MHN Database, contains everything you could ever need such as a set builder, info on monster HP, partbreak HP and break rewards, upcoming event info, and morehttp://mhn.questCurrent events - times are your own local timeMonster Hunter 1st Anniversary>Rajang, Aknosom, and Magnamalo make their debut during the event, with increased appearance rates until Sunday 9/22/24 ~11:59pm>complete quests for zenny, rare 5’s and rare 6’s including a Rajang golden pelt and a wyvern gem>you will be able to track Magnamalo and other sub species (variants?) for a limited time, not Rajang>Rajang will return to being a rare spawn in the desert after the eventHeavy Bowgun Training Event>Finish quests for 4 heavy bowgun tickets and access to the ore HBG, a new weapon to try the weapon out before you build elemental ones>ends by the end of the new seasonUpcoming Events - times are your own local timeSleep/Paralysis Element Event, 9am 9/23/24 - 11:59pm 9/29/24>Nightshade Paolumu, Radobaan, and Great Girros will appear more frequently and offer 50% more rewards>A quest lineup will offer rare parts of each featured monster and zennyShibuya Carnival>Oct. 12th and 13th, paid ticket event, Japan only>Silver Rath, Golden Rath, and Nergigante will debut there 1 month earlier before it is released worldwide>armor and weapons will have reduced upgrade costs, a special 1km Driftstone that gives an ability to help you during the event only, and special armor that improves your attack and defense to scale to the difficulty of the monsterTokyo Game Show 2024>MHN will be featured with new details about the season to be revealed during its featured timeslot, streaming on the Capcom Online Program 9/26/24 04:30 UTCHow to Spoof:>rooted: magisk, lposed, playintegrityfix, fake gpsOn the horizon:>Tigrex>Volvidon>Nergigante>Silver Rathalos>Golden Rathian>Lagombi>Switch AxeOld thread: >>1575464
still figuring this out
>gyro controls
>>1597798>15$Our thoughts, /mhn/?Which ones look like keepers and which ones are throw away?
>>1598207the hbg is the only para hbg we have right now, dunno about the others
>>1598207They all cost 200 zenny or so to upgrade to grade 8 so do whatever, they’re all meh except the guns. But if you suck and don’t have gear at grade 8 this will also improve its power to match the monster difficulty. They are just purple reskinned iron weapons so not a huge fan of their designs except maybe LS or CB.
>stickers release>no premium stickerpack for me to SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE overwhat the fuck is even the point?
This is the only mobile game I seem to manage to actually finish the season pass for.>>1598455I know right? Maybe down the line.
>>1598552I know, I know!
>>1598207All worse than Teostra but ridiculously cheaper to upgrade so there's that
>>1598552How do you even level up your bone weapons without the battlepass?
>>1598594>spends 50 hours setting up a virtual environment inside of another virtual environment so he doesnt have to walk around outside in a mobile game>i work 1 hour at my job and make enough money to never have to worry about that or anything else in this game and just enjoy casually monster hunting strolls with my huntress wifeSQUEEEEEEEEkings can't stop winning
>>1598644>50 hours>virtual environment>renter is tech illiterate i am not surprised
>>1598650I literally don't have to know how this works poorfriend. My time is worth more than that.
>>1598657sure thing Pablo
Kushala's such a horribly designed fight
>>1598663real. the movement pattern in this game doesnt feel right for it. just getting into melee position half the time you bounce off because you got too close or whatever. granted i think its a billion times easier if you poison him.
ayy thank god the silverlos and goldrath are not entirely ticket exclusive. heard their armor is good
Is there a cpp weapon that is better or at least as good as mizu? I have a fuckton of cpp weapon parts and considering tossing them because all guides suggest mizu as the better weapon in all cases.
>>1598936The HBG and Bow are different CoralP has Cluster and for some reason Poison on its HBG whereas Mizu has Slicing The Bow is also for more direct fire as opposed to Mizu's who has Spread shot
>>1598663Just use hammer bro, knock it out and wail on the face.
>>>1599038>The ghost is also perfectly in front of my aiming reticleWhat a disgusting oversight. Melee chads win again.
Fuck the ghost. But not literally. nowgods?
>>1599265its too late, beta players are already dropping the game due to the lack of refining stones, no one want sto wait 2 monts to upgrade their weapons
>>1599248Fuck the ghost. Literally.
>>1599265Not watching. What's the problem?
>>1599277tl;dwMore crying over refining parts.
90% cluster shot is too autistic I'm done trying it
>>1598594Enjoy your eventual ban. :3
>>1599279I only recently started running out of zenny, but I've already recovered back to over 100k. And I've still got 75 weapon parts vs 25 armor parts. Don't see an issue unless you've been spoofing or consistently drive around to gathering nodes.
>>1599306>Haven't seen how much zenny I have in months.>Go to check. Oh, well then...'s up
>>1599303thanks bro, I am still waiting for my ban in pogo too, I have been spoofing from the beginning too!
Critical Boost is straight better than Weakness Exploit, no?All over +40% Crit seems better than +50% only if locked onto certain parts of a monster
>>1599409>GS this lowfor real? GS feels ridiculously strong when I play it. What's the issue?
>>1599409I main CB and GS and I'm working on the hammer medal now
>>1599699Forgot>>1599689This also really surprises me. Maybe people have just gotten tired of it since release and moved to other weapons? CB might have the same issue--I remember everyone using it for a while.
>>1599689>>1599701>game where potions aren't free>why don't people like to tackle themselves to death?!?!?!only dedicated turbo autista with big wallets play GS and lance
>>1599740Lance doesn't take any damage if you play it well, and even then you still don't take much from fucked up guard timings
>>1599740Tackle reduces your damage to basically nil in this game. I've actually been thinking a lot about how different GS is in Now than anything else, I basically only used tackle to setup for TCS in World but in Now I'm tackling every second attack. Also tackling through roars is absolutely kino I miss it whenever I play any other weapon.
>>1599701>CB might have the same issue--I remember everyone using it for a while.For me it’s the fact that it feels like the last several “big” monsters, including the two Elder Dragon Interceptions, have Impact based phials instead of elemental power ones, which makes them significantly less attractive to want to grind for.
>>1599701Gold award GS user here too.Monsters like magnamalo, Legiana, Diablos, Black Diablos and Aknosom have made slower melee weapons a high pain, mediocre reward to use. Especially when GL, HBG and bow can save you a ton of potions.
>>1599854>magnamalo>legianaholy shit dont get me started. feels like youre basically required to have a charged super to get any big hits on legiana otherwise youre just trading tackles or swipes everytime she attacks. magnamalo is just all over the place, same as mizu.the diablos ive come to enjoy fighting. tackling into the charge is godlike.
>>1599855>See Legiana or Magnamalo pic related
Wow actually managed to finish off my extra ED armor pieces back to back.>>1599540You mean Critical Eye? You generally don't need capped skills for both, rather your using a mix of both. Critical Eye starts at 10% and Weakness Exploit starts at 20%, plus you should be hitting weak points most of the time anyways. Though if you're going got part breaks, it's probably better to put more into Crit Eye.
One month ago this land had nothing but desolation but now it's filled with life.
>>1599972I dunno how you guys play with full gyro on Bowguns; that gives me a major headache. I wish we could use lock-on with these weapons though i guess that would be bad building because you can already aim at weak points precisely with gyro
>>1600067Unless you're really close to a big monster that moves its head up high like Aknosom, you didn't need to move that much in gyro. The game automatically tracks the monster, so you just need to fine tune the aiming.
