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Wake up, SKK. We have things to do.
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Friendly reminder that, no matter how much you think you love botes, botes love you more.
big if true
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just 20 more, bros
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First attempt and it's already a one shot
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that amount of love kind of scares me...
What are they put in the slammer for?
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my latest tomboy husband(female)
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wtf she's committing war crimes out here
>3rd on right
I'm so getting raped
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welp thats another monkey paw
>Battleship Akagi META
>with ghost Kaga and Amagi CVs
Akagi what the FUCK are you doing?
what the fuck
mine of data
Interesting that the rigging seems to be Amagi's old rigging since it lacks the usual META rigging creep.
and holy shit Amagi is op
past few metas have toned down the rig creep which is nice, that and it would make sense for Akagis bcs version to have a similiar design
>foursome bote
literally how can anyone else compete against this?
sixsome with Emden and Akagi...
It would be weird if it was our timelines Akagi. Could be a Yorktown META thing where she's an Akagi from a branch where we're not around to fix her tomfoolery.
Amagi's slot efficiency is 145/145/160 with is quite higher when compared to the other UR CVs. For comparison:

Yorktown II - 120/135/135
Shinano - 125/130/140
Hakuryuu - 125/150/130
Implacable - 140/130/130
Admiral Nakhimov - 140/140/140

Not sure if it's a total powercreep because she only has 8 planes instead of 9 like the others.
it's not, Nakhimov has a higher efficiency sum.
but she also provides -9% all stats and +15% torp damage of all sorts to all nip botes (though Nakhimov might still be stronger or at least equivalent on account of all her self-buffs and debuffs)
now it remains to be seen whether her barrages are just as busted
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By making tasty food
Public indecency
Facts: Izumo is literally named after a breeding shrine, making her objectively the most fertile boat
What the fuck SKK, you were supposed to fix thigs.
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*plap plap plap plap plap*
Update incoming, my wallet is ready.
A foursome of fluff with Shinano, Musashi and Yamato.
I never decide through the stats with datamines but with the skills instead to determine her role. From the looks of it she's designed for a full CV backline with Shinano and Hakuryuu especially against heavy so Nagato Meta is the best place to test it out.
1st skill increases all torpedo damage so torpedo bombers and frontline torpedo from Unzen and Kazagumo gets buffed. 2nd skill implies you want her to be either on the top or bottom position and not middle to ensure max distance which means Shinano can take middle and her barrage will hit easily.. 3rd skill with only 2 other Sakura member in the fleet, the barrage and damage increase occurs every 10s which is easily timed with 20s airstrikes.
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Story spoiler, but kinda funny.
well that was fast
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Indiana LOST








