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Let us discuss and appreciate all things about the mobile video game Azur Lane like proper gentlemen who have given themselves over to the pursuit and command of warships made manifest as cute and beautiful girls with our fellow /vmg/ peers!
Eldritch horrors from the abyss CAN eat you. Doesn't mean they WILL eat you.
Take it easy!
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I want Portsmouth to fucking sit on my face
机密 Junyou incident 君友事件 fox mating season 狐狸交配季节 Taffy 3 太妃糖 3 the rape of Shikikan 式馆大屠杀HMS Hood's revenge 胡德号的复仇 type ll rigging controversy ll 型索具争议 San Francisco blue on blue 旧金山友军误伤事件 Naval Command 海军司令部 the great phoenix attack 指挥官被大凤凰袭击 Edsall Chikuma 1942 1942 年埃德萨尔和筑摩事件 sirens are allies 警报器是我们的盟友 Anson 安森失踪 dark alleyway incidents 1-92 黑暗小巷悲剧事件 1 至 92 commanders shirt 指挥官衬衫被盗 Manjuu massacre 曼朱大屠杀 Kaga tree 加贺变成了一棵树 Pearl Harbor 珍珠港 office key copies 办公室钥匙复印件
sex with a dolphin
Even Eldritch horror boats want to make out with me? Not sure how to feel about this...
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>even portsmouth wants to devour me
bros... this is seriously getting out of control... which botes are going to protect me, when they all want to eat me?
Just stay in their stomach, its safe there.
Just in time for halloween
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silly botes
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>urge to write botevore is getting harder and harder to resist
Calm down Eugen.
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Even when it's Halloween, F.O.E
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>vore at that
make it unbirth
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Rare cutie
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Happy Halloween!
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Making pumpking cream pie with Veneto for halloween
Just kidding I cream pie her daily
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PoW my beloved
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oh hey it's the kgv class
is that anson in the bottom left? lol
turns out the entire time PoW and KGV were the real vampires, also cute Howe
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my cute daughter is too cute
>laughing Fu Shun
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Happy Halloween my guy
hmm... musashi abs...
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Just waiting on TLR news
stream - 11/14/24
Trust me
Fug. stream - 11/16/24
Trust me
/alg/ is dead. I Hope /vmg/ Jannies are good at least
It makes me very upset, it SHOULDN’T have to be that way, why does /gfg/ get a better general by comparison? Where are people going to talk about Azur Lane then? Reddit? Who the fuck suggests that here?
It's seems like /vg/ Jannies hate Azur Lane and never moderate /alg/ thus allowing trash shitposters do their thing.
The only thing we can do - report every post. Post Feedback everyday and so on.
There's no other way
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MAO girls in trouble
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FUCKED hai tien
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Dunno why you people expected anything different, jannies didn't care when /ksp/ was shitposted to death and kicked off the board. Jannies also don't care that /feh/ gets shitposted to death in a somewhat similar way that /alg/ does.
The only real solution is being fast enough to somewhat drown it out, but /alg/ isn't fast anymore. Maybe expect for anni patches.
it's not fast anymore because anyone interested in discussing the game already left because of the spam
100% I'm here because of that
My bro, they also check this thread, it's just a matter of time before this one goes under, and all because one guy doesn't like the Iris faction.
This is just sad.
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>I Hope /vmg/ Jannies are good at least
hehe lol
there is a general dedicated to gacha drama/gossip (i.e. shitpost and schizopost at will) and Azur Promilia threads are maintained (solely at that) by hoyoschizos who just want to run it down
jannies don't do shit about those, and at any rate the /vg/ mod team is bought or at least connived to what happens outside their favorite generals; fwiw, the mod team in here could be just as shitty
imo the usual nigger is just biding his time, enjoy it here while it lasts
same. i dropped in the thread a little while ago to check it out again - someone posted that they had just gotten bayard and there were 4-6 replies just shitting on them/her for it
i'd rather post my draws here
>4-6 replies
that was literally the same guy i, kid you not
>there were 4-6 replies just shitting on them/her for it
By one (1) shitposter
Well it’s a whole year almost, that’s a really long time to bide
While we’re here, do any of you have any particular fetishes of your own? Was curious considering Azur Lane's about sexy girls and lewd designs
I have a fetish for kissing botes, on the lips
Latex gloves and stockings
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the game is slowly but surely turning me into a footfag. i like x-ray, distension, and womb/cervical penetration. also vore. illogical, sure, but the increasing number of hungry botes sure isn't helping
the kind of vore i kind of like is definitely different, more on the line of "unrealistic, highly abstracted creature eats hapless girl in unnecessarily sexual way, girl gets forcibly pleasured by the unrealistic stomach instead of digested" and the last part basically lays bare what my interest in vore is really about for me. if anything that probably suggests that this kind of vore is likely just a specific extension of a more generalized fetish of mine and the vore is just a means to an end desu
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Troubled girl on troubled seas
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He's been shitposting on /alg/ for the entirety of it's existence. From it's very first general out of the old mobile games hodgepodge. 7 years. He worms his way into doing it for free and occasionally gets bonked out because he's that retarded and anons are pretty good about catching him when he slips.
This is the same guy who unironically tells you to take your meds, btw. So yeah a year is nothing for that kind of guy. He doesn't value his time at all.
You keep talking about him like he's the only culprit, it's like 5 shitposters now.

There's 3 shitposters.
Dalcuck friend
I'd rather not give them the satisfaction of a name in this Metaverse™-hosted virtual daycare for autistic adults and simply refer to them as nigger 1, nigger 2 and nigger 3
Fair enough
You keep thinking I care about his butt buddies. He's not always alone but he ooks and eeks to the grunts and they do. He has money and banana gobblers will do anything for money, especially if it's something simple like follow my lead and shitpost. Some of those guys are making a months wage in thier shithole in a day. This is why the website is borderline unusable.
