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We're out.
Good times, good times. Except when the gacha was fuckin' me over or I had to reset a boss way too many times. But overall, probably my favourite gacha.
I'll admit I've been burnt out since the Leon banner, but it was nice logging in every day to see such a colorful cast of characters. Having it end with banners for RS3 and the Reuniverse protags is bittersweet at least.
Im assuming the powercreep is getting worse in JP? Not that I have much interest in moving over.
Anyone unlock the hidden page in the Destiny Records yet? Gamerch says go to the Tower of Escape and tap the three cabinets on the first floor in the order of right, left and centre, but nothing happens for me.
I left about six months ago, i truly enjoyed the game AMD so dar it has been the only gacha where i spent some money.

Its there a way to rip the music? That was one of the strongest values of the game
I haven't bothered to look up the hidden stages for the last 6 records. I still haven't cleared Firebringer even though it's faceroll now. I did like five lv5 remembers. Spiral is 100 floors behind. I've just been grinding stats out of habit at this point, I lost the ability to keep up with all the shit styles do. How the fuck are Liz and Leon already trash? Shit's just getting silly. Sort by acquired ascending WTF
Countdown to the end.
59 days remaining.
It was a pleasure playing with you all.

I have moved on to FF7 Ever Crisis because I am a glutton for pain
Do you think they'll ever try and do something Saga related again? FF literally had a shit ton of gachas being done so maybe we could expect another one? Yes I'm coping
I think so. It's cheap, easy money and advertisement plus this is what, the 4th one they've made? So I don't see a reason to stop now. If they do, it'll probably be the only SE mobage I pick up 'cause I've noticed the SE ones I play tend to die and the non-SE ones don't (at least, not yet; all live service games die) and like I said last thread, I definitely won't be spending on it like I did with this one.
Oof, good luck. I love FF7 and not even I could stick with that one. Was good playing and posting with you too bro, take care.
For any last minute grindheads like me, the new Thomas we all got for free can one shot the Pidona node of the conquest (Dream Eater) and clear in 4 seconds while carrying 4 trainees.
Countdown to the end.
58 days remaining.
32 styles in the pool left to go, still no Goddess. Finally completed Vampy in honour of Vampire Lady bro. Jeez, there sure were a staggering number of styles.
I ran out of level 3 skill books. god damn it.
>only have three romancing battles left
>can't defeat spiral corrdier 310 since i don't have formina
>remembrance battles i don't have to worry anymore.
>can't defeat spiral corrdier 310 since i don't have formina
Which one was that? I don't have Formina and I've cleared all floors. I'm sure once you get the round 2, 3 and 4 styles you'll be able to stomp them all.
finally, get fucked EN troons with your tranny community managers kek kek kek
Countdown to the end.
57 days remaining.
deathmatch wtih the mighty and asura spiral corridor 310 are my last ones. I know we're at 320, but god Asura keeps counter attacking me. I don't have formina's second style and most of the user made styles don't have weapons equipped. speaking of which, i've seen equipment i don't have and can't find anywhere, assuming I missed them in some earlier event. I thought i was never going to be those Emerald Beyond bosses.
i'm actually really enjoying ever crisis kek. i genuinely thought i'd drop it pretty soon but i've put in a fuck ton of hours since i started playing.