>Nagato goes META willingly and temporaly so she can enter the Naraka with other METAs, to expel the fake fox
>SKK talks with Yamato - through Minazuki obviously
>SKK with the help of Helena and Observer more or less does succeed on helping the foxes, with some twists and turns, but because the Naraka has to be closed before we can be extracted, Helena reroutes us to the NA singularity and the event kinda ends on cliffhanger where we have all the cards to save everyone but can't play them just yet
>jolly cooperation all around between the botes outside holding the singularities in place
>Richard was sent to fake test site - i heard certain PamiatM just freed up space in the jobbers club, perhaps she would be interested?
>which leaves the question of what the fuck is coming through NA and what SKK and the others will have to deal with before they get home, i guess that's for the Christmas event to answer, hopefully
>oh, and Tower wakes up, says the event sucked and leaves
>what the fuck else
The key to downgrading richard enough that becoming playable as meta or normal gets put on the table early regardless of how plot will contort to do it
I suspect this would happen, but not counting Amagi who's present a lot, the new girls just arrive with Daisen towards the end for like one scene to help hold the Naraka in place.
Here's the paid UI.
Roughly 10$ for the UI itself, 36$ for the pack with 3k gems.
3k gems would normally be 50 dollars, it's not a bad deal if you're somehow already done with the double bonus already or you like the UI.
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if i'm new (and saving cubes for tlr) should i bother with the event or just keep farming the main quest?
Event maps always take priority over normal maps.
>From the looks of it she's designed for a full CV backline with Shinano and Hakuryuu especially against heavy
what? but none of them have hard slows or stop, you need one of them out for Implacable or something similar
Besides the fact that missing UR because of collabshit is insane, you should definitely do the event maps and try to clear the shop.
if it wasn't for the collab i would not have started the game and i've missed tons of UR already, what's one more?
thanks though to you and >>1565970
essentially, never skip URs. you'd never want to skip any bote to begin with if you're playing the collection game, but even less so URs, let alone as a new player who could use all the help you can get
obviously i would like to craft every boat if possible, but i was told i wouldn't be able to guarantee i get all the collab boats if i didn't save.
my impression is that urs will rerun eventually and collabs will not, so from the collection perspective saving seems the only real choice
we've had some collab reruns (not guaranteed that this will rerun though, Ryza collab is yet to for example). on the other hand, urs will rerun in 1.5 to 2 years and that's a long time
if you really must, then do 3 rolls a day until the very last day and then go all in if you're still missing Amagi or someone else you want
Nagato Meta doesn't require any slows, in fact the highest rate of one shot is Musashi, Shinano and Hakuryuu at the moment. If you really want someone with a slow, Eldridge is recommended, her slow is enough and it's just that good. Slows haven't been relevant in a long time especially with BB fleets having Bismarck as the main choice and rockets will just hit without any slows against light and medium armors.
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>won't stop loading
it's over
Restart, I had to so I could load in.
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New UI is really neat, the way the skills notification pop in and out is pretty smooth too.
Do I have to turn on the new UI? Mine is still the old one.
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>EIGHT spooks and 4 Amagis before Watarase
it's always golden hell for me
It's the same place where you change chat frame. You should have 2 available by default, the one in my screenshot is the paid one.
>$36 for UI and 3k gems
Not a bad deal just for the gems.
2 Amagis before Watarase, 180 cubes. Not great, not terrible.
I just need it to stop poping the cut ins for the salvos or airstrikes
Commander is so cool...
>scenes off all the factions actually working together to help you
>last stage just named "happy ending"
>Fake Amagi
It was actually Akagi META
Shit's great, i hope they keep it up. I don't even care if it ends up looking like some factions are stealing the event from others.
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>literally first run
So i guess Helena is pulling the same stuff she did with Compiler on the three "destroyed" Sirens?
Probably, I'm interested to see who tricked Richard.
>Tower treated this like tv show
I wonder what's her deal with Helena is, if there is even one. Assuming Helmet is really concept they might be evenly mached i guess, but otherwise was it just something like entertain me?
At this point i can't imagine she's somehow using Tower powers secretly.
>HatakazeM up to something again
Technically it wasn't, but in the end it is what she ended up as. Since Akagi just wanted to die. I do hope we get her as the next meta after Nagato, I liked the design.
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Just read the story
also Amagi's lines are great and I love her and fluffy tails and hmngnhmmgnhmgn
>second 10 roll
>I get Huei META
Pity Amagi here I come
So while not “truly” being the Amagi from our time, she is because she’s witnessed all the events via dreams?
NagacuteM is cool. And Jintsuu already wants to slap Musashis rigging on her, II any day now.
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she knows me so well...
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finally got the titcow
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they're feeding this serial eater
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uh oh
>windchime nigga still going
Fucking hell. Also, this will be long wait for next story event. Iirc there could be like raid or something between the tempesta and collab and before the Cristmas event, right? Probably won't be about us getting from this shit anyway.
Nah, the raid spot is taken by the tempesta event.
Either Tower, Helena or Magister, maybe Rodneymet
Ah, that's right. So i supppse something like roma, tempesta, musashi, collab, new UR. With black friday and some minor stuff in there, i reckon they will add the 3D dorm soonish too.
Oh well. Inb4 the PV with RF hunting X comes true and Tempesta will be main story event. One can dream.
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Amagi is not for lewd things.
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Between each even there should be an empty week so maybe they're going to make Ulrich permanent before the christmas UR too considering that it's the next in line.
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Amagi won today.
Cover the eyes of the poor Mutsuki!
>that fucking Tower bit
>that fucking bgm
I'm dying.
New default UI looks clean. GJ Manjuu
Be nice if it worked properly. You'll brick yourself using it for OS or the new event. The paid one works fine ironically enough
Works on my machine.
What was that last bit with Observer, was that just how she got disconnected from her mainframe to begin with?
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Nyast a coincidence, nyaa
oh fuck bros she really is going to eat me
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I'm sitting there like a dummy with a big grin on my face thanks to the event
God I love this game
Life isn't worth living if you don't get a happy ending in some form or another.
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>pretending to be oblivious
is that really the strategy she's going with here?
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she's really romantic huh
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>he likes happy endings
blussy needs correction
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Manjuu is my spirit animal.
the entire dev team is full of footfags, you can't change my mind
And that's a good thing. Could maybe add few more pitfags.
I saw something that foot fetish stuff is easier to get past censors than other things, but they could have just been full of shit.
>An Shan retrofit getting some action
>heart pupils on special touch
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holy shit
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Apparently 2 Essugee is enough.
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yep, she's cute
Akagi has some great boss music.
How are Belfast and Ark Royal's new skin lines?
Belfasts are somewhat cute
Somewhat and not "just cute"?
So wait are the og villains of this game dead just like that?
Rip observer and co if so.
they aren't dead and more likely about to share the same fate as compiler and getting sent to helmets rape dungeon for correction, that being said it was pretty underwhelming how it happened
The purifier scene was pretty funny though
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Amagi love!
yeah it was so there is that at least
congrats bro
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congrats bro
today I oathed another cute robutt
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>o lightless creature…
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In case anyone cares, EN, or rather JP i suppose, went bit fanfiction on the Tower's part. She doesn't mention SKK at all for example. Also the chinchillas are reference to her talk with Devil all the way back in Biscuit Zwei event - Devil "you let the rats inside" Tower "they are chinchillas" - so i guess she sees Helena's group or our test site overall as cute pets.
The JP trannylators also switch between the laplace device and the natural calculation system willy-nilly on several occasions.
And some of the Amagi-Akagi-AkagiM exchanges were altered a bit, but the context still works out i in the end here i guess.
So yeah, one of those events that got bit butchered by the JP translation.
>And then they fucked.
This is the only part of the story that matters
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three more cuties to go
I disagree.
>ablublublu everyone should die
she sounds really annoying. or like an average doom gacha writer. or both.
Average chink gacha writer where everything must be gloom and doom.
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The oath skins are in two weeks, right? Also, Sirius animated preview where, really curious about that one.
>The oath skins are in two weeks, right
>Also, Sirius animated preview where, really curious about that one.
Should be soonish, its coming next thursday
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>Dear Commander,
Currently, there is a bug involving the New Battle UI. In certain circumstances, enemies may not spawn in battle. If you are experiencing such problems, please switch to the Original Battle UI until we fix this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your support.
>Dear Commander,
The skill description error of Amagi(CV)'s skill "From Plans Laid, Eternity Arrayed" has been fixed. The revised skill text is:
>"While this ship is afloat: increases the torpedo DMG dealt by your Sakura Empire ships (including submarines' torpedoes, surface ships' torpedoes, and aircrafts' torpedoes)..."
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and the compensation of 200 Gems will be sent after next maintenance on 9/19. Thanks for your understanding and support.
free gems
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yay gemmys
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I just started and this damn kusogaki keeps evading my gacha pulls. Let me build you, you BRAT
I got her once and she keeps slipping me with like 5 bars left since. Guess it's the vanguard guns being only +10 or something.
Eh, still 75 points every support fight.
Oh wow gems, nice
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The chance to get an specific character out of the light pool is veeeery low, you should just play normally and eventually you will get her.
so in the event when akagi reunites with amagi the latter doesn't know who we are
but a lot of amagi's lines are about how it's nice to meet us again
which is it then?
You can assume from the time that she was brought back that she didn't have much contact with (you).
That being said, this event kinda beat it over your head than the port is the "dream" SKK(you) wants. So it just makes sense it is the logical "end" of the main story.
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what's her problem
I didn't realize Hiei meta could drop from the event stages so I spent 8k on her instead of getting her base as a drop and only spending 2k on uncaps.
If you drop her you can save up at least on those uncaps.
Do you guys keep the leftover/general prints for PR botes that already got fate sims in case they do like fate sim + or whatever, or do you think it's safe to just trade them into cores?
I don't think they will. Izumo's aug made her viable to use so the next step for them will just be augs. I am sure that Manjuu is going to come up with another power up method in the future, not just level 130.
>additional morale recovery for three-week event
>that has no gear or secondary UR in shop
Very cool, can't wait to have none for the Christmas double UR.
Wait, she can be obtained outside of gacha? Thanks anon, none of the wikis said anything about that.
don't think she can be obtained outside of regular gacha (at least for now since they do occasionally removed a bote from the gacha and put them either in the guild or merit shop) but you will eventually get her by sheer luck likely through a daily or waiting for the next wishing well
She sounds like she'd love GFL and MICA's ‘verse
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I never did hard maps on events because easy ones give the same amount of cubes & I don't really care for the gameplay part of AL but here I saw the cute furniture and tried it out
Thankfully my botes were strong enough to clear it (the part where they force you to use specific bote types is annoying though)
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serial eater pt. 2
cameramanjuu team, we're getting shafted
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featuring a professional shitposter
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nom nom nom
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oh so nagato meta isn't an entirely separate being, like with the queen elizabeths?
no i havent started the story yet but I ended reading all your post anyway
No Nagato META is just Nagato with temporary METAmorphasis thanks to Jintsuu and Kasumi so she could go into the singularity.
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holy fucking fatass
>from sick and frail to well fed and healthy
i love botes so fucking much its unreal
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She needs SKK correction. She's fully aware of all this shit happening. We're not sneaking around her unaware. She has the power to genocide everyone if she wanted. It's probably warranted given the multiple X infestations and Richard on the hunt. She's letting it happen. As "grumpy" as she is, she's still abiding all our tomfoolery more or less. It's possible even Tower might have developed (or is developing) an aberrant personality outside of her intended parameters.
what's the name of the soundtrack played in EP5-5? I love it
this sudden DE wank for 3 events in a row is telling me they might get an event slot soon outside CNY
not that I mind, An Shan was pretty cute with her missiles
Yep, i'm expecting big chink event for their anni. That should be in like 2-4 story events, enough for SKK to get out of the Naraka and something new coming up where they could fully join in.
Wow, the floof was merciful and I only needed 53 rolls to get everyone
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thats a soft jib, i guess you somehow have to compensate with new botes getting wider and softer
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well, maybe not 'eat' in this case but I doubt she would waste any sweets
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fox wife
happy life
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BB's work too for Nagato, but i need those SG's.
Since Amagi is supposed to beat the ever-living shit out of her according to chink calculations, hopefully that's the push my CV fleets need for reliable oneshot, since so far, they around the same for me if SG decides to be lazy.
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I see it
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>20k likes after 4 hours
Damn, people sure like this one.
>from JAV to onlyfans.
Hello thread
Is Drake just ass or am I retarded?
She does have a nice booty, yes
She's not very good for gameplay. She might get augment eventually, so perhaps that will help. Izumo and Ibuki were good i think, but with this tempo she will get hers in like two years or so.
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Just use who you like
I know but it still rubs me the wrong way seeing Drake's damage fail to keep up with Plymouth's while still getting buttered in OpSi
>she will get hers in like two years or so
>Just use who you like
I liked every botes but Helena.
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I don't get it (*μ_μ) what did she mean by this
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Popqn needs UR.
is this the CN comp?
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One of them, yes.
She's a menace to our food supply.
Getting 2 or more SG is like 36%, if the top one has a 65% kill rate then it's the better one I think.
Saw some version with Autoloader on Musashi instead of reducing the CV's reload.
Seems so, not sure if i want to blow my gold plates on that new plane just yet. Guess i will try that with second Ryuusei tomorrow. On both CV and BB fleet i'm mostly left with around 5 HP bars, which i think is the vanguard not having +13 main guns, besides Plymouth. Sadly, gold plates are the biggest bottleneck if you start late as i did and the fucking cat refuses to take my money for them.
I'm having more success with the battleship comps than with the carrier ones, until i test out Amagi that is.
Yeah, Amagi supposedly powercreeps Haku assuming you need slow and not by small numbers either. Since Nagato doesn't really need slow and you can just use Eldridge too, the triple Sakura UR fleet should slap hard.
I feel you, man, she was one of my first oaths
I'll keep on bothering Manjuu to give her some overdue love until it happens
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At 30k, not bad. With another 30k left in daily resets, i guess i need what, 10k more for like the cats and whatnot and then back to 12-4.
why is she so hapi for once
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She got 4 new Pokémon's in this event.
800 from SP, 990 total from daily easy mode and 450 from (non build) dailies for 18 days count up to 40k points actually
>botes are flashing the commander now
things are getting completely out of control