>>1599972what the fuck is mizu man. fighting it with melee is aids and fighting it with range is just standing still.
>>1599265Buy an ad. >>1599540Yes, but consider how easily you can invest in crit eye 5 and weakness exploit 5, as well as diminishing returns. One point of each gives a mixed +30%, 15% per point, whereas 10 points gives 90% total affinity for 9% per point. Just one singular point of wex is enough, then focus on 1 point of crit eye, then use your other ability slots for things that directly boost attack. Unless you’re dumb and you made the mr beast sword and shit/raw weapon, then still, focus on minimal investments for maximum returns, get critical boost to actually improve critical hits, and boost damage value before further investing.
>>1600510>Filter selected text
>>1600510What's wrong with the MrBeast/Raw weapons?
>>1600665I’ll just change it up here and there then.>>1600672They stop being useful when it matters and are typically used by not the most helpful hunters.
does 7 star really have a better drop rate than 6 star or are they the exact same
Do you guys keep a full elemental damage boost on all your sets? Is it better to prioritize other stuff instead like crit?
>>1600984It's probably barely any different. You'll end up flooded with everything but Rarity 1 and 6 pieces anyways.>>1601041Unless you're doing something specific with raw damage on something like A.Rathalos weapons, Elemental Attack is the best way to boost your overall damage.
>just got done doing a ton of online hunts>no one uses stickersWhat a bunch of soulless bots.
I always use the praying sticker
>>1601121No, get the tail or I'll use sleep stickerThey are worthless
>>1601674chat is this real
>>1601674>bazeli wonder if theyre going to make him like djho
>>1600478A lot of new monsters are that. >>1600984The drop difference is negligible.
>>1601894It'll be more like black diablos. A monster with ahigh health pool that you spend 30% of the fight chasing.
>>1600022>That editing.Nips sure are fucking cringe.
>>1601674I really hope they give us a spread ice hbg, i fucking hate fighting Odogaron with pierceAlso generally lagombi weapons used to be good in the game, won't be better than Kush but I hope it's a decent alternative
Dawn of the Third Day. 72hrs remain.
>king of troonsfuck off
>>1602360Is this worth it and how does it work?Like i notices the Canival Mail has Lock On and Crit 2; would i be able to craft it if I buy the ticket?Fir thst matter what exaclty happens? I'm assuming my map simply updates and allowed Gold and Silver Raths to spawn while also adding Nerg to HaT areas?
>>1602791Your guess is as good as mine. I started playing earlier this year so this is my first event. Never done a PokeGo ticker either. I'm just assuming that I'll be seeing lots of goldies and silvers.
>>1602360I'm tempted because the Carnival Mail and Boots are really good but I dunno how insane the grind is because unless yoy max out the equipment then they appear worthless after the event
They need to just ditch the idea of monsters flying or something because it's truly insufferable how difficult it is to fight monsters that are just constantly moving and out of reach
>>1602826It's very very easy to get them to 8.2 at least
>>1602824The NS paolumu event was wild even though I don't give a shit about NS paolumu. Infinite duration radius extension, zero cooldown on hats. Only problem is with that much hunting you get low on potions easy, but that's no issue for SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEkings.
Nothing better than jumping to the boys and being rewarded
>>1603425>Infinite duration radius extensionMy poor feet will be tired for this event.
>>1602791You will get>enough crafting tickets to make every piece of armor and weapon, with 10z upgrade costs even after the event, until grade 8>100,000z+ in rewards throughout the quests>bundles of rare 5 and rare 6 items for silver, gold and nerg for the hunting quest>standard upgrade materials, no armor or weapon upgrade matsWhat happens is your map updates and allows you to see and participate in gold/silver hunts, and you cannot share your lobbies with anyone without the ticket. Even if you paintball them for after it’s over. The two quests will begin, one will require you hit a large resource point for each 11 steps of it before you can take on Nergigante at noon which is when it will start populating elder dragon interceptions, the other will drop rare parts for killing the new monsters. From my experience you should plan to be somewhere populated and with resource points to ensure you can access the content with lobbies, but it will reset every 30 minutes so you shouldn’t have an issue getting them to appear.The monsters aren’t incredibly hard but they are super fast and aggressive, so that’s why I would plan to go as a group or at least somewhere populated, that solidarity skill will come in handy. Silver Rath enjoys the sky a lot, but the tail is usually dangling. The safest place is usually right underneath it.Golden Rath is a little scarier, subverts expectations and will attack in patterns you aren’t used to.Both have a quick scream/blow back mechanic that can be rolled through and is telegraphed, but will put you in a bad spot if you’re close by and don’t avoid it.Nerg should be gunned down with a gunlance exclusively. It’s the safest and effective way to mow it down since it has a small hp pool to counter its many dangerous moves and small windows of opportunity.
>>1603456personally im prepared for the weekend to be cold as fuck and raining the entire time
>>1603464Yeah guess I'm skipping out then. I'll be at working thag weekend so I won't have the chance to take compelte advantage of the bonusesI'm just curious if I can get the Mail and Boots to 8
>>1603546You’ll have enough time in 2 days to simply get the armor to grade 8 if you fight at least 20 monsters, but yeah it’s a commitment to get the full rewards.
>>1603587Hmm in a regular day of work I'm typically able to get the full Palico search.Given the increased area AND the 30min refreshes it sounds really likely that I'd be able to get what I'd want. The only thing I'd miss is Nergigante grinds because there's only one HaT spot here and I can't get to jt often
Just got paid and you damn right we ready for the weekend.
>nothing to really target hunt>have to find 70+ Dragon berries for the weapons I'm bothering to upgradeMight just stop playing before I actually get there.
Hitting those HUGE NUMBERS on Greatssword is super satisfying but playing this thing is super tricky with how slow it is.It feels like there's barely an opening to hit the standard overhead swipe from a simple tap let alone any change slashes And I'm curious what's the point of tackle? Why not just try to get a perfect dodge instead?
>>1604242I built up a 10.5 GS with spare parts because I figured it would be good for part breaks, but turns out your barely get enough time to actually do a charge combo and the lack of free positioning really hurts it.1. Tackle skips and preserves the charge phase, so you can go charge 1 > tackle > TCS, but you rarely get an opening that large.2. Tackle can also stun monsters if you hit them in the face, but it takes 5+ hits. And you don't seem to have enough time to get a full TCS combo off during that stun period in the first place, so it's just a cleaner time to use your special pretty much.3. Tackle also reduces intercept damage to 1 if you do it correctly, which is probably the best way to activate Resentment.I assume Aggressive Dodger is one of the stronger builds for GS, but that also requires the monster to be focused on attacking you specifically in group hunts.
>>1604242Depending on the monster you end up tackling a shitload. I main GS and it feels like half my attacks are tackles. Things I like about GS in MHNow:>all of your attacks arc over your head super high so getting part breaks on wings etc is easy>once you know a monster's patterns you can tackle through it for free to turn on Resentment and in many cases get in a good position (IE behind them as they run through you)>Hitting your super is almost a guaranteed part break if you can position it correctly>Gyro means you can just aim where it goes>Once you get good at tackling it turns monster roars into a free damage window for youThings I dislike:>Some monsters (Anjanath for example) are long and narrow and constantly pivot to face you. Fighting these guys is tackle town, you hardly have time to do anything else. I was stuck on the Great Girros 9 star story quest for 3 days because of this.>All the moves that arent tackle or charge combos are 1000000% useless and are so bad they're actively harmful to use.>TCS is the goat but you never have time for it, Strong Charged Slash (2nd in the combo) is what I end up using way more often>I would like to slot Focus but finding a spot for it is kinda hard
Whoops and I showed off I'm a disgusting boneglance user. Owarida.
