been shilling and promoting it since the first teaser
i dont believe you
Which gook BA communities do you frequent?
sorry, i dont follow schizo theories and "insider info" that has the same credibility as the average 4channer. at least not when it comes to the shit i actually care about
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cared enough to reply TWICE
>My company did no wrong!
Lmao. I'm not crazy like this guy >>1556101
It's nothing malicious. The writer(woman) self-insert as Daiyan, that's why the story is about how a girl "fixing" a handsome man with the power of music.
>nothing malicious
>story is about how a girl "fixing" a handsome man
>gacha girl makes eye contact with an npc
>>become a cuck
this is the kind of shit im talking about
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>look at how they remade UMP45 into some nonbinary character model from a feminine one
You saw this and thought it didn't look feminine?
Still talking about shit that never made it into the game huh?
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MLbros we weren't forgotten
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Jesus Christ that’s UMP45 in GFL2? Only a butch dyke would think that is feminine.
which company is that?
Uh, the entire GFL community doesn’t think it’s feminine which is why they all call her a tomboy now, even the ones who like it
Is that Elliot Page?
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in a prison males turn to homosexuality
there are more men than women in China right now
yeah, never see it. You either bends them to your will like the middle ages or it becames battle of gender like today.
>GFL players are a bunch of homos, cucks, and trannies more news at 11
there's a reason those faggots defend that cuck game, they love to watch raymond and daiyan
Can't wait to play it in 2030.
I’m not a GFL player. Are these the same character? I’m assuming so based on the eye scar. What a weird design change not sure I’ve seen something that drastic before
Pretty sure there is a 10 year timeskip between 1 and 2
>Ganju is someone self insert in mihomo
I call bullshit
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is dier pretending to be a girl again?
holy fuck you are retarded. video game manchildren and a complete lack of proper reasoning, more news at 11
She’s cute as fuck. Should have aged her a little but left the design mostly as is it was so good. Similar to how they did UMP9
Yes, retard. Do you even know what malicious means? This is a case of incompetence. GFL2 is aimed to wider audience. That's why the writer write it that way and she got the green light.
Now for books in the dorm and how they implement "oath" are different matter altogether.
>literally gay
No wonder this thread is full of rice pickers.
>schoolgirl to OL
looks like a pretty normal change to me
they are robots
>Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence
Explain how
>GFL2 is aimed to wider audience.
could work? The game doesn't even have a playable male character to attract female players. Instead of sticking to what works with the male audience they were trying to go for a "wider audience" by only having waifus? Even an idiot like me knows that's a fail waiting to happen, so yeah what they did is malicious because there's no way the devs are actually stupid enough to believe a waifu-only game can appeal to a general audience.
>sexbot in schoolgirl clothes to sexbot in OL clothes
still not that odd
You don’t need to be disingenuous, it’s clear what other people are talking about
Yeah, it's clear that other people are taking it too far. Unless she got lines where she talk about being strong and independent, i wouldn't mind.
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I love how Hoyo shills consistently do this thing where they stir shit with other communities and then gaslight that they are actually the victims. Same thing happened with Tower of Fantasy. I watched them rip to
Shreds ToF and Wuwa endlessly when both games launched and then act like the victims when those communities dare responded in any manner. R/gachagaming has been shitting on Wuwa relentlessly since launch. I don’t even play either game but just watching it transpire makes me hate Hoyo fans
robots or androids that still look 100% like humanoids without mechanical parts are not real robots. it's one of the most disingenuous anime tropes ever made.
She looks like a girl in GFL1 and a boy in GFL2. It really isn’t that complicated. You acting like that isn’t the case is just being a disingenuous faggot. I suspect you’re actually coping
>no argument
concession accepted
Kek yellowbaby just learned a new word. You don't know how bad femoid writing for butch dyke is if you throw a fit just from seeing a tomboy.
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is this the new GFLhomo cope? picrel an actual tomboy
Yeah, I’m convinced it’s GFL fans coping that Yuzhong butchered their favorite waifu.
I played ToF for a while and I remember people posting in the ToF sub shitting on Genshin and then you would look at their post history and it was a Genshin player 100%. Just doing it to stir shit and make it seem ToF was talking shit. I hate them so much absolute psychos in the Hoyo community
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You're the one coping if you think she's no longer for (You) just from changing her appearance. You're free to prove me wrong with her in-game dialogues however.
It’s the outfit, it’s just horrible. That’s the main issue
>You’re the one coping if you think she’s no longer for you just from changing her appearance
Oh that explains why you’re acting like this. She’s your waifu. Fucking kek Damn that must suck having your waifu turned into a boy. I think that may mean you’re gay.
Wait, there people here think this is a boy/tranny? Is it the short hair? Because her face is feminine and has bigger tits/hips than >>1556190
I don't like trannies as much as the next guy, but this is just paranoia.
It’s the outfit. I’m on the discord everyone, and I mean everyone, calls her new look the Tomboy UMP45. So there really is no debate that yes she looks like a boy. I don’t think anyone thinks she’s a tranny.
You can't reason with these insecure yellowskins man, i know a girl who wear pants and cut her hair short, all simply because she thinks it's convenient, not because she wants to look like/doesn't want to be with men.
people are just pissed that they redesigned and rewrote an entire established character and rightfully so, it's not that hard to understand.
I'll be honest, i didn't play gfl that long to care about her but as i said, you're free to prove me wrong because these shallow discussions about her being transgender just reeks of insecurity.
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this is nu-mica, it's not like they haven't made her look cute before, gotta please their tranny audience who will defend this shit
She was the 2nd most popular character after 416 arguably. Changing her look so drastically is truly a baffling decision. But, par for the course for Yuzhong he is
one of the most incompetent in the industry after all. It’s crazy to me GFL fans still worship that jackass.
Sex in real life is so good bros...
>12 results
can i get qrd why gachafag so obsessed with this word?
Really? Malice=Evil intention. If I hide and surprised you, and because of that you get heart attack then die, this act even though result in casualty can't be called malice. Even law works differently for this case. And your saying means "Don't jump to conclusion quickly that it happened because malice. Bad things happen likely because incompetence".

For wider audience, it's because fans of a product likely to bear with change, so there's no downside, so to speak. Of course the pendulum has swing the other way around recently.
And another point is some people (tourist) like to hide behind "epic/edgy" because they don't want to get insulted to like "sexualized woman design". Even now, there are many tourist in anime fandom. So if the GFL is less "otaku" and more "hardcore serious story" they will likely to pick it.
Of course that's how they think at that time, because genshin show that you can get both. I repeat, "AT THAT TIME!". Because no one knows the future. Your and my knowledge aren't something that obvious at that time.
It's a popular genre in the east.
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Biggest problem with GFL2 seems to just be the shitty writers. The writers just don't like most of the players very much, one of them outright stated 95's role should be just to satisfy sexual fantasies.