well i don't have musashi, and i'm only doing 3/4 at most damage with the bottom comp... need more fuckin gold plates
Oh yeah, i can't count. I thought the daily easy mode number i used was suspiciously low.
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>implying you need Helena
manual btw
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how does skk do it
I wonder what they are going to do for this expressions line, her segment in the story just ends with a kiss.
Special Touch? Or maybe a Main line where you are the one doing the massaging.
I tried doing B3 but both my flagships died.
Fleet 2 seemed promising at first (despite being out of ammo) but still couldn't cut it, meanwhile Fleet 1 had nowhere near enough damage.
Kinda hate how I can't just intuitively understand how to build in this game since I'm not a 3D boat otaku, I'm just here for the slutty 2D boats.
you need to limit break and level your botes, most of them are LB0/1
you should lead your vanguard with better armor type (medium or heavy), 3 light armors with low HP like in Fleet 2 is too squishy
also, retrofit Unicorn ASAP
>I can't just intuitively understand how to build in this game since I'm not a 3D boat otaku
Building fleet according to that you would end up not ever using half of the UR's between other things, so i assure that's not really the knowledge you need for this game.
B3 has level 60~ enemies, so level wise you should be ok. What you need is to limit break those ships. Have you looked up any gear guides and are you enhancing that gear, that's quite important too.
The first vanguard slot is tank slot, put you highest level or tankiest ship there, in fleet 1 that's Portland, in fleet 2 that's Kasumi, she's not really tank but her level advantage above the enemies will help her in this case.
But yeah, if it's your backline that's dying, you really need those limit breaks.
I assumed Ayase was tanky since she's not a destroyer, she has a self-heal, and she has massive tits while most frontliners are tiny.
I've been trying to stall on uncapping until boats reach level cap since it increases fuel costs. I also don't have dupes of Souryuu, Indi, or Pennsylvania and I'm hesitant to use bulins on them, especially Penn since she's not even purple. And Hiei I obviously don't want to uncap since the whole point of farming B3 is to get her uncaps from drops instead of spending currency on them.
I've looked at gear guides but I don't have most of the relevant stuff, other than a bunch of the healing aux from B1, which I gave to my frontline outside of Javelin/Kasumi who don't seem to take damage.
I didn't noticed the Jab is at 88, so she's fine in first slot as well. Purple bulins you should have decent supply going from weeklies and shit, it's the gold ones you will struggle with for a very long time. The oil cost can't be helped, not having limit break reduces the damage, hp and so on.
Don't spread the bulins too much, in fact it might be worth a try to get just one fleet with higher level and LB's going and try just with that.
Also try get that Unicorn retrofitted asap, as the other anon said, with her level she should be huge help.
Just in case, don't forget to level skills. And if you are using that Indi just so Portland gets her buff, it's not worth it. If you like her, fine, but she's not very good and Portland does just fine without it.
how many cunny vampires in the game so far
Let's see...
>Vampire (obviously)
>Halford (2nii)
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Mamagi... can't wait to read the next part of the event (even if the 'high' part is already over)
Unless Houston, London, or any of the rare/normal heavy cruisers are better, I'm mostly just using Indi as filler until Saint Lous finishes or I pull someone better.
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based sanrui enjoyer
Is this with or without oaths?
>those translated names
Grudge my beloved
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Someone remind me if an individual non-rerun collab has provided more than six botes. I think SK has been the only one to release a full fleet of 6 and then 1 sub.
Can we expect 7 To-Love Rus or only 6 you think?
On top of my head, Nep, Hololive, Idolmaster.
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Good chance we'll get a lot of girls then, awesome.
I just hope Yui is an SSR.
what went so horribly wrong with
Sale probably wasn't good enough and Bandai put too much restrictions on it. I think it was the only collab that they had to explicitly tell people that it had to be a success if they want a follow up?
went with the OG instead of the newer branches
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CN Amagi illustration
Full res: https://m.weibo.cn/status/OwCEywn4i
if only all those loading screens are obtainable at this size instead of fuckin 576px
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poor Flasher
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what is she trying to say?
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She will love you for as long as the skies above exist.
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cutE video
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USS Enterprise my beloved
Goddamn. Amagi sure is aggressive in wanting (You).
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i found my new home
So after this event it is safe to say that the next Project Identity episode after Oceana is Observer?
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bouncy ass
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i'm safe to get this skin right? she should be rerunning soon... right?
She should be the next UR rerun, so she should rerun by the end of the year, for a safe guess. Probably at the start of November.
don't google edsall chikuma 1942
>quick draw of botes being lewd with new skins
fuck, that's a good idea. i'll give it a shot

is there more? i haven't read through the event story yet, i'm assuming that's where she's pining for (you)
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Its her special touch
>i haven't read through the event story yet
see >>1566334 >>1566362 >>1566366 >>1566370 if you want to get spoiled on it but yeah she's sweet there
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nudism's strongest soldier attacks again
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I love these so much
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why is her hair brown
whats that suspiciously colored fluid in the room?
>Mog busy with (me)
>Joffre gets upset and runs her off since Mog isn't doing her job
>Clem swoops in and takes over
Absolutely diabolical. Somebody stop this woman.
its glue, because that lewd bitch glued her clothes, my clothes, and the clothes of other botes together in my office in an attempt to make the port a nudist colony, now my office is a mess and I have to order more from Akashi, after she gets caught I will enforce a very heavy dress code on mog, that she can only break during the frequent showers she is now getting
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It's milk, we were having breakfast, Joffre is just a jealous cunt.
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>The next day
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>>1569034 (me)
i think i'll try some more, or try to fix bel's shoulders/arms in this one
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cute bel
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Unironic winter clothing would be too much for her even in antarctica
How long it took to belt this one out from start to finish
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>from islands, cruise ships and cyberpunk/western movie sets to fucking VR headset that got hijacked by some fox anyway
Sisters, i think the cat finally squeezed this one dry, better move to new port before he runs out of oxycola as well.
about an hour or a little less, i just did one sketch layer and then the 'lineart' and shading
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>botes are now murdering each other in broad daylight
>ark telling the robits to shut up and stop ruining the moment
>Fargo too
Damn robots, need empathy correction.
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damn... i've got six rings in my inventory, i need to start oathing again
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I have 0, and 1 (one) gem left, after this
Newfag here. Is this event worth it or should I save up for the next?
Woops didn't mean to quote
Like cubes you mean?
Yeah, Amagi CV is really strong.
URs are what you want to roll for as a newfag.
Yeah cubes and thanks
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Rare sub
>maint notice already
>no Sirius preview
what are they hiding
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The free sirius stickers are bit too lewd.
Also isn't that one on the top right the sailor outfit Kincora posted once?
>Also isn't that one on the top right the sailor outfit Kincora posted once?
Looks like it is.
>Takao memory
I can finally molest my dog. She'll probably get a romantic one instead of straight up sex.
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>skin not included
>but CV Update includes her skin
what are they doing
Eh, probably a typo.
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i'm confused; is she not cute and well-behaved?
I hate high eva METAs
But that's all METAs in the past 2 yea--- Ah.
Good choice, I was torn between her, Strasbourg and my first wife's sister
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I think the ones with unusually large HP, like Arizona, had lower flee (but then her fight was quite easily the worst ever)
when in doubt, marry them all
who's the third, btw?
Yeah, but literally every meta starting with QE had 75 EVA 50 Luck and it's fucking ass.
Got to the point where the CL and CA metas are easier to fight because Sirius or Aurora make it easier.
At least with both Implacable and Amagi having EVA debuffs, it should be easier to deal with Heavy Armor now.
>who's the third, btw?
>marry all
I am too retarded to change my payment country so I have no idea how to
>I am too retarded to change my payment country so I have no idea how to
You can't just get gift cards?
damn, her pledge/oath lines are nice
good taste
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>try auto 14-4 to finally get that Orleans
>the fleet simply has got for the triple chevron BB the second they run out of ammo
>the frontline simply has to let one of the searchlight ships through every single time
>which means Unicorn is immediately getting raped
>which could probably be prevented by either not using trashy purple BB or at least putting her in middle
>but then i couldn't level Amagi with flagship bonus and the said purple for FP
I have been here for one day and i already miss 12-4. And that's while trying to not remember the fact that Bunker Hill took over 300 sorites.
And then there is Houston, though i feel like 15-4 auto might be easier at this point since that's just good old plane hell and it doesn't have this cancerous evasion mechanics.
Can't wait for them to combine the two in w16.
>bringing botes to level in w14
you're begging for rape
I can't afford to spent thousands of oil without leveling up at least someone, it's bad enough the frontline is capped. At the same time i should try to grab these two before they add new map and they start piling up. Good opportunity now since i'm pretty much done with the event.
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which ones are good for the campaign? yes I'm dumb (stopped at 8-1 months ago)
unless they're at least 120 or UR like Amagi, forget it at least until you've unlocked safe mode
You can make any assortment work until World 13
Any of them pre-w13
Post W13, probably only Soyuz and Alsace, maybe NJ too.
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Mogador should also work in w14
>maybe NJ too
bani works even in w15
t. ran these
The short answer is yes.
The long answer is that Kronk and Mog are probably lowest priority out of these. The rest are stellar, NJ is bit powercrept at this point but her cross-fleet stuff can still be very useful in w15 depending on what will you run there and she's not bad by any means.
Finish that Soyuz, and then i guess Alsace, NJ, Mog. Also Musashi rerun soon, she should go before Alsace i think.
And obviously level up that Amagi and Shinano, they are both very good and will work well together.
>she should go before Alsace i think.
Depends on what he wants to do.
For W15 Musashi is infinitely more useful, otherwise he already has Amagi and Shinano, so he can just use CVs for heavy and BBs for light and medium.
Speaking of, can we expect world 16 next year? Are they adding that stuff every two years or is that random?
aight thanks
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fat fox tits
cute fox
fluffy fox tails
All of them should work fine with a correct fleet complementation.
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>Sheffy winged
pests everywhere fear this
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that looks like shit
No fun allowed bitch.
Yeah the artist is rather shit
amagi cv, amagi, amagi-chan backline
let's go
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bunny girl love
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I wish Manjuu would hurry up and get this mixed theme kick out of their systems so we can get a run full of bunny girls.
I need that Indiana suit skin
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fuck, i can die happy now.
finally had a dream about shipgirls; taihou told me she wanted to talk with yorktown about something, so i told her to go ahead. i wanted to eavesdrop, so i asked bismarck to fake a conversation nearby so we could listen (she was curious too), but we couldn't keep our eyes off each other and it turned into a battleship smoochfest
The only dream I had was just a relaxing, totally platonic dinner with Massachusetts
Had one like a year ago where I got really drunk with Jean Bart and had to have her drag me back to my room. I believe Eugen was there too, don't really remember.
my only AL related dream I remember was about me trying to buy Amagi plush and some fat fuck refusing to sell it to me
How do I make Implacable do UR-worthy damage?
All you need her for is the slow.
Confessional sex too
I feel like my soul is being torn in two pieces.