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I might like these weird cats more, hmmm
>tall botes
> and the womb crawling meme has unironically gotten to me as a side fetish
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i dream of musashi
thumbs up if you get the reference
skk gets the spec ops treatment because i don't like how he turned out. also these heights are canon, fight me
I want to say I get it but I am probably off the mark, also what are the heights of both
The geta or whatever Musashi wears makes her taller than normal.
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holy shit
it finally happened
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SKK uniform is a little off and Musashi looks like shes been working her core like her life depended on it but it's whatever. I like it overall. 8/10 good shit
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the prequel
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about 5'10 and 7ft

i ignored/blended some details like his job badge, but i used a ww ll commander's uniform for reference since that's the time frame for my fic
>5'10 and 7ft
very nice
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cute boy(female)
Competent maid, drill hair, and ojou-sama
/alg/ is dead
Long live /alg/
Now kiss
Do you think a commissioner could influence the community by commissioning enough fanart of whatever they wanted so then the art would get reposted throughout the AL communities?
It would probably depend on what they are commissioning and it's overall quality, so in other words what do you plan to commission
unironically yes if they have enough money
You mean like the tentaclefag? He certainly has made enough commissions to make every other anon look like a poorfag.
>precious image slots wasted on tentacleshit every thread
a real tragedy
>each comm takes 5k yen at best
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wives and cuties maxed, now to grind La-9s
not like you can spend more
I'm kind of curious if the person who you replied to is the guy who made that shitty Bayard comm. Since he just called everyone poorfags if they didn't like it.
lol no, it's not the same guy, tentaclefag clearly operates with a different motivation
>/alg/ is now completely unusable
I'm sad
Why do these niggers have to ruin everything?
Because you continue to give them reactions, just like you are doing now.
Why the fuck do you keep bringing it up
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I am going to get 3 and they will make them easy to get next year, won't they?
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You only needed 2. If you're an older player you only needed to grind 1 since you already have one for Martinho. Why would you do that to yourself?
>Why would you do that to yourself
For whatever reason the sub affection grind is better on that map than the last one. So I just stuck with it. I completely forgot I had one on Martinho already too.
What a shame.
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fat bote tits
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Duca skin, any day now. Please.
oh was i not supposed to stick to the last map the whole time
T5 drops the demi-canon prints that you need for the back line pirates
oh good, not a big deal then since the sub pirates are more my type and i'm still saving for the collab
I don't really think he influenced that much
>※This post may be deleted due to Sirens.
I demand Portsmouth instead
I'm getting the faint inkling that she wants to have sex, but I'm not completely sure...
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>ruffle kaga’s hair so the tips are sticking out
>she becomes much hotter than her official art
What magic is this? I might know what’s going on but I can’t describe it
I think its the idea you get to ruffle her hair
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No it's actually not about the act of ruffling itself, I’m just looking at the results, compare the style of her hair in that pic to pic related, it just feels different and I like the first one better for some reason
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I want that Emden outfit as a skin
Lulu stuck with the 2nd sluttiest outfit
Poor girl
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Lord Almighty, i want to take Flandre, throw her on the bed and kiss her passionately
on the lips
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I wish this guy's stuff at least had a JP version
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cute. flandre is cute
colalb news soon?
In a week or so
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This was going to be a very different picture until I remembered BHR is an Essex Class
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For all the USKKs and other practicing territories, daylight savings time just ended. That means your daily reset is going to happen an hour earlier than it has been. Don't get confused.
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the airbrush-like outline is a bit weird, but I like how you did Yorktown with it
thanks anon
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hmm horns or no horns ?

nice, that's a cute york
lewd bird
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I love this bote
that is all
Very pretty and lovely bote, skin soon.
not sure if I'll buy her skin unless the lines are nothing short of spectacular, her oath voicelines are one of my favorites
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I bought a jean bart dress figurine last year for the sole purpose of taking this pic
Azur flop lane in the azur promillia year lol
the fuck are you
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Delete this
So looking back, how upsetting was it that nagato meta got redesigned because chinks demanded it while every other region hated the redesign at worst or tried to cope at best?
Saw some chinks being unhappy about it too.
It's a damn shame she got redesigned. I thought the original was good.
It might just be because I saw it first but I like the current one way more than the old one.
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order please
I would like a borger
anything but tea from you
I like the current one more
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You. With a can of whipping cream as a side.
Cute, when are we getting naked apron skins again. It is criminal Paimat has the only one.
It's the default pencil brush in CSP. Was just trying something different but yeah I agree its kinda weird.
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any thoughts on the new skins? instata bought the mermaid one, on the fence for the rest
Didn't buy any of them.
Portsmouth's base outfit is 12/10
Would have bought Amity's but the incredibly busy background is rather distracting.
Not into any of them so I'm saving for black friday
Amity, Atago, and Ganj
just like the other guy, skipped them and saving for black friday
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oh fuck bros what do i do
I just made Neptune as my first PR boat so it's nice that she's getting unique gear.
musashi rerun next week
please let me blow my 643 cubes in mikan and yami already
I just want to skip november and see what final ur of the year will be
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Pizza time :)
Time to get more dupes of my wife
>first rerun I won't need to pull
guess my newcutie status is now officially revoked
I got and married all the pirates. And Bristol from the ruse box. Which i'm ok with since it's cute.
Same. Just have to run SP since i got blocked by average level from that one. And EX. Surprised we skiped Blucher, but i guess they will either add her into gacha or run her after new year to pace the UR rape a little bit.
