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What's everybody's thoughts on the new Mythos? Is it shaping up to be interesting? Where do you think it will go?
I'm interested on how that version of Izana and Nagsham looks.
I was really worried we were gonna get some Sasuke-type shit eater for several episodes. Glad to see he's already part of the boys.
Is Alter Ciel any good without thunder teammates?
Yeah, he's made more for Blunt teams. Just team him with 3 other Hammer/Fist characters and you're good.
Noted. On that topic though, do you think I should give 5 chants to my Ewan to get his 5* NS?
Yes. NS Ewan, even without his SA, is one of the best DPS in the game right now.
Gotcha, that's done then. Who should my other 2 characters be? I was thinking Melina NS and Yipha AS, but I see that Melina doesn't have her entire kit unlocked unless she has multiple Western teammates in front, and though it'd probably be fine to only give Ewan most of the buffs, there are probably better options than Yipha AS...
>there are probably better options than Yipha AS...
Yipha AS is still a fantastic super-buff unit. Stack as much SPR on her equipment and have her faith on Ewan at battle start, then spam Benacht Baunch or whatever it is called every turn.
It's hard to say without knowing what other 4.5* and 5* NS/AS/ES/Alter characters you have.
One thing to keep in mind is Ewan requires 3 Shadow units on the front line to be a monster. Yipha AS is a strong option for your single Light unit but make sure she doesn't conflict with any other plans to use a Light character.
But outside of Ewan teams, she is one of the best support characters in the game.
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Any of the AS/ES I can promote besides Suzette ES.
Melina's kit is solid enough without any western characters. Yipha AS is a top supporter depending on how high you can push her spirit. The one issue with Blunt teams is that it's hard to do superbosses without a tank, and right now the only blunt tank is Shanie Alter.
>didn't get any L/S increase from Toto after 10 runs
It's over
>right now the only blunt tank is Shanie Alter.
wasn't this game suppose to have a console version?
They were thinking of doing a switch release but Nintendo generally doesn't like gachas on its console so it was a no-go.
>Nintendo generally doesn't like gachas on its console
raughs in Xenoblade 2
Got yakumo AS in a pull, but altema says that NS i sbetter? should i "downgrade" to get the better version of my homie?
Different roles. Yakumo NS is a damage dealer, AS is a support who can do some damage.
Anon prob means more "consistent" blunt tank
since Prai can only tank once every other turn for 5 turns
I like using terry
They will use that game to patent it
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>have 200 skip tickets from Scratchbooks
>can't use them in Toto
yep, fuckin sucks but it is what it is
Yeah, it's fucking ass. Collab dungeons don't let you use the tickets either. At least Jasmond AD should be skippable eventually.
I really wish we could use skip tickets in the PCD, since it’s not like your choices matter.
They specifically won't make Toto skippable. When they released the tickets they said they would never work for "gimmick clear" dungeons like Toto.
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Have you meet Geese?
Tell me your secrets
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Think only twice in the whole event grind.
It's out
Very nice
Finally. Annabel is back in my party. All is well again.
Wasn't expecting a gold door on the whispers, now I can use those Opera on a Grasta instead of unlocking her.
Melody is just like me but I don't wear dresses
>third alt Shanie opus
Never intend to use her but pretty fucking sweet to get them so soon
I am enjoying my all miglance team
Aldo's wives, even alts, should always be used.
I have nothing to use them on. All content cleared, all challenge merits recieved.
Wasn't chapter 2 for the new mythos supposed to release by the end of the month?
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Planned for October so maybe 1 chapter each month
Not one but 2 new Alters.
Was just expecting dupes so this was a very pleasant surprise.
Got Alt Ciel, which is nice. Is he worth SAing?
His Stellar Attack is fantastic; First it activates Sweet Heart to buff the Stellar damage with 50% Type Attack, Blunt Break, and Barrier Pierce. Then it does a 3150% attack on all enemies that ignores defense. And then at the end of turn it does another 3150% on all enemies that ignores defense, resotres the party's HP 50%, MP by 50, cures all statuses, and does double damage if used in Stellar Burst.
The passive is basically irrelevant, and the stellar burst passives are also mediocre, but Dramatic Big Bang is an extremely potent skill for things like astral archive, battle simulator, manifests, low turn clears, etc. Exceptionally strong end of turn attack.
And it's the only thing that actually benefits form Multi-upgrade from his Cute Moves
>got NS Renri dupe
Shit game desu
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>NS Radias
Close to 80 light, at least. Though that reminds me I should probably start using these.
Reading his kit it seems like his bussy was made for Ewan.
Man when are they gonna release the next meta-defining broken character? Got 25k stones burning a hole in my pocket.
I just need something to go all out on and then finally I can quit if I use it all up and don't get it. Right now it's just purgatory of logging in, collecting the 20 ad stones and 50 daily gift, not watching the other 5 ads or running AD, and logout.
I don't know, Azami is all I need though.
I thought only Western continent characters can use Lunatic
Skull, Victor, Melissa, Ewella were amongst the first Lunatics and none of them are West
Any crystal, shade or lightning character can.
If I remember right, Lunatic is a power that arose from the artificial elemental spirits that ancient ayys made. Lorewise, I guess being able to use those elements automatically lets you use Lunatic.
Stream on the 8th, hopefully new Mythos chapter on 10th (more likely 24th though).
Wonder which old character is getting SA'd
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I'd revel in that since my two 255s are nagi and eva
Maybe if they do CC part three. The ending of FMV does mention the Chronos Empire/Goddess of Time War.
I'm praying for Chrono Trigger to close the game out.
That's a man who loves his crystal staff.
Darn tootin
how long you think another eden has left?
About a year more active content til the end of the main story, then maintenance mode/occasional banners til late 2026-early 2027.
I dunno, it's been going pretty decently compared to shit like Sdorica
fuck that game touting itself as an rpg. It's anything but that.
JP stream mentions there won't be news for new Mythos chapter 2
>Chrono Trigger
Would be cool but really unlikely. The IP rights to Chrono Trigger are spread out between a few different companies so it would be really hard for WFS to do a Chrono Trigger collab since they'd need to get those rights from multiple different parties.
They said Part 3 is going to be the end of Aldo's story so there won't be any more Main Story sections. We'll probably see Mythos, Ensembles and such for awhile. I'd guess we've got another 2 or 3 years.
Can we get alter aldo already
Where do I go if I need to level up charaters now?