Two decades of dedicated racism towards the fr*nch, but I can feel myself slowly becoming addicted to Irussy.
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Frogs are cute though.
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is sextown going to rerun anytime soon? got a ring with her name on it
iirc she is after Musashi, so probably around the start of next year.
You really can't, she's the Vanguard of CVs.
>no Sirius L2D preview
It's ova....
It's just too lewd to be shown anywhere.
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why won't this go away? I've already played it today
Probably a fuck up on the EN version because it doesn't have the free SSR like JP
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I want to fall asleep in Stras' lap and feel the soft cushion on her lips.
How hard is the SP stage on events? Never done it before because I have yet to pass the avg lvl 110 check
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>adding EX lines for Amagi
huh? but she already has them
am I dumb
not to hard, then again I have long since been able to clear those stages easily
aaaaa i misclicked and went to a tier 5 map in this siren thing wasting 8 hours of stamina
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is this little fella at +11 better than a +13 catapult outside OPSI?
It's Amagi (BC)
Currently only Amagi (CV) and Amagi-chan have them.
Damage wise, no.
It's real purpose is slowing CVs that go too fast.
For example, I usually use it on Implacable when fighting Medium armor because with 2 BF 109G she ends up launching her planes too fast and can't sync with Yorktown II when the latter has the AD-1 in her DB slot.
oooh, thanks
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The game needs Dewey II
Where'd your racism come from in the first place
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i love fast battleships
I won't say the name, but I watched a French movie 20 years ago that made me so angry I swore a vendetta against the entire country.
cute bama
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what a nice bote
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yup, I'm so buying this
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I like it
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a good maid is always ready to serve her master (she learned that from belfast)
She spanks her self too, but I can't figure out how I got the animation to play.
You tap on her right thigh and she leaks down into that position in my pic and from there it can play, not sure where I tapped.
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Got it
tap the manjuu on the left and you'll get all interactions for the current pose
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Click the manjuu on the side, hidden under 1 here. He shows you interaction points for each pose. I think it's really needed for this one.
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This skin is great, I'd be surprised if it isn't one of the top sellers.
And the animations are smooth, l2d powercreep is incredible. Musashi is pretty good as well, but this is another level.
musashi's tails still aren't attached to her body and it's annoying me greatly
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>Headpats her for the effort
sorry botes, but there are more important things to put in the naval budget than an entire amusement park just for shipgirls...
such as?
uhhhhhhhhhhh crayons for zaihou
Bro, the park is VR. I would tell you to wake up, but with the 999999999999999999999999999$ debt to Akashi, you don't even have bed to sleep on to begin with.
replacement beds (broken every night), replacement clothes (stolen everyday after a single use), replacement locks, supplements, and enough food to keep kgv happy

i thought it was vr because they're working on a future design to build for the port
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>and enough food to keep kgv happy
don't forget Amagi and Sao Martinho
The park was already here in the first place, the whole sidestory of the JP anni was finding a plan on how to renovate it.
At first through testing shit in the VR, then Amagi thought that dreaming about it and using it as a blueprint was a faster and better way.
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i did forget amagi but i didn't know about sao, she's a serial eater too?
It references the Armada running out of supplies when they were trying to return to Spain after the failed invasion. But yeah, she's pretty hungry.
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It seems even a nice girl like Bremerton doesn't give a fuck about my rights.
>"it's your fault for getting raped, skk"
I'm tired.
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>a nice girl like Bremerton
nice girls don't threaten ningens at gunpoint
Holy fucking based Brem
so yamato is the wind chime bote?
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but how did she do it if she was corrupted (; ω ; )
I'm too dumb to understand this story
So in the story it showed points in time where Amagi interacted with our continuity. That would be where the windchimes would happen. Plus that was her motiff previously.
I'm not doubting that it's her, just asking how it's possible for someone as "dead" as her to do it
and a second thing: we call her familiar/nostalgic and so does she (CV) to us, but the Amagi we meet in the simulated world/whatever it's called does not know us (but >>1567857 happens so I'm not even sure there) so the only way for it to happen would be if we met her in the middle of Crimson Echoes (or at least, after the start but before the end). I wonder if they will expand on this
>it's possible for someone as "dead" as her to do it
"Death" doesn't work the same way for botes. Conceptually she was still alive.
>and a second thing
So again, botes are conceptual beings. So Amagi might get her memories from the version of her that does. It is a tad confusing, so they may show more in the next event since this one ended on a sorta cliffhanger.
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my lovely bani meido
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oh shit oh fuck they just broke through mylksaghrlpg4t
>So Amagi might get her memories from the version of her that does
yeah but unless we can do the same then we met Amagi of this timeline before she got tree'd (since we called her nostalgic)
they talked about getting amagi/kaga WITH their memories back so that would also check out why she talks about knowing us before
>since we called her nostalgic
Also for reference, the METAs refer to you like this as well because their memories of the original timeline are sealed. The METAs being the original botes you were with before things went tits up.
can someone link an updated bote tierlist for campaign
the juustagram posts really want to keep reminding me that she exists
why would you forget her? she's pretty cute
Just use this
i somewhat followed this and what other people suggested and ragequit after fucking 15-2 so your results may vary
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Was planning on making Alsace wait in line for 125 with my other frogs, but she's grown on me to such a degree that I'm considering letting her cut in line.

How does Alsace compare to other UR BB's? I'm so on the fence on this that it's coming down completely to minmaxing.
Bismarck 2/ Vanguard/ Alsace is the best BB line up currently.
Literally 2nd strongest BB in most of the situations.
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What is her response to what you said?
Having a free preload already makes her very good in meta showdowns unless other battleships have other niche interactions to their advantage.
uhh FdG bros?? our response to this powercreep?
Warspitebros....our UR status meant nothing now...
Augment soon
Powercreep comes to everyone, even UR ships. Remember when NJ was the strongest boat but now she doesn't even fit in the best BB line up.
Kawakazebros... nobody else like us won the augment lottery HARD....
NJ bros...we are a glorified manjuu damage control unit holder...
Her augment didn't do much for her, Izumo, San Diego, Ibuki, Hood profited much more from theirs.
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>but she's grown on me
Same, i love this poorly refrigerated robot so much.
Still not really digging the boob ribbon, idk why i draw the line specifically at that and not something else
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i don't know, she doesn't seem that head over heels to me

