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Discuss joseimuke games and those with similar appeal to the same audience
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first for schizo dog
Why was Eiden's hair darker when he was a kid compared to now?
if I remember right he dyes his hair a light brown
Is there any space available in NU:Anons? I just noticed I'm the only one active in the guild I'm in.
So...hair dye exist in Klien too? Okay, cool. I was wondering that but forgot if it was ever mentioned in game.
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I think it was said in the artbook/interview, but you can see his dark hair in this alt
No space in my guild unfortunately. If you want to join a more active guild you could just leave and try your luck in the guild finding thing. It took me a while since I had the same problem and the wait time is ass.
I don't pay attention to most of the material outside the game. I actually never noticed GM Eiden's hair wasn't completely white...he dodged me during the first anni and I just never got him.
I went ahead and did that. I was lucky enough to find a guild where 35 members logged in today.
Eito my love
Thanks for the rec, anon! I love Kozaki’s art and dungeon crawlers, so I will be checking it out.
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Marry Skully
is twst worth getting into?
i've been seeing that guy all over JP twt and yumesis are going crazy over him
No it’s garbage despite the shill trying to post it in here and convince anons otherwise
The plot and characters are good. Gameplay is dull as dishwater. It's slow event-wise and you only have to do weeklies and not dailies and they hand out pulls like sweets on Halloween, you don't have to worry a massive amount about keeping on top of things.
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Very cozy looking event
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For the halloween events sure, main story is stuck in limbo
Eito's hat is cute
>R5 is karu
It's an astonishingly boring game, with shitty music despite being based on Disney movies. The boys are cute but like many JP games it's completely fallen behind what you'd expect of gachas these days.
Damn...That doesn't sound good. I was expecting it to be really cool because it's all over JP and the fanbase for it is huge and dedicated. I was expecting more from something made by Yana Toboso.
She's cucked by aniplex's garbage and greedy tactics, disney's stinginess with their IP and the usual japanese gacha game problems. Now twst just exists to sell cheap merch to pigs who buy 100 acrylic stands to post on twitter
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Happy spooky season, post seasonal events
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At least there's still hope for the second room...
Between Quincy's legs....
It's based on Disney shit, it would be popular in Jp regardless of game quality.
yup if theres one thing jps are mindless drones for its disneyslop and popular VAs a combo made in corpo money making heaven
It's a good game, but probably better as a side game. You're playing it for the story so you might as well just read or watch them on youtube.
Never understood why nips love Disney so much. Like, I swear they are probably the one place that'll eat up anything Disney.
I think I'll probably just watch it on youtube then since it's mostly been the fanart that got me curious about the story.
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Error >>>>>>>>>>>>> every recent Hoyoverse male design
generic as fuck
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Nu government needs to put Blade in another dress.
This looks even more generic what are you talking about
Who the fuck is this?
men in skirts are so powerful
A character from the latest Happy Elements game
HE is making a new husbando game?
It's from their newest waifu game with 5 extra boys
A nice and balanced 24:7 ratio of girls:boys
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He's really fucking mad.
New quincy rooms have somnophilia for both scenes btw
So it's a waifu game? I know they did make one previously but that EoS'd if I remember correctly.
There's a fuck ton of competition in that market compared to the husbando market.
Who's the one getting somno'd? Quincy?
Quincy in R2
Eiden in R5
>Eiden getting somno'd
I never thought I'd see the day where Daddy does this. Based Quincy
how do you sleep through a tree trunk perforating your colon
unless he got intoxicated before (based) (needs to happen to kuya)
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So this will launch on Nov 6
>older types are kuudere and tsundere
Too bad, I wanted shy deredere.
Looks all white
Karu's room was actually good for a change

I can't be fucked watching it again but I think Eiden wakes up as soon as Quincy sticks it in
so this is what they're wasting enstars money on
To the anon asking how the NoC LIs are like & plot.

