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Why can't gatcha games get as popular as games like fortnite and roblox?
There's only one Roblox, one Fortnite, and one Minecraft - all big brands for the general audience with no substitutes. Meanwhile there are millions of gacha that come and go, each being a niche catering to a different breed of shut-in perverts.
You might as well ask why none of the boards is a big as Youtube.
Sexy anime girls isn't a recipient for long standing all ages sucess
because parents won't let their kids play gachas, rightfully so. Gacha is for gambling adults
gacha is not fun and is pay2win garbage
Poor xbox.
why does top popularity matter to you? it's not like the world's most profound piece of work or the most fun and engaging content is the most popular one
This chart doesn't even have DFO so you know it's useless shit.
what do you even do in roblox?
genshin makes more than all of them lol
From what i heard it is about Grooming kids and FNAF clones.
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Develop PTSD (not on mobile, but still Roblox)
I wish I played roblox as a kid and developed a PTSD(Pretty Thick and Strong Dick)
Because they can't tap into the massive dumb kids market.
Is this falseflagging operation? I don't want to believe that genshitter are this retarded.
Because gacha games are trash.

You could of course explain to me what you enjoy about rolling for jpgs.
Make games with the scripting language and then fleece kids out of their robux for virtual hats that don't even work half the time.
I miss roblox. I no-lifed it from like 2008-2012. I guess the entire format is pretty much overhauled since then
They absolutely are. Some even think it can compete with Pokemon.
They're not games, they're ads. You shouldn't compare them to other games, you should compare them to other forms of advertising. You're buying NFTs.

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