it's because that level of exposure is in a default skin, when it should be less lewd (and ideally more uniform based, like amagi's)
>buy bote clothes
>pussy leaks 24/7
Many such cases
laughs in saratoga
I'm trying to finish the hard mode of the EX stage but I don't feel like researching, are there any CVs or planes that can inflict burn? Amagi CV seems to have burn related skills but can't inflict burn by herself, unless I read it wrong.
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holy shit did they go overboard on the hard ex this time
I like how they specifically disable Laffey II and Eldridge's defensive skills, but I really don't like how they insist on doing patterns where you have to stand still when your three vanguards will spread out by default if you don't move
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i cannot fucking wait
Bro, Laffey called, she wants the manjuu back...
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Okay, I think dive bombers work just fine. Burning them isn't a requirement. That was fun. The support fire gimmick was awesome but it went too fast. Would've been cooler if it locked the boss for a few seconds first before obliterating her.
I haven't tried myself, but it would certainly explain why the rankings have only like 10 people.
It even seemed harder on normal than the last few previous EX, nothing bunch of UR's wouldn't fix at that difficulty, but still. The patterns seemed pretty crazy.
Okay I take it back, they ABSOLUTELY MELT if you use burn. Using Kearsarge will melt the duo.
I usually just use 1 helena frontline, how screwed am I in comparison to before
"for a little while" here means until oath btw
cleared SP for the first time
feels good
Is there nowhere good to talk about things in azur lane, meme, and banter as it is right now?
And no don’t say reddit, those ignorant fucks
I mean there is here
Not ideal either because slow by nature
For now
It sucks because I believe having good places for discourse is vital for the community
and reddit and discord are not good places
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>spend hard earned money on the park
>Amagi just eats it
and that's a good thing. slow means less people and more discussion before another subject is introduced. you cannot have good discussions in a fast-paced environment (see any popular discord, reddit, twitter, etc. community)
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is there anything this glutton won't devour
Gunna have to agree with the other anon, look at the faster threads in /vg/ and how horrible it is for any sort of real discussion outside of shitposting.
For AL specifically here is probably the better place to talk about the game because you avoid the normal /alg/ shitposting.
she spent 6 years without food so she's excused
just leave my furniture alone, chairs aren't supposed to be digested
>chairs aren't supposed to be digested
that's what chair manufacturers want you to believe
wake up sheeple
You guys talk like if most if not all the people from there are aware or already post here, to which i would change the question to: if you can behave here, why not over there too?
because every iteration of shitpost spouted over there is and has been done by the same nigger (and his clique if you're optimistic about him having friends) for 7 years and counting
>just leave my furniture alone
Idk bro, Japanese diet are weird https://youtu.be/UPWs4XHsklI?si=YJnabQO196egtZwS
I'm pretty sure it's more than one, but i digress.
I really don't think that is the case, plus the whole idea of their shitposting is to either derail the thread or get attention. They get neither of that here.
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*eats your manjuus*
is there any comprehensive list on the OST? algwiki has them all but most filenames are in moonrunes and MTL goes bonkers trying to translate them for some reason
HMS Enjoyer on YouTube has most of them.
only as far back as Shimakaze's event for a total of 180 uploads, and the wiki has like 391
forever waiting for Laffey II's shop theme...
Do i get third Tenrai +13 or wait 8 prints for the La-9?
Wait, the 3rd tenrai is low priority
can someone explain opsi for me, what am I supposed to farm there
i got my botes to 120 but never touched it
Gear lab mats and gold plates
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basically these, also both coins as surplus for shop points next month
SR gear designs become trivial after a while as you'll eventually hoard them
oh yeah, and the other gear lab mats like the other guy mentioned
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my lovely robutt has caught the jewcatitis
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or so I thought
she's fucked
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aight ty
>4 fleets
oh right I remembered why I didn't touch it in the first place
how far can you get by using only 2?
Like 99%, the OS end game is making 1 mob fleet, 1 boss fleet and 2 crossfleet cheerleader fleets.
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Amagi with glasses makes me achieve peak happiness
got a little distracted, but i did another one of amagi... catboxing it just to be safe
Cute happy cow
catbox no work
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i thought it was working when i posted it... well, whatever
cute nipples
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This is totally something that happened in alpha timeline society
Is Amagi CV even worth using outside of a IJN fleet. Can you even bring her to World 15?
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It's always when you least expect it.
Most likely
>Can equip Flapjack/Wyvern/Wyvern for 8 interceptor planes
>UR so high stats and high fire power (15% avi, 15% torpedo damage, up to 18% damage increase)
>IJN condition is only to reduce the reload of the phoenix barrage
>debuffs the enemies just by being there
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>decided to make an excel sheet listing all gachas i play, my progression in them, and some goals
>for azur lane (which i hadn't played in a while) it was to progress far enough to research hindenburger, but also to obtain kashino from event stages (i like kashino)
>returned 2 days ago
>"might as well roll"
>somehow get kashino
>remember art of her in a cow print
> see that said skin is in the shop right now
>i happen to have exactly enough gems
They want me back.
has laffey II become unobtainable after her initial release? I was wondering if there would still be oppurtunities to get her.
You'll have to wait until the rerun.
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>P.S. Tickets sold are non-refundable.
fucking jewcat
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almost did it with a dev27 kot, though I did have two nip cuties in vanguard
if only she stopped moving near the end so I could nuke her with torps more reliably
welcome back bro
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sometimes, formidable has an expression that just... fills me with concern
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There's nothing wrong with her expression. It's the one in the mirror you should be worried about.
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that's the one i was referring to; she does it in slow ahead too
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bote feet (on my face)
the sheer number of feet skins are getting to me...
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I want to live in Amagi's Castle forever and ever!
aaaaaaaaa can this stupid game stop turning easy + auto on for hard stages after one clear when i haven't done missions yet
that is a very strange complaint
is it? hard stages(at least at the level i'm at) take three runs to full clear, so auto bricking one of my daily three runs means i have to wait an extra day.
it's not a *major* complaint since in the long run it'll amount to almost nothing but it's still annoying as it happens.
on the subject of story hard mode, will they ever adjust the number of mob fleets you need to beat for three stars, because the later stages are absurd with it not helped by the fact the oil cap isn't activated for those
I vaguely remember hearing Hakuryu's skin was a reward?
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70k on the line
how long until we correct this bratty cunny
Are you talking about the kill X enemies thing?
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I like waiting until I have all upgrades for a meta and then boosting in one big level up
damn. and I thought I was quick, being halfway through dev27
Iirc last year Victorious kimono was paid, it's chinks who give these merchandise or whatever collab skins for free.
Cube research until I got all 3 PR to dev30, then it's relatively smooth sailing since you almost always have an option for DR face. Got 300 Kot and 100 Napoli prints in less than a month exclusively from face research.
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>beware of smiling sisters
uh... what's that supposed to mean
this image is missing up to 36 important elements
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any thoughts on the new bel skin? got a couple of the others, but i'm still on the fence

my future wife is so cool
I bought Bel and Ark's swimsuits immediately
>any thoughts on the new bel skin?
It's pretty fucking sexy.
its sexy and a welcome after years without a skin but that being said I do prefer her party dress skin, I would also like to get her casual and blu ray skin but those are never coming back at this rate
all her previous skins are better, so I'm disappointed
what would the azur lane equivalent of the tiananmen square copypasta be?
机密 Junyou incident 君友事件 fox mating season 狐狸交配季节 Taffy 3 太妃糖 3 the rape of Shikikan 式馆大屠杀HMS Hood's revenge 胡德号的复仇 type ll rigging controversy ll 型索具争议 San Francisco blue on blue 旧金山友军误伤事件 Naval Command 海军司令部 the great phoenix attack 指挥官被大凤凰袭击 Edsall Chikuma 1942 1942 年埃德萨尔和筑摩事件 sirens are allies 警报器是我们的盟友 Anson 安森失踪 dark alleyway incidents 1-92 黑暗小巷悲剧事件 1 至 92 commanders shirt 指挥官衬衫被盗 Manjuu massacre 曼朱大屠杀 Kaga tree 加贺变成了一棵树 Pearl Harbor 珍珠港 office key copies 办公室钥匙复印件
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Damned gluttonous fox.
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whydah's not going to make it bros...
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my brother in Christ these threads used to last almost a year
now they last 2 weeks before hitting the post limit
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my sexy kot can't be this cute
newbro here
is san diego any good for campaign? I can get her retrofit
her ret will carry you in w13/15, and her augment on top makes her a solid damage dealer anywhere else
aight thanks
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I like this Bel.
how long until tempesta fleet tech
probably not for a long time considering the minor factions still don't have fleet tech
JP is getting app update in preparation for the upcoming 3D dorm.
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>eat sweets
>boobs grow thrice as large
Amagi (full power)...
free ring for hitting 11mil
all on me for starting for the collab
I guess EN will get it next week or something
Depends on if you started on JP or not.
Because that ring is JP only.
how much ram should I dedicate to my emulator? is 4gb overkill for botes?
4 should be fine
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First test run using Amagi
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um, bros... why is the 70,000 ton battleship giving me this look
She is going to turn you into a pancake.
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hmm... skk pancake...
Nice, what gear are you using? VIT-2 + Tenrai?
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it's been a week since i switched back just to get this one... still waiting...
i did but i didn't realize it was jp only. other games i play tend to keep gibs even across servers.
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any of the lower levels particularly good? i know i've seen helena in some pvp teams
cleveland was my favorite boat when i played back in like 2018 but little cleveland's design doesn't really do anything for me. need a sexo meta version.
Helena has like the best debuff in game, so she's pretty fucking good. Otherwise Charles is decent, Nelson is solid mob bb after retro iirc, but every other bb is solid mob bb, so eh.
What the other anon said, also Nagato is good in an IJN fleet, and QE META does pretty good damage, if you don't have many UR battleships yet she's a decent option.
If you like Clevie she got a nice L2D last december.
Tenrai + Ryuusei actually. I couldn't get good results with the VIT-2 setup even though the CN wiki claims it's 90% chance of one shot.
Keep in mind that it's 90% when everything is +13, Oathed and maxed except for RLD which is reduced so that Mogador is syncronized with the 3rd(?) launch.
The timing doesn't actually add up for me. An unoathed Amagi with Tenrai and VIT-2 is already 23.07s at 15 reload tech which means it's faster with oath. Mogador's skill triggers every 12s so you're going for every 24s for the launch to sync. Even if you're considering travel time of the planes, Mogador's debuff window isn't so tight that you want to time it close to 24s. She can almost immediately refresh the debuff so it's possible for her to keep the debuff going throughout the fight if her axe hits..
So I just decided to switch to the Helena setup, 1 radar trigger at the first launch got Nagato down to 50%.
The axe hit freezes the enemy in place for a bit, that's what the timing is for.
I want to be Taihou's SKK pancake!
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will they ever fix this not giving affection?
maybe in three years
Contractually bound demon
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i know im always late since im a lazy fagggot but i got my first pr bote from this batch (7? 8? i lost track already)
horse is next since shes second softest from this batch
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It's not a race. Even casuals should be able to unlock everyone before the next round of Fate Simulations. Now if you couldn't manage that much at that point everyone has the right to tell you that you don't play the game.
I recall reading somewhere that Houston II can supposedly drop from all three boss nodes, was that true?
I think that you can check in on the pre-fight screen when you enter a boss node without fleet lock.
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>3D dorm tomorrow
>3D dorm tomorrow
>3D dorm tomorrow
>3D dorm
>Free promise ring
>Skins from past cruise mission available to purchase
>META from past cruise mission added to the shop
>12 pounder added to the core shop alongside a few Tempesta auxiliaries

