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Look at how comfy this old man is in his brand new pajamas. Doesn't that make you want to drop 20 stones on him?
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I need Hagane NOW
based based based
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So is his artist the one who drew those ugliest trash units in the game? I resent him now.
The androgenizers? No they're made by a different artist
i want hybris to rape me
I want to rape Hybris
I want to have consensual intercourse with Hybris
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I want to hold hands with Hybris
I want Hybris to get a 6* alt and I pull it and jack off to it
want to make out with the tip of gamela's cock
i want to be amorey...
kissing this anon as amorey
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I want to cuddle in bed with Hybris and wake up next to him every day! This image has done irreparable damage to my brain, I want this man so badly
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Dangpa needs to draw more peeing stuff.
Do you think Hybris' butt is as furry as his neck and pits? I don't think we've seen it once.
I fucking love 100% skip banners, thanks for letting me save
hagane's handsome but god rougarou's artist's work is just not to my tastes at all
I actually really like Rougarou's artist's style but he never draws the proportions I like so it's sadly a skip for me.
Rougarou's body looks like it's in 480p.
I'm going to kill myself if I get spooked by Rougarou
gonna fucking vomit damn
also agree with this. Just make him the full werewolf, those models are actually hot and they're generic background characters ffs
It's weird, I actually rather like Yabsakha and he's a hybrid, but this wolf just ain't hittin it.
I think it's because he has a sharp transition between beast and man flesh, vs this weird gradient.
Being drawn by a better artist also helps.. a lot. Then again, Rou's artist doesn't even fully draw.
How come Rou's artist got accepted and I didn't... It's not fair...
>Goh always saving himself for his bro who calls him a faggot
>End up losing his virginity just fucking in a dirty bathroom with the ugly mob unit

Why did they give this shit event two parts just to focus on the worst characters?
He looks better but his artist still kind of falls flat where it matters. His entire design sucks ass still. At leash Bashkar artist draws him nicer.
i'm very tempted to get rothart's pajamas because he's one of my favorite designs in the game, he's so FUCKING cute, but... as a unit he's kind of ass and i don't use him much anymore...
I am convinced these two unlikeable fucks are a vanity project
now hold the fuck on there, the mob dude is hot
Honestly shit taste like the stall he fucked in.
frankly suspecting you're just an "ew humans ew" type of furry
I like humans just as much as furry, but the characters are garbage in the event. I am still looking forward to more Bart and Ragnar in the future story event.
I just find it funny all the most fucked up shit happens with the humans despite thinking it be more the furries being into it.
this banner is UGLY. make him a full werewolf or gtfo
holy shit the mogging, man sometimes i wonder why they bother hiring some of these artists
I want more hyper dick men. Maybe make thr next hyper dicked guy belly obsessed and an anthro since we have a human and (not)goblin hyper units.
i want a part 2 of the hyper chocolates valentines event. give hyper cocks to existing characters.
JP heroshit in gay scenarios suck ass, always.
Androgenizers are the ugliest generics we have. I'd rather take the goo golems over them.
Speaking of generics, did the old men in the onsen event appear in any CGs? I really liked all their designs..
LAH hero gayshit is far more arousing if only because it knows how to play the spandex/torn fetish well
not only do you contend with two of the most bland, boring characters, they have the most nonsensical virginity shit that we have already done in a much better fashion
>old men
yeah sadly they're not units despite being hotter than most of the recent ones
It did feel like they already did this plotline with the human and oni in the hot springs event.
they did, and it was much better because it didn't involve an extra party, the characters weren't cringy, and it had xiaolong
>The fluid coming out of Bashkar's mouth wasn't cum, but just his spit from getting ryona'd.
Thank FUCK I didn't pull for him, what a bamboozle, I hoped we got another cum inflation scene.
I would also like that event to get a part 2. It almost gave characters hyper pecs. I would love if they took the hyper cock and hyper pecs stuff further.
hyper is a fairly popular kink, it's weird that we have so little of it in this game
Now that you say that this really is quite strange considering some of the other kinks.
>Baccarat mentions a Yamato ninja with a sweet tasting ass with a nice texture when talking about the rice treats
These two fuckers, I swear. The game can't keep baiting me with all these scenarios of my favorite characters.
they kinda broke up now, sarutobi is now nitro's
Cumflation tends to win over men yes.
Eh, I don't really mind if that's the case. Though I don't remember that happening. I think Sarutobi's cute both with Nitro and Baccarat, and I won't forget what was said in the casino event.