Been playing the game on and off since early days, but I've never progressed past the ending of the story part 1. I've read that a a lot of older systems have been powercrept, so I assume there's something better now.
Phase shift boosters
Battle Sim rewards
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Damn I don't think I'd find the battle simulator on my own if I didn't look in the wiki.
It was marked yellow as a subquest which I still have dozens of.
Which chicken
That left me more confused
I wonder if I beat this thing
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Riica brought me to this game. But I stayed for the funny plot variety and fun bosses.
The music is top tier too.
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I don't remember her being this direct.
Azami's entire personality is based around her love for aldo.
I'll do a pull just for you anon
Hoping for a funny pull
Do I need to reroll to start this game?
Out of Jillfunny, Mazrika and Xianhua who should I get from the SDE?
Xian is retarded high damage with no type and basically infinite mp and another zone on demand as well as able to reverse buffs on an enemy
Mazrika is an unga enabler to the 900th degree
Xianhua is cool
I don't know anything about Jillfunny. Maybe another anon can chime in
Xianhua > Mazrika > Jillfunny
Jillfunny is really weird and niche and doesn't fit into many party comps unlike the other two. She's got a zone amp but it only works for single target.
She's a sword character but a mage.
Her bunny is cute though.
Jillfunny really wants a full water party that also exclusively spams Single Target attacks which is really limited. However I've used her to great use in Astral Archives in teams such as Alt.Lulu / Mazrika / Jillfunny / Alt.Duna, occasionally swapping Lulu for someone like Alt.Hismena or a Zeviro, or Duna for a Felmina ES. But her BFF is Mazrika since Mazrika perfectly fits with Jillfunny's playstyle, so lacking her restricts her options even further. Pyggie is also really strong.
Mazrika sits next to a Single Target DPS and makes them do absolutely retarded unga damage. Some obvious choices are characters like Ewan since he'll repeat her Link attack when he repeats Lava Impact, Shigure ES because Cease is a ST attack that also does ST counters which will trigger Link, and the aforementioned Jillfunny. Since she doesn't care about her own damage, she can also afford to be a grasta slave, holding some combination of Sweet Tooth, Beast, Purgatory, Ax, Water, [Lunatic Element] Stance, or Resonant Power Shadow.
Xianhua just shits on pretty much anything that doesn't Absorb, Null, or Resist Magic. Null Magic that ignores MDef and adds INT to her skill multiplier, Null Magic buff that increases her hit count, starts each turn with a 300 INT buff that lasts as long as you don't AF, and her Stellar board is amazing. If you have characters like Yakumo AS, Iphi, and Porcelain Pixie Xianhua will hard carry you though a ton of shit.
Overall I agree with >>1586596
Xianhua is just overall too useful.
If you had Mazrika or Jillfunny already, that would raise the other one's stock.
Thanks for the insight. I'll just go with Xianhua then since she seems overall the most useful to have even if the other two do have their usefulness and niches.
Isn't there a stream today?
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>If Sesta's Twinblade Wolf is so great, why haven't they made Twinblade Wolf II?
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No important news
>THE Astral Archive killer with 4 uses of Twinblade Wolf II plus a free use in Stellar Burst, making AF not even a loss in damage
>Keeps enemy permanently weak to wind and ignores defenses to guarantee damage cap each hit
>No longer reliant on specific teams to keep Awakened Wind Zone up, no longer cucked by enemies who break zone, just shows up and smashes shit in literally any composition
We are back and rougher than ever!
Cool, Sesta is one of the few characters I have no form of. Will roll.
>Sesta AS
>More Astral Archive tomes
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Never got any version of Isuka and now I'm thinking whether I should use a selector ticket on her.
I realize her NS is probably very outdated now. But how are her ES or AS?
I'm not a metafag but these sort of tickets are rare as hell in AE. So I'd rather not a pick a character that gets benched.
ES is an incredible tank. AS is fine, but not someone you'd ever consider to be in your Wind party unless you're really low on Wind units.
>exists only for astral archive and runs out of steam otherwise
>shitty stellar skills/abilities
>loses barrier pierce
Man why'd they have to make her so underwhelming.. she's probably still pretty decent but you'd think with such a strong NS they'd make her AS insane to actually incentivize people to pull for her.
As someone who didn't have any version of her I had hoped to pull for 2 broken units in 1 like for Yakumo
She's one of the very last characters I'd use a selector on. Better than Mighty at least, but not much else.
NS form is still the best wind damage dealer, assuming you have Melody AS.
between lingli as and now sesta as they've been releasing some real stinkers lately
granted it was after a line of fairly good units but hopefully this means they're cooking something up
Sesta AS is instant god tier.
Slightly lower total multiplier than Sesta, but
1) not reliant on anything but her own level (which you will max out anyways)
2) forcibly exposes weakness to Wind so she's guaranteed to hit Weakness, with her additional Weakness multiplier it makes her total damage higher than Sesta's by default (barring some setup where someone like Alter Dewey gives her the same buff)
3) has a Stellar Burst which adds in Overcritical and a raw +100 PWR and SPD in addition to just getting a literal free turn of attacks
4) trades the dubious Barrier Pierce for the amazing Ignores Defenses