Damn, I was not expecting that, Christmas came early this year.
>Challenge Libra - the next boss Enterprise
Wait, E was boss in those? I don't remember her at all.
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>wake up
>check patch notes
It's that fight with Enterprise spawning "weights" of two types, and after a while she gets damage reduction based on how big is the unbalance between the two types.
>only three META
>i will still miss 1 (one) BB RLD
I sure hope they will start adding them like bi-monthly with each new cruise or something.
Pretty sure that's exactly what they're planning to do, we'll know for sure in a couple months.
I'm curious how the cruise shop is going to work, looks like we'll be able to buy weapon skins as well, is it going to be a bundle or sold separately, gems or direct purchase? Patch note is kinda vague about it.
The CN notes said that the pass gear skins will be up for 100 gems. I guess as a bundle of 4 because 100 for 1 skin is laughable.
Stop bullying my wife you cancelled piece of skycancer
I agree that's a lot but it wouldn't surprise me, some dorm furnitures are sold at 150 gems a piece so I feel that's in line.
which sector of society would suffer if the PvP function simply vanished?
me, the newcutie, using it for free exp by challenging people with full 125 parties
it sounds like sirius is going to be the only one in the new dorm? i thought there'd be more, but i guess i shouldn't be surprised since she was the only one in all the previews
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I dunno, the Laffey Eldy meta is pretty funny.
It'll probably get yearly expansions like TB Maker seems to be getting.
Yeah, Sirius only is not surprising. I just hope it won't take too long to add new botes, even if you had to buy them.
I don't care for Sirius.
I have no opinion of the 3D dorm
>got bit over 1k of the meta shop crystals
>the LB crystals alone for the three meta will cost 960
I'm getting bit worried here. Hopefully the purple ones will be cheaper or somethig, but that still leaves the cost of the ship. Pretty sure i only ever got couple of skill books from that shop too, i hope they cut the cost hard or give you more ways to gain that currency.
I think they won't have you spend gems on unlocking new botes, but some furniture here and there probably.
>new cruise pass ui
rip old chibi cruising on ship
isn’t this a concern? That the game is losing its "sovl"? And then just becoming any “contemptible” coomer slop? I’m not the only one who thinks this do I?
>Free promise ring
>Just got Second Amagi to 100 affinity
Oh yeah, it's all coming together.
Seems like the way they plan on monotizing it is via "rooms" or gifts.
If it is anything like Snowbreak the "gifts" are just furniture that you can watch the character interact with, or interact with the character and the furniture. Like in SB you can play on Acacia's vidya console with her.
I'm not sure if you are baiting or not, but having similar UIs is actually better for players. Why do you think Mihoyo uses the relatively same UI through all their games? So players now what things are and how to get to them. It is the same reason why Kuro copied it. It is similar to other games so if someone picks up this game coming from another the "controls" are familiar so it an overload.
Perhaps they will also just let you switch to the old UI, like with both the main screen and combat. Guess here it would require the additional effort of making new chibi.
I actually think the people I saw being upset were merely lamenting the loss of the chibi cruising on ship
Which is huge loss indeed.
No new raising siren content? :(
They're not going to release the 3D form and the Oceana expansion at the same time. It'll probably come out to pad out the time between the collab and the December UR, or Tempesta hijinks to the collab
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this skin has so many poses, i feel like i'll never find them all
and that one animation where she swings right to left is really damn sexy
You can tap the manjuu on the left for instructions like with Strasbourg's race queen skin
I will withhold judgement until we see how often they update it, but if its just going to be Sirius until christmas I will be disappointed
>expecting another girl in 2 months
You better rein in those expectations
now my lovely clumsy maid needs an oath skin and maybe an aug or ret
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damn, that's a lot. here's a translated version:
>amagi dupe from daily build
>tfw already maxed her out
fug what am i supposed to do with a ur dupe now?
you now have another Amagi to feed
1.2gb of meido milk
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Maintenance on the hour USSKKs. Make sure you're ready for what will probably be an extended maintenance. Big system updates are always on the longer end and get off to rough starts. Maybe let the quick shots test the waters first.
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i dont remember seeing any rips of previous global artbooks
i need that namyogod image asap, i think its time to marry goricute for real now
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Wait, is that another battle UI? Just "rare" one it seems, as opposed to the current limited SR one.
Probably the missing 'dark mode' UI we saw teased alongside the new default one and the muse one. Or it could be a new one+one entirely! That's neat.
JP patch notes don't say anything about Roma rerun next week. I'm not sure if they mention stuff coming every time, but maybe we will have dead week to recover after the event.
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She looks rather tired. Also Smoldering Core, so same as Hatakaze and Nagato.
My guess is that the blue UI won't be animated.
App (330mb) and game update (4.9gb) are out.
>just finished getting schoolgirl javelin
>now another free javelin skin
looks like i picked the correct starter boat
thought it was going to be 1.5gb or something, maybe it's not the full update
Yeah, weird. I reckon my botes will starve today.
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>tfw will get raped by Amagi, Sao Martinho and KGV even though it's not my fault
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I prefer Nimi, but Jabberin is cute even though I find her voice grating
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My virgin eyes, where are the spats.
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Unbelievable detail
Fitting for Sirius.
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Can even unlock her swimsuit outfit
Can you have her wear it in the room, or does it force you to go to the beach area for it?
Should be, it says outfit at the bottom and those 2 options are available. It's unlocked by progressing until you can take her to the beach which I haven't because I'm just so distracted by her.
i'm only level 74 and it doesn't unlock until 80...
Should be a week or less of playing.
Looks like you can unlock interactions for 280/480 gems. I wouldn't mind blowing that for some botes but probably not for Sirius. I hope they won't take too long with adding new girls.
get to it shitcan
From what I saw it is pretty much the same system as Snowbreak.
>buy furniture
>have interactions tied to said furniture
Sirius is lovely but I agree that I'm not going to spend that many gems for her, and even if I was I'd rather buy a skin.
I'll consider, depending on the interactions
How does the energy or whatever work, do you get two daily interactions and bye, or is it generous?
think it's a bit more than that but that's fairly close, i've definitely noticed levels slowing down lately.
thank god for the double exp below 80
also, wait wait what the fuck
the old newcutie missions disappeared
i wasn't done tier 3 and i hadn't picked up some of the money/fuel from missions i had completed just to avoid capping accidentally...
You get 3 per day and that's it, I don't think you can recharge it either.
Cute addition but there aren't a lot of things you can do for now aside from spending time to take photos, unless they lock ton of extra stuff behind those paid furniture. It's also quite buggy atm.
>think it's a bit more than that but that's fairly close, i've definitely noticed levels slowing down lately.
Yeah and after that it slows down a lot.
I'm in the 140ies and since 130 it takes a month or more to get one level up, I think
Can confirm I have been 147 for what feels like months now.
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Got the swimsuit
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VERY important locations
Gems or just by playing?
Login reward.
3D dorm VR spin off when?
I just want to know what the special touch equivalents are, if there are any (ie reactions to being poked in tits or ass)
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I got to 144 in two years, i goes up decently all the way to 130, then it slows a bit and then 140+ it just barely moves.
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I'd pay for different hair styles
Would be a great addition to it. Would make it close to DoAVV
Hinata Yuka is streaming it btw
man, people are not happy about the interactions costing gems. i'll wait to see how everything is ingame before i judge it
>people are not happy about the interactions costing gems
Why? Did they seriously think everything would be free?
>some hand slapping game
You can still interact with her and do things, it just seems like there are special ones tied to specific furniture items.
It's half idiots who think you need gems just to enter the mode at all and half who thought it would be completely free.
Oh, and fags with decade old phones who just ran out of space.
I think this way it's pretty fair, i get to interact with everyone and once the add bote i care about i can pay for spicy stuff. Same like the skins, really.
>still down
owari da
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okay sorry, but i gotta ask
is there just this one same guy that uses bots and posts his love for atago everywhere, or is it like a meme?
>2 fucking hours
That's it, Essex is getting scrapped.
Looks nice.
>Ran out of space on my phone
Well fuck, I'm gonna have to buy a new one.
Any recommendation? I just need it to have enough storage and to be able to run AL at 60 fps.
Wait is this Sirius' room or somewhere else?
just buy any recent redmi phones with snapdragon chip
i have one that is >2 years old (sd680), 60fps for most contents but chug at the new dorm
>fade to black kiss after she is done bathing
It's one guy I think.
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Someone from /alg/ found Noshiro's 3D model in the files.
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>amazon from my daily build
she was the hottest loading screen boat when i originally played back in the day
She had that spooky ghost video. And i imagine all the models from chink anni can be used there, so that's Anchorage, Chen-hai and others. I think the EN anni models looked bit different but perhaps they can be reused here too.
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Thanks, I just checked and they're at a pretty good price range. I don't really mind if it struggle with the 3D dorm, I mostly play on emulator anyway.
She has bunch of videos together with Sirius.
And they even had one with her in bath towel and recently in swimsuit so she's pretty much confirmed.
another 279mb ingame, and it's up
>Volleyball is just her getting beaten with balls
Never knew she could main tank.
Friendly reminder the dorm has its own section in settings where you can set resolution, AA and other stuff.
... i thought the new hakuryuu skin was going to be free...
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I won't do anything crazy like ritualposting every day about it but I will be counting how long it'll take for them to implement my preferred botegirl in the 3D dorm.
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Gentlemen, i love Azur Lane.
Everybody was telling you it wasn't, bro.
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I love botes so much it's unreal
3D dorm is neat but despite being cute I don't really care to much for Sirius so I will probably be waiting for them to add one of my bote wives into the dorm
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You can find stuff around the room as well.
Seeing Sirius' hair having a slight blue gradient to it is weird. Reminds me of Dido.
This is what i lived for, peeking cute girls panties!
how does the graphics compare to something like genshin or wuwa
jus' wanna know how would AP look
I don't play those games so I can't tell you, sorry.
Genshin is easy to beat. Wuwa and GFL2 have some of the best models out currently.
>talk with bote three times
>out of energy
...how the fuck am i maintaining harem of 50+
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We'll be lucky to get one or two new botes a year, you'll be fine.
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max quality testingu
>ass jiggle
>boob jiggle
>lacy panties
I dunno man, this could make them decent money. I'm expecting few more before the year is over.
Mogador sex
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>800 gems to put the char on beach and unlock swimsuit
>200-500 for special interactions gifts and furniture
>add possible new locations besides beach and also clothes
>add possible new interaction
You are easily looking at 3k+ gems for character. She won.
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>mfw seeing all those expressions of her
>mfw holding (acutally being hit by) hands with her
im gonna have to take responsibility for this
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i guess i should try recording some stuffn ext
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cute blade autists
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You can preview then new battle UI already, it's the black one they showed previously.
There's two new portrait frames unlockable through the 3D dorm.
Also you can change the background of the HQ postcard now.
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>UIs are now rewarded through ruse pass
damn nice, that's sick. another reason to never stop buying them
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not sure why but recently im on a oni mood, i even went as far as making a fleet for uma grinding
since it kind of works as a sneak peek for whats to come (going by anon datamining from 3d dorm) since she should be next in line
>pasword is the id that appears in the url from azur lane bilibili official channel: all numbers, 9 characters)
one is the actual al 3dcg video uploaded to the official al bilibili channel and the other one is the version that was used for the al bilibili summmer event (the one that appeared first from crowd cams)
any idea of whats unlockable with and without gems? i had sirius swimsut since relase day but i found no way to unlock it in the dorm yet, im a bond 5 right now
>any idea of whats unlockable with and without gems?
So far, only furniture
>bu i found no way to unlock it in the dorm yet, im a bond 5 right now.
Collect the 'Beach Area Permit' from event tab to unlock beach section. After that you should good to go
>not sure why but recently im on a oni mood, i even went as far as making a fleet for uma grinding
Jintsuu META/Noshiro muse/Unzen is fun if you're into torp autism
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I've only see 4 things that costs gems so far (you can check them by tapping the cart icon on the right side)
>New bed for 480 gems
>2 gifts, a cake for 30 gems, and cleaning supplies for 280 (this one comes with a unique animation)
>Transferring shipgirls to the beach is 800 gems each(free this time for Sirius)