What Carnival weapon is worth making?
>>1604573Damn straight SQUEEEEEEEEanon. Piggies are eating good this weekend.
Oh no this js trashWhat the fuck where they thinking with these monsters? Silver Rathalos is not only ridiculously aggressive, it does a shitton of damage pretty much one-shots with everything AND it's constantly flying
>>1604619its almost as if it was a cash grabbing tard trap potion buying bait monster uh?
>>1604619silver is tough but mostly i hate it because all my water weapons are so fucking weak. ive been gated on mizu parts for weeks. since its always flying if you prioritize getting wing breaks on it you always get a gauranteed fall+topple when that happens.
>>1604625Yeah well good luck getting wing breaks when these fuckers still don't let us target them
I'm fucking ill and not up to leaving the house...18€ for the chest piece is such a shitty deal, fuck FOMO.
>>1604676Just use guns and bows, bro.
If this event was gonna cost real money they could've had the decency of bit making the Special monsters he disgusting powerful This even is a total Potions drain. The 15 in reserve isn't nearly enough
>>1604619>isn’t using artillery 5 GLit still trivializes these bastards. Glad I invested in it early on. >>1604682You also get the only paralysis HBG around for basically nothing and can contribute to any fight. If you can’t complete the quests or do any Neggragante then that sucks, sorry to hear anon>>1604730Hmm, git gud. It has so many aggressive dodger opportunities and is very predictable. Silver Rath will either do the left and right sweep with serious telegraphing, then into instant burst and scream, or fly straight up in which you’d restart the fight (if you’re solo), but is still vulnerable to sleep and paralysis (if you’re not solo), and strafing right while it’s in the air is a sure way to avoid damage assuming it is shooting hellfire bombs at the ground and it began its attack at you or to your left. Getting hit once by hellfire is basically death though, I agree it’s bullshit. I’m not even going to start on gold rath though, which can be done sleeping.>inb4 g-gunlance user!Can also kill 8* silver Rath solo in 40 seconds with the Mizu LS or Goldian in 45 seconds with the Rajang Hammer. Also, if you die, just re enter the hunt prep screen and lock your phone, wait 18 minutes, try again. If the half hour turns it over after losing a second time you should’ve done better. Potions aren’t needed and you still have a whole day.
>>1604749>Also, if you die, just re enter the hunt prep screen and lock your phone, wait 18 minutes>has money for the ticket>doesnt have money for the potionswhat are you, poor?
>>1604763Waiting makes you care more and play better. I always play worse knowing I have potions to bail me out. No of course I could afford the 50/2500 deal but I don’t need that.
>>1604749See the thing you're not understanding is i don't have the patience for this. I simply must smash that attack button and win Dodging? Learning attack patterns? What are these foreign concepts
diablos hbg or marshmallow hbg
I'm calling it quits once I get my Silver Rathalos Coil because frankly I just want it for the Layer Equipment because it looks cool. I'd like to play around with the Gold Rathian Poison Exploit equipment though and thankfully she's much easier than Silver Rathalos
I got gifted and event ticket from someone I friended from a local hunt.We've chatted a few times in the in game chat. God bless you stranger.
>>1604794>marshmallowPaolumu? The answer is black diablos>>1604797The goldian HBG looks cool to pair with it. Get them poisoned, load pierce, unload clip, which essentially counts for two loads or almost 2 if you don’t use the legs, repeat. Which would you make out of these>LS>GL>HBG>CB?
>>1604832magand I can't track black diablos
HBG is kinda fun but the INSANELY SLOW reloading absolutely kills it for me especially when against very aggressive monsters or when you swap to ammo types that themselves are also insanely slow to fire and recover from
>>1604834Marshmallow gun is a meme, I don’t recommend it. If you just want something to kill monsters with ok it’s not the hardest thing to build or build for, and if you don’t care about killing difficult monsters with it (9 and 10*) then you’re extra good to go. If you’re only making weapons based on what’s trackable you should just spoof :^)
omg I just saw a fucking paypig with a para hbg
>>1604882Leave the hunt. Immediately. Do NOT engage with p2w players. Do NOT let them carry you. We can’t let them feel any pride in what they’ve done.
I know it’s supposed to be king of the skies but dying in the sky? A little ridiculous.
>>1604882>para hbgWhat gun?
>>1604730I wish we could have gotten something more original. Monster Hunter has literally dozens of unique monsters but they give us reskins of a reskin. >>1604882>>1604886>p2wNone of these weapons are particularly great.
>>1604899I'm guessing he means the Carnival HBG
>>1604929They fear another BoneGL situation. HBG is interesting in that if has paralyze ammo and GL is normal Blast. Which is meh as wide blast would be best. The armor body piece isn't that bad either
>>1604929The para HBG is unique and with defensive loading or perfect dodging a paralysis in the first few seconds of the hunt is guaranteed.
Layered weapons when?
>>1605084Not soon enough anon.
Which weapon looks spicy to upgrade?
>datamine includes TigrexI hope Lance finally has a good raw option now
>>1605121Bee more specific
Been meaning to ask that when something like this says 4 star does it mean AT 4 star or anything above that as well?
>>1605177Starting with 4* Tobi you can start getting rare 4 parts, and can continue to. It should be obvious but they added rare 6 parts that only drop with 8 star monsters so they clarified things.
>>1605177It's the minimum difficulty monster that you can get the material from. You can also see what each level of monster can drop in the Bestiary.
>>1605187>>1605186Thank you kindly.
>>1605139Sorry, meant from the Carnival Event
>fight nergi>see 12000 damage blast hit>try the carnival weapon with 2 piece teostra and blast attack 3>get zero blast procs and my default damage is just dogshitis there a trick to this? I'm using the carnival GS so I assume that weapon is just subpar for this but I have no idea how status works in this game.
>>1605309Great sword doesn’t proc often and carnival weapons have low blast rates anon.>>1605251The HBG, GL, or DB are good, because they either can operate outside its crappy blast values or can actually achieve blasts at an acceptable rate.
Yesterday Negri was everywhere. Today have not seen 1 interception.
Really kicking myself today for only now realizing Bone Cannon makes these Raths so much easier. I blew through so many potions yesterday
>>1605463It’s the same. Even the website says the worldwide carnival doesn’t double elder dragon interceptions, nothing changed.>>1605470Hey not my fault you didn’t see a post I made in October about the gunlance still easily getting the job done. But yeah. They are potion snagging bastards.
just bought 50 ore and I feel like I'm cheating
>>1605543>buying materialslol
>>1605543Nigga just wait. I could understand buying 50 weapon refining materials for the same price but iron ore? Not even earth crystals? Maybe don’t jerk off for a few days, get that dopamine under control.
>>1605543These resource bundles are such a rip off. They need to bump the value, halve the price and bundle it with storage expansion.
>>1605642Literally the only reason shop items like that exist is for impulse buys from children and dumb people.
I'm gonna be really bummed if I miss out on those 2 Rank 6 Nerg parts because the one HaT spot at my jih didn't spawn a single Nerg all day
>>1605644Not necessarily. If it enhances the enjoyment of the game significantly and is a financially acceptable decision then it could’ve been made by a smart person. With these prices and rewards, yes, you’re correct.