She fucks shit up from the word go, without having to rely on a full Wind team or characters like Melody AS to have a Wind Zone constantly awakened, and doesn't get screwed over by bosses who break your Zone and set something else.
And I can use her with azami as
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Reminder Nona won the Aldo bowl
Azami and Shanie in absolute shambles.
>12 skip tickets from the diary
>weekly red keys ready to be bought
Just need the update to drop
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Lloyd Bannings lookin good.
Name Rufus too lmao.
She did but those are their outfits from the "For Fragile Time" concert art.
*Records for a Forged Future, not For Fragile Time
>spend 20k free stones on ns sesta
>spend 1k free stones on AS sesta
get on second door
>get 4 versions of Strawboy for Astral Archive
Hate this shit
Yuna buffs when
>5k stones
>dupe Melissa
>dupe Lingli AS
>dupe Isuka
>dupe Lokido
>no Sestas
I like Sesta and I've always wanted her.
>have to do all these shitty quests to clear the tomes
This sucks. Are there any time limited rewards for clearing these tomes?
not for the new ones, no, just the original Part 2 tomes
>no matter what time period or layer aldo is in, nona will be there
IS that not the ultimate soulmate match?
I keep getting shit first roll
massive luck last few banners
Have you not gotten all your strawboy forms?
I ignored it since it won't be useful to my team
Anyone else feel like they secretly nerfed Cat scratchbook at some point? A few months ago I could get 2 or 3 combos very frequently, and 200 cs at least ever few weeks. Nowadays I barely ever get more than one search per cat, let alone any cs. I should've known they wouldn't be so generous with stones...
Effect of the extra campaign cat
Sorry bro, I took your luck. I got the 200 stones three times the past two weeks.
I knew somebody would reply with that. I'm talking about even outside campaigns cats get found in way fewer turns. That's not the fucking reason.
I got two 3 combos today after doing guildna's quest I noticed at the space time place. Get good.
Last week when they were doing the extra cat daily I managed to get two cats all the way through and got 400 chrono stones that day. And I got 200 more yesterday.
>didn't have any good wind chars except SA Suzette
>decided to yolo on Sesta AS and Shigure ES
>get both + melpi spook
It turns out Sesta and Shigure are an absurd combo. They get 500% link and slash break and each does 3-4 moves in 1 turn. Cobbling together what I have with Sesta AS Suzette Shigure ES and Melpi you can easily AF and SB every other turn and make Sesta's 4 twinblade wolves last for 8 turns by using it only outside af and still get to use a free one from SB plus break + perma A. wind zone + shigure dodge every other turn. You can actually maintain this forever as even without twinblade wolf Sesta's normal skill can still let you AF/SB every other turn with a nudge from any damage dealing sidekick.
In fact you can even slot in a non-wind char instead of melpi and you can still AF every other turn forever, but melpi brings a lot to the team with offensive/defensive buffs, healing and status immunity.
Whoever decided characters can just cast multiple moves in 1 turn outside af was smoking something.
Sounds awesome, but it's gonna be like half a year before I get the treatise/codexes to unlock their new forms as well as the 6 starcharts to unlock both their AS's. There will probably be some new broken meta combo by then.
Yeah it sucks, I only pulled cause I didn't have any versions of Sesta and Shigure, and it took my entire f2poor stash of around 12k for them. Had I not gotten them I probably would have quit.
In a year they'll probably release some shit that lets you stellar burst every turn lmao
Congrats anon. I'm real happy for you.
I got two back to back. I just didn't wanna post about it
Does the resonant power ore stack with the resonant shadow grasta or the light alliance badge?
I saw people using Dewey AS for lots of recent superbosses. I don't have him but I found out today I already got 3 wolfskin treatise drops somehow, anyone know if Zilva AS can replace him for kaleido-ing weakness and if he needs SA? Is he better or worse than Dewey
Dewey AS tends to be used more for his ability to strip enemy bosses of their debuffs than for his Kaleida ability. If you just need Kaleido then Zilva AS is much better and puts out a lot more damage than Dewey AS, but if you're looking for buff removal, Zilva can't do that.
Thanks looks like I have to pray to get him then
Does Zilva shift his kaleido when the enemy weakness changes?
Yeah, you'll need to activate it each time though.
Anons should I play this if I love jRPG? I'm burned of all gachas I played and this seems unique (+ the OST is great from what I've listened to), but don't know if its too agressive with its gacha and if the story is worth reading or not.