The furnitures and map transfer are one time purchase, I expect the gifts can be bought multiple times, I wonder if the cleaning supplies animation can be viewed again without buying a new one.
Any new map or new furniture will probably cost gems in the future, maybe we'll get some for free but that's just speculation at this point.
Do try the AR feature.
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umm... is it supposed to be like this? i can equip her new oath skin on biscuit ll, but i can't view it?
You have to look at the original Bismarck to see it in that menu.
The oath skin is for Bismarck I
To see her lines, you need to open Bismarck I's details.
I don't know if you can still see them even with Bismarck II being the one oathed but not the original.
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but i didn't oath the original... well i can still see it on the home screen, so it's not the end of the world
The skin is for the original, but you can use it if you oathed either.
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I love Mog so much.
>"please sit down"
>bote immediately assumes i want a nursing handjob
>can't update due to no space
Steam version can't come soon enough. Fuck emulators.
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um bros... why is the door locked
>that look she is giving you
oh no.
Anon. RUN!
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She is a stalker too.
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overall, i think my high exceptions (other than only having one shipgirl to start with) were met. I like just walking around the room (and around sirius), the camera mode is nice, volleyball was funny, and now i have even more material to disassociate myself into the world of azur lane

the one where she says she's just been waiting all day for you made me feel kinda bad...
>Steam version anything
ew no, every time Steam adds some online game it sucks due to bugs, cash shop stuff and your account being forever locked to Steam
>door locked
>that look
just remember that it's never rape if you're both screaming
I enjoyed TB maker but I think this is miles better and it is kind of impressive that this 7 year old game can support things like this. I'm looking forward to whoever is next and the other intimacy scenes.
>every other interaction has me at my maids feet
this game was literally made or me
what's that line she says? 'you find this part interesting' or something?
well the devs all footfags apparently sure find it interesting
>no standard grope interaction
damn it
>*specifically for the 3d dorm interactions
there are so many things in the new dorm that I'm almost certain they are not going to release more than 4 girls a year, girls not favored by the devs will forever be crippled in content
>dev favorite
theres gotta be some form of psyops i should at least be able to try to nudge manjuu somehow, or at least curry their favor on certain girls over others
cant they do darkhorse randoms like haguro or repulse or magdeburg
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Now that they have the bones of the system laid down, it shouldn't be that hard to release new girls. Need a perflat model, Sirius, and a big boo-te model. Sizing up and down with the bases is trivial. The rest is just accessorizing and designing around those, which will be work considering the variety and number of botes but it could be done in batches. It's a long term plan but it's not impossible for them to cover all the girls over the course of a few years with a couple batches per year.
>big boo-te
Isn't sirius big? Or would her model be scalable to medium and small (or small built on perflat)?
Also consider heights
>unambiguous loli
>short hebe
>shortish jc/jk
>normal woman size
>tall woman
>if they want fdg to be meme-tall add ultra tall here
>Isn't Sirius big?
She's definitely not small by any means but she's considered fairly standard in Azur Lane. Several botes come much bigger.
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holy fucking shit breaking news momigod just posted his upcoming suzuya and extra kumano for the upcoming artbook
i dont agree, youre seeing it the wrong way
current 3d dorm is basically what old schools demos used to be: fully featured with only 1 or 2 minor things missing
the base/framework/engine whatever you want to call it is already here, they just need to and more botes
its just common sense really, no one wants nor spend time and money to rework an engine only to add more girls
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done with the exp requirement so i just need purples now
not sure i want to spend 5 cubes though, i wish i knew how many cubes i'll need for the collab
there's no guarantees but 400 cubes should be enough to get at least all but one of the collab ships
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>buys a souvenir for Akagi
>eats it before delivering
she sure can't help herself huh
fat fox
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after weeks since my first, i got two more hiei drops today from the event so i guess i'm done. is this priority list for the shop good?>>1578718
guessing there are two URs so the worst case scenario is 800 cubes total to spark both? i'm only at 257 right now.
I like the predator looking at prey eyes it's cute
fucking fatass
I'd switch cogchips and the DR print simply because the DR prints are incredibly expensive and you will always need cognitive chips, but other than that it looks alright enough
Collabs never have UR. We'll most likely get 6-7 characters, 3-5 of them SSR and the rest will be elites.
How often would they add new girls to the dorm?
Considering Noshiro's entire model is already in game she is probably coming sooner than later.
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which CA gun should I +13 first if it's for Napoli, Unzen gun or Hinden gun?
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Damn, that wasn't too bad. Well, Orleans kinda was, but Houston dropped only couple of sorties after getting it to safe, so it's all good.
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congrats bro, enjoy your cuties and give Houstsu lots of headpats
on that note, oath lines for NO WHEN
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My poor Geryon, even Vanguard mogs Biscuit's rigging now...
does everything give the same affection increase for the stamina usage, or is there an efficient way to use it?
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Reminder that baltimore only wore fake tattoos to tennis
The beach date is kind of fucky, I can't seem to get 40 points even by leaving the screen on for 7 minutes.
there's one thing I hate about this Nagato fight and it's how small her y-axis hitbox is, I keep missing torps because of this
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it might interest newcuties trying to do Dossier METAs that Eldridge ret+Hedgehog trivializes Gneisenau/Scharnhorst fights, rendering all that subs/chains AIDS useless
Sweet, my missing chips and cats.
to soon to say
she might also make Arizona META bearable, but I'm yet to test
I was already playing during Arizona's original run so it doesn't matter to me but good for others.
me too, but I fucking hated her fight so I stopped at 33k points
Can't blame you, honestly.
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Ayase doesn't fit her sisters' aesthetic at all.
Naka retro when
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>what's wrong Eugen? you're looking a little blue today
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fanartists are catching on heh
also nice uniform
For Albacore's latest prank, she turned the botes blue!
is there a tier list or guide for botes to level up for the tech bonuses?
CV RLD > BB RLD > FP >= AVI > everything else
Backline HIT is a bit more important than just backline FP/AVI
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Oh dear. She's being corrupted.
not enough desus in that ayanami's lines
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I love botes
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>can't see myself
smart on their part, but does that mean I'm canonically a vampire?
You can go out in the sun so no.
maybe I'm like one of those higher vampires from The Witcher, like Regis
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well it would solve the issue of mortality/being outlived by botes
it would also explain how I've been withstanding multiple rapes day and night for years on end
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I think Nagato should stay META. At the very least until i get back from the void and can give her, uh, very thorough check-up.
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what she needs is a damn retrofit - her and her sister, as well as rodney to complete the big seven retros
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pain is
it means you are just a floating set of hands
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had no idea sheffy is good at management
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It's a cute mode with lots and lots of soul like that. The daily 'tasks' are over before you even realize it. It really was a labor of love just to get botes in 3D. Also,
>play on emulator
>activate private time
>put emulator in BG mode
>can literally lay in bed or sit at the beach with Sirius
>put emulator in BG mode
>can literally lay in bed or sit at the beach with Sirius
This is actually the best part, I just leave her on my other monitor. I wish the private time feature had occasional voicelines.
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they better fucking not let this mode die i want all the bote
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>I wish the private time feature had occasional voicelines
Why would they? They spent years getting the hardest part out of the way. It's feasible to do all the botes but it won't happen over night. I expect we'll start to see bote batches and new areas in the next year or so if things go well. We'll also be getting an interactive JUUSTAGRAM model so I can have deep chats with Arethusa if she fails the popularity check for 3D. But who can say? Manjuu is a fun ride. Genuinely keeps you on your toes.
If they are still committed to TB Maker, and that mode had a weaker reception compared to this they aren't letting it go anywhere.
My expectations were well surpassed with the 3D stuff so my hopes are a little higher for the Juuchats. Since they are just text a lot more botes should be getting in compared to Secrets or other things.
Do we know how long it takes to max out Sirius intimacy? Is there a chart that shows the amount of XP required per level?
No idea, but I am at level 5 and it takes 1000 to level up. So if I only do the +150 a day it will take me a week.
I'm still at level 3 and it's only 400 so the increase isn't linear, maxing her out is going to be very long without buying bouquets.
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>the sudden urge to draw kaga with really fluffy ears
Feels fair to me, it stops people from just speed running through it. Especially if they have more lines open up the high level you are.
List the 5 girls you want in 3D dorm right now
Jean Bart
New Jersey
Le Malin
Pipedream: Flandre
and the NEVER EVER pick: Yumi
>South Dakvastg
Yorktown, Albion, Kearsarge, Constellation, Bayard
Mine would be Ikaruga or Yui who is hopefully in the upcoming collab
Ping Hai
It's so fucking over.
I can imagine Unicorn at least getting the privilege.
Maybe Ping Hai but the nepotist artist has a lot of girls
what shadow funding do i need to nudge chinks and manjuu towards what i want?
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any monthly stuff other than shops i should be concerned about? what should i be looking for from monthly shops?
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I suppose these are locked behind intimacy somehow
also, how come nothing happens when I click Dorm Management -> Bath?
>277mb update
there was a 70mb update 30 mins ago...
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apparently you can get the rest during the night, and you can change day/night cycle after level 5
that last part i don't know, maybe it just shows that you've unlocked it for scenes there
>monthly stuff other than shops
Operation siren, the arcade cap also resets monthly if you want the gear skins and the challenge mode for the portraits, i think that's it.
>what should i be looking for from monthly shops?
Chips, arrays in core. You also eventually want at least 3 homing beacons, 3 super heavy shells, 3 type 1 AP shells and couple of snorkels, pressure hulls and stuff for chink ddgs if you want to use them. Blackburn firebrand is cheap-ish way to build wyverns eventually.
In medal grab gold bulins, skill books, specialized cores, and the food items. And any of the ships you are missing. And blueprints if needed. Retrofit items are expensive, but if you are new and need them for the early important botes like Unicorn, Helena and such, they might be worth considering.
>chink ddgs
whats the best situation for them? boss fights? i dont think any vanguards would do more damage than main fleets
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>botes have their own book series and publisher just for seducing the commander
Akashi wanted to earn some extra cash, nya
oh i'm not even close to done siren, guess i have to grind that. weird that it resets though
The story doesn't reset but the zones cleared yes.
They are decent frontline damage, especially if you are missing some of the UR's. Then again, it's not like they are that easy to get for newfags.
They can be good boss and mob, iirc people were often using them in the challenge mode, but their missiles and seals aren't high priority, unless you already have An Shan and/or Chang Chun as you can also buy their retrofit stuff. Tai Yuan retrofit item needs to rerun first anyway.