the combat system is really "crunchy" which is what i loved about rsrs, and the story is good old final fantasy.
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I got myself another 3300+ tickets (this is insane), so I pulled another 600+ SS styles and I finally got her!
This means I have at last accomplished my #1 goal for this game: collecting every single GBSaGa ever released on global. A damn shame I have to miss the six new ones JP got, but I'm satisfied with getting every obtainable one. She popped out right near the end, too.
Now I'm only missing 11 styles in the pool.
Ah right, Asura was floor 310! Well, this was my team when I beat it the day it dropped iirc.
Now I remember, this boss is easily solo'd with ice cream Galachad if you have his Freeze Spike inherit. Just put 4 naked characters in the back that can give him permanent buffs, there's a ton of them now and we'll keep getting more for free. There is a SHITTON of styles coming in the next week that give tons of permanent cold enhancement stacks to the party.
If you don't have Galachad, do you have the latest Wagnas? He was the style intended to be used to clear this stage the normal way.
i have both.
Alright, good luck wrecking his shit with Galahad then. The next batch of cold buffers should drop for free at tomorrow's reset if you wanna wait a day. Just Freeze Spike ftw
Countdown to the end.
56 days remaining.
You bros were alright.
41 styles left. I got enough to SSS another rememberance weapon. Even pulling seems empty but I just want to see that box empty.
It's 11 for me. Just a little bit more.
Update: 4 more
Now all that is left are The Mighty ??? and Psychic Ogre
just let it end... kill the servers today
i dont even want to look at the icon on my phone anymore
>i dont even want to look at the icon on my phone anymore
Bro, you literally have the power to stop that right now, it's the uninstall feature.
Countdown to the end.
55 days remaining.
What's a good free phone RPG? I have emulators already.
>Bottomless banner has not all styles because... because fuck you
You can't be serious
Well, it was nice. I hadn't seen a good-ish acrobat character since Dick Grayson.
oh wow a SE gacha shutting down? Never saw that before...
>armor medal exchange items cost 600k medals each
>conquest drops millions per couple hours
I hit the cap after clearing the shop. If they were gonna give us this many medals, they should've just made the armors free.
they haven't updated the news ever since the announcement.
well, what else can you do? They've already announce which styles will come with the date and all. This final conquest per se lasts 56 days. Pretty sure it's done sadly...
That announcement covers all the content leading up to EoS on Dec 1 I believe. The fact that the GLEX boss refights that they're bringing back only give EoS tickets instead of jewels indicates there are no more banners or content coming other than what's in the giant content notice we already got.
i think im done with gacha after this...
Countdown to the end.
54 days remaining.
why are they EoSing?
cause they have to tell the suits and stock holders that they cancelled a bunch of stuff and how thats a good thing
Profits too low, and its culling season.
Oh shit, maintenance announced for the 14th. Might just be to add the Round 3 stuff, a lot of things are scheduled to drop on the 14th, but maybe something else is coming.
I'd love to see one last summer onslaught before this game goes away...
maybe i should reinstall then. i did that hours ago since i don't even know what i'm doing outside of the two last fights for psychic ogre and The Mighty ???
I do not understand why umbrella fuck is doing so much damage to me. I've seen a couple clears where I can copy 4/5 party members, but I don't have Dragon Knight's final style and he seems essential. I am stacking debuffs, dispelling his buffs and debuffing him but somehow I am either getting party wiped by Lunar Blade+ later in the fight, or specific party members are dying on turn 1 to his basic techniques.
This is insane. I've gone through every video clear on youtube and all the clears reported in the above thread. On every single team, I only have 4 out of the 5 styles they use, I'm always missing one key component. So I'm missing like 7 styles that are screwing me out of victory vs ???. I wish the new styles we're getting could help, but even though they represent a new wave of powercreep, they seem pretty useless against this boss' mechanics. Hopefully this thread I'm posting will help one of you guys win.
4chan thinks the url is spam so I wrote out the "dot com".
Finally, I did it lads. After six hours of testing various party comps, I finally found my own original combination that led to victory over the umbrella fuck. Now I wait for Oblivion.
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Countdown to the end.
53 days remaining.
There it is. Could've used that pic so many times. Come to think of it, it's been ages since I've heard someone say "cheesed off".
9 left, might be over tomorrow after this last rematch. Then it would be getting all rememberance weapons SSS and see if I care still for the battles. Haven't done any node from either conquest besides the one for farming. Bit of a letdown but still keeping my gems just in case since you never know.
how many global gachas remain for SE? i'm only 72 styles from finishing the banner. too bad for those missed out banners never returning.
I think it might only be EC and Octopath, which is kinda wild considering SE's pumped out dozens by this point.
There's also WotV which is a spinoff of Brave Exvius (whose global server shut down not long ago). Wonder if Gumi will make a Brave Exvius 2 or something by the time WotV is ready to kick the can
Finally, the conquest is done and we actually got a story resolution, didn't expect any satisfaction on that for global but here we are. Which node are you guys grinding? It doesn't look like there are any 1 wave, 1 enemy nodes like the previous conquest, which is a damn shame.
Oh yeah, I forgot all about WotV.
so wait, what was Jo being the Termite Queen then?
Go watch the stage play, I guess. So dumb to they handled it that way.
4000 conquest chests later, finally got one of those purple chests with the cool new ring.
Countdown to the end.
52 days remaining.
Is there a site with the illustrations ? Goddamn I am going to cry if things like goddess, red and emelia art are lost forever