Not only that, supplying each other aphrodisiacs also tends to win over people.
I hope Gordov's artist does a corruption/monster transformation character minus the smoking this time since he does that in his mangas sometimes.

Plus points if it's a naive noble knight that turns into a dragon or maybe a demon. Maybe even a better looking werewolf than Rougarou.
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That does sound like it would be pretty hot, better than the hero corruption shit I've seen so many times now.
another year of not getting bunnyboy walther
i guess i could at least buy the ticket at anni if i really wanted it that bad
I finally didn't get spooked for a 5th time!
Source on that dad fucker's tiddies?
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With how special Edgar's CG is, I'm surprised they don't advertise it more on the banner that it's animated.
They did when it came out.
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>casino rerun
>finally my fucking chance to try and get sexy fappable rabbit slut
>3 10 pulls in
the BOYS. Funny how maron became a thing with his own unit and he's not even in this this art
Congrats on getting Lisa Lisa from JJBA
Maron had the sweetest CG if the three since he was just had a tender 1on1 with someone and not "FUCK YEAH GIVE ME COCKS I'M A WHORE FOR YOUR CUM". Not that I don't like that too in my furry porn with hot men, but I also like adoration stuff just as much.
I didn't get Edgar, but I did get Sarutobi finally. So I consider that a win since he is cute, perverted and BKMita's cute self insert.
I act like this and talk like this
And meanwhile, his Commander gives out brutal behavioral correction with his cock and Bonvoy is such a natural slut he walks out on a hangout with his kouhai to go get fucked.

Compared to those two yeah, Marion's one hell of a outlier!
Pls be a fat anthro man

Bilford and Bonvoy know what they want and that's good too. I just need a guy fatter than Bonvoy in this game so they can be the weight gain centric unit. FFS a mob unit has a feral/watersport scene(I think for the latter) so it's not like I'm asking for anything weird or oddly specific.
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I didn't believe it was possible but they somehow made Rougarou even uglier.
I dunno he is starting to remind me of King from Tekken at this point, and I find that kinda hot.
He looks hot to me.

King is so fucking hot. I want him to sit on me after he showers and cleans up.
He kinda reminds me of an off brand Von Lycaon since they changed the color of his hair.
He certainly looks better here than his default, but even with the softer shading he still looks kind of weird.
>Von Lycaon if he was designed by AI to be a wrestler
I want to sniff King’s underwear. Actually I want to sniff most men’s underwear…
Ok Sarutobi.
is this the same artist as rougarou? it looks way better than the one in the banner
I just finished Casino City and that's means I'm now caught up with every event in the game. And I just want to say Equus is an incompetent moron I genuinely brace myself when he's on screen. When you have Barlitz and Morgan the only two half way decent people in the Federation tell you not to do something maybe you should listen especially since Morgan is like the financial advisor of the Federation or whatever. But I guess since Equus hasn't had his back blown out by those two their opinions don't matter. Then when he tries to settle everyone's debts he at least weighed his options but then bets it all on green zero because of his connection with Jade which was stupid and loses. Then he let Baccarat off too easily so there is no hope for that man.

But I will say I did like the character interactions like Elaine and Alec, Yaqut wanting to pet Sigvaldi and the others was cute, and all the characters helping at the church and stuff was unexpectedly wholesome. Don't get me wrong the CG's are nice and all but I do like the wholesome interactions I would like to see more of that in the CG's if I'm being honest.