>>1605644>>1605648If paint balls were 50 for a dollar, I'd be buying them all the time. As of right now, especially with the tracker update, I don't even look at them. The same with potions. If those were cheaper and of a higher quantity, I'd be continually refreshing my stock. The prices for this shit is absurd. It's not some scarce real world resource. They should be cheap enough to encourage even stingy people to repurchase. As of right now, they only appeal to idiots with money to spend. It's not like paintball and potion purchases are P2W either. Burning through all your potions isn't going to rewind the clock mid fight.
>>1605470Based boner blower. You missed the golden weeks when the Bone Cannon first came out and people were leaving matches to avoid our Chadly energy.
Well the festival has come and gone. I'm definitely gonna miss the extended range.
>>1605696I will too. The range looks pathetically small now
>>1605696yeah for real. I can feel my pigblood boiling thinking about how shitty the wander orbs are by comparison. They barely last long enough to cover a few hunts.I got a shitload of hunts in at least over the weekend. How did we fare piggies? Are our troughs nice and full?
>>1605897Im sitting with 208 tickets with no idea what to spend it on.I crafted the armors up to Grade 6, crafted all the weapons and got the GunLance to Grade 8. I don't know if I should evenly distribute this or just max out a few components.I was barely by any nodes this weekend so I only got enough to craft Negrigante's set, no upgrades. Same with Gold and Silver. I at least got everything for Layer Armor unlocks.My fashion hunting continues.
>>1606057I'm still having fun, but I'm playing for dress up at this point.
>>1605905You're not maxing anything with 208. Put them in the chest, it's the best piece.
>>1605897I went hard. With about 7 more silver Rath plates leftover. It was an Olympic feat desu.
I need a guide for GreatswordI really wanna use it but finding opportunities to actualt hit the big hits seems virtually impossible
>>1606471>slash 1>tackle>slash 2>roll>tackle>slash 1>repeat until monster falls over and then use TCS
>>1606586What about for monsters that constantly move? It feels really damn hard hitting Tobi-Kadachi for example when almost everyone of its attacks moves it out of range of virtually any charge slash even PDs
>>1606206You built the Golden HBG... Does it poison with the first volley? I built the normal Rath version and it took so many shots to proc.
>>1606589yeah Tobi is a bitch but if you lock on the tail it usually works out
>>1606589The tracking on his jumping somersault attack isn't good, so if you're far away and he starts to do it it, you can roll right away and start chargingI'm also pretty sure he always taunts right after doing it
>>1606589in this game TCS is a treat. you only get to use it if you massively outplay the monster (shoulder tackle through diabolos charge into TCS on its tail for example) or if its knocked down or youre using your meter.tobi is a pain in the ass though. just smash the shit out of its tail and give up on getting a break anywhere else unless youre lucky.
Fucking shit monster to kill but the female armor is just too fucking sexy
>game wants me to hunt Tzitzi and Tobi>still hasn't spawned any within a 20 minute walking distanceDo I really have to waste my Palico paintballs on this?
>>1606632With defensive loading or a perfect dodge before shooting you’re basically guaranteed to get a poison, so your next 8 pierce shots are basically two loads instead of one if you use the full ability, with enough time to get a special out. I only use poison exploit 4 because I want the optimal reload time so it’s more like 1.8 loads.
>tackle monster >it leave an opposing long enough for TCS>the recovery on TCS is so ridiculously long that the monster has plenty of time to hit me while still lifting the damn sword No wonder Greatsword js so unpopular; you need to play this thing with perfect precision
Kinda sad to see, but I guess it makes sense they wouldn't want to make exclusive weapons good when they're only available for a weekend.Though it makes the armor pieces interesting because those have no substitutes yet
I barely even feel like hunting monsters for this Thunder event. I guess I'll just pick up more Zinogre plates to have enough parts to go straight to 10.5, but I don't even want to build another one until IG comes out. Or maybe HH if it's actually fun in this game. Not really interested in the Rajang weapons and I already have all the armor I need.
Radobaan or N. Pao Hammer?I'm seeing Rado has higher sleep value but Pao has bigger raw
>>1606849Roll nigga roll>>1606935>using a blast hammerLol. Don’t worry, they’ll introduce a chest piece alternative that’s almost as good. None of the other pieces are anything to write home about. All they have to do is add charms for abilities you can’t smelt roll for and this silliness can end.>>1607007The hammer and dual blades are pretty cool though. >>1607134You will likely proc the same amount of sleeps per fight, and higher raw means more rude awakener damage. One point of sleep attack trivializes the difference in sleep element values anyway.
is it just me or is hbg really uncomfortable against rajang
>>1607458I feel that way about gunning the monkey in general
>>1607458>>1607529Rajang is absolutely harmless at range. All you have to do is make sure to move out of the way of his cannonball.
>>1607458spread is good against it especially mango hbg, but ive been using legi hbg and it isn't that bad, just aim the head roll, reload slicing aim head, he will stay incapacitated in the ground for a while if you do a break after a break, enough time to kill it
>>1607548Sure but it’s really slow. I can melt this bastard in 35 seconds with the daora hammer and staying super close is actually another great way to stay out of damage, it’s mid range that suddenly you get approached rapidly or there’s an awkward arm hitbox you misjudged.
a lot of gatherables recently
>fight Rajang>usually get to do a full Hammer combo on it because it typically starts with the sweeping move so I have enough>lol no>this Rajang decided to start with jts fastest attack and it one shots me. Boy I sure do love waiting 30 minutes per fight
>>1607698Honestly it’s more like a 50/50 for me. I never do the full triple slam to begin with. Also, you only have to wait 18 minutes anon.
they should make monsters without weak elements to force people to build raw
>>1608139You mean force people to build Gunlance.
>>1608139Make them? They’re already made, anon. Already built with elemental weaknesses.
>kingofcucksget an ad
>>1608203What is the expect non cuck opinion on the matter?
>>1608276I don't think you need a video to explain that if your weapon has more element than raw, you might want Elemental Boost instead. Or potentially if your weapon is elemental and already has some crit attached to it like Mizu or Gold/Silver Raths.
Real sick of all these monsters that love to jump around the field making it impossible to hit them wjth Greatsword
Getting really tempted to build Guts 5 exclusively because I'm so damn sick of getting one-shotIt just isn't fun that a single mistake means you have ti wait 20 minutes to try again assuming the monster doesn't leave the field
>>1608334Damn bro, just stop getting hit. I'm at the point where it's very rare that I even use up my daily allotment of potions.
>>1608318Just start charging and wait for them to come back. Your charged tackle does a lot of stagger damage.
Fill it out chuds. Tell them potions should be craftable so you can master new weapons without waiting between mistakes. Tell them to add remote multiplayer. Tell them you want more refinement materials and upgrade materials.
>>1608352No those are fine, git gud faggot.
>>1608362Cucks who are content with mediocrity need not apply
>>1608352>Tell them to add remote multiplayer.Might as well ask for a virtual joystick while you're at it.
>>1608352Tell them to buff garbage weapons like the pukei ones
>>1608341I'm learning new weapons
Why can I still not fight Barioth alone?I literally don't know any of its attacks because I've only seen it in HaT where the party wipes out immediately
>>1608382Winter isn't here. Frostfang barioth gear was datamined a while ago. >>1608371Except the spirit of monster hunter is and always has been multiplayer. What's the point of friend codes? People aren't communicating on the Niantic chat, and you can't send them gifts like other Niantic games except really expensive potions and paintball packs. Pokemon Go had remote raiding, so it's not out of their wheelhouse. You wouldn't want to hunt with your bros here?