Since writers and artists seem to have the most power in these companies, it's no wonder they'll only do things that they like and won't consider the players. It's how you get the Raymond "I can fix him" stuff and the UMP45 redesign.
"big tiddy tom boy" is absolutely notmalfag-core; megumin tier. it is also worshipped by browns, mutts prefer asses instead.
I didn't know where to start. but take your win if it pleases you.
>all simply because she thinks it's convenient
always invariably "tomboys", or more accurately strong independent women. you sound like you've never touched pussy in your life, esl ass brown seapag. you are both yellow and brown, both from the higher fat content under your skin with your chink blood, and the melanin from being abbo-born.
>writers and artists
oh yeah this reminds me of the blacked symbols debacle they found on azur lane's past a few days ago. was it ever posted, or is our messenger an AL simp hiding it on purpose?
>Sees big ass and big tits, a universal woman-only trait
>Immediately thinks of black cock while saying "I get more pussy than you!"
I bet you think traps aren't gay, projecting faggot. Go here:
what the fuck are you talking about? explain yourself you textbook schizophrenic.
MTLing chinkcel's ramblings is way better bro, try it out
>Mentions mutts and browns multiple times when no one else has
>Says "you sound like you've never touched pussy in your life"
>Calls him esl when you say "notmalfag"
>All in one post
Yeah, self-projecting faggot is right for you. Put two and two togather.
I honestly don’t even understand what you’re saying here. You seem mentally off though.
it's fine, I know you're low iq. I respect the humility in your admission to it
as with that other post, I don't even know where to start with this so I won't. maybe that's your strategy. everything I'd say should be self evident to anyone ITT whose sentiments I'd care about anyway.
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new AAA title from China is coming soon
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>"women has to *look* feminine or else she's a troon!"
HAHAHAHA This is why you yellowskin idiots are so easily duped, your way of thinking is as narrow as your slanted-eyes.
seapags all look like natural born crossdressers. troons love to get their surgery in thailand because they're so good at it.
dunno who you're quoting either when I never said the word troon. probably just the low iq. but it's fine I've been on /v/ boards, it doesn't faze me how dumb you characters can get.
that image is disgusting btw. you should delete it so you never post it again.
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>a proud /v/eddit
Figures. Now why don't you talk about how many times you got baited by these "totally for (You)" feminine-looking women?
I meant /v/ adjacent boards. I thougt the plurality was enough but I guess not to someone like you. but it's hilarious every time, watching a 70 iq poster trying to shit talk 68 iq posters
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Oh nooo she's wearing a shorts she must be a transgender amirite guys???
She’s a child you fucking pedo. Nice self own
that wasn't his point, but pic looks like the typical designated trap character. nice one homo
>obsessed with cuckoldry
what kind of mental illness is this?
Some of the most pandering gacha have lolis, retard.
lol that must be it, what a sad specimen
was it after the great cucking or were gfltards always like this?
nice general broskis
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the ML audience is carrying LAD so much
The great otome era is upon us.
Massive implications can be seen in this month's chart.
Damn Cat Fantasy is fucked.
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Why aren't you spending...
>even fomo skins couldn't save snowshit
Genshin pretty much stay the same moving from a dead patch to a whole new fucking region. Damn.
Star Rail is remaining stable.
ZZZ goes down to a third of its debut months. Damn
Wuwa goes down to half of its previous months. Honestly, I expect worse.
Snowbreak, after a great anniversary patch, goes back its standard earning. I doubt sales from the last 3 days of skins are accounted for.
LnD continues to monopolize the otome market.
What the fuck happened to AFK Journey? To be fair, I've seen lots of ads for that game recently.
Assuming this data is reliable...

If it continues like this, wuwa is destined to die within a year, unless Shoekeeper can make kuro cash in a ton of money next update and Camelya the next one after that.

AFKJ was released in Asia recently so it doesn't count, in global the players have decreased and several whales have quit.

I hope Star Rail continues like this but I doubt it given the next update, the bastards of mihoyo are really too greedy with that game

Considering the launch of Natlan, I expected more from Genshin, but they will probably make up for it with Xilonen next update.
>If it continues like this, wuwa is destined to die within a year,
bro you should take a look at ToF
it makes no money yet already survived for 2 years and still counting
also koreans are carrying wuwa hard, kuro should pander to them more
>made up numbers chart
aw sweet time for shitposting
cuckbros not like this...
AFK Journey released in CN if I remember correctly.
>hoyo still earns 100m+ a month combined
Alive company.
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i don't have anything against people who actually play these games but seeing redditnoggers cope is always beautiful
>a 10 years old flash game beat a 100 million budget aaa game
it over
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Genshin isnt having a good time with Natlan release
It's fake but I hope it becomes true.
Is MICA the only company that reinvest all their earnings into their game?
I don't think that took into account the costume situation since it happened at the very end of the month
Ehh you can charge in advance so that sounds like a cope.
It doesn't seem like I'm the one coping here
>low quality drama shit post
Yawn, wake me up when the redditor moves on from imaginary sales number.
what earnings?
might as well do a quick rundown on the current state of the lads raid. one proposed strategy was to sweet talk any fence sitter to pit them against the extremists. this would involve lots of hollow compliments directed at anyone taking pot shots at the anti-male crowd.
good arguments made in the op of https://tieba.baidu.com/p/9154948665 .
sentiments include surprise at MLfags' evolution into PUAs, and one compared it to collecting pokemon. those who find it too difficult or disgusting to write this would then make use of character.ai style services that emulated the persona of an mmc.
I fucking knew Mualani wouldn't do anything at all
She's shit, her design is just awful
mihomo tried to make her as sexiest as possible but the crowd they tried to get back already lost trust in them
at this rate going back to full year of homo might be better for them lol
What, you didn't know you can buy digicash anytime you want?
I spend on PC, sorry I don’t contribute to your meme chart.
>Xilonen next update
I don't know
She's a tall female which haven't sold that well lately, she's geo (lol), her kit is good as meta wise but do people even pull for meta anymore?
To me, only Mavuika will be the strongest bet for mihoyo to sell in natlan, specially as capifraud that still hasn't been confirmed for natlan, everyone else look so meh
both hoyo and kuro got their games released om pc and console as well so there's no way it's reliable.
Earning for any gacha with a PC client are underrepresented.
>All this hater masturbation over snowbreak again
Lmao this guy is grasping at straw as hard as he can cope
Why does he purposely shrink JP and global sales while randomly giving Chink sales x5-10?
the numbers are made up sis
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People are memeing but LnD are overestimated in this type of chart. Remember, this is iOS sales and android sales are made up. Remind you that women only use iPhones, and LnD is a mobile game only, so the sales shown here is pretty all of their sales. Genshin, ZZZ have hidden sales from PC and Playstation, and games like Wuwa and Snowbreak absolutely has disproportionate sales from PC. HSR, while available on PC and Playstation, is an autobattler turn-based game, which means most of its sales also come from phones, hence its ranking.
>most of these doing bad
Holy fuck
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>oh yeah this reminds me of the blacked symbols debacle they found on azur lane's past a few days ago. was it ever posted, or is our messenger an AL simp hiding it on purpose?
I don't play Azur Lane, therefore I don't know its drama. Most of my posts are from hot topic of NGA mobile games board and Genshin Leakers Tieba, they're now mainly talking about recent mixed toilets low revenue and fighting against Weibo xxn.
I mainly play mixed toilets, especially Genshin and Honkai 3rd, so you can count on me to report hottest drama of mihoyo games (aside from insignificant drama from Starrail, or ZZZ, which I don't play). After 5.0 Natlan big loss, I have a feeling that there are very few mihoyo "insiders" at NGA and Tieba right now, normally they really love to taunt against players (especially during 4.8), but now it seems they're really falling into deep shock.
Yeah, the chinks especially hate those mihoyo slurpers. Mihoyo actively raised them as rabid dogs to attack other games and silencing complainers inside mihoyo community. https://tieba.baidu.com/p/9154936432
>that women only use iPhones
Is there some proof of this?
My PNG collector only made 16 zillion dollars this month
Dead game
i'm annoyed they wasted Nao Toyama's voice on her
>sexy as possible
>doesn't even have cheeky shorts like amber or lisa
>has unshaded feminists spats
nothing has changed stop being delusion, company is controlled by feminists
Why would I give a shit about some half baked sexuality if there is no (you) pandering behind it? If I wanted that I would just play GFL, and even then they somehow have more (you) pandering than genshit.
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>irl pic on gacha forum
That's not real right?
How does it feel to lose every month?
judging by the esl, i'm pretty sure they're paid in rice to troll us
it can be pic of streamer or other person
Is this a GFL2 husbando? No wonder the game failed miserably
Because Snowbreak is dogshit?
It's not going to die chinkbro
It’s not going to die that fast but it will keep dwindling. It’s a 1:1 copy of Genshin, like exactly minus the combat. I tried to like it but was already tired of Genshin so just couldn’t do it. I had more fun with ToF because it at least felt like its own game and hand a lot of different things from genshin. Wuwa is a literal clone
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>he doesn't know about the magic money circle
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you tell me hoyotroon
i like to cheer underdogs, plus hoyotroons hate wuwa, so i want to support it, but then i remember it's a 1:1 clone, it doesn't just deserve to die, it needs to die. It needs to send a message to the industry, end this mixed toilet homoclones nightmare.
>sexualize character
>make no attempt to make her spats look remotely good
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>new region is a flop
>nobody buys hoyocuck bullshit anymore
>next patch is more cuckshit with one of the most hated character again
Gayshit shitpact flopped
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nooo, it was supposed to be our turn! we got snowbreak censored, and GF2 decensored, clukai was supposed to save the game!
You're so schizophrenic I don't know which side you're trying to mock.
Is this how you’re coping about Snowbreak’s huge drop? Nobody gives af about GFL2 it’s dead as hell and full of troon characters like they were talking about in this thread already. But that Snowbreak drop is bad
Short hair of that length is cute af. It only becomes critical when the length is above the ears or has the exact same shape as a man's cut or is a so-called pixie cut. In that case the woman is a certified dyke.

