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>identical game to the Steam version is 1/4th the price on Apple Store

The fuck? More games like this?
Yeah, mobile ports are generally cheaper, it's sometimes called 'the buttons tax'. I mean, there isn't a person alive who would pay 20 bucks for a mobile game, and in case of OP, even a fraction of that price didn't attract many players - Google Play store says it had only 10,000+ downloads.
There's a number of these games: Bad North, Mini Metro, 80 Days, Crying Suns, Door Kickers, Roto Force, Golf Peaks.
You aren't supposed to pay for these games.
Even big names like Dead Cells have to do this in order to reach an audience. It's a market of attention and free to play games overwhelm paid entertainment, regardless of quality, which is why to appeal to the niche you need to go lower.
What am I looking at?
Michiyo is best girl

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