there are currently two artbooks available in Japan. i wonder if SEQX will upload chapter videos and special event videos.
thank you
4 left...I kinda don't want it to end like this bros
guess i can't farm for dragonfire rare crystals anymore.
i think there was another site that had high resolution pictures, but i don't remember. also what about the background art and music?
its stupid on SE's part. i wonder if they're making excuses just to have global players play the other gacha for money since they're hemoraging their finances.
desu I was just waiting for Adol after the EB banners but then even after the announcement plus they already passing him when everyone was moving just made it harder to do the transition. I'll stick to my guns until the end.
wtf when did I write desu???
All I have is the ancient Silver Emperor UDx style. Feels like the new conquest doesn't drop as many tickets, idk if I'm gonna get him.
And done! Got the emprah.
Ever Crisis is boring and tedious. It's like year one of this where their was no auto repeat stages but have 5x different things to grind. Also you can run out of stamina.
The search for a new home continues.
yeah lol. Ever Crisis is not good. it's funny, RSRS was automated to the max, yet you still had a fuck ton of content you could take on to challenge yourself. Challenges, remembrance and tower. You could spend hours upon hours taking on these challenges and trying different team comps.

in ever crisis there's literally 30 seconds of gameplay before you're completely locked out of stamina for the next 12 hours. not only that but the game has very low amount of content and the bosses are incredibly boring. they keep rehashing the same handful of bosses.

yet i'm still going to keep playing it because i haven't found anything else to replace RSRS
this sucks, man. fucking square enix. i refuse to believe they were losing money with GL. this game is dirt cheap to maintain.

if you find any promising alternatives please post it here bro.
Countdown to the end.
50 days remaining.
Just a couple more days til Oblivion! And the free Sinistrals, I believe. Some other stuff is coming on the 14th too.
Less than two weeks until revenge of the seven

i want it now!
I will always remember when pizzaman turned the meta upside down, it was glorious and was the most fun I had with the community in this game. I loved saga frontier games and this gacha led me to the other saga games, goddamn they are great. This game will leave, but it's teachings will remain within me
what exactly are Open Tokens for?
That was a blast, I even went over pity for Ren even though I never used him 'cause I was caught up in the hype. Re;univerSe did its job beautifully, that event even made me buy SaGa Frontier's remaster.
Based on their description, I think they were meant to be for a community event that was deemed unnecessary given the game is in EoS mode, something like "everybody gets X rewards (jewels) for opening Y chests."
Countdown to the end.
49 days remaining.
I'm eyeing this gacha called Langrisser Mobile but I'm so traumatized from re universe and dragalia lost that i'm hesitating...
i was a fan of the console langrisser games but i didn't really like the gacha
Countdown to the end.
48 days remaining.
accidentally used my gold styles for the sinistrals instead of the ones from the shop. and next week's will be the final batch I presume? what will november hold.
Dropping Lang shortly after launch was my biggest gacha regret, I wish I could've stuck with that game but it had so much to do (like really fun real time co-op with my guild but it was at 2 specific time windows each day) I'd have to abandon all my other games and just focus on Lang all the time. Really cool game but I feel I've missed far too much to go back.
Which ones did you play? I'm thinking of getting back into them.
Looks like they finally added a dark fist for Leonid, but I can't seem to super evolve it, what the hell? I maxed the SS version of it.
there are lots of weapons, armor, and gear that i see on people's characters that i don't have like silver glove.
Countdown to the end.
47 days remaining.
Silver glove should be under gear in the romancing shop but if it's not there then unfortunately it looks like you missed it.
Looks like they fucked up Aunus' fire axe too, it can't be superevolved either.
Ummm...is there a site where you can find the datamined stuff? Images, sprites, music? Saga wiki is dead when it comes to it.
Countdown to the end.
46 days remaining.
Anybody try Oblivion yet? I went into Romancing to peek at its passives and yeesh. Looks like it has one to hard counter Misty's debuffs, which is unfortunate.
assuming the system hasn't registered the five characters, no. also one more week till Revenge of the Seven. How long until leaks?
Sad to see this game go, love the sprites.
Is there a site where those sprites and the enemies ones can be found?
Countdown to the end.
44 days remaining.
Outsider here. What happened?
I heard that the game EOS’d right after a new storyline was released. Then the story updates got rushed through and tons of banners went out of order.