But your model is fine. The other dude is mental case.
>The other dude is mental case
He's just one of the many dramatrannies that can't cope with the fact the game isn't going to die.
That’s fine I’m not someone who hopes games die. But it does look like it has dogshit waifus if that posted troon is any indication
nah, it's stabalized, it normally does 1-2 million every month. The 9 million is the bump from anniversary, and one of the most (You) pandering patches, weddings.
>snowbreak anniversary just ended
>70% of the sales is already confirmed by the devs to be on PC
>imagine playing a shooter on fucking mobile of all places LMAO
Troon completely mindbroken by snowbreak chads
>kiss da wei ring
Why? They went from their anni patch to a blatant filler patch.
>b-b-but the skin FOMO
You can thank the newfags for getting it to 4m
Mobile is only 30% of the revenue as per the devs.
The model is fine, but the outfit isn’t flattering at all. That’s what needs to be changed. A skin should fix the issue
You lost tranny, let snowbreak live rent free on your head
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Kiss the ring, dramatranny.
>Mobile is only 30% of the revenue
Kek this fucking cope. Like that same factor wasn’t there last month or something. Stupid faggot.
>all still uncensored on my machine
>new patch still as lewd as ever
Rent free, tranny
>self censoring good
>thinking Azur Spatsmilia will save his ass
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What censorship?
Why is it always snoggers, without fail?
>self censoring when is already confirmed it was the CCP
>still uncensored on my machine
You lost tranny.
The one living rent free on his head
The CCP doesn't censor, snoggers already told me that.
Why did snobbles self censor their own game?
Apparently the CCP is improving the Snowbreak models by giving some of them spats
>believe the devs who said the game that the game makes all their money on PC months ago
>or believe random tranny anon mindbroken by the game
You lost tranny, CN already find out it was the CCP. Keep coping with your failed narrative
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The amount of cope in the comment section of this is unprecedented.
>Hoyo players coping
>Wuwa players coping
>Snowbreak players coping
>Everyone coping about AFK Journey
It’s so hilarious and pathetic seeing how emotionally invested all these, and (you), faggots get about your games.
>CN already find out it was the CCP
But it was CN itself that said the CCP never censor any game, it's always feminists inside the companies.
Why are there feminists inside seaslug?
>but, but, but, but
You lost. Keep the game living rent free on your head tho. Just like you fags said the game would EOS in 6 months
One actual case in 3+ years of gacha games gives the company-internal feminists enough fuel to censor the next 10 games.
>Y-You lost!
It's ok bro, seaslug will be able to join the cartel eventually. They are already kneeling, after all.
>Just like you fags said the game would EOS in 6 months
Who are you talking about? I never even knew the game existed until the most insufferable faggots started playing it.
>hoyo cuck talk stops
>snowbreak boogieman starts
>All that after this was posted >>1556786
New region of genshit flopping really make them mad huh. This is what happens when you make both China and the West mad
Dunno why you're trying so hard to cope and deny reality, snowbreak talk started because of this >>1556791
>wall of text
LOL keep coping retard while the game live rent free on your tranny head.
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>wall of text
it's only the hoyotroons who everyone should point and laugh at, because they live and die by these charts. They belittle everyone else with their made up numbers, they couldn't care less about the quality of their game. Everyone else enjoys their game regardless of how they perform. Cat Fantasy did pretty miserable, but I'm enjoying it and will keep playing it.
>tranny projecting
Damn you lost hard and can't stop having the game living inside your head. It's even saving pics of the game LMAO
Anon, they wasted god Jouji Nakata in voicing a fucking enemy, one of the abyss elite enemies
There's nothing worse than that
>trying to cope
>you when literally just confirm what i just posted since this was exactly after the hoyochart was posted
Ok retard
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How did you become so pathetic and funny?
>it's only the hoyotroons who everyone should point and laugh at, because they live and die by these charts.
Exactly that, and now that Natlan is flopping they are going mad over it
We know that chart is shit and unreliable as fuck but we love to shitpost
>troon so mindbroken by the game that he has a entire folder for it
KEK can't make this up you still lost btw
>you can't save pictures of the games you play
I'm gonna keep replying because I want to see what's the next mentally ill shit you will spew out of your hole.
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Funny you say that about the chart since half of the posts when i go on their board is charts doomposting their own game
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>troon now pretends to play the game
>still lets the game live rent free on his head
MrToxin is that you?
I just realized how fucking little arletroon made, wtf
The harbingers were supposed to be like genshin's strongest cards alongside archons, safe characters to sell
Is this your favorite eceleb?
>pretends to play the game
>don't know about him
KEK and Hi MRToxin, you should stop letting this game live rent free on your head troon
It happened to Azur Lane too and it didn't matter, just like snowbreak.
Waifu players left the game after getting cucked by wanderer in Sumeru and little by little and the big sunk cost fags is leaving the game as well
Who the fuck are you talking about?
>pretends to not know now
KEK caught with his pants down
I'm gonna assume it's someone you're obsessed with.
What did he do?
>he still pretends after he pretended to play the game
>"wHaT dID hE dO?"
Can't make this up. You lost
A lot of the ones in the gachagaming sub are bots
But what did he do, schizobro?
Surely you can form cohesive phrases.
>if i keep pretending enough he and other people will believe me
Not a good look tranny
Who will believe me?
What did he do?
The thing I hate most about Hoyoshits is watching them talk shit and start shit with every other gaming community, and then acting like the victim after. It’s like that dishonest thing bullies do where they hit someone 10 times, someone finally hits back once, then they gaslight everyone that the other person really started it all
>i will keep pretending until it works
lost, big time
(You)s aren't currency bro, no replying just means you want to quit.
Who is he?
They love doing that shit. Just see what they been doing with WuWa for a long time now. Ever since before the game even released they started attacking like crazy, just to pretend to be a victim right after getting counter attacked by wuwa fans. Natlan flopping really just put a smile on my face, that is what i call Karma.
It's some ledditfaggot snoggers are obsessed with and accuse every person that has negative feedback of being him.
>now he is begging for my (you)
>will die pretending
holy shit, did i really poke the tranny bear KEK
China is led by gay pedophiles and menopausal women, truly a cuck republic
Don't china lacks women after the 1 child bullshit? Don't they also ban homo shit from Tv's already?
Surplus of young men over young women is the norm in pretty much every developed country, china is one of the most extreme ones, check out population pyramids if youre interested
>Bringing Azur Promilia out of nowhere
LMAO. Troon really lost xis mind here.
Deserved, she looks like a dyke and calls herself "father", most of the people that where "hyped" for her were coping because she is the first playable female harbringer.
I just wonder how much is that affecting China as a whole. Is the CCP really putting women and even gays in position of power because of it or there is something else?
Didn't help that they retcon her being actually evil
I still remember that inazuma side quest were they set her being ruthless and malicious, but they even rewrote that quest after she released
I think thats more just corruption and nepotism than intentional action, plenty of government positions are filled with friends family and such when theyre supposed to be places for people who know what theyre doing and want to do good
I haven't thought about this, lmao. Yeah, android number is calculated from iOS number and if the creator of this pic multiplied it by more than 1x, then the number will be highly inaccurate.
iPhone for women is like gaming rig for men. Try to ask any working woman(especially HR lady) what phone they're using, and high chance they will answer iPhone. And LaDS demographic(at least paying player) is most likely them.
>new region
>waifubait character
>only a 1m bump
holy shit LMAO
People are just tired of it. I used to love the game but just can’t anymore. It’s also why I can’t with Wuwa it’s too similar
The waifu standards for hoyo are pretty grim, then
What? China isn’t promoting fags you dumb cunt. The opposite.
Mualani got nerfed to hell and has to share an element with Neuv.
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Genshin is estimated to have spent about 2 billion yuan ($280 million dollars) in advertising costs in China for the month of August.