Deredere henpecked richfag idiot + tsundere chuuni. Very gap moe.
The groups mom, everyone relies on him. Really quiet but cool and chill dude. Gets pretty melancholic and depressed at times.
Shy reserved smart qt. Everyone wants to protect him because he's very adorable. Very affectionate and gets really needy and moe.
Shady but over friendly drunkard ossan who no one trusts, but they let him join them anyways. Lost his dear wife to the disease and never been with someone since then. This doesn't stop him from going balls deep in Anli. Has a very huge cock.
Autistic but goes whore mode pretty fast. Treats Anli as his personal dildo for now.
Schizo BPD kun that goes tsundere. Sadistic and smug to everyone except for Sen, but he starts warming up to him. Has a huge dick too that Anli calls monster.
Very polite and gentleman richfag. Has really hot ero scenes and is very passionate. Shady though.
Garu but extremely slutty.
Adorable shy merman boy. They gave him legs in event, but most scenes are with the mermanpussy.
Cute but legit retarded and illiterate.

Plot dark fantasy and heavy on lore and angst. Church and royal family drama lore like abducting kids and people and doing experiments on them, see Yve for example.
Mcimmune to the disease that claims lives daily and can help the LIs aka the sole survivors with the side effects-heat. All of the LIs survived the disease and have really painful backstories. It's like a competition, who had it worse. So Anli and them try to discover what that disease is, where it came from and Anli wants to also discover who he really is because he has no memories before he was 8 something. So far it's heavily implied that he has connection to the flower that caused the disease and he's also a member to the royal family and that's why assassins are already on his ass.
My wife Garu is very cute!!
The plot for this unironically sounds more interesting then Nucarni already. I'm surprised the mystery and worldbuilding sound so dark at the start since I expected it to be kinda goofy and half-baked like when Nucarni was at the beginning. Might pick up NoC someday but none of the guy's designs really interest me so far.
The designs got better desu. They fixed the massive tits and de-bara'ed the guys they should. Made their faces more ikemen like too, so they're hot quincy tier now, which is good. The shota baits are nice too.
I like the plot more than Nucanis. It's darker indeed, Nucani tones down a lot of stuff and has a lot of humor too. Meanwhile, NoC has some pretty dark stuff in.
Balls deep in kuya when
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he has yandere vibes this time around
Praying Lord of the Yokai, Huey, or Quincy brat tames that bitch
Anon was right, VR fandom is shit. Even nitrochiral fags are better compared.
My problem is that I'm a bottomfag and none of the bottoms fully interest. Sen does slightly, but not enough to pick it up.
That's good to know. I'll check it out later then to see if any of the boys catch my interest.
You might like the MC as a bottom. I like his slutty faces during sex. He goes whore in some too. Sen is a great bottom because he's Olivine coded but autistic. Yve is nice too but merman pussy still merman pussy.
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He cute
>new Quincy: Just hits hard
>new Garu: A decent support
>Nu:C is 10 GB now when it was only about 5 GB before the update
What did they do?
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>make low-quality game for fujo/yumes to make money because it's an easy market
>get money
>switch to making higher quality waifugame
Is this the 2nd time it's happened?
Jp fujos just can't stop letting themselves get walked all over
Tell me more i already got quincy so I'm debating if I should keep pulling for puppy or not
No wonder it took forever to download
I'm hoping it has something to do with the my home feature they've been teasing since the beginning of the year
Qrd on the feature?
i don't bother with streams.
I haven't been paying attention what's that
This NuC event is breaking my heart, why do we have to attack the sick animals that come in for treatment... This has been an absurdity for most events really, but having to attack the frail little sickly baby fawn just hit different.
It's pretty funny how this has become a thing for a gacha companies.
>use fujos/yumes as cashcows
>then use money to make waifu game to try and break into the waifu market
The funny part is there's no real guarantee at success since the waifu market is already huge. It's the husbando market that mostly untapped and LaD basically proved women don't just want png collectors.
at this rate I might have to finally swap out my old phone to keep playing.
Nonono I just meant his default model expression combined with holding the syringe evokes certain things.
One of those things where you can have tiny versions of the characters hanging out in a room that you can decorate yourself with furniture etc.
>furniture collecting
Oh fuck. And I thought collecting the frames were tedious...hope the furniture is nice though and the little guys get special dialogue.
I hope we can get the chibis to wowhoo each other if I drag and drop them to the bed with eiden
Worst part is this isn't even limited to gacha games. If they had even half the backbone that CN and KR fangirls do we'd finally get somewhere
>jp yumes/fujos
>having a spine
There's a reason why most jp gachas feel like a cuckage. The devs for jp know they can walk all over their audience once they've fully established themselves and gained enough of a loyal following.
This is why VR's downfall is so cathartic to me
VR devs made the mistake of not establishing themselves first with good will and catering to the fanbase before devolving into cuckshit. Rookie move for a JP dev.
Those are always cute. It reminds me of shimejis
goddam what's with this updates lately it took almost all day
>the nucaniposters outschizo'ed the genshin schizo
wtf i like fujos now
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Omnipandering would be the best bet. Another Eden has like a 3:1 ratio of girls to guys. Think Granblue's got like 2:1?
Is he supposed to be a christcuck?
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Need that one
>Think Granblue's got like 2:1?
That's about right, counting SSRs only it's around 356 girl units and 161 guy units (not counting Ladiva, Cat, Orologia, Colossus, or the duo units with a guy and girl)
How does WHB continue to get away with making it blatantly obvious that the LIs are all fucking each other/interested in fucking each other?
He dyes his eyebrows too then?
Maybe the fanbase isn't yume enough to self-insert
Don't they want to fuck (you) too?
The same way straight men are fine with their gf making out with other girls if he gets to watch
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I guess the game has more fujos than yumes playing or maybe fewer people who self insert which may also be why no one cares that the mc is pretty much nowhere outside of main story and board stories.