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What place on earth is cold enough for mogador to justify wearing this much
I just told her i want her extra sweaty tonight.
pretty sure I could run D3 back then, but I'm not sure about SP; maybe I had a full fleet for it back then
definitely couldn't do EX
can't wait to check out my C/D/SP fleets back then
Nice, never thought Mog could be so cute.
I started on Musashi second say. With big help from Akashi i did managed to drag myself into and even farm D3 a little bit, but for SP i was lacking bullins and simply had no way to get more in time.
this is going to sound odd, but i wish there was a way to sort my dock by breast size
on another note, anyone got any ideas for a bote that would look better with massive breasts
no such thing
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I want to do the sacred deed with Flan
No sex before marriage.
I meant marriage of course, love making is the 'holy duty'.
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oh fug it's finally here
Hm, i just got new juus for Fancy. Unless it's global, the only trigger i can think of is 150 affinity. So i guess every ship with personal message might have juus for 100/150/200 besides her default one.
From what others stated that is how it works
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wait this game is allowed to have sex boats after all. i was skeptical after bristol's skin.
>skeptical after Bristol skin
How can you say that with a straight face while the event was majority sex skins
because i'm not into that body type
Yet you stared at those tits so hard you somehow managed to miss Dolphin with Amity.
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>Howe memory and fleetchat
nice, though I kinda expected them to drop 2+ botes at a time on fleetchat
I'm expecting them to do at least some of the ships in Musashi's event on her rerun, I'm going to be extremely disappointed if it's only one again
Albion and co won't get it and they're getting perma'd, so don't hold your breath
I'm going to hold my breath because they can't just keep half-assing everything. They add a feature and then do very slow or nearly no updates to it, and worst case scenario it goes defunct. SOS missions, Operation Siren, meowfficers, can't they stick to a feature and expand it properly? Project identity and the new 3D dorm has updates planned but who knows if they're going to do it at the glacial pace of every six months or not
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what I find strange is that the en stream previewed chats with multiple botes that are not yet implemented, and they still decided to implement just one this maint
there's no way not a single one of these planned chats (which were written months ago, which means they may have written more in stock since then or even drafted way more prior to the announcement) is ready to go
meanwhile absolutely nothing on the Meowfficer update they mentioned like twice by now, and I'll never get why the hell I can't use cats or subs vs METAs
>a ringed Portsmouth will accept your request to be squeezed by her behemoth thighs
What a fucking life
Just imagine the soft, wet, and sticky bed time adventures
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>still refuse to rework meofficers despite everybody asking for one
>let pvp turn into a giga hellscape (unironically they should divide it in two where the unranked slot that can let even the biggest newbie reach the highest reward tier be the casual section, and a seperate mode that keeps the current rank system so the tryhards can get bragging rights similiar to ex stages)
>still really insist on metas despite them being an absolute money sink and getting in the way of retros for botes that really need them and for botes that people really want to get retros
>still no opsi rework/expansion in sight
>still no alt gamemodes in sight after the failed card game expirment
>still no rework for misc bote types like vestal
>still no fleet tech trees for the minor factions
granted they certainly have done some nice improvements such as making event maps only need one clear and a seperate story mode but at the same time I really do think its time they stop drip feeding these improvements and really start putting them out at a more consistent rate
The dev team feels like they're a bunch of elementary schoolers that gets really hyped for a new idea and then gets bored of it the next day
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i'm starting to feel like this is a trap...
nah its fine, just don't read the fine print
how I wish that this applied to METAs so they finally replaced their shit with purple Fletcher/nip DDs or something every ruse pass and Sirens in fights
her neck is kinda disembodied
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"lol," she shrugged, "lmao, even"
>No cubes
>No Portsmouth
Desire sensor is fucking real man. How long does it usually take for new botes to get rerun/wish banner/etc.?
usually around 2 years, but it seems Tempesta banners should rerun every halloween
My condolences. She's my favorite of the bunch.
Sounds like a little social engineering on the chink side is needed to put pressure on Manjuu to improve the game
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Didnt really want to post this, Dont really like how it came out mostly because I didnt feel like redrawing the sketch. Just being a lazy cunt I guess. Will need to do her justice in the future I really like Helena she a smol floof
am i going crazy? i swear there was a way to get owari to spread her legs in her new skin
I have no idea why META is the only thing they fully stuck on, it's like they're held at gunpoint
Who knows, my best guess is helmet made then think it could work so they kept trying and by this point it's just sunk cost fallacy, made worse with some getting tired of helmet herself
It's preddy gud, anon. Gracias.
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what a cute cookie
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what a goddamn cute cookie (I'm getting raped again)
seems they've optimized some stuff
commissions used to slide rightwards when completed, and OPSI battles used to show the plain background after it's over, while loading the current map
Finally managed to kill every fleet in 15-3 with Eldridge Retro being the pin to kill enemy subs with no ammo left.
Good work and cute Biscuit.
>Musashi rerun next week
Neat, I only need to get the free chars and roll Sakawa.
>Bis2/Volga/Unicorn Retro
>Brest/Eldridge Retro/San Diego Retro

I've spent so much time trying to 3* 15-3 that I forgot what my actual clearing fleet was. Fleet 2 has so little healing but I forget who I should put in there, Ryuuhou? Perseus? Swap Brest around?
Should be fine as is. I would switch Brest for Guam if you can. And i think the boss fleet vanguard might be overkill in fact, i think i had Plym to get some surface damage and boost Musashi.
Fleet 2 had too little health to beat the fleets leading up to Boss 3 so I felt like I needed to do something about that fleet in particular.