About 90% of it was on Tiktok, which has a very high advertisement cost.
So they spent double in marketing just Genshin than all their games made put together (just on mobile).
Trying to attract the zoomer playerbase I assume, is it working?
lmao the cope is off the charts, two more weeks fellow ML trooper
>is estimated
By who?
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Based on Dataeye's data on another game, which spent 70 million yuan on the purchase of 55,000 ad materials in just one day.

Also I kinda fucked up, the $280 million is for all three of Mihoyo's games not just Genshin. Though note this doesn't count overseas advertising expenses or sponsored content.
you lost
So people are using other game data and estimating it for genshit?
Nope Kinich will save genshin.
Yes. But it's obviously not gonna correlate 1:1 since different platforms have different advertising costs. For Genshin in this month in particular they spent way more for the same number of ad materials because most of it was on Tiktok, a very expensive platform.

It's clear that advertising costs for gachas are completely unsustainable. This wave of advertisement in August didn't even seem to help Genshin's revenue.
>This wave of advertisement in August didn't even seem to help Genshin's revenue.
That's because they used a female for the first banner when normal people want males.
Very true. They should have used kinich for the first banner. It's widely known that women are 20% of Genshin's population but account for 80% of revenue after all.
Yep just one look at reddit will tell you that normal people want more males.
normal is code for trannies, homosexuals, and fujos genshin's true audience, yes i agree
They know this and choose to make a bunch of waifu characters anyways and promote them? Seems like there is an excessive number of them too.
Kinich will make them see the light once his banner reclaims genshin's throne.
It's very satisfying to know that dawei making a bitch of himself didn't help to save the game, same as when he did it for HI3. HSR on the other hand, despite having relatively unpopular characters has maintained revenue, because it gives the players what they want. Next patch they are introducing the 5th endgame mode, and the events (like training March7) are nice, not wordy, and them and character stories are about the characters, not fucking random NPC. Story is mid but it's not insufferable like in genshin or zzz.
Yeah like seriously where the fuck did they get all the budget? Games with similar income don't have the same quality as mica, it's like yz burn all his earnings just to shit on internet trolls. Still pathetic but at least i admire his persistence.
Because you're retarded and think these games are expensive when 80% of their bloated budgets is advertisement.
I'm not joking when I say they most likely aren't red, or at least aren't as red as you think. Other servers will most likely make it green.
As far as I know the director was a millionaire and put down a lot of money to attract investors, and then for GFL2 tencent? or some other company helped fund it. So the reason they bend the knee so quickly when the drama hit was because the investor company is knocking at their door with how low the revenue was and introduced fanservice and oaths in a rush (or rather re-introduced them in a shittier fashion).
Even the dorm is rushed and dogshit. GFL2 needed an other year to cook I think. Unfortunately those amazing character models are being wasted in an extremely mid game. If nothing else their sacrifice will push the industry forward to make models of that tie animation going forward. Just imagine the games just going into development now and releasing in the next 5ish years. Going to be great
>and then for GFL2 tencent?
Not just GFL2, Yz used Tencent money for Reverse Collapse and Neural Cloud too.
>Story is mid but it's not insufferable like in genshin or zzz.
Is ZZZ that bad? Seems like it was made for male audience with all the fanservice and six back-to-back waifu banners. They even made a hangout date mode.
>the director was a millionaire
What the fuck are you talking about?
It's not bad but nothing special in any way. Some scenes are trying too hard to be edgy and quirky which gave me seconhand embarrassment.
I also did what people considered cuck story episodes and (un)surprisingly, it was an overreaction.
t. day one
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>when the CCP censors they outright tell everyone in an official website
>nobody's produced anything similar for mihomo
So the censorship is based on something, incredible.
All those alterations which were accused of being feminist agenda were actually valid.
>Why are there feminists inside seaslug?
Those are contractors.
>They even made a hangout date mode.
While making the rat girl cuckbait.
No lines about her being into (You) or the cop.
Then why are you bragging about having a dating sim?
they love doing this
>guys hoyo is totally (You) pandering now, look at all the lewd fanservice, they're practically doing porn now
>umm, all i see is cuckbait and shipbait and everything is censored
>nooo! why are you paying attention to that schizo, you're just an incel you wouldn't understand!
Because you can only bond with her AFTER you're done with the story where you get to know her and by "get to know her" i mean it in a literal sense where you're not tagging with her every moment like a third wheel. If you know the story, you know that there's zero reason for her to be instantly for (You).
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[Rumor] After the failure of Project SH, seems like Cai Haoyu is going to come back with another one. Main focus is on AIGC and western based development
You are absolutely right, HSR gives players what they want... to have their bank account emptied, and let's be serious, the endgame content is always the same with some different mechanics, even DU has become more of a chore than something fun to pass the time. Genshin has a lot of problems but at least it gives players the ability to choose which characters to get, HSR with its fake team building system forces you to get specific characters because otherwise your DPS struggles even to defeat Belobog's little robots... maybe this is a bit exaggerated.