Can someone clarify this for me?
>I heard that the game EOS’d right after a new storyline was released.
It's just global that's ending service (Dec 1) and it was JP that just recently started the next storyline. Not sure if JP'll last long after this one but that's my speculation.
The previous story (last one global got) was pretty bare bones with not really a schedule to its releases but yeah, lots of banners got switched around, some were dropped entirely, the pace greatly quicked for global in 2024 and as it EoS'd it was less than 3 months behind JP after trying to close that one year gap.
> the pace greatly quicked for global in 2024 and as it EoS'd it was less than 3 months behind JP after trying to close that one year gap.

That’s one thing I was afraid of. How quick of a pace are we talking about? Like, one update every two weeks?
>Like, one update every two weeks?
Weekly. We were getting an average of two banners each week with an event and each new event came with a new stat cap to grind.
Damn…that’s gotta be rough. Taking in so much of that at once. You’d have to be an Uber-whale to get all those characters at that rate.

One update a week is insane! You have my condolences, friend.
Countdown to the end.
43 days remaining.
Oh yeah, this was always hopeless for f2p to collect everything, but you had to be much choosier during the hyper speedup. And to make matters worse, some of the weaker banners that no one really cared about were skipped entirely so that there was even less room to save. At least I made it through with almost everything I wanted, including all the styles for all of my favourite characters.
Day's not over for another hour bro!
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whoops, wrong board.
I'm sure they appreciated a visit from a cute loli
I remember this fight was such a desperate race before Merlot-Syrah went crazy with LP spam.
This was really fun bursting it down casually with my Mirsa-led sun squad. Time for revenge on the dragons with all the shiny new toys.
Countdown to the end.
42 days remaining.
Rukh is actually really fun to use now, and his cover mechanic gets around that super annoying random targeting Dragon Knight does. It's a shame I already cleared club remembrance.
has anyone here even fought floor 320 on sprial corridor, ???, and Romancing Oblivion?
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>no summer rei
>no sex with rei
Tomorrow at reset we'll get the last bits of content global'll ever get...
Yeah. 320 was a breeze with the EB slash meme team (Siugnas, Dolores, Tsunanori, Lolo and Diva), I don't think I even took a screen shot.
My ??? Romancing clear is over here >>1587551
I haven't tried Oblivion yet, though I'm worried it may be impossible as most superbosses (Firebringer, Seven Heroes, ???) weren't meant to be cleared on release and we won't get any more stat increases.
Tomorrow I'll take a look at spiral 330.
I just realized come December, given this is the last thread, I won't have anywhere to discuss SaGa any more. Where's the best place on 4chan to make an EB/RS2 Remake/older SaGa games thread?
im not sure. all the other video game boards on this site are filled with mouthbreathers so I'll likely just stop coming here altogether once this thread dies.
/vrpg/ is your only hope.
I'm just going to talk about revenge of the seven right here in this thread desu
Pretty sure a general will be made in vg when the game is released.
SaGa general would be based (/sagg/?) but I doubt it could survive on /vg/.
And there we go. Spiral Corridor: COMPLETE!
So glad I got to use my #1 fave, Undine, and she got the final shot in with Bubble Blast.
All of these styles and their inheritances are free, except for Jo of course but her banner was pretty hyped up so hopefully you guys have her.
Forneus spammed S3 (aoe) until the minions were dead, then spammed his S2. Only had to reload his skill uses with S1 once.
Jo used Flame Force on turn 1, then spammed her S3. No BP issues meant I could spam these skills for the entire battle, every turn, even with the general increasing my BP costs 4 times.
Undine inherited Tempest Veil, a must for me to lower damage, and alternated between casting that on turn 1 and then S2, and then alternating between Tempest Veil and S3 once the two uses of S2 ran out.
Katarina used her S3 three times and then spammed her S2 to increase def and prevent stun/paralysis.
Muse alternated between her S3 and Froid Fleuret (inherited). She had to use S2 once on turn 3 or so to revive Undine.