Is reroll needed? And min-maxing gacha to be able to do only story?
The story is possible without min-maxing gacha although you will need lots of RNG grinding instead
story is pretty easy. you get a ton of quite strong free characters so 99% of even the hardest endgame content can be cleared without gacha.
in any case it's free so you can just give it a try to see if it's for you
Thank you anons, is this wiki good or should I look for another one? https://anothereden.wiki/w/Another_Eden_Wiki

Also any guide for newbies or any doc with tips? I'd appreciate that a lot
Just use this page on that wiki for story guide
It's made by the Chrono Trigger team, and the game itself is very much a JRPG more than other Gachas that are image collectors where you'll occasionally have the game autoplay itself while you do something else.
The main story is 115 chapters long which range from small cutscenes worth of dialogue to multiple boss fights in a row, similar to standard JRPGs. Your Dragon Quests, your Final Fantasys, your Star Oceans...

Everything in the main story is clearable without touching the gacha, using only the free story units + collab units. Some lategame bosses are tough on the highest difficulty but still doable. It's only the optional superbosses that require gacha characters.
The story itself is solid. The only thing I'd say is bad is the Persona 5 collab because part of it LITERALLY does not make sense as English words, but it's both optional and doesn't affect anything else.

Rerolling is both not needed and not recommended. It takes something like 20 minutes to actually get to your first opportunity to pull the gacha even if you're speeding through the game, and depending on the current campaigns/banners you a) Probably won't be able to do a 10-pull right away and b) Probably won't have a good banner to do it on.
He's required for several story sections, and is actually a really strong endgame character.
Since characters get "catch up EXP" for being lower level than your highest level character, it's efficient to feed all your EXP Scrolls to 1 character (like Aldo) so everyone else gets boosted EXP after battle.
Things like Guiding Light Sword are much better used on gacha characters like Miyu, Anabel, or Claude than they are on Aldo; Free characters can farm their Light for free by doing Dungeons. Gacha characters cannot.
Listen to this anon, his trips are truth and he is correct.
Holy shit, thanks for all those tips anon. You are the best. So basically as long as I'm reading main story and events it will be more solid than collabs right? Still since those collabs are exactly series I love (Octopath, Tales and Chrono) I'm very interested on what they offer and what are they doing here, and I didn't expect the main story to be more than 50 chapters at all, neither 110+.