Just for information, the Mualani quest is about Mualani and I hope that in the future it continues like this because they are on the right path to create story quests that are no longer boring.
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Fu Hua, the executive of MHY's marketing department, said "in the future, the new potential market is on Douyin" before.
I'm only interested in emoji faces they recently added to the game. That alone is a step up from whatever they've ever done, but 100 gigs is a bit too much...
Sorry for being a retard but what is Douyin supposed to be?
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Daniel 吴旦 recently posted in the circle of friends about his team's project "Black Myth: Wukong". MiHoYo President Dawei wrote in this comment "I'm here to say that Daniel has been the strongest investor in the Chinese game industry over the past five years."
CN Tiktok
Dont worry genshinbros, I will go eat a bat just so I can start another pandemic and boost our game's sales and popularity all over again!
Fucking greedy genshitter thinks 30m from mobile alone is not enough? Think of all the actually dying devs in chinaland!
>[Industry News] In Japan's game market in 2023, PC will grow by 24.9%, soaring for four consecutive years, reaching 60% of the total number of consoles, and half of Sony's increase in one year
>Original source: https://www.famitsu.com/article/202408/15119
>Discussion: https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=41517350

-The total size of the gaming market is 2,125.5 billion yen, and the total size of the online platform is 1,721.6 billion yen. (Fami's caliber, digital version of the game/online game, all those that rely on the network are counted as online platforms)

-Mobile games fell slightly by 0.7%, from 1,243.3 billion (2022) to 1,235.1 billion (2023), a slight decline for three consecutive years.

-PC game software grew by 24.9%, that is, from 189.2 billion (2022) to 236.4 billion (2023), maintaining rapid growth for four consecutive years.

- (Affected by the recovery of semiconductor supply) game console hardware 267.5 billion, up 27.5%

- Game console software 386.5 billion, the same as in 2022 (389.3 billion), of which 136.5 billion are physical and 250 billion are digital/connected.

>Mobile market in JP is still crazily big
>Console is losing market to PC
>>Console is losing market to PC
In the long run, this might not be a good thing at all.

Consoles allow developers to reach a wider audience and are easier to use, while building a decent gaming PC costs a lot of money and requires maintenance and most of the time it's already old the next day.
>wider audience
Only rich kids still using consoles these days and even some of them would rather buy a prebuilt pc. Also on that topic, right now console exclusivity is forced rather than preferred, and normalfags already lean on mobile devices for convenience.
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The Shanghai government is assembling the cartel for a meeting about the impact of Black Myth Wukong on their city's game industry
>this might not be a good thing at all
>.t snoynigger or nintenigger
fuck consoles, let them die, they are behind all the woke trash, meanwhile steam has visual novels, hentai, gacha and anime games. Consoles have been holding back the medium whether through weak hardware, or their shitty woke policies. For the longest their only arguments have been, b-but muh piracy! publishers won't make 6 gorrilion dollars anymore! or our customer base is too retarded to buy a PC think of the retards!
well i hope it's to start developing actual good games, and not to sabatoge Game Science
I get that this is mostly a straight vs gay, harem vs shipping, romance vs no romance etc. drama "general", but while on the topic of gacha drama, what's the deal with Blue Archive and Project KV? I'm a casual BA player and I've seen some murmurs of people being worried about BA's future because of Project KV - what's going on?
KV is made by ex-BA devs and from the looks of things it just seems to be BA but melee combat.
Just for instance the guy who wrote Eden Treaty for BA is working on KV.
Because many devs, including some important ones, left Blue Archive to go work on Project KV. It's worrying because we don't know what kind of people will replace them. But you can probably blame Yostar for why they left, the Mahjong Souls collab was most likely the last straw for them.
>the Mahjong Souls collab was most likely the last straw for them
I honestly doubt that unless you have some actual evidence that isn't schizoshit.
>Blue Archive got nothing out of it other than rolls
>No devs even mentioned the collab from what I remember
>Collab announced April 1st, devs rumored to have left in the same month.

seems pretty suspicious to me
I'd expect the anime to have done more damage than the collab. The anime just felt like shit to watch whenever you'd see what Yostar watered down compared to how it was in game.
I forgot about the anime, that was a fucking disgrace. I don't know how anyone at Yostar can even be proud of making that shit.
it was a pinned thread on genshin leaks.
he fell in love with her when she was young and beautiful, she's ruined now but he's still coping
lmao fuck no it looks like trash. with your taste I'd expect you to create an aesthetic on the level of concord, based on my experience with /co/mrade artists' preferences and their works.
shoulder length hair is the limit, and only if you desperately need variety.
it's either that or the anime where the devs got so mad at the omission of mc (a staple of japan for gacha cartoons) they broke social order to demand it explicitly, and the show still keeping its yuribait (another staple) in regardless.
take your shit back two reddit. make your comment in their thread and just eat the downvotes if you're not a pussy and stop bringing it over to this board. if I wanted to know what they thought I'd just put the link in an LLM and go from there.
it's absolutely pathetic watching you bring your rants over to a totally different website because it bothers you to post a comment there like everyone else does. it's not like your text is bannable on reddit either.
The anime is indeed way more likely than an irrelevant collab for them in the long run. Considering the speculation they had to fight for male sensei.
We already understood you're a faggot bro, no need to repeat it for multiple days in a row.
Did people really expect different after the shit Yostar did in the AL anime?
the outfit is fucked, but so is the hair, pose and personality. the whole presentation just comes out to be instinctively revolting. an outfit change just solves enough of the issue to not make it noteworthy, but it's still very much not at the ideal.
get better taste, she's not even real.
its over for BA, red archive won
meant for >>1557632
the yostar shit was very likely a convenient last straw. but I expect the rallying and canvassing of coworkers to leave together happened during the time of the show's production.
>(you) meant for (you)
kek he's seething now. also I'm not the other anons you've been arguing with either, so cope harder
meant for >>1557635
stay mad, you're waifu is now shit
meant for >>1557645
I'm really curious, what is it with vidyafags and repeating the same insult like a broken llm as some kind of own? literally no other group on this website does this. is it the lowest iq of any group of people on imageboards that does this? it's just so lame, like they intentionally want you to be bored of it, and reeks of having lost so hard he just wants the argument to end.
not entirely a rhetorical question. would like some thoughts on this.
fine then, I'll collect my you and go about my day. as long as I've won
meant for >>1557651
fine, same *type* of insult as a generality. it adds the teenaged lolrandom factor that just makes you question why you even bothered. all in service of ending the argument asap.
don't forget, your wife is garbage now
meant for >>1557651
Talking about low IQ while posting in the gachashit gossip f*moid magazine general might be the biggest lack of self awareness I've ever seen.
It's because among all nerd hobbies. vidyafags are closest to the norm. It turns out. with roughly 100 IQ you don't get creative and amusing banter, you just get people shouting the insults at each other that came to their mind the soonest. Remember, 100 average means half the people you encounter in vidya threads have less than that value.