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here's what I used back then, Aquila as healer until I got it to safe mode
and like the other anon said, boss fleet could use some more surface damage
I think the 15-4 bosses were easier than 15-3. Real bitch is the full clear because the number of nodes and level difference just wears that mob fleet down despite ammo node. Gotta use subs and all the air support skills well.
Oh right, it was Independence who I was using before, not York2.
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It's so beautiful...
>crushes your head between those
>you keep asking for more once married
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Remember to thank Wales for giving her sisters tips for their dates with you.
Should have asked DoY desu, we could have skip the date and go right into bedroom.
Howe is the most innocent of the sisters.
guess this is a prequel to the howe date skin since she also mentions PoW giving her dating tips in that one as well, which proves wales is very good at her job
textbook definition of plapable
new tempesta botes are up in alg wiki btw
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my lovely mermaid
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try refreshing the page once, happens to me sometimes when it updates for some reason
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>limited to 2
I kinda expected this but still, this is so GAY
I wanted to get one for every J cutie
Imagine the Ganj-Implacable spiced tea...
the skkiller
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i choose to believe that atago's tail in this skin is her actual tail because reality can be whatever i want
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Ah. My bad.
foxes can summon and de-summon their tails, reality can really be anything you want at this point
So event from 21 nov to 5 dec and i guess UR will start 19? With Musashi rerun and possibly Sextown shortly after new year, pretty rough for newcuties.
yup. Saving for this. I can cope without musashi even though this is a new account, since I at least got her last time.
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>150 cubes wasted
>4 Amity
>previous Tempesta ships
>0 Ganjis
wtf were these rolls
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gaming needs more evil cunnies
going to feel good finally being able to use cubes
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goo goo
I am actually more babu stuff didn't pop up from fancy's skin. I at lease expected Oshi to draw stuff about it considering her fetishes.
it was inevitable with all the URs they did that newcutes would have to do back to back URs, especially since they don't seem to be rerunning raid events anymore and just skip to the archive
So remember when marco polo got upstaged in fools scales? I remember posts in a previous thread about frogs "upstaging" pastas
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NY event bingo
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It's TLR Darkness so Yami didn't need an explanation.
Asking for Tearju is probably a stretch since Yami is just a smaller version of her.
But then there's three pink girls too.
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Allen is totally definitely not getting fucked in the pic
I'm watching it now and honestly the only characters who seem necessary so far are Yami Momo Mea and Riko
Genderbendfags BEGONE
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Rito will be TRAPPED as Riko and he will like it until she truly comes to enjoy the wonders of being a girl
What are the most active or influential communities for AL as far as english in concerned?
The official discord
Well that’s a shame isnt it
I guess so.
I'm not part of it, but if it's really the official yostar handled one then it's clearly the most influential on a pratical level.
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as the other guy said the discord or probably the reddit, why are you asking anyway
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>No loli art
>Mostly resided by cabals and cliques who won't interact with strangers
No thanks
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It's always amusing seeing how wrong this booba tier list is.
but your tiermaker one is perfect right? lol
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Made me laugh, you creep.
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Fancy is really loving in her married lines. Real tempted to ring her.
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oh wtf i actually got sex while her skin is still around
maybe i should brick my account by using my free diamonds to buy it
Janus' halloween skin is permanent, it's the maid one that is still limited as it was introduced during Guam's event.
i guess they just decided to advertise it now because she got added to the permanent pool then
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Rare minsk
what does it take to force artists to see the appeal of the who botes, to try and bring more attention to them through fanart?
Yes, both Janus and the skin were made permanent after the last maint.
Same for Albion and Manchester.
Sirenhead when?
>what does it take
Just a chance.
Like this dude - https://x.com/GAT_WRX_Evo11 who fell in love with voroshilov
where the fuck is bisoku 2
I'm surprised there wasn't a peep about it during JP anni. Maybe they had problems with it and it got delayed for a decent bit of time.
There was a peep, they showed the starters in those rpg skins as anime designs. Or was that during chink anni already, not sure now.
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Wish this was after TLR, I'd pull for the three on the right if I knew I'd have enough cubes leftover.
Hopefully I get lucky with the tickets.
Wakatsuki(far right) is free if I remember right.
far left looks like shit
Eh. Not into hags but she looks fine for one.
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Going on a date with this genius
I'll never understand why Manjuu decided to shill her via CGs and PVs instead of just giving her skins.
the only reason I can think of is her VA might have been to busy for a few skins
Brutal plapping of leo in the prone bone position.
Breeding this genius
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We may never know. VV apears in quite a lot of PVs and collabs too.
I'm not even sure if this PV is her, but still plenty other examples around
We have cases where voices come late so that doesn't seem to be a major issue, maybe they're just saving it for some reason
>maybe they're just saving it for some reason
Totally the Pasta event happening in December, right?
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It was Eugen wasn't it?
Yeah, Lin told me last night
What's the difference between this and the /vg/ thread?
/vg/ being shitposted to death every day by /trash/ shitposters
This thread is not
Sounds beautiful. Thank you, anon.
No problem
Will be funny if krauts or bongs steal that one.
Whichever faction gives me more blondes.
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Luv me king manjuu fir the love of god fix her aug or give her a retro
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or 4/7
i'm not feeling so good...
Mea because she's relevant and her combat outfit is revealing
Either Yui or a teacher because they have big tits
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Having good luck with cute boats these past few days. She's particularly nice to get since I've been using her META for a while now.
Her retrofit outfit is great, even though it ages her up a bit.
quick rundown on her meta version?? any particular situation she's good at?
She's good at me being a new player with a small roster.