>>1608391>grade 6 weapon with element 5 can beat an 8*
>>1608443Yeah, except you literally pay to remote raid with your friends in GO. If that's what you're asking for, go ahead.The game already links up to a global lobby when you enter HATs, EDIs, and rift hunts, so it doesn't make much difference to me so long as the monster's dead.
Any advice on Greatsword vs Rajang? This feels impossible because the huge swings clink with the armored arms too easily and it's attacks are relentless so tackle doesn't feel reliable
>>1608460Why would you be more ok with remote hunting if it were paid for? What an absolute, honest to god cuckold.I'm suggesting people hunt together with people they are friends with. I'm not talking about random lobbies to just find and join, picking from assortments of monsters at your leisure. Maybe that's what would happen if it were allowed through friends but they datamined Deep Link anyway, so it was or is a planned feature anyway. Niantic wants nothing more than to improve the multiplayer of this game, and I have to agree, dimensional links are awesome but right now having a friend list is kind of pointless and doesn't serve to hook people up to hunts and elder dragon interceptions.I'll ask again, you don't want our small community to hunt together from different parts of the world? or are you just so enthusiastic about going outside and or gatekeeping gameplay from people who can't just scoot around all day finding virtual monsters to fight?Personally yeah I can spoof anywhere and just hunt anything on command, but I have lots of walkie friends who can't handle the freezing temperatures or are too busy to go out and goof off hunting monsters on a day to day basis, and I think if they're on my friend list, they should be able to get in on what I can get.
>>1608480first of all you should have lock on, hitting the arms isn't a problem if you're attacking it head on or ass to mouth.once he goes super monkey mode you'll want to perfect dodge his attacks and focus on the rear, breaking the tail so that you can continue freely smacking it. Aggressive dodger is probably nice to have here. Ironic that you need to kill this thing for its waist piece, but the coil will help consolidate focus 5 and let you focus on damage dealing abilities to break its tail faster or take a horn out.
>>1608490Calm down nigger, I'm not advocating for paid anything in this game. Just that's what Niantic would do with it.
>>1608538I have hope they won’t do that. The survey had “enjoyable gameplay without needing to spend money” as a choosable positive for what we like about the game, of course I didn’t pick it because I should be able to earn gems, but if they believe that’s a potential point of view from us, and in the same breath they ask us what we think would make this game better or more popular, I think they’re actually listening to the players and not treating us as total cash cattle like Pokémon go does.
>>1608352I'm writing in Palicoes that can support in hunts and we can gear up.
>>1608480>>1608504GS chad here. You start with a full charge attack on his head then chip him until you get a knockdown. Before he goes SSJ he takes hits like a fucking chump and if you anticipate his rolls you can basically chain his breaks together. Tackling into his sweeps is good setup too if you can time it right.As he's powering up you need to remember that the knockback is delayed as compared to other monster roars. Tackle a couple of frames later than you usually would and then get a free fat hit on his tail. His tail breaks SO FUCKING EASY in this game you can literally just tackle it down if you want, I'm not sure what the exact number is but it feels like less than 7k health for 8*.
>>1608869It’s around 10,000 actually for 8* but yeah, you can even break it with blunt damage.
whoops, the gold Rathian HBG is trash. a shame so much time is wasted between getting a poison status and reloading and repositioning into pierce range.
>>1608900now compare it to the pukei hbg
>>1608927It’s the best pure poison HBG, ok, sure. It’s still bad. A 7.5 struggles to kill an 8* jagras solo whereas the Teostra one can do it faster a full grade weaker.
>>1608884oh that's probably why I thought it was weak. I swear the GS in this game is just an entirely different weapon than it is in mainline titles. I tackle 5 times as much as I TCS.
I'm sure it was some luck with poison procs, but I managed to kill a 9 star khezu with the 7.1 goldian GLI got two poisons off through stakes though, and I don't think I've ever double poisoned any other monsterIt's pretty fun though, and with artful dodger 2, it's pretty easy to get perfect dodgesSince it's so easy to get them, I bet mail of hellfire would be a good addition tooOverall pretty fun combination, but poison duration is really short, so you gotta have a full burst loaded if you think you're about to poison
you know proc is a concept for melee right
I'm watching this video but it's in Japanese so I have no clue what this build is. Translating programs don't really helpAnyone know what these skills are?
>>1609188I know Japanese, but the translations fuck up the skills a bitI think I know what the translation is trying to read thoughPost the Japanese version to be sureRight side is at least:Coral head - burstOdo mail - burstRathian arms - burstOdo waist - aggressive dodger?Kulu feet - skyward striker
>>1609195Critical Eye 5Burst 5Weakness Exploit 2Evasive Concentration 1Aggressive Dodger 1Skyward Striker 1Bleeding Resistance 1Mr. Beast Challenge! 1Lock-onPlease don’t feel inspired to continue building that awful weapon because of a fucking 8* solo of any kind. Maybe it serves you now while you’re weak and young but you will get to a point where it completely fails you and you need to build important, useful shit all over again.
>>1609195is the mrbeast sword some kind of meta secret item? why are people using it?
>>1609500easy to farm, good damage, explosion damage, trans pattern colors explosion clouds
>>1609398I just thought it would be a good insight into a Sword and Shield build
Huh? Has the Palico always been able to mark Deviljhos?
>>1609739How do you perfect guard with HBG?
wow aiming cluster on the ground really does wonders>>1609752think
I just noticed that whenever you are hunting in a party sometimes a monster spawns for some seconds, you can hunt it with your party and it might not appear in the map for the others, is it a bug? Also how long until we get kirinsluts
>>1609710Always has been. If they mark a monster in the special territory that's flagged to be a Deviljho, you will have them sitting in your marked enemy list.
The spike in minster health pure Rank above 6 is too ridiculousI can comfortably take on Rank 6 Tobis with my Grade 6 Hammer but I'm timing out against a Rank 7 Tobi
>>1609907Welcome to the game. Now you need to upgrade your weapon because scaling is exponential.
Well, at least they put the important info to in English for me. >>1609500The secret is you don't have to walk or get lucky spawns to build it. It's a bad weapon people who can't branch out or refuse to branch out will cling to.>>1609907It's time to get good
>>1610416Pink and Azure increasedGold and Silved as rare finds
>>1610473My context clues told me the same thing. I’m hype, might bring my dual blades to grade 10, would be nice to have a grade 10 fire weapon. Wonder which I should do next, the hammer, or the long sword.
>Legiana and Diabolos in the area around during my home randomly disappeared before the actual reset hour Huh?
>>1610704Check if your paintballs got updated at that time too
>>1610777Paintballs don't work that way anymore; they just randomly pick a monster available from the current biome
>>1610790Yes BUT they also delete something from the field when they do get marked.
>>1610791Really? I've never seen that happen at all, and I'm pretty often checking on the hour
>>1610793You have to watch your cat mark something in real time. I’d record it if I were sure it was about to happen.
>>1610791That's not how it works. That's why they changed it: so you wouldn't be clicking on ghosts.Chances are you hit some mission progression point and that swapped your spawns.
paintball monsters are randomly generated. you should have seen the numbe suddenly goes up at this point.
>water event>coral pukei and mizu>two monsters with laser attacks that suck ass to dodge in this game specificallyFUCK I NEED THOSE MIZU PLATES BUT I HATE THEM SO MUCH
>>1610936Nah, I know what I saw. Monster disappeared, totally new monster in my paintball list. I’ve completed the story dozens of times.