Other nerd hobbies like anime or tabletop gaming are inherently more attractive to aspergers people, which means it also gets to have a higher average IQ. Again, it means significantly less than half of all people you meet there have double-digit IQs. IQ is a proxy for creativity, especially verbal.
Okay, try writing in English this time.
I blame the big vtuber wave causing the an increased interest in FPS/Battle Royale type game like Apex and Valorant to catch on to Japanese gamers.
>Steamcuck think steam is based
No, retard. Steam is fucking bullshit. Even Google Playstore is better, because they actually follow their standard. Steam is notorious to reject anime games. Honestly you PCuck race is disgrace. The only one PC users that can call themselves master race are pirates.
>Console holding back medium through weak hardware
So true! I can't wait for unoptimized games that can only be played by top of the line PC!
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Looks like they wanted to make a lewder blue archive.
>t. snoy executive
Bro, stop, he's already dead.
I accept your concession.
>.t retarded nintenigger hiding behind google
playstore is shit too, they withheld snowbreak's update for the CCP, just admit you're a nintendrone, already know your tactics, you guys always pretend you're PC when fighting snoys, but everyone knows you niggers only play mario and zelda, and report anyone emulating
>CCP is the cause
>Somehow Google Playstore is the bad one
LMAO, steamcuck is this stupid. I will respect PC gamer if they're not steam drones, but you're undistinguishable now.
Even Nornium is rejected once from steam, of course just because it's anime game. You steamies are stupid to defend this kind of company.
>Y-you must be nintendrone!
Holy shit, how pathetic can you be? I don't care about your console wars. The fact at hand is steam still bad if they don't remove employee that reject game just because it's anime.
>Only play mario and zelda
I don't care about games that don't have player avatar, so I don't play them. I've tried them before but they're just overrated.
>why didn't the playstore go against the CCP?
Why are you snoggers like this?
We'll see about that. We don't even know how the game looks, whether is chibis, full 3D, only 2D, live2D, etc. Or what the gameplay is. I personally don't care too much about pantsu is there is no pandering, or if it's tame as fuck shit like in BA, that stuff is so boring.
why would an american company obey a foreign government in the USA, china doesn't use the playstore
They believe KV is what these ex-devs wanted BA to be but they got cockblocked by Nexon. Because they want the story to be either more edgy, more fanservice or more /u/troon shipshit but nothing is confirmed yet.
I mean I know you're dumb, but I'm still way smarter than you.
hikarious how all the /v/tards instantly patt-regged you as one of their console war rivals. one probably hates sony more and the other nintendo.
actually that's not how average works, that's a median. it only equals the average when under a bell curve, which is what the genetic population follows. nitpick aside you're probably right. people palpably smarter than you tend to manifest as more interesting people too, to an extent.
Sorry but i play your games using emulator and find a way to get "full trial". Enjoy sucking corpos dick.
>i play your games using emulator
reported to the fbi and nintendo of america, enjoy sucking jamal's dick in prison
oh nyooo
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>30 million dollars in marketing costs in just 15 days

holy shit these mobile game marketing costs are out of control.
Soulless. I'll stick to indies like Horizon Walker and Nornium.
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Brown Dust 2 held a popularity poll

The top 3 has 22% (big tits), 22% (big tits), and 7% (flat loli) votes
The top 2 are so equal to each other, their fans accused the others for botting votes, and asked the dev to investigate
The dev investigated and concluded that... the loli had botted votes, and removed those votes

In the end, top 2 is unchanged but the loli lost her place to another big tits (4%)
pedos deserve the rope
anyone surprised that an unironic cuckold game only has coomers for it?
coomer tits are fucking disgusting. I'll go back to my moe VNs, thank you.
Pedo is a minority, anon. DESU It surprised me to. It's only "big" in Japan, but for the other server they're almost non-existent.
They're really vocal in community, but it turned out they're just like a trans, all bark, no bite.
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>most of the characters are big titted hags
>somehow the few lolis get votes
we know these pedo fuckers try to manipulate polls, if they were so prominent most of the banners would be lolis, but yet they are mostly big titted hags who pay the bills for Neowiz. Loli fuckers are no different from husbando faggots at this point
>mixed toilet
>not appreciating cunnyCHADS
can't escape your r*ddit nature
Why would lolicons play BrownDust 2? It's obviously not for them since their cast is 98% hags of course they'd be in the minority
dunno, but anyone who thought this was an argument is either malicious or needs his rights to do logic taken away asap. I fucking hate midwits so much it's unreal.
The game has like 1 loli. Of course it was going to get the least amount of votes, since lolilovers don't play that game.
To get more accurate results that popularity poll should be done in blue archive or azur lane, I guess. Didn't AL get popularity polls every year? I wonder if lolis get ranked higher there.
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Z23 is about the closest thing to a loli, she's a hebe, and placed 10th, lolis are less popular than they try to make it seem
>pedos are a loud minority
Shocking, truly shocking...
Not really, lmao. Even in top most bought skin in EN and CN server, there's no loli skin.
If they were the majority the age of consent wouldn't be 18 in a lot of places.
It's a shitposter trying to derail the thread he is currently using yuri in the other thread.
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Rumors that most of the Girl's Frontline Neural Cloud team has been laid off, and the game will enter maintenance mode after they release their last remaining content in December.