Best of luck on upcomming collab event
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maryland the type of girl to ride you til your toes curl and then keep going
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does anyone know if musashi is getting added to the ur selector right after the rerun? this is important to me because i currently have 421 cubes but 400 points for the selector, i want to save my cubes but i absolutely must have her
Cutest succ
No that happens after the event is archived
it will likely take another year for Musashi to get added to the archive
oh boy
Oh god fuck off from here
I hope you get testicular torsion and your balls fall off
You got xim
i don't get it
Schizos be schizoing about hindy
Don't say that i didn't warn you.
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im a fool for not using alas for opsi before now


Meant for >>1612069
This niggerfaggot avatarfagging with Hindenburg has been part of the /trash/ brigade that raids /alg/ daily
Look at every post surrounding his initial post and that is a taste of what /vg/ is like daily.
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>mom jeans
because i'm gonna make her a mommy
Wet t-shirt soon
hindenburgposter is a trash shitposter
Just stick to the /alg/ for a few days
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There truly is no place to discuss botes anymore.
Why do they hate this game so much?
Who knows. My bet on dalcuck and his friend:
- /v/ troons who are mad that essex sometimes took over /v/ for fun
- KC troons who are mad that AL killed their game
- other games shitposters
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*touch touch touch*
also i'm glad i got this skin, because before i didn't really have the most positive opinion of atago, but it's improved a lot now
>because before i didn't really have the most positive opinion of atago, but it's improved a lot now
But why? Atago is lovely.
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i got rapey vibes(not the good kind) and her sister seemed so much more protective/loyal
I can get the rapey vibes but thats more like a flash, her sec quests is very cute, and then there is her winter comfy skin which has some very nice date lines
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it's time
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Why are you guys so rude here
Can't we just enjoy life and french botes here?
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she gets the free ring. not my most favorite fox, but it's hard not to love 'em
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i love her and her sisters, but she gets the ring because of her retro art and she was one of the ships i first used
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one of, if not my most favorite personality in the game
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cutie + strong bote
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another one of my favorite personalities, i have a weak spot for especially loyal or affectionate botes
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her love poems were an instant sell for me. also some of her ex lines are pretty funny
well, in that case tell me about the frog bote you would like to see get a new skin next.
you're the reason
Throw stones at me but Clemenceau
Ehh, Ask botes? i think Manjuu has a policy that if the artist is confirming to never giving their characters skins again they are getting the artist replaced but ask has always had a professional relationship with the companies she drew for, so in a sense it's worse than replacing the artist because they are stuck in limbo. What's my proof you may ask, not giving Bache more skins, Waterkuma is art director for ZZZ but he to our knowledge had bad rep with manjuu or Azur Lane, he was a guest artists all the time he drew for Bache, so is Ask. And second: we knew Rain Lan cut ties with Manjuu since some years ago, and finally Fusou got an Oath skin from another artist.
>but he to our knowledge had bad rep with manjuu or Azur Lane
But he never* had bad rep
Fuck off then
Ask knows how to draw lips
The person above me is homosexual btw
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fatty please don't tell her i said this
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>local artist did my South Dak suggestion
not sure if you are here but thanks, you always do good work
Why do you care about this thread now? /vg/ is just fine no?
Damn dalbro you are very based!
can i find your discord link
He brought some life to this shithole at last
I could do the same thing too and better, he isn’t special in “reinvigorating” a thread
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el gorda
I highly doubt it
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Best gear aux ever
He's right though
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Harunabros we are going to make it
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Money, it's a hit
Waiting for inevitable kotegawa
She must be here
Stop spamming or go back to /bag/ and ask your boyfriend to do his job in places where he's not supposed to be
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Can you and your buttbuddy fuck off, all you have done here since posting here is act like an attention seeking woman.
>not suppose to.
I assume this is some /alg/ shit, but janitors are assigned boards, not threads. Now shut the fuck up about your faggy drama.
Lol you got xim
don't bother with dalcuck just do your thing
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>plays the game
>keeps all the AL threads alive by just being there
>is great fun and witty
>wishes for AL to collab with a great franchise
Why are we hating on the dalbro again?
that's enough to hate xim
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black friday sale already?
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I'm suddenly losing hope that Yui is going to be added to the collab.
Meant to say NOT going to be added to the collab.
I hope I'm wrong.
I think Yui is the more likely one. Nemesis will probably make it in too.
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Gordas a fuck
Lmao what the fuck is this https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98317528
Based Jean, eradicate the green usurper.
botes for dark gothic style?
Ulrich or Formi come to mind.
have Zara and Pola's artist fucked off too?
i really want more skins for my 2 pasta sluts
>here since the beginning
>right away they became toxic waste due to their dumbfuck artist having a twitter meltdown
>6 years of nothing
>suddenly toptier retro art
the greastest comeback story in azur lane
looking forward for more skins
straight shota
Zara and Pola are Cloud, His latest work was St. Louis' swimsuit.
their artists is yungsang and why he has not touched them ever since remains an in house mystery
Give me an Aegir skin that isn't foot focused.
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sorry, that's impossible. you'll take your l2d that shifts to focus on feet as soon as you interact with it and you'll like it
>became toxic waste due to their dumbfuck artist having a twitter meltdown
uhh quick rundown on that? what kind of drama?
the only others I know is shouhous artist and the warship girls artist intentionally giving AL a shitty design
No he's actually vey active but manjuu has some weird thing against pastas, not one of the 3 ships he designed for them were given a second skin.
The pastas are simply among yunsang's less popular characters.
The only one I'd argue to be even lower on the line is Surcouf, and I think that her last skin was during 2020 which is before DH.
Surcouf has one of the best swimsuit skins after getting that one casual skin of her in disguise nerfing her hair significantly.
I think she's fine. She's still cursed as the only sub for the french who is only purple and also who wants to surface and buffs accuracy.