I guess pb kinda has a history of semi-ntr since, in their first game, there were parts in one li’s route where he got pretty….friendly with another eventual li
Yes, and they also fucked the MC's great x12 grandfather Solomon.
Sell me on this game.
>It plays like a Wizardry game, not a gacha (no stamina, story unfolds continuously like a JRPG instead of nodes and stages)
>Fun but punishing difficulty
>SSRs, SRs, Rs not too different power-wise
>Elf boys and manly men
>The characters have 3D models that fight alongside you in turn-based battle, feels super immersive
>Hidden affection stat where the guys will slowly start smiling at you after battle, inviting you for drinks, voice lines become more friendly

>Very buggy, serious jap jank
>no shotas
>no option for ENG with JP dub
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It's the fujo throne.
>The groups mom
Sisters...we've been so robbed it's not fair he should been a bottom
>They fixed the massive tits and de-bara'ed the guys
Whb has yumes?
I thought the game was another BL because all the fanart i've seen is just yaoi. It's a self-insert game?
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>give a rundown of the guys
>don't post an image of them
>on an image board
sex with delos and heigl
and sex with sen but only on the condition of josou seme
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>all the guys i want to see bottom are tops
Literally unplayable.
I found Wizardry's art/graphic style too off-putting to be able to enjoy the game's husbandos.
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>Trendsetter Sports
I don't get it
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They cute
Is this Fear and Hunger?
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>Karu's room was actually my favorite in the whole event