Girl's Frontline 2 team will apparently also be going through many layoffs. This is all unconfirmed chink rumors but it's important to note that Neural Cloud does not have a live broadcast for their third anniversary preview this year.
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And this is supposedly an internal email sent to the Girl's Frontline 2 team. Layoffs coming soon.
>no company seal
Can't wait for the retard to pick this up and spam it everywhere.
The game just bumped back into 1m+ revenue, granted it was probably only because of who was released. So I am not sure how believable this is.
Natlan status?
Aren't those kind of decisions made way before time? They are only now being informed to the employees (if it's real). I doubt they are going to be earning half as much this month, august was probably the highest revenue the game was ever going to see anyways.
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Isn't that game's story not even over yet?
Love and Deepspace keeps dominating.
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CN estimated ads cost ranking last month
I can't believe that NetEase is the first. What are those games?
Honestly it's funny that there are many people that underestimate the power of advertisement, even I was one of them. You can see that Arknights won't have that high of revenue if not for ads.
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Netease: Naraka, Rise of Kingdoms (mobile game similar to Lords Mobile) and three MMOs

AK players are not happy with Hypergryph spending 90% of their revenue on ads instead of making good game content
>lolis are less popular than they try to make it seem
Isn't Nahida's banner the most successful one in the game so far? Expiredhag conspiracists need to know their place.
>25m across three games
That's probably less than a quarter of what they usually earn.
>That's probably less than a quarter of what they usually earn.
That's CN only.
Fuck....my narrative...
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So Miba, the streamer who discovered the real Fu Hua was closed down by the Shanghai government

Shanghai cartel power is so great! Alas, Mi-san hand can cover all the sky!
I can imagine the day when FBI knocking on the door 10 minutes after shitposting Hoyoverse on 4chan!
>MHY doxxing group got exposed by weibo
>police did nothing
>some streamer exposed mhy's LGBT propaganda
>police arrested him immediately
shanghai is truly the enemy of otaku culture
I surrender, I will now download Zenless Zone Zero and support all Shangai games!
it was because of clukay though, it was the same in neural cloud, heck when her banner dropped i contributed to their revenue bump in neural cloud. once she goes away, revenue goes back, they would need to add another really popular character like AK12 and keep that cadence.
>how dare you discover i'm self-inserting
like how arrogant do you have to be to go after someone for this? you can just deny it or something, it's not like this discovery will hurt their revenue, it's just embarrassing.
>furina cosplayer at genshin fes was shanghai prosecutor
no wonder they werent happy about someone shit talking mihoyo
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Seems like the streamer will be released soon
I was wondering how long would it take until the government started cracking down on retards trying to ruin gachashit revenue.
Apparently it did affect their revenue which is why Mihoyo decided to take revenge. They're as bad as Tencent now.
>Apparently it did affect their revenue
This will affect their playable characters thus their revenue so yeah. A person can of course ignore it but the thought that they're playing a tranny self-insert may linger in their mind, eventually making that character feels repulsive.
No one cares about that idiot. The real problem is they're jerking off their self-insert and sideline everyone else including MC.
Honestly the good writer for game story is the one who make wish-fulfillment story. Everyone likes to get praised(except tourist or "woman"), that's why story like WuWa is good.
Note, this is the government doing. It's going to be worse after Wukong's success, the CCP now open their eyes to the fact that games can be use as potilical tools so they will not let anything bad happen to their precious cultural export product.
>wukong's success
in chinkland?
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18 mil in two weeks is really fucking good, let's say half the sales came from china, that's still 9 million worldwide, really good period.
Except it's not 50%, but 80% minimum sales from China. Genshin is more soft power than BMW.
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Apparently both 3 hoyogames fell out of the top 20 August's global revenue ranking
So their playerbase didn't increase, huh. The good thing is they don't put every eggs in one basket. But the bad thing is they increase their expenditure.
FGO can't stop winning.
>The good thing is they don't put every eggs in one basket
Their 3 big games all have the same kind of content, events, update schedules, gacha and systems. They are barely any different, I'd say this counts as one basket
More like they have a big overlap of players among the three games. That's why genshin and hsr both dropped a lot during the first month of zzz because the players' money went to it instead.
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Star Rail just got removed from the iOS top grossing ranking
Isn't this a two edged sword? Government paying more attention to cultural exports also means greater scrutiny over them, meaning they might crack down on fujoshit like Kaveh and Alhaitham and other sfuff like that that Mihoyo devs love so much.
>Their 3 big games all have the same kind of content, events, update schedules, gacha and systems
Honestly this is the real reason why I didnt even bother trying out HSR and ZZZ
I'm already sick of artifact farming in Genshin, why would I want to redo it again
Pokemon GO tho, literally no one talks about it yet it still manages to stay afloat with good revenue
MHY has officially banned ship content from their creator event after some cheldfujo had an uppity
>crack down on fujoshit like Kaveh and Alhaitham and other sfuff like that that Mihoyo devs love so much
Grim times approach to genshin
she was angry other women were making gay porn involving her 2d husband and reported them to the police
pretty based ngl
fujos are already seething in /gig/, not sure what mihoyo is trying to achieve, haremchads will never come back to genshin with the weak pandering and censorship.
No, fujo. She was angry Mihoyo sponsored a Zhongli top x Cheld bottom shipper. She only likes Cheld top x Zhongli bottom.
huh, thats not what i was told
From creator? So in-game shipbait is still allowed then?
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always has been
>posting the edited version
What is a faggot like you doing here?
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Care to explain, Gencucks?
I thought she was for (You)?
I thought they were doing pandering now and not subtlety humiliating their fanbase anymore?
I know someone who plays it to this day but most of the time it's either bot or an actually outgoing person.
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you will enjoy the shipbait
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Posting a fake only makes you look like a shitstirring loser.
yet they themselves comissioned shitfly waifubait content
Where is this from?
his gf is unironically hotter
ntrbros we keep on winning
>General that exists only to whiff copes about the downfall of mihoyo
lol lmao even
>mihomofags are already here to defend their master
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This is mihomofags fault, you're supposed to go down with us.
she will be shipped with the wormderer a few months from now
>Suddenly involves Snowbreak
mihomo fears the snowGODS
You didn't know? Everything is Snowbreak's fault
It's seaslug's fault that mihomo starts to course correct, damn you.
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Omae wa mou shindeiru...
am i supposed to be worried?
Genshin is finished. They discard waifu player and Yumejo. And they pissed off western audience with their non-existent black character.
These games will be the finishing blow.
It's so weird to me that the game had this feeling of mystery and danger in 1.X, and now it's literally plastic dinosaurs. It's pretty obvious if you look at the designs of the characters too, they slowly changed the whole original team and now no one remains. It doesn't look like those people went either to HSR or ZZZ, did they moved them to the mega flop that is HI3 2.0, or did they just fire them?
Same. I really liked early Genshin, too bad Mihomo had to sterilize and ruin everything.
How many of them aren't mixed toilets? How many from those will release to japan and the west?
they listened to the feedback like how shounen jump manga did, but most of the feedback were written by female players/readers so we ended up getting something we didnt ask for
They are just greedy, they gave up their initial vision of the game, except for the story, so as not to lose players. HSR is not much better, it is mainly a tool to make money, the story goes nowhere and the character design is mostly random.
Only Azur Promilia isn't, assuming Manjuu removes the female MC. There's also Infinite Nikki coming out but I don't think it'll be a gacha game. I also think most of them will release same time in the west other than the glory of kings game.
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>still coping for spatsmilia
lmaoing at this guy
it's so funny that manjew clearly wanted to do omnipandering but the backlash was too big that they are forced to rewrite the whole story again
now AP isnt gonna make it before its license expires
True. It will have heavy (you) pandering when they release it later.
(You) as in feMC.
>movement in the thread spikes during chink/SEA timezones
>completely dies on western time
chinkcels are human after all~
>drama of china happens during china's timezone
god damn einstein out here. mutts literally can't cope with anyone giving anyone else but them attention, just like women.
oh my bad, it's just a seapag seething. that explains the low IQ deduction. soz for the strays
holy shit, you sound like you choke on cocks daily as a side hustle
o-only on weekends...
now I feel bad. I'd give you a pity fuck lady boy, go get those pag pags
>burger hour
>thread goes homosexual
it's funny how r/gachagaming reported the streamer mihachi news immediately but was completely dead silent when weibo exposed their xianjia doxxing group
this is cope, and i say this as an ex-azur lane player who wants it to be harem
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Soul Tide just killed itself by announcing that all kinds of players are welcome to play.
MLbros its so over
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I don't know why Malafags are so fucking care about this shit, but forgot the true essence of the struggle, that is never let game companies shit on your head.
If they said "they respect players very much" then let see what they will do to prove it. If they dare to do stupid shit such as GFL2 or Genshit, then just attack them hard, that's all. We don't have time to think about "the future", but should focus on now.
Therefore, what ever drama shit happens right now (scamming players, shitting on players, silencing whistleblowers, etc.), we should talk about that as much as possible, to let everyone know the nasty shits of game companies.