>>1611134>be iron GL chad>just shell it to death>cut tail with stake while i am at itsucks to be you
>>1610704parks and mall reset every half hour, retard, everything else resets each hour
>>1611134I use Jho GL with dragon 4 and Mizu vambraces, when it does the mid phase and goes bubbly you predict that, get behind it, and begin attacking the tail with the sweeping combo into wyrmstake, resuscitate should activate and bubbly dance will keep you agile, the extra damage will crush the tail.
>>1610936update: we're both kind of right
>>1611155>complains about monsters disappearing>spoofsretard
>>1611167Just making a point, no need to cry about it. Nobody was complaining.>>1611134Like this
>>1611259Switch axeLagombiTigrexFrostfang BariothSomnacanthBazelgeuseKirinTundraPlus, fishing spots, and new abilities>Brutal Strike>Morph Boost>Multiplayer Boost>Bonus Reload>Spare Shot>Evasive Reload
>>1611269>Shit AxeI can't hold on to these Zinogre parts any longer. I'm begging you Niantic, HUNTING HORN! NOW!
>>1611283You know it’s gonna be shit anon.
>>1611269Fuck, now I have to slot in spare shot to my guns. Might actually only be worth in HBGs that only have special ammos though.
srarting a new account would feel like hell in this game
>>1611289I've played Horn in every entry it was in since Freedom. I'm locked in
>>1611269AHHH How do you fit all this with recoil/reload speed?~>>Bonus Reload>>Spare Shot>>Evasive Reload
season 4 urgent questsnew elder kirinnew invader or dunno bazel
>>1611356I’m hoping with all the new gunner abilities things like recoil down will become rollable. Putting it on pale gemstone will be a pain in the ass though.
>>1611269>frostfangI wonder how they're gonna do variantsThey did mention letting weapons go beyond 10, but I doubt they'd want to powercreep daora that quickly>brutal strikeProbably on Tigrex gear, maybe good damage for shit crits like Rise? His weapons must have negative affinity like usualCould be nice for lance not having to worry about stacking crit + adding offensive guard on a high raw weaponAlso wonder what they'll do for WGS with LagombiProbably just renamed to monster gem shards
fucking finally
>>1611765chat is this real
>game is somehow bugged to force vibration onWho in their right mind would play this game with vibration on and why is that even a feature?
I expanded my storageI'm sorry SQUEEEEEnon
>>1612060why would you not vibe, I think this is the end
>>1612117The carnival was the bait before EoS.
>>1612117What is this even supposed to be? A new game, sure. But there's no actual info on the site.
>>1612117No promo footage? Tencent? Ok? I’ll just play a real MH game on console. This reminds me of the mobile port for MHFU
>>1612193So it's intended to be closer to a mainline title with more to do than just hunting. I used to play Unite and that was actually pretty decent for a fucking MOBA of all things.
ngl I'm probably gonna uninstall immediately after outlander comes out
>>1612202The framerate is killing my eyes lolAlso looks sluggish as fuck, what are the odds on it having gacha features
>>1612206same, i already stopped doing those long line quests and only doing dailies
>>1612246>long line questsIt’s 6 steps nigga, you probably can’t finish them because you only do dailies.
>>1612252i just dont care about them anymore, who cares about medals and in game achievements if they are just going to sell medals and p2w equipment and weapons lol
>>1612253Self respecting players don’t care about that. What a shallow aspect to take issue with.
>>1612255>Self respecting players don’t care about thatah, gotcha, you are one of those uh?
>>1612255No anon, I’m saying if you don’t pay for anything to begin with you shouldn’t care if anyone else does, if anything you can look down on them and admire your achievements because they’re genuine.
>>1612259For >>1612257
Are palacos what the gacha is for?
>>1612284you'll roll for her, right anon?
Jagras has easily cost me more potions than any other monster
>>1612642try rolling to the right and stop attacking when it finishes an attack but yeah he's a little faggot with slow but long hitboxes
>>1612284what gacha?
I love my boy Deviljho but I'm having a hard time seeing why I'd build it over Nerg considering it has the -30% Affinity
>>1612117>a proper MH game Freaking Fantastic
Isn't it kinda shitty that you need monster materials Grade 6 to get a weapon to Grade 8 but those materials won't drop until Monster Rank 8 but those Monsters are so exponentially strong that you need weapons Grade 8 which you cannot get beforehand unless through and even to even stand a chance?
>>1612211>what are the odds on it having gacha featuresHere I'll spoon feed you
>>1613128>not even complaining about unique R6Not gonna make it champ. 8* jagras, girros and kulu are a cakewalk and all you have to do is break the right parts and do dimensional links for them.>>1613102Is it though? MHN is a casual game that emphasizes multiplayer and irl aspects. If I want a proper monster hunter game I’ll play a console one. Putting this on mobile is such a waste of potential. they should’ve put it on switch if they're so hell bent on a mobile game. Btw, expect major jewery from tencent, worse than niantic. >>1613094>tfw you have positive affinity on your Deviljho weaponLol. Combine crit eye and weakness exploit, it’s not hard, especially if you have nerg helm and festival mail. Your picture even shows Jho weapons still come out on top after considering negative affinity. But you should use realistic scenarios, you wouldn’t use the base weapon with no abilities you’d use dragon 5. Here’s my build with comparison. 5% is pretty weak when you think about the sheer materials and difficulty making an elder dragon weapon compared to even Jho who is still rare.
>>1613128You absolutely do not need G8 weapons to beat 8 star monstersUse element 5 and you can do it with G5 weapons for most of the earlier monsters
>>1613489He probably only has a Mr. Beast sword
It is kinda fucked up how raw weapons are so gimp in this game though. At least for normal types and not weird gunlance shenanigans.Unrelated but is there a repository of gear/weapon builds out there optimized for various things? Or do you guys just go into the set builder tool and rawdog it everytime you wanna try a new idea?
>>1613710i ported this for NOWhave not updated it for nergi, silverlos nor goldian thoits a PC program
>>1613710>is there a repository of ideas that I can’t figure out for myself?Bitch optimize damage then add quality of life options. is more than enough. Consider>abilities that can or can’t be rolled with driftsmelt>prioritize>buildThat’s it. Or you can ask specific questions here, I’m sure it’ll get (you) what you want.
>>1613710They made raw completely worthless because element forces you to farm more monsters. Unfortunately the devs are too low IQ to add non element weak monsters so players can also build raw
>>1613740Obviously you don't understand the trade-off. Either make good elemental sets for each element, or just make one generic set that you can use on anything, but won't be the highest performer.
>>1613489Its really lame how significant they made element damage. Like I wanna run fun skills like Slugger or Bubbly Dance but like why would I do that when I can Unga bunga go Element 5 and delete the monster much faster
>>1613823>I wanna run fun skills>Doesn't run fun skillsLiterally a you problem. There are builds that use Bubbly Dance and Resuscitate by the way.
>>1613823Have you tried bubbly resuscitate on a blast weapon? Higher raw on average, boosted damage that doesn’t require element 5, ninja dodging skills.
What should I dump my remaining carnival tickets on before the update?
>>1613856There’s no weapon worth taking past 8. Just make your favorite armor piece more durable.
absolute scrub hereany good armor sets for magnamalo gunlance?