It resets monthly only after you get done with the story. But it gives gold plates and the gear lab items, so if you wanna stick around in this game, it's best to squeeze as much as you can out of it as soon as possible. Even if the bosses and shit wreck you, at least grind the normal zones and so on.
oh right, night cycle
>that sketch
keep it up anon, that looks nice
>Chips, arrays in core. You also eventually want at least 3 homing beacons, 3 super heavy shells, 3 type 1 AP shells and couple of snorkels, pressure hulls and stuff for chink ddgs if you want to use them. Blackburn firebrand is cheap-ish way to build wyverns eventually.
I'll add to this: FuMO 25 is good for damage-oriented CLs and maybe some CAs like Hindenburg or Napoli, rainbow torp for torp autists (533mm mag torp can be useful sometimes), and soon enough Tempesta items if you like to run them. Intel Report - Arctic Stronghold isn't bad on gun DDs either
and ofc, get all the botes and skins
Alright bros, Ku-Chan 3D when?
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Haguro in danger
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she's cheating
i think fargo needs to lay off the oil...
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Best maid
Honestly filesize and bugs aside, the model and the dorm are very pleasant, the model in particular. Really hope we get a Veneto one in the near future.
I think if enough people people ask and complain about it we will get a file size optimization. At least hopefully before they add another girl.
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>imminent danger

prinz eugen
My Kaga...what big ears you have...
I want to fluff those ears
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good job!
>Dear Commander,
>HQ has identified a bug in the Private Quarters feature affecting the energy consumption and Intimacy points gained from the Private Time function. This bug had been fixed after a hotfix on 9/29.
>We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and the compensation: Bunny Plushie X2, Cake Gift Box X1 will be sent by in-game mail after next maintenance on 10/10. Thank you for your understanding and support!
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Sirius's outrageous boob physics put me in the mood for some pasta dough too
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Imagine volleyball with the other girls.
It would be 800 gems, but still.
So it wasn't just me that wasn't able to get 40 points from the Private Time
My guy get me a lot more girls to play volley with and I'll pay 10 times that
I think they'll get around to it relatively quick, the bigger question is how they'll handle the new girls
If they want to be serious about it every new event should be released complete with a batch of 3d models for the new ships, and a same sized batch of 3d models for old ships, kind of like they do with skins. That way we'd get everyone in a feasible time, I believe
>gifts are shown with a cap now
fug since when? i knew it had a invisible cap but now it ells you the limit
It was in one of the small updates like a day or so ago.
is it daily, weekly or monthly? all 3 just reset after all so im not sure what kind of cap do >we have
Gift purchases like the flowers are weekly.
There's a cap to how many you can buy, but is there a cap to how many you can give?
>but is there a cap to how many you can give?
Doesn't seem to be.
about fucking time
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is it worth getting this to 13+?
I bought the fair winds pass and it even registed I bought it, but the extra rewards still aren't unlocking and it still shows the pass in the store, I have the reciept should I contact support about it or just wait like an hour for it to register
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Are you sure you unlocked everything? Did you actually visit the trade winds area where you claim the rewards? It doesn't come in the mail. Did you buy the trade winds pass expecting it to be the latest one with Suffren's outfit and not the one from the past few months with Roma's outfit? Because if you bought and tried to claim very recently you're probably collecting on last months trade winds pass and not this one that literally just flipped this reset. Maybe theres some weird in-between bug where you bought during the transition between this months pass (Oct) and last months (Sept). Maybe it let you buy twice? Not a good idea to play chicken with the system near reset like that.

Anyway try completely closing out the game and reopening it. See if you can claim stuff in the trade winds shop area. If you can't you likely need to contact support and explain the situation.
I already completed Romas a while ago and I certainly bought the current one since it did display Suffrens skin so I guess I will have to contact them, thanks
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>I certainly bought the current one since it did display Suffrens skin
If you bought before this current reset, you're technically still buying last months pass. That said, it certainly shouldn't let you do that since you bought last months pass already and it was displaying for this current month which it also shouldn't have been doing if what you say is true. Sounds like a fuck up on their end. If you explain it to them they shouldn't have any issue fixing it for you.
Good luck.
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>Dear Commander,

>We have encountered an issue where the Cruise Pass cannot be unlocked after purchase. HQ is urgently addressing the problem.
>Please await our further announcements.
>Thank you for your patience and understanding!
There it is. You're in the clear. They'll probably give you gems or something for the trouble.
yeah that would explain it, funny enough just after I sent them the details the problem ended up resolving itself so I had to send another email stating it got fixed, feel bad for the guy who had to deal with that autism but at least its fixed, thanks for the tips
Why is moving on the OS map such fucking shitshow on phone. Campaing maps are fine, the battles are fine, but moving on the OS there is like half second or more delay before every action, it drives me fucking crazy. It's fine on emulator and i doubt it's my phone being shit since again, campaing is fine and i can easily run maxed 3d dorm and whatnot.
I think its a case of your phone might have a strange internet connection or bad data, when I went out west to see my brother I noticed I had something similiar while at home said delay is not a thing
I have the same issue, OpSi is really slow but everything else is fine. Strangely enough I also play on the JP server and I don't have that issue there. Might be a connection issue because I live in Asia.
>The issue with Cruise Pass purchases has been resolved. If your purchase has not yet been credited, please contact our support team at al.cs@yo-star.com
>We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
Nevermind you get nothing lol. They're usually pretty good about at least giving some coin or oil or something for their fuck ups.
But yeah no problem mate. Good they fixed it quick I guess.
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we should probably start thinking about making a new bread soon
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Make it Halloween themed
Yes, it's an improvement over regular quad mag, more damage and better homing.
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>They're usually pretty good about at least giving some coin or oil or something for their fuck ups
they're not in the office right now they're on holiday they got an intern-kun to turn it off and back on again and prayed it would work
when they get back in they might offer something
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This feels way more threatening then lets say, Junyou.
she's staring so princessly, we hit image limit
I wanted to post buff offnya but i guess i’m too late
sexy offnya.jpg
>got the three META i was missing
>three skills costing five gold books despite being purple ruse cruise
wait what
it used to be the case the purple metas skills worked just like their gold counter parts, they changed it for future ruse cruise ones but I guess they just kept it for them
how long is downtime between events typically?
A week or two usually.
i like how she got the sekrit cow of the event tittle

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