The strat was simple: focus on the closest minion, pick the minions off one at a time, and then pile on the boss, spamming everyone's strongest skills. On the turn the minions died, the boss did an Octuple Strike but it was fine, and then every turn he used TWO triple strikes plus a quadruple strike. Flame Force helped a fuckton with this onslaught of aoes. When Undine's S2 def buffs wore off, Jo and Katarina died, but I just barely got the win you see here on the turn after that. If anyone else is trying for the full clear, good luck!
And remember: our time enjoying global will be fleeting, but Undine's thighs are forever.
finally finished challenging The All Mighty ???. There is only one person who finished Oblivion on Challenging and nobody on Romancnig.
with the possibly six newly added, what's our current Global character count? what's the point of even raising character HP at this point. there's no roadmap for November is there.

so what's the difference between Imperial SaGa and IS Eclipse?
>Was doing pretty fine against ??? in hard mode until the last bar
>??? proceeds to mercilessly rape my party so hard I barely procesed what the hell happened when I found all the members dead in a single turn
Btw what was this ??? lore? It uses the Seven Heroes battle background and music. For the thumbnail I thought it was Evelynn lol
>spiral corridor summons-deep one and charl
>summoning tickets- wagnas
>viewer rewards- ten of them (already got the winter alts)
>any unit I didn't get post march 31,2024

I assume that's the Grand Priest? Do you have the recommended units and equipment?
oh and 14 characters to roll in appreciation banner
It's because the new saga games flopped
>finally finished challenging The All Mighty ???.
Congrats bro, who'd you use?
That was pretty much my experience battling ??? until I finally found the team that "clicked".
>Btw what was this ??? lore? It uses the Seven Heroes battle background and music.
There's an event that shows the Seven Heroes in RSRS' story meeting him and getting their collective asses kicked, I think its Wagnas who states umbrella dude is even stronger than their perfected form (the meatball). Can't remember which event it one, maybe the second Reforged Bonds one? No idea who he is, though that other anon's guess of him being the Grand Priest could be it.
Wait, what the hell? Does this text imply Shirei is THE Minstrel? Would explain some things, I suppose.
minstrel [before being born]
shirei [an endless journey]
diva no. 5 [no combat functions]
gustave [I'm starting to have fun]
tsunanori mido [choosing my own path]
Imperial cross ex
i assume you would need a emulator to play the gacha on JP servers once global is EoS?
Countdown to the end.
40 days remaining.
qooapp on your phone should work, but I haven't tried.
Nice, pretty similar to mine except I used Misty instead of Diva and Overacceleration instead of Imperial Cross.
imagine getting a wingjob from Brownie or any of the fairies.

>12 remain
Maka, Orlouge, Sarah, Goddess
Sif, Uprina, M.Black, Monika (rs3)
princess lion, final emperor (m), monika (rs3), emilia

Deep One (sc ticket), Charl (sc ticket), and the other 10 (barring winter alts) on viewer exchange aren't possible to roll now. Wagnas might be the only one possible to roll summoners ticket.

also the summon details page gave me a 404 not found featuring monika and flurry.
gave me a picture of monika and flurry with a 404 not found. weird.
Countdown to the end.
39 days remaining.
Revenge of the Seven today bros
i wonder which subtitle they'll stick with for the Four Sinistrals.
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fuck off.
>JP celebrates release of the new game
>global dies
Goddamn, I was wondering why this Pink Punch glex fight rerun is so damn hard for my Series 2 team. I looked up the team I used to beat it back when it debuted and they've totally changed which series are allowed. Sucks not being able to use Hana-chan, the enemy damage is too much.
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So the RS2 Remake has been a huge success.

