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Are we dead? Not yet, a new era full of nipples is upon us.
Labiata must have a tough time writing things down like that.
Which bioroids are the best to tickle?
the era of nipples has arrived
but where is the era of global nipples
two more weeks
You think the commander still plaps them even during important meetings?
He had Alexandria blowing him under the desk during the entire Magical Moonbit thing.
Not during but they canonically mad ea timetable so everyone gets to date him equally during the Orca Dating Contest iirc. Considering in some sidestories people like Azazel and Saraqael were overjoyed Angel would finally be “blessed” like them and tried to spy, the “dates” should typically end with sex
Can I make a viable AGS team?
Will Last Originbros support Horizon Walker?
No, fuck gentlemaniac. They can rot for all I care and I hope they get sabotaged the same way. Games born out of bad blood don't deserve success
Only if there a pc version. I'm weak to choco tits.
The Spartan units + Rhein Ritter are actually stronger than you'd think.
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For me, it's artillery-chan.
I'm reasonable. Lots of groping and nuzzling, but the sex can be saved for later.
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>our director is a christmas cake that is obsessed with exposure to the point of stripping the tops when she was forced to cover the bottoms
>game is populated by a bunch of horny adult women
You are all being slowly GROOMED into liking hags!
Oh no?!
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>tfw a femcel might be the savior of Last Origin after picrel fat fuck almost killed it
I'm not versed in the behind-the-scenes who are these people?
smartjoy guy was old owner of company who made and owned Last Origin, the Valofe girl is the new owner
Damn... like damn. The girl sounds really fucking based to buy a game full of horny hags like that
So they're still releasing new characters?
Yeah, the newest one just came out last month.
Giant tits will save us. She know what to do next.
Chances of snowball coming back? As much as I don't care for the guy, he did a pretty good fucking job with Sehkmet and Celestia
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>As much as I don't care for the guy
I don't know if he did anything wrong outside of his art, but let's pour some more respect on SNOWBALL than that even so
Man, I have to admit he did such a pretty good job with the elf series. For what he did, some people say he was one of they guys behind the sabotage, he didn't go to Gentlemaniac (as far as we know) but he knew about the whole issue and decided to jump ship instead of helping like Taesi did.
Sucks if true, but we got what we needed out of him, mostly.
The man looks really happy while the woman looks really unhappy, lol
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I don’t remember who but there is a girl whose artist left and he later got to do a skin anyway so at very least there is this possibility
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Yes, and we're getting a new one next week, even.
Dead game
She had to cover pussy of course she is unhappy
I skip
Gamma when you fucking cunts.
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what the flip /vmg/ros you fricks told me Korean women were psycho feminists who wanted to genocide all big booby anime girls
a lot of them are
but some are not part of the kult
that's not a loli
needs bigger oppai
感染×少女 (Kansen X Shoujo / Infection x Girl)
But it is probably not the type of game that you are expecting.
Watcha mean?
New skin is for musclegirls enjoyer.
>new girl is a choco thief
Say it ain't so.
>new skin is sex
My semen...
Does anyone have the formula to get Sekhmet and the reaper princess out?
PC client when
I use DMM. Doesn’t it count?
Gamma when
Explain further please. I'm interested in this development
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can I view this somewhere without the censorship
oh baby
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Can someone give a QRD of the beef they have with the other game, I don't know anything about this game besides furiously jacking it to Lemonade Beta. Also, why did they made her fat in the new skin?
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I don't understand the first half of your post, gonna assume you are talking about Horizon Walker.
Simplifying the history: Last Origin was originally made by people that designed a setting with full intent of targeting a playerbase that would want to relax with a harem paradise after the end setting with no NTR nor heavy competition that would likely be struggling with job hunting or exams so it focused on making money via skins and small transactions instead of some predatory p2w model.
The plot twist: they were a black company overworking the employees that didn't really care about anything like that, at one point considering just killing off the Commander, The End, finishing LO and getting done with it.
LO was eventually sold out and the new team + the loyal playerbase eventually brought about a revival, it got better quality writing, development for newer units, ASMR topped DLsite etc. But this company belonged to LINE which was already indebted and eventually they sold LO to Valofe.
The original company that made Last Origin however still prided themselves as the creators of the popular Last Origin in spite of nearly destroying it and tosing the ashes so I assume loyal LO players detest Horizon Walker by default and them for doing that.
>Also, why did they made her fat in the new skin?
Our devs are really into big adult women at one point celebrating for deka-onnas by distributing some of the bigger women by mail and the like. I don't know much about Beta though as I'm in the JP version.
You summed up pretty much all I wanted to know, good to see that the game is in good hands then. I'll probably try it out with the English patch, is it possible to the Korean uncensored version?
As far as I know it is but I am only knowledgeable on the JP version cause it's the one I opted out.
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Any cheesing comps for this stage?

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