And thanks for the Adol tips, usually I don't use MC in gacha games as they tend to be dogshit later but if here he's that good I'll use him and train him more than others to take advantage of that experience thing/trick, since it sounds nice.

Also in the link the other anon above posted it says something about a choose a 5*, should I use it ASAP choosing any specific character, pick with my heart(dick), or just wait until I know more of the game? I still have to start playing because I was really busy with Metaphor (I'm 30 days away from ending the game, would like to finish it soon) but I think I'll take a rest from it tonight or tomorrow and start playing Another Eden.
The other collabs are fine, it's just Persona 5's translation that was rushed leading to it being incomprehensible garbage. Chrono is definitely my favorite amongst them.
I don't remember how recent the 5* selector characters go up to, but there are some definite stinkers on the list. A good number of characters are useful but require certain parties to really work. For example, some need 4x Wind characters on the front line, or everyone to use Magic, or get stronger based on the number of Light/Shadow characters.
I'd recommend looking at the list of characters, finding a couple you like the look of, and posting them to get a list of pros and cons and if they're worth taking.
I personally recommend doing chronocross collab the moment you get it for some of the weapons and chars.

They last a LONG time.
Kid and Harle are great but the prismatic weapons/armor hold up even now. My easy clear stat has Chiru with one because the increased MATT outpaces overthrow/crit damage in many such cases.
And Starky is still the best F2P tank.
All you get from Lavoger is Serge's personal weapon, right? Been ages. That was a bitch when it first came out.
They stack.
Can I play this game while completely ignoring the gacha aspect? I recall getting stuck on 1.0 long ago due to f2p
You can clear the game with only the welfare characters without ever pulling on the gacha beyond the first mandatory instance. I've seen some challenge runners do it. But outside of the challenge, why not pull on the gacha for someone you like when you accumulate the currency?
For the main story, yes.
For all of the side stories, yes.
For most of the superbosses, yes.
For the Astral Archive (basically super superbosses) no.
To note, you can clear all the base Astral Archives, just not the final challenge/whalebait part , but it just gives a few chrono stones for doing it and it doesn't really matter.
Who is a good pick for the Selector? I am donr doing the first arc of the main story and my first playthrough of the Chrono Cross collab.