>peaked at 14.3k+ concurrent players on Steam
>85% positive reviews on Steam
>very good word of mouth
>been seeing tons of people who couldn't get into SaGa before saying they are loving this
For reference, the most popular SaGa game before this was Minstrel Song Remastered which peaked at 2.4k and garnered 80% positive reviews.

Wow. I was expecting good things from the game since Xeen is behind it, but this has far exceeded all my expectations.

Hopefully this means we'll get the RS3 remake next.

Which games would you guys like to see remade?
woops, the most popular before this was actually SaGa Frontier remastered! 2.5k peak and 85% positive reviews
Finally got through all those fights and the school fights after them thanks to Kzinssie, everyone's good and loyal friend.
Yeah, I saw Scher did a vid on how it's the highest scoring SaGa game on Metacritic ever, great stuff for the series outside Japan.
I'd want RS3 the most. Gimme Undine's thighs in 3D.
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The deal is done. Now I have to get all the rememberance staff's evolved and do the fights. Having almost a month left just for that I might as well just leave it like that or not. Really bittersweet but at least RS2 seems promising as a replacement for my next induction of Saga content.
Nicely done, I think I'm gonna try Rapier remembrance today. Hard to imagine it was my weakest weapon type for so long, even worse than axes, then we got a bunch of great free ones for EoS.
The threshold for stunning Roadblocker is way, way too damn high.
what's the point hoarding gems now
None. Even knowing this, I just can't stop logging in and doing the dailies.
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Finally done with rapier remembrance. Roadblocker is really hard without the latest Darque (I got everyone on his banner except him), the only 2 WIL debuffers are Asellus' ancient first rapier style and Roc's rapier style but that combined with Rearguard formation giving +75% INT and the latest Mikhail making the boss debuff its own WIL every turn was just enough to finally, finally land those stuns. I think I'll do spears next.
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Countdown to the end.
33 days remaining.
Fuck, that's sad. Hate that so many games use those emotional manipulation tactics.
>31 days remain
It's the final month, bros.
Make peace with EoS, listen to some tunes in the jukebox, take screenshots of your favourite art.
I'll be taking it slow with the last few fights.
>take screenshots of your favourite art.
you can find them online?
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Spears are done. The new spear styles are fantastic, especially Forneus' insane damage. I think I'll do bows next (still need bows, staves, axes and guns).
All of it? The skins, shopkeeper Emelia and the various panel art? Point me to it bro, I don't want this stuff to die.
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i wonder if SE has an archive somewhere that has all those old pixel arts
Anyone know if the RS2 remake has JP audio with EN subs on Switch? I'm praying they learned their lesson from Scarlet Grace, Minstrel Song and Emerald Beyond and finally fixed that incredibly stupid decision to lock audio language to text.
i have not logged in since EoS announcement. ngl these screenshots hurt. gonna miss this game so fucking much...
So was anyone able to figure out how to unlock the hidden page in Destiny Records?
>forgot to login yesterday
Fug, it begins
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Bows are done. It's a blast using these new free bow styles, Liz/Shirei/Sarah makes a huge difference and turned one of my weaker teams into some of the easiest remembrance clears ever.
Now I just have to do Rana Warrior with guns and Roadblocker with guns, axes and staves. Axe Roadblocker is probably gonna be impossible without Tyler, I will forever seethe over his banner.
Staves done. Fucked up the screenshot, rest of the team was Muse, Macha, Undine and Roc, all the latest styles in Mystic Line formation. You would think it would be a cinch to stun Roadblocker with the highest INT weapon type in the game with access to Undine's amazing Bubble Pop (one of the only skills/spells with high stun chance instead of medium or small) but no, this took many tries. I had to inherit Aquart onto Muse to debuff WIL and Violet Rose Road onto Roc to debuff WIL even further. But it's done, fuck this boss.
Still gotta beat it with guns and axes.
As a side note, this was one of the few times the super overhyped Real Queen Jo style was useful for me. I kinda regret pulling on her banner, almost all the hardest bosses that came after her weren't weak to her elements and she needs to hit weakness or she's borderline useless.
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TRV: Total Remembrance Victory!!!
New Liam is cracked, he blew away Rana Warrior and Roadblocker and while I had my doubts about clearing Roadblocker with axes without Tyler, MY MAN MYRON had the INT to stun 'em (I'm sure Ellen's buffs helped too). The one I dreaded most, axes, was an easy breezy clear on the first try.
And with that, I have conquered every single remembrance battle in this game. The only thing in the whole game that remains is Oblivion. Romancing is literally impossible but can I beat Challenge? Anyone have any tips or team ideas?
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When Anya died on the 3rd last turn, I thought it was over just steps from the finish line.
When she got back up, immediately died again and Shirei died too and Young Boy started missing half of his attacks on the 2nd last turn, I thought once again, that it was over.
But on the last turn, with 3 characters left I let it play out and it was indeed over...for the boss, that is.
Credit where credit is due, there are 2 clears of this fight posted on Youtube so far and I tried both of their teams. First, was this:
I really wanted to win with this team because it used 2 of my top faves whom I've collected all styles of and maxed out, Ellen and Byunei. Unfortunately, I couldn't quite reach the last health bar. I kept getting fucked over by Fatal Mirror, which forces all of your attacks to target whichever ally got hit by Fatal Mirror, which means if you don't somehow act before the boss every single turn like in this video, it's GG.
As soon as I looked at the other clear, I knew it could work because it (almost) completely counters Fatal Mirror by using Diva in a high aggro position. Fatal Mirror only works on males and females, so mecha supremacy struts its stuff once again:
Still, things kept messing up with this one and I kept dying, so true to form it took me a bunch of retries but finally the stars aligned and I got my win.
It was a cool, thematic team to win with because it had a representative of each of the main story arcs (Polka/Anya/Shirei), a representative of RS3 (Young Boy) to fight an RS3 boss and a representative of the latest entry into the SaGa series (Diva No.5).
Details on my exact strategy in the next post.
I inherited Hearty Steak on Polka instead of Burning Feather; only used it once to get Anya back up, which ended up being pointless. Diva spammed Tornado Shield, always. Anya used S2 except when S3 needed to be refreshed every 4 turns. Young Boy alternated between S3 and S2. Shirei alternated between S2 and inherited Rainbow Flowering Strings, except for a normal attack on the rare turn he lacked BP. Polka started with S2 and then spammed S3, alternating the primary target between Young Boy and Shirei.
Add a bunch of RNG luck and you too can have yourself a win over global's final boss assuming you pulled for Diva like you should've as all other styles used are free.