>>1613920depends how you want to play it>charged shelling=artillery and focus armor>slap+wyvernstake=crit+burst+Teo blessing>wyvernstake and blast procs only= probably sneak attack+Teo armor blessing
>>1613920I made this for u
>>1613815You are literally levels below me if you thought that was what I was saying. It's exactly because raw is universal so they think if they make raw usable people won't grind as much. 10.5 raw weapons sometimes only have 2/3 of an element's damage and you can't boost it easier with elemental boost. It basically says no new player can build raw and have a good time.
>>1614190Wrong. It’s because you don’t have to add element that you can afford to stack rarer abilities that apply multiplicatively. Can you get resuscitate 4 & bubbly dance 3 and (heroics/offensive guard/aggressive dodger/resentment/rising tide) 5 with element 5? No, but you can if you forego element, and yes, you’ll never be as powerful as an elemental weapon, but you can come close, it’s just harder because it should be harder. There are lots of 10* solo videos on YouTube using the black diablos HBG, which is the premier raw weapon monster until Tigrex drops with brutal strike. Plus, bone gunlance is incredibly powerful without an element, and don’t forget status weapons that can be made with trackable monsters.
>>1614234>don’t have to add element that you can afford to stack rarer abilitiesWhich in itself is a cope because ele boost is much more efficient. It's not like those skills dont work on ele weapons it's just ele boost is far better.
>>1614287It always will be better anon, but you are using a weapon that is effective against all, so yes, it should be harder. Either way you’re talking about 9* and 10* monster problems which is completely avoidable. You wanna have fun, you can have fun, use a raw weapon and stack rare abilities on top of each other without worrying about dedicating 1-2 armor pieces to elemental damage. You have more freedom and you’re crying about it.
I like the Bow/Bowguns but Full Gyro makes nauseous. Should I just give up on them?
>>1614449I get severe motion sickness playing fps games and even I can handle gyrowtf is wrong with you guys
Thoughts on Slugger on Hammers?
>>1614449wtf are you doing? Just tilt your phone. You barely need to move it to target correctly. The game automatically tracks the monsters by default, so you only need to make small adjustments in order to shoot what you want. Main difficulty is when you're up the monster's asshole and need to make more extreme angles.
it doesnt matter guys we'll all just migrate when outlanders comes out
Hate that they do this Other than the tiny bit of Affinity it looks like there's no reason to build Barioth Hammer over Kushala beyond the fact that it's wat hardws to grind for Kushala
>>1614449Yes. >>1614479One point is important and enough, but the diablos greaves are most useful, if I’m not using crit element it’s my hammer staple.>>1614496I want to believe it’ll be great but it looks shitty at the moment, the framerate looks trashy and it looks like a game that doesn’t belong on a phone, and I have no faith in tencent, though I had no faith in niantic and it turned out a lot better than expected, so it’s possible.>>1614500The kushala hammer is insanely good, but I don’t understand why you aren’t looking at it with optimal build. This is my kushala hammer build, and 6% weaker is much more acceptable for not needing elder dragon parts.
>pig showing off the things he bought
Wow there's like literally no reason to run Princess's Panolopy+ or Royal Burst over Queen's Panolopy.Poison Exploit creates a tremendous chasm between them
>>1614593It's really strong on GL (and really fun)Mine is 7.1, locked behind pink wings for now, but I can already kill 9 star jagras and khezuBut poison is also deceptively short; you can only get two full bursts off during it if you're luckyI have the magnamalo helm, and since GL with artful dodger is a perfect dodge machine, it's really fun full bursting -> activating hellfire -> reload -> p. dodge -> full burst -> hellfile blows upThe hardest part is knowing when you're going to poison, since it's not happening without stakes
whats the best way to make a paralyze status set in this game? Paralyze attack boost seems really weak. Is status sneak attack good?Also tangentially related how does blast damage work? Is it related to the blast element on the weapon or does that just increase the amount of "blast buildup" or whatever before you get an explosion?
>make a set for my mizu GS that has water ele 5 and focus 5what else should I try to sneak in here? I love resentment because of how it rewards you for tackling through monster attacks but there's so much random damage boosting stuff out there I've got no idea what's really good or not.
>>1614565>reeeeeee I could’ve bought more taco bell with that kind of money!!!!sorry bro, did mom raise the rent another 3 weekly chores again?>>1614593Think I’m sold on it now. Great points. >>1614801People use the girros SnS with decent success, enough time for a special, if your goal is to be solo competent you’ll want either the Girros SnS, the GL, or wait for volvidon’s HBG/SA/GL. Also, blast causes 5% total hp damage, so you want a weapon that can match the ratio of raw to element your other weapons can or, if the raw on blast is higher, you can adjust your expectations.>>1614819Resentment is probably best alongside aggressive dodger and offensive guard.
>>1614837>offensive guard>GShuh
>>1614953I just tried, maybe it doesn’t work, but the tackle is technically a block, so it should work.
>>1614837>girros snsso do they use paralysis attack armor stuff? status sneak attack? whats the best way to get it to work? honestly im trying to get the carnival cannon with the paralysis ammo to be better at it but ive never actually tried ailments in this game.
>>1614990The HBG is different, every bullet inflicts paralysis, but without a perfect dodge improving each shot or defensive reloading for more shots you won’t get a paralysis in your first load of paralysis bullets (against 8* monsters or paralysis resistant monsters like Zinogre). It’s still a good multiplayer weapon choice, but it isn’t affected by paralysis attack or sneak status since it’s guaranteed to proc. A regular weapon with paralysis element would appreciate at least paralysis attack 1 which is the most you should invest since it gives the biggest boost per point (+50, then +25 and on). If you’re going to use sneak status you should also use sneak attack since you’ll have a paralysis damage multiplier stack with sneak attack which is worth investing in, as is sneak status attack which can boost the amount of times paralyzed from 1-3 times per hunt, maybe 4 if it drags on. I’d try this set if I were you, but you have options, if you care not for artillery the chest can be replaced with Nergigante or Tzitzi for more sneak attack or status sneak attack respectively, and the legs could be replaced by Barioth for bonus evade extender and sneak attack point, or the nightshade Paolumu leggings for more status sneak attack.
>>1615001Forgot pic
>>1614496>Gacha gimmick is rolling for characters >Characters determine your weapons and skills Naw, I'll stick to my GPS Video Toy
>>1615144Honestly it’s a win win. Either they actually make a good mobile game or I watch tencent shit burn in the atmosphere on its way to success.
>finally hr100Yep, gonna leech some edi HARD
>>1615586And I will leave you there if the head isn’t broken by 50 seconds left. Hope you aren’t among other leachers.In other news the metal Rath event is hopeless, I found a single silver Rath in all of central NY after spoofing the event over from Kiribati. Nothing good is free I suppose.
Guys, I'm not doing to make it to the next event. After I finish up this "hunt monsters in a group" friend mission I joined, I think I'm done.
>silver and gold might appear at low rates! >spoof all over Hong Kong>4 silver rathalos in the whole countryI am so tired of this shit
>>1615822Isn't this how was typically like for subspecies?The first runs of pink/azure/coral were pretty rare until the weekend where they were kinda common
>>1615816I've been stuck on the final mission of hunting an 8 Star PukeiNot because I can't beat it, but because I can't find the fucker. The game only spawns 5 or 6 stars. This always fucking happens to me. Why make these missions and then make it impossible?