I run a team with Alma, Melissa, Necoco, Serge, Eva and Erina
It's easiest to recommend someone if you give a full list of your 5* units, to see what you have covered and what you're missing.
For general recommendations, I'll just cheat from myself in the last thread (since I don't remember how far the selector goes up to, but since I never recommended Iphi I'm assuming it doesn't have her)
>Picks with usable NS forms
Ewan is big bunga dps who doesn't need his SA
Suzette is big bunga dps who doesn't necessarily need SA but gets a lot better with it, comes with a manifest in her NS and AS form, and can be sidegraded to a decent ES/Alter
Tsukiha is a big bunga dps, but wants her SA. Her Alter is meta, and her ES is convenient with battle start pain.
>Picks for their AS, ES, or Alter
Shion for his Alter (NS is also viable now? idk, haven't actually used him since his update)
Claude for his ES
Dewey for his Alter
Myunfa for her Alter
Yipha for her AS
Toova for her ES
Ilulu for her Alter and Limil for slash teams
Felmina for her ES for water teams/pain setting
Thille for her ES and Moke (Requires SA)
Dunarith for his Alter for water teams
Hismena for her Alter
Melody for her AS for wind teams
Mariel for her ES
Anabel for her ES (kind of wants SA)
You can safely ignore those end challenges as f2p lets be real. Petal Fall still mogs a lot with the right setup.
Is Azami AS doable with free characters? I remember having a real rough time with her fights.
It has been.
I swear to god that bastard skull makes every f2p team shine for combo setups and he is the one persona character other than Viola that aged gracefully
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Wrong cat
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Henshin Lloyd Jobbings?
Shaniebros are fucking back.
If anyone has Thornbound Witch, Shanie AS, or 4.5* Shanie but not 5* Shanie yet, now is the time to farm Riftbreaker VH for her Arc Knight Tome and use 5 Chants to preemptively get 1/3 of her Starcharts.
>next selector banner SA's the character you get
Ah fuck, that's really tempting.
For real? Guess I'll be buying it then.
It's not a selector.
It's a paid banner where all 20 of the SA'd units have a 5% chance of showing up on the last door.
ie. you will always get a random SA unit who will instantly be SA'd
It's not like a Star Dream where you pick somebody
Fuck that if that's the case. I'd have like a 50/50 chance at best of getting a dupe. And worst case, I spent $20 to get a dupe of someone that I used 3 starcharts to awaken.
she's not in the main story so she will never be canon
I have thille, minalca, shanie, Jillfunny and suzette SA. Which other SA styles are worth pursuing ?
Tsukiha, Oboro, Wenefica, Xianhua, Alter Ciel, Yakumo AS, Alter Renri, Zilva AS
possibly Utpalaka, Shigure, Sesta.
They could easily make the Apocrypha required for 3.3/3.4
Seconding Xianhua, Alter Ciel, and Wenefica. Xianhua gets a second nuke, Ciel can set up a fuckhuge buff, and Wenefica gets access to an additional Curse that lets you cheese boss phases under certain circumstances.
Don't SA if you don't have at least 16 L/S for the characters though
Was there not a character trailer this time for alter tsubame wtf? EoS soon?
>got Orobo with the guiding encounter
Not bad. I had him at 4* and now he's SA'd.
Random turtle superboss inside a cave. Still no Another Dungeon.
the game is just trolling me now
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Absolutely kino.
Pulled a nice haul. Sesta twice and I already had her so now she's at 50
lol I grinded that shit out so quick when they did that xp boost event that gave 10x the xp on tickets
>didn't give stones when killing it
Shit game although it isn't that hard aside its high damage and break zones on each HP bar.
>Alter Tsubame damage is really low aside her Stellar skill on Burst
What a waste of stones
Isn't she just support for ES Shigure and AS Zesty?
Infinite Awakened Wind Zone when she is paired with AS Melody assuming the enemy doesn't break it. Too bad she can't break zone if the enemy replaces it with an Awakened Zone.
>Infinite Awakened Wind Zone when she is paired with AS Melody
AS Melody can already infinitely awaken Wind Zone though. What is the actual advantage?
Melody's AWZ is always up for 3 turns and then down on the 4th turn. Tsukiha Alter can get the SA charge maxed out in in 4 turns, which means you can always activate at the beginning of turn 4 to get AWZ back up so there's no longer any downtime on AWZ. So there's no longer any downtime for your AWZ.
why bother when suzette can break AND set AWZ with AF every other turn? There was never any downtime.
That's neat and all but I see absolutely no superboss that would help with.
In your typical AWZ team you'll be using Sesta + Melody AS + a wind tank of some sort. This leaves one extra slot available. This can be a buffer like Melphi, or if you want AWZ up every turn so Sesta can use her twinblade wolf you can bring Suzette. But Suzette pretty much just brings damage, and it's nothing compared to what Sesta is putting out. So is bringing Suzette for the the one extra turn of Twinblade Wolf every 4 turns worth the additional buffs you'd get from bringing a buffer to buff Sesta's damage? Generally no. Tsubame Alter brings a ton of support buffs and will push the team's damage a lot further than Suzette will, so Tsubame Alter is a step up from bringing Suzette.

The problem is, Tsubame Alter and Shanie Alter both provide huge buffs to the party member to the right, so you can't use them to both buff Sesta. And Shanie's Thorn Wedge + Overcritical buff Sesta more than Tsubame Alter's buffs do. Plus Shanie fills the tank roll, so you can just use Suzette on the team (or bring a buffer and lose 1 out every 4 Twinblade Wolfs) and end up with better or at least comparable damage than you would if you were running Tsubame Alter in any team comp.