But that's it I'm bummed that I no longer have reruns to get easy stones but I only finished chapter 0 of the main story so I do have that to fall back on in the future.
I wish they do porn of Zed's human form instead of him in werewolf form. He's hotter that way.
i hope sarutobi gets caught sniffing everyones underpants and he gets publicly shamed for it and tied up all naked
if absolutely nothing else i wish i could switch his art to the human art instead of the furry one
I want to say that having Mafia Billford make the game 100x better since now I don't have to only pick him support friends and can pick anyone now.
i forget to bother picking a support 99 times out of 100 lol
happy for you that you got your man
Got Azmond instead of Baccarat...
This game is so dead...
>new event like every month
>new characters every couple weeks
just because you don't like the current event doesn't mean the game is dead lol. if you want dead go play live a hero
I meant dead as in no one is here to talk.
There isn't really much to talk about. Unlike other gachas, there is barely any game to talk about. Best you'll get is anons gushing and lusting over faves and the occasional cg beggar. This is probably the last place you'll find questions about character viability or tips for clearing stages
oh. i mean as the guy below you said there's not a lot to say. you all should write fanfic or something and post it
blame the UGLY dead current event
I'm still working on the RPG maker game don't worry anon.
TWO pairs of beefy muscle tits in one banner?! Might have to bust out some stones for these two.
This really is just a part 2 of the obsidonian wrestling event.. well thankfully I'm not big on any obsidonia charas so good luck to anyone going for Dward. New guy's face kinda ruins him for me.
If Dward lactates I might pull for him. If not it's a skip for me. I hope some of you like this banner and this is exactly what you want.
>part 2 is still fucking going
god fuck this shit
Since we have new content, let me ask how good Azmond is since I got spooked by him. I see that 5* Edgar has the same type of ability but I don't know if "mezmerized" is good for hard 4* challenges. Also, is there another place people talk about this game at?
bulkski's hot but he's not limited so i'll just hope he spooks me someday.
happy ugly-ass fucking dward is sealed away on his own banner and will never jumpscare me in the future
at max level his damage is pretty damn high for a ranged unit (753, with 1.85 attack speed, outclassing every other 6 star i've checked out. however, a lot of the other 6 star ranged units have a skill that boosts their attack, so he falls behind with those active, but permanently having high atk is great). idk how good his charm effect is, and you can't use him specifically to deal with flying enemies because he's a stranger and thus won't prioritize them, but i've always felt like he's pretty good.
>outclassing every other 6 star i've checked out
every other ranged 6 star* that is.
Thank you for the feedback! I'll invest in him since I have a ton of flying attacker units but never really have an issue of needed them specifically targeted. I just wish Gamela didn't spook me twice on Awaken Zach's banner as I've been using a support on and he pretty much turns the game into super easy mode when paired with XXL Jalam for that thick 1000+ attack(and that is at like level 50 iirc). While spook Azmond did suck, at least he is a new unit and I did get >>1608668 so I'm not going to complain. I will complain about summer flet since he seems to suck dick in non-homosexual way and is awkward to fully get his benefits to work.
what a godawful banner damn, thanks for the stone saving I guess
>never got pollon and orta
>never even got tilikum
>have to put up with shit banners now
Why do I not just end it all and uninstall this trash...
>>never even got tilikum
at least he's not limited and might spook you on any given banner
Furfags seething over human characters as usual
*generic as hell boring shit characters
know the difference, it can save your life
dward has that ugly ass crave saga art style but bulkski's genuinely a cutie and i'd be delighted to get him. he looks like iskandar with grey hair.
another patch another
>no new cg for sunshine mask gamela
Art style looked familiar. It's this guy.
>They got the guy who draws extremely lewd bottom tigers to make a human
His endeavor drawings are hot, but.. c'mon..
Never realized how bad GAMUBEAR'S sameface was until he started making units for every gay gacha out there. Holy fuck..
>sabertooth x wolverine art
holy shit this guy's taste is gigabased
You should've noticed before his stuff even started being in gachas in the first place. It's really boring to look at after a while, like GreenTea and dopey.
Tbf, he'd always been an artist I was aware existed before his gacha stuff, but never really saw art of. No fanart.. no OC stuff. no commissions reposted.. nothing really. Only now that he's in the limelight is it noticeable.
Sunshine Gamela has such hot meaty feet in his picture. I want to be gently stepped on by them.
The guy got to put his (NOT)Sabertooth husbando into a gay gacha game for everyone to see. He really is a winner like BKMita and his selfinsert lewd OC that everyone loves.
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Why can't I be an anthro guy's footstool...
That's been me for the last several events. I'm just sorta checking here to see CGs and art at this point.

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