>The pastas are simply among yunsang's less popular characters.
All their skins were best sellers anon, less popular my ass
I don't remember the drama but the original artist was replaced, the colorados used to look like actual 30+ hags
are there any feet-focused l2d of lolis?
None that come to mind, there are a handful of loli feet skins though.
bote incest?
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I'm not saying they're not popular, but that the others are just MORE popular.
Yunsang's other characters that I didn't mention so far are Taihou, Agir, St.Louis, Honolulu and Hindenburg.
Putting aside Hindenburg which is the most recent one, I think that the other 4 are pretty clearly more popular than Zara, Pola and Veneto.
Bar the obvious exceptions of Taihou and Agir none of those boats can be said to be more popular since we have no real metrics so any possible comparison is retarded. Most of those ships are way older and have way more skins than the pastas, and I am pretty sure they also rank lower in popularity polls than pasta boats.
Not to mention way less popular ships get way more skins, way more often.
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god damn losing an hour to dst makes the first day of events miserable
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Yay, my old fleet for my very first event.
its some old lore like 2017-2018 but from what i recall it was due to the artist shit talking Manjuu and its chinese overlords and then he was sacked his designs trashed or re designed which caused him to chimp out even harder
suffice to say manjuu never touched colorado, maryland and west virginia again until recently with their retrofit new skins
Holy shit
Pretty sure it's the first sub you get, since the game throws her at you for free at some point.
I don't remember if she is the first one you get but I do remember Surcouf was the first sub I actually used when I didn't know what I was doing.
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Looking at the other stage i also had Dace and Albacore. How the fuck did i even got Albacore that early, i doubt i could got 20k pvp points in my first three weeks. I wonder if she was in some selector.
She may have been in the selector given out for JP anni of that year.
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You get her pretty early, she was my only sub until recently.
I’m looking at Alvitr and I don’t really like her design but I’m not sure why (besides not liking an obvious leotard for main outfit which is only one part of it because Allen also has a leotard but she also has a jacket so it’s fine)
Eyes too small?
I like her a lot
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i'm so happy bros
now i get to draw her getting headpats
One last prayer for Yui in 10 hours.
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Congrats, for me it is kissing her large forehead.
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Hairstyle maybe? That’s a likely reason, I can explain what I don’t like about her hair but not why I feel that way about her.
Strangely enough she looks a bit better in this fanart but I’m still not thrilled about her even there
Azur promilia news?
Not here
Do you feel the same about her skin or just the default? Could be your brain rejecting the insane legs to body ration. Clear indication you touch way too much grass and not enough botes.
I feel the same about her skin too, not the outfit per se but her hair moreso
I know it’s not her legs, which I guess narrows it down to hairstyle or maybe personality or artist style
my favorite hairstyles include cooper, suzutsuki, weser, haguro, wichita, allen, hakuryuu and sakawa so make what you will of that
>touching grass
Maybe, considering I prefer botes with boobs closer to modest than holycow tier on average (and prefer default skins that look passable for public appearance at least by anime standards, for example Sakawa, Suzutsuki or Drake)
>Could be your brain rejecting the insane legs to body ratio
NTA but I don't like Alvitr's design because of this
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My SP auto wiped to the boss. 1 is mob fleet 2 is boss.
I get that I'm supposed to use a tankier boat but I don't have anyone raised. I had planned to use Neptune in the mob fleet and swap Portland to the boss fleet but it turns out Neptune's gimmick to upgrade her is way more annoying than META boats. And investing heavily in someone now seems silly when the collab is so soon and I'll finally drop a shitton of cubes.
Of course it's possible just switching the mob/boss fleets, or rearranging Ayase/Helena, is good enough, but it costs a lot of fuel to test those theories.
No, that shouldn't be even possible with those levels and full fleet. Looks like huge gear issue.
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Is the 460mm in the event shop good? I looked at the tier list's builds and it seems like it's only for Musashi because it's too slow for anyone else.
Get that fucking awful gun off of Naggan
No, it's too slow even for Musashi. Do get it in case is good for Yamato or some bosses down the line but that gun won't help you now.
That said that gear is indeed kinda shit and likely reason you are wiping.
Read through this and also +10 your shit, that's very important. But after you adjust your gear, don't waste your plates.
I was using https://files.catbox.moe/doi3r0.png mostly
But yeah I wasn't +10ing my shit because I assumed most of it sucks. I should def +10 the healing things for my front line though
Also especially early on plenty of purple gears are better than gold ones, like Helldivers are way better than the bombers you are running.
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Yeah that gun on Nagato sucks major dick because of the normal ammo, go get the purple Triple 406mm (16"/45 Mk 6) HE gun or just anything that's not normal ammo
I'd suggest replacing the dive bombers as well, gold doesn't always mean good and helldivers will do way more damage than those suiseis especially on non light armor enemies
Yeah I did those things and did a rerun and barely won with Yuudachi as my only surviving frontliner at like 30% health.
Still feels like a no tank issue. I'll try switching fleets tomorrow.
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Get helldiver nigga, throw those chink plane away
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>no tails
what's the point?
>no neme
>no mikan
how bad is this because idk how bad that will be taken across the entire community
>another Ulrich skin instead of Plym
>more Sirius furniture instead of moving in new girl
Oh well, resource saving mode for two more weeks is fine too. At least there is Sextown secret it look like.
>people voting for the furniture or whatever instead of chips
Wow, thanks for bricking my account.
There's a poll?
On en x, some freebies from Akashi.