So if you're not using Shanie Alter, then Tsubame Alter is a solid upgrade to Suzette. But if you are using Shanie Alter, then Tsubame Alter is a sidegrade at best, if not a downgrade.
As long as you have any AWZ on stellar character and enough multi attackers to trigger stellar constantly, you don't need Melody at all. And Suzette still has that slight edge of being able to break zone, yeah it's niche but it helps a lot when it does.
Melody AS resets the Cyclone Gale stack when she breaks zone so maybe using someone else is better unless you don't have a better PWR/INT debuffer
>new styles I don't pull for never have their treatise/codex/opus drop
>new styles I pull for drop like candy
Got 5 of yakumo AS's books within a month, and already had 2 Sesta AS and 1 Shigure ES drop...it's all so tiresome
That turtle was the most pathetic secret boss we've had in a while. I used my Green Key AD team on it and it died first try.
Enjoy your boosted valor chants, the mechanic that nobody uses anymore.
It can respawns just like horrors. Kinda weird since it's still harder than most old secret bosses.
Can't wait for Senya to get his final skill/AS/SA/double secret manifest/whatever. Pouring my keys in to the silly little guy, only 44 shadow now though (whenever I get skip keys I swap to Feinne in BKC)
The stats can still be helpful. Can't complain about an extra 5 INT.
Even if he ends up useless, Eastern + Avenger + Katana + Fire ensures his role as Tsukiha's strongest Grasta slave, and being Shadow lets him contribute to Resonant Shadow [P].
How do I make use of shanie alter?
She's a tank but she gets her ass beat relatively on the first turn almost every time. Prai did way better.
I clapped when I saw varuo too.
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I'm leaning towards redeeming Tiramisu. Who should I go for?
Wait for Shanie. Of those four, the best is Ewan post-boost, who doesn't even need his SA.
Is Shanie worth the wait? Water is already pretty saturated with good units.
We don't know, hence why you should wait.
Got it. Thanks for the reply.
I am the chosen one
lmao got a third one from the next run
Ewan is the strongest of the 4, but also doesn't really need his SA other than to reach level 100 and pad his stats even higher.
Shion is a bit worse than Ewan, but with a slightly more valuable SA, primarily for Azami Challenge Tome.
Tiramisu probably has the most impactful SA of the 4, but I can't really think of anything where you'd really want her SA to complete it. Maybe Ogre Zennon Challenge Tome if you can't get full rewards because you're missing Claude ES and Utpalaka and Shion Alter and other characters who'll enable clears.
lolbertrand, absolute waste of Starcharts. The best use of Magister Starcharts is trading them for Light Lance to give to Suzette, Anabel, Noble Blossom, or Miyu.

Overall I'd agree that you should wait for Shanie, and while doing so buy those Red Keys for L/S farming.
What does Shanie Alter do? I don't understand these cover tanks that have low hp.
She's basically a tank/support hybrid. She's a lot like Soira AS but she trades out some personal safety in exchange for being able to hyperbuff the unit on her right, giving a massive stat boost, an extra attack, and Overcritical. She can also inflict debuffs on enemies, 100% Wind Resistance down and -50% Power/Int.

Her big passive is Critical Guard, which reduces all damage she takes depending on her Luck, up to 75%. Ideally you should get her as much Luck as possible, aim for 400 minimum, since that will reduce all incoming damage by 60%.
I see, I guess that'll be my next thing then.
Does her stellar matter?
No. Her Stellar gives her the wind resistance down skill, which is nice for wind teams, but it's not necessary. Honestly the best thing her SA gives her is it lets her used Fated Love at the start of the fight, so you can do something else instead. But she's totally viable without SA.
Alright thanks anon, time for me to pair her with Sesta I suppose.
Extra stats from being at level 100 for more survivability and easier to reach max LCK
Automatic Fated Love to get an extra action turn 1, and also partywide Hold Ground
The ability to act during Stellar Burst
Todestrieb is her highest damage skill although she's generally not being used for that
Slightly more SB Gauge filling in Wind parties

Pretty much all just convenience. Turn 0 Fated Love means she doesn't need to have Falcon or high SPD to buff your damage dealer before they attack and she can use a different action turn 1 but she's perfectly viable without SA.
I just used her for death eater and it was ok. She helped me power through all of them with extra damage.
Any things you wish you knew when you were starting out?
Get a 5 asap and then bum rush to getting poison / pain set asap for grastas
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Here's some recent advice from the archive.

>Don't be stingy with Food
It's a full party heal that auto-refills at any inn; the only real limitation is during Another Dungeons where you only get one use of it.
>Do the Main Story
Unlocks Grasta which is a massive power spike for all your characters.
>Don't neglect Aldo
He's required for some story parts, and becomes a top tier character later on in the main story if you grind his Light in his Another Dungeon.
>Don't use Light/Shadow items on Free characters
They can get to 255 just by doing Another Dungeons.
Gacha characters either need to be pulled as dupes, or have Light/Shadow items used on them to gain more L/S.
>Having one character with 120 Light and one character with 120 Shadow
Red Key dungeons need either 120 Light or 120 Shadow, and which one it wants depends on the dungeon. Having a 120 Shadow character means you can use that 1 character to meet the whole requirement, instead of using 3-5 characters with ~25 Shadow each, freeing up space for more useful party members.
>Always bring the relevant Free character to Another Dungeons
Because free L/S is always good.
A typical team looks something like 4 Strong Characters in the front, Free character in back to gain L/S, 120 character in back to meet L/S requirements.
Or if you don't want to constantly look up which AD requires which of L or S
3 Strong Characters in the front, 120 L or S in front, 120 S or L in back, Free character in back.