wtf I love dogs now
love unholyc?
>or just google them and DIY nigger not difficult
this the shota should have topped instead as well
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Sen is whore a whooore
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New plushie
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Holy kino
This is getting hopes up anon I hope I don't regret it
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It's the most enthusiastic that Karu has ever been during sex that I've seen
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I did DIM. Not my fault you're a lazy fuck. Try finishing more things instead of half assing it.
>yang and toma
Shit taste
Lessing S. Kennedy
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I feel pity for EOPs, they miss out, hontou.
Chou no doku has EOP version, yet Majima isn't on the list. More of a shit taste than JOP skill issue.
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Talking about yanderes is he good? Want to give a try on ikeshit just for him.
Never occured to me how much I like the Sweet Devil troupe but for some reason I rarely find characters I like that are like that in games I play....
The devs are finally waking up thank god
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Isn't that trope called haraguro? The best I found is this one from Sweet Clown. He's the best one that I have encountered so far, in otome at least.
>Sweet Clown
Heard about this years ago but if I remember correctly there's no official english translation for it so I never picked it up. Was it good?
Last otome I played was Bustafellows and that was...pretty alright.
It's really good and has pretty unique story. Never played something similar. And all the LIs are good. The good otome never get translated sadly. But you can just hook them and MTL them just fine with tools. Most companies are mtling nowadays so.
Sounds nice. I'll see if I can get my hands on a copy then since I haven't played an otome in years now. The only thing that's peaked my interesting this year was 9RIP since it got a EN release haven't bought it yet though.
>allow the character to power bottom that wants to power bottom
>woah can't believe they are actually into it this time
Eiden is fucking stupid.
Eiden is a terrible top
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>my TL is filled with fanart of the new swordboy
It always amazes me that despite tkrb basically being ancient at this point with very little changes still survives and is massive in JP to this day. I'm convinced tkrb is the fgo of Joseimuke.
lmao i considered downloading this game for him too, havent done it yet though
>no Demetri
i wanna kms
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Tourabu's beyond a game at this point, the browser game could probably shut down and it'd still carry on strong. To be fair to it, it's done wonders for sword history over there, if there's a sword exhibition and the sword's in the game you bet your ass they've got a cardboard cut-out of an anime boy around. Kotetsu has his own statue in a castle park it's that big, Ima-no-tsurugi was straight up recreated for a display
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Cute boy
15 minutes ladies, better make your posts matter
Cute boys wasted on this kusoge because nips just accept garbage.
Agreed. I remember someone mentioned to me that tkrb unironically did a lot to help preserve jp history with swords thanks to the amount of interest it sparked in people. From exhibits, to restorations, to getting people into researching obscure parts of their history, it's insane how it basically turned into something with real cultural significance in japan. Even if the game itself is pretty outdated, it definitely left it's mark in the industry and japan as a whole.
>weird nigga vagueposting in a joseimuke thread
They've tried to make the swordboys into a 3D game and it looked...fine? I guess. An actual high effort gacha from nipland seems unlikely at this point though, especially a joseimuke. Not really surprising since nip games in 3D have been a real hit or miss.
any lads info for next banner?
Flirts (aka whores) are the best
It is love unholyc, sol’s route to be exact. Honestly, thinking about it, there’s a lot of whb’s dna in the game just more otome than general joseimuke
Anon, you aren't aware of the 900 second post break? Don't delete your cookies
Dunno if it’s next banner or an upcoming free/promise card, but I have seen leaks of a Zayne card floating around.

Personally, I was hoping for a last minute Halloween related thing but that seems really unlikely
Sister, if I delete my internet history how will I find the source of the 27 month old yaoi pics in my 40,000 image unsorted downloads folder via the creation date which will point to the exact twitter webpage??
Who did you like
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I'm still sad that the English version did so bad that it got canceled. One huge thing that didn't help it is that they completely changed the UI to be more bland.
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>genshin impact
I'm actually enjoying Honkai Star Rail.
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Etheria Restart has around 20/42 men (2 not included here). 5/15 SSRs are men.
It's >turn-based with pvp, 3 skills, relic cancer, and China's favorite post-apocalyptic setting with a virtual world and deadly red virus. Apart from lifting P5's dungeon mechanics not sure if this will do anything current turn-based games are not already doing right now, but eh we'll see.
Gonna be honest none of them really appeal to me and while I appreciate the initial effort to make things equal I am not expecting it to last.

>evil sania

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