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this as an outfit hmhgfhgbnh,gmBMNGn,
Valentines skin doko
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>out of town for a week, just dailies on azur lane, not reading bread
>get the eerie impression I've been teleported back to /vg/ as I scroll
>email verification or 900 seconds queue to post
both earlier than expected but all the same, it's all so tiresome
I might not be here forever like the old meme goes, after all
yeah, I had a nostalgic blast with pic related
>Is the 460mm in the event shop good?
I like it on Strasbourg, other than that it's seriously bad
>those gears
oh shit nigga what are you doing
It is my sincere hope that some day in the future they introduce a gameplay more or something that incentivizes using older botes, or just some more creative team building.
uhh... new dorm botes?
erm oceana? erm 3d chibi port?
If we accept Lala and Haruna as mandatory the roster is fine, but it's not what I wanted.
It's weird though because I like Nana more than half the characters who got in, but I still kind of resent her for being here because she's taking the place of Mikan/Mea/Nemesis
I got my wish.
But she's an Elite.
Damn pinks taking up all the fucking SSR spots.
why did they make the musashi gun so terrible?
It's Mafia's disappointment that I’m worried by, that’s unprecedented as far as AL goes, is it?
They made it pretty much specifically for Musashi, except you'll generally get better results from that purple gun. It is also why generally Musashi fell out of favor in "meta" comps in favor of Soyuz or Alsace. She is still impossible to beat in W15 thanks to her skills though.
Or Izumo gun, depending on what timing you are going for. But yeah, with Biscuit and Alsace reign, she kicked NJ from that mob fleet. Not like it matters because CV's right now cover pretty much everything.
Last hope BB's have is Yamato being T-EX+ and buffing so hard she pulls Musashi back to T-EX. Surely next year...
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>roughly 3 days left before freedom
Nagacute was comfy. I dread the light armor gimmicky cancer that will surely follow.
He's an entertainer first and foremost anon. he should have known everything before the stream start, they probably even asked him to act that way just promote the possibility of having a rerun with more girls added.
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>tfw just want Ryza rerun for more sexo Orens and that one Klaudia skin I missed out
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she's a big girl
Azur Lane ads are something else.
damn formi has some nice abs
No way. We puzzle game now?
Can't you retards see the game's name
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It's Azur Lane you retard
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There's also the Daisen gun, I think it has a slightly higher dps vs heavy compared to the Izumo one.
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This is a god tier design, this is what shipgirls should look like.
>miss one or two leg days with Cesare and she goes meta
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>yet another peak retrofit design wasted on a fucking cruise meta
can chinks bomb their hq in minecraft fucking hell why why WHY
Yeah. It's really cool.
I wish I could apply that armored piece to regular cesare
seeing that zuihou swimsuit made me sad i started too late for her
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Of course she has the BEST expressions.
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Can't convince me it wasn't a badass retro, they just made her face slightly gloomier and called her a meta
But it's not a retro and she didn't get rarity boosted so I feel fucked twice over
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metas and their consequences have been a disaster for retro hopes and dreams
I don't like metashitters but this is by far the best one of the year.
I agree, it looks amazing
Because she looks like a shipgirl
More metas should look like this
Yup, hands down, but pastas are just the best in terms of aesthetics by a long shot too
uhh kasumibros?? our response?
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Gargantuan you say
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I don't really understand the META hate(designwise, wanting retrofits instead makes sense) but I like the new one less than the five I currently have.
Like with Kasumi as an example I really don't see what makes base Kasumi acceptable but Kasumi META not. Neither "looks like a shipgirl", they just both look like Kasumi.
Whereas Giulio META "looks like a shipgirl" because base Giulio looks extremely similar to Enterprise and Giulio META looks like base Giulio.
In both cases they're loyal to the original so I don't really see the problem.
all 40,000 tons of vittorio veneto, sitting on my face
Holy shit majectic venetos venetos
Metas usually look like shit and don't resemble shipgirls, Giulio is an exception.
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speaking of not resembling shipgirls, i wish rigging creep would go away
just give me the girl + plus her historic armament and maybe a piece of her hull please
plus i hate the idea of sentient rigging
That doesn't really respond to my post or help me understand at all.
What makes a shipgirl look like a shipgirl? Does base Kasumi look like one to you?
NTA but I really think Giulio is archetypal of a shipgirl design, for modern AL

Base Giulio is a good design fitting for the time she was released, but GiulioM is:
-Easily recognizable as Giulio Caesare, of course
-Wears a military uniform, both "sober" as in what a shipgirl should wear and sexy as per AL's standards. Not very different from base Giulio, of course the new art will be crispier.
-Stays true to Sardegna designs, keeping their trademark color palette
-The touch of class is the spauldron: a single roman-style piece of armor with red stripes hanging and a golden eagle on top. It tells you it's a character rooted in Roman imagery. It's very specific and doesn't overdo it like say french armor suits. It's there to tell you something and then it fucks off back as you are dragged to the rest of its very shipgirl-y design.
-The gladius, same as above. Swords used to be staples of pasta designs even tho they started skimping on them recently. Caesar wields the roman flavoured version.
-The pose is great too, in my opinion at least. It oozes power.
-And even though we can't see it fully the rigging seems to be the historical one with no weird additions. Another plus on that.

Simple and effective, that's it. She's a shipgirl, she's Giulio. And I seethe because it could have been a retro.

Personally I love pasta designs and I think they are some of the best because they almost always remained true to the spirit of kansen games, but I was wondering how to upgrade them. If they went down the GiulioM path I would be totally okay with it.

Thanks for reading my blog.
VV my beloved
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what's this... pain in my chest...
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You forgot your gosling.jpg
Go see a doctor. You may have feelings. That's dangerous!
retarded secondary
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she's literally perfect
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Agreed, also one of the best ASMRs to date.