Once you do Garulea dungeons, the team changes somewhat to be
3 Strong Characters in the front, 120 L in front, 255 L Strawboy in back, Free character in back.
This gets you 375 of the 360 Light you need for the dungeon.
Before you farm Strawboy up to 255, you'll have to play character tetris to find the right balance of strength while also hitting the 360 breakpoint across your entire party.
My only gripe with the screencap is the only maze defense mats you need for the superbosses are rank 1 of Alma's and Claude's, all the rest are entirely optional.
Just started this game on mobile
Good art decent story (hello chrono trigger) waifus but cmon... Game feels like VN literally no gameplay or dome features unlock later ? Like gear and builds customisations
You do get grasta and such later, but 99% of builds are just "stack 3 pain/poison damage grasta"
Early game is like early game of every JRPG where you have your basic attack and maybe 1 or 2 skills on everyone they spam for boss fights.
About halfway through the story you unlock Grasta which are Accessories/Relics/whatnot from other games, which unlocks a lot of customization.
"pain/poison" for increased damage is the most common, but for more support oriented characters you have things like Strengthen Buff Skills, Strengthen Debuff Skills, Set Zones, Learn the Revive spell, Learn the [Weapon] Damage Up spell...
Weapons also become more varied, with some giving guaranteed crits, some increasing damage when at high hp or at low hp, some being more powerful against stronger enemies, some increasing stats like MP or SPD, some giving defensive benefits like Hold Ground...
Armor similarly gain effects like boosts HP/MP, boosted SPD, more damage in an awakened zone, raw PWR, status resists...

And as boss fights get harder, the need to customize correctly becomes greater.
I skipped farming all of the [Status Ailment] Immunity badges, but when 3pt1's superbosses came out I had to go back and grab some of the ones I missed because it kept shitting out ailments that stunlocked me.

Here's an example of a fight where pretty much everything matters.
Party composition (both specific party members and positioning of them)
Equipped skills and used skills
Equipped gear and grasta
Another Force usage
The one thing he didn't do was make use of a Valor Chant.
I'm gonna have to start raising my galliard
didn't know he could put out those numbers with his ability.
Is Alt Renri any good? Got a second opus and have chants to spare.
Yeah, she's really good. Can give the party big buffs, and barrier pierce, and she can add a link attack onto all of your shadow characters, which can add up to a lot of damage. I'd say she's probably the strongest fire support in the game. Really wants SA though.
I have her and she gives some good buffs. Also that link shit adds up.

I SA'd her too. Her buffs show too.
With SA her kit is incredible. Battle start Co-Op on all other Shadow allies plus battle start Blaze Up in case you're using a 3 Shadow 1 Light party starts you off with full Co-Op, +100% PWR, INT, Fire Type Attack, and an 800% Link before casting a single skill.
Then she can preemptively debuff Phys Resist, Type Res, and SPD by 50% for 6 turns, or use her stellar skill to buff Crit Damage and Weapon Damage by 50% for the entire party while giving her allies Barrier Pierce.
Her damage skill is a 3000% single target attack with a fixed 30% heal, or a 3750% damage attack when used with her Stellar Skill (11250% during Stellar Burst)

Without SA, her damage potential is slowed to a crawl. If you want Co-Op on everyone you'll have to either do a bunch of Valor Chant juggling, or just raw send party members into reserves ending the turn with just 3 or 2 frontliners.
If you can handle tanking those early turns to get everyone set up, and don't mind missing the 50% Crit Damage and 50% Weapon Damage buffs her non-SA form can contribute in long drawn out fights with the Link, the healing, some nice debuffs, and even some utility with Status Immunity and fire zone.

Since she doesn't Link herself and her attacks are single target, Mazrika's a solid party member to use with her since they can benefit from each other's links. Ewan is also a good party member especially for SA Renri as they both want to be in a majority Shadow party and Blaze Up affects Ewan's Lava Impact as well as the Link.
Lance damage options?
I'm fine with f2p picks too. As a matter of fact I prefer story characters even when I have stronger ones.
SA Suzette, ES Miyu, Anabel ES, Ewella SA when paired with a big damage dealer. Galliard is pretty good with proper setup.
>AS Rufus
>Shanie True Manifest plus SA
>Whispers, Keys and bonus Cats
If you think about it, there are enough aldos for all the girls if you remember a certain point
Each of those Aldos have their own harems so we will always have an Aldo deficit.
>Shanie's True Manifest uses Confusion spam
time to break out the status immunities
Thanks bros
Just use Tetra. The hardest thing about it for me is just the 5 turn damage reduction barrier since I didn't bring any way of damage pierce.
Mazrika+Ewan made it easy. For some reason, Mazrika's link attack bypassed the barrier, so Ewan would hit with 3 attacks and do 0 damage, but Mazrika's 3 link attack would do full damage. Killed her in 3 turns.

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