Stuffs like this >>1560955 doesn't worth as drama, and usually used to slide/deflect the real happening (common tactics of your know what, dah jooz, dah kapitalists, dah shanghai cartel, blah blah)
That means oyohim shills are so fucking scared of a mere streamer, kek
I think it's legit "company spies" and not ML players. They just want to demoralized potential customers. You can see this with Azur Promilia, heck you can see this here, by yours truly hoyotroon fan. We won't know Azur Promilia direction (harem or omnipandering) until at least CBT, but they've dooming it from the very first thread.
I know how shit these companies are...because i'm playing their games right now!
>fires reached to even fringe (You) games like soul tide
I been out for a while, what does Mala means ? mixed toilet ?
It's "master love" the CN version of straight male harem pandering. The term ironically came from FGO which is mixed toilet. kek
>look up Soul Tide
>this is what the MC looks like.
kek, no wonder
none of these gachashit games are worth playing
wait for heartopia and find your actual waifu, where you can even hug, hold hands and ride on a lover's bicycle together
now that is true male audience pandering
dont give your precious time and money to shitty jewish gachashit companies that cuck you out of the females because those are developed by spiteful anti-male jew-funded woketards
botw-like fantasy crap is old news now
people got tired of it since it was also overdone in such a short span of time
now it's time for urban kino
oh no! how could this happen, mihomo xissy tranxisters???
i thought genshart was going to be the goty this year after craplan released?
could it be that people would be absolutely REPULSED by the idea of wasting their time and money endlessly grinding for the developers' self-insert characters?
no, that can't be it! this is just tencent manipulating apple's store! let's shill some more on /v/, mihomo xissy tranxisters!
they found the perfect formula to scam their retarded audience with genshin, and copy-pasted it across all three games
i was actually surprised for once before zzz was released when the game had some stuff completely different than genshit and shit rail, like giving players plenty of rolls per day or not having the two-tiered categorization system (there were no roles for characters before the game released, all characters were simply classified as element-type + damage-type, ie slash/strike/pierce, which had no impact on gacha)
then they scrapped the free gibs, censored the fuck out of the game, and introduced the character roles (attack, defense, support, anomaly, stun) just to jew out more money from their retarded cattle audience
N-no!!! ZZZ reach no. 1 revenue in JP app store, that surely means something!!! (It doesn't mean anything)
for me, it's not even the jewish greed, but the absolute repulsive idea of wasting my time everyday doing the same bland chores, just to roll and play one of the subhuman chingchong's self-insert character, that immediately turned me away from gachashit
before this whole drama spilled out, i legitimately didn't care about "male pandering" crap, but now that i know what kind of people are working on these games and what they put out in their games, i can never again make myself play gachashit
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ZZZ dropped pretty quickly and cant even hold its rank like Uma
can't beat the horse pusy
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Shanghai government is actively protecting their gacha cartel.
Total pagpag death. Bataan will look like a joke.
Hopefully they send every annoying drama tranny that keeps jumping the firewall to reeducation camps.
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the drama trannies are working at mihomo tho
Your drama tranny streamer is gonna have a fun time.
he's going to get released soon
meanwhile the fu hua self inserter already ran away from weibo like a bitch
>are so fucking care
>doesn't worth as drama
These threads really are nothing but SEAniggers and chinks.
>he's going to get released soon
You said that 2 days ago.
Apparently their next game is mixed toilet so they decided to stop gatekeeping players from their current games
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How does Tencent make so much money on iOS platform? I thought only women use it.
>shounen jump
>listening to females
Maybe because their games are actually good, instead of low-quality visual-novel slop with muh flashy button-mash combat """gameplay"""?
>Maybe because their games are actually good
name one good game
xir please play poopgee with all other kids...
I would guess it more likely has something to do with having 110 games on the store. But I'm sure it has more to do with your tranny obsessions.
mihomo is pro trans
KEK gachaniggers who only play button-mash crap with visual-novel slop and black screen fades getting filtered by games with actual engaging gameplay
There's a reason you fags are ridiculed in the entire gaming industry
ESL gachaniggers got brutally btfo'd
>no argument
I accept your concession.
>muh argument
You already got btfo'd, turdskin
You are just too much of a pussy to admit defeat
So were your parents, considering your current state.
Now repeat without crying.
i'm starting to think tencent is the chad in the room, while mihomo is the incel self-inserter
maybe the real hater was honor of kings shill all along...
>>320 mil in 110 games
>2.9 mil average per game
>>22 mil in 8 games
>2.7 mil average per game
why dont you support trans like mihomo
these are mostly low budget
gaming is in recession in China
No the actual reason is that genshit is just boring now, same shit every year, Dawei fake crying on stage doesnt help because all it shows is how souless and manipulative he is
agree, outside of AQs there's nothing much to do in genshin cause every events are just skipable filler ever since they stopped making lore relevant events (god forbids they make another fucking itto event)
oh whats that? You want Itto to come to Natlan hunting for unique beetles to fight in his tournament? Say no more brother
He abandons the beetles in favor of the saurians or decides to have a beetle vs saurians tournament. The only good thing is that we see Shinobu again, too bad she's wasted on someone like Itto.
i hate m*les, especially wormderer and alhaitham, but there's a charm to the retarded itto.
>gachanigger subhumans still crying over actual games
this is not a gachanigger subhuman board btw
dont create these garbage threads again, esl turdskin faggots
fuck off to /v/
Are these "actual games" in the room with us?
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too obvious seapag

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