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kinda forgot about this one
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she's cute
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>even the shipgirls want retrofits
One day..we'll get another NP retro
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can't wait till they retrofit my battle autist wife
sometime before 2060, I'm sure
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cute wife
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Question is how to make your point louder for the chinks and force Manjuu to hear you out
Maybe email yostar customer support to tell them to send it to Manjuu?
By this point I doubt enough of them care by this point, which while sad not much can really be done, at least we can still enjoy the older designs
this is the first event i didn't get an ssr boat drop early on in and didn't get multiple of over the full event (so far)
it feels really fucking bad i'm not going to be able to buy much of the shop, especially having to save fuel for the collab immediately after
Well how to MAKE them care? what kind of social engineering do i need to do? Why should we let all the beautiful points of older designs be condemned to history, forgotten by the playerbase who don't know what they’re missing?
>be chink and psyop other chinks into a social shitstorm over this
>learn moonrunes, refer to step 1
otherwise forget it, en community is too small and not schizo enough to sway them
I guess you could email them, but don't expect much if at all. I've been asking them for anything related to Leander, Hermes, Glasgow or Drake for a while now, and I suspect I'm going to be asking them for a long time still, even though these are much simpler requests compared to designs or asking them to develop some good sense and abandon METAs already
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does this SP stage have some bullshit OHKO explosion? my boss fleet shouldn't be wiping on auto
nvm got one from the daily three gacha, let's go
still no musashi though
I wonder, are golden eagles going to be the theme of new pasta boats?
>Napoli has eagles and eagle rigging
>Aquilifier was all about eagles
>Now Cesare's spaulder
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hell yeah
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I like this META
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freebies in mail
I've been using this site, https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl/#/home, to learn about the game as I play. How to outfit my ships, thinking about builds, etc. It looks like its stopped updating, so is there something similar anyone could recommend that is being updated? Pls and thank you.
Nagami.moe has a builder iirc
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Careful. Overstimulated foxes can become quite mischievous.
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i dont think my heart is supposed to flutter like this
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I regret nothing
which ones did you get? i'm planning on getting a couple of the lucky bags
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all these sexos and cuties
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Argus was surprisingly cute, I hope she continues getting skins.
do you think they'll ever increase the level cap to 130? maybe around the same time as w16?
I would assume so at least around the next JP anni
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nice, the yorck and allen ones are great and underrated i feel
>base level increases
>unicorn and nagato instantly hits 130 after unlocked
any other botes with this kind of clothing?? as in whole-body pantyhose/tights
3dorm bros, this pace isn't looking good...
even if I was disappointed with just Sirius I don't think the current pace is anything to worry about, that being said if they don't add Noshiro within the christmas to feburary range I would start to worry
It's called bodystocking.
Ägir, Brünhilde, Regensburg
Independence retro
Marco Polo (with a cleavage)

Quite a few botes wear bodystockings that don't cover arms and/or legs, like Z23, New Jersey, L'Audacieux and Le Terrible (possibly a full bodystocking actually).

Then there's Chen Hai.
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I regret nothing too
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a strong woman like that crying at her wedding means you hit the mark
she utterly loves you body and soul and you're both going to be VERY dedicated to each other
I haven't touched it much because I don't care about Sirius, and at this rate the first time I'll do it properly will be in 6 months or more
Honestly I don't really care either way, never expected anything from it and it's a bit choppy on my phone anyway
>Question is how to make your point louder for the chinks and force Manjuu to hear you out
I don't really care about being heard. I know I am minority in wanting shipgirls to look like shipgirls and not overly gaudy and I know manjuu tends to mistreat pasta. Best I can do is try to explain why those types of designs look so great.
agreed. base Allen is adorable and this skin is even better, Yorck's gives me a raging boner, and Argus is a bit of both for me
now there's a gym man
alas, par for the course
other than all that stuff we already know:
>skill training campaign (10x quick training every day)
>new fleetchat interactions
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i'm slowly succumbing to musashi brainrot...
wtf i don't think i have nearly enough skill books to take advantage of this
Just do the advance mission raid? I've got more skill books than I can use, I'll use the 10x period to get rid of a bunch and train up my girls.
i do but i only hit level 95 like a week ago
cute newcutie
Oh nice I have a ton of skills I need to level
What did she mean by this?
Don't know, considering she is a massive sub she probably wants you to put a collar on her or something
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fucking based
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VERY happy fox
>4 in 160
I think she likes me
still think her oath skin is garbage though
Cute cesare
Two Haguro, one Wakatsuki from the 45 tickets. No Wakatsuki drops from the event.
Would've liked to get Sakawa at least but oh well.
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i wish i could snap my fingers and turn the actual state of maryland into the human personification of a 30,000 ton battleship who's a sexy battle autist tomboy that's into me
My wife just lost her face and is starting to bald. How do I cope?
Wigs and face masks
Maryland easily got the done the best for her retro.
Paper is notoriously perishable, should've chosen a better wife
what overheating does to a skkfucker
I can't find the Azur Promilia thread. Did it actually die and get absorbed into this one?
It died off on its own it looks like?
it did not get absorbed into this one. if it died it died and can stay dead until there's information worth reviving it for.
How do people normally balance their crafts out across an event? Since there's a daily mission for doing three crafts. I don't have a high enough money cap to do them all on the final day but I don't want to craft more than necessary since I need to save cubes for future banners.
I guess so then. Last I was in it it was non-stop bitching about whether or not the female protagonist was getting removed. For hundreds of posts. I haven't heard anything about the game in a couple months and thought maybe there'd be some good summary posts.
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Little over half an hour until maintenance for the US servers. Make sure you're ready.
i love my Maid
It just attracts schizos and there's been no news for thread fuel

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