With this victory, I am completely done with this game. I'll still log in every day until EoS, but there's nothing left to do. Just hit my 1600 day login streak, but it should be a week or two higher if you count days I've missed like that time this game killed my old phone from grinding too much.
I accomplished my biggest goal, which was collecting each one of the 95 (NINETY-FIVE) GBSaGa/FFL styles and maxing each one of them. Today I blew almost all my testaments of might 8 to max hidden stats on all of them (even ran them through expeditions to make those stats fully unlock). They're all level 50, stat capped, promoted the full 40 promotion ranks and I got every single spell and skill on these 95 styles to rank 99, even the ones that don't benefit from rank.
It's been a helluva ride and I'm really glad I played this game and came to these threads. Before this, all I knew were the GBSaGa games, but now I have a whole new world of games to explore. I think my next one will be the RS2 remaster. Not the 3D remake, I wanna experience something closer to the original game before playing the new remake to better appreciate the changes they've made.
Remember bros: take it Theresey.
just realized we'll never get the summer banners.
Yeah, we were one month shy. Hell, probably less than a month.
Looking forward to getting 30+ GB back on my hard drive after EoS. It's insane how much Bluestacks bloats up, damn chinks.
Does anyone know of any other pixel rpg mobage other than Sword of Convallaria (already playing) and Disney Pixel RPG (not interested)?
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A shame about the global gacha
How many days until it's eos?
Countdown to the end.
10 days remaining.

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