>>1615647You WILL break all the parts for me like a good boy while I chil there doing double digit damage
>>1615832based, let paypigs do the work
>>1615822It is really really low. I killed maybe 13 silverlos and 8 goldians despite searching hard for the latter in about 7 hours. I realize now why the announcement page said protip; use your wide view map. >>1615832This is a quality meme anon, however, nerg is very easy to kill and can be gunlance shelled to death at a safe distance. You have to really just sit there and do nothing or die the entire time for us to even fail killing it.
Do the Bowguns have different frame data for dodges? I swear it feels really hard to hit a perfect dodge with them
>>1615862hbg has the shortest dodge window and worst animation
Am I missing something here? How are you supposed to use the Poison Exploit this weapon comes with???
>>1615970That's the neat part
>>1615866And yet it’s one of the only weapons recorded to kill 10* Deviljho. Curious.
why did the game flopped
>>1615991all the fun of experimentation is locked behind months of grind. can't play at your own pace.
>>1615991completely linear progression
>>1615991>collectors got mad when they couldnt collect paid and overseas medals>tryhards got mad when they couldnt get paid armor and overseas armor>people who like MH got mad when they started selling monsters and armors>weapon and armor collectors got mad when they couldnt get paid and overseas armors and weapons>people who like making tons of weapons got mad when they ran out of refining parts and they started selling them>seasonal monstersthe list goes on and on
>>1616073Who are these people and where did you get these opinions from?Rhetorical question I know you made it up in your head
>>1616117it was pillow talk with your mom
why are you guys whining about the event ive already killed 9 silver rathalos, the world spawns are shit but the unique HATs for the event are everywhere
>>1616160I just wish I had the 7*-9* versions where I kill 5 in a row and 4 have a chance to drop the plate. Or a promise that later in the week spawns will increase.
>need to kill hundreds to make real equipmentsyeah why bother
>>1616211>id rather kill 50 monsters to fully upgrade weapons that take 20 minutes eachI’d prefer that if this were a console game but it’s not, I’m out in the cold and I am playing the game as a secondary mission to whatever I’m doing. It’s a slow burn. Go spoof if this is too slow for you, it’ll fix a lot of problems until you get upgrade material choked.
>>1616233I mean for a limited event like this you won't be able to make anything worthwhile
>>1616211That's not the issue>I need to FIND hundreds of monsters to make real equipment That's my issue. Like wow, it sure would he neat if I can actually find an Azure Rathalos and Rajang to get thier Focus 5 equipment
>>1616248You can probably make at least a single 8* armor or a couple 6*'s. Definitely no weapons though until after maybe a couple featured events. You might need even more since these are supposed to be super-super rare.
if I buy the battlepass now and finish the new quests I can upgrade my bone hbg from 7 to 9 and it will have 1200 damagebut my elements have 1400 damage on averageis it worth it
>>1616334god no, the bone HBG sucks donkey balls
>>1616334Bone HBG is pretty bad, save your bones for better weapons which all require them. Start an elemental one like the Rajang, Zinogre, Mizutsune, Daora or Teostra one.
Ok the upgrade material chokepoint sucks but how the fuck do you deal with the zenny chokepoint? I used to deal with storage issues by upgrading random armor that I wanted to use eventually but I realized too late that I just bankrupted myself. Now I'm literally just waiting on the pity zenny you get from daily and weekly quests to slowly restock my bank account so I can drop 70000 on the next upgrade. FUCK.
>>1616751It's only $69.99 bro
>>1616751you wait or hunt every monster you see, all those people who dont complain about it are either paypigs or spoofers
>>1616751Just buy zenny bro. But seriously, yeah it’s fucking stupid, if you do fight every monster you can sell parts en masse though. I have an organization rule, 100 of ore, 100 of any bone minus L’s, 50 of any shroom, 100 of any bug or berry, and 5 of any non grade 1 for a monster I am not focused on, 85 pelts/15 r2/10 r3/6 r4/5 r5 + any r6 necessary for any monster I need to take armor up from 6.5-8.1 or a calculated amount for the whole set, and any amount needed for weapons. I also cap blood at 400 and WGS at 50. Anything else above is sold. I just upgraded the gold dual blades to 9.5 so now I’m gated by 20000 missing zenny and 4 MORE gold plates. And I still need 7 for the whole thing.
>>1616755Actually it’s 13,860 gems which is probably more like $100.
you guys... you guys dont actually fight every monster you see?
>>1616825Pretty close to $100. Pretty terrible exchange rate. Might not be garbage if gems could be acquired freely.>>1616826You… don’t? Most monster fights from 1-8 stars take under 30 seconds. I’m not going out of my way for trash obviously.
>only need one Wingtalon to get Coil to 6>Honestly this is one huge factor for making me wanna quit. The grind is insane and it really doesn't help that there special equip tied to the extreme rare subspecies They did a shitty job this time too because the Coral Pukei and Nightshade Paolumu event had the field totaly full of them but Azures and Pinks are still somewhat rare
unless you're a hardcore scooter dont even bother with rare monsters
>>1616863It rerolls every hour bro. Also, sightings are expected to increase this weekend as usual with rare species introductions. Also, the waist is pretty weak considering critical boost doesn’t gain more percentage per point at 5 like burst offensive guard artillery or critical eye, and special boost is a rollable ability.
the small lizards really sound like horse when they die...
>60 seconds left on Kushala>not even 2/3rds dead during second phase>carnival HBG shitter literally afk>2 bone gunlance users just normal shelling at nothingYeah, good luck guys.
>>1617468you know you can just leave and join again right
>>1617469I left at the very end so they’d be stuck with half rewards, retards thought I was gonna finish it for them
>check out our new arrivals to Monster Hunter Now: Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos >also they're insanely hard and extremely rare to findWhat were they thinking genuinely? Like if they were there for just a fun challenge that'd be fine but they serious went out of thier way to give thier equipment some rare skills that are really good(Crit Elem/Poison Exploit) in addition to unique weapons like the only other Flame Hammer that's easily better than the other option.This is seriously dumb.
>>1617496its punishment for being an f2poor, next time pay for the ticket you third world rat
>>1617496“Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos appearing more frequently on the field:From Saturday, November 23rd, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. until Sunday, November 24th, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. (local time)”Like with every new subspecies introduced.
Speaking of S.Rath Hammer>Hammer is probably best at smashing heads >both Raths have resistance in head >Silver is also constantly flyingCan these people just let me target the wings alreadyThank goodness the Carnival gave out 2 Grade 6 Mats because I can get the Hammer to 8 for now
>>1617504Just charged shell it to death, no resistance to shelling. Sticky ammo also can’t be resisted.
>>1617505Yeah that's what I did for the Carnival. Halfway through I gave up and just Boned themI ain't here for a challenge i just want that sweet Fire Hammer
>>1617468That's why I drop the queue when I see a bonetard hbg or glsometimes I join and watch them die while I'm on safe distance lmao
>>1617553One day they’ll learn. >>1617510One day I’ll have this beaut…
Finally. Just in time for me to quit.
Why did they feel the need to gimp Deviljho and Rajang weapons by slapping on -30% Affinity? The stats are only marginally better than other weapons but that negativity affinity really hurts them
>>1617677Even with the negative affinity they're still better on averageAnd with the next update, assuming the datamining is correct, they might get even better if brutal strike is any good
>>1617654Based, I’ve been so bad about using my armor upgrade material properly so I only have water 3 on the jyura legs, but it’s messing with my critical element dps.
>>1617684Interesting. What about Deviljho and Nergigante?I'd assume the Elder Dragon weapon would be better all around but Deviljho having Slugger 2